Kumar Ashwani
Kumar Ashwani
Kumar Ashwani
Pre Final Year Student (B.Tech Programme) Department of Computer Science And Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar.
Phone: +91-9813075403 Landline:-0171-2640016
Objective: To pursue a challenging project in the field of Software Development that would help me
to utilize my programming skills and knowledge of algorithms.
Educational Qualifications
Year Of Completion
B.Tech in Computer Science and Engineering XII X
IIT Ropar
8.13,on the scale of 10 at the end of 5th Semester 93% (96.33% in PCM) 94.8%
2008 2006
Academic Projects
Simulation And Study of Energy Aware Protocol of wireless sensor network The project deals with the study and simulation of energy aware protocols in wireless sensor network on NS-2. The basic idea of the protocol is that there may be a need to use sub-optimal energy paths to increase the network survivability. Duration: - Aug 10-Nov 10 Project Guide: - Apurv Mudgal, Assistant Professor, CSE Dept., IIT Ropar
Development of Pintos Kernel Enhanced a bare-bone OS Kernel PINTOS (developed by Stanford, USA) as a part of the Operating System Course. The aim of the project was to implement advanced OS constructs like Process Synchronization primitives, thread scheduling, implementing primitives for running programs in user modes and kernel modes. Designed a priority based scheduler and designed thread preemption. Implemented priority donation and multilevel feedback queue scheduler to reduce the average response time for running jobs. Developed System Calls and worked on user programs Duration: - Aug 10-Nov 10 Project Guide: - Ashish Ahuja, Visiting Scientist, CSE Dept., IIT Ropar
Online Election Portal Designed and implemented efficient software for managing election related issues for parties and voters. The software was designed to help the parties for choosing better candidates and to design their coalition formulas. The main aims of the project were an effective database design with minimum redundancy and to make the election process smoother. Duration: - Aug 10-Nov 10 Project Guide: - Dr. Nithin Auluck, Assistant Prof. CSE Dept., IIT Ropar
Shopping Cart: - Designed a shopping cart for e-commerce using html, php, java script and sql server. The shopping cart was designed keeping in view of the nave users. Duration: - Feb 10 Mar 10 Project Guide: - Ashish Ahuja, Visiting Scientiest, CSE Dept., IIT Ropar Networking Game: - Implementation of the famous Tic-Tac-Toe game using Java Swing and socket programming in Java. Duration: - Apr 10 Project Guide: - Ashish Ahuja, Visiting Scientiest, CSE Dept., IIT Ropar DNS Cache: - Implementation of DNS Cache using Java. The goal of the project was to implement DNS cache in the fastest way and to perform basic operations of insertion, deletion, Lowest Free IP and search with IP and URL. Duration: - Sep 10 Oct 10 Project Guide: - Dr Sourav Bansal, Prof. CSE Dept., IIT Delhi
Traffic Simulation: - Simulation of real time traffic network of city and finding the shortest time to reach the destination taking into account dynamic traffic. The project involved the implementation of priority queue ADT using binary heap for the simulation of the traffic network. This project was implemented in Java. Duration: - Oct 10-Nov 10 Project Guide: - Dr Sourav Bansal, Prof. CSE Dept., IIT Delhi Design of a processor using Logism: Simulation of different hardware components of processor using basic digital electronics. This included different components of ALU to perform operations like addition, subtraction, multiply, floating-point arithmetic. Duration: - Sep 10- Nov 10 Project Guide: - Dr. Kolin Paul, Prof. CSE Dept., IIT Delhi
Work Experience
Organization: Reserve Bank of India, Chandigarh May 2010- July 2010 Studied and analyzed the electronic modes of payments like RTGS, NEFT etc with a greater emphasis on mobile banking. Suggested methods to improve the working of mobile banking to increase its reach among customers. Selected as a Best Intern in RBI Chandigarh.
Technical Skills
Programming Skills: C,C++, Java, Python, HTML, SQL, Haskell, Prolog, Matlab, MIPS (assembly language). Scripting Languages: - Bash, PHP, JavaScript Databse:-MySQL OS/Software familiarity: Windows (XP, Vista, 7), Linux (Ubuntu, Fedora), Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Photoshop, Web Server 2.0, Latex, logism.
Scholastic Achievements
Amongst the top 1% of students in JEE 2008. Amongst the top 0.5% of students in AIEEE 2008. Karnata CET rank 37 in Karnataka CET 2008. All India Rank 3rd in a National Level Mathematics Olympiad in 2006. 286th rank in National Science Talent Examination conducted by Unified Council in 2005.
Positions Of Responsibility
Member, Core Committee, Zeitgeist 2010, IIT Ropars Maiden Cultural Fest As a Member of Core Committee, the main responsibility was to plan the entire cultural fest, Zeitgeist 2010 which had a footfall of 2000. Head, Event Management Team, Zeitgeist 2010, Handled a team of about 80 students to manage all the events of Zeitgeist 2010. Maintenance Secretary, Mercury Hostel, April 2010-March 2011.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Led a Quiz team in Thappar Universitys Cultural Fest Saturnalia 2010 and won second prize. Secured the first prize in a State Level General Knowledge Competition (Karnataka). Member of a Quiz team which won third prize in Inter School General Knowledge Quiz in 2006. Member of a football team which won fourth prize in Inter School Football Competition