Energy-Bs Program Proposal 2023-24
Energy-Bs Program Proposal 2023-24
Energy-Bs Program Proposal 2023-24
Courses taken to fulfill the requirements of the major must be taken for a letter grade, if the option is offered.
Any changes must be approved by the student’s major advisor prior to enrolling in the course.
See Stanford Bulletin for degree requirements.
Cognate Math
Course No. Title Units Term
MATH 19 Calculus 3
MATH 20 Calculus 3
MATH 21 Calculus 4
Cognate Science
Course No. Title Units Term
PHYSICS 41 Mechanics 4
PHYSICS 43 Electricity and Magnetism 4
PHYSICS 45 Light and Heat 4
PHYSICS 46 Light and Heat Laboratory 1
*EPS 2 recommended
Cognate Engineering
Course No. Title Units Term
ENGR 14 Intro to Solid Mechanics 3
ME 30 Engineering Thermodynamics 3
Total Units: