6) Umayyad Andalus
6) Umayyad Andalus
6) Umayyad Andalus
Umayyad in
There are two phases of the Umayyad era in Andalus.
Ruler Years
Ruler Years
Muhammad I b. ‘Abd al-Rahman II, 852-886
Abu ‘Abdallah
al-Mundhir b. Muḥammad I, 886-888
Abu al-Hakam
‘Abdallah b. Muhammad I, 888-912
Abu Muhammad
When Abd al-Rahman passed away, he was succeeded by
his son Muhammad (r. 852-886).
Trouble started to happen after the able chamberlain who
already held the post since the previous period, Isa ibn
Shuhayd, passed away and succeeded by an unwise
chamberlain, Hisham ibn Abd al-Aziz.
Revolts broke out again. This time the muwalladun made an
alliance with the Christian kingdom of Asturias.
Muhammad could handle the situation in the beginning, but
it became worse in the later part of his reign.
Strong men from the Muwallad rebels emerged in this period,
Ibn Marwan al-Jilliqi of Merida and later of Badajoz and Ibn
Hafsun of Bobastro, and continued their independence from
the central government up to the time of their descendants.
The next ruler, al-Mundhir ibn Abd al-Rahman (r. 886-888),
tried to subdue the rebels but was not successful.
The reign of al-Mundhir was only two years and he was
succeeded by his brother, ‘Abdallah, a pious but weak ruler.
During his time, the revolts spread in many other cities such as
Seville, Granada, Saragossa, Badajoz, Merida, Jaen, Ecija
and Murcia, generally led by Ibn Hafsun.
His handling of this revolt was never conclusive and Ibn
Hafsun remained a threat to the central government.
Ibn Hafsun converted to Christianity in 899, losing many
of his Muslim followers, but gaining sympathy from the
In general, “the conquest of Spain was achieved with
relative smoothness, but the conqueror failed to pacify
and consolidate his domains” (Chejne, 1974, 23-27).
The Umayyad Caliphate of Andalus
The Umayyad Caliphate of Andalus (912-1031
Ruler Years
‘Abd al-Rahman III b. Muhammad, 912
Abu al-Mutarrif al-Nasir
al-Hakam II b. ‘Abd al-Rahman III, 961
Abu al-Mutarrif al-Mustansir
Hisham II b. al-Hakam II, 976
Abu al-Walid al-Mu’ayyad, first reign