4.1 Distributed File Systems: Introduction: Jisy Raju Assistant Professor, CE Cherthala
4.1 Distributed File Systems: Introduction: Jisy Raju Assistant Professor, CE Cherthala
4.1 Distributed File Systems: Introduction: Jisy Raju Assistant Professor, CE Cherthala
Module 4
Distributed file system: File service architecture – Network file system- Andrew file system-
Name Service
A file system is a subsystem of the operating system that performs file management
activities such as organization, storing, retrieval, naming, sharing, and protection of files. A
distributed file system(DFS) is a method of storing and accessing files based in a
client/server architecture. In a distributed file system, one or more central servers store files
that can be accessed, with proper authorization rights, by any number of remote clients in
the network.
Files contain both data and attributes. The data consist of a sequence of data items ,
accessible by operations to read and write any portion of the sequence. The attributes are
held as a single record containing information such as the length of the file, timestamps, file
type, owner’s identity and access control lists. The shaded attributes in the Fig. are
managed by the file system and are not normally update by user programs.
The term metadata is often used to refer to all of the extra information stored by a file system that is
needed for the management of files. It includes file attributes, directories and all the other persistent
information used by the file system.
4.1.1 Distributed file system requirements
-Transparency - heterogeneity
-Concurrent file updates - Fault tolerance
-File replication - Consistency
- Security - Efficiency
Transparency: as the concealment from the user and the application programmer of the
separation of component in a DS.
● Access Transparency: Client programs should be unaware of the distribution of files.
A single set of operations is provided for access to local and remote files.
● Location transparency: enable files to be accessed without knowledge of location
● Mobility transparency: allow the movement of file without affecting the operation of
● Performance T: Client programs should continue to perform satisfactorily while the
load on the service varies within a specified range.
● Scaling transparency: The service can be expanded by incremental growth to deal
with a wide range of loads and network sizes.
Concurrent file updates : Changes to a file by one client should not interfere with the
operation of other clients simultaneously accessing or changing the same file.
File replication : In a file service that supports replication, a file may be represented by
several copies of its contents at different locations. It enhances fault tolerance by enabling
clients to locate another server that holds a copy of the file when one has failed.
Heterogeneity : The service interfaces should be defined so that client and server software
can be implemented for different operating systems and computers.
Security: In distributed file systems, there is a need to authenticate client requests so that
access control at the server is based on correct user identities and to protect the contents of
request and reply messages with digital signatures and (optionally) encryption of secret
Consistency: If any changes made to one file, that changes must do in other replicated
Repeatable operations: With the exception of Create, the operations are idempotent,
Repeated execution of Create produces a different new file for each call.
Directory service • The directory service provides a mapping between text names for files
and their UFIDs. Clients may obtain the UFID of a file by quoting its text name to the
directory service.
Client module • A client module runs in each client computer, integrating and extending the
operations of the flat file service and the directory service under a single application
programming interface that is available to user-level programs in client computers.
Access control:
● An access check is made whenever a file name is converted to a UFID
● A user identity is submitted with every client request, and access checks are
performed by the server for every file operation.
Hierarchic file system • A hierarchic file system such as the one that UNIX provides
consists of a number of directories arranged in a tree structure. Each directory holds the
names of the files and other directories that are accessible from it.
File groups • A file group is a collection of files located on a given server. A server may
hold several file groups, and groups can be moved between servers, but a file cannot
change the group to which it belongs.
The NFS module resides in the kernel on each computer. Requests referring to files in a
remote file system are translated by the client module to NFS protocol operations and then
passed to the NFS server module at the computer holding the relevant file system. The
NFS client and server modules communicate using remote procedure calls. The RPC
interface to the NFS server is open: any process can send requests to an NFS server; if the
requests are valid and they include valid user credentials, they will be acted upon.
Virtual file system :The integration is achieved by a virtual file system (VFS) module, which
has been added to the UNIX kernel to distinguish between local and remote files. The file
identifiers used in NFS are called file handles.
● The filesystem identifier field is a unique number that is allocated to each filesystem
when it is created.
● The i-node number is needed to locate the file in file sysytem and also used to store
its attributeand i-node numbers are reused after a file is removed.
● The i-node generation number is needed to increment each time i-node numbers are
reused after a file is removed.
The virtual file system layer has one VFS structure for each mounted file system and one
v-node per open file. The v-node contains an indicator to show whether a file is local or
Client Integration: The NFS client module cooperates with the virtual file system in each
client machine. It operates in a similar manner to the conventional UNIX file system,
transferring blocks of files to and from the server and caching the blocks in the local memory
whenever possible. If the file is local, the v-node contains a reference to the index of the
local file . If the file is remote, it contains the
file handle of the remote file.
Access control and authentication :the NFS server is stateless and does not keep files
open on behalf of its clients. So the server must check the user’s identity against the file’s
access permission attributes on each request, to see whether the user is permitted to
access the file in the manner requested.
NFS server interface: The file and directory operations are integrated in a single service;
the creation and insertion of file names in directories is performed by a single create
operation, which takes the text name of the new file and the file handle for the target
directory as arguments. The other NFS operations on directories are,
Mount services: Mount is to make a group of files in a file system structure accessible to a
user or user group.
Mount operation: mount(remotehost, remotedirectory, localdirectory)
Client with two remotely mounted file stores. The nodes people and users in filesystems at
Server 1 and Server 2 are mounted over nodes students and staff in Client’s local file store.
The meaning of this is that programs running at Client can access files at Server 1 and
Server 2 by using pathnames such as /usr/students/jon and /usr/staff/ann.
Remote filesystems may be hard-mounted or soft-mounted in a client computer.
When a user-level process accesses a file in a filesystem that is hard-mounted, the process
is suspended until the request can be completed, and if the remote host is unavailable for
any reason the NFS client module continues to retry the request until it is satisfied. Thus in
the case of a server failure, user-level processes are suspended until the server restarts and
then they continue just as though there had been no failure. But if the relevant filesystem is
soft-mounted, the NFS client module returns a failure indication to user-level processes after
a small number of retries.
Pathname translation : UNIX file systems translate multi-part file pathnames to i-node
references in a step-by-step process. In NFS, pathnames cannot be translated at a server,
because the name may cross a ‘mount point’ at the client – directories holding different parts
of a multi-part name may reside in filesystems at different servers. So pathnames are
parsed, and their translation is performed in an iterative manner by the client. Each part of a
name that refers to a emote-mounted directory is translated to a file handle using a separate
lookup request to the remote server.
Automounter : The automounter was added to the UNIX implementation of NFS in order to
mount a remote directory dynamically whenever an ‘empty’ mount point is referenced by a
Caching in both the client and the server computer are indispensable features of NFS
implementations in order to achieve adequate performance.
Server caching: NFS servers use the cache at the server machine just as it is used for other
accesses. The use of the server’s cache to hold recently read disk blocks does not raise
any consistency problems; but when a server performs write operations, extra measures are
needed to ensure that clients can be confident that the results of the write operations are
persistent, even when server crashes occur. The write operation offers two options for this :
1. Data in write operations received from clients is stored in the memory cache at the
server and written to disk before a reply is sent to the client. This is called write- through
caching. The client can be sure that the data is stored persistently as soon as the reply has
been received.
2. Data in write operations is stored only in the memory cache. It will be written to disk when
a commit operation is received for the relevant file. The client can be sure that the data is
persistently stored only when a reply to a commit operation for the relevant file has been
received. Standard NFS clients use this mode of operation, issuing a commit whenever a file
that was open for writing is closed.
Client caching • The NFS client module caches the results of read, write, getattr, lookup
and readdir operations in order to reduce the number of requests transmitted to servers. A
timestamp-based method is used to validate cached blocks before they are used. Each data
or metadata item in the cache is tagged with two timestamps:
-Tc is the time when the cache entry was last validated.
-Tm is the time when the block was last modified at the server.
An Andrew file system (AFS) is a location-independent file system that uses a local cache to reduce
the workload and increase the performance of a distributed computing environment. Characteristics
4.4.1 Implementation
● Vice: The server side process that resides on top of the unix kernel, providing shared file
services to each client
● Venus: The client side cache manager which acts as an interface between the application
program and the Vice
The files available to user processes running on workstations are either local or shared. Local files are
handled as normal UNIX files. They are stored on a workstation’s disk and are available only to local
user processes. Shared files are stored on servers, and copies of them are cached on the local disks of
A server responds to a workstation request and stores the data in the workstation's local cache. When
the workstation requests the same data, the local cache fulfills the request.
Step1: A first request for data to a server from a workstation is satisfied by the server and placed in a
local cache.
Step 2. A second request for the same data is satisfied from the local cache.
It is a conventional UNIX directory hierarchy, with a specific subtree (called cmu) containing all of
the shared files. This splitting of the file name space into local and shared files leads to some loss of
location transparency,
Files are grouped into volumes for ease of location and movement. Volumes are
generally smaller than the UNIX filesystems. A flat file service is implemented by the Vice servers,
Each file and directory in the shared file space is identified by a unique, 96-bit file identifier (fid)
similar to a UFID. The Venus processes translate the pathnames issued by clients to fids.
In AFS, the server keeps track of which files are opened by which clients. AFS provides location
independence (the physical storage location of the file can be changed, without having to change the
path of the file, etc.) as well as location transparency (the file name does not hint at its physical
storage location).
Stateful servers in AFS allow the server to inform all clients with open files about any updates made
to that file by another client, through what is known as a callback. Callbacks to all clients with a copy
of that file is ensured as a callback promise is issued by the server to a client when it requests for a
copy of a file.
When Vice supplies a copy of a file to a Venus process it also provides a callback promise – a
token issued by the Vice server that is guaranteeing that it will notify the Venus process when any
other client modifies the file. Callback promises are stored with the cached files on the workstation
disks and have two states:
● valid
● cancelled.
When a server performs a request to update a file it notifies all of the Venus processes to
which it has issued callback promises by sending a callback to each – a callback is a remote procedure
call from a server to a Venus process. When the Venus process receives a callback, it sets the callback
promise token for the relevant file to cancelled.
Whenever Venus handles an open on behalf of a client, it checks the cache. If the required file
is found in the cache, then its token is checked. If its value is cancelled, then a fresh copy of the file
must be fetched from the Vice server, but if the token is valid, then the cached copy can be opened
and used without reference to Vice.
When a workstation is restarted after a failure or a shutdown, Venus aims to retain as many as
possible of the cached files on the local disk, but it cannot assume that the callback promise tokens are
correct, since some callbacks may have been missed. Before the first use of each cached file or
directory after a restart, Venus therefore generates a cache validation request containing the file
modification timestamp to the server that is the custodian of the file. If the timestamp is current, the
server responds with valid and the token is reinstated. If the timestamp shows that the file is out of
date, then the server responds with cancelled and the token is set to cancelled.
4.5 NAME
In a distributed system names are used to refer to a wide variety of resources such as
computers, services, remote objects, and files as well as users. Names are used for
identification as well as for describing attributes.
Names = strings used to identify objects (files, computers, people, processes, objects)
For many purposes, names are preferable to identifiers, because the binding of the named
resource to a physical location is deferred and can be changed and also they are more
meaningful to users.
Currently, different name systems are used for each type of resource:
● file-pathname
● process-process id
● Port-port number
Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI) offer a general solution for any type of resource. There
two main classes:
-URL:Uniform Resource Locator
• typed by the protocol field (http, ftp, nfs, etc.)
• part of the name is service-specific
• resources cannot be moved between domains
Every time you use a domain name, therefore, a DNS service must translate the name into
the corresponding IP address. For example, the domain name www.example.com might
translate to
DNS is the name service provided by the Internet for TCP/IP networks. DNS is broken
up into domains, a logical organization of computers that exist in a larger network. Names
may have an internal structure that represents their position,
● Hierarchy Namespace
● Flat name space:Single global context and naming authority for all names. So difficult
to manage
Naming domains • A naming domain is a name space for which there exists a single
administrative authority responsible for assigning names within it.eg.- .net, .comThe domains
exist at different levels and connect in a hierarchy that resembles the root structure of a tree.
Each domain extends from the node above it, beginning at the top with the root-level domain.
Under the root-level domain are the top-level domains, under those are the second-level
domains, and on down into subdomains. DNS namespace identifies the structure of the
domains that combine to form a complete domain name. For example, in the domain name
sub.secondary.com, "com" is the top-level domain, "secondary" identifies the secondary
domain name (commonly a site hosted by an organization and/or business), and "sub"
identifies a subdomain within the larger network. This entire DNS domain structure is called
the DNS namespace. The name assigned to a domain or computer relates to its position in
the namespace.
Aliases • An alias is a name defined to denote the same information as another name.
eg.- http://espn.go.com/ and http://www.espn.com
Combining and customizing name spaces • The DNS provides a global and homogene-
ous name space in which a given name refers to the same entity, no matter which process
on which computer looks up the name.
Merging:how to merge the entire UNIX file systems of two (or more)
computers called red and blue. Each computer has its own root, with overlapping file
names. For example, /etc/passwd refers to one file on red and a different file on blue.
The obvious way to merge the file systems is to replace each computer’s root with a
‘super root’ and mount each computer’s file system in this super root, say as /red and
/blue. Users and programs can then refer to /red/etc/passwd and /blue/etc/passwd.
• The DNS is designed for use in multiple implementations, each of which may have its own
name space. In practice, however, only one is in widespread use, and that is the one used
for naming across the Internet. The Internet DNS name space is partitioned both
organizationally and according to geography. The names are written with the highest-level
domain on the right. The original top-level organizational domains (also called generic
domains) in use across the Internet were:
DNS queries: The Internet DNS is primarily used for simple host name resolution and for
looking up electronic mail hosts, as follows
● Host name resolution:when a web browser is given a URL containing the domain
name www.dcs.qmul.ac.uk, it makes a DNS enquiry and obtains the
corresponding IP address.
● Mail host location: Electronic mail software uses the DNS to resolve domain names
into the IP addresses of mail hosts. For example, when the address tom@dcs.rnx.ac.uk is to
be resolved, the
DNS is queried with the address dcs.rnx.ac.uk and the type designation ‘mail’. It
returns a list of domain names of hosts that can accept mail for dcs.rnx.ac.uk
Some other types of query that are implemented in some installations but are less
frequently used than those just given are:
DNS name servers: All host names and addresses in one large master file stored on one
central host.
Every domain name, which is a part of the DNS system, has several DNS settings, also
known as DNS records. In order for these DNS records to be kept in order, the DNS zone
was created. Every zone must have at least two name servers
● exactly one master (= primary) server: contains the only writable copy of the
“zone file”
● one or more secondary (= slave) servers: copies its zone file from the master
DNS server caching the lookup result for a limited time, known as its Time To Live (TTL),
ranging from a few minutes to a few days. People managing a DNS server can configure its
TTL, so TTL values will vary across the Internet.
Iterative navigation:
To resolve a name, a client presents the name to the local name server,
which attempts to resolve it. If the local name server has the name, it returns the result
immediately. If it does not, it will suggest another server that will be able to help. DNS
supports the model known as iterative navigation. Resolution continues until name resolved
or name found to be unbound.
Example: If you enter www.example.com in the browser, the operating system's resolver will
send this query for the record to the DNS server NS1. On receiving the query, it will look
through its tables(cache) to find the IP address for the domain www.example.com. But if it
does not have the entry then NS1 will reply back to client with a referral to another servers.
Then operating system resolver, will send the query to NS2. And it continues the process
until it resolved.
Multicast navigation:
In multicast navigation, a client multicasts the name to be resolved and the
required object type to the group of name servers. Only the server that holds the named
attributes responds to the request.
Example: If you enter www.example.com in the browser, the operating system's resolver will
send this query for the record to the DNS server NS1. On receiving the query, it will look
through its tables(cache) to find the IP address for the domain www.example.com. But if it
does not have the entry then NS1 contacts peers if it cannot resolve name itself by multicast
or iteratively by direct contact. Answer for the query will send back to client by NS1.
Example: If you enter www.example.com in the browser, the operating system's resolver will
send this query for the record to the DNS server NS1. On receiving the query, it will look
through its tables(cache) to find the IP address for the domain www.example.com. But if it
does not have the entry then NS1 contacts NS2. If NS2 does not have the entry then send
the query to NS3. This procedure continues recursively until the name is resolved. Answer
for the query will send back to client by NS1.
Caching • In DNS and other name services, client name resolution software and servers
maintain a cache of the results of previous name resolutions. When a client requests a
name lookup, the name resolution software consults its cache.
Directory services are sometimes called yellow pages services, and conventional
name services are correspondingly called white pages services, in an analogy with the
traditional types of telephone directory. Directory services are also sometimes known as
attribute-based name services, eg. X.500, LDAP, MS Active Directory Services. However,
any organization that plans to base its applications on web services will find it more
convenient to use a directory service to make these services available to clients. This is the
purpose of the Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI). UDDI provides both
white pages and yellow pages services (a white pages service by name or a yellow pages
service by attribute(IP)).
● Also Provide facilities for resource location, email addressing and authentication
The GNS manages a naming database that is composed of a tree of directories holding
names and values. Directories are named by multi-part pathnames referred to a root, or
relative to a working directory, much like file names in a UNIX file system. Each directory is
also assigned an integer, which serves as a unique directory identifier (DI) and EC is
directory. A directory contains a list of names and references. The values stored at the
leaves of the directory tree are organized into value trees, so that the attributes associated
with names can be structured values.
Names in the GNS have two parts: <directory name, value name>
. The first part identifies a
directory; the second refers to a value tree, or some portion of a value tree.
Mechanism -> add a new root node and make the exiting root node its children
Eg.The attributes of a user Peter.Smith in the directory QMUL would be stored in the value
tree named <EC/UK/AC/QMUL, Peter.Smith>. The value tree includes a password, which
can be
referenced as <EC/UK/AC/QMUL, Peter.Smith/password>, and several mail addresses,
each of which would be listed in the value tree as a single node with the name
<EC/UK/AC/QMUL, Peter.Smith/mailboxes>.
Directory Information Base (DIB). The user interface program for access to one or more
DSAs is a Directory User Agent (DUA). The University of Michigan is one of a number of
universities that use X.500 as a way to route e-mail as well as to provide name lookup, using
the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).