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--------- beginning of main
06-17 04:57:20.553 2837 2837 W logcat : type=1400 audit(0.0:99901): avc: denied
{ ioctl } for
path="/storage/emulated/0/LMC8.4/files/logcat/logcat1718575040521.txt" dev="fuse"
ino=359403 ioctlcmd=0xf50d scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c92,c257,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:fuse:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-17 04:57:20.629 2599 2599 W GoogleCameraEng: type=1400 audit(0.0:99902): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=425 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_29:s0:c92,c257,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_displayfeature_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
06-17 04:57:20.609 2599 2839 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
06-17 04:57:20.626 2599 2599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 183155436; UID 10348; state: DISABLED
06-17 04:57:20.632 2599 2599 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.633 2599 2839 D CameraExtStub: init
06-17 04:57:20.634 2599 2839 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.635 2599 2843 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: E
06-17 04:57:20.639 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
06-17 04:57:20.642 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape
06-17 04:57:20.642 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/evrc
06-17 04:57:20.642 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/qcelp
06-17 04:57:20.642 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/dsd
06-17 04:57:20.642 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/amr-wb-
06-17 04:57:20.643 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/evrc
06-17 04:57:20.643 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/qcelp
06-17 04:57:20.643 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/alac
06-17 04:57:20.643 2599 2681 W AudioCapabilities: Unsupported mime audio/x-ape
06-17 04:57:20.649 2599 2681 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
06-17 04:57:20.650 2599 2681 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime
06-17 04:57:20.651 2599 2599 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
06-17 04:57:20.654 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:20.654 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:20.654 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:20.654 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:20.654 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:20.659 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:20.659 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:20.659 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:20.659 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:20.659 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:20.664 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:20.664 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:20.664 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:20.664 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:20.664 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:20.671 2599 2599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 210923482; UID 10348; state: DISABLED
06-17 04:57:20.672 2599 2599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 37756858; UID 10348; state: ENABLED
06-17 04:57:20.811 2599 2599 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
06-17 04:57:20.811 2599 2599 I ProReC : setprogres0
06-17 04:57:20.811 2599 2599 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
06-17 04:57:20.812 2599 2599 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
06-17 04:57:20.812 2599 2599 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
06-17 04:57:20.813 2599 2599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 171228096; UID 10348; state: ENABLED
06-17 04:57:20.818 2599 2599 D ScrollerOptimizationManager:
06-17 04:57:20.832 2599 2599 D ScrollerOptimizationManager:
--------- beginning of system
06-17 04:57:20.871 2599 2843 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact: time=219ms
interface=android.content.IContentProvider code=21
06-17 04:57:20.871 2599 2843 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: X
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W CameraExtImplXiaoMi: ignore the status update of
camera: 2
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W CameraExtImplXiaoMi: ignore the status update of
camera: 3
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 W CameraExtImplXiaoMi: ignore the status update of
camera: 4
06-17 04:57:20.872 2599 2839 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 W CameraExtImplXiaoMi: ignore the status update of
camera: 5
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 W CameraExtImplXiaoMi: ignore the status update of
camera: 6
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.873 2599 2839 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.874 2599 2626 W GoogleCameraEng: Long monitor contention with
owner GcaGeneric-2 (2839) at java.lang.String[]
( waiters=0 in void
, java.lang.String) for 241ms
06-17 04:57:20.876 2599 2626 W GoogleCameraEng: PerfMonitor async
binderTransact : time=245ms interface=android.hardware.ICameraServiceListener
06-17 04:57:20.876 2599 2866 W GoogleCameraEng: Long monitor contention with
owner GcaGeneric-2 (2839) at java.lang.String[]
( waiters=1 in android.hardware.ICameraService
android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager$CameraManagerGlobal.getCameraService() for
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 2
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 4
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2626 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 5
06-17 04:57:20.877 2599 2599 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 237531167; UID 10348; state: DISABLED
06-17 04:57:20.878 2599 2905 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system/framework/': No such file or directory
06-17 04:57:20.878 2599 2905 W ziparchive: Unable to open
'/system/framework/': No such file or directory
06-17 04:57:20.881 2599 2599 W OpenGLRenderer: Unknown dataspace 0
06-17 04:57:20.889 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:20.889 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:20.889 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:20.889 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:20.889 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:20.890 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:20.890 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:20.890 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:20.890 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:20.890 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:20.892 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:20.892 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:20.892 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:20.892 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:20.892 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:20.895 2599 2599 D MiuiMultiWindowUtils: freeform resolution args raw
data:{ "wide_default":{ "freeform_args": { "vertical_portrait":
4}, "horizontal_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.626,
9745}, "vertical_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6,
, "horizontal_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6,
}, "mini_freeform_args":{ "vertical_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.147},
"horizontal_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.147}, "vertical_landscape":
{"original_ratio":0.165}, "horizontal_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.165}
} }, "narrow_default": { "freeform_args": { "vertical_portrait":
1}, "horizontal_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":1.6,
1,"left_margin":0.0753} }, "mini_freeform_args":{ "vertical_portrait":
{"original_ratio":0.26}, "horizontal_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.26},
"vertical_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.293}, "horizontal_landscape":
{"original_ratio":0.293} } }, "regular_default": { "freeform_args":
{ "vertical_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.625,
1,"left_margin":0.026} }, "mini_freeform_args":{ "vertical_portrait":
{"original_ratio":0.25}, "horizontal_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.25},
"vertical_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.25}, "horizontal_landscape":
{"original_ratio":0.25} } }, "pad_default": { "freeform_args":
{ "vertical_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.5625,
75}, "horizontal_portrait":{"aspect_ratio":0.5625,
1,"left_margin":0.6525}, "vertical_landscape":{"aspect_ratio":-1,
1,"left_margin":0.4976} }, "mini_freeform_args":{ "vertical_portrait":
{"original_ratio":0.144}, "horizontal_portrait":{"original_ratio":0.144},
"vertical_landscape":{"original_ratio":0.2}, "horizontal_landscape":
{"original_ratio":0.2} } }}
06-17 04:57:20.895 2599 2599 D MiuiMultiWindowUtils: initFreeFormResolutionArgs
failed, device is topaz
06-17 04:57:20.895 2599 2599 D IS_CTS_MODE: false
06-17 04:57:20.895 2599 2599 D MULTI_WINDOW_SWITCH_ENABLED: false
06-17 04:57:20.906 2599 2911 W EpFrameworkFactory: activated: false jar exist:
06-17 04:57:20.906 2599 2911 W EpFrameworkFactory: activated: false jar exist:
06-17 04:57:20.909 2599 2599 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
p.activity.main.CameraActivity time=461ms latency=304ms procState=-1
historyMsgCount=2 (msgIndex=2 wall=298ms seq=2 late=8ms$H w=110)
06-17 04:57:20.912 2599 2599 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
p.activity.main.CameraActivity time=0ms latency=521ms procState=-1
historyMsgCount=5 (msgIndex=1 wall=298ms seq=2 late=8ms$H w=110) (msgIndex=2 wall=461ms seq=3 late=304ms$H w=159)
06-17 04:57:20.916 2599 2599 D FramePredict: FramePredict init: false
06-17 04:57:20.917 2599 2839 W CAM_A : Build number (V816.0.2.0.UMGIDXM) is not
a number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
06-17 04:57:20.925 2599 2866 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id
reported: 236825255; UID 10348; state: DISABLED
06-17 04:57:20.926 2599 2911 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.926 2599 2911 D CameraExtImplXiaoMi: initCameraDevice: 0
06-17 04:57:20.933 2599 2911 I CameraManager: Open camera top activityName is
06-17 04:57:20.939 2599 2904 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.941 2599 2904 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.941 2599 2904 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.942 2599 2904 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.942 2599 2904 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 2
06-17 04:57:20.942 2599 2904 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:20.942 2599 2904 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:20.942 2599 2904 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.942 2599 2904 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:20.943 2599 2904 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
06-17 04:57:20.960 2599 2920 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 4 is not present.
Ignore physical camera status change
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2697 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for,
using defaults.
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build :
75362bd531, I5cf4e5bf0f
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Date :
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: Local Branch :
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: Reconstruct Branch :
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : S
P 12.1.1 AArch64
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver
Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/
06-17 04:57:20.979 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver Version :
06-17 04:57:20.994 2599 2699 I AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee206, ME: 0x00000000
06-17 04:57:20.994 2599 2599 D VRI[CameraActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw
06-17 04:57:20.994 2599 2599 D VRI[CameraActivity]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-
06-17 04:57:21.015 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.015 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.015 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.015 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.015 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.017 2599 2699 W AdrenoUtils: <ReadGpuID_from_sysfs:263>: Failed to
read /sys/class/kgsl/kgsl-3d0/gpu_model
06-17 04:57:21.017 2599 2699 I AdrenoUtils: <ReadGpuID:295>: Reading chip ID
through GSL
06-17 04:57:21.027 2599 2911 D CameraDevice-JV-0: waitUntilIdle: E. id = 0
06-17 04:57:21.028 2599 2911 D CameraDevice-JV-0: waitUntilIdle: X
06-17 04:57:21.028 2599 2699 E libEGL : pre_cache appList: ,,
06-17 04:57:21.033 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.033 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.033 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.033 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.033 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.039 2599 2699 E OpenGLRenderer: Unable to match the desired swap
06-17 04:57:21.044 2599 2699 D OpenGLRenderer: makeCurrent grContext:0x79b40760c0
reset mTextureAvailable
06-17 04:57:21.046 2599 2699 D GoogleCameraEng: MiuiProcessManagerServiceStub
06-17 04:57:21.046 2599 2699 I MiuiProcessManagerImpl: setSchedFifo pid:2599,
06-17 04:57:21.066 2599 2699 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or
06-17 04:57:21.066 2599 2699 E LB : fail to open node: No such file or
06-17 04:57:21.110 2599 2599 D VRI[CameraActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished
06-17 04:57:21.139 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.139 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.139 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.139 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.139 2599 2850 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.159 2599 2866 W GoogleCameraEng: Long monitor contention with
owner 00UiWorker (2850) at java.lang.Object pyr.get()(:-1) waiters=0 in
java.lang.Object pyr.get() for 114ms
06-17 04:57:21.183 2599 2866 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized
06-17 04:57:21.218 2599 2971 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-9. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-17 04:57:21.226 2599 2971 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-10. The surface (null) was not valid.
06-17 04:57:21.230 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.230 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.230 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.230 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.230 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.234 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.234 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.234 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.234 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.234 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.237 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.237 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.237 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.237 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.237 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.240 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.240 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.240 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.240 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.240 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.243 2599 2599 W FontsContract: Platform version of downloadable
fonts is deprecated. Please use androidx version instead.
06-17 04:57:21.280 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.280 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.280 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.280 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.280 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.300 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.300 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.300 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.300 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.300 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.301 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.301 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.301 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.301 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.301 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.303 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.303 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.303 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.303 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.303 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.305 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.305 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.305 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.305 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.305 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.309 2599 2599 W FontsContract: Platform version of downloadable
fonts is deprecated. Please use androidx version instead.
06-17 04:57:21.325 2599 2599 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
06-17 04:57:21.328 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.328 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.328 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.328 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.328 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.329 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.329 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.329 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.329 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.329 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.330 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.330 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.330 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.330 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.330 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.337 2599 2599 W CAM_A : Was already registered as
ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
06-17 04:57:21.353 2599 2599 I Choreographer: Skipped 51 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
06-17 04:57:21.397 2599 2599 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 FOCUS: 1.0E-4
06-17 04:57:21.398 2599 2599 I ProReC : setprogres0
06-17 04:57:21.398 2599 2599 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 0 IDX: 0
06-17 04:57:21.398 2599 2599 I ProReC : setprogres_iso0
06-17 04:57:21.398 2599 2599 I za.defcomk.prorec.cust2.RotSeek: setprogres_iso0
06-17 04:57:21.400 2599 2599 D SurfaceView: UPDATE null, mIsCastMode = false
06-17 04:57:21.406 2599 2599 D SurfaceView: UPDATE
mIsProjectionMode = false
06-17 04:57:21.433 2599 2599 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=80ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=430ms procState=-1 historyMsgCount=32 (msgIndex=1 wall=195ms
seq=31 late=18ms h=android.view.Choreographer$FrameHandler
c=android.view.Choreographer$FrameDisplayEventReceiver) (msgIndex=16 wall=240ms
seq=46 late=195ms h=android.os.Handler c=bwx)
06-17 04:57:21.437 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:21.437 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:21.437 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:21.437 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:21.437 2599 2599 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:21.439 2599 2599 W CAM_A : ModeSwitcher WAS ALREADY ENABLED!
06-17 04:57:21.443 2599 2599 D VRI[CameraActivity]: vri.reportNextDraw
android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleResized:2277 android.view.ViewRootImpl.-$
06-17 04:57:21.449 2599 2599 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1
06-17 04:57:21.449 2599 2599 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for,
may result in stale flags.
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242213038.true (go/gsrlt)
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.s(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.get(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.I(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nfm.d(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242213038.true (go/gsrlt)
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bmn.z(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ktz.a(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kjd.f(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.t(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.u(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.g(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.h(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.b(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at klz.c(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at klt.d(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
klu.handleMessage(Unknown Source:307)
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ksg.b(Unknown
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.466 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:21.493 2599 2599 D VRI[CameraActivity]: vri.Setup new sync=wmsSync-
06-17 04:57:21.509 2599 2971 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact: time=279ms
interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser code=4
06-17 04:57:21.511 2599 3013 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-11. The surface is not yet available.
06-17 04:57:21.526 2599 2599 D VRI[CameraActivity]: vri.reportDrawFinished
06-17 04:57:21.528 2599 2599 W CBVerifier: Registering phenotype for
06-17 04:57:21.528 2599 2599 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1
06-17 04:57:21.626 2599 2699 W RenderInspector: DequeueBuffer time out on
ty.main.CameraActivity, count=1, avg=19 ms, max=19 ms.
06-17 04:57:21.717 2599 2681 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
06-17 04:57:21.718 2599 2681 W CAM_A : Extractor (frame) of type
feature.acmi.imu.frame-straightness depends on foreign type! Feature values may be calculated out of order!
06-17 04:57:21.738 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 100,01 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:21.738 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
3,00 > 1,10
06-17 04:57:21.764 2599 2839 D AudioRecordStub: AudioRecordStub() create
06-17 04:57:21.765 2599 2839 I AudioRecordImpl: initAudioRecordImpl()
06-17 04:57:21.765 2599 2839 D AudioRecord: set(): inputSource 5, sampleRate
48000, format 0x1, channelMask 0xc, frameCount 19200, notificationFrames 0,
sessionId 0, transferType 0, flags 0, attributionSource AttributionSourceState{pid:
2599, uid: 10348, packageName:, attributionTag:
(null), token: binder:0x79abcb4630, renouncedPermissions: [], next: []}uid -1, pid
06-17 04:57:21.790 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0,67 > 0,25
06-17 04:57:21.864 2599 3095 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
06-17 04:57:21.870 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop -1,
06-17 04:57:21.895 2599 3095 D CCodecBufferChannel: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop -1,
06-17 04:57:21.898 2599 3095 I VideoBox: VideoBox::VideoBox
06-17 04:57:21.898 2599 3095 I VideoBox: [mId: 0] video-debug initVideobox:
return false for videobox is not enabled
06-17 04:57:21.898 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: init video box disabled for init not
06-17 04:57:21.898 2599 3095 I VideoBox: VideoBox::~VideoBox
06-17 04:57:21.936 2599 3112 E libEGL : pre_cache appList: ,,
06-17 04:57:21.957 2599 2681 I tflite : Initialized TensorFlow Lite runtime.
06-17 04:57:21.958 2599 3001 E GoLog : INFO: Initialized TensorFlow Lite
06-17 04:57:21.964 2599 2681 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:21.971 2599 2681 I tflite : Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK delegate
for CPU.
06-17 04:57:21.971 2599 2681 I tflite : Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
06-17 04:57:21.974 2599 3001 E GoLog : INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite XNNPACK
delegate for CPU.
06-17 04:57:21.974 2599 3001 E GoLog : INFO: Replacing 5 node(s) with delegate
(TfLiteXNNPackDelegate) node, yielding 1 partitions.
06-17 04:57:21.994 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 80,01 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:21.994 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 2,18 > 0,25
06-17 04:57:21.994 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
2,40 > 1,10
06-17 04:57:22.013 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0,62 > 0,25
06-17 04:57:22.037 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.040 2599 3098 D CCodec : allocate(
06-17 04:57:22.042 2599 3135 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
06-17 04:57:22.044 2599 2839 W CAM_CameraDeviceVerifie: Tag CameraDeviceVerifier
is 1 chars longer than limit.
06-17 04:57:22.044 2599 3135 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
06-17 04:57:22.045 2599 3098 I Codec2Client: Available Codec2 services: "default"
"default2" "software"
06-17 04:57:22.045 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop -1,
06-17 04:57:22.049 2599 2681 I Manager : DeviceManager::DeviceManager
06-17 04:57:22.050 2599 2681 W ServerFlag: Failed to parse result of
GetServerConfigurableFlag, errno=34
06-17 04:57:22.050 2599 2681 I Manager : findAvailableDevices
06-17 04:57:22.051 2599 3135 D CCodecBufferChannel: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop -1,
06-17 04:57:22.054 2599 3098 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
06-17 04:57:22.059 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:22.059 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:22.059 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:22.059 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:22.059 2599 2839 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:22.059 2599 2681 I tflite : Created TensorFlow Lite delegate for
06-17 04:57:22.060 2599 3001 E GoLog : INFO: Created TensorFlow Lite delegate
for NNAPI.
06-17 04:57:22.060 2599 2681 I acceleration: ModifyGraphWithDelegate model
namespace: unknown_namespace model id: unknown_model_id accelerator name: NNAPI:
06-17 04:57:22.064 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
06-17 04:57:22.064 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
06-17 04:57:22.064 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
06-17 04:57:22.064 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
06-17 04:57:22.064 2599 2866 D CameraManager2: GotArray:22
06-17 04:57:22.065 2599 3135 I VideoBox: VideoBox::VideoBox
06-17 04:57:22.065 2599 3135 I VideoBox: [mId: 1] video-debug initVideobox:
return false for videobox is not enabled
06-17 04:57:22.065 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: init video box disabled for init not
06-17 04:57:22.066 2599 2681 W Glide : Failed to find GeneratedAppGlideModule.
You should include an annotationProcessor compile dependency on
com.github.bumptech.glide:compiler in your application and a @GlideModule annotated
AppGlideModule implementation or LibraryGlideModules will be silently ignored
06-17 04:57:22.076 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0,66 > 0,25
06-17 04:57:22.081 2599 3135 I VideoBox: VideoBox::~VideoBox
06-17 04:57:22.083 2599 3135 I MiMediaCodecStub:
06-17 04:57:22.087 2599 3135 D VideoInfo:
create c2.qti.avc.encoder in MediaCodec
06-17 04:57:22.089 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.090 2599 3140 D CCodec : allocate(c2.qti.avc.encoder)
06-17 04:57:22.098 2599 3140 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
06-17 04:57:22.115 2599 3140 I CCodec : Created component [c2.qti.avc.encoder]
06-17 04:57:22.115 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: read media type: video/avc
06-17 04:57:22.116 2599 3140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.128 2599 3140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field
06-17 04:57:22.128 2599 3140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: vendor.qti-ext-enc-temporal-layer-bitrate.layerBitrates
06-17 04:57:22.129 2599 3140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: ignored struct field
06-17 04:57:22.134 2599 3140 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: vendor.qti-ext-enc-info-metadata-cvp.reserved
06-17 04:57:22.137 2599 3098 I CCodec : Created component
06-17 04:57:22.138 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: ignoring local param raw.color
(0xc2001809) as it is already supported
06-17 04:57:22.139 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 23
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 algo.bitrate-mode.value =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 algo.complexity.value =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 algo.priority.value = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::float algo.rate.value = 30
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::i32 coded.average-qp.value = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coded.frame-rate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.picture-type.value =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 20484
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries
= 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coding.intra-refresh.mode
= 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::float coding.intra-
refresh.period = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coding.request-sync-
frame.value = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::i64 coding.sync-frame-
interval.value = 1000000
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: Buffer coding.temporal-layering =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: 00000000: 10 00 00 00 07 20 01
52 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ..... .R........
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: }
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.matrix = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.primaries =
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.range = 0
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 default.color.tra
06-17 04:57:22.142 2599 3140 W ColorUtils: expected specified color aspects
06-17 04:57:22.143 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.145 2599 3098 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
06-17 04:57:22.146 2599 3098 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
06-17 04:57:22.146 2599 3098 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.146 2599 3098 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.146 2599 3098 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.146 2599 3098 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.146 2599 3098 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.147 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 70,13 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:22.147 2599 2963 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0,40 > 0,25
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: string =
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: string =
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 =
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: }
06-17 04:57:22.148 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.150 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug configure:
ClientName: ComponentName:
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug configure:
ClientFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/vorbis"
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int64_t durationUs = 282000
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t track-id = 1
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: Buffer csd-0 = {
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: 00000000: 01 76 6f 72 62 69 73 00
00 00 00 01 44 ac 00 00 .vorbis.....D...
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 80 38 01 00
00 00 00 00 b8 01 .....8........
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: }
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: Buffer *csd-1 = 0x787a233640
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t bitrate = 80000
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: string language = ""
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t max-input-size = 65307
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: string file-format = "audio/ogg"
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: }
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug configure:
ClientName: ComponentName: c2.qti.avc.encoder
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug configure:
ClientFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t color-format = 2130708361
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: float i-frame-interval = 0.233333
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t level = 32768
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: string mime = "video/avc"
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t profile = 8
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t bitrate = 12000000
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t color-standard = 2
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t
oo.muxer.drop_initial_non_keyframes = 1
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t color-transfer = 3
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t width = 1280
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t color-range = 2
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t frame-rate = 30
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t height = 720
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: }
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3135 I MiMediaCodec: fps video to display disabled
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendMine
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendMine: audio/vorbis
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendMine audio/vorbis
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: currery video type audio/vorbis
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendDolbyVision
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendPackageName
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendPackageName:
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3095 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendPackageName
06-17 04:57:22.151 2599 3098 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:22.152 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.152 2599 3098 D CCodec : [] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
06-17 04:57:22.152 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
06-17 04:57:22.156 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
06-17 04:57:22.156 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
06-17 04:57:22.156 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for language
06-17 04:57:22.156 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for file-format
06-17 04:57:22.156 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
06-17 04:57:22.157 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: config failed => CORRUPTED
06-17 04:57:22.157 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 80000
06-17 04:57:22.157 2599 3098 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 80000
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 65307
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 44100
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding =
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.158 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 E VideoConfig: Failed to get
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendMine
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendMine: video/avc
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendMine video/avc
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: currery video type video/avc
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendDolbyVision
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendPackageName
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendPackageName:
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendPackageName
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendWidth/sendHeight
06-17 04:57:22.160 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: configure: video box disabled because
codec is not video
06-17 04:57:22.179 2599 3098 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.179 2599 3098 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.179 2599 3098 D C2Store : debug.c2.use_dmabufheaps set, forcing
06-17 04:57:22.180 2599 3098 D C2Store : Using DMABUF Heaps
06-17 04:57:22.181 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 17 - OK (0)
06-17 04:57:22.181 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 0] audio-debug start:
inputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.181 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t bitrate = 80000
06-17 04:57:22.181 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.181 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-input-size =
06-17 04:57:22.181 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime =
06-17 04:57:22.181 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
06-17 04:57:22.181 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec c2.qti.avc.encoder,
mediatype video/avc, overrideable 1
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp,0)
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-bpp-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax,-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-target-qpmax-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-bitrate-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setTuningValue(vq-boost-missing-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(can-swap-width-
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties: setFeatureValue(intra-refresh,0)
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties:
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecProperties:
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec c2.qti.avc.encoder,
mediatype video/avc, overrideable 0
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: shapeMediaFormat: deltas(1):
AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t android._encoding-quality-
level = 0
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: }
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.182 2599 3140 D CCodec : [c2.qti.avc.encoder] buffers are bound
to CCodec for this session
06-17 04:57:22.183 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for color-format
06-17 04:57:22.183 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for color-standard
06-17 04:57:22.183 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for
06-17 04:57:22.183 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
06-17 04:57:22.183 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for encoder
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3098 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 649 - OK
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 12000000
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 20495
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.matrix = 3
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.primaries
= 3
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.range = 2
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.vui.color.transfer =
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::i64 coding.sync-frame-
interval.value = 233333
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.matrix = 3
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.primaries = 3
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.range = 2
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.color.transfer = 3
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.pixel-format.value =
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.size.height = 720
06-17 04:57:22.184 2599 3140 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.size.width = 1280
06-17 04:57:22.185 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] Configured output block pool ids 649 => OK
06-17 04:57:22.185 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 0] audio-debug start:
outputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.185 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.185 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "audio/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.185 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sample-rate = 44100
06-17 04:57:22.185 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t android._config-
pcm-encoding = 2
06-17 04:57:22.185 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.185 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] start: updating output delay 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t android._color-format =
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : Rect crop(0, 0, 1279, 719)
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-standard = 2
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-range = 2
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-transfer = 3
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t video-qp-average = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t width = 1280
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t frame-rate = 30
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t height = 720
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t intra-refresh-period = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : string mime = "video/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames
= 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t priority = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : Buffer hdr-static-info = {
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 .........
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t android._dataspace = 258
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int64_t android._C2MemoryUsage =
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-format = 2130708361
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 12000000
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate-mode = 1
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : Rect crop(0, 0, 1279, 719)
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t width = 1280
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-standard = 2
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-range = 2
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-transfer = 3
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t frame-rate = 30
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t height = 720
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t intra-refresh-period = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t max-bitrate = 12000000
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : string mime = "video/avc"
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames
= 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t priority = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t profile = 8
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t video-qp-average = 0
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t level = 32768
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3140 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 24
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-17 04:57:22.187 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.188 2599 3140 D GraphicBufferSource: current pid = 2599 , package
name =
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3098 I DMABUFHEAPS: Using DMA-BUF heap named: system
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : input format unchanged to AMessage(what
= 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t android._color-format =
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : Rect crop(0, 0, 1279, 719)
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-standard = 2
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-range = 2
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-transfer = 3
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t video-qp-average = 0
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t width = 1280
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t feature-secure-playback = 0
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t frame-rate = 30
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t height = 720
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t intra-refresh-period = 0
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : string mime = "video/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-idr-frames
= 0
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t priority = 0
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : Buffer hdr-static-info = {
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 .........
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t android._dataspace = 258
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int64_t android._C2MemoryUsage =
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : int32_t color-format = 2130708361
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.189 2599 3140 D GraphicBufferSource: setting dataspace: 0x102,
06-17 04:57:22.190 2599 3140 D CCodec : ISConfig not changed
06-17 04:57:22.192 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: keep callback message for reclaim
06-17 04:57:22.192 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.193 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState: STARTED
06-17 04:57:22.207 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug queueInputBuffer:
index: 2 pts: 7000 timediff: 0
06-17 04:57:22.210 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug queueInputBuffer:
index: 3 pts: 14000 timediff: 2
06-17 04:57:22.211 2599 3140 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.211 2599 3140 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.211 2599 3140 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.encoder#5] Query
input allocators returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.encoder#5] Using
basic input block pool with poolID 1 => got 1 - OK (0)
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 1] video-debug start:
inputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t android._color-
format = 2130708361
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: Rect crop(0, 0, 1279, 719)
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-standard = 2
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-range = 2
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-transfer = 3
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t video-qp-average =
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t width = 1280
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t feature-secure-
playback = 0
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t frame-rate = 30
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t height = 720
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t intra-refresh-
period = 0
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "video/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-
idr-frames = 0
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t priority = 0
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: Buffer hdr-static-info = {
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: 00000000: 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ................
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 .........
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t android._dataspace
= 258
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int64_t
android._C2MemoryUsage = 4503599631631104
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-format =
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.212 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.encoder#5] Query
output allocators returned 0 params => BAD_INDEX (6)
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 I CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.encoder#5]
Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 1304 - OK
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.encoder#5]
Configured output block pool ids 1304 => OK
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug queueInputBuffer:
index: 0 pts: 21000 timediff: 4
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 1] video-debug start:
outputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t bitrate = 12000000
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t bitrate-mode = 1
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: Rect crop(0, 0, 1279, 719)
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t width = 1280
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-standard = 2
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-range = 2
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t color-transfer = 3
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t feature-secure-
playback = 0
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t frame-rate = 30
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t height = 720
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t intra-refresh-
period = 0
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-bitrate =
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "video/avc"
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t prepend-sps-pps-to-
idr-frames = 0
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t priority = 0
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t profile = 8
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t video-qp-average =
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t level = 32768
06-17 04:57:22.215 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.216 2599 3140 D CCodecBufferChannel: [c2.qti.avc.encoder#5] start:
updating output delay 4
06-17 04:57:22.222 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState: STARTED
06-17 04:57:22.225 2599 3135 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
06-17 04:57:22.227 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,13 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:22.228 2599 3135 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
06-17 04:57:22.231 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop -1,
06-17 04:57:22.238 2599 3135 D CCodecBufferChannel: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop -1,
06-17 04:57:22.243 2599 3135 I VideoBox: VideoBox::VideoBox
06-17 04:57:22.243 2599 3135 I VideoBox: [mId: 2] video-debug initVideobox:
return false for videobox is not enabled
06-17 04:57:22.243 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: init video box disabled for init not
06-17 04:57:22.243 2599 3135 I VideoBox: VideoBox::~VideoBox
06-17 04:57:22.247 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.247 2599 3201 D CCodec : allocate(
06-17 04:57:22.250 2599 3201 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
06-17 04:57:22.267 2599 3201 I CCodec : Created component
06-17 04:57:22.267 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/mp4a-latm
06-17 04:57:22.269 2599 3201 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
06-17 04:57:22.270 2599 3201 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
06-17 04:57:22.270 2599 3201 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.270 2599 3201 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.271 2599 3201 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.271 2599 3201 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.271 2599 3201 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.274 2599 3201 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 9
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 0
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 = 8192
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coding.aac-sbr-mode.value
= 3
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 2048
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: string =
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: string =
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 =
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: }
06-17 04:57:22.275 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.278 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: MediaCodec will operate in async mode
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug configure:
ClientName: ComponentName:
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug configure:
ClientFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t oo.muxer.force_sequential =
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm"
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 2
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t aac-profile = 2
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t bitrate = 128000
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: int32_t max-input-size = 76800
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: }
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendMine
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendMine: audio/mp4a-latm
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendMine audio/mp4a-latm
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: currery video type audio/mp4a-latm
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendDolbyVision
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendPackageName
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendPackageName:
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendPackageName
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec,
mediatype audio/mp4a-latm, overrideable 1
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D CodecProperties:
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D CodecProperties:
06-17 04:57:22.279 2599 3135 D CodecSeeding: Seed: codec,
mediatype audio/mp4a-latm, overrideable 0
06-17 04:57:22.280 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: shapeMediaFormat: deltas(0):
AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.280 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: }
06-17 04:57:22.280 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:22.280 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.280 2599 3201 D CCodec : [] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
06-17 04:57:22.280 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for
06-17 04:57:22.280 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
06-17 04:57:22.280 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for encoder
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 128000
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 4096
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 =
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 76800
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding =
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 128000
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 2
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t level = 0
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t max-bitrate = 128000
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/mp4a-latm"
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : int32_t profile = 2
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 9
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-17 04:57:22.281 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.282 2599 3135 D MediaCodec: keep callback message for reclaim
06-17 04:57:22.282 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.284 2599 3201 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.284 2599 3201 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: []
Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 18 - OK (0)
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 2] audio-debug start:
inputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t channel-count = 2
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-input-size =
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "audio/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t android._config-
pcm-encoding = 2
06-17 04:57:22.285 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 I CCodecBufferChannel: []
Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 => poolID 650 - OK
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: []
Configured output block pool ids 650 => OK
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 2] audio-debug start:
outputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t bitrate = 128000
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t channel-count = 2
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t level = 0
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-bitrate =
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "audio/mp4a-
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t profile = 2
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.293 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: []
start: updating output delay 0
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState: STARTED
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: []
sending CSD : output format changed to AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t bitrate = 128000
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t channel-count = 2
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t level = 0
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-bitrate =
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "audio/mp4a-
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t profile = 2
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: Buffer csd-0 = {
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: 00000000: 11 90
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.295 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug stop
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 3098 D MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug Stats over last
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 3098 D MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug Qinput: 40,
DQinput: 40 success out of 40 tries
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 3098 D MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug Render: 0, Drop:
39, DQoutput: 39 success out of 42 tries
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
70,12 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:22.309 2599 3098 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:22.312 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.312 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.314 2599 3098 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
06-17 04:57:22.314 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: [mId: 0] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.315 2599 3098 I MediaCodec: MediaStub
06-17 04:57:22.315 2599 3098 D MediaImpl: FRC not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:22.315 2599 3098 D MediaImpl: AIE not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:22.315 2599 3098 D MediaImpl: AIS not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:22.315 2599 3098 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:22.324 2599 3095 D MediaCodecList: codecHandlesFormat: no format, so
no extra checks
06-17 04:57:22.324 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop -1,
06-17 04:57:22.326 2599 3095 D CCodecBufferChannel: dynamicEnableMediaLog getprop -1,
06-17 04:57:22.327 2599 3095 I VideoBox: VideoBox::VideoBox
06-17 04:57:22.327 2599 3095 I VideoBox: [mId: 3] video-debug initVideobox:
return false for videobox is not enabled
06-17 04:57:22.327 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: init video box disabled for init not
06-17 04:57:22.327 2599 3095 I VideoBox: VideoBox::~VideoBox
06-17 04:57:22.328 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.328 2599 3211 D CCodec : allocate(
06-17 04:57:22.330 2599 3211 I CCodec : setting up 'default' as default (vendor)
06-17 04:57:22.333 2599 3211 I CCodec : Created component
06-17 04:57:22.333 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: read media type: audio/vorbis
06-17 04:57:22.335 2599 3211 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.max-count.values
06-17 04:57:22.338 2599 3211 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.subscribed-indices.values
06-17 04:57:22.338 2599 3211 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: input.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.338 2599 3211 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.338 2599 3211 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.allocator-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.338 2599 3211 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: output.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.339 2599 3211 D ReflectedParamUpdater: extent() != 1 for single
value type: algo.buffers.pool-ids.values
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is Dict {
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 coded.bitrate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.buffers.max-
size.value = 32768
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 input.delay.value = 0
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: string =
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: string =
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 =
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: c2::u32 raw.sample-rate.value =
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: }
06-17 04:57:22.340 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug configure:
ClientName: ComponentName:
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug configure:
ClientFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: string mime = "audio/vorbis"
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int64_t durationUs = 97000
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t track-id = 1
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: Buffer csd-0 = {
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: 00000000: 01 76 6f 72 62 69 73 00
00 00 00 01 80 bb 00 00 .vorbis.........
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: 00000010: 00 00 00 00 c0 d4 01 00
00 00 00 00 b8 01 ..............
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: }
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: Buffer *csd-1 = 0x7946aab4c0
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t bitrate = 120000
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: string language = ""
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: int32_t max-input-size = 65307
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: string file-format = "audio/ogg"
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: }
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendMine
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendMine: audio/vorbis
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendMine audio/vorbis
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: currery video type audio/vorbis
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendDolbyVision
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: MediaStub sendPackageName
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaImpl: MediaImpl::sendPackageName:
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3095 D MediaStub: MediaStub::sendPackageName
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 D CCodec : [] buffers are
bound to CCodec for this session
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for durationUs
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for track-id
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for csd-1
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for language
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for file-format
06-17 04:57:22.342 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: no c2 equivalents for flags
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: config failed => CORRUPTED
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodecConfig: c2 config diff is c2::u32
coded.bitrate.value = 120000
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : encoding statistics level = 0
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : setup formats input: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : int32_t bitrate = 120000
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : int32_t max-input-size = 65307
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/vorbis"
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : setup formats output: AMessage(what =
0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : string mime = "audio/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : int32_t android._config-pcm-encoding =
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 D CCodec : }
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 I CCodecConfig: query failed after returning 7
values (BAD_INDEX)
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.343 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.345 2599 3211 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.345 2599 3211 W Codec2Client: query -- param skipped: index =
06-17 04:57:22.346 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] Created input block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 19 - OK (0)
06-17 04:57:22.346 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 3] audio-debug start:
inputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.346 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t bitrate = 120000
06-17 04:57:22.346 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.346 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t max-input-size =
06-17 04:57:22.346 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime =
06-17 04:57:22.346 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.346 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 I CCodecBufferChannel:
[] Created output block pool with allocatorID 16 =>
poolID 651 - OK
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] Configured output block pool ids 651 => OK
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: [mId: 3] audio-debug start:
outputFormat: AMessage(what = 0x00000000) = {
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t channel-count = 1
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: string mime = "audio/raw"
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t sample-rate = 48000
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: int32_t android._config-
pcm-encoding = 2
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel: }
06-17 04:57:22.348 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] start: updating output delay 0
06-17 04:57:22.349 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState: STARTED
06-17 04:57:22.352 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug queueInputBuffer:
index: 2 pts: 5000 timediff: 0
06-17 04:57:22.353 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug queueInputBuffer:
index: 3 pts: 10000 timediff: 1
06-17 04:57:22.356 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug queueInputBuffer:
index: 0 pts: 15000 timediff: 3
06-17 04:57:22.367 2599 3095 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug stop
06-17 04:57:22.367 2599 3211 D MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug Stats over last
06-17 04:57:22.367 2599 3211 D MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug Qinput: 19,
DQinput: 19 success out of 19 tries
06-17 04:57:22.367 2599 3211 D MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug Render: 0, Drop:
18, DQoutput: 18 success out of 22 tries
06-17 04:57:22.367 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.367 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:22.367 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:22.367 2599 3211 D CCodecBufferChannel:
[] MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:22.375 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.375 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.378 2599 3211 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
06-17 04:57:22.379 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: [mId: 3] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:22.380 2599 3211 I MediaCodec: MediaStub
06-17 04:57:22.380 2599 3211 D MediaImpl: FRC not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:22.380 2599 3211 D MediaImpl: AIE not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:22.380 2599 3211 D MediaImpl: AIS not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:22.381 2599 3095 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:22.428 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
90,13 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:22.428 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,29 > 0,25
06-17 04:57:22.572 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
120,13 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:22.572 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > rel Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
0,33 > 0,25
06-17 04:57:22.744 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
150,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:22.948 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
170,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:23.145 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:23.353 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:23.555 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:23.706 2599 2599 I HandWritingStubImpl: refreshLastKeyboardType: 1
06-17 04:57:23.706 2599 2599 I HandWritingStubImpl: getCurrentKeyboardType: 1
06-17 04:57:23.760 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:23.866 2599 2678 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to retrieve flag
snapshot for,
using defaults.
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Unable to update local
snapshot for,
may result in stale flags.
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242213038.true (go/gsrlt)
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.s(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at pfx.get(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at plk.I(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at nfm.d(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242213038.true (go/gsrlt)
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at bmn.z(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ktz.a(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kjd.f(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.t(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.u(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at kkc.e(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at ksg.b(Unknown
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.880 2599 2943 W ProtoDataStoreFlagStore: at
06-17 04:57:23.987 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:24.177 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:24.353 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:24.564 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:24.756 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:24.943 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:25.152 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:25.341 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:25.541 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:25.743 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:25.942 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:25.948 2599 2699 E GoogleCameraEng: DynamicFPS DF open fail: No such
file or directory
06-17 04:57:26.142 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:26.345 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:26.528 2599 2599 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl windowName
ity.main.CameraActivity', KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK,
scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=61838542000000,
downTime=61838542000000, deviceId=-1, source=0x101, displayId=0 },
06-17 04:57:26.534 2599 2599 D MIUIInput: [KeyEvent] ViewRootImpl windowName
ity.main.CameraActivity', KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_BACK,
scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x8, repeatCount=0, eventTime=61838542000000,
downTime=61838542000000, deviceId=-1, source=0x101, displayId=0 },
06-17 04:57:26.550 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Retrieving snapshot for failed
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter:
java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: java.lang.SecurityException:
GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242213038.true (go/gsrlt)
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at mip.fb(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.c(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.e(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kuc.b(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at gvh.a(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at pio.a(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: Caused by:
java.lang.SecurityException: GoogleCertificatesRslt: not allowed:,
atk=false, ver=242213038.true (go/gsrlt)
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at bmn.z(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ktz.a(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kjd.f(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.t(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.u(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at kkc.e(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
kkg.handleMessage(Unknown Source:920)
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at ksg.b(Unknown
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
ksg.dispatchMessage(Unknown Source:0)
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.561 2599 2681 E PhenotypeFlagCommitter: at
06-17 04:57:26.759 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:26.798 2599 2699 W RenderInspector: DequeueBuffer time out on
ty.main.CameraActivity, count=1, avg=11 ms, max=11 ms.
06-17 04:57:26.968 2599 2963 W CAM_A : PHOTO > abs Δ(result sensor timestamp) =
200,14 ms > 70,00 ms
06-17 04:57:27.181 2599 3148 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x784e01ba28 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 1/7 (recycle/alloc) - 9/82
06-17 04:57:27.182 2599 3148 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: evictor expired: 1,
evicted: 1
06-17 04:57:27.226 2599 2971 D CameraDevice-JV-0: flush: E. id = 0
06-17 04:57:27.248 2599 2626 E BufferQueueProducer:
[SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1]
(id:a2700000003,api:4,p:2060,c:2599) queueBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-17 04:57:27.252 2599 2599 W MiuiStubRegistry: Failed to collect stub providers
in android.magicpointer.util.MiuiMagicPointerUtilsStubHeadManifest$$:
/system_ext/framework/miui-framework-pointer-pad.jar not exist
06-17 04:57:27.336 2599 2866 D AudioRecord: stop mSessionID=7305
06-17 04:57:27.337 2599 2866 D AudioRecord: stop(1851): mActive:0
06-17 04:57:27.339 2599 2866 W EpFrameworkFactory: activated: false jar exist:
06-17 04:57:27.340 2599 2866 D AudioRecord: stop mSessionID=7305
06-17 04:57:27.340 2599 2866 D AudioRecord: stop(1851): mActive:0
06-17 04:57:27.348 2599 2866 D AudioRecordStub: ~AudioRecordStub() destroy
06-17 04:57:27.355 2599 3112 W GraphicBufferSource: released unpopulated slots:
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43,
44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63]
06-17 04:57:27.358 2599 2911 D CameraExtImplXiaoMi: releaseCameraDevice: 0
06-17 04:57:27.361 2599 2599 W CAM_A : Duplicate call to stopModule; skipping
06-17 04:57:27.364 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug Stats over last
06-17 04:57:27.364 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug Qinput: 0,
DQinput: 0 success out of 0 tries
06-17 04:57:27.364 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug Render: 0, Drop:
0, DQoutput: 0 success out of 0 tries
06-17 04:57:27.369 2599 2866 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug queueInputBuffer:
index: 0 pts: 0 timediff: 0
06-17 04:57:27.369 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug Stats over last
06-17 04:57:27.369 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug Qinput: 1,
DQinput: 0 success out of 0 tries
06-17 04:57:27.369 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug Render: 0, Drop:
1, DQoutput: 0 success out of 0 tries
06-17 04:57:27.382 2599 3110 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug stop
06-17 04:57:27.385 2599 3109 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug stop
06-17 04:57:27.386 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug Stats over last
06-17 04:57:27.386 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug Qinput: 0,
DQinput: 0 success out of 0 tries
06-17 04:57:27.386 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug Render: 0, Drop:
1, DQoutput: 0 success out of 0 tries
06-17 04:57:27.386 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:27.386 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug Stats over last
06-17 04:57:27.386 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug Qinput: 0,
DQinput: 0 success out of 0 tries
06-17 04:57:27.386 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug Render: 0, Drop:
1, DQoutput: 0 success out of 0 tries
06-17 04:57:27.393 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:27.394 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: []
MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:27.394 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: []
MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:27.395 2599 3201 D CCodecBufferChannel: []
MediaCodec discarded an unknown buffer
06-17 04:57:27.400 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:27.406 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:27.421 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:27.422 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:27.434 2599 2626 E BufferQueueProducer:
[SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1]
(id:a2700000003,api:4,p:2060,c:2599) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-17 04:57:27.436 2599 3201 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: bufferpool2 0x784e28e228 :
0(0 size) total buffers - 0(0 size) used buffers - 0/5 (recycle/alloc) - 0/0
06-17 04:57:27.437 2599 3201 D BufferPoolAccessor2.0: Destruction - bufferpool2
0x784e28e228 cached: 0/0M, 0/0% in use; allocs: 5, 0% recycled; transfers: 0, 0%
06-17 04:57:27.439 2599 4009 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
06-17 04:57:27.441 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: [mId: 2] audio-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:27.443 2599 3201 I MediaCodec: MediaStub
06-17 04:57:27.443 2599 3201 D MediaImpl: FRC not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:27.443 2599 3201 D MediaImpl: AIE not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:27.443 2599 3201 D MediaImpl: AIS not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:27.443 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:27.445 2599 3201 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:27.445 2599 3201 W MediaCodec: no metrics handle found
06-17 04:57:27.447 2599 3041 E BufferQueueProducer:
[SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1]
(id:a2700000003,api:4,p:2060,c:2599) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-17 04:57:27.459 2599 2626 E BufferQueueProducer:
[SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1]
(id:a2700000003,api:4,p:2060,c:2599) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-17 04:57:27.462 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: [mId: 1] video-debug setState:
06-17 04:57:27.462 2599 4011 I hw-BpHwBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically
unlinking death recipients
06-17 04:57:27.464 2599 3137 I MediaCodec: MediaStub
06-17 04:57:27.464 2599 3137 D MediaImpl: FRC not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:27.464 2599 3137 D MediaImpl: AIE not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:27.464 2599 3137 D MediaImpl: AIS not support: valueSupport :
06-17 04:57:27.465 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:27.472 2599 3137 D MediaCodec: flushMediametrics
06-17 04:57:27.472 2599 3137 W MediaCodec: no metrics handle found
06-17 04:57:27.472 2599 3137 D VideoInfo:
destroy c2.qti.avc.encoder in MediaCodec, input num 0 output num 1 render num 0
06-17 04:57:27.472 2599 3137 D VideoInfo: max input intervel 0ms max output
intervel 0ms max render interval 0ms
06-17 04:57:27.493 2599 2626 E BufferQueueProducer:
[SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1]
(id:a2700000003,api:4,p:2060,c:2599) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-17 04:57:27.500 2599 2599 W MessageMonitor: PerfMonitor: Slow Operation:
ty.main.CameraActivity onStop took 149ms
06-17 04:57:27.509 2599 3041 E BufferQueueProducer:
[SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1]
(id:a2700000003,api:4,p:2060,c:2599) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-17 04:57:27.518 2599 2626 E BufferQueueProducer:
[SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1]
(id:a2700000003,api:4,p:2060,c:2599) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-17 04:57:27.519 2599 2599 W WindowOnBackDispatcher: sendCancelIfRunning:
06-17 04:57:27.526 2599 2971 E BufferQueueProducer:
[SurfaceView[]#1(BLAST Consumer)1]
(id:a2700000003,api:4,p:2060,c:2599) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been abandoned
06-17 04:57:27.530 2599 2971 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact: time=303ms
interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser code=15
06-17 04:57:27.530 2599 2971 D CameraDevice-JV-0: flush: X
06-17 04:57:27.530 2599 2904 W GoogleCameraEng: Long monitor contention with
owner Session-Handler (2971) at void
waiters=1 in void
android.hardware.camera2.impl.PhysicalCaptureResultInfo[]) for 288ms
06-17 04:57:27.533 2599 2911 D CameraDevice-JV-0: close: E. id = 0
06-17 04:57:27.533 2599 2904 W GoogleCameraEng: PerfMonitor async
binderTransact : time=292ms
interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceCallbacks code=4
06-17 04:57:27.534 2599 2904 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 4,
frame number 39, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.752 2599 2626 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:27.752 2599 2626 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:27.753 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:27.753 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:27.753 2599 2626 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 2
06-17 04:57:27.757 2599 2626 D CameraInjector:
updateCloudCameraControllerInfoAsync: has aleardy start update task.
06-17 04:57:27.757 2599 2626 D CameraInjector: waitForResult:
06-17 04:57:27.758 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:27.759 2599 2626 W libc : Access denied finding property
06-17 04:57:27.759 2599 2626 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 3
06-17 04:57:27.809 2599 2626 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 4 is not present.
Ignore physical camera status change
06-17 04:57:27.827 2599 2911 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact: time=294ms
interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceUser code=1
06-17 04:57:27.828 2599 2911 D CameraDevice-JV-0: close: X
06-17 04:57:27.829 2599 2904 W GoogleCameraEng: Long monitor contention with
owner Camera-Ex (2911) at void
waiters=0 in void android.hardware.camera2.impl.CameraDeviceImpl.onDeviceError(int,
android.hardware.camera2.impl.CaptureResultExtras) for 294ms
06-17 04:57:27.830 2599 2904 W GoogleCameraEng: PerfMonitor async
binderTransact : time=296ms
interface=android.hardware.camera2.ICameraDeviceCallbacks code=1
06-17 04:57:27.831 2599 2904 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 4,
frame number 38, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.833 2599 2904 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 4,
frame number 37, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.836 2599 2904 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 5,
frame number 37, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.836 2599 2904 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 5,
frame number 37, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.837 2599 2626 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 5,
frame number 37, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.838 2599 2626 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 5,
frame number 38, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.838 2599 2626 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 5,
frame number 38, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.839 2599 2626 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 5,
frame number 38, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.839 2599 2626 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error received, code 5,
frame number 39, request ID 6, subseq ID 0
06-17 04:57:27.840 2599 2626 W CameraDevice-JV-0: Device error rece
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