Prelims Set 2
Prelims Set 2
Prelims Set 2
Question 2 On the outline map of India provided
A. An offshore oil field
B. A region of Black Soil
C. A line of latitude where sun shines directly on 21st June
D. Gulf of Khambhat
E. Kochi
F. Aravali Hills
G. Lake Chilika
H. Satpura mountains
I. River Damodar
J. Name and show the directions of the Western Disturbances.
Question 3 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not copy the
question, write the correct answers only.)
1]Which of the following helps in soil formation?
a. Formation of rocks
b. Arrangements of rocks
c. Breaking down of rocks.
d. All the above
2]Most popular means of irrigation is
A. Wells.
B. Tanks.
C. Canals.
D. Drip irrigation
PART II (50 Marks) (Attempt any five questions from this Part.)
Question 4
A. What is meant by 'The Season of the Retreating Monsoons?[2]
B. Give reasons[2]
I.the range of temperature more at Allahabad than at Bombay
II.the Thar region experiences both the branches of South-West Monsoons yet it is a desert
C. Give three characteristics of the Monsoon in India. (3)
Question 6
A. When and why do the trees of the Monsoon Forests shed their leaves? [2]
B. Name any two trees of the Evergreen Forests and give their uses[2]
C. Which vegetation type do we find between the height of 2000 m and 3000 m in the Himalayas?
Name two trees of this region. (3)
D. Mention the uses of the following trees: Chit, Deodar and Fir(3)
(a) Why is well irrigation popular along the Ganga Plain? Give two reasons. [2]
(b) Why is there a scarcity of water in India? [2]
(c) What are Multi-Purpose Projects? How do they help in conserving water? (3)
(d) 'Irrigation has changed the cropping pattern of many regions. Discuss(3)
(a) Mention any two uses of coal. State two drawbacks of coal found in India. [2]
(b)give reason [2]
I. Manganese is a versatile mineral
II. Raw iron cannot be used in its form.
(c) Name any three types of Non-conventional sources of energy. Write any one advantage of each ? (3)
(d) Name two important iron ore producing deposits one in Goa and one in Odisha(3)
Question 9
(a) State the economic importance of the tea industry in India. [2]
(b) Mention the problems faced by the sugar cane cultivation in North India. [2]
(c) Explain the terms 'retting' and 'ginning. With which crops are they associated? (3)
(d) Name any two types of oilseeds commonly used in India. What are the uses to which they are put?
(a) Name two important by-products of sugar cane and mention the uses to which they put. [2]
(b) Where does the Bhilai Steel Plant get its iron ore and coal from? [2]
(c) Name two towns associated with the Software Industry. Why is the industry concentrated here? (3)
(d) Why does India import raw cotton? Name the country from which it buys it. (3)
Question 11
(a) Differentiate between highways and expressways[2]
(b)give reasons :[2]
1]river ganga is navigable upto Allahabad
2]inland water transportion is fuel efficient
Question 12
(a)Give reason [2]
I. Use and throw concept is non eco friendly
II. Radioactive wastes are more hazardous than other kinds of wastes
(b) differentiate open dumping and sanitary landfill (2)
(c) Why should effluents be treated before being discharged? (3)
(d) What is meant by garbage segregation? How is it useful? (3)
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practice papers Set 2
History civics marks 80 time 15+ 2 hrs
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
a. The English could not establish any social relationship with the Indians.
b. The racial arrogance of the British created a difference between the rulers and the
c.Both A & B
d. The company’s trade policy destroyed Indian handicrafts.
XIV. Which of the following provinces was wanted by France in 19th centuary
a) Trentino
b) Alsace and Lorraine
c) Rhine valley
d) Saar coal mine
XV. Assertion[A]: Britain became powerful as it expanded its colonies to Egypt,india,srilanka
and Caribbean islands
Reason :[R] Imperialism allowed the exploitation of colonies by direct or indirect
a. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
b. Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
c. is true, but (R) is false.
d. is false, but (R) is true.
XVI. Select the countries that were not in the Triple Entente in the year 1914.
a) USA
b) Russia
c) Italy
d) Belgium
XVII. Judiciary in India resolves the disputes between
(a) State and State
(b) State and Citizen
(c) Citizen and Citizen
(d) All the above
practice papers Set 2
BIOLOGY marks 80 time 15+ 2 hrs
SECTION A (Attempt all questions from this Section.)
Question 1 Choose the correct answers to the questions from the given options. (Do not
copy the question, write the correct answers only.) [15]
[xi] Law of segregation:
1. The two members of a pair of factors join during the formation of gametes.
2. The two members of a pair of factors separate during the formation of gametes
3. The two chromosomes of a pair of factors separate during the formation of gametes.
4. The two members of a pair of factors separate during the process of germination.
Which among the following is not an application of plasmolysis
A. Salting of meat
B. Killing of weeds in lawns
C. Gargling with salt water
D. Absorption of water by roots
Xiv] In which of the following plants would metabolism be hindered if the leaves are
coated with wax on their upper surface
A. Hydrilla
B. Lotus
C. Pistia
D. Vallisneria
Xv] like begets qualified by
B. Heredity
C. meiosis
D. Variation
Question 2
(A) Name the following:[5]
(B) Arrange and rewrite the terms in each group in the correct order so as to be in a
logical sequence beginning with the term that is underlined[5]
a) Uterus, Parturition, Fertilisation, Gestation, Implantation
b) Aqueous humour, Vitreous humour, Iris, lens,retina
c) glomerulus,DCT,PCT,henles loop,bowmans capsule
d) Metaphase, interphase, anaphase, prophase, telophase
e) Phosphorylation,excitation,hydrolysis,biosynthesis
(D) Choose the odd one out from the following terms and name the category to which
the others belong: [5]
(E) Match the items given in Column I with the most appropriate ones in Column II and
rewrite the correct matching pairs[5]
(Attempt any four questions from this Section.){1+2+2+2+3 each question }
Question 3
1]Give location of stomata[1]
2]Differentiate active and passive transport[2]
3]Study the figure and answer [2+2}
I. Why is DNA important?[1]
II. Differentiate thigmotropism and chemotropism,giving one example[2]
III. What is a reflex arc ?show a diagrammatic representation of the same.[2]
IV. Give location of :[2]
A. Corpus callosum
V. study the diagram and answer the questions[3]
V] give exact location of hydathodes[1]