ABC of Fiction
ABC of Fiction
ABC of Fiction
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Types of Fiction
There are three main types of fiction, also known as forms: short story, novella, and novel.
The form of a fictional work is determined primarily by the work's length.
Short Story
A short story is a fictional work containing 1,000 to 20,000 words and measures no longer than
25 to 30 pages in length. Edgar Allan Poe, one of the most well-known short story writers in the
English literary tradition, famously claimed that a short story should be read in a single sitting of
under two hours. Short stories tend to include few characters and concentrate on a single plotline
because of their brevity. Some of the most famous short story authors in the English literary
tradition are:
Many well-known novelists also dabbled in short story writing, such as Charlotte Perkins
Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" (1892), James Joyce's "Araby" (1914), and F. Scott
Fitzgerald's "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" (1922). Short stories are often published in
collections, such as James Joyce's Dubliners (1914), Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's That Thing
Around Your Neck (2009), and Jhumpa Lahiri's Interpreter of Maladies (2000).
What is fiction?
Fiction is a type of writing that comes from an author's own
imagination and tells a story. Authors publish fiction across a range
of mediums, and fiction stories can be any length—like novels and
novellas or short stories. There are many types of fiction within the
genre of fiction itself, but all types of fiction include basic elements:
1. Science fiction
Science fiction stories often take place in the future and involve
fictional aspects of science and technology. Characteristics of
science fiction include:
2. Mystery
3. Historical fiction
4. Thriller
The thriller genre generally has a fast-paced storyline and tension and
suspense from beginning to end. There are many sub-genres within the
thriller genre such as the psychological, political and spy variety to
name a few. Some characteristics of the thriller genre include:
5. Young adult
Writers create and market young adult fiction to readers between the
ages of 12 and 18. The plotline can be realistic or can contain magical
elements, but in most young adult fiction the protagonist faces
challenges and changes that are relatable to an adolescent. Common
elements in the young adult fiction genre include:
A teenage protagonist
A love triangle in which the protagonist must choose between
two potential love interests
Conflicts in the story that are age-appropriate for the audience
such as trying to feel like they belong, succeeding in a sport or
having a romantic relationship
Example: Paige is your typical 16-year-old—she just wants to feel like
she belongs and to one day fall in love with a boy. When a new,
handsome student named Owen starts school in the middle of the
year, she thinks he might be everything she's been looking for. She
gets to know him, and they become fast friends. Paige believes they
could become more, but when her best friend Lily tells her she also
has feelings for Owen, Paige realizes she's in a difficult situation. She
must choose whether she is willing to risk her lifelong friendship for a
boy she just met.Related: How To Become a Book Reviewer
6. Realistic fiction
The romance genre can take place during any time period and may
contain a realistic plot line or have magical elements, but the primary
element of a romance novel is that there is a central love story
throughout the novel. Other characteristics include:
8. Horror
1. Poetry
2. Fiction
3. Nonfiction
Nonfiction writing aims to inform or inspire the audience by using
actual events, people, places, or facts. Students can gain a deeper
understanding of fiction texts through nonfiction texts, such as
textbooks and essays. Before writing a nonfiction piece, nonfiction
authors typically conduct extensive research. Here are a few of the
subgenres of nonfiction literature:
4. Drama
5. Prose
As to his last words, doubtless, if any man can give good account of
them, it is I, both because, during the whole of his sickness he
conversed as fully with me as with any one, and also because, in
consequence of the singular and brotherly friendship which we had
entertained for each other, I was perfectly acquainted with the
intentions, opinions, and wishes which he had formed in the course of
his life, as much so, certainly, as one man can possibly be with those
of another man; and because I knew them to be elevated, virtuous,
full of steady resolution, and (after all said) admirable.
That one sentence has 107 words. That is more words than most of my
chapters have.
While writing informal essays, writers can use creativity. Essays might,
and in my opinion, should have distinctive voices. You can use some
elements of fiction in essays, like metaphors, parables, and symbolism.
Still, essays belong under the umbrella of non-fiction. Therefore, essays
are not stories.
Genres under speculative fiction, like sci-fi, fantasy, and horror, set a
what-if question and then answer the question of what would follow.
What if a girl and a boy fall in love, but their families do not let
them be together?
What if two girls fall in love but face difficulties because society
does not accept their love?
Books are the playground of thoughts but also the mirror of our
society. Authors cannot avoid the influences of the surrounding world
while writing. Even though fiction is a lie, as Neil Gaiman wrote, fiction
is a lie that tells us true things, over and over. The truth of fiction is not
what happened but what it says about us as humans. A mirror does not
picture the world perfectly as it is and does not show but a small piece
of the world. Such are books, as they do not mean to describe the world
4.Literary essay
Aldous Huxley said, “The essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about
almost anything."1 Huxley's description of an essay may seem a bit vague. Still, he
captures the element of what makes essays so gratifying. They are the complete
package: wisdom draped in pretty language.