Clark The Penguin Dicionary of Geography
Clark The Penguin Dicionary of Geography
Clark The Penguin Dicionary of Geography
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Audrey N. Clark
In the Preface to the first edition of this dictionary (1990) it was pointed out that
geography as a discipline spans the humanities, the natural and the social sciences;
has many specialist branches; is concerned not only with the physical phenomena
of the planet (as in physical geography) but with the way in which people interact
with them, and with each other (as in human geography). This breadth of view
has led geographers to draw on some of the terminology of disciplines that impinge
on their work (including anthropology, archaeology, economics, law, literature,
medicine, philosophy, psychology, sociology etc., in the human sphere; and
astronomy, biology, botany, geology, geomorphology, hydrology, soil science
etc., in the physical), as well as on that of technical subjects such as cartography,
remote sensing, surveying, mathematics and statistics.
Since 1990 swift progress in geography and these related disciplines has greatly
extended the vocabulary in use in geographical literature and texts. To accommo¬
date the advance this second edition of the dictionary has been updated and
expanded, incorporating over 750 terms additional to those appearing in the first
Geographers are, of course, supremely well placed to study environmental
problems as well as present and potential effects of globalization. These aspects are
well covered in this edition, which is designed to meet the needs of students from
GCSE to first year college and university. The level of language used in the
definitions is commensurate with the level of difficulty of the term involved.
It is obviously impossible to cover in detail in a concise dictionary such as this
all the terms used by geographers (this has been done in the Longman Dictionary of
Geography: Human and Physical, 724 pages, over 10 500 entries). But the most
frequently used terms, with succinct definitions, appear here.
Constructive criticism and suggestions for additions will be warmly welcomed.
Audrey N. Clark
V ^
35 A pediment 299
36 Plate tectonics: direction of movement of plates 310
37 Plate tectonics: converging plates 311
38 Population pyramids 317
39 Section through a raised beach 335
40 Linear model: linear regression 341
41 Runoff 351
42 Scarp and vale terrain and characteristic streams 358
43 Standard time zones and the international date line 388
44 Stream order 393
45 Territorial waters: maritime zones 409
46 Diagrammatic section through a volcano 439
47 Wallace’s line 442
or flanking walls, or of rain falling on the wave-cut platform, a flat, nearly smooth,
surface, or of relatively warm water from rock platform extending from the foot of
melting streams), or through sublima¬ a sea-cliff and formed by the erosive action
tion under favourable temperature, of breakers in carrying shingle along the
humidity and wind conditions, or through coast. The surface is usually bare, but may
abrasion (by sharp ice particles blown be covered with a thin layer of fine rock
along the surface), or through the breaking particles.
away of icebergs on the edge of tidal
abscissa in mathematics, the horizontal
water 2. the work of wind in removing
or x coordinate in a plane coordinate
fine rock debris in sandy areas (but for this
system, ordinate.
process the term deflation is usually
preferred). absolute drought in UK, a period of at
least fifteen consecutive days on none of
aborigine, aboriginal I. a person who
which more than 0.25 mm (0.01 in) of
is believed, on contemporary evidence, to
rain falls.
have been one of the original inhabitants
of an area, or a descendant of such an absolute humidity the amount of
individual, or one of the inhabitants occu¬ water vapour in a unit mass of air,
pying an area at the time of the arrival of usually measured by the grams of water
V x.
absolute instability
vapour present in one cubic metre of the heae\ward erosion; but others apply it
air (or in grains per cubic foot: i grain = to the simplest type of river piracy, in
0.0648 gram). The amount of water which one stream, by its more vigorous
vapour held by a body of air is gov¬ action, widens its valley and captures
erned by temperature and pressure: it another, model-2.
becomes saturated at dew-point.
abyssal adj. applied to 1. the deepest
regions (and associated phenomena) of the
ocean, or, very loosely indeed, the ocean
absolute instability the state of an air floor in general, deep 2. less frequently,
mass, holding any amount of water the deepest region of a lake, abyssal
in which the environmental lapse
abyssal deposits deposits on the very
rate is higher than the dry adiabatic
deep parts of the ocean floor, abyssal
lapse rate of the atmosphere surround¬
plain, OOZE.
ing it, with the result that it is unstable.
abyssal plain a deep-sea plain, a very
absolute range the difference between
large, relatively level area of the deep ocean
the extremes of temperature, rainfall etc.,
floor, covered with a thin layer of sedi¬
the highest and lowest values ever experi¬
ment. ooze. Fig 45.
enced at a place. RANGE-4.
abyssal zone 1. the deepest regions of
absolute stability the state of an air mass
the ocean, depth not precisely defined 2.
in which the environmental lapse
the zone in a lake not effectively pene¬
rate is lower than the saturated adia¬
trated by light, benthic division.
batic lapse rate of the atmosphere sur¬
rounding it. accelerated erosion soil erosion
occurring at a rate exceeding the rate at
absolute zero the lowest temperature
which a soil horizon can be formed
possible, the point at which all thermal
from the parent material. This is com¬
molecular movement ceases, the zero
monly due to human activity.
point being 273.15 Celsius degrees below
the ice point. This puts the ice point acceptable dose limit the greatest
(the melting point of pure ice at standard amount of an alien substance that can be
pressure) at 273.15 K. kelvin scale. released into an environment without
causing serious harm, e.g. discharge of
absorption the physical process in which
chemicals from a factory into a river, pol¬
a material or system (the absorbent) takes
into itself and holds another (the
absorbate). adsorption. access means of approach, sometimes
restricted to the physical means of
abstraction 1. the act of taking away, of
approach, accessibility.
reducing to a minimum, of extracting the
essence ofan idea, model-2 2. the product accessibility the state or quality of ease
of such acts 3. the formation of an idea, of approach, used in a physical sense (the
separate from material things etc. 4. a term ease ot getting to a place, a facility or a
regarded by some authors as synonymous service, measurable in terms ofthe distance
with river capture, which involves to be travelled, the cost involved, the time
taken) or a social sense (the extent to which formation of crystals, or in the growth of
different social groups are able to obtain ice particles by the addition of very small
goods, facilities, services, regardless of geo¬ water particles.
graphical location), intervening loca¬
acculturation i. a process of culture
change in which more or less continuous
accessory mineral any of the many contact between two or more culturally
varied minerals occurring widespread and distinct groups or societies produces the
in very small quantity in a rock, which results outlined under culture con¬
may reveal the origin of the rock but which tact 2. the state which results from such
do not affect its essential character. They a process.
are disregarded in the classification of the
accumulated temperature the sum of
the temperatures above or below a selected
accidented relief rugged and irregular temperature measured over a period of
relief. time (day degree). For example, 6°C
(43°F) is the critical temperature at
acclimatization the process by which
which the growth of vegetation is com¬
plants and animals (including human
monly stimulated in midlatitude con¬
beings) become, or are made to become,
ditions. A temperature of 6°C (43 °F) is
accustomed to climatic conditions
therefore the basal crucial norm. If the
unnatural to them (i.e. which are different
mean daily temperature rises above this
from those of their native environment)
basal temperature each degree of the excess
so that they are able to live and reproduce.
is known as the day degree. The number
accommodation a style of, or the stage of day degrees can be added together for
reached in, integration in society, in periods of a week, a month or a growing
which conflict is reduced or avoided, the season and the figures so obtained are
dominant group tolerating the differences referred to as the accumulated tem¬
of sub-groups such as ethnic minor¬ perature.
accumulation in capitalism, the build¬
accordance of summit levels the gen¬ ing-up and reproduction of capital by con¬
eral conformity of mountain peaks or hill tinuing investment of profits, capital-2.
tops to approximately the same level.
acid a compound containing hydrogen
accordant drainage surface drainage which, dissolved in water, provides hydro¬
directly related to the dip of the under¬ gen ions (protons); or a molecule or
lying STRATA. ion which can give up protons to a base-2.
accordant junction a river junction in acid adj. 1. relating to, or having the
which a tributary joins the main stream
characteristics of, an acid 2. acid produ¬
at exactly the appropriate level, i.e. the
cing 3. having an astringent, sharp, sour
tributary grades its course to the level of
acid brown forest soil brown forest
accretion the accumulation of particles,
as in sedimentation-i , or in the process
of growth by external addition, e.g. in the acidic adj. 1. acid-forming 2. acid, adj.
HYPABYSSAL is QUARTZ PORPHYRY, the frost which, having been thawed by arti¬
VOLCANIC is RHYOLITE. ACID LAVA, ficial or natural causes, is able to return to
BASIC ROCK, INTERMEDIATE ROCK, permafrost under existing climatic con¬
acre a unit of area in British measures, actual adj. existing in act or as a fact, as
formerly the area of land (customary acre) opposed to potential or theoretical.
adiabatic adj. of the physical change dur¬ parts of Mexico, and used for making
ing which no heat leaves or enters the unburnt, sun-dried bricks 2. the sun-dried
system-i. This commonly occurs in an bricks made from such deposits 3. a struc¬
ascending or a descending parcel of air in ture, e.g. a dwelling, made from such
adiabatic gradient the rate at which the behaviour) but in allowing its location
descending, changes in response to expan¬ e.g. because the founder happened to live
adit a horizontal or ne.arly horizontal pass¬ adret (French; Italian adretto; German
age or working dug into a hillside from Sonnenseite) the sunny, warm slope of a
the surface for the purpose of extracting hill or valleyside, as opposed to the ubac
minerals; hence adit mine, adit mining. or shady side, aspect, exposure.
that a tract of land should be subject to together into a mass 2. in soil science, a
forest laws (forest-2), or their action in loose gathering together of soil particles
making this declaration 2. the clearing of which, when more closely united, form
land of sheep and cattle in Scotland in an aggregate-3 3. in urban studies, an
the mid-nineteenth century so that deer urban area, usually unplanned and form¬
forests (forest-3) could be established 3. less, composed of formerly separate
the planting of land, not formerly so suburbs, villages or small towns which
covered, with trees to make a forest for have expanded and coalesced 4. a concen¬
commercial or other purposes, forest, tration of productive enterprises at a
REFORESTATION. certain location, e.g. in a large town or
industrial region, where each enterprise
aftershock one of a series ol small shocks
may enjoy the benefits of the readily avail¬
following a main earthquake and ori¬
able labour, good transport and service
ginating at or close to its seismic focus.
facilities, the large market, the proximity
agar-agar a gelatinous substance obtained of allied and other enterprises, the concen¬
suitable for use in cooking, the manufac¬ agglomeration economies the savings
ture of fine silk and paper, in pharma¬ to the individual productive enterprise
ceutical products and, in bacteriology, as that come from operating in the same
a culture medium. location as others (thereby sharing spe¬
cialist servicing industries, specialist
age 1. the length of time for which an
financial services and public utilities) or
organism has lived or an object existed,
from serving a growing, large market
exceptions being a life of markedly short
occupying a small, compact geographical
duration (e.g. a butterfly living for a day
area, agglomeration-4, centripetal
or two is said to have a lifespan, not an
age) and the life of subatomic particles
and radioactive species, to which the term
half-life is applied 2. a very long time in aggradation 1. a process in which a land
the earth’s history, a subdivision of an surface is built up by a deposition and
epoch (geological time) 3. a period of accumulation of detritus, rock waste, sand,
time based on cultural criteria, e.g. neo¬ alluvium etc. derived from denudation,
lithic AGE. thus the opposite of degradation, e.g.
an alluvial river plain is an aggraded surface
agglomerate a rock consisting of angular
(progradation) 2. a process in which
fragments mainly exceeding 2 cm (0.75 in)
permafrost grows, the upper surface of
in diameter thrown out of an erupting
the permafrost rising and accumulating ice
volcano and more or less solidified in a
on the under surface of the activelayer;
matrix of ash or tuft. breccia, con¬
termed aggradational ice, it appears as
glomerate, PYROCLAST.
white horizontal bands interspersed with
agglomeration I. in general, a gathering horizontal dirt bands.
\ <v
rural life, e.g. by the provision of facilities agro-forestal, agroforestal adj. per¬
for better education and social life as well taining to the use ofland for a combination
as for more productive cultivation. of AGRICULTURE and FORESTRY.
agribusiness 1. all the operations and A horizon the surface layer in the soil
processes involved in running a farm as containing humus, an eluvial layer
a commercial enterprise 2. specifically, from which minerals etc. are leached. The
a highly commercial, efficiently organ¬ A horizon is subdivided by some soil scien¬
ized, business-like capital-intensive tists into Aq0, a layer of litter; A0, a layer
farming enterprise using up-to-date tech¬ with new organic matter; Au an organic¬
nology in equipment and production ally rich layer; A2, a leached layer; and A3,
methods to achieve the highest possible the layer grading into the BHORizoN.The
output of produce of a consistently high entry on soil horizon shows further
standard which, in some cases, is sold under refinements in the classification of the A
contract to large-scale customers. horizon, l layer, mineral horizon, o
agricultural adj. related to, characteristic
agricultural area 1. an area of land used air 1. the mixture of gases enveloping the
for farming, including arable land, earth and forming the atmosphere 2.
improved or unimproved grassland and that air considered as a medium for the
algal bloom
transmission of radio waves or for the netic radiation (solar radiation) falling
operation of aircraft. on a surface to the amount reflected from
it, expressed as a percentage or a decimal.
air drainage the downward movement
The average albedo of the earth is about
of cold air-i from higher to lower areas.
0.4 (40 per cent), i.e. four-tenths of solar
radiation is reflected from the earth into
air frost air with a temperature at or below space.
o°C (32°F) as recorded at the level of
Aleutian low a sub-polar atmospheric
low pressure area (low, atmospheric)
lying over the North Pacific, particularly
air-gap wind-gap. in winter, characterized by a series of
swiftly moving separate lows interspersed
air mass, air-mass, airmass a mobile
by occasional high pressure systems. Ice¬
homogeneous mass of air in the atmo¬
landic low.
sphere, bounded by fronts. It may be
very large, spreading over hundreds of sq alfisols in soil classification, USA,
km, or quite small and local; but it has an order of soils which are relatively young
distinct characteristics of lapse rate and and acid with a clay b horizon. Alfisols
humidity (dry or moist) and temperature commonly occur under deciduous
(hot or cold) derived from the region from forest and are associated with humid, sub-
which it originates, but which may be humid TEMPERATE and SUBTROPICAL
albedo the ratio of total solar electromag¬ algae in bodies of water due to an
v v
alidade I. a surveying instrument used alkali flat a level area in an arid region with
(with a plane-table) to determine direc¬ an incrustation of alkali salts formed as
tion by viewing distant objects and noting a result of the evaporation of a former lake.
angular measurements. It consists of a rule PLAYA.
with sights at each end or with a telescope
mounted parallel to it 2. the index of alkaline adj. having the properties of an
any graduated surveying or measuring ALKALI-I.
alkaline earth metals a group of metals
alien a foreigner who is not a citizen of consisting of barium, beryllium, calcium,
the country in which he/she is living. magnesium, radium and strontium, the
hydroxides of which are weaker bases-2
alien adj. i. foreign, belonging to another
than those of the alkali metals (alkali-i).
country 2. alien from, differing in nature
or character 3. alien to, so different as alkaline rock, alkali rock an igneous
to be contrary or opposed in nature or rock low in calcium but rich in alkali
character. metals (alkali-i), indicated by the pres¬
ence of sodium and potassium.
alienation an estrangement or separation
between parts or the whole of the person¬
alkaline soil any soil which is alkaline
ality and those aspects ofexpenence which
in reaction, precisely above pH 7.0, in
are significant, e.g. a sense of estrangement
practice above pH 7.3, neutrality being
or separation from society or the material 7.0. ACID SOIL, HYDROGEN ION, pH.
environment, or of a lack ofpower to bring
about social change; or a depersonalization alkali soil soil containing alkali-i salts,
of the individual in a large bureaucratic with a pH value of 8.5 and higher, likely
society. to show surface incrustations of alkali-i,
alimentation the building-up of snow
on an area of firn by snowfall and the allochthon something (especially a rock)
effects of avalanches and the refreezing of transported, not in its original place, the
melt-water, which may feed an outward opposite of an autochthon.
moving glacier. A glacier advances if
alimentation near its source exceeds ab¬ allochthonous adj. transported, not in
lation at the other end; it remains sta¬ place of origin, the opposite of autoch¬
tionary if the two processes are in balance; thonous, applied to I. transported fossil
and it retreats if alimentation is less than plants or to organic deposits (e.g. some
ablation, active glacier. coals) formed from them 2. rocks which
have travelled far from their place of origin,
alkali 1. in chemistry, a usually soluble,
especially if moved by a tectonic process,
strongly basic (base-2) hydroxide or car¬
e.g. overthrusting, recumbent folding, or
bonate of the alkali metals (i.e. of caesium,
sliding by gravity.
francium, lithium, potassium, rubidium,
sodium) or of the alkaline earth allogenic adj. applied 1. in biology, hav¬
metals 2. loosely applied to a substance ing different genes 2. in ecology, produced
Alonso model
by external factors, the opposite of auto¬ ing upstream, laid down by a stream where
genic. it issues from a constricted course, e.g.
from a gorge, or to a more open valley or
allogenic succession a plant suc¬
to a plain, alluvial cone.
cession produced by changes in the
environment, by external factors, not by alluvial flat a level, nearly horizontal, tract
changes produced by the plants them¬ of land, bordering a river, which receives
selves, as in AUTOGENIC SUCCESSION. the alluvium deposited by the river in
allometric growth the systematic
differential growth of parts within a com¬ alluvial soil an azonal soil on newly
plex growth structure, so that as the deposited alluvium.
system-1,2,3 grows as a whole, the ratios
alluvial terrace part of an alluvial
between each part and the whole stay
flat, in some cases paired by another on
constant. Thus the growth rate of a part
the opposite side of the river, left standing
is proportional to the growth rate of the
as the river cuts down its bed following
system as a whole, e.g. in urban studies,
population growth increases up to a certain
distance from a central place; in alluvium 1. the unconsolidated, loose
stream order, as the number of stream material (not only silt but also the gravel
segments grows the proportion falling into and sand) brought down by a river and
each stream order stays constant, general deposited in its bed, floodplain, delta or
SYSTEMS THEORY. estuary, or in a lake, or laid down as a
cone or fan 2. more specifically restricted
allothigenic, allothigenous adj. origin¬
to the fine-grained deposits, in texture the
ating at a distance, not authigenic,
silt or silty-clay (graded sediments),
authigenous, applied to I. constituents
so laid down. These are rich in mineral
in a sedimentary rock which were
content and so form some of the most
formed outside and before the rock of
fertile soils, of the highest agricultural
which they are now a part, e.g. the pebbles
value, in the world, alluvial.
in a conglomerate 2. rounded crystals
in an igneous rock which have come aim wind a strong and sometimes blustery
from some previously consolidated rock FOHN-type wind, blowing from the south
3. streams deriving much of their water in the Tatra mountains down into the
from afar. foreland of southern Poland, causing ava¬
lanches towards the end of winter and in
alluvial adj. of, pertaining to, or consisting
Alonso model a model-2 suggested by
alluvial cone an alluvial fan with a
William Alonso in the 1960s to explain
steep slope, particularly likely to be built
the variations in land values, land use and
up if most of the water of the stream sinks
land use density in different districts within
into a porous deposit, so that nearly all the
an urban area. Accepting von thunen’s
load is dropped and the structure gains
model in explanation of the pattern of
height, e.g. in arid or semi-arid conditions.
agricultural land use, he applied the prin¬
alluvial fan a fan-shaped deposit of coarse ciples of that model to the urban land
alluvium (sand and gravel), the apex point¬ use pattern. He assumed industry to be
concentrated at the city centre, and phys¬ alpine glacier a valley glacier,
ical accessibility (and thus transport forn\ed in an amphitheatre among moun¬
costs) to be the prime consideration of tain summits, descending a mountain val¬
those setting up industry as well as those ley and ending by melting or spreading
working and living in the urban area. From out into a piedmont glacier.
this he suggested that a simultaneous res¬
Alpine orogeny, Alpine earth move¬
olution of bid price curves, each related
ments, Alpine revolution the great
to a different category ofland user, explains
mountain-building movements which
the variations in land values and land use,
took place mainly in the Tertiary period,
etc., and thus the urban land use pattern.
culminating in the Miocene (geolo¬
alp i. high mountain pasture, snow- gical timescale) and resulted in the
covered in winter, usually above the tree creation of the Alpides or Alpine systems of
line, on a gently sloping bench or the Alps, Carpathians, Balkan Mountains,
shoulder-2, commonly on the side of Pyrenees, Atlas and other great chains.
a u-shaped valley where there is an OROGENESIS.
abrupt change of slope. In summer it pro¬
Altaides, Altaids, Altaid orogeny the
vides rich pasture, and in some cases a site
great mountain chains stretching through
for a seasonal dwelling for herdsmen. It
central Europe and Asia, the result of the
may also afford a site for pemianent hous¬
Altaid orogeny which took place in
ing or a wintersports centre 2. pi. alps,
late Carboniferous into Permian times
high, especially snow-capped, mountains
(geological timescale). The name is
broadly similar to the Alps of Switzerland
derived from the Altai mountains of cen¬
and adjacent European countries.
tral Asia, which are typical of the system.
alpha index a measure of connectivity in ALPIDES, ARMORICAN OROGENY, HER-
a network-2: CYNIAN, VARISCAN.
alpine adj. i. of, pertaining to, or charac¬ altimeter an instrument for measuring
teristic of, the Alps or any similar high altitude, used in aircraft and by surveyors
mountains 2. the parts ofa mountain above on land, which employs the fall in
the tree line and below permanent atmospheric pressure with height above
snow, or the plants and animals living in sea-level (averaging 3 4 mb: 1 in of mercury
that zone, alpine orogeny. for each 300 m: 1000 ft) as an index. Elec-
ammonium nitrate
tronic techniques are used in a radio oncoming warm front and indicating
altimeter. rain, cirrostratus.
V v
\ V
anthropocentrism the state or quality of closed isobars (iso-), fairly widely spaced.
being focused on human beings, eco- Winds are light and variable, blowing
CENTRISM. round such a system in a clockwise direc-
anti-dip stream
apparent time
and in a direction (i.e. westerly) opposite aphelion (Green apo, from; helios, the
to that of the surface winds of middle sun) that point farthest from the sun in the
latitudes known as the trade winds 2. orbit of a comet or planet. The earth
formerly, but no longer, applied to the arrives at aphelion on 4 July, when it is
surface westerly winds (now termed some 152 mn km (94.5 mm mi) distant
westerlies) of middle latitudes, also from the sun. apsis, perihelion.
termed counter-trades (also an obsolete
apogean tide the tidal condition when
the moon is at its apogee, so that its
anti-urbanism a very strong dislike of, gravitational pull is reduced, resulting in
an aversion to, large towns and cities. lower high tides and higher low tides,
URBANISM. with a tidal range smaller than is usual.
anvil cloud, incus cloud a wedge-
shaped cloud formed at the head of a large apogee 1. the point farthest from the earth
cumulonimbus cloud, levelled by winds in the orbit of a planet (especially of the
at a height of some 6000 m (20 000 ft), the moon) or satellite 2. the greatest distance
lowest level of the stratosphere, ice of the sun from the earth when the earth
Appleton layer
crossings is not constant; thus mean solar aquaculture the management of aquatic
time is a more useful measure. environments for the production of
organic materials, mainly concentrated at
Appleton layer F2 layer, the upper present on pisciculture, fish farming,
stratum of the ionosphere (i.e. above the controlled breeding and rearing offish
the Heaviside layer, the E layer) about (freshwater or marine) for commercial
300 km (190 mi) above the surface of the purposes, fish farm.
earth, the layer in which ionization by
solar radiation results in the refraction and aquatic adj. living in, growing in, or fre¬
reflection of short radiowaves back to quenting, water, estuarine, marine,
earth. It was identified by Sir Edward RIPARIAN, TERRESTRIAL.
Victor Appleton, 1892—1965, an English
aqueduct an artificial channel built to
physicist and 1947 Nobel prizewinner.
carry water from one place to another,
areal differentiation
court adjoining and giving access to the sidqd mountain ridge, especially one
basement of a dwelling 3. in measures, the formed when two cirques have been
extent in two dimensional space, i.e. the developed back to back. An alternative
extent of a surface contained within given term is comb-ridge.
limits, calculated by the use of any of vari¬
argillaceous adj. clayey, containing clay,
ous formulae, e.g. for a square, circle,
or clay-like in composition or texture,
ellipse, etc.4. a sphere of operation, e.g.
applied especially to a sedimentary
sterling area 5. a mental image of extent,
rock in which clay minerals (mainly of
possibilities, or range.
aluminium and iron silicates, clay-i) pre¬
areal differentiation the varied nature dominate. ARENACEOUS.
of the earth’s surface, apparent in the
argillic horizon a soil horizon (com¬
character, pattern, and interrelationship of
monly the B horizon) in which clay-i
relief, climate, soil, vegetation, land use,
minerals have accumulated by illu¬
population distribution, and so on, which
together produce a mosaic of dissimilar
units. That concept formed the basis of arid adj. dry, parched, lacking moisture,
regional geography (region-i), but in applied especially to climate or land (arid
the 1980s the study of regional (areal) land), the main factors being insufficient
differentiation came to the fore in rainfall and a rate of evaporation
HUMAN GEOGRAPHY. GLOBALIZATION, exceeding that of the precipitation.
HUMANISTIC GEOGRAPHY, INTERNA¬ aridisols, aridosols in soil classifica¬
TIONAL DIVISION OF LABOUR, UNEVEN tion, USA, an order of soils with gener¬
areic, aretic adj. without flow, applied desert and arid regions.
artesian well
together several quantities and dividing by the Harz Mountains of Germany, is used
the number of those quantities, e.g. the by some authors as synonymous with
total of the values of a variable for all Armorican; but others consider that the
the observations in a data set divided by Armorican mountains constitute the
the total number of observations, cen¬ western sector of the Hercynian system,
tral TENDENCY, MEDIAN, MODE. the Variscan the eastern.
Fig 3 The London basin: a typical artesian basin and well. The London Clay and the Gault
Clay are impermeable, the Chalk is an aquifer
deep well in which water rises under pres¬ settlement and plant growth, adret,
sure, but not necessarily to the surface. UBAC.
Such wells are sometimes distinguished
asphalt pitch, a viscous, brownish-black
as sub-artesian, the water having to be
bituminous substance, a mixture of
pumped to the surface, as distinct from
hydrocarbons, occurring naturally
the true artesian, naturally flowing, wells.
(e.g. in Trinidad Pitch Lake, or the Atha-
artifact, artefact a simple object made baska tar sands, Canada) or as an industrial
by human workmanship, especially one residue in the refining of some varieties of
related to prehistoric time, e.g. a stone petroleum. It is used mainly as a surfacing
tool. material for roads, a waterproofing mater¬
ial for flat roofs, and in some fungicides
artificial adj. made by a person, by human
and paints, bitumen.
activity, as opposed to natural.
assimilation in society, the process by
artificial recharge the introduction of
which various groups in society merge,
surface water into an aquifer by means
lose their distinguishing characteristics,
of recharge wells, recharge.
their separate identities, are absorbed one
Asean, Asean+ the Association of South- with another in a ‘melting pot’, and
East Asian Nations was established in 1967 become culturally homogeneous-i.
by Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, ACCOMMODATION, ACCULTURATION,
Singapore and Thailand to improve CULTURE CONTACT, INTEGRATION,
regional security, joined by Brunei in PLURAL SOCIETY.
1984. It developed into a trading bloc.
Later the six Asean countries were joined Association of South-East Asian
by Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea and Nations asean.
Taiwan to make an even larger trading
asteroid a planetoid, one of several thou¬
sand small planets in stable orbit round
ash 1. the powdery residue left after a the sun in the solar system, occurring
substance has been burnt 2. the material mainly in the asteroid belt between Mars
known as volcanic ash ejected from and Jupiter. They are rocky, metallic or
the crater ofa volcano in eruption. This carbon-rich bodies, comprising the matter
is not true ash: it is not produced by burn¬ remaining after the formation of the
ing, but consists of fine particles (the planets, and occasionally collide one
majority of which measure less than 4 mm with another and fragment, meteorite.
in their long dimension) ofpulverizedlava.
asthenosphere (erroneously spelled aes-
ash cone the volcanic cone formed by thenosphere) a weak sphere, the zone of
ash-2 ejected during eruption, cinder hot rock, believed to be in a plastic con¬
CONE. dition, underlying the solid lithosphere
(the earth’s crust), the top of the zone
lying some 70 to 150 km (45 to 95 mi),
the bottom some 200 to 360 km (125 to
aspect the direction in which a thing faces, 225 mi), below the earth’s surface. It is
particularly applied to slopes in relation sometimes termed the soft layer of mantle,
to the sun on account of its affect on or the low velocity zone (LVZ), the latter
because earthquake shock waves travel in and rocks rich in alkalis, andesite
'it at reduced speed. Horizontal currents LINE, PACIFIC SUITE, SPILITIC SUITE.
in this zone may be associated with plate
movements, plate tectonics, Guten¬
Atlantic type of coastline a type of
coastline developed where the main folds
and trend lines, often faulted, run at right
astronaut one who travels outside the angles or obliquely to the coastline, in
earth’s atmosphere, a space traveller. The contrast to the Pacific type (concord¬
alternative term, cosmonaut, is preferred ant COAST, LONGITUDINAL COAST)
in Russia. where they run parallel to the coastline.
V 'v
atmospheric cell
of 760 mm (29.92 in) of mercury at o°C radiation between lower and higher
(32°F) under standard gravity, at sea-level, latitudes, the differences in energy distri¬
or to a weight of air of 1033.3 gm Per scl bution in the atmosphere and the tendency
cm (14.66 lb per sq in), the average pressure for these differences to be smoothed out,
over the earth’s surface under those con¬ and the angular momentum of the earth
ditions. ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE. Fig 4. and its atmosphere. Fig 5.
attrition V 'v
azonal soil
southern. But in the northern hemisphere minimum level even without visiting
popularly regarded as September, October some of them (indirect contact
and November; in the southern hemi¬ space). Awareness space includes activity
sphere, February, March and April. space (the area within which most of a
person’s activities are carried out, within
available relief local relief, the vertical
which the individual comes most fre¬
distance from the original, fairly flat upland
quently into contact with others and with
surface (i.e. from the height of a surface
the features of the environment), and its
which is being dissected) to the local base
area enlarges as new locations are dis¬
level (the valley floors) of the dissecting
covered and/or new information is gath¬
streams, relief.
avalanche a French dialect term originally
axial plane the imaginary surface dividing
applied to a large mass of snow mixed
the limbs of a fold as symmetrically as
with earth, stones and ice loosened from
possible, and passing through the axis of
a mountainside and falling swiftly by
the fold. Different types of fold are identi¬
gravity to the valley below (snow
fied by the inclination-2 from the ver¬
avalanche). The term avalanche is now
tical of the axial plane. Fig 24.
usually restricted and applied to a fall of a
mass ofsnow, ice andFiRN, being qualified axis 1. a real or imaginary line around
if used to cover similar movements of which a thing rotates 2. one of the refer¬
other materials, e.g. rock avalanche (better ence lines in a coordinate system 3. an
termed a landslide), sand avalanche alliance between countries which aims to
(plinth). ensure a common policy.
avalanche cone a mass of matenal axis of a fold the central line ofa fold , the
deposited by an avalanche, including crest from which strata dip downwards
not only the snow, ice, or firn but also and away in an anticline, or the central
everything torn away and carried along by line of the lowest depth of the trough from
the avalanche. which strata rise in opposite directions in
avalanche wind the rush of air produced
by and preceding an avalanche in its
axis of the earth the diameter between
the north pole and the south pole,
aven I. a vertical or inclined shaft in lime¬ tilted at an angle of about 66°3 o' to the
stone leading down, generally from the plane of the earth’s orbit, around which
land surface, to a cave passage 2. in Eng¬ the earth rotates (anti-clockwise) once in
land, an enlarged vertical joint in the roof every 24 hours, orbit of the earth,
Azores high
back slope, back-slope the gentler slope applied to a large, dry region in South
V s.
is now applied to similar lands elsewhere, strip from that of another, the major to
e.g. in Algeria and Morocco. separate groups of strips. The larger balks,
primarily grass-covered ‘occupation
bajada, bahada (Spanish) a continuous
roads’, were usually termed town balks or
apron of gently sloping sediments, e.g.
common balks to distinguish them from
gravel and coarse sand, formed by the
the minor balks between stops.
merging of alluvial fans laid down by
swollen streams from a series of mountain balkanization the division of an area into
streams where they debouch on a plain at small units, sometimes implying mutual
the base of a mountain range in an arid or hostility among such units, or between
semi-arid area. those units and others outside the area.
balance of nature the relationship Baltic shield the prec ambri an platform
between all the component parts of the of Finland and eastern Scandinavia.
biosphere which, by interaction one SHIELD.
with another, ensure that it is in a state of
bamboo a grass native to tropical and
equilibrium. The balance is delicate and
subtropical regions. The economically
can be upset by human activity.
important varieties have edible shoots and
balance of payments I. the relationship grain and/or hollow, hard, durable stems
between the credits of one nation or group used, especially in Asia, for tools, furniture,
of nations against all other trading partners mats and papermaking, etc., and in build¬
and the debits of that nation or group of ings and their construction.
nations to all other trading partners over
banana a giant herb native to tropical
a specified period of time 2. a systematic
areas, now widely cultivated there for its
record of all economic transactions
nutritious, sweet fruit (a staple food in
between one nation or group of nations
some tropical countries) which grows in
and all other nations with which it has
bunches or stems about 10 to 12 half¬
contacts. Theoretically total debits and
spirals, known as ‘hands’ and markedly
total credits should balance. Included are
separated from each other, each hand con¬
all goods (visible, such as manufactured
sisting of 12 to 16 ‘fingers’. The export
goods, raw materials, bullion, etc.) and
trade is important internationally and vital
services (invisible, covering transport,
to some banana-growing countries. It is
banking, insurance, interest payments,
large-scale and highly organized. The
tourism etc. as well as the flow of capital).
bunches are cut when the fruit is green,
before npening, transported in chambers
balance of trade the relationship cooled at a constant temperature, as near as
between a nation’s total visible imports possible to io° to ii°C(5I°F) and carefully
and exports, i.e. of goods, balance of ripened on arrival at the importing
PAYMENTS. country.
balk, baulk a piece of unploughed land bank 1. sloping ground bordering a river,
used for grazing and giving access to the stream or lake 2. in the north of England,
ploughed parts of an open field under the a hill or hillside 3. an elevation in the floor
medieval system, the minor ones being of a river or a shallow sea, usually of sand,
used as boundaries to separate one man’s mud, gravel (not of solid rock or coral),
in some cases connected with the shore, barbed drainage a pattern of drainage in
but not sufficiently near the surface as to which tributaries meet the mam stream
be dangerous to shipping. at obtuse angles, i.e. at such angles that
their flow appears to be directed to the
bank caving the undercutting and ero¬ source of the main stream. It is caused
sion of the bank-i by water flowing on by river capture which has reversed
the outside curve of a river, resulting in the direction of flow of the main stream.
the washing downstream of the material Fig 17.
so dislodged, lateral erosion.
barchan a crescent-shaped dune of shift¬
bankfull stage in river flow, the stage ing sand formed when the direction of the
when the channel is completely filled with wind varies only very slightly or not at all.
water, from bank to bank, the stage before The windward side is convex, with
the river overflows, flood stage, over¬ a gentle slope, the steeper leeside is
bank STAGE, STREAM STAGE. concave, and the ‘horns’ point downwind.
It travels if an adequate supply of sand is
banner cloud a cloud touching and maintained; it occurs singly, or in groups;
flowing out like a banner on the lee side and the height ranges from quite low to
of a mountain peak in clear sky. It occurs over 30 m (100 ft), parabolic dune.
when water vapour in a forced up-draught Fig 6.
of warm air from the mountainside con¬
denses and the cooled air descends down¬ bare fallow fallow land left without a
wind, to be warmed, so that it rises again. crop for a whole season, fallow, green
until the ultimate complete evaporation bar graph, bar chart a diagram drawn
of the water droplets. The best known to display data. It consists of a series ofbars
example is the cloud of the Matterhorn. or columns, representing categories, the
LEE WAVE. length of each bar or column being pro¬
portional to the quantity represented. The
bar I. loosely applied to a marine deposit
bars are sometimes set horizontally (e.g.
of mud, sand, shingle, covered by water
population pyramid, taking the form
at least at high tide (barrier), e.g. across
of a pyramid) or vertically (as columns),
an estuary, parallel to the shore (longshore
the relative importance of each category
or offshore bar), across a bay (bay bar),
becoming immediately clear. All the bars
between an island and the mainland (tom-
have the same width, and may be separated
bolo), across the access to a harbour
from each other by small spaces, to
(harbour bar) 2. in USA, the deposits of
emphasize that each category is distinct.
alluvium etc. in streams, river mouths
The bars may show total values, or they
and some lakes 3. in meteorology, the unit
may be divided to show the constituent
of atmospheric pressure equivalent to
parts of the total values. Fig 38.
1 mn dynes per sq cm: 29.5306 in or
750.076 mm of mercury at o°C in latitude barley a cultivated grass of the genus Hor-
45°N. The unit commonly used is the deum. It is one of the food grains, but it
millibar (mb), a thousandth part of a bar. does not make good bread. Flat barley
In si 1 bar = 10 newtons, atmosphere, cakes (the barley loaves of the Bible) are
BAROMETER. made and eaten in north Africa and some
V v
Fig 6 Barchan
eastern countries, but a major use ofbarley barometer an instrument, of which there
is, as formerly, in the brewing of beer and are several forms, for measuring atmo¬
the making of whisky (a fact recognized spheric pressure, used in estimating
by the old English terms ‘bread corn’, height above sea-level and in weather
applied to wheat and rye; and ‘drink corn’, forecasting. In the mercury barometer the
applied to barley). Today barley is grown weight of a column of mercury is balanced
principally for animal feed. Barley against that of a column of the atmosphere,
flourishes generally under conditions sim¬ with adjustments made for latitude (stand¬
ilar to those which suit wheat, but it ardized to 46°N), temperature (to I2°C:
tolerates poorer and lighter soils. It can take 53 °F), altitude (average decrease of 3 3.9 mb:
advantage of the long hours of daylight in 1 in mercury for each 275 m: 900 ft
northern latitudes, so ‘arctic’ barley grows for the first 1000 m: 3300 ft, progress¬
farther north than any other grain. It will ively decreasing thereafter with height)
grow higher up mountain slopes than and for any peculiarity of the (usually sens¬
wheat, but it is even less tolerant than itive) individual instrument. A vertical
wheat of damp conditions. tube is sealed at the top end, with the bot¬
tom, open end, standing in a container
barogram a continuous record of changes holding mercury; atmospheric pressure
of atmospheric pressure as measured is measured by the vertical height of the
by an aneroid barometer, indicated by column of mercury which the atmosphere
a curve drawn on scaled paper. will support. In the aneroid (without
liquid) barometer, used in altimeters
barograph a self-recording barometer,
and barographs, a shallow metal box or
in which a pen linked to an aneroid baro¬
cylinder is nearly exhausted of air. In one
meter records changes in atmospheric
pressure on a revolving cylinder which type, this metal box has flexible sides which
expand and contract with changing air
makes one complete revolution each
pressure; in another the thin metal upper
barriers and diffusion waves
face (the top), which is corrugated, is held coastal features, a bank of mud, sand,
up by an external clip spring; as the air shingle, etc. is usually termed a bar-i if
pressure changes it upsets the balance it is submerged at least at high tide, a
between the spring and the pressure in the barrier if it lies above high tide level.
box/cylinder, so that the top moves. In BARRIER BEACH, BARRIER CHAIN, BAR¬
either type, the movements are magnified RIER ISLAND, BARRIERS AND DIFFUSION
and transmitted by a system of levers to a WAVES.
pointer moving over a calibrated scale.
barrier beach a long, narrow, sandy
The aneroid barometer generally available
ridge, lying above high tide level and paral¬
is not capable of absolute accuracy, and is
lel to the coast from which it is separated
not to be compared with the precision
by a lagoon. The term is used some¬
models used in aviation and meteorology.
times as synonymous with spit, barrier
barometric gradient pressure gradient, CHAIN, BARRIER ISLAND.
the amount of change in atmospheric
barrier chain a series of barrier
pressure between two points, indicated
islands and barrier beaches ex¬
by the distance apart on a level surface of
tending a considerable distance along a
the isobars (iso-) on a synoptic chart.
Closely spaced isobars indicate great
differences in pressure and therefore a barrier island a feature similar to a bar¬
steep gradient, associated with strong rier beach but consisting of several
winds, in some cases with tropical ridges, commonly with dunes, vegeta¬
revolving storms; isobars with wide tion and swampy areas on the lagoon
intervening spaces indicate only small side. The term barrier spit is sometimes
differences, and thus a gentle gradient. used in the USA if the barrier island is at
one end joined to the mainland, spit.
barometric tendency the character
(increasing or decreasing) and amount of barrier lake a lake formed by a natural
change in atmospheric pressure dur¬ obstruction across a valley, e.g. by an ava¬
ing a specified period, usually of three lanche, ROCK FALL, ALLUVIAL deposits,
hours. terminal moraine, orby a dam formed
by a build-up of vegetation, ice, lava,
barrage i. a large structure, usually of
masonry or concrete, occasionally of earth,
built to hold up a large quantity of water, barrier reefa coral reef skirting a shore
especially for irrigation. A dam similarly and some distance from it, so that it acts
impounds water, but in some cases the as a barrier between the open ocean and
term dam is used if the generation ofpower the sheltered lagoon lying between the
is involved, barrage if it is not. Sometimes reef and the coast. On a large scale the
the two are distinguished by the duration Great Barrier Reef, stretching for over
ofwater storage, i.e. a barrage serves annual 1600 km (1000 mi) off the coast of Queens¬
storage of floodwater only, a dam has per¬ land, Australia, functions in that way.
ennial use 2. part of a tidal power station
barriers and diffusion waves barriers
(tidal barrage).
that act as a drag on the process of
barrier something that hinders or pre¬ diffusion-1 are commonly classified
vents access or advance. Referring to according to the decreasing amount of
\ s.
drag exhibited, i.e. the superabsorbing vents or fissures it tends to be very fluid
barrier (absorbing the message but and to flood evenly over large areas before
destroying the transmitter), the absorbing consolidating, hence many lava plains or
(absorbing the message but not affecting plateaus are of basalt. It may solidify into
the transmitter), the reflecting (not absorb¬ perfect hexagonal columns (e.g. Giant’s
ing the message, but allowing the transmit¬ Causeway), spheroidal weathering.
ter to transmit a new message in the same
time period) or the direct reflecting (not
basaltic adj. of, pertaining to, or con¬
absorbing the message but deflecting it to sisting of BASALT.
barrio shanty town. basal till till, in many cases with a high
clay content, carried underneath or
barrow, tumulus a prehistoric mound deposited by a moving glacier.
of earth, piled over a burial ground,
common in the British Isles and other parts base 1. in general, the bottom, the lowest
of western Europe, neolithic. part or that on which something stands or
rests 2. in chemistry, a substance which
barter I. trade by exchange, without the
reacts with an acid to form a salt and water
use of money 2. the thing so exchanged.
only; or a substance which, dissolved in
water, provides hydroxyl ions from its
barysphere loosely applied, sometimes to own molecules; or a molecule or ion
the dense mass (possibly of nickel-iron) which accepts protons. 3. in statistics, a
believed to occupy the core of the earth number or magnitude used as a standard
below the mantle, sometimes to the reference.
mantle only, sometimes (and this is prefer¬
able) to the core and mantle together, base flow a term applied particularly in
i.e. all of the earth’s interior beneath the North America to that part of a stream
basement, basement complex, basal gas, electricity and water; transport and
complex a term loosely applied to the communication; agriculture and fishing.
assemblage of ancient igneous and
basic lava, basaltic lava the most
metamorphic rocks which usually, but
common type of lava, molten igneous
not always, underly the precambrian
rock, high in iron, magnesium and
stratified rocks in any particular region.
other metallic element content, low in
basic adj. I. in chemistry, of the nature of silica, and with a low melting point,
a base-2, the opposite of acidic, reacting which pours easily and quietly from a
chemically with acids (acid) to form salts volcanic vent, spreading widely before
(pH) 2. BASAL. hardening (commonly as basalt) to
form a shield volcano or broad pla¬
basic activity, basic function, basic
industry in urban development, a manu¬
facturing or service activity within a city
or urban area which provides goods and basic —non-basic ratio the proportion
services and thus earns revenue from of BASIC ACTIVITY to NON-BASIC
outside the city or urban area, i.e. in activity in the economy of a city or
this context a ‘primary’ or ‘export’ indus¬ region, measured either by numbers
try. BASIC INDUSTRY, ECONOMIC BASE employed or by the value of production.
THEORY, EXPORT BASE THEORY, LOWRY The larger the city, the higher the pro¬
MODEL, NON-BASIC ACTIVITY, URBAN portion of non-basic workers.
basic rock a term loosely applied to an
basic Bessemer process a method used igneous rock which lacks quartz and
to remove phosphorus from pig iron contains feldspar with a content of cal¬
in the process of making cast steel, intro¬ cium higher than that of sodium. As the
duced in 1890 in the USA. A Bessemer sodium content decreases the basic rocks
converter (bessemer process) was lined become intermediate rocks; as the
with a material incorporating lime to serve feldspar decreases the basic rocks become
as a ‘base’ with which the phosphorus, ultrabasic. (A basic rock is not syn¬
escaping from the iron, could combine onymous with an alkaline rock.)
(hence the name). If the proportion of
basic slag waste material from blast
phosphorus was too high to be removed
furnaces, rich in minerals, especially
in that way, more lime was added. The
phosphorus, used as a fertilizer.
product was known as basic steel.
\ v
basin and range
beach cusp
birds are confined to cages, fed and (translation of Bucht), the spread of the
watered by automatic devices. They drop lowland into an upland area along a river
their eggs into channels running under the valley, e.g. Kolnische Bucht 5. a recess in
cages; the killing of the birds for meat is a range of hills or mountains.
automated, factory farm.
bay bar, bay barrier (American, bay-
bauxite (derived from deposits at Baux, mouth bar) a ridge of sand, mud or shingle
near Arles, France) a naturally occur¬ extending across a bay-i, linking the two
ring aluminium oxide, an amorphous, headlands, caused by the lengthening of
earthy, granular mineral containing one spit or the convergence of two, or
iron oxides and phosphate, the colour the moving of an offshore bar towards
ranging from grey-white through yellow, the coast.
brown, red. Now the principal commer¬
bay-head beach, pocket beach a cres¬
cial ore of aluminium, it occurs widely
cent-shaped accumulation of sand and
in feldspars and other silicates which
shingle piled up at the head of a small
readily break down in tropical conditions;
cove on a sea coast.
hence bauxite is found as a surface crust
in tropical lands. bay-head delta a delta occurring at the
bay i. a term applied loosely to a wide, head of a bay-i.
beach ridges
and gravel with the apex pointing sea¬ beaded valley a valley with alternating
wards, alternating with bay-like depres¬ narrow and wide sections.
sions, usually one of a series along a
bearing the horizontal angle measured
straight, open beach, resulting from the
clockwise between a specific reference line
swash and backwash ofwaves breaking
and a point viewed by the observer 1. for
at right angles to the coast. The distance
a true bearing the reference line is the
between the points, increasing generally
meridian, so a true bearing is measured
with wave height, varies from 9 to 60 m
clockwise from true north 2. a mag¬
(30 to 200 ft).
netic bearing is measured clockwise from
beach ridges low sandy ridges on a coast magnetic north 3. a compass bearing is
representing a successive series ofBERMS-i measured clockwise from the north indic¬
produced in the progradation of a ated by the compass 4. a grid beanng is
BEACH. measured from the north—south grid-i
lines on a map 5. a reverse (reciprocal)
beaded drainage small pools joined by
bearing is the reverse or reciprocal of a
streams caused by the melting of the
given beanng, i.e. a line drawn 180° from
ground surface in permafrost regions.
any beanng.
beaded esker an esker with a succession
Beaufort scale a scale widely used for
of mounds strung out along the ridge, like
measuring and recording the strength of
beads on a string, indicating pauses in the
the wind, based on estimated velocity as
retreat of the glacier that fed the stream
10 m (33 ft) above the ground, devised by
which formed the esker.
Admiral Sir Francis Beaufort, rn, in 1805,
beaded lakes strings of long, narrow lakes used internationally since 1874, slightly
between sand dunes. modified 1926.
0 calm 0 0
1 light air 1-5-5 i-3
light winds -
2 light breeze 6-12 4-7
. 3 gentle breeze 13-20 8-12
Notice that moderate gale, 7, is for statistical purposes classified under moderate winds.
bed i. the floor, the land at the bottom (including a person or people), or to a
of a body of water (sea, lake, river, canal, particular object, or to a particular event
pond), usually permanently covered by 2. the way in which an organ, an organism,
the water but possibly intermittently dned or a machine works, in terms of its effici¬
out 2. in geology, a layer of stratum of ency. ADAPTIVE BEHAVIOUR, ADOPTIVE
rock, a feature ofa sedimentary rock-i BEHAVIOUR.
distinguished from adjacent layers by its
behavioural adj. concerned with, or a
composition, structure or texture, and sep¬
part of, BEHAVIOUR-1,2.
arated from the overlying and underlying
layers by well marked bedding planes. behavioural approach in psychology i.
INTERBEDDED. the study of humans and animals-2 in
terms of their behaviour, the concepts
bedding the arrangement of rock strata
of‘mental’ or ‘subjective’ processes being
in bands of various thickness and character.
considered of little importance, and usu¬
ally excluded 2. a synonym for behavi¬
bedding plane the plane of stratification, ourism.
the surface separating the successive dis¬
behavioural environment the part of
tinctive layers of sedimentary rock, in
the environment perceived (percep¬
many cases forming a line of weakness.
tion) by the individual, to which
bedload traction load, the solid material, the individual responds or to which
e.g. sand and gravel, and sometimes large behaviour-i is directed. It is the
boulders in time of flood, pushed or rolled environment in which rational human
by a stream-2 (traction), or bouncing behaviour begins, in which decisions are
(saltation) along the bed-i of a taken which may or may not result in
stream-i , as distinct from the material conscious use or alteration of the
carried in suspension (suspended PHENOMENAL ENVIRONMENT, Or in a
LOAD) Or SOLUTION-1 (dissolved change in the individual’s relationship
load). with, or exposure to, that environment.
beheading, of river
observable, and preferably the measurable, with height in metres/feet to one place of
reaction of human beings (and an- decimals.
imals-2) to external stimuli, the study
beneficiation the first step in the removal
of ‘mental’ or ‘subjective’ processes (e.g.
of a commercially valuable mineral from
consciousness, introspection, freewill
the country rock or gangue sur¬
etc.) being excluded because these can¬
rounding it after extraction from the
not be directly observed and measured.
ground. The process is usually a simple
one (e.g. crushing, magnetic separation,
beheading, of river river capture. flotation) carried out at or near the site of
the mine or other working. The aim is to
bell pit an early type of mine in which a
concentrate the ore to keep down the cost
seam of chalk or coal or other deposit was
of its transport to the works where it is to
worked from the base of a shallow shaft,
be further processed.
the pit being abandoned when the roof
became unsafe. Subsidence around the Benelux countries Belgium, Nether¬
shafts later resulted in the formation of lands and Luxembourg, the countries
shallow depressions. which formed a customs union on 1 Janu¬
ary 1948. They joined the EEC in 1959,
belt 1. a district with particular, distinctive
and the full economic union of the three
characteristic(s) e.g. of climate (belt of
came into force on 1 November i960.
calms), of vegetation (tundra), of preval¬
ence of a mineral (coal), of a crop (cotton), Benioff zone the seismically (seismic)
ofland use (green belt), etc. It is generally active zone at the bottom of an ocean
in the form of a broad, long strip which trench where an oceanic plate dives into
may or may not encircle something; but the MANTLE. PLATE TECTONICS.
in some cases the term is used as a synonym
benthic adj. of, or relating to, the ben¬
for region-i, the shape being disregarded
2. a long narrow stretch of water (Great
Belt in the Baltic sea). benthic division, benthic zone one of
the two chief divisions of the aquatic
belt of calms itcz.
environment based on depth of water (the
bench a natural step or terrace, usually other being the pelagic division), con¬
narrow and backed by a steep slope, pro¬ sisting of all the floor of the ocean or lake
duced by structural change, natural (e.g. where benthos live, irrespective of the
by erosion, as is a wave-cut bench) depth of the floor. It is commonly divided
or artificial (e.g. by quarrying, mining). into two systems, the neritic and the
ALP-I, RIVER TERRACE. abyssal, the division in the ocean being
at the edge of the continental shelf.
bench mark BM, a surveyor’s mark cut
in some durable fixed material such as a benthos the plants or animals living at or
rock, or the wall or face of a building, for near the floor of the ocean or a lake,
which the height above the datum level irrespective of the depth of the floor. The
(in Britain the Ordnance Datum (od) at organisms are usually divided into lit¬
Newlyn, Cornwall) is accurately deter¬ toral benthos and deep water benthos.
mined. Bench marks are recorded on The abyssal benthos are plants and animals
British Ordnance Survey maps as BM, living on the very deep ocean or lake floor;
the phytobenthos are plants, the zoo¬ the later improved process (nor the open
benthos are animals, living on any other hearth process) removed any phos¬
ocean or lake floor, nekton, plankton, phorus present in the pig iron (phos¬
POTAMOBENTHOS. phorus makes steel brittle), so the Bessemer
process was satisfactory only if the iron
bergschrund (German) a wide crevasse
ore used (which came to be known as
or series of crevasses occurring between
Bessemer ore) lacked phosphorus or con¬
the rocky mountain wall of a cirque and
tained it only in minute quantity. In the
the mass of ice which occupies it. As the
basic Bessemer process, introduced in
ice, which will become a glacier, begins
1890, the phosphorus was extracted. The
to move down its valley it pulls away from
last Bessemer converter in the UK was
the wall and the ice apron attached to
closed in 1974. steel.
it, creating a crevasse with each wall of
ice, i.e. the bergschrund; but if there is beta index a measure of the connectivity
not an ice apron on the rock wall, the gap in a network-2. The number of edges
is termed a randkluft. are divided by the number of nodes. A
value of less than 1 indicates no circuits;
Bergwind, berg wind (Afrikaans and
1 indicates one circuit; greater than 1 more
German) in general a mountain wind, but
than one circuit, alpha index.
specifically in South Africa a hot, dry,
FOHN-like wind blowing mainly in winter betterment the fortuitous increase in the
down from the plateau towards the value of land which accrues to the owner
coast, and thus warming adiabatically. as a result of the operation of a planning
ADIABATIC. system or of public or private investment,
sometimes termed unearned increment.
berm i. a narrow ledge, shelf or terrace
formed by material thrown up on the
beach by storm waves to make a horizontal B horizon the soil layer underlying the
shelf above the foreshore 2. a remnant A horizon, an illuvial horizon into
flat surface, part of an earlier, broad valley which minerals etc. from the A horizon
floor, occurring above the present level of are washed. It is sometimes divided into
a river, originating from an interrupted an upper layer, B,, high organic content;
CYCLE OF EROSION. B2, the main depositional zone; and B3,
grading into the c horizon. The entry
Bessemer process a method of produ¬
on soil horizon shows refinements in
cing cast steel (Bessemer steel) devised by
the classification of the B horizon, soil,
Sir Henry Bessemer in 1860. In his original
method molten pig iron was poured into
a vessel known as a converter, lined with bias 1. in statistics, the distorting effect
a highly refractory material (usually gan- produced by a sample which does not
ister), arranged so that cold air could be accurately reflect the characteristics of the
blown through the molten mass to burn population-4 from which it is drawn
away the carbon and silicon. The due owing to systematic error rather than
proportion of carbon was then added to random error 2. in sociological sur¬
and mixed with the fused metal by a repe¬ vey, the distorting effect produced either
tition of the blowing, resulting in a very by questions which are framed in such
brittle steel. But neither the original nor a way that respondents are led to give
V. s.
bid price curve
bid price curve, bid rent curve a curve billabong (Australia: Aboriginal, dead
on a graph-i relating price (rent) to dis¬ river) an elongated waterhole in the bed
tance, showing the price a land user would of an intermittent stream, or a cut-off or
be willing to pay for a given area of land oxbow lake.
at various distances from a given point,
especially from the city centre. Activities binodal tidal unit an amphidromic
which depend on contacts and need to be (tidal) system in which there are two
located in the most accessible places (e.g. NODES-1. AMPHIDROMIC POINT.
head offices of banks) must have a central
location, and can afford the high prices binomial distribution in statistics, a
and rents of the centre: they will have a theoretical distribution-4 which pre¬
steep curve. Those activities not much dicts the p r o b a b i l i t y of a particular result
affected by their location, and which need occurring in a sample when the character¬
to avoid high rents, will have curves with istics of the parent population are known
a gentle slope. Under those simple terms and there are only two possible outcomes.
if the bid rent curve is superimposed on
binomial nomenclature the universally
the actual rent curve for a given city, the
accepted method of naming animals and
best location (optimum location) for
plants which avoids the confusion arising
a particular activity will be where the actual
from the use of local names. The generic
rent curvejust touches the lowest possible
name, designating the genus to which
part of the bid rent curve, i.e. where the
the animal or plant belongs, is written first,
actual rent curve equals the bid rent
with a capital (upper case) initial letter;
curve. The bid price and the value and
second is the specific (or trivial) name, that
use of land are interrelated, mutually
is the name peculiar to the species , printed
determining, alonso model, trade¬
with a small (lower case) initial letter.
off theory. Fig 8.
Those two names, the generic and the
biennial adj. as applied to plants, a plant specific, are usually printed in italics. The
which after seed germination vegetates for author who named and described the
one year, storing food for the second year, species follows, not in italic; if a species
when it flowers, fruits and dies, thus taking originally allocated to one genus is later
two years to complete its life-cycle. transferred to another, the name of the
ANNUAL, EPHEMERAL, PERENNIAL. original author is put in brackets. In
refinement, one of the species is com¬
bifurcation ratio the ratio between the
monly designated as the ‘type specimen’
number of streams of an order of magni¬
(holotype) and in later splitting of the
tude and the number of streams in the
species this type specimen is always
next higher order of magnitude (stream
included, followed by the name of the
order). The term has also been applied
new specimen which resembles it. clas¬
to central places, but has not been
sification OF ORGANISMS.
generally adopted.
Fig 8 Bid price curve, bid rent curve, and land use. Banking, with its intensive use of land,
can afford the high prices and rents of the city centre; golf courses, needing an expanse of land,
seek the low rents of the city outskirts
plants and animals (but usually con¬ area, or making up a particular trophic
sidered to exclude human beings) and the LEVEL-1 or POPULATION-3 2. the total
processes that produce the patterns of dis¬ weight of a species per unit area.
tribution, and of the interrelationship of
biome a major ecological community
plants and animals with their environment
(biotic community) ofliving plants and
over time. The branches are phytogeo¬
animals, occupying an extensive area, e.g.
graphy (concentrating on plants) and
zoogeography (on animals).
tundra. The plants of land biomes com¬
biogeomorphology the study of the prise FORMATIONS. ECOSYSTEM.
influence of landforms on the distribution
biometeorology the science of the
and development of plants, animals and
relationship between living organisms and
micro-organisms, and of their influence
the weather.
on the processes of the earth’s surface and
the development of landforms. biosphere I. the parts of the earth’s crust
and atmosphere (lithosphere, hydro¬
biogeosphere the outer part of the
sphere, atmosphere) occupied or pene¬
lithosphere down to the depth at which
trated by living organisms 2. only the living
there is no organic life.
organisms 3. the living organisms together
bioherm an ancient rock mass built up with the parts of the earth’s crust and
molluscs, algae and/or their remains, e.g. 4. the part of the earth’s crust and atmo¬
an ancient coral reef (biostrome), espe¬ sphere favourable to at least some form
cially one surrounded by rocks of different of life, divided into three biocycles (salt
biotic adj. of, pertaining to, or relating bird’s foot delta, birdfoot delta a
to, living organisms. delta with distributaries flanked by relat¬
ively narrow borders of sediments, pro¬
biotic community a local association of
jecting seawards in the pattern of a bird’s
interdependent plants and animals living
foot, e.g. the Mississippi delta. Fig 13.
in an area.
biotic factor an influence arising from birth control the prevention of concep¬
the activities ofliving organisms, including tion by vanous methods (protective
people, which affects the environment, as devices, hormonal control, sterilization,
distinct from such factors as the climatic induced abortion, avoidance of insem¬
(climatic elements) and the edaphic. ination at times of ovulation), important
in attempts to limit family-size, especially
biotic pyramid a graph showing the in overpopulated countries (overpopu¬
number of individuals at each trophic lation). Official birth control pro¬
level-i in a stable food chain, from grammes are difficult to implement and
the primary producers, to the primary, are not always successful. They may con¬
secondary and tertiary consumers. It is travene religious beliefs; be unwelcome in
inevitably shaped like a pyramid because cultures where large families are regarded
the number at each trophic level decreases, as an economic resource in the family, a
as explained under food chain. support for the aged and infirm; and in
some societies may be viewed as an eco¬
biotite a common, rock-forming min¬
nomic plot devised by industrialized
eral, a silicate of iron, magnesium, potas¬
countries to reduce the economic poten¬
sium and aluminium, a form of mica
tial of a large work force in less developed
commonly occurring in igneous and
metamorphic rocks, especially as black
crystals in granite. It is glassy and trans¬
parent, the colour ranging from dark green
birth-rate, birth rate in human popu¬
lation, the ratio of births to population
through to brown-black, ferromagne-
within a given period, commonly
measured by the average number of live
biotope I. a term used by some ecologists births per 1000 of the population. This is
to define a small community of plants and the crude birth-rate, or natural increase,
animals characteristic of a niche-i, the and currently ranges from 12 to 50, coun¬
smallest division of an ecosystem, bio¬ tries with a high standard ofliving record¬
sphere-4 2. a habitat in which there is ing between 15 and 20. The crude
uniformity in the main climatic, soil and death-rate is similarly measured in deaths
biotic conditions. per 1000 of population, and varies from
6 to 25 or more. At present death-rates
bipolar adj. pertaining to, occurring at,
continue to fall in most countries, owing
associated with, two poles or with the two
to improved medical skill and services;
polar regions.
but there is only a slight tendency for
bipolar distribution the distribution of birth-rates to fall, despite the spread
certain species found in areas to the north of birth control (the avoidance of
and south of a median zone, but not in unwanted pregnancies by prevention of
the intervening median zone itself. fertilization). As a result the world
population is still increasing, natural black smoker a submarine jet of very hot
CHANGE. wafer, gases (sulphur and methane) and
particles bursting through an oceanic
bitumen i. a general name for various
ridge as seawater drains into a crack in
viscous or solid mixtures of native
the spreading crust and is heated by the
hydrocarbons which have lost much
of their gaseous material, e.g. asphalt 2.
tar, the residue from the distillation of blanket bog, blanket peat a bog occur¬
COAL. ring on a relatively horizontal land surface
in regions of high rainfall and low evap¬
bituminous coal (American soft coal) oration, and covering the countryside like
humic coal, a coal containing from 75 a blanket, except on steep slopes and rock
to 92 per cent carbon, 4.5 to 5.6 per cent outcrops. It is common in Ireland, raised
hydrogen and yielding from 15 to 45 BOG, VALLEY BOG.
per cent volatile matter when heated out
of contact with air. The adjective bitumin¬
blast furnace a furnace used to produce
molten iron. Poor quality iron ores are
ous, based on the long-standing incorrect
subjected to a preliminary roasting to
assumption that these coals contain bitu¬
remove volatile impurities. The furnace,
men, is erroneous.
a large, vertical steel shell lined with re¬
black box approach an approach in fractory bricks, is then charged with the
systems analysis which ignores the ore, with coke and limestone, through
internal structure and functioning present which hot air is blasted. Carbon monoxide
within the system under study (e.g. the from ignited coke reduces the oxides to
human mind) and deals only with the iron, and the limestone acts as flux, so
nature of the output resulting from identi¬ that molten iron flows to the furnace
fied inputs. A grey box approach considers bottom, to be run off and cast into blocks
some of the sub-systems present, but is not known as pigs, hence the term pig iron.
concerned with their internal structure The process is now superseded by electric
and functioning; a white box approach smelting, arc furnace, steel.
tries to identify in as much detail as possible
blight in planning, the lowering of the
the sub-systems, components, processes
value of land and buildings brought about
etc. present within the system in order to
by official planning proposals which in¬
build up as complete an understanding as
dicate a change of land use or a shortening
possible of the system’s internal structure
of the life of the existing buildings. The
and functioning.
condition ofproperty affected by planning
blackearth, black earth a general term blight may detenorate as owners cease to
covering chernozem and the dark plastic care about its upkeep; and it may become
clays of tropical regions. unsaleable from the time when plans are
first discussed or from the official desig¬
black frost a hard frost without rime. nation, to the time of redevelopment,
GLAZE. despite the fact that in Britain compen¬
sation becomes payable on official acquisi¬
black ice a layer of glaze formed on
roads, the ice being so clear that it is invis¬
ible and extremely dangerous to traffic. blind valley a valley in limestone
country, dry or with a stream, which ends blowhole a nearly vertical, smallish hole
in a steep wall, into the base of which the on land near the seashore, the land opening
surface flow of water disappears under¬ of a funnel-shaped cave-i. Sea waves
ground. force air and water up from the cave
through the small opening, so that a spout
blizzard any very cold, strong wind
of spray is carried high in the air. A blow¬
accompanied by falling or drifting snow,
hole is formed when erosion occurs along
sometimes involving a white-out.
a vertical or nearly vertical joint which
passes from the land surface to the cave
block diagram I. a perspective drawing
giving a three-dimensional impression,
used particularly to show landforms 2. a blowout, blow-out I. a hollow
diagram showing the relationship between (deflation hollow) made by eddying wind
the surface form of the ground and the in tracts of light or sandy soil, occurring
underlying geological structure by rep¬ especially in a coastal sand dune area or in
resenting an imaginary block cut out of an arid plain if vegetation cover is lacking
the earth’s crust. (deflation) 2. a sudden, violent escape
of gas or steam.
block disintegration the mechanical
breaking-up of bedded, jointed rocks, blue-collar worker a person who is
usually by frost action along lines of engaged in and paid a wage for manual
weakness. work. WHITE-COLLAR WORKER.
plants (peat), sphagnum being charac¬ boreal adj. belonging to the north, applied
teristic. Bogs occur in areas of poor drain¬ especially to I. the northern coniferous
age where lack of oxygen in the forests-i 2. the climatic zone with
waterlogged soil inhibits the decom¬ snowy winters and short summers 3. the
position of dead plants, leading to the climatic period from 7500 to 5500 bc.
build-up of humic and other acids which PREBOREAL.
Brandt Report
perfect ability to calculate. Thus the con¬ follow a new course on the flat land of the
cept of economic man becomes unreal. valley.
water table rises above the height of the of the Independent Commission on Inter¬
valley floor, there may be a surface stream, national Development Issues, published
hence the term winterbourne. In summer, 1980. The Commission was set up in
when the water table sinks below the level December 1977 (at the invitation of
of the valley floor, the stream bed becomes Robert MacNamara, Chairman of the
dry. Bourne is often incorporated in place- World Bank) under the chairmanship of
names on the chalklands of southern Eng¬ Willy Brandt, German statesman and win¬
land, e.g. Bournemouth, Eastbourne. ner of the Nobel peace prize 1971. It
consisted of people with varied political
box-canyon a term applied in the western and professional experience outside the
USA to a canyon with more or less countries with a communist form of
vertical walls, to distinguish it from government. Eight members represented
canyon, a term commonly applied there the North, ten the South. Under the terms
to every young valley. of reference of the Commission ‘global
issues arising from economic and social
BP before the present day, used as a
disparities of the world community’ were
measure of time to avoid the necessity ol
to be studied, and ‘ways of promoting
using bc (before Christ, i.e. in the year
adequate solutions to the problems
before the reputed date of the birth of
involved in development and in attacking
Christ) or ad (Latin Anno Domini, in the
absolute poverty’ were to be suggested.
year of our Lord, i.e. in the year since the
The term North—South is accepted as a
reputed date of the birth of Christ).
misnomer, a very broad generalization to
braided river course (to braid, to twist stress the great social and economic im¬
in and out, to interweave) an anastomosing balance between the rich, developed
river course (anastomosis), a stream countries of the North, the northern
with a wide, shallow channel split into hemisphere (i.e. North America, exclud¬
many small, shallow, interlaced channels ing Mexico, the countries of Europe, the
separated by bars of alluvial material, vis¬ then USSR, China, Japan, to which are
ible when the water is low. It occurs par¬ added Australia and New Zealand from
ticularly when a heavily laden shallow the southern hemisphere) and the poor,
stream deposits so much sediment in its developing countries of the South (very
channel that the channel becomes too broadly, the rest of the world). There are
small, and part of the stream breaks out to of course anomalies in each, e.g. the South
N. S.
under that definition includes the devel¬ another, e.g. at a railway station, port or
oping but rich oil-exporting countries airport, piggyback transport.
of Arabia. Briefly to summarize the re¬
break of slope any more or less sudden
commendations of the Commission, the
change in a slope, e.g. of a hillside.
members advised the setting-up of a five-
year emergency programme to promote breccia a rock consisting of angular frag¬
food production for the world’s rapidly ments of other rocks cemented together
increasing population; to find new sources by some finer material. The term is not
of energy; to deal with the transnational apphed in English to a conglomerate
companies; to transfer financial resources in which the fragments are rounded.
from the rich to the poor countries; to start AGGLOMERATE.
to reorganize the international institutions
breck, breckland 1. a tract of heathland
with the aim of establishing a reformed
(heath) with thickets 2. a tract of land
economic system.
supporting such vegetation, cleared for
Brave West Winds the westerlies, the cultivation from time to time, then
planetary west or northwest winds blow¬ allowed to revert.
ing over the oceans of the southern hemi¬
brickearth 1. originally any earth, usually
sphere in midlatitudes (40°S to 65°S)
a loamy clay from which bricks could
where they blow with considerable force
be made 2. in current use, a fine-grained
and regularity, swinging to north or south
deposit overlying the gravels on river ter¬
under the influence of seasonal change
races, e.g. on certain of the Thames
terraces. Originating from wind-blown
material that has been re-worked, re¬
breached anticline an anticline in sorted and re-deposited by water, it has
which the drainage, developed along the been likened to loess. It forms a fertile,
ridge (the axis) of the anticline, has eroded friable soil.
the overlying rocks along this line ofweak-
brickfielder, brick fielder a hot, dry,
ness, revealing the underlying older rocks,
dusty, squally wind, blowing in south¬
and thus creating an anticlinal valley
eastern Australia in summer southwards
with escarpments facing inwards.
from the interior in front of a
breaker a mass of turbulent water and depression-3.
foam, breaking violently against a rocky
bridge-point, bridging point a point
shore or passing over a reef or shallows,
at which a river is or could be bridged.
formed when a heavy ocean wave rushes
from deep to shallow water, so that its bridlepath, bridleway 1. a path fit for
crest steepens, rolls over, and breaks. the passage of a horse or a pedestrian, but
This occurs particularly when the ratio not for a vehicle 2. a path which may
of wave height to wave length is greater in English law have a right of way for
than 1:7. pedestrians and riders on horseback, but
not for wheeled vehicles.
break-of-bulk point in a transport
system, the point where cargo (some¬ brigalow in Australia, scrub, mainly of
times broken into smaller units) is trans¬ Acacia species, bordering the mulga in
ferred from one mode of transport to dry areas of Australia.
brown soils
brine a very salt solution, commonly con¬ used as a synonym for lignite, but brown
taining a higher proportion of a dissolved coal is nearer bituminous coal: the plant
salt than that occurring in seawater. fragments have been changed into an
amorphous mass. Brown coal is usually
brine pan a shallow pit or vessel used in
worked opencast. Heavy and soft, it is
the process of extracting salt from salt water
used mainly in thermal power stations near
by evaporation.
to the minehead. For domestic and indus¬
briquette, briquet a brick-shaped block trial use it is made into briquettes.
of compressed coal fragments, usually of
brown earth, brown forest soil the
brown coal or lignite, the calorific
rather unsatisfactory name for a range of
value being high because water has been
zonal soils with merging horizons, gen¬
expelled in the compression.
erally associated with the lands in midlat¬
British Summer Time bst. itudes formerly covered with deciduous
woodland, i.e. the region south of the
Broad, Broadlands, the Broads a local
boreal coniferous forest or taiga, in
term applied in East Anglia, England, to
northeast USA, northern China, central
shallow freshwater lakes formed by the
Japan, northwestern and central Europe.
broadening out of a sluggish river, the sites
There the humid climate and mull-2 lead
where peat for fuel was dug out in the
to the formation of a slightly leached,
middle ages.
slightly acid a horizon, with a grey-
broadleaved trees any tree of Dicoty- brown lower layer (less leached than that
ledonae, many with a leaf form generally of a podzol) and a b horizon that is
wide in relation to length. Most are granular, thick, dark brown, with bases-2
deciduous, but some are evergreen. and colloids from the A horizon, cal¬
careous brown forest soils are included.
bronze a metal, an alloy of copper and
tin, hard and resistant to moisture and brown field site a built-up area with
weathering. It expands when solidifying, obsolete buildings and derelict land suit¬
and thus makes good castings. It antedates able for URBAN RENEWAL. GREEN FIELD
iron smelting, bronze age. SITE.
Bronze Age an era in human develop¬ brown podzolic soils one of the sub¬
ment (succeeding the palaeolithic, divisions of PODZOLIC SOILS.
mesolithic and neolithic and pre¬
ceding the iron age) when bronze was brown sands brown soils.
used for tools and weapons. Writing
brown soils one of the seven groups in
and arithmetic developed in the Bronze
the 1973 soil classification of Eng¬
Age, the plough, wheeled vehicles, and
land and Wales. It includes argillic brown
animals for riding and pulling, came to be
earths (brown or reddish, with a loamy
used; towns were formed, work became
horizon overlying a clay layer), brown
specialized, there was trading and
alluvial soils (non-calcareous, developed
■4 on new alluvium), brown calcareous soils
brown coal a brown, fibrous deposit, (deep, organic, fertile soils ofhigh agricul¬
intermediate between peat and bitu¬ tural quality, developed particularly on
minous coal. The term is sometimes limestone, the a horizon being reddish-
brown overlying a lighter b horizon) in central Asia at all seasons but most fre-
(mollisols), brown earths, and quently and fiercely in winter (then
brown sands (a group of brown earths termed white buran or poorga) when it
developed on freely drained, non-alluvial lifts and carries the snow, and ice particles.
deposits of sand and gravel) .brownpod- In the tundra, especially in southern
ZOLIC SOILS. Russia and Siberia, it is termed purga.
brunizem prairie soil.
Burgess’s concentric ring model con¬
brush I. scrub-i or bush-3, or a thicket
of small trees and shrubs 2. vegetation of
low, woody plants, especially sagebrush,
bush I. a shrub or small tree, especially
in USA.
one with branches arising near the ground
BST British Summer Time, usually one 2. uncleared or uncultivated country,
hour in advance of gmt (Greenwich Mean especially that covered with trees of this
Time). type 3. widely and variously used locally,
e.g. natural vegetation of low woody
built-up area the part of a town where plants, such as creosote bush (USA);
the land is so covered with buildings and wilder countryside as opposed to cultiv¬
roads, etc. that there is space for further ated land (Africa); and further extended to
similar development only if existing struc¬ the countryside as opposed to the town.
tures are demolished. Very small plots of BUSHVELD, VELD.
land not built over (e.g. small gardens,
school playgrounds, etc.) and derelict land bushel a measure of capacity which varies
awaiting redevelopment may be included. for different commodities and in differ¬
DEVELOPMENT-2. ent countries. In British dry and liquid
measures it is in general equal to 36.6
bulrush millet a tall, drought-resistant
litres or 2219.36 cu in or 8 gallons;
millet with stems bearing long cylin¬
in American dry measures it is equal to
drical seed-heads, generally resembling a
35.23 litres or 2150.42 cu in.
bulrush, more widely grown than any
other food crop in tropical areas with a bush fallowing a farming practice
low rainfall, an important food crop in common in equatorial forest areas in
Sudan, northern Nigeria and other coun¬ Africa, a modified form of shifting cul¬
tries on the southern Saharan border, as tivation. A small part of the forest is
well as in the driest areas of the Indian cleared by cutting and burning, and crops
subcontinent. are planted. When the fertility of the soil
in that plot is exhausted, another clearing
bunch grass any of the coarse grasses
is made and the farmers cultivate it, but
which grow in clumps or bunches (instead
they continue to live in their village, they
of forming a continuous cover of matted
do not themselves move. The abandoned
turf), in many cases separated by bare
plot quickly becomes covered with such
ground, e.g. in the semi-arid western
plants as bamboo and eventually, if left
plains of North America. It is also termed
untouched, with trees. At this stage it may
tussock grass, e.g. in New Zealand.
become managed fallow, the new trees
buran a strong northeast wind blowing supplying timber (and possibly fruit). But
very often the plot is recultivated after a ing witness (temoin) to its origin. Strictly
lapse of time, fallow. every butte is a butte temoin, but because
the term butte has slipped into common
bush veld, bushveld the savanna of usage in western USA the distinction of
tropical and subtropical south Africa, butte temoin becomes necessary.
sometimes open grassland with scattered
Buys Ballot’s Law a law postulated by
trees (parkland), grading to close
C. H. D. Buys Ballot, Dutch climatologist,
1857, that if an observer in the northern
hemisphere stands with back to the wind,
business park office park.
the atmospheric pressure will be less
butte I. small, flat-topped, isolated hill to that individual’s left than to the right,
with steep sides (its upper layers consisting the reverse in the southern hemisphere.
of resistant rock overlying weaker layers, CORIOLIS FORCE, FERREL’s LAW.
(Greek kainos, new; zoon, animal) adj. of, temperature without fusing. It is used in
or pertaining to, the third of the main oxidizing (especially metals), in convert¬
geological eras (geological time- ing a substance to powder form, or in
scale), the era marked by the rapid evol¬ releasing volatile constituents or products.
ution of mammals, subsequent to the SMELTING.
Precambrian era. It is still termed the Ter¬
tiary era by some geologists. calcite a crystalline form of calcium
carbonate, colourless unless coloured
cairn a pyramid of rough stones piled up by impurities, the main constituent of all
as a monument or landmark of some kind. limestones (including Iceland spar, the
purest variety of calcite; and chalk,
calcareous, calcarious adj. 1. of, per¬
taining to, consisting of, or containing,
a gangue mineral in some hydro-
calcium carbonate, or limestone 2.
thermal deposits, a common cementing
having the character of chalk or lime¬
material in many coarse-grained sedi¬
mentary rocks. It forms when material
calciferous adj. containing or producing from some weathered igneous rock is
CALCIUM, CALCIUM CARBONATE Or transported as a calcium bicarbonate
other calcium compounds. solution, the bicarbonate decomposes, and
Campbell-Stokes recorder
the calcite remains as a deposit, calci¬ and the year (the revolution of the earth
fication. round the sun). The month (revolution
of the moon round the earth) and the
calcium a soft, white element of the
week are conventional divisions. There
alkaline earth group, occurring
are difficulties if the month is regarded as
mainly as carbonate (chalk, limestone,
a natural unit, a natural division of the
marble, coral). It is used in alloys, is widely
year, because 12 lunar cycles represent 354
used in industry, and is an essential nutnent
days, but the solar year consists of 365
for plants and animals, feldspar,
calf ice a piece of glacier ice, smaller
calcium bicarbonate a soluble salt
than an iceberg, detached directly from a
formed when carbon dioxide from the air
glacier or produced by the breakdown
forms a solution of carbonic acid with
of an ICEBERG.
water, and this solution comes into contact
with one of the forms of calcium car¬ calm, calms a state of the atmosphere in
bonate. Calcium bicarbonate causes the which there is an absence of appreciable
temporary hardness of water and acts as a wind, such movement as there is regis¬
bone-builder in vertebrates. tering Force o on the beaufort scale.
This may occur at any time, anywhere in
calcium carbonate an insoluble salt
anticyclonic (anticyclone) conditions;
occurring, e.g. in chalk, coral, lime¬
but periods of calm are common through¬
stone, marble. It dissolves in water con¬
out the year in certain latitudes, i.e. the
taining carbon dioxide to form soluble
belt of calms, between 5°N and 5°S (dol¬
drums) and in the horse latitudes.
\ V
campo level, open grassland with scat¬ ucts. Most arrangements were operating
tered trees in Brazil, comparable with sa¬ by July 1968, but eventually led to over¬
vanna, probably not a natural climax production and excessive payments to
vegetation but one arising from human farmers. Reforms introduced in 1992
activities, especially burning. Various aimed to reduce overproduction by
types are distinguished: campo cerrado limiting support payments to fixed quotas,
(closed grassland) with scrub woodland and by bringing prices (particularly of
dominant; campo sujo (dirty grassland) cereals) down to world market prices.
with scattered trees or patches of forest; Cereal producers received area payments
and campo limpo (clean grassland) open to compensate for lower prices, provided
grassland without trees. they ‘set aside’ 15 per cent of their arable
acreage in rotation, or a higher proportion
canal an artificial watercourse constructed
(to be specified) permanently. It was
I. to unite rivers, lakes, etc., for purposes
hoped that set aside would also enhance
of inland transport 2. for water supply and
the conservation of land in the European
irrigation 3. to make a ship canal or
seaway, available to ocean-going vessels.
capability constraints the limitation
canopy the high, leafy, continuous,
imposed on an individual’s actions by bio¬
uppermost layer formed by the crowns of
logical needs (e.g. food, sleep) and/or
trees of approximately the same height,
inadequate access to desired facilities
e.g. in RAIN FOREST.
(e.g. lack of transport), time-space
canyon 1. a deep valley with very steep constraints.
sides, with a stream flowing at the bottom,
common in arid and semi-arid lands where
capacity 1. the ability to contain, accom¬
modate 2. the amount so contained or
the downward cutting power of the stream
accommodated 3. the ability of a factory,
exceeds the rate of weathering of the
society, etc. to manufacture or process its
rocks of the valley sides. The form
product, especially this as a maximum 4.
becomes exaggerated if uplifting of the
a measure of the ability of energy to do
land occurs at the same rate as the down¬
cutting of the river. 2. a submarine canyon,
a deep, steep-sided trough in the ocean
floor, in some cases very wide, in some
capacity of a stream the maximum load
of stones, pebbles, sand, etc. a stream can
CAP the Common Agricultural Policy carry, measured in grams per second.
liquid and the solid, capillary flow, wealth being dependent on market forces.
cap-rock 1. a layer of resistant rock cover¬
capillary flow the rise of water through ing another or others of less-resistant
the soil spaces above the water table material, butte 2. an impermeable layer
by means of pore-surface attraction, ca¬ overlying an aquifer or salt-dome 3.
pillarity. unproductive rock covering valuable ore.
capillary fringe the soil layer lying carat 1. the international measure of
immediately over the water table in weight used for precious stones and gem¬
which water drawn up from the ground stones equivalent to 1/142 oz or 200 milli¬
water level is held by capillarity. grams 2. a measure of purity of gold,
pure gold being 24 carat; 22 carat having
capillary moisture the water held by
22 parts gold, 2 parts of alloy; 18 carat
surface tension in pores around soil
having 18 parts gold, 6 parts of alloy etc.
particles and available to plant roots.
CAPILLARY FRINGE, FIELD CAPACITY, carbon an element-6 which, combined
HYGROSCOPIC MOISTURE. with other elements, occurs in all living
things and in carbonates in the earth’s
capital I. the head, the chief town of a
crust. Organic chemistry is the study of
country, state or province, and usually the
carbon compounds. The radioactive iso¬
seat of government. The term is often used
tope, carbon 14, is used in radiocarbon
loosely in the sense of the chief town or
city, as in the title ‘commercial capital’
2. accumulated wealth used to finance
production, or any form of wealth used carbonaceous adj. containing carbon,
to help in producing more wealth. applied to rocks (e.g. coal, shale) or
accumulation 3. the stock of goods other sedimentary material (e.g. peat)
and commodities in a country. consisting largely of carbon usually derived
from organic matter.
capital goods the machinery and equip¬
ment, and the primary and partly processed carbonate adj. applied to a rock consisting
raw materials used in the manufacture of mainly of carbonate minerals, i.e. minerals
other goods, contrasting with consumer containing the carbonate group C03, e.g.
goods, producer goods. CALCIUM CARBONATE.
carbon cycle
trade organizations) whereby each keeps fall, now mainly to a series of rapids of the
control of its own organization but agrees type occurring in the river Nile.
to some form of joint action in restricting
catastrophe theory a theory concerned
production and competition, e.g. in buy¬
with the relationship between qualitat¬
ing raw materials, distributing products,
ive and quantitative change within a
allocating markets and quotas, and price
SYSTEM-1,2,3, with the fact that a sudden
fixing. Cartels are especially effective in
qualitative change within the system can
controlling production, distribution and
abruptly disrupt, and change the torm of,
pricing of goods that lack substitutes 2.
a hitherto smooth continuous process pro¬
the firms so linked.
duced by a quantitative change, systems
Cartesian coordinate system grid-i. ANALYSIS.
cast iron iron-carbon alloy, 4 per cent category 1. any division which serves to
carbon, produced in a blast furnace. classify 2. any one of the divisions in a
It is brittle, but easily fused. system of classification, e.g. genus in the
classification of organisms. 3. in
catalyst a substance capable ot increasing
philosophy, a division which serves to
the rate of chemical reaction without itself
classify (as in 1.), but only in certain general
suffering permanent chemical change, e.g.
classes of things or ideas, these classes vary¬
ing according to the personal theory of the
cataract formerly applied to a large water¬ philosopher 4. in statistics, a homogeneous
Centigrade scale
may be highly specialized for a particular widely used in building to bind together
function, e.g. the cells of multicellular other building materials, such as bricks or
organisms, which are not only highly stones, to cover floors, to make walls etc.
It is produced by heating together and
specialized but also vary greatly in
then grinding chalk or limestone with clay
structure. Many microorganisms are
or shale, the resultant grey, powdery
unicellular (consisting of one cell).
atmospheric cell 2. in statistics, a cat¬ material consisting of silicates of calcium
egory defined by specific values on sev¬ and aluminates which, when mixed with
water, crystallize to a dry solid. Some types
eral vanables simultaneously.
of cement (hydraulic cement) harden
cell frequency in statistics, the frequency under water 2. a natural siliceous, cal¬
with which observations fall into a particu¬ careous or ferruginous material,
lar cell-2, i.e. the number in a particular deposited from circulating water and able
cell. to convert loose deposits (e.g. sand, gravel)
central business district
declined with the spread of the city and region, trade area, or tributary area). The
the practice of decentralization, bid centrality-3 of the central place is
PRICE CURVE, INNER CITY. Fig 8. determined by its various localized,
specialized functions, central place
central eruption a volcanic eruption HIERARCHY, CENTRAL PLACE SYSTEM,
from a single vent or from a tight group CENTRAL PLACE THEORY, ORDER OF
of vents, producing a cone, in contrast to GOODS.
central place hierarchy in central
central good, central service, central place theory, the arrangement of cen¬
function any good sold or service offered tral places in a series of discrete classes,
or function performed at any central the rank of each being determined by the
PLACE. ORDER OF GOODS. level of specialization of functions. The
central places in each class perform all the
centrality i. the quality or state of being
functions of centres in the classes below
central 2. a central tendency or cen¬
them in the hierarchy (i.e. the lower order
tral position 3. in central place
centres) but in addition perform a group of
theory, the relative importance of a place
functions that differentiate them from, and
with regard to its surrounding area, or
place them above, those lower order
the degree to which a centre serves its
centres. Higher order centres stock a wide
surrounding area. Christaller applied the
array of goods and services, and provide
term to the ‘surplus importance’ of a place
specialist goods and services to a wide area;
(i.e. of a town), expressing the centrality
lower order centres stock a limited part of
of a town as the ratio between all the
the array of the higher order centres and
services provided there (for its own res¬
provide day-to-day goods and services to
idents and visitors from its complemen¬
a smaller area, central place theory,
tary region) and the services needed by
its own residents only. Centres with a
high degree of centrality provided many
services per resident; those with low cen¬
trality only a few services per resident. central place system the spatial distri-
central tendency
bution of any set of central places a low threshold and range and a fairly
which are of different sizes and different compact sphere of influence, meet a daily
spacing and which satisfy the daily, weekly, need for which the consumer is not pre¬
monthly or yearly needs ofthe general con¬ pared to travel far; middle order, with a
suming population. The pattern of this medium threshold and range and a more
distribution is usually termed a network extensive sphere of influence, supply
of central places, administrative prin¬ goods and services less frequently in
ciple, CENTRAL PLACE THEORY, COM¬ demand, for which the consumer is willing
PLEMENTARY REGION, ISOTROPIC SUR¬ to make greater effort; and high order
FACE, MARKETING PRINCIPLE, ORDER OF establishments, with a high threshold and
GOODS, TRAFFIC PRINCIPLE. range and the most extensive sphere of
influence, provide specialist goods and ser¬
central place theory a theory expounded vices even less frequently in demand, for
by W. Christaller, an economic geo¬ which the consumer is prepared to travel
grapher, in 1933, which asserts that the a considerable distance. In any given area
numbers, sizes, and patterns of spatial dis¬ there will thus be many centres with low
tribution of central places can be order establishments, fewer with middle
explained by the operation of the forces order, fewer still with high order, giv¬
of supply and demand, by the way in which ing rise to a central place hierarchy
and the extent to which these centres pro¬ of higher and lower order centres (k-
vide goods and services to their surround¬ value). In any network of central places
ing areas. The theory, concentrating on (central place system) there will thus
the retailing of goods and services, assumes be many smaller, lower order centres,
that both suppliers and consumers wish to forming a dense network close together,
derive the greatest economic benefit from but fewer larger and more widely-spaced
their decisions. The suppliers (the profit higher order centres. Christaller used three
maximizers) wish to earn the maximum principles (administrative, market¬
profit from the sale of goods and services. ing, traffic) to account for the varying
The consumers (the distance mimmizers) levels and distribution of central places in
wish to satisfy their needs by obtaining a central place system, central good,
goods and services with the minimum of CENTRALITY, CONVENIENCE GOOD, ISO¬
effort and cost. The suppliers, having con¬ TROPIC SURFACE, NESTING, ORDER OF
is sufficient to make their enterprise eco¬ indifference. Figs 9(a) and (b).
V s.
central tendency
Fig 9 (a) Central place theory market areas: K-3 (marketing pnnciple); K-4 (traffic or transporta¬
tion principle); K-7 (administrative principle)
central tendency
^ < ►^ / 1 / V 1 ^ f "\
% 1 <7^
r \ / r \ / N > ^ \ / # •
r / 1^ / \ ^ x§
M ^ ^ \ / ^ \
7\ A A FAc\V71
Fig 9 (b) Central place theory: transport network corresponding to hierarchies in Fig 9 (a)
centrifugal adj. acting, moving, or tend¬ ous scrub woodland in South America
ing to move away from a centre, the op¬ north of the pampas of Argentina
posite of CENTRIPETAL. between the Andes and the river Paraguay.
There is heavy rainfall in some places, and
centripetal adj. acting, moving, or tend¬
the chaco is marshy nearly everywhere.
ing to move towards a centre, the opposite
The scrub woodland is characteristic of
the eastern part, grassy savanna of the
centripetal and centrifugal forces two western.
counteracting forces which are said to
chain a number of connected events or
cause changes in the pattern of land use
things, e.g. of like physical features such
in urban areas. The centripetal force
as islands, or lakes, etc. When applied
causes centralization, attracting estab¬
to mountains the term implies several
lishments to the central area where they
roughly parallel ranges, e.g. the Andean
may benefit from the advantages of
chain (the term range-2 being a single
line of mountains).
economies; but the centrifugal force
chalk with abundant flints overlying Chalk park- 1) 2. surviving in place-names, in¬
rock, a bed of hard nodular chalk). Middle dicating a former use, e.g. Cannock Chase.
Chalk (soft, white chalk with fewer flints
chatter mark a crescent-shaped mark,
and some marl) and Lower Chalk (grey
consisting of a series of minute cracks, so
chalk with more Chalk marl).
finely packed together that they resemble
channel I. a course for running water, a bruise on the underside of firm but brittle
either artificial, as in a canal or inigation rocks (e.g. granite) insecurely embedded
ditch; or natural, as in the deepest part of in a glacier, the ‘horns’ of the crescent
a river or stream 2. a narrow stretch of pointing to the direction of movement of
water, wider than a strait, connecting the ice. It is caused by compression and
two larger stretches of water (e.g. two seas) by the vibration arising from the looseness
or two land areas 3. a deep, navigable of the rocks.
waterway (natural or dredged) in a bay,
chelation the process whereby organisms
estuary or shallows, which affords a
or organic substances bring about the
safe passage for vessels.
decomposition and disintegration of soils
charcoal an amorphous form of carbon, ism that obtains energy from a source
the solid residue obtained by the imperfect other than light (phototrophic),
held by a subject of the^Crown and there¬ and develops under tall and mixed grasses
fore subject to Common Law, as distinct in a temperate to cool, subhumid climate,
from a Royal Forest, held by the King, i.e. in midlatitudes where grassland
and subject to Forest Law (forest-2, is/was the natural vegetation, e.g. the
chestnut soils
Ukraine or central Canada. Typically the ric if can be used with nominal or ordinal
dark coloured, nearly black a horizon data (nominal scale, ordinal scale),
is thick with mull or mull-like humus, and being ‘distribution free’ it does not
grading to a b horizon (if it is present) assume that the data being analysed is
which is lighter brown, with or without normally distributed (normal distri¬
a concentration of clay, beneath which bution). The formula for the measure,
lies the CALCAREOUS c HORIZON. termed chi-squared, is:
chinook a warm dry, southwest wind, C horizon a distinct layer in the soil,
similar to the fohn, which blows down underlying the a or b horizons, or the
the eastern side of the Rocky mountains, organic or mineral horizons (o horizons,
batic) as it blew from the west across consisting of the parent material, i.e.
the mountains. It usually occurs suddenly, the little altered but weathered bedrock,
accompanied by a rapid rise in temperature transported glacial or alluvial material, or
which melts the snow in winter. an earlier soil, from which the soil is
formed. Below the C horizon lies the D
chi-squared test a nonparametric
horizon, the unaltered bedrock, soil
statistical test used to measure the extent
of the agreement between observed and
expected frequencies. Being nonparamet¬ chorography (Greek chora, a place, a
circular and cumulative growth
district) a term much used in the seven¬ vent of a.volcano by debris, usually of
teenth and eighteenth centuries to make a volcanic origin, cast up during eruption.
distinction between a (geographical) study As in the ash cone the fragmentary
of a special region or district (chorography) material has not been burnt. The majority
and geography, a study dealing with the of the particles exceed 4 mm in diameter
earth in general. It is applied today by or long dimension, the larger fragments
some authors to the identification of, or being known as lapilli (5 — 10 mm) or
to a general account of, a large regional scoriae. The slopes of a cinder cone are
area (hence chorographic map) as distinct steeper than those of an ash cone because
from topography, which deals with a the angle of repose of its larger constituent
detailed study of a small area. But some fragments is greater.
American authors use the term choro¬
graphic as relating to a very large area (say, circadian rhythm a term usually applied
a subcontinent) and a chorographic map to the diurnal rhythm of a human
as a map on a scale of between 1:500 000 being.
and 1:5 mn. topographic map.
circular and cumulative growth, cir¬
chorology the study of the causal relations
cular and cumulative feedback a pro¬
of the phenomena present in a region, an
cess whereby growth feeds on and
explanatory study of a region.
reinforces itself by the creation of new
chorometrics the statistical study of spa¬ demands for goods and services, etc. It
tial distributions. tends to reinforce major cities and
favoured regions at the expense of less
choropleth map a quantity in area map,
advantaged areas (cumulative upward
presenting the subj ect under study in terms
causation). As the central area prospers,
of average value per unit area within spe¬
the periphery (reinforcing the centre)
cific boundaries, e.g. density ofpopulation
suffers the backwash effect of the flow of
per sq km shown within local, regional or
skilled manpower, investment and locally
national administrative areas; or by divid¬
generated capital to the centre; the peri¬
ing the unit area into squares or hexagons
phery becomes poorer than the centre
and calculating a mean value for each.
in social services and amenities, etc., and
Sometimes a range of stippling, shading
products from the centre flow to the
or colouring is used to show orders of
periphery, flooding the market and in¬
hibiting local enterprise. Thus unequal
chronology the science of measuring and development is maintained. But ulti¬
adjusting time or periods of time, of mately the centre’s successful development
recording and arranging events in order combined with the establishment of an
of time, and of assigning events to dates efficient transport and communication net¬
considered to be correct in the light of work cause a spread effect, a centrifugal
contemporary knowledge. force (centripetal and centrifugal
in general, denudation all round 2. the 20 000 ft), lightly veiling the sun, heralding
denudation all round them, were iso¬ thickens it develops into altostratus.
classical economic theory
classification in general, arrangement in a group of people into age groups, the age
classes, putting into groups systematically, groups selected being o to io years, n to
on the criteria of common characteristics 20 years, and so on, the size of the interval
or properties. is io years.
climatic climax
clay soil clay-2, soil texture. cliff I. a high, steep or perpendicular face
of rock, the angle of slope dependent on
clay-with-flints a deposit consisting of a
the jointing, bedding and hardness of the
mixture of chalk-flints and reddish or
rocks forming it, e.g. along a sea coast
brown clay-i, sometimes nearly black at
(sea-cliff, particularly subject to erosion by
the base, becoming lighter and sandier
waves); or bordering a lake (lake-cliff).
towards the surface, overlying the chalk
(e.g. in southern England) and also in
of unconsolidated sediments carved by the
river in a meander (river-cliff). Fig n.
climate the average weather conditions
clear felling the felling of all the trees in
throughout the seasons over a fairly wide
an area, regardless of size, coppice.
or very extensive area of the earth’s surface
cleavage usually applied to slaty cleavage, and considered over many years (usually
the fissile structure developed in certain 30 to 35 years) in terms of climatic
to the direction of the pressure, and the in a local climate which differs from
rock thus splits in a direction quite differ¬ the climate normal to the area.
Fig 11 The formation of cliffs. The three sections show how cliffs are cut back and a submarine
peneplane formed
S v
climatic elements
phology, the study of the association cloud amount cloud cover, estimated
between climatic elements and the visually, expressed as the proportion of sky
development of landforms. covered either in tenths or, more com¬
monly, in eighths (oktas), o representing
climatology the study of the climates
a cloudless sky, 8 total cloud cover. The
of the earth, describing and where possible
lines drawn to show areas of equal cloudi¬
explaining them and the part they play in
ness are termed isonephs.
the natural environment, local cli¬
mate, MACROCLIMATE, METEOROLOGY, cloud base the height above the earth’s
climax the final stage in the possible cloud forest mist forest.
of form include, among others, lenti¬ have little correlation with items outside
cular, lens-shaped; castellanus (formerly it.
castellatus), turret-shaped; mammatus,
CMEA Council for Mutual Economic
breast-shaped; fracto-, ragged; banner,
Assistance, primarily an economic associ¬
like a banner. Accessory cloud forma¬
ation, initiated 1949 by the USSR, work¬
tions include arcus, arched; incus, anvil¬
ing language Russian. The founder
shaped; tuba, column- or cone-like.
members were the USSR, Bulgaria,
Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland,
Romania. They were joined by Albania
(1949-61), Cuba (1972), German Demo¬
cratic Republic (1950), Mongolia (1962),
Vietnam (1978). Yugoslavia agreed to par¬
ticipate partially (1964). Angola, Laos and
cloud seeding the introduction of dry North Korea participated as observers, and
ice, salt particles or silver iodide smoke there were cooperative agreements with
into clouds in order to promote rainfall. Finland, Iraq and Mexico. CMEA was
This technique is also being used experi¬ the official acronym, but other popular
mentally to suppress lightning and to abbreviations were COMECON and
change the structure and movement of CEMA. The association ended in 1991
HURRICANES-2. when the USSR became the Common¬
wealth of Independent States, cis.
Club of Rome an unofficial association
founded April 1968 by Aurelio Peccei, coal a carbonaceous fossil fuel, a
Italian manager and consultant, restricted brownish-black or black combustible
to 100 members, comprising social and mineral substance found in beds or seams
environmental scientists, educators, eco¬ in sedimentary rocks and derived
nomists, civil servants, managers, philo¬ from vegetable material growing in the
sophers, from different countries. The carboniferous era on level, swampy
aims were to foster among policy-makers ground, compacted and hardened by pres¬
and the public alike a better understanding sure and heat arising from earth move¬
of the problems faced by the developing ments. A series based on percentage of
and industrialized world; and to promote fixed carbon (from peats and brown coals
new policy initiatives and action. with less than 55 per cent, through bitu¬
ing or gathered together. A cluster may more than 93 per cent) may be distin¬
moisture, anthracite, bituminous
coal gas
coal gas a gas (in volume 50 per cent coastline a term applied loosely to the
hydrogen, 30 per cent methane, 8 per continuous edge of the land, or the general
cent carbon monoxide, 8 per cent carbon appearance of the coast, as seen from the
dioxide, oxygen and nitrogen, 4 per cent sea; or to the zone between the back-
gaseous hydrocarbons other than meth¬ shore and the coast; or to the landward
ane) used as a fuel. It is obtained by heating limit of the beach; or used as a synonym
suitable coal in closed retorts (i.e. with¬ for coast. More precisely it is applied to
out air) whereby gas is driven off and coke the line on the land indicated by 1. the
remains. highest storm waves of the spring tides
With initial capital letters, the term is ap¬ rounded, water-worn stone, larger than a
plied specifically to the upper division pebble, smaller than a boulder. The British
200 mm: 2.4 to 8 in in diameter) between
coarse gravel and a boulder. The USA
coal tar a viscous liquid obtained in the wentworth scale defines a cobble (64
process of coal distillation in retort or to 256 mm: 2.5 to 10 in in diameter) as
coke oven. between a pebble and a boulder.
coast a term loosely applied to the zone cockpit 1. a pit where gamecocks were
of indetemiinate width where land and set to fight for sport 2. in karst, any
sea (or other extensive tract ofwater) meet, natural enclosed depression with steep
considered as the boundary of the land sides 3. a sink-hole with steep sides,
(coastline). More specifically, the meet¬ especially a star-shaped one with a conical
ing place of land and sea (width not spe¬ or slightly concave floor, as in the Cockpit
which excludes the shore. Various types and also bearing fruit in some warmer
cohort analysis
the flesh as ripening progresses. The flesh connected with the gaining of knowledge
fuel. The tree trunks make good building disharmony in a cognitive system,
timber, the leaves are used for thatching; when there are contradictions and a lack
the sap of the tree has a high sugar content, of consistency among the items of know¬
and can be evaporated to make crude sugar ledge, ideas and beliefs in the system 2.
varying factor of a variable product, i.e. the ofa place, of an environment, an organized
and multiplying another quantity (e.g. the brain of an individual as a result of in¬
coffee a small tropical tree or shrub, grown cognitive system the collection ot inter¬
for the sake of the ‘berries’ which contain related items of knowledge, ideas and
aromatic beans (seeds), the beans being beliefs which an individual holds about
roasted, ground and brewed in hot water other individuals, groups, events, objects,
to produce a stimulating, non-alcoholic concrete or abstract subjects, etc. Each
drink. It needs a rich, well-drained, slightly individual formulates a number of such
acid soil; moderate rainfall and equable systems, and these too are interrelated,
heat; and protection from the direct rays the extent of the interrelationship varying
of the sun; it can withstand slight frost. widely, cognitive consonance, cog¬
cognition i. the act or the faculty of
knowing, a collective term covering all cohort in demography, a group of indi¬
the acquisition, organization and use during the same period of time, who thus
thinkingand imagining (cognitive map) entering hospital at the same time, etc.
cognitive adj. of, or pertaining to, cog¬ cohort analysis in demography, lon¬
concerned with the study of a cohort -20°C (-4°F) or lower, warm glacier.
over a long period of time, e.g. people
cold occlusion an occlusion in which
born or married in a particular year who
the overtaking cold air is colder than the
are studied at selected stages throughout
cold air ahead of it.
their lives. It is used particularly in the
Study of FERTILITY-3. cold-water desert the continental west
coast desert strip (e.g. of northern Chile,
coke the hard, porous, combustible res¬
northwest and southwest Africa, or north¬
idue, almost pure carbon, produced
west Australia) where the climate is influ¬
when coal is heated in a closed retort or
enced by cold sea currents flowing towards
oven so that coal gas and other volatile
the equator. The cool air flowing over the
material is driven off.
sea to the land reduces summer temper¬
col i. a marked depression on a mountain atures and produces fogs and heavy dew.
ridge or range, commonly occurring FOG DRIP.
where opposed cirques meet, thus
affording a pass 2. in meteorology, by collective consumption 1. the services
analogy (higher pressure representing the which can be consumed only collectively
ridge, lower pressure the valley), a region and are thus provided by the state, e.g.
of relatively low pressure between two defence services 2. the main services pro¬
adjacent anticyclones or between two vided by the state, e.g. public transport,
zone where converging plates carrying screes-2 and mud flows down the slope
continental crust meet, with the result that under gravity, mass movement.
the edge of one plate dives under the other
colonial adj. I. of, or pertaining to, a
but the rocks of the continental crust pile
colony 2. in USA, of or belonging
up, crushed and buckled and mixed with
to the thirteen British colonies which
material swept up from the floor of any
became the United States, or to the period
ocean which may formerly have separated
of time (seventeenth and eighteenth cen¬
the plates, the ocean being squeezed
turies) when they were still colonies,
out of existence. Such a collision pro¬
applied especially to the works of art, arti¬
duces chains of fold mountains, e.g.
facts, furniture and architecture of that
the Alpine-Hnnalayan chain, oceanic
colonial animal an animal which is a
colloid a substance (gas, liquid or solid),
member of an association of incompletely
finely divided and dispersed in a continu¬
separated individuals, e.g. coral.
ous gas, liquid or solid medium, the par¬
ticles consisting of very large molecules colonialism i. the principle or practice of
or aggregation of molecules which do not having or keeping colonies (colony- i ,2)
settle at all, or only very slowly. Thus the 2. the economic, political and social pol¬
system is neither a solution (in which icies by which colonies are governed by
the dispersed particles are single molecules) the sovereign metropolitan country
nor a suspension (in which the particles (the colonial power), usually based on
are large enough to tend to fall by grav¬ the maintenance of a marked distinc¬
itation and concentrate as a sediment- tion between the governing country and
i). The electrical forces in the system are the subordinate (colonial) population 3.
important in soil formation; colloids may in a derogatory sense, an alleged policy of
loosen or dislodge rock particles from sur¬ exploitation of weak peoples by a large,
faces with which they are in contact, strong power, which has the effect of
attracting ions of dissolved substances, perpetuating the economic differences
especially those that are basic (base-2); or between the colonies and the governing
some constituent particles of the soil may power 4. the belief that a colonial system
stick to each other, as in colloidal clay, (for policies see 2.) benefits and promotes
COLLOIDAL PLUCKING, FLOCCULATION. the welfare of the state colonized, neo¬
columnar structure
usually from another country (to the falling as temperature rises, sensible tem¬
government of which it, the colony, perature.
becomes in some degree subject) 2. the
commensalism I. in ecology, the close
territory so occupied 3. in ecology, loosely
association between organisms of differ¬
applied to any collection of animals or of
ent species from which one benefits
plants living together in one place (e.g. a
but the other is unharmed, coenosis,
society-2), an isolated group, a group of
individuals of a plant species migrant in
in urban geography, the association
a new habitat, a group of colonial an¬
between an individual and a group of sim¬
imals, or a culture ofMiCROORGANiSMS.
ilar individuals operating in close proxim¬
columnar structure a geological struc¬ ity, the individual cooperating with the
ture comprising hexagonal columns other members of the group and benefiting
formed in the cooling ofiGNEOUS rocks, from the advantages derived from group
especially of basalt. The contraction activities and group membership while
occurring in the cooling results in a series competing with the other members, e.g.
of regular joints at right angles to the specialized commercial or professional
surfaces of cooling, thereby producing the enterprises (e.g. the clothing industry,
columns, e.g. as in the Giant’s Causeway, lawyers) in a particular district of a town
Northern Ireland. Similar hexagonal or city.
cracks develop when mud dries.
commercial agriculture the growing of
combe, coombe, coomb, coom 1. in agricultural produce for sale, subsist¬
southern England, a deep hollow or valley, ence AGRICULTURE.
especially if short and steep at the head,
commercial crops industrial crops.
or closed in, common in chalk country
2. in southwestern England, a short steep commodity I. in general, a good which
valley opening to the sea 3. a cirque in results from a production process (i.e. it
the English Lake District. is the product of labour), meets human
needs, and has an exchange value, some¬
times used as a synonym for economic
comet a celestial body consisting of a good, i.e. a good which has a price 2.
gaseous cloud enveloping a bright nucleus, in the business community, raw materials,
moving around the sun in an elliptical or as in commodity exchange.
parabolic orbit so eccentrically that some
common, common land in England
comets escape from the solar system.
and Wales, land, usually unenclosed, over
O11 nearing the sun the pressure of the
which certain persons or groups of people
sun’s radiation forces the gas ofa comet
have vanous common rights, though they
into a tail, pointing away from the sun.
do not own the land. In general common
comfort zone the range of temper¬ land represents the poorer quality land
ature-2 and relative humidity in a which, when inclosure of lands took
climate within which human beings feel place, was left unenclosed and provided
comfortable. Common standards are 20° grazing for the villagers or peasants who
to 2i°C (68° to 72°F) and 55 to 60 per would otherwise have been left landless.
cent relative humidity, the latter preferably Under later legislation, the general public
commuter village
N. V
commuter zone
worked in, the village or close to it, now largest pebble or boulder it can move.
inhabited mainly by people who travel CAPACITY OF A STREAM.
regularly to work in a nearby town, com¬
muter, DORMITORY TOWN. competence of rocks, competent bed
the relative strength of a bed of stratum
commuter zone the area in which com¬ when subjected to folding. If strong
muting takes place, from which com¬ enough to bend without distortion when
muters are drawn to work in a nearby subjected to the stress of folding, it is said
town. to be competent; if weak and thus liable
to distortion, it is incompetent.
compaction I. in geology, the process
in which fine rock particles, e.g. of silt complementary region a trade area, a
or clay, are combined tightly together by tributary area, the area served by a cen¬
pressure of earth movements or weight of tral place, that of a higher order centre
later overlying deposits 2. of soils, the being large and in many cases overlapping
pressing together of soil particles (e.g. by the smaller area served by a lower order
torrential rain, or by heavy mechanical centre, central place hierarchy,
equipment especially in wet conditions) so ISOTROPIC SURFACE.
that the voids between them are reduced,
with consequent loss of air, to the detri¬
components of change approach an
approach to the study of the changing
ment of soil fertility.
pattern of employment (usually in manu¬
comparative cost analysis an evalu¬ facturing) in a region or urban area. The
ation of the advantages or disadvantages changes that have occurred during a
of alternative locations, based on the defined time period in the study area are
cost of production at those locations. broken down into four components, i.e.
COST BENEFIT ANALYSIS, VARIABLE changes caused by (A) birth (the formation
COST ANALYSIS, VARIABLE REVENUE of new firms); by (B) death (the closing
ANALYSIS. down of existing firms); by migration, i.e.
movement of some firms into (C), and
compass an instrument used to find others out of (D), the area; or by (E)
direction. In a magnetic compass a free- in situ change (the growth or decline of
swinging magnetized needle is fixed to, employment in firms existing in the area
and swings freely over, a dial which is at the start of the period of study). The
graduated in degrees and shows the car¬ net change in employment in the area
dinal points (north, east, south and west). during the defined time period can then
Under the influence of the local line of be calculated: A (birth) minus B (death)
magnetic force, the needle indicates the plus E (net change in employment in firms
NORTH and SOUTH MAGNETIC POLES. A surviving through the period) plus C
non-magnetic compass (gyrocompass) (immigrant firms) minus D (emigrant
points TRUE NORTH. BEARING-3, PRIS¬ firms).
composite volcanic cone a volcanic
competence of a stream the ability of cone composed of layers of ash, cinder
a stream to transport debris, measured in and lava built up over a long period of
terms of the size (not the weight) of the time by a series of eruptions through the
concordant coast
main pipe which is topped by a crater-i, cities (e.g. by terrain, routes and other
e.g. Vesuvius, volcano. constraints); but he suggested that radial
expansion along a broad front, stimulated
compost a soil conditioner and fer¬
by invasion and succession, was a domi¬
tilizer produced by the planned de¬
nant process in the shaping of the pattern
composition of organic material, such as
of a city, industrial city. Fig 12.
vegetable remains.
Zone 5
compression forcing into smaller com¬
pass, reducing in volume, condensation
by pressure, pressing together. The effect
of compression on the rocks of the earth’s
surface contributes to faulting and
V v
concordant drainage
concordant drainage the pattern of TIVE CONE, ALLUVIAL CONE, ASH CONE,
drainage-2 which arises from and closely CINDER CONE, DOME VOLCANO, PARA¬
follows the trends of the underlying SITIC CONE, SPATTER CONE 2. the fruit of
STRATA. some trees, e.g. pine trees, coniferous.
green, with slender leaves, and reprodu¬ direction as the dip of the underlying
cing by means of seeds contained in a rocks. A secondary consequent stream is
cone (a reproductive structure consisting a tributary of a subsequent stream;
of woody carpels closely grouped around it flows parallel to the main consequent
a central axis, bearing pollen or ovules). stream, drainage, obsequent. Fig 42.
connate water fossil water, water trapped constructive plate margin oceanic
in sedimentary rock at the time of its RIDGE, PLATE TECTONICS.
constructive wave one of a series of
connectivity network connectiv¬ waves rolling regularly and gently on a
ity. coast, the swash of the wave being more
powerful than the backwash, with the
consequent drainage, consequent
result that shingle, etc. is pushed up the
river or stream, consequent valley a
beach to form ridges.
natural water flow or valley directly related
to the original slope of the land surface; consumer durables those consumer
also a river or stream flowing in the same goods which can be used many times
consumer goods
over a period of dme and are thus used touching, neighbouring 2. next in order
up gradually (e.g. cars, clothes, furniture). or in time, topology.
Consumer goods which can be stored but
contiguous zone territorial
used only once (e.g. canned or frozen
WATERS. Fig 45.
food) are not classified as durable.
goods and services which directly satisfy masses ofland on the earth’s surface. Seven
the needs and desires of the individual are usually distinguished: North and South
person, e.g. food items, capital goods, America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia,
GOODS, FREE GOODS, PRODUCER GOODS. land together are often referred to as ‘Aus¬
tralasia’. ‘Oceania’ covers the Pacific
contact field the distribution pattern of islands. ‘The Continent’ in British writings
an individual’s or a group’s contacts with denotes the mainland ofEurope (contin¬
others, especially in activity space. ental). Some authors insist that Eurasia
AWARENESS SPACE. is one continent. The traditional boundary
contact metamorphism thermal between Europe and Asia along the Ural
metamorphism; and igneous, Mountains and the Ural River does not
contour interval
continental crust plate tectonics. mountains lie close to the ocean), form¬
ing a border to nearly every continent,
continental divide the main waterpart¬
stretching from the coast to the con¬
ing in a continent, e.g. in North America,
tinental slope, i.e. to the point where
where the streams flow on one side of the
the seaward slope inclines markedly to the
divide to the Pacific and on the other to
ocean floor. The depth of this outer edge
the Atlantic.
has been defined as lying approximately
continental drift the theory or hypo¬ between 120 m (65 fathoms: 395 ft) and
thesis first postulated in 1858, re-stated 370 m (200 fathoms: 1215 ft); but the
by A. Wegener in 1911, that the present continental shelf itself is, in general, con¬
the result of fragmentation of one or more less than 183 nr (100 fathoms: 600 ft) deep.
pre-existing masses which have drifted The precise definition and delimitation
become occupied by the oceans, plate international law in connexion with the
continental platform a continent and its contours, below sea-level, usually based
continental shelf a gently sloping sub¬ shown on any given map. If the contours
marine plain, usually of i° slope or less, and shown are at 50,100,150,200 m or ft above
of variable width (scarcely present along sea-level, the contour interval would be
some concordant coasts where fold 50 m or ft; if at 100, 200, 300 m or ft, the
contour ploughing
contour interval would be ioo m or ft. expands, rises and cools (adiabatic) to
The contour interval is often vaned on a dew-point, to form cumulus and
map. cumulonimbus clouds, which drop
very heavy, torrential rain, often accom¬
contour ploughing the farming practice
panied by thunder.
of cutting furrows across a hillslope, fol¬
lowing the contours rather than convenience good a good of low order
ploughing up and down the slope, the (order of goods) which needs to be
object being to reduce soil erosion bought frequently but for which people
caused by the run-off of rainwater. are not willing to travel a great distance,
and for which the threshold popu¬
controlled environment the state
lation is fairly low, e.g. bread, central
within a building (or sometimes within a
group of totally enclosed buildings) where
the air temperature, the humidity, the rate conventional name an exonym, the
of movement of and the particle content name given by the people of one linguistic
in the air are completely controlled, and group or nation to important towns, local¬
lighting is artificial. ities, physical features etc. of another. Thus
formed by the expansion and consequent Rome are used for cities known to the
areas. In some cases it may include enclaves Warszawa, Wien, Roma. There is now
of rural land in agricultural use. ecumen- international agreement that local names
core area
group for mutual benefit. Usually the (polyps) that secrete it/them. The colour
group pays for the bulk purchase of and form of the coral depend on the habits
machinery, seeds, fertilizers etc. and for of the species that builds it. colonial
services, and markets the produce, the ANIMAL, ZOOPHYTE.
costs and profits being shared by the
coral reef an extensive reef formed by
coral, coral sands and other coral
coordinate, co-ordinate in mathem¬ derivatives, commonly known as a bar¬
atics, each of a system of two or more rier reef if separated from the shore by
magnitudes specifying the position of a a lagoon, or a fringing reef if bordering
point on a line or a surface or in space, the land, atoll.
e.g. latitude and longitude are the
coral sand sand composed of commin¬
coordinates of a point on the earth’s
uted fragments of coral.
cordillera a mountain chain, a term
copper a red, ductile, metallic ele¬
applied particularly to the parallel ranges
ment-6, unaffected by water or steam, a
of the Andes in South America and their
trace element, found native in nature,
continuation through central America and
but mainly obtained from a variety of ores,
Mexico, and to the ranges of the great
copper pyrites and the carbonates (mal¬
western mountain system of North
achite and azurite) in particular. The ores
America, including the Rockies, Sierra
occur especially in veins or scattered
Nevada, Cascades, Coast Ranges etc.
through metamorphic rocks. It was
the first metal to be used for ornaments core the innermost part of anything: 1.
and vessels, later alloyed with tin to form of the earth, the central part of the earth’s
bronze. A good conductor of electricity interior (radius approximately 3476 km:
and heat, it is now widely used in alloys, 2160 mi) consisting of the outer layer of
some of its salts being used as fungicides. dense material (probably nickel-iron, with
a density of about 12.0) which behaves as
coppice a small wood-2 in which the
a liquid, and with n which the earth’s
trees are coppiced, i.e. cut off close to the
magnetic field is generated by circu¬
ground and so encouraged lo send up
lation, and containing the solid inner core
several shoots, each to serve in due course
(radius approximately 1380 to 1450 km:
for fencing posts or poles. Trees used in
860 to 900 mi, density about 17.0) at the
this way include the oak, hazel, sweet
centre. Between the outer core and the
mantle that envelops it is the Guten¬
copse a small wood consisting of trees and berg discontinuity 2. of a city or
undergrowth, coppice. town, the functionally specialized centre,
coral a hard, calcareous, rock-like sub¬ TRICT), usually lacking residences, core
stance formed either by the continuous
skeleton or fused skeletons of members of
a group of sedentary marine animals that
live in COLONIES-3 only in clear, warm, core area of a culture-i, region-i,
shallow seas, or by the skeleton or fused state, or city, a term loosely applied to the
skeletons together with the animals central area, the heart, the nucleus or the
\ v
core-frame concept
place of birth and nurture of a culture, the core at the expense of the peripheral
region, nation, or city, from which the areas. centripetal and centrifugal
culture/region/state/city expanded and FORCES, CIRCULAR AND CUMULATIVE
spread, cultural hearth, domain-2, GROWTH.
Coriolis force (Corioli’s is incorrect
core-frame concept in the structure of
spelling) the effect of the force produced
the central area of a city, the notion that
by the earth’s rotation on a body moving
within the central area there is an inner
on its surface. The body is deflected to
core-2 (with high land values, tall build¬
the right of the path of movement in the
ings, a concentrated daytime population,
northern hemisphere, to the left in the
where strong functional links between
southern, buys ballot’s law, ferrel’s
various offices, and between offices and
shops, create distinct clusters of functions
which form particular small land use cork the impermeable layer of dead cells
zones) and a ‘frame’ (the less intensively forming the outermost protective layer of
developed area surrounding the core, with stems or roots, applied particularly to the
relatively lower land values and widely thick bark of the cork oak, a small tree
distributed functions such as wholesaling, growing in Mediterranean lands. As soon
off-street parking, light manufacturing, as the tree is large enough the bark (cork)
etc. which have only their location in can be cut off the trunk and main branches.
common). It soon begins to form again, so that after
ten or twelve years it can again be cut. In
core-periphery model a model-2 or
nature the purpose of the bark is to prevent
hypothesis concerned with the spatial
loss of moisture in the hot, dry Mediter¬
structure of the relationship between a
ranean summer.
centre (a core-2, core area) and its
peripheral areas in an economic system.
com in North America applied to Indian
The wealthy core, with its high potential
corn or maize; but in Britain (and con¬
for growth, productivity, technical
tinental Europe) applied either to the
progress and innovation, is seen as
cereals wheat, rye, oats, barley etc. col¬
economically and socially dynamic. Its
lectively, or to the most important cereal
concentration of advantages encourages a
of an area, e.g. barley in some districts,
steady influx of capital-2 and talent,
wheat in others.
some from the periphery, to the disad¬
vantage of the peripheral areas, which Corn Belt the region in the USA, south
are accordingly economically and soci¬ and southwest of the Great Takes, where
ally weakened (cumulative upward corn (maize) is or was the dominant cul¬
causation). The institutions in the core, tivated plant.
becoming ever more powerful, come to
dominate the peripheral areas, making corrasion the process of mechanical ero¬
decisions that not only determine their sion of a rock surface by the friction of
growth and development but favour the rock material with the surface, the rock
core itself, an imbalance that may be material being moved under gravity, or
further reinforced by governmental, eco¬ carried by running water (streams, rivers
nomic and political policies that support and waves), by ice (glaciers), or by wind
to changes in the other, the correlation is originating in outer space (at that stage
said to be linear, and non-linear if the termed primary cosmic rays), collide with
changes are not proportional. A com¬ atoms and molecules of the earth’s upper
which tests the degree to which any two reach the earth’s surface, sometimes pen¬
sets of data are correlated is the spear¬ etrating it. The subatomic particles of the
man’s RANK CORRELATION COEF¬ primary cosmic rays consist mainly of the
cosmonaut V v
cost benefit analysis CBA, the evalu¬ any and all points throughout an area: it
ation in monetary terms of the costs and also identifies the least-cost loca¬
separated from the seeds by mechanical usually a feature, and in most country parks
‘ginning’ (once done by hand). The cotton information about the plant and animal
seed is crushed and the edible oil extracted life etc. is supplied.
for use in cooking and food preparations,
country rock a mass of rock traversed by
such as margarine; the residue provides
later intrusions of igneous rock or
meal or oilcake, used as cattle feed or
penetrated by a mineral vein.
fertilizer. The cotton fibres (lint) are
combed out into slivers, twisted to form covariance in statistics, a measure of the
yarn (spinning), then woven into fabric extent to which values on two variables
(weaving). In many manufacturing areas in vary together, i.e. high values on one being
Britain spinning and weaving were carried associated with high values on the other,
out in separate mills, even in separate or low with low. It is not, as is a cor¬
towns. In clothing manufacture cotton relation-2 coefficient, restricted to
gradually replaced wool in the eighteenth values between +1.0 and —1.0. The size
century, expanded greatly in the nine¬ of the covariance increases or decreases
teenth century, declined with the advent with the increasing or decreasing strength
of synthetic fibres; but cotton fibres, of the relationship. A zero value indicates
valued for their absorbent qualities, can no linear-5 relationship (linear
satisfactorily be woven with synthetic model), and positive or negative values
fibres to make fabrics comfortable to wear, indicate data showing evidence of corre¬
so cotton is still in demand. sponding to a positive or negative linear
trend, variance.
Cotton Belt that part of the southeastern
USA where cotton was the dominant cove 1. a steep-sided, rounded hollow or
crop. recess in a rock 2. a small inlet in a rocky
sea coast with a narrow opening and a
Council for Mutual Economic Assist¬ small curved bay 3. a recess with precip¬
ance cmea, popularly abbreviated to itous sides on a steep mountainside 4. a
COMECON. small rounded hollow at the head of a
counterfactual a construction of a hypo¬
thetical event, process, or state of affairs cover crop a fast-growing crop, planted
which does not accord with the facts on cleared land between main crops, to
known about an actual event, process, or form a blanket of vegetation and protect
state of affairs. the soil from erosion.
crater lake V v
crevasse 1. a fissure or chasm in the ice crop I. the annually or seasonally har¬
ofa GLACIER. LONGITUDINAL CREVASSE, vested produce resulting from the cul¬
TRANSVERSE CREVASSE 2. in USA, a tivation of grain, grass, fruit etc. 2.
break in the natural levee or bank of a cultivated produce while growing, crop
river such as the Mississippi. FARMING, ROTATION OF CROPS.
crop verb. I. to cultivate, sow, plant, reap the underlying mantle by the moho-
or bear a crop 2. by animals, to eat the tops rovicic discontinuity. There are two
of plants, grasses, to graze 3. in geology, to kinds of crust: continental, which has an
crop out, to come to the surface. average density 2.7, average thickness 35
to 40 km (22 to 25 mi) but under high
crop farming arable farming, the grow¬
mountain chains ranging between 60 and
ing of INDUSTRIAL CROPS, Or of food
70 km (37 and 44 mi), with large areas
crops such as cereals, vegetables etc. on
older than 1500 mn years (some exceeding
arable land (i.e. land which has been
3500 mn years), a complicated structure,
tilled), as distinct from livestock farm¬
and variable composition; and oceanic,
which is heavier than continental, average
cross-cutting relationships, law of a density 3.0, average thickness only 6 km
law which states that an igneous rock (3.7 mi), nowhere older than 200 mn years,
is younger than any rock across which it with a simple layered structure of uniform
crystalline V v
better applied not to the whole of the beliefs, ideas, symbols, values etc.), the
landform but only to the steep slope. forms of behaviour and social structures
Fig 42. (modes of organization, rituals, groupings,
institutions etc.), together with material
cultigen a plant species-i or its equi¬ and artistic manifestations (tools, build¬
valent produced by cultivation, a product ings, works of art etc.), formulated and
of human action, classification of created by people according to the con¬
ORGANISMS, CULTIVAR. ditions of their lives, characterizing a
sociETY-2,3 and transmitted as a social
cultivar cv, a plant variety arising from
heritage from one generation to the next,
cultivation, deliberately produced by
undergoing modification and change in
human action, as distinct from a natural
'the* process (culture area, culture
variety, occurring without human inter¬
contact, enculturation). Culture
vention. classification of organ¬
exerts a strong influence on the way in
isms, cultigen.
which the environment is perceived.
cultural geography a branch of hum an perception 2. the rearing of fish, silk¬
geography concerned particularly with worms etc. 3. the growing of micro-
organisms, tissues etc. in a prepared media, peripheral area (part of the backwash
or the product of such cultivation. effect). AGGLOMERATION ECONOMIES,
culture area, cultural region a
region-i identified by the existence
within it of a single, distinctive cul¬
ture- i or of cultures similar to one cumulonimbus a low-based mass of
another, cultural hearth, cultural cumulus cloud, dark grey when viewed
LANDSCAPE, DOMAIN-2, SPHERE-5. from below, shining white from the side,
developed to a great vertical height, the
culture contact the meeting or mingling upper part spreading into the shape of an
of groups with differing cultural traditions, anvil (anvil cloud, ice anvil, incus),
brought about by migration, displace¬ usually associated with thunderstorms,
ment, or enlargement of territory etc. heavy rain or hail, cloud.
Results vary: a dominant, technologically
superior, stronger, more successful culture cumulostratus stratocljmulus.
may swamp the weaker; the weaker may cumulus a heaped mass of low-lying,
form itself into a self-sufficient, tightly- rounded convection cloud with a large,
knit ethnic minority within the larger white, domed crown, which develops ver¬
group; cultural groups of equal strength tically from a flat base, in some cases to
may merge; or, as a result of the interaction a considerable height. It may disperse as
of diverse cultural groups and traditions, convection currents die away, or
a new society with its own particular develop into cumulonimbus if convec¬
cultural traditions may emerge, accul¬ tion currents grow in power.
ISTIC INTEGRATION, PLURALISM, current a body of water, air or other
PLURAL SOCIETY. fluid moving vertically or horizontally in
a definite direction, e.g. 1. the vertical
cumec cusec. movement of fluid material within the
earth, of water in the ocean, of air in an
cumulative frequency distribution in
air mass, convection current 2. the
statistics, a distribution produced by start¬
horizontal movement of water in certain
ing at one end of a range of scores and for
channels of a river 3. the permanent or
each successive class interval adding
semi-permanent, horizontal movement of
the frequency in that class interval to all
the surface water of the ocean-i (drift)
the preceding class intervals. Ifpercentages
caused mainly by the dragging action of
of the total cases falling in each class interval
the planetary winds. Fig 34. 4. the
are used, it is termed a cumulative relative
horizontal movement of water through a
frequency distribution, frequency dis¬
strait due to differences in temperature
and salinity at each end. density cur¬
cumulative upward causation the pro¬ rent 5. the horizontal movement ofwater
cess by which economic activity leading through a restricted channel due to
to prosperity and increasing economic differing tidal regimes at each end, i.e. a
development tends to.concentrate in an tidal current (not to be confused with
area with an initial advantage, draining a TIDAL STREAM). LITTORAL CURRENT,
investment and skilled labour from the LONGSHORE CURRENT.
current bedding
line rather than by a straight line when through which an uplifted land surface
one is plotted against the other. LiNEAR-4. would pass in its reduction to base level
by the action of natural agencies in the
cusec the unit of measurement of flow processes of erosion. In youth streams
of a fluid, an abbreviation of cubic feet flow through steep-sided V-shaped val¬
per second (1 cusec = 102 cu m per hour), leys; in adolescence the characteristic fea¬
commonly used as a measure of river flow tures of maturity start to appear; in
(the number of cubic feet per second pass¬ maturity (mature) or middle age valleys
ing a particular reach). The abbreviation are broader with gentler slopes; in old
of cubic metres per second is cumec. dis¬ age valleys are broad and flat, rivers slug¬
charge OF A STREAM. gish, and the land surface becomes a
with the apex projecting seawards, formed This hypothesis is no longer uncritically
storm where the low pressure system itudes, as the warm moist air mass of the
is small (diameter 80 to 400 km: 50 to depression meets and overrides colder,
250 mi) and the barometric gradient steep, heavier air. Characteristically, widespread
associated with strong winds, thunder¬ drizzle is followed by heavy ram and squalls
storms, heavy rainfall, known as a hur¬ as the cold front passes.
ricane or typhoon. The term used to
cyclothem in geology, a stratigraphical
be applied to any small, travelling low
unit consisting of a series of beds deposited
pressure system, but in midlatitudes such
during a single cycle of sedimentation,
a system is now termed a depression-3,
beginning with shallow water deposits as
low, or cyclonic disturbance, filling.
the land sank, passing into deeper water
cyclonic (frontal) rain precipitation deposits and again into shallow water or
associated with the passage of a coastal deposits as the basins became
depression-3 in middle and high lat¬ infilled or the land rose.
dairy cattle cattle reared specifically for invaders in the ninth and tenth centuries
milk production. 2. the part of England governed by those
dairy farm a farm specializing in dairy
FARMING. dasymetric method a method used in
drawing a density map (e.g. ofpopulation)
dairy farming farming devoted primarily
which does not use average figures related
to the keeping of cows for their yield of
to administrative units (which produces
milk, whether for consumption as such,
an unrealistic map with sharp contrasts
or conversion to butter, cheese and other
between one area and another, choro-
milk products.
pleth map) but instead draws on all avail¬
approximately parallel to the trend of the of hot deserts, usually grown without ir¬
relief, the tops of former mountain ranges rigation, and bearing a nutritious fruit with
appearing as lines of islands, the parallel high sugar content. The fruit is sold loose
valleys having been drowned when the as fresh dates, or semi-dried and packaged;
sea level rose, submerged coast. if dried it keeps for a long time and can
be ground into a flour, or soaked in water
dam a barrier of earth, rock, masonry or for eating.
concrete built across the course of a river
to hold back or restrict the flow of the
dating the determining, so far as is pos¬
sible, of dates for structures, events,
water for a specific purpose, barrage.
artifacts. The techniques used in¬
dambo (Bantu) I. the floodplain of a clude DENDROCHRONOLOGY, LICHENO-
river in central Africa, swampy in the wet METRY, OSL, P AL AEOM AGNETISM
season, but dry for most of the year, sup¬ (archaeomagnetism) investigation, po¬
porting long grass 2. a shallow depression, tassium argon dating, radiocarbon
lacking distinct drainage channels, at the dating, varve investigation.
head of a drainage system, a term originally
datum (Latin, pi. data) a thing given,
applied to such a depression in tropical
something known and made the basis of
Africa, now extended to other areas.
reasoning or calculation. Purists maintain
Danelaw I. the code of laws established that the plural, data, should always be used
in north and east England by Norse with a plural verb.
datum level, datum line, datum plane rocks, sand, clay, moved from their place
the zero altitude base from which the of origin and redeposited, denudation.
measurement of elevation starts. The Ord¬
debris avalanche a rapid flow of rock
nance Datum (OD) from which heights
debris, sliding in narrow tracks down a
for British official (Ordnance Survey)
steep slope under the influence of gravity.
maps are calculated is the mean sea level
at Newlyn, Cornwall, England.
debris fall the precipitate, nearly free, fall
day the time during which the sun is
of earth debris from a vertical or over¬
above the horizon, the opposite of night.
hanging face under the influence of grav¬
day degree the measure of the duration ity. MASS MOVEMENT.
of temperatures-2 above or below a
debris slide the rapid downward rolling
selected basal temperature in a period ol
or sliding of unconsolidated earth debris,
without backward rotation of the mass,
under the influence of gravity, mass
daylength photoperiod, one of the MOVEMENT.
important environmental factors influ¬
decalcification the removal of cal¬
encing the reproduction of plants, and the
seasonal activities of animals (e.g. hiber¬
or horizons as carbonic acid reacts
nation, migration-3, reproduction).
with the carbonate mineral material.
daylight saving a system in which time CARBONATION.
in an area is advanced, usually by one hour,
decentralization i. the action or fact of
in relation to the standard time of that
moving away from a concentration at a
area in order to extend the period of day¬
central point 2. the diminishing of central
light at the end of a normal working day.
control or authority in administration in
dead adj. I. having no life 2. inactive, in order to increase the authority of groups
contrast to active. at places, branches etc. distant from the
centre, or the pursuance of that policy.
dead cave a cave in which excavation and
deposition have finished, active cave.
dead cliff a sea cliff no longer subject
deciduous adj. applied to trees or shrubs
to erosion by waves owing to the
which shed all their leaves at a certain
build-up of protecting beach material or
season every year, as opposed to ever¬
to a fall in sea level, weathering reduces
green, applied to trees or shrubs which
the angle of slope, and ultimately the dead
carry green leaves throughout the year.
cliff is colonized by vegetation.
Although certain coniferous trees (not¬
dead ice stagnant ice, usually covered ably the larch) are deciduous, deciduous
with rock debris, at the edges of a motion¬ is commonly used as synonymous with
less glacier or ice sheet. broadleaved, applied to trees which
shed their leaves in the autumn or fall
death-rate birth-rate.
in midlatitudes as the temperature
debris detritus, an accumulation ot falls. Deciduous trees of the- monsoon
rock waste consisting of disintegrated forests drop their leaves in the hot dry
\ s.
deduction i. reasoning from the general it for a considerable distance before the
to the particular, i.e. in which the con¬ ultimate confluence-2 which in many
clusion necessarily follows from the cases takes place on the convex side of
deficiency disease a disease in humans
deep in the ocean, a trough-like caused by the lack of an essential food
depression or trench in the sea floor, of substance (e.g. rickets in children, due to
limited extent and great depth (over a lack of vitamin D).
5500 m: 3000 fathoms: 18 050 ft). Deeps
deflation 1. the removal of fine rock
occur mostly at the convergence of plates
debris by wind, especially likely to occur
in arid or semi-arid areas lacking the
TONICS). Thus there are many near the
protection of vegetation (dust bowl). 2.
island arcs in the Pacific, e.g. the Man¬
in economic geography and economics,
ana Trench near Guam (11 033 m: 6000
the reduction of the value of currency
fathoms. 36 198 ft), or the Emden Deep
or of prices from an inflated condition.
near the Philippines (10 794 m: 5900
fathoms: 35 413 ft).
demographic transition
\ N.
change in the manner of population when the death rate is more hkely to fluc¬
growth occurring over a period of time, tuate than the birth rate, birth rate,
shows four phases. The first is termed high their size, structure and development. It
stationary (high birth and death rates, a is concerned not only with statistics of
fluctuating but low population growth birth, disease, death, marriage, life expect¬
due to famine, disease, war); the second ancy, migration, the division ofpopulation
is early expanding (continuing high birth into groups on the basis of sex, age, marital
rate, but declining death rate, and increase status and the changes in those structures,
in life expectancy resulting from better but also with all aspects of population
nutrition, sanitation and medical care, studies, including relationships with social
the third, late expanding, is characterized
by the stabilization of the death rate at a
demoiselle (French) an earth pillar,
low level, and a decline in the birth rate
weathered from volcanic breccia or
linked to the growth of an urban-industrial
similar material, but capped by a large
society with its high cost of child-rearing
boulder which has protected the material
and the ready availability and use of birth
underlying it.
control techniques. The fourth phase,
low stationary, is a period of very slow dendritic drainage a drainage pattern
population growth, with birth and death resembling the branching of a tree,
rates stabilized at a low level, the former developed especially on a gentle, nearly
being more likely to fluctuate than the uniform slope where no control is exer¬
latter. In this it differs from the first phase, cised by the underlying geological struc-
ture, so that insequent streams deeper rocks by any natural agency, i.e.
develop, and as each insequent cuts its by any agent of erosion as well as by
own valley it receives its own insequent WEATHERING and MASS MOVEMENT, and
tributaries, drainage. Fig 17. therefore not to be confused with the term
erosion, which excludes weathering and
dendroarchaeology the investigation
mass movement. Denudation is also
concerned with the analysis of wood
applied generally to the lowering of a land
remains found in archaeological excava¬
surface by erosion and the removal of rock
tions and the dating of the sites based
waste, and is thus synonymous with
on such evidence, dendrochrono¬
degradation. Rocks vary in resistance
to denudation, hence the term differential
dendrochronology dating by the process denudation is applied to areas where this
of counting the annual growth rings is apparent, circumdenudation.
of a tree, dendroarchaeology.
dependency, dependent territory a
denitrification the process in which ni¬ territory relying on or subject to the con¬
trates are broken down by bacteria in trol of another country of which it does
the soil, resulting in the release of free not form an integral part.
nitrogen (free-2) and a reduction in soil
dependency ratio in population, the
fertility. It usually occurs in anaerobic
ratio of the number of people who cannot
conditions, e.g. in a waterlogged soil.
be gainfully employed in a population
(the dependants) to the number who
density 1. the quantity of anything per are actively or potentially active (the
unit area, hence the density of persons, of employed or employable). The dependent
houses, or of habitable rooms per sq km, population is sometimes classified as those
per ha, per acre etc. 2. the relation of mass in the age groups o to 14 and 65 years of
(the amount of matter) to the space it age and over.
occupies (its volume) expressed as gm per
dependent variable a variable which
cu cm, the unit of measurement used being
is to be explained or predicted. It is de¬
the density of water at o°C (at that tem¬
pendent on one or more other variables
perature 1 cc of water weighs nearly 1 gm).
which may control it or relate to it. Thus
Thus density is an absolute quantity, unlike
it is not under the control of the experi¬
specific gravity which, while numer¬
menter; and it will be affected by other
ically the same, is a relative quantity. The
variables which are being manipulated.
density of water depends on temperature,
salinity, particles in solution.
depopulation a marked reduction in the
density current an ocean current
number of inhabitants of an area, popu¬
resulting from the differences in den-
sity-2 of water caused by variations in
salinity and temperature, cold or very deposit material laid down, a natural
saline water being more dense, and there¬ accumulation, a sediment, deposition.
fore sinking and flowing,under less dense,
deposition the action of laying down of
warm, less saline water.
material, especially of the debris trans¬
denudation broadly, the uncovering of ported mechanically by wind, running
depressed area \ v
water, tides and currents in the ocean and derelict land land damaged by some pro¬
seas; of the materials transported in solu¬ cess (e.g. by extractive or other industry)
tion, subject to evaporation and chemical and/or neglect, abandoned and left to fall
precipitation (e.g. rock salt) or to the to rum, incapable of being used in its
intervention of living organisms (e.g. present condition.
coral); or of organic matter, mainly the
desalination, desalinization the process
remains of vegetation (e.g. peat). Depos¬
of removing dissolved salts from water,
ition is thus the opposite of denudation,
especially from sea water, or from the soil.
the two processes together acting on the
earth’s crust at or very near its surface. desegregation the process of abandoning
the practice of segregation, e.g. of
depressed area an area in economic
bringing to an end the provision of separate
decline, with a high level of unemploy¬
facilities, such as educational facilities, for
ment over a long period of time, devel¬
different ethnic or social groups.
opment area.
desert a region in which evaporation
depression i. in general, the process of
exceeds precipitation, from whatever
sinking, the action of pressing down, or
cause, so that the moisture present is
the fact of being pressed down, the con¬
insufficient to support any but the scantiest
dition of being lowered in position, of
vegetation, arid, cold-water desert.
being less active than usual 2. any hollow
or relatively sunken area, especially one desertification the spread of land de¬
enclosed by higher land, without an outlet gradation in arid, semi-arid and dry sub-
for surface drainage 3. in meteorology, humid areas, leading to the outward spread
specifically, a region of the atmosphere of desert fringes, brought about by cli¬
where the atmospheric pressure is lower matic variations and the activities ofpeople
than that of its surroundings, i.e. a low and their livestock.
pressure system, a ‘low’ or ‘disturbance’ in
desert pavement, desert mosaic in a
midlatitudes and high latitudes, replacing
hot desert, an exposure ofbedrock or of
the term cyclone (warm front). A
pebbles, closely packed after the removal
deep depression is one in which the pres¬
of finer rock material, polished or
sure at the centre is considerably lower
smoothed by blown sand so that eventually
than that at the edges; a shallow depression
the upper surfaces of the bedrock or
is one in which there is little difference
pebbles are ground flat. The pebbles are
between those two pressures. Figs 14, 15.
often bonded together by salts drawn to
deprivation the state of being prevented the surface in solution by capillarity
from using, of being taken away from, and precipitated by evaporation, which
of lacking something necessary or desir¬ act as a cement-2.
desert soils soils of arid regions where
there is a net deficiency of rainfall (com¬
deranged drainage a confused drain- monly areas with rainfall under 250 mm:
age-2 system which produces a mosaic of 10 in), hence a lack of vegetation and a
small lakes, streams, marshes, small islands thin or discontinuous organic layer. There
(as in Finland) caused by the haphazard is commonly a surface layer of pebbles,
distribution of (glacial) drift-i. the leached layer being only about 15 cm
desire line
—<•>—Warm front
-A—Cold front
Pressure in millibars
of people who cannot avoid living or desire line a straight line drawn on a map
destructive plate margin
between the point of origin and the point made of the natural and economic
of destination of a trip, i.e. the shortest resources, skills, machinery etc. present
distance between these two points, in¬ there, the necessary capital being available,
dicating the route a person would like to and that what had formerly been potential
dialectical materialism
Devensian the extent and duration of the diagnostic horizon a strictly defined
ice-cover varied from one area to another: soil horizon which clearly shows the
nearly all of southern England and East soil-forming processes at work in an area,
Anglia was ice-free; but western Scotland and is used as a basis for classifying soils in
diamond \ v.
diffusion 1. the spreading out, the propa¬ dike, dyke (the spelling dyke is common
gation, the dissemination through time but etymologically incorrect) 1. a ditch, a
of a phenomenon or phenomena (e.g. wall, an embankment, a ridge 2. in geo-
discharge of a stream
dike (dyke) swarm in geology, a collec¬ Dirichlet polygon a polygon that con¬
tion of dikes-2 of the same age, usually tains within it areas which are nearer to the
with a common trend over a wide area, point around which they are constructed
than to any other points, named after
sometimes radiating from a common
P. G. L. Dirichlet, 1805 — 59, German
mathematician; also known as a Thiessen
dilatation of rocks, the release of pressure polygon or a first-order Brillouin region.
effected within a rock mass when overly¬
ing layers are removed by denudation, dirt band a dark band of ice, demarcated
causing the rock to expand and split along by light bands, formed within the ice of a
expansion joints (dilatation joints) and glacier between the annual accumula¬
concentric layers at right angles to the tion layers ofFiRN. The almost bubble-free
direction of the pressure release to split dirt band is formed when melt-water con¬
away from the upper surface, from taining dirt is re-frozen. The light ice band,
which they are commonly removed by a mass of bubbles, may be the result of
WEATHERING. winter freezing of snow.
Fig 16 Dip
S. v
discordant adj. at variance, incongruous; tern in which farmhouses and rural dwell¬
not in accord, not harmoniously con¬ ings are scattered instead of being grouped
nected. CONCORDANT. together in a hamlet, nucleated set¬
tlement, VILLAGE.
discordant coast a coast where the coast¬
line cuts across the folds-2 and faults dissection the cutting of a land surface by
of the geological structure, i.e. across the erosion, especially by eroding streams,
‘grain’ of the country; a transverse or into numerous valleys.
dissolved load the organic and inorganic
discordant drainage the condition of material in solution-i carried by a
drainage when the surface drainage does stream-i , as distinct from the bed load
not directly relate to the dip-2 of the and the suspended load. The total
underlying strata. amount of dissolved material in the water
is usually assessed by evaporating a known
discordant junction a river junction in
volume of filtered water and weighing the
which a tributary stream falls abruptly into
dry residue.
the main stream, e.g. from a hanging
VALLEY. ACCORDANT JUNCTION. distance-decay phenomenon the weak¬
ening, the fading, of process or pattern
disease endemic, epidemic, pan¬
with increasing distance. It is apparent, for
example, in transport flows in that as the
diseconomies of scale an increase in unit distance between the point of origin and
costs arising from an increased scale of the point of destination increases the
production. This rise in unit costs may be intensity of the flow tends to decrease.
brought about by internal diseconomies
(e.g. the need for a large administrative distanciation time-space distanci-
organization, the loss of contact between ATION.
consumers 3. the geographical range of termed a pie diagram or pie graph, a dia¬
an organism or group of organisms 4. in gram in which a circle, representing the
statistics, a classification or arrangement, total of the values, is divided into sectors,
especially of statistical information. each sector being proportional to the value
division of labour international
disturbance in meteorology, a depres¬
dock an enclosure or artificial basin, fitted
sion-3 or low of no great intens¬
with floodgates, in a harbour or river, in
which vessels are loaded, unloaded,
diurnal adj. in general, of, or belonging refitted, repaired. The pi. docks, denotes
to, each day, completed once in one day. the dock basins with adjoining wharfs,
warehouses, workshops and yards, offices.
diurnal range the difference between
minimum and maximum values in 24
hours, e.g. as applied to air temperature.
dockyard an enclosure with docks and
diurnal rhythm, circadian rhythm the
equipment for building and repairing
rhythmic physiological changes that, ori¬
ships, especially naval vessels.
ginating within an organism, occur in
every 24 hours even when the organism doldrums the region of small pressure
is isolated from the daily rhythmic changes gradient, the belt of calms with high
in its environment, e.g. sleep rhythm in humidity and high temperatures occurring
animals (including humans), or leaf move¬ near the equator, approximately between
ments in plants. 5°N and 5°S, especially over the eastern
part of the oceans, itcz. Fig 5.
divagating meander a meander which
is liable to variation from time to time doline a shallow basin or funnel-shaped
because the surface on which it occurs depression typical of karst landscape. It
approaches the condition ofa peneplain. usually has a flat floor, sometimes cultiv¬
ated, linked to the underlying drainage
divergence in general, the action of start¬
system by a vertical shaft. The size and
ing off from a point or source, and con¬
form vary, the diameter from a few metres
tinuing in separate directions, with the
to a kilometre, the depth from a few to
result that the degree of separation
several hundred metres. If formed mainly
increases with distance 1. in climatology,
by direct solution of surface limestone, it
a type of airflow in which in a certain area
is termed a solution doline; if by the col¬
at a given altitude the outflow is greater
lapse ofa cave roof following subterranean
than the inflow, resulting in a decrease in
solution, a collapse doline.
the air contained 2. in oceanography, the
movement of surface water away from a doline lake a body of freshwater occupy¬
zone, brought about by wind-drift, re¬ ing a DOLINE.
sulting in the rise of water from the
dolomite 1. a mineral consisting of equal
molecules of calcium carbonate and mag¬
divided circle diagram popularly nesium carbonate, commonly occurring
in evaporite deposits, e.g. from seawater; domestic trade internal trade as opposed
or as a replacement in limestone, some to international trade.
of the calcium having been replaced by
dome volcano a volcano composed of
magnesium; as a cement; as a gangue
highly viscous lava which, on eruption,
mineral in hydrothermal deposits; and
congeals above and around the orifice
in carbonatites 2. commonly applied to
instead of flowing away, the older lava
a rock consisting predominantly of that
sometimes being raised by pressure of the
mineral, hence dolomitic limestone, a
lava welling up from below.
limestone with some dolomite. Dolomite
rock is sometimes termed magnesian dominant adj. controlling or ruling, most
LIMESTONE. CALCIFICATION. noticeable, commanding on account of
strength or position.
domain I. the estate or territory within
dominant wave the largest, most power¬
defined limits over which control or
ful wave rolling on part of the coast.
influence is exerted 2. the zone which
immediately adjoins the core area of dominant wind the wind that blows
a culture-i (cultural hearth) and with the most effect. It may, or may not,
into which the culture spreads. OUT- be the prevailing wind.
dormant adj. sleeping, quiescent, applied
specifically to a volcano which has not
dome loosely applied to any dome-shaped
erupted in historic time, but is not
(hemispherical) mass of rock or dome¬
regarded as extinct.
shaped landform. More precisely applied
to a structural feature where the under¬ dormitory town a town from which res¬
lying rocks form a dome, i.e. the strata idents travel daily to work in an accessible
dip away in all directions from a central, nearby larger town or conurbation.
rounded area, batholith, dome vol¬ COMMUTER.
dormitory village commuter village
dot map a map showing spatial distri¬
Domesday Book a documentary, de¬ bution (commonly based on statistical data
tailed survey of England on a county for an administrative unit) by the use of
basis compiled in 1086—7 on the orders dots, usually of uniform size, each rep¬
of William I (the Conqueror), King of resenting a specific number of the objects
England, recording the extent, value, concerned. The value of the dot must be
ownership of estates, census of house¬ carefully chosen, bearing in mind the high
holders, local customs, in two volumes, and low quantities to be represented and
one covering Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, the their location. If statistical data only are
other the remainder of England apart from available the dots have to be spaced evenly
Northumberland, Durham, Cumberland within the administrative unit; but with a
and north Westmorland, which were knowledge of local conditions they can
excluded. be placed more precisely to give a more
realistic representation, less misleading
domestic animal a tame animal living than even spacing, but usually involving
under and dependent on human care. subjective judgement.
double tide a tidal regime in which there downwind 1. adj. situated to leeward.
is a double high tide (the first falling a little lee 2. adv. on the leeward side, in the
before rising again to a second maximum, same direction as the wind.
e.g. in Southampton Water, southern
drainage 1. the act of taking off excess
England) or a double low tide (termed a
water from the land by artificial channels
gulder near Portland, Dorset, England). It
2. the natural runoff of water from an
is due to the effects of the shape of the
area by streams, rivers etc. consequent,
coast or of shallow water, tide.
down, downs, downland I. an open The terms applied to the drainage pattern,
expanse of gently undulating, elevated system or network, i.e. to the arrangement
land, usually of chalk and supporting of the main river and its tributaries, include
pasture, typically the treeless chalk ACCORDANT, ANTECEDENT, CENTRI¬
uplands of south and southeastern England PETAL, CONCORDANT, DENDRITIC, DE¬
2. in Australia and New Zealand, midlat¬ RANGED, INCONSEQUENT, INLAND,
itude grasslands 3. The Downs, the name INSEQUENT, PARALLEL, PINNATE, RA¬
given to part of the North Sea near the DIAL, RECTANGULAR, RESEQUENT,
Goodwin Sands, off the east coast of Kent, SUPERIMPOSED, TRELLIS. Fig 17.
drainage area all the land with a common
downsizing in industry, the reduction in outlet for its surface water, synonymous
number of employees. with river basin if the river flows into
the ocean; but if several rivers flow into
downthrow in geology, the subsidence
an inland sea the whole area draining to
of rock strata on one side of a fault, the
that sea may be included.
strata being lowered on the downthrow
drainage basin the tract of land drained
downtown (American) the main business by a sole river system.
drift net
drift net a large fishing net, held down meteorology as absolute drought,
and open by weights at the bottom and PARTIAL DROUGHT and DRY SPELL.
floats at the top, that moves with the tide.
drove-road, drove-way a driftway,
drizzle a very fine rainfall, with raindrops
drift-way, an ancient road or track along
less than 0.5 mm (0.02 in) in diameter,
which there is free right of way for cattle
falling continuously, especially associated
but which is not necessarily kept in order
with a WARM FRONT.
by any authority. Hence drover, one who
drought a prolonged, continuous period drives droves of cattle, sheep etc. to a
of dry weather, classified in British distant market, and is thus a dealer in cattle.
dry adj.
drowned valley a valley which was ex¬ axis in line with the movement of the
cavated in a land surface but owing to a ice that deposited it. Rock drumlins are
change in sea level has been partly or smoothed mounds of rock with or without
wholly drowned by the sea. concord¬ their veneer of boulder clay. Drumlins
ant COAST, FJORD, RIA. often occur in groups (swarms) as a
drumlin field or basket of eggs relief.
drumlin a smooth, oval, low hill or FALSE DRUMLIN.
\ s.
dry adiabatic lapse rate
per cent relative humidity) and to cli¬ dry stone wall a wall, usually of natural
mate (generally when evaporation exceeds stdne, built without mortar, to mark
precipitation), arid. boundaries, especially in southwestern and
northern Britain.
dry adiabatic lapse rate the rate of loss
of temperature with increasing height dry valley a valley, originally carved by
occurring in an unsaturated body of air water (especially in chalk and lime¬
as it ascends adiabatically (adiabatic), stone), which no longer has a running
about i°C in ioo m (5-4°F in 1000 ft) stream, though a bourne may flow after
of ascent, environmental lapse rate, heavy precipitation. There are many
LAPSE RATE, SATURATED ADIABATIC theories about the origin of dry valleys,
LAPSE RATE. including a slow lowering of the water
table resulting from lowered precipita¬
dry-bulb thermometer an ordinary
tion; or the divergence of a stream that
mercury thermometer used together
formed the valley (river capture); or
with a wet-bulb thermometer to dis¬
a change in climatic conditions (e.g. in
Pleistocene glaciations); or the cutting
dry (graving) dock a narrow basin into back of an escarpment with resultant
which a vessel passes and from which water lowering of the spring-line; or surface
is then pumped, leaving the vessel out of erosion under periglacial conditions;
the water, dry, for repair, dock. or spring-sapping; or, in limestone, the
disappearance of a former surface stream
dry farming a farming practice that
down a joint, or the collapse ofan under¬
involves special treatment of the land to
ground cavern. It is also possible that some
overcome a shortage of water. One
small dry valleys in chalk were formed not
method is to crop the land only every two
by stream erosion but by the enlargement
years, conserving at least part of the rainfall
of lines ot structural weakness, e.g. some
of one year to add to that received in the
joints enlarged by frost, the debris being
next by pulverizing the soil surface or by
moved away by solifluction.
protecting it by a mulch (a layer of straw
or decaying plant leaves etc.). dualism the quality or state of consisting
of two distinct parts, e.g. the condition
dry gap wind gap.
in the economy of a country where a
drying oil an oil that has the property of relatively small group of well-educated,
drying and forming a thin elastic film on affluent, socially and economically ad¬
exposure to air, e.g. linseed oil, used indus¬ vanced controlling elite live in the cen¬
trially. tral city or in the larger towns, where
the economy is dynamic and growing,
dry point settlement a settlement on a
industry (supported by large injections of
site not liable to flooding in a flood region,
qapital) uses modern production tech¬
or on a patch of dry soil in a wet soil'
niques and management and is capital
region, wet point settlement.
intensive, labour is specialized, commer¬
dry spell i. in UK, any period of cial exchange is extensive and complex,
drought 2. in USA, a period of 14 days the professions are gathered together and
without measurable precipitation, abso¬ salaries are high, while the majority of the
lute DROUGHT. population (who are much poorer) live in
the countryside where the economy is market by two suppliers, who thus dom¬
static, industry is labour intensive, tech¬ inate the market and between them con¬
niques are traditional, trade with other trol the price and scale of the supply.
areas is limited and services are inadequate. MONOPOLY, OLIGOPOLY, PERFECT COM¬
ductile adj. of metals, capable of being durable goods goods that are not likely
pressed or drawn into shape without the to wear out or decay for a long time,
aid of heat, malleable. e.g. carpets, furniture, to buy which the
consumer is prepared to travel some dis¬
dude ranch a ranch organized for the
entertainment of tourists, as a place for a
holiday, mainly in the USA.
duricrust a hard crust covering a relatively
dumb-bell island an island consisting of
soft soil surface in semi-arid, flat areas with
two parts, often rocky, joined by a narrow
a short rainy season and a long, hot dry
isthmus, often of sand, which is never in
season. It consists of aluminous, cal¬
any part of its length below high water
careous, siliceous, ferruginous and mag¬
mark, tombolo.
nesian materials, drawn to the surface by
dune a hill or ridge of sand piled up by capillarity, which brings to the upper
the wind in dry regions (desert dunes) or soil during the dry season the minerals
along sandy coasts, often independently of dissolved during the wet season. At depth
any fixed surface feature which might form it forms duripan (hard pan).
dust-storm \ x.
eagre, egre a tidal wave or bore. land (29.22 per cent of the surface); but
some authorities give the surface area as
earth I. the planet on which we live, a
509 610 000 sq km (196 836 000 sq mi), of
flattened sphere (oblate spheroid) in
which 148 065 120 sq km (57 168 000 sq
orbit round the sun, fifth in size and third
mi) is land. The mean density is 5.517; the
in order from the sun of the nine planets
mass is 5.882 x io21 tonnes, atmosphere,
of the solar system. The polar diameter
is 12 712 km (7899 mi), the equatorial
diameter 12 755 km (7926 mi); the polar
circumference 40 008 km (24 860 mi), the
equatorial circumference 40 076 km
(24 902 mi). It is generally agreed that the
magnetism 2. the solid material of that
surface area is 510100448 sq km
planet, as distinct from air and water 3.
(196 949 98osqmi), ofwhich 361 059 266
the disintegrated, loose material on the
sq km (139 405 122 sq mi) is water (70.78
surface of it, the soil as distinct from the
per cent of the total surface) and
solid rock. Fig 18.
149 041 182 sq km (57 544 858 sq mi) is
Summer 21 March
21 June
North Pole Winter
Arctic Circle
22 Dec.
Tropic of Cancer Autumnal
Rotation of Earth 23 Sept.
Circle of illumination
economic base theory
S s.
economic determinism
internal demands of the city or region cqsts and the highest profits, bounded
production. The reduction in unit costs is and physical factors of the environment in
brought about by internal economies, i.e. which they live, all being linked by the
economies within the enterprise (e.g. transfer of energy and materials (food
greater specialization and division of chain). The boundary of an ecosystem is
labour, the spreading of research, develop¬ difficult to define (the whole world may
ment and other fixed costs over more be considered as an ecosystem), but the
production units) and from the external term is usually applied to a small system
economies (economies of localization) where the net transfer of energy and
which arise when firms in the same or materials across the boundary is low, e.g.
similar industries are located close a pond, a forest, a small oceanic island. An
together, thereby benefiting from the ecosystem is never totally self-contained
availability of a skilled labour force, or closed: solar energy received crosses the
specialist services, supplies, infrastructure, boundary, as does a foraging animal. The
marketing etc. (agglomeration-3), or part of the world which forms the home
when the growth of an entire industry for an ecosystem is termed an ecotope;
reduces the costs in each individual firm. but ecotope is sometimes used as a syn¬
ecotone a transitional zone between two
economies of urbanization the eco¬ habitats where different plant associ¬
nomies of scale achieved by a wide ations merge.
range of industries from the circumstances
ecotope ECOSYSTEM.
of urbanization-i, i.e. the well-
developed physical structure and services, ecotourism tourism planned to respect
large labour force with diverse skills, large and safeguard the environment, based on
potential market, diseconomies of the natural attractions of an area and aware
MENT of fragile ecosystems.
economy i. a system-5 of production
and distribution designed to meet the ecumene, oecumene I. the habitable
material needs of a country, region or world known to the ancient Greeks 2. the
society 2. a part of such a system, e.g. part ofthe earth’s surface suitable, through
agricultural economy. climatic conditions, for permanent human
settlement, anecumene.
eco-refugees people who leave their
homeland to escape drought, desert¬ ecumenopolis the city of the future,
ification, soil erosion and other covering most of the habitable surface of
environmental problems. the earth as a continuous system, forming a
universal settlement, the limits determined
ecosphere the biosphere and all the
by climatic constraints and the extent of
ecological factors which affect
fairly flat land. The term was introduced
in 1961 by C. A. Doxiadis, who saw the
ecosystem ecological system, a system-2 natural hierarchy of large urban settle¬
formed by the interaction of all living ments as large city, metropolis-2,
organisms (plants, animals, bacteria etc.) CONURBATION, MEGALOPOLIS, ecu-
with each other and with the chemical menopolis.
S. v
edaphic adj. related to, due to, dependent Republic. Greenland, on gaining inde¬
on, or having characteristics due to, the pendence from Denmark, withdrew on
nature of the soil. 23 February 1982. Greece joined in 1981,
Spain and Portugal in 1986, Sweden and
edaphic climax the vegetation climax
Finland in 1995. Customs duties on trade
produced by edaphic factors.
between the six were phased out by 1 July
edaphic factors soil factors, the biologi¬ 1968, between the nine by 1 July 1977.
cal, chemical and physical properties of a Some developing countries have associate
soil. EDAPHIC CLIMAX. status in the EEC, others have trading
agreements with the Community. In 1992
edaphic formations vegetation forma¬
the name was changed to the European
tions classified according to the soil types
Union (EU). The aims, operation and
that determine them, as distinct from cli¬
membership of the EU are detailed in the
Statesman’s Year-Book, Macmillan, cap.
eddy a swirling movement of fluid within
effective accessibility the extent to
a larger mass of fluid, in a direction con¬
which a place or service is actually access¬
trary to that of the main flow, e.g. as in
ible, governed not only by the distance to
depressions or highs in the atmosphere, or
be travelled but also by whether or not
in the water of a river as it encounters
the means of transport, the time avail¬
an obstruction in its flow, hydraulic
able, and social circumstances make an
approach possible, accessibility, cost
edge i. loosely, a sharp ridge, especially space.
one with an exposure of rock, a topo¬
effective precipitation 1. that part of
graphic term not generally used spe¬
total precipitation which is of use to plants
cifically in geographical writing, but
2. in hydrology, that part of total precip¬
commonly used in place-names to indicate
itation which flows into a stream channel.
an arete, ridge or mountain crest, e.g.
Wenlock Edge in Shropshire, England 2. effluent a pouring out, flowing away,
in mathematics, a link, a route in a topo¬ hence a stream flowing out of a lake or
logical diagram, graph-2. out of a reservoir, or from land after ir¬
rigation; or the flow of waste liquid from
EEC, European Economic Com¬
sewage works or from a factory.
munity, Common Market, European
Union (EU) a group of European coun¬ EFT A, European Free Trade Associ¬
tries established i January 1958 on the basis ation a group consisting originally of
of a treaty signed in Rome 25 March 1957. seven European countries (sometimes
The aims included increased productivity, known as the outer seven in contrast to
free mobility oflabour, coordinated trans¬ the original six countries of the EEC)
port and commercial policies, and control, which linked themselves together effect¬
of restrictive practices among members. ively in i960 for the purposes of trade,
The original six members, Belgium, aiming to abolish tariffs on imports of
France, Federal Republic of Germany, goods originating in the group. The ori¬
Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands, were ginal members were the UK, Norway,
joined 1 January 1973 by the UK, Den¬ Sweden, Denmark, Portugal, Austria and
mark (with Greenland) and the Irish Switzerland, joined by Iceland 1970, Fin-
elastic adj. of or pertaining to any sub¬ electrode either of the two conductors
stance that returns to its original shape or (i.e. the anode or the cathode) by which
size after being defomied by stress so long an electric current is passed by an electrical
as the stress does not exceed the elastic circuit in an apparatus such as a discharge
character of the substance and the sub¬ tube or an electrolytic cell, electric arc.
they have been forced apart by stress and The spectrum is divided into bands on the
the strain has relaxed, as in faults and basis of the type of wave, i.e., in order of
EARTHQUAKES. decreasing wavelength, radiowaves (the
longest), radar waves, infra-red radiation,
E-layer heaviside layer.
visible light, ultra-violet radiation, x-rays
elbow of capture of a river, river and gamma rays. Fig 19.
electromagnetic wave a wave propag¬
electoral geography the branch of ated through space or a medium by simul¬
human geography concerned with the taneous periodic variation in the electric
study of election statistics and the geo¬ and magnetic field intensity at right angles
graphical aspects of the organization, re¬ to each other and to the direction of
sults and consequences ofelections. propagation, electromagnetic spec¬
trum, ENERGY.
electric arc a luminous, continual elec¬
element \ v
Gamma rays Ultraviolet infrared Microwaves AM radio
I I I-1 |-1 kr ~i I-1
1CT7 10'6 10'5 1CT4 10'310-2 10'1 1 10 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
Wavelength (/2m)
-J L J
Cosmic rays X-rays Thermal Weather radar Short-wave Long-wave
Visible \ infrared Radiosonde radio radio
0-4 05 06 07 Television
FM radio
J L Orange
Green Yellow
leaching being the term applied to the nation state lying within the territory of
process in which particles are moved in another nation state, as seen from the point
solution. of view of the territory in which it lies.
exclave 2. a small cultural or linguistic
emergence the process of coming forth
group surrounded by another cultural or
from concealment, hence applied particu¬
linguistic group which is dominant.
larly to I. the rise of the level of the land
in relation to the sea, so that land formerly enclosure inclosure.
empiricism i. the theory that all concepts endogenetic, endogenic adj. arising
are derived from experience and that all from within, having an internal cause or
statements claiming to express knowledge origin, e.g. applied to the geological pro¬
depend on experience for their justifica¬ cesses which originate from within the
tion 2. the philosophical system which earth (e.g. diastrophism, vulcan¬
considers true knowledge to be that which ic it y) and landforms arising therefrom,
can be perceived and rejects that which in contrast to exogenetic. Endogenetic
cannot be verified (e.g. theoretical is the usual English form, endogenic the
statements) 3. the scientific method American; but American authors some¬
of proceeding by inductive reasoning times differentiate endogenetic (applied to
(induction) from observation to the for¬ the product, e.g. the rocks formed) from
mulation of a general principle which is endogenic (applied to the process).
then checked by experiment, empiri¬
endoreic adj. in-flowing, applied particu¬
larly to basins of inland drainage, areic,
energy pyramid
Engels’ Law the generalization pro¬ environment that which surrounds, the
pounded by Friedrich Engels, 1820 — 95, sum total of the conditions of the sur¬
that as the income of an individual rises roundings within which an organism, or
the proportion of the total spent on food group, or an object, exists (including the
decreases. natural conditions, the natural as modi¬
fied by human activity, and the arti¬
englacial adj. embedded in a glacier, >
ficial). The term is used broadly in
as distinct from subglacial, super¬
geography, especially in human geo¬
graphy, where the emphasis is on the eco¬
enhancement the processes and tech¬ nomic, cultural and social conditions of
niques used to sharpen the images-3 the surroundings, behavioural envir¬
received by sensors in order to ease the onment, CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT,
interpretation of the pixel. CULTURE, ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD,
human beings) associated with the physical usually responsible for one, or a few, of
environment. Such a risk maybe natural these reactions, the enzyme combining
epicentre the point on the earth’s surface imately between the latitudes io°N and
immediately above the centre of origin io°S, the area of the equatorial
(the seismic focus) of an earthquake. CLIMATE.
epidemic a disease that becomes wide¬ equatorial climate the climate occurring
spread in a particular place at a particular in a belt on each side of the equator,
time. ENDEMIC, PANDEMIC. near sea-level and between approximately
io°N and io°S, characterized by constant
epidemiology the branch of medicine
high temperature (about 27°C: 8o°F) and
concerned with the study of the factors
humidity with little range throughout day
influencing the frequency and spread of
and night and the year, and approximately
diseases. It is concerned with the features
a 12-hour day, 12-hour night. It is subject
and the prevalence of a disease in a popu¬
to convectional rain, the maxima
lation, rather than in an individual.
corresponding to the equinoxes.
epilimnion the warmer top layer of water
equatorial current, equatorial coun¬
in a lake or the ocean, liable to be dis¬
ter-current the surface movement of
turbed by wind and convection currents,
ocean water in equatorial latitudes. In
lying above the thermocline. thermal
the northern hemisphere the north equat¬
orial current moves towards the southwest
epiphyte a plant which grows on the or west; in the southern hemisphere the
outside of another plant, using that plant southern equatorial current moves
just for support (i.e. not a parasite or a towards the northwest or west; between
saprophyte), e.g. liana, lichens, the two the equatorial counter-current
mosses, orchids. flows eastwards, el nino.
equatorial belt the zone lying approx¬ equatorial front equatorial trough, itcz .
equifinality the end state, one of of the Sahara, the kum of central Asia.
similarity, achieved by systems-1,2,3 HAMADA, REG.
founded on different initial conditions and
undergoing change. The term is applied
ericaceous soil an acid, lime-free soil,
one on which plants of the genus Erica,
especially to landforms, e.g. a pene-
family Ericaceae, flourish.
PLAiN,andinsystems analysis, multi¬
erosion the processes of the wearing away
equilibrium a state of balance between of the land surface by natural agents (run¬
opposing forces or effects. A body is said ning water, ice, wave action, wind, and
to be in a state of stable equilibrium if it including corrasion and corrosion)
returns to its original position after being and the transport of the rock debris that
moved by a small impulse; unstable if it results. This does not include the weath¬
continues to move away from its original ering ofrocks in situ or mass movement
position in the direction given to it by a caused by the force of gravity. Erosion is
small impulse; neutral if it comes immedi¬ used frequently, but incorrectly, as syn¬
ately to rest and remains stationary in its onymous with DENUDATION. ACCELER¬
new position after being moved by a small ATED EROSION, THERMAL EROSION.
impulse. In geography the term equilib¬
erratic, erratic block a mass of rock or
rium is usually applied to a static condition,
a boulder transported by a glacier or ice
i.e. one of no change; or a dynamic con¬
sheet (which usually has since disappeared)
dition, i.e. one where a balance is main¬
and deposited in an area remote from its
tained by continued adjustments in
place of origin. The erratics of valley
reaction of the opposing forces (lowry
glaciers often perch precariously on the
model), e.g. in slopes where the rate of
valley sides, and are thus termed perched
rock weathering and the rate of removal
blocks; far-travelled boulders are some¬
of the rock debris reach a state of balance,
times distinguished by the term ‘exotic’.
the angle of the slope continually
The former course of the glacier or ice
accommodating to changing factors of
sheet can be traced by tracking erratic
weathering and removal, dynamic equi¬
blocks back to their sources.
librium, STEADY STATE.
equinox day and night of equal length. ERTS Earth Resources Technology
Satellite, landsat.
The moment or point when the sun crosses
the equator during its apparent annual
eruption the process by which solid,
movement from north to south and is
liquid or gaseous material pours forth
directly overhead at noon along the
gently or explosively from the vent of a
equator, i.e. 21 March and 22 September,
volcano or from fissures in the earth’s
respectively the spring (vernal) equinox
crust as a result of volcanic activity; and
and the autumnal equinox in the northern
to the process by which hot water and
hemisphere, precession of the equi¬
steam pour forth from a geyser.
noxes. Fig 18.
ESA environmentally sensitive area, an
era one of the major divisions of geological
area in the eu with a fragile or rare hab¬
itat, and designated by the EU as being
erg (north Africa: Arabic) the sandy desert in need of special protection.
escalator region
Eskers 'beaded' at
stillstand positions
caused by the ponding back ofwater drain¬ are controlled by bigger, more dominant
ing from the land by beach material groups. CULTURE CONTACT.
also in the relationship of the group to the quent decrease or increase in the amount
structures of political and economic power of ocean water, to ocean floor spreading
in the society in which it lives, which (plate tectonics) or to changes in the
V v
capacity of ocean basins due, e.g., to in¬ everglade a low marshy region, usually
filling by sedimentation, diastrophic under water, with hummocks and small
EUSTATISM, NEGATIVE MOVEMENT, POS¬ islands, and overgrown with tall grass,
ITIVE MOVEMENT, REJUVENATION. canes and trees sometimes hung with
Spanish moss. The term is specifically
eutrophic adj. applied to a body of fresh applied to a large area of this nature, the
water (e.g. a swamp or lake) which, having Everglades, a National Park in Florida,
been over-supplied with organic or min¬ USA.
eral nutrients, promotes excessive growth
of algae and other plants which draw on evergreen a plant that bears green leaves
so much oxygen that little (or none in throughout the year, in contrast to a
extreme cases) remains to support animal deciduous plant.
life, which is accordingly depleted or
evolution i. gradual change and develop¬
destroyed, dystrophic.
ment 2. the gradual, cumulative change
evaporation the process by which a from a simple to a more complex form,
solid or liquid is converted to a gaseous e.g. as seen by Charles Darwin to be at
expanded-foot glacier
alien territory, it is termed a pene-exclave. Human beings are thus seen not to be part
If, in practice, an exclave has ceased to be of an ordered, all-embracing, metaphysical
treated legally as such, it is in some cases scheme, but to exist in an alien world of
termed a quasi-exclave. A temporary ex¬ objects from which they are estranged.
clave is one created as a result of some Later existentialists, e.g. Jean-Paul Sartre,
territorial arrangement which has not been held that each individual, being free and
concluded, e.g. West Berlin, following the responsible but not endowed at birth with
Second World War. character or goals, is self-creating in the
situation and environment specific to
exfoliation (American spalling) onion
him/her, through acts of will, of decision,
weathering, the weathering process in
and the self-development of his/her own
which strains lead to the splitting off of
the surface of rocks in scales or layers,
common in hot desert and semi-arid exogenetic, exogenic adj. arising from
lands and in monsoon lands with a without, having an external cause or
marked dry season. It is due mainly to origin, hence in geology applied to the
hydration, resulting in the expansion external processes (i.e. those at or near the
of salt crystals in the pores of the rock surface of the earth), e.g. denudation
surface. Ground water with its dissolved and deposition, and to the rocks and
salts is drawn to the surface by capil¬ landforms arising therefrom. Exogenetic
larity where it is subjected to evap¬ is the usual English form, exogenic the
oration, salt crystals being precipitated American, endogenetic, endogenic.
toformafilm. hydrolysis, si heroidal
weathering. exonym the conventional name
given by people of one linguistic group or
exhumation the action or process of
nation to the place-names etc. of another.
bringing to the surface something buried
in the ground, a term widely applied in exoreic adj. flowing to the outside,
geographic! 1 literature to previously applied to normal drainage, i.e. flowing
existing sui faces uncovered by erosion, to the sea. areic, endoreic.
e.g. mountains, peneplained surfaces and
exosphere the uppermost zone in the
plateaus buried by later deposits.
upper atmosphere-1 of the earth, in the
exile I. banishment, expulsion from home ionosphere, above c. 700 km (435 mi),
or native land 2. a person banished from, from which neutral particles escape into
compelled to live away from, home or space. The upper atmosphere may be de¬
native land 3. paradoxically, a voluntary fined as the atmosphere below the exo¬
exile, one who chooses to go into exile. sphere and above the tropopause.
exotic adj. 1. brought in from a foreign
existentialism a body of philosophical country or from a foreign language 2. like,
doctrine (inaugurated by the Danish
or imitating, something foreign.
philosopher, S. A. Kierkegaard, 1813 — 55)
concerned with the gulfbetween the exist¬ expanded-foot glacier a glacier
ence of human beings (born with will and spreading out from the mouth of a valley
consciousness) and the kind of existence to form a broad tongue of ice on the plain,
of natural objects (possessed of neither). a small piedmont glacier.
V x.
expanded town
extrusive rock
extraction the process of obtaining by diction beyond the borders of the state,
pressure, distillation, evaporation, treat¬ involving the partial exemption from local
ment with a solvent etc., e.g. of a metal law and jurisdiction enjoyed by diplomatic
from its ore. agents and others (such as troops) stationed
in foreign countries, who thus remain
extractive agriculture an agricultural
under the laws of their own country, usu¬
practice which is more concerned with
ally with the agreement of the foreign
immediate short-term benefits than with
country in which they are living.
conserving resources for future agricul¬
tural use. extreme climate a climate with a great
range of temperature between the coldest
extractive industry a primary indus¬
and the warmest months.
try in which non-replaceable materials
are removed in their natural state, e.g. extremes of temperature the highest
mining, quarrying. Strictly, the term and the lowest shade temperatures, or the
excludes forestry and agriculture, but some highest mean and the lowest mean tem¬
authors include forestry. peratures, recorded during any selected
period (day, month, year) at a meteoro¬
extrapolation i. the estimation of values
logical station.
outside a range of known values based
on the assumption that trends within the
extrusion the action of pushing out by
known existing range will be continued
mechanical force, emergence, e.g. the dis¬
outside it 2. drawing a conclusion about
charge of solid, liquid or gaseous material
a future or hypothetical situation by using
to the earth’s surface during a volcanic
observed tendencies as a basis.
\ \
Fig 21 Extrusive and intrusive rocks: magma breaking through and cooling at the earth’s
surface fonns extrusive rock; magma cooling in the crust fonns intrusive rock (batholith,
laccolith, sill)
(magma) at the earth’s surface as lava ing storm, the still, calm area, limited
and its consolidation there. It usually in extent, at the centre of the storm,
has a glassy texture, and contains crys¬ where the atmospheric pressure is at its
tals smaller than those occurring in an lowest.
eyot, ait a small island, a term surviving
in many English place-names in its abbre¬
eye of a hurricane or other tropical revolv¬ viated form, -ey.
fabric structural material, especially the underlies only a specific group of items is
physical composition (textural and struc¬ termed a group factor. A factor loading
tural) of a compound, e.g. till. of an item on a factor is the correlation
between the factor and the item.
facies i. in botany, the general appearance
and form of a plant, or the composition factors of production the components
of a natural group 2. in geology, the total needed in a production process, conven¬
character of any part of a formation, tionally, capital, land, labour (including
shown by the fossils it contains, the com¬ enterprise, e.g. of an entrepreneur).
position, colour, texture, form of strati¬
factory farm a capital-intensive live¬
fication and nature of the constituent
stock farm in which the stock (e.g. pigs
rocks, or by other special features; hence
for meat, poultry for meat and eggs,
used in stratigraphy in differentiating
cows for milk) is reared and tended under
one rock stratum from another.
cover in carefully controlled conditions
facilities the things (aids, equipment, (environmental control), the food
structures, favourable conditions, oppor¬ intake, rate of growth, egg production,
tunities) that make easier some action, milk-yield etc. being carefully monitored.
specified activity or task. The disposal of the effluent, e.g. from a pig
unit, often presents difficulties, battery
factor i. a circumstance, fact, agent or
influence contributing to a result, effect
or condition 2. in arithmetic, a whole fadama a floodplain in a wide, fairly flat,
number which, when multiplied by one river valley, subject to annual inundation,
or more whole numbers, produces a given common in the savanna zones ofSudan
number (e.g. 2, 3, 4, 6 are all factors of 12) and Guinea, supporting typical savanna
3. in algebra, an expression which will vegetation (grasses, sedges, and the tree
divide into a given expression 4. in stat¬ species Mitragyna inermis and Borassus). The
istics, a quantity under examination in an term may also refer to an isolated
experiment as a possible cause of variation. depression on the low terrace or over-bank
zone of a river course.
factor analysis a branch of multivari¬
ate analysis, a statistical technique Fahrenheit scale a temperature scale
which ignores the uniqueness of a number established 1715 by Daniel Gabriel Fah¬
of variables (or test items) in a set of obser¬ renheit, German physicist, on which the
vations and aims to descnbe them in terms ice point, the freezing point of pure water,
of a smaller number of more basic, hypo¬ is 3 2° (32°F) and the steam point, the
thetical components. A factor which to boiling point of pure water at sea-level
varying degree underlies all items in a test with a standard pressure of the atmosphere
is termed a general factor; one which ofybomm, is 2120 (2i2°F). (o°F represents
\ s.
the melting-point ofice in a sal-ammoniac false colour the use of a colour, arbitrarily
and water mixture, but 32°F represents selected, to portray a band (e.g. infra¬
the melting-point of ice in water.) The red radiation) on an image received
difference between ice point and steam by REMOTE SENSING. ELECTROMAG¬
point is thus i8o°, and one Fahrenheit NETIC SPECTRUM.
degree is i/i 80 of the temperature interval
false drumlin a formation that resembles
between the two points; so i° Celsius
a true drumlin but is actually a rock
or centigrade equals i.8° Fahrenheit.
mass overlain by a thin coating of drift
deposited by ice.
fall-line, fall zone a line or narrow zone
false origin a selected point in a grid
where a number of nearly parallel rivers
system used on maps from which the
plunge over the edge of a plateau to the
position of any place can be expressed
lowland below, marking the change in the
in terms of its coordinates from the
character of their courses from the rocky
selected point. The false origin differs from
channels with swift currents of the upper
the true origin (the intersection of the
courses, to the more placid courses on the
projection axes) in order to exclude neg¬
plain. In the USA applied particularly to
ative Values. NATIONAL GRID.
the boundary between the ancient crystal¬
line rocks of the Appalachian plateau and falsifiability a principle expounded by
the younger, softer rocks of the Atlantic Karl Popper, 1902-94, Austrian-born,
coastal plain. British philosopher, that a theory holds
good until it is disproved and that falsifica¬
fallow ploughed or cultivated land which
tion, not verification, is the proper object¬
is being allowed to rest, uncropped or
ive of scientific procedures; that a theory
partially cropped, for one or more seasons,
which is not falsifiable is not scientific.
or sometimes for a shorter period, bare
Thus any scientific hypothesis must be
expressed in terms that make it capable
of being submitted to rigorous, sustained
testing in an attempt to show it is wrong.
false bedding, false-bedding laminae, For Popper falsifiability distinguishes
especially in sandstone, deposited under science from pseudo-science, logical
the influence of changing currents in shal¬ positivism.
low water areas, lying parallel to each other
family 1. a group of people consisting of
for short distances, but inclined at varying
one parent/parents and a child/children,
oblique angles to the general stratification.
living together or not. 2. a person’s chil¬
False bedding (a term synonymous with
dren 3. a unit formed by people who are,
current bedding or cross bedding), is
or who are nearly, connected by blood or
caused by swift local currents and swirling
, by affinity, extended family, nuclear
gusts of wind, thus studies of it provide
family 4. a household denoting a group
much information regarding current
of people living in one dwelling, or with
direction and conditions of deposition.
one head of household, including parents,
false cirrus thick, grey cirrus cloud children, servants 5. persons descended or
associated with the top of a thundercloud, claiming descent from a common ances¬
and usually heralding bad weather. tor. CLASSIFICATION OF ORGANISMS.
family life cycle the progressive senes of BATTERY SYSTEM, COLLECTIVE FARM¬
changes in size and composition which a ING, COOPERATIVE FARM, EJIDO, EX¬
nuclear family (i.e. a married couple TENSIVE AGRICULTURE, FACTORY FARM,
with dependent children) undergoes over FARMER, FARMING, FAZENDA, FRAG¬
time. The stages usually identified are mar¬ MENTATION-2, HACIENDA, HUERTA,
riage and the formation of the household, INFIELD-OUTFIELD, INTENSIVE AGRI¬
child rearing, child launching, contraction CULTURE, LATIFUNDIA, RANCH, SMALL¬
in size as children leave home, post-child HOLDING.
(often associated with retirement). The
farmer a term used as loosely as is farm,
patterns of the life cycle of other types of
broadly one who, whether as tenant or
family differ with the composition of the
landlord, is occupied in agriculture,
fan the alluvial (alluvium) or stony
farming the activity of a farmer. The
deposit of a stream where it issues from a
main types of farming include crop farm¬
ravine or canyon and drops its load on to
a plain (alluvial fan). Some deltas
ING, stock farming. Examples of some
are fan-shaped (arcuate delta).
specific farming practices and activities are
F AO Food and Agriculture Organization listed under farm, but see also commer¬
of the United Nations, a specialist organ¬ cial AGRICULTURE, PEASANT FARMING,
ization of the United Nations established SHIFTING CULTIVATION, SUBSISTENCE
on 16 October 1945, with the aims of AGRICULTURE.
giving international support to national
farmstead the land and buildings of a
programmes designed to increase the
small farm.
efficiency of agriculture, forestry and
fisheries, and of improving the conditions fascism any political or social ideology of
of people engaged in relevant activities. the extreme right that favours and encour¬
ages the gaining and retaining of power
Far East far to the east of Europe, i.e.
by the brutal use of force, modernism.
east and southeast Asia, including China,
Korea, Japan and, usually, Malaysia and fast ice sea ice, varying in width, firmly
the Indochinese peninsula, east. fixed along the coast, usually in the po¬
sition of its original formation. It may
farinaceous (Latin farina, flour) adj. rich
stretch over 400 km (250 mi) from the
in starch, the main nutritional constituent
of cereal grains and edible roots, the
common staple foodstuffs. fathom a nautical measurement of the
depth of water, based on the span of the
farm any tract or tracts of land or of water,
outstretched human arms, i.e. 1.829 m
varying greatly in extent, worked as a unit,
(6 ft); 100 fathoms = 1 cable.
used for the cultivation of crops or for
the rearing of livestock or fish, under fault in geology, a fracture or break in a
individual or collective management. Spe¬ series of rocks along which there has been
cific names such as dairy farm, fish vertical or lateral movement or both as
farm, fur farm indicate the purpose of a result of excessive strain (elastic
the farm, agribusiness, agriculture, rebound), normal faults are those in
S. v
fault apron
faults where they have been pushed up
(a reverse fault of very low angle, the upper
beds pushed far over the lower, isaTHRUST
fault); overthrust faults where the
plane is near the horizontal. Faults may be
nearly parallel to the dip of the rocks (dip
faults), to the strike (longitudinal or
fault), oblique (with planes between dip
and strike); and there are groups of faults fault breccia a rock composed of shat¬
forming a complex fault or fault zone, step tered angular fragments resulting from
faults, trough faults, ridge faults movement along a fault.
(forming a horst). For some of the many
other terms applied to faults see those that
fault-line scarp a scarp formed when,
by faulting, a hard rock confronts a soft
follow as well as compression, foot
rock and the soft rock is subsequently
eroded, leaving the hard rock standing
as a cliff' or scarp; but this scarp is not
Strike-slip fault
necessarily the original footwall of the
fault, as it is in a true fault scarp.
feminist geography
regions, covered with angular blocks of the vcoast and fen peat further inland.
rock created in situ by frost action in Except for Wicken Fen, National Trust
JOINTS. property, the area has been largely
reclaimed (notably by Vermuyden and the
feminist geography a branch of human
fifth Earl of Bedford) and now provides
geography that concentrates on the
land valuable for cultivation.
gender ROLE of women in society from
the woman’s perspective, particularly feral adj. like a wild beast, applied espe¬
access to employment, social services etc. cially to an animal (once domesticated) or
and the extent to which women are disad¬ to a plant (once cultivated) which has now
vantaged. established itself in the wild.
feudal system
mineral, containing high proportions of fecundity is the more precise term for
IRON and MAGNESIUM. this 3. in demography, actual reproduction
performance (fertile-4). In measuring
ferromagnetic adj. possessing ferro¬
fertility in a human population a broad
distinction is made between current fertil¬
ferromagnetism the property possessed ity (measured by the number of births of
by iron, nickel and cobalt, as well as by a particular year) and period fertility or
some alloys, of holding magnetism in the cohort fertility (the total number of
absence of an external magnetic field children born to a cohort throughout
and of responding characteristically to a the reproductive lives of the members).
magnetic field. Horseshoe and bar magnets REPRODUCTION RATE.
fertility 1. the state or condition of being feudal system an economic, political and
fertile 2. in general, sometimes loosely social system, a pre-capitalist mode of
applied to the potential capacity to repro¬ production common in western
duce (to produce live-born children), but Europe between the ninth and sixteenth
centuries, and elsewhere (e.g. in Japan to (two cultivated, one part lying fallow),
the nineteenth century), taking a wide termed the Three-Field system, open
variety of forms. Commonly the system FIELD.
involved a social hierarchy based on land
filling in meteorology, the condition in
held in feud, and the relationship of land¬
a low pressure system (depression-3)
lord to tenant, the former having jurisdic¬
when there is an increase of atmospheric
tion over the latter. Neither labour nor the
pressure in the central area so that there is
products oflabour were commodities-i.
a filling-up, and dying away of the
The tenant, legally tied to the land, could
depression, in contrast to a deepening.
own some of the means of production
but the land and a set part of the product financial exclusion the processes that
were the property of the landlord. For prevent the access of poor and disadvant¬
example, in England the manor was the aged groups to the financial system, red-
economic unit. The lord of the manor LINE DISTRICT.
held the land from the king in return for
military service and homage. Tenants who finger lake a long narrow lake occupying
occupied and cultivated the land held it a U-shaped glacial valley.
Portugal, Greece, South Africa and especially in a rock 2. a linear volcanic
Argentina are sometimes qualified as VENT. FISSURE ERUPTION, VOLCANO.
borderline, second world, third
fissure eruption linear eruption, a steady,
non-explosive outpouring of lava, usu¬
firth (Scottish) loosely applied to an area ally basic, from the depths of the earth
of coastal water, e.g. an arm of the sea, the to the earth’s surface, occurring along a
lower part of an estuary, a fjord, a strait. weak line (sometimes many kilometres in
length) in the crust, often resulting in a
fish a member of Pisces, a class of ver¬ basalt plateau, central eruption,
tebrate aquatic animals, many yielding
nutntious flesh, some yielding oil tor food
or industrial use. Some (e.g. bream) live fixed capital the buildings and machinery
in freshwater, others in the ocean, where of a firm, capital-3.
the pelagic, free-swimming species (e.g.
fixed costs i. costs that do not vary with
herring) swim in shoals in surface waters, volume of output within a certain range
the demersal fish (e.g. plaice, sole, halibut) (unlike variable costs), i.e. capital
living near the sandy sea bed in shallow investment in plant and machinery, rent,
waters. The salmon, in nature, spends part rates and certain other overhead costs
of its life cycle in the ocean, part in a river. incurred irrespective of the volume ofpro-
FISH FARM. duction 2. in spatial economic analysis,
fish farm a farm where fish are bred and costs that are constant in space, e.g. the
reared for market, under carefully con¬ cost of finance, labour costs if fixed rates
trolled conditions in tanks or in protected apply in the particular area, any com¬
parts of coastal waters, lakes, rivers and ponents or materials sold at a uniform
delivered price.
their estuaries.
fjard, fiard (Swedish) a term applied by
fishing port a port used by fishery vessels
some English authors to an inlet of the sea
for anchorage, fuelling, repair etc. and for
with low banks, the result of a rise in
the landing offish, where these are import¬
sea level (submerged coast), in contrast
ant among the other activities of the port.
with fjord. This does not conform to the
fissile adj. able to be split, applied particu¬ original Swedish application, which was
larly to rocks which are easily split along simply to a large continuous area of water
their well-developed bedding planes, surrounded by skerryguard islands.
fjeld (Norwegian) widely applied in Nor¬
shale, slate.
wegian to any upland rocky area, but
fission the act or process of splitting restricted in English to an elevated, rocky
into parts. In nuclear fission (nuclear plateau above the treeline, snow-
energy) the atomic nucleus is split into covered in winter, fell.
roughly equal parts by bombardment with
fjord, fiord (Norwegian) a term widely
neutrons, with an overall loss in mass
applied in Norway and Denmark to almost
(fusion), thereby releasing great energy.
any sea inlet, but restricted in English to
fissure i. an extensive crack, a narrow a deep narrow inlet in the coast with high
opening cleft or fracture made by splitting, rocky parallel sides smoothed by ice action,
hanging valleys and an irregular rocky beijt 2. the bending of strata etc. under
floor, the floor being frequently deeper pressure.
than the sea floor offshore, from which
flint a heavy, very hard, grey or grey-black
it is separated by a submerged sill near
nodule or mass of a pure fine-grained
the entrance. It is caused by the submer¬
silica, encrusted with white, occurring
gence ofa deep glacial valley, submerged
in the bedding planes or joints in the
Upper Chalk, and probably formed when
flagstone, flag a natural hard stone used silica-rich biogenic ooze became mixed
for paving, capping walls etc., usually cut with chalk mud on the ocean bed, the
from sandstone or some types of lime¬ silica being carried downwards in solution
stone which split conveniently and easily and precipitated round a core (e.g. the
along bedding planes, fissile. skeletal remains of a sponge, sea-urchin
etc.), the flint nodule gradually enlarging
Flandrian the post-glacial stage of the within the chalk mud. Easily chipped to
quaternary in northwest Europe (suc¬ a cutting edge, flint was the mam source
ceeding the d e v e n s i a n ) when the climate of tools and weapons of the Stone Ages
became less severe, woodland began to (eolith). It has long been used as a build¬
spread, and the sea level rose. ing stone; and when struck with steel it
emits a spark, hence its use in a flintlock
flash-flood a sudden violent flood
caused by exceptionally heavy rain in a
normall/ dry valley in a semi-arid area, the floating dock a large floating structure
torrential stream sometimes being laden into which a vessel may pass and which
with debris; or by the collapse or breach can be used as a dry dock. dock.
of a dam or sea wall, environmental
flocculation 1. in soils, the process by
which fine-grained particles come into
flat I. a stretch of level ground without contact and gather together into tufted
marked hollows or elevations, or of masses to form crumbs, thereby improv¬
country without hills 2. any nearly level ing the soil texture, especially the aggrega¬
stretch of land within hilly country 3. a tion of colloidal (colloid) particles (clay)
low-lying tract of marshy land 4. the low into tufted masses in the presence of an
land through which a river flows 5. mud- alkali (lime) 2. the process of the aggrega¬
flat, a bank of mud over which the tide tion of water-borne colloidal particles into
flows, exposed at low tide 6. an alluvial small lumps which are able to settle out,
deposit yielding tin or gold in a stream occurring when a river carrying electric¬
bed 7. a horizontal deposit of ore in a ally changed colloidal clays in its fresh
BEDDING PLANE. water meets and mixes with the sea, which
carries electrically charged particles in so¬
F layer in the atmosphere-i, a layer lution in its salt water.
in the ionosphere which reflects high
frequency radio waves. It lies at a height flood the overwhelming of usually dry
of some 250 km (155 mi) above the earth’s land by a large amount of water that comes
fluting and grooving
flood basalt basaltic lava, very fluid at the finely-ground edible parts of other
high temperatures, which has spread over food crops, e.g. ofpoTATOES or cassava.
a very extensive area as the result of a ROCK FLOUR.
volcanic eruption or series of eruptions.
flow I. of a fluid, or something that
flood control I. the regulation of excess¬ behaves comparably, the smooth move¬
ive runoff of water in order to prevent ment with a continuous change in shape,
inundation of the land, e.g. by the building e.g. of lava, or of a stream confined
of river barrages; the deepening of exist¬ between banks, or of grain, under the
ing and the cutting of new channels to influence of gravity; or of water gushing
speed over flow; the making of temporary forth from a spring; of air; of solid rocks
storage basins, such as tanks; the conser¬ under stress, without fracturing (i.e. plastic
age area to slow down runoff 2. the ment of ideas, goods etc. (e.g. of inter¬
V <v
rock-surface with marked joining. water desert coastal areas, where low
fog an opaque cloud in the ground sur¬ metrical or asymmetrical, the axis
face layers of the atmosphere, consisting of an asymmetrical anticline being so
of condensed water vapour with smoke slanted that an overfold or recumbent
and dust particles held in suspension, that fold may result. A very large anticline
obscures vision for any distance up to one is a geanticline or geoanticline; a big
kilometre (International Meteorological syncline a geosyncline. A complex anti¬
Code). AD VECTION, ARCTIC SMOKE, cline is an anticlinorium, a complex
COLD-WATER DESERT, FRONTAL FOG, syncline a synclinorium. A fold with
HAZE, HILL FOG, ICE FOG, INVERSION, only one limb is a monocline (English
MIST, RADIATION FOG, SMOG, STEAM usage); and repeated tight folds form iso¬
food chain
2 Asymmetrical
4 Isoclinal
5 Recumbent
food web
FOOD WEB. BIOTIC PYRAMID, CARBON began to break up and disperse, with large
CYCLE, NITROGEN CYCLE, PHOSPHORUS, regional branch plants (some in the Third
PHOTOSYNTHESIS, PRIMARY PRO¬ World) contributing considerably to the
DUCTION. economic health of the corporation.
food web all the interconnected food
chains in an ecosystem. forecast a prediction based on scientific
observation, on experience, or by an es¬
foothills a belt of hills aligned approx¬
timate of probability, as in a weather
imately parallel to a mountain range and
lying between it and the plain below.
foredeep 1. a relatively narrow, deep,
footloose industry, footloose activity elongated, steep-sided trough in the ocean
a mobile enterprise, usually light indus¬
floor, near or parallel to a mountainous
try, which, by the nature of the raw land area, or associated with an island
materials used and its labour, market and arc 2. such a trough when infilled with
transport needs, is not tied to a particular
sediment, e.g. the Himalayan foredeep,
location, industry.
now in the Indo-Gangetic plain, deep,
fractus cloud
slowly than the normal service and at lower distribution lacks a short tail and ends
cost. abruptly at the peak, it is termed a trunc¬
ated positively skewed frequency distri¬
freighter a ship or aircraft that carries
bution curve (poisson distribution).
cargo, i.e. freight-3■
frequency distribution in statistics, the
freight rates the money paid to a
organization of statistical data brought
carrier for the loading, transporting
about by separating the range of values
and unloading of goods.
covered by a set of observations on a single
frequency i. in general, the condition variable into class intervals, arranging
or quality of repeatedly occurring 2. the the class intervals consecutively in increas¬
number of times something, some event, ing or decreasing order, and tabulating the
or some process occurs in a given unit of number of observations (the frequencies)
time 3. in statistics, the number of falling in each.
members of a population-4, or a
freshwater water that is not salt, regis¬
number of occurrences of a given type of
tering less than 0.2 per cent salinity.
event, falling into a single class in a statist¬
ical survey of the variation of specified
friable adj. easily crumbled, hence applied
characteristics. to rocks having that characteristic and to
frontal fog
frontal fog fog formed when very fine frost line a boundary indicating the in¬
warm drizzle resulting from the passing cidence or the seasonal limit of frost-i,
of the WARM FRONT of a DEPRESSION revealing areas I. that never experience
encounters cold air near the ground, temperatures below the freezing point
which becomes saturated. of water, e.g. the altitudinal limit in trop¬
ical countries below which frost never
frontal rain cyclonic rain.
occurs 2. with a mean minimum tempera¬
ture or the lowest mean monthly tempera¬
frontier i. that part of a country or other
ture higher than freezing point, o°C (32°F)
political unit which fronts or faces another
3. that do not experience frost at certain
country or other political unit, sometimes
times of the year, e.g. with a frost-free
applied to the actual boundary, some¬
period of a specific number of days, im¬
times to a zone, march 2. in USA, the
portant to certain crops, such as maize
border or advance area of settlement,
or cotton, which need a frost-free grow¬
carrying few people.
ing season 4. lacking a month with a
frontogenesis the processes in the atmo¬ mean temperature above o°C (32°F), the
sphere that lead to the formation or in¬ boundary of a frost climate, a climate
tensification of FRONTS. characterized by perpetual frost.
frost I. the temperature of the atmo¬ frost pocket a small, low-lying area into
sphere, at about 1.2 m (4 ft) above the which cold air rolls down by gravity from
ground surface, at or below the freezing a hillslope, the cold air having been created
point of water, expressed in the number by swift radiation of heat from the hill-
of degrees C or F that the temperature slope (katabatic wind). The cold air is
falls below that freezing point, air frost, trapped in the pocket and may stay at
ground frost 2. frozen dew, fog or freezing point after the temperature of
water vapour, termed hoar frost or the air over the hillslope has risen. Thus
rime, appearing as white ice-crystals on fruit-growers, anxious to avoid frost dam¬
exposed surfaces, black frost, glaze 3. age to blossom, do not plant in frost
a powerful, mechanical weathering, pockets.
disintegrating agent effective when water
frost smoke fog-like clouds formed when
that has penetrated cracks and gaps in rocks
cold air comes into contact with relatively
and soil freezes, expands, and splits apart
warm sea-water, arctic smoke.
the rock or soil particles, e.g. in jointed
rocks in regular beds, shattered by frost frost thrust the sideways pressure of
along lines of weakness to produce rect¬ freezing ground water, frost heave.
angular blocks, a process known as block
DISINTEGRATION. full 1. the rounded part of a sandbank 2.
a ridge of sand or shingle created by wave
frost action congelifraction, con- action, usually lying almost parallel to the
GELITURBATION, FREEZE-THAW, FROST coastline. Depressions between fulls are
HEAVE, FROST THRUST. known as swales, slashes or furrows.
frost heave the raising of the soil surface fumarole (Italian) a vent in the ground
by frost-i formedinit. congeliturba- in volcanic regions emitting steam and
TION, FROST THRUST. other gases (e.g. ammonium chloride,
carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide) in the plants and animals, especially in highly acid
form of powerful jets, a manifestation of soils where they largely take over the role
dying or extinct volcanic activity. SOL- ofbacteria; some, e.g. the mushroom, are
FATARA. valued for food; some for the organic fer¬
mentation they produce, e.g. some fungi
functional analysis an analysis of are the source of certain antibiotics such
phenomena on the basis of the part they as penicillin.
play within a particular, wider organiza¬
tion, e.g. of rivers in tenns of their role in funnel cloud a tuba cloud, a spinning
denudation, of towns in terms of the cone of dark grey cloud descending from
functionalism i. broadly, a concept of a fur farm a farm concerned with the rear¬
culture or a society regarded as an entity, ing of certain fur-beanng animals under
which function to maintain one another furrow a narrow trench made in the earth
and the whole, any change occurring in by a plough, into which seed is sown. The
one part leading to readjustment in the ridge of earth turned up by the plough in
others 2. in design, the theory that the making the furrow is known as the furrow
function of the thing to be designed should slice.
dictate the form of the design, extended
in the 1920s and 1930s to the conviction
fusion a melting or blending together,
that the form most closely concerned with e.g. of metals, to form a fused mass, the
components becoming indistinguishable.
function was the most beautiful, the most
In nuclear fusion (nuclear energy) light
atomic nuclei are exposed to extreme tem¬
fungus pi. fungi, a parasitic or saprophytic perature and extreme pressure to form
plant, lacking chlorophyll, having a world¬ heavier atomic nuclei, without loss in
wide distribution. Some are important in mass, resulting in a great output of energy.
the breakdown of the remains of dead LATENT HEAT.
G7 Group Seven, the seven leading world a tunnel) the forest fringing both river
industrialized countries (Canada, France, banks in otherwise open country. The
Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, USA), that foliage may meet in an arch over narrow
operate collectively in the world economy streams, hence the association with a
to coordinate economic exchange. They tunnel.
support the imf with loans.
game theory the application of math¬
gabbro a coarsely crystalline basic, Plu¬ ematical logic to the strategy, tactics and
tonic rock, dark in colour, consisting fluctuating odds in situations where two
essentially of calcium-rich plagioclase or more people (the players) are totally or
feldspar and a ferromagnesian min¬ partly in conflict, aware of the costs and
eral and accessory minerals, com¬ benefits of all the potential results but
monly occurring, e.g. as a lopolith. unaware of the choices of the other(s);
GNEISS. and where each opponent is free to adopt
several courses of action in order to select
Gaia hypothesis the proposition put for¬
the optimum strategy and achieve the
ward by James Lovelock, scientist, 1979,
desired goal of minimizing the maximum
that all the processes in the atmosphere,
loss the other(s) can impose on him/her
hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere of
(the minimax solution), hotelling
the earth-1 are interrelated and self¬
regulating in order to sustain the planet
and its phenomena; and that organic life gangue the worthless mineral material,
in all its forms is an indispensable element e.g. quartz, surrounding or accom¬
in the interaction. He regarded his theory panying a metallic ore in a lode ora vein,
as scientific and testable, not mystical of little value in relation to the ore itself.
or teleological as the title ‘Gaia’ (the The term expresses a judgement of eco¬
Greek earth-goddess) might suggest. nomic value: mineral material regarded as
TELEOLOGY. gangue at one place or at a certain period
of time may be valued highly in another
galaxy one of the great number of systems
place or time where or when economic
in the universe, consisting of stars (indi¬
conditions are different; or it may be of
vidual and in clusters), nebular and inter¬
higher value in places where the concen¬
stellar particles etc., and classified by shape
tration of the mineral is greater.
(amorphous, irregular, ellipsoidal, ellipt¬
ical, spheroidal, spherical, spiral). The ganister, gannister a fine-grained, hard,
earth lies in a spiral galaxy, the Milky Way. very pure arenaceous-i, siliceous-i
rock underlying some coal-seams in the
gale a strong wind, beaufort scale.
Lower coal measures, used in making
gallery forest (Italian and Spanish galleria, heat-refractory bricks in furnace linings.
gateway city
gap a break in a ridge or belt of hills. If phytes and stunted evergreen oak,
the break is just an indent and no stream occurring on limestone in drier
is present, it is termed a dry gap or wind- areas of Mediterranean climate. It is
gap; if the cutting is deep and a stream anthropogenic-2 in origin, resulting
flows through it, it is termed a from the effects of human settlements, fire
WATER-GAP. and the browsing of domestic and feral
goats on the earlier vegetation, maquis.
gap town a town situated in or at the
entrance to a gap, a natural centre for lines garua (South America) a heavy, dense
of communication, holding a command¬ mist or drizzle occurring in winter on the
ing position. Pacific slopes of the Coastal Range or the
lower foothills of the Andes, soaking the
garden city I. specifically, based on the
land and promoting the growth of quick¬
definition of Ebenezer Howard who used
flowering plants and grasses, loma.
the term in 1898 (apparently unaware of
its use by A. T. Stewart in Long Island, gas 1. a fluid substance with neither def¬
USA, in 1869): a planned, self-contained, inite volume nor definite shape, having a
industrial-residential settlement, rural in fixed mass but no fixed volume, the vol¬
character, with open spaces and trees, ume changing with temperature and pres¬
catering for inhabitants of various grades sure, filling and taking the shape of its
of society, providing properly planned container, fluid, liquid, solid 2. afluid
facilities for cultural and recreational substance at a temperature above its crit¬
opportunities, with properly planned ical TEMPER A TU RE-1. VAPOUR 3. a Sllb-
facilities for industry, and with a relatively stance or mixture ofsubstances in a gaseous
low housing density (10 units per acre, or state used for some specific purpose, e.g.
35 persons per acre), the whole of the land provision of light and heat, an anaesthetic
being in public ownership or held in trust etc. COAL GAS, NATURAL GAS.
for the community, being of a size that
gas coal a coal, usually bituminous, used
makes possible a full measure of social life,
for making GAS-3 by distillation.
but not larger, and surrounded by a rural
belt. Such a settlement is exemplified in gash breccia a rock consisting of angular
England by Letchworth (1903) and Wel¬ fragments of dolomite and limestone
wyn Garden City (1920). 2. now loosely in a matrix-3 of calcite and clay,
applied to an open density, planned, peculiar to the carboniferous lime¬
industrial-residential settlement, similar stone of southwest Wales.
to Howard’s specification, but not neces¬
gatekeepers senior employees in banks
sarily so tightly restricted, e.g. with regard
and building societies (sometimes in estate
to land ownership, or an encircling green
agents’ offices) who have the power to
advance financial loans to prospective
garden suburb a suburb with a well- home buyers, red-line district.
planned, open layout (not to be confused
gateway city a settlement, usually occu¬
with a garden city)? e.g. Hampstead
pying a favourable, commanding site,
Garden Suburb, northwest London.
which acts as a link between two areas
garigue, garrigue (French) scrub ve¬ and in many cases becomes a primate
getation, especially of aromatic xero- city.
\ v
GDP gross domestic product, the total gender male or female. A distinction is
market value of commodities (goods and often made in the use of the terms gender
services) produced in a country in a given and sex (male or female), gender relat¬
penod of time, usually a year. No allow¬ ing to what may be perceived as socially
ance is made for capital consumption and produced differences between male and
depreciation; the use of market prices female, sex to the physical differences.
ensures the value of indirect taxes and
subsidies are incorporated. The value of gender roles the differing parts played
intermediate goods used in the production by males and females in the social and
of other goods is excluded, being incor¬ economic life of a society, often deter¬
porated in the market price of the final mined by custom and tradition, feminist
goods. The distinction between inter¬ GEOGRAPHY.
mediate and final products is an arbitrary
gene the basic unit of the material of
one, varying from one country (or one
inheritance, part of a chromosome, passed
economic statistician) to another, com¬
on from parent to offspring and responsible
modity, GNP.
for controlling the processes of growth,
geanticline, geoanticline a very large development and reproduction which dis¬
complex anticline, extending over tinguish each species, biodiversity,
many kilometres, commonly caused by GENOME PROJECT.
compression of the sedimentary rocks
within a geosyncline. General Agreement on Tariffs and
Trade gatt.
gelifluction in permafrost areas, the
slow, spontaneous downward movement general circulation of the atmosphere,
of soil and ground ice in penglacial areas, ATMOSPHERIC CIRCULATION.
facilitated by the melting of ice in spring.
general land use model a hierarchical
model devised to ease the interpretation
Gemeinshcaft, Gesellschaft (German, ot land use maps, consisting of three
community, society) terms used to con¬ stable ‘scape’ territories (wildscape, farm-
trast one with the other, Gemeinschaft scape, townscape) with intervening less-
being the long-lasting, intimate social stable territories (marginal fringe and
relationship between individuals, based on RURBAN FRINGE).
geographical imagination
that encompasses place, landscape, time space accessible to human beings and their
and space, and people, is formulated by instruments (SPACE-2,3,4), especially the
maps, the news media (especially tele¬ patterns of, and variation in, their distri¬
vision), the visual arts, literature in all its bution in that space, on all scales, in the
forms, travel brochures, personal travel past or present.
experience, and local and international Human geography is concerned with
social contacts etc. It vanes with expen- human activities (of individuals and of
ence and with the passage of time. groups) and organization in so far as these
COGNITIVE MAP, ICONOGRAPHY, TIME relate to the interaction (past or present)
GEOGRAPHY. of people with their physical environment
and with the environments created by
geographical inertia the tendency of a
human beings themselves, and the conse¬
place with established installations and ser¬
quences of these interrelationships.
vices to maintain its size and its importance
Physical geography is concerned with
as a focus of activity after the conditions
the physical characteristics and processes of
originally influencing its development
have appreciably altered, ceased to be rel¬
evant, or disappeared, geographical
MOMENTUM, INDUSTRIAL INERTIA, IN¬ geoid 1. an earth-shaped body 2. the earth
DUSTRIAL MOMENTUM. in geometrical terms, i.e. an oblate
spheroid or ellipsoid (a sphere, spheroid
geographical information system gis.
or ellipsoid flattened at the poles),
geographical mile a nautical mile, a regarded as a mean sea-level surface (i.e.
mile theoretically equal to one minute (i') supposing all mountains and ocean basins
of latitude but, owing to the fact that to be levelled to the mean sea-level surface),
the earth is a sphere flattened at the poles or as an undulating surface related to gravi¬
(geoid), a minute oflatitude varies slightly tational force (gravity-2), higher than
in length. The geographical or nautical the actual surface of the spheroid under the
mile has therefore been standardized continents, lower under the oceans.
internationally as being equal to 1.852
geologic, geological adj. of, pertaining
kilometres (1 km = 0.539 international
to, derived from geology. Geological is
nautical mile), knot, mile.
the usual English usage.
geographical momentum the tend¬
geological inversion strat 1 which
ency of a place with established instal¬
have the normal sequence of h yers, but
lations and services not only to maintain
in reverse order (i.e. upside down, as in the
(geographical inertia) but also to
lowerlimb of an overfold), occurring in
increase its size and its importance as a
regions of intense folding (fold-2).
focus of activity after the conditions ori- '
gmally influencing its development have geological structure structl re-3.
appreciably altered, ceased to be relevant,
geological time the chronology of the
or disappeared, industrial inertia, in¬
history of the earth revealed by its rocks.
dustrial MOMENTUM.
The hierarchy of time-periods shown in
geography the study that deals with the the geological timescale is not always
material and human phenomena in the strictly observed: there are variations in
the names and the periods used. An epoch which a formation (of rocks) may be
(time) may be divided into ages-2, during laid down. See table.
geological timescale
(Glacial) c. 1.5
c. 1.5
CAINOZOIC Pliocene 5-5
Miocene 19
26 —
Tertiary Oligocene 12
Eocene 16
Palaeocene 11
65 -
Cretaceous 71
MESOZOIC Jurassic 54
190 —
(SECONDARY) Triassic 35
225 —
Permian 55
280 —
Carboniferous Pennsylvanian 65
PALAEOZOIC Devonian 50
Silurian 35
Ordovician 70
Cambrian 70
geology the scientific study of the origin geomorphology the study concerned
and nature of the earth’s crust, the rocks with landforms, especially the genesis,
of which it is composed, and the history evolution and processes involved in the
of its development and changes. The study formation of the surface forms of the earth.
concerned with landforms is geomor¬
geophysics an interdisciplinary scientific
study concerned with the structure, phys¬
geometric progression a series of ical phenomena and evolution of the
numbers in which each is multiplied by a earth’s interior and crust.
fixed number to produce the next, e.g. 1,
3, 9, 27. ARITHMETIC PROGRESSION. geopolitics (German Geopolitik) 1. the
s v
study of states-2 or nations viewed as balance below 455 m (1500 ft) above sea-
organic entities in space, and as such level, so that at these lower levels winds
subject to biological laws of growth and blow at an oblique angle to the isobars
decline (in territorial extent and political towards low pressure, ferrel’s law.
influence, as well as in economic and social
geosyncline a very large linear depression
terms), being, like other organisms, en¬
or syncline or down-warping of the
gaged in a perpetual struggle for survival,
earth’s crust, filled (especially in the central
for control over the space occupied.
zone) with a deep layer of sediments
F. Ratzel is credited with the introduction
derived from the land masses on each side
of this concept in the late nineteenth cen¬
and deposited on the floor of the de¬
tury; it was taken up by the English geo¬
pression at approximately the same rate as
grapher, Halford Mackinder; by the
it slowly, continuously subsided during a
Swedish political scientist, RudolfKjellen;
long period of geological time.
and later by the German geographer,
K. Haushofer. But it became particularly geothermal energy energy, in the form
prominent (and disreputable) before and ofheat derived from anomalies in the geo¬
during the Second World War when thermal gradient, which gives rise in
adopted by the Nazi Party in Germany to nature to the delivery of hot water and
advance its theory of race superiority and steam to the earth’s surface by thermal
to justify the Third Reich’s demand for springs and geysers (hydrother¬
lebensraum 2. the influence, or the study mal). The hot water and steam can be
of the influence, of spatial aspects on the used in generating electricity, e.g. as
political nature, history, institutions, etc. in Iceland and New Zealand. In addition
of states or nations, and especially on their the heat of the rocks in the earth’s crust
political and economic relations with can be used to warm cold water pumped
other states. down from the surface through a borehole.
The water is passed over the hot rock
geosophy the study of the nature and
and rises to the surface by another bore¬
expression of geographical ideas.
hole, where its acquired heat can be tapped
geostationary satellite in remote sens¬
ing a satellite-i with an orbital speed geothermal gradient the rise in tem¬
synchronous with that of the rotation of perature in the rocks of the earth’s crust
the earth, much used in communication with increasing depth. There are indica¬
systems. tions that the rate is not constant but speeds
up with increasing depth. Estimates range
geostrophic flow, geostrophic wind
from i°C in 28 m (i°F in some 51 ft) to
the concept of a wind blowing parallel to
i°C in 40 m (i°F in about 73 ft), but an
the isobars as a result of the force exerted
average in the sial could be about i°C
by the horizontal atmospheric pres¬
in about 28.6 m (i°F in about 52 ft). The
sure gradient in one direction, balanced
temperature of the base of the sial may be
by the deflection of the coriolis force
some 986°C (about i8o6°F). geother¬
in the opposite direction. It is only in the
upper atmosphere that winds come near
to perfect geostrophic flow, because fric¬ gerrymander the drawing of the bound¬
tion near the earth’s surface upsets the aries of electoral districts in such a way that
Gestalt, gestalt theory a shape, pattern, ghost town a town, usually once a min¬
configuration, structure which can be per¬ ing town, now wholly abandoned, or
ceived only as a whole or unity, with inhabited by a few people if the town is
qualities different from those of its now a tourist attraction, e.g. in Klondike,
components: it cannot be expressed as the USA.
sum of its parts, because the parts acquire
certain characteristics produced by their gibber (Australian: aboriginal) a large
inclusion in the whole, and the whole has stone or boulder. A gibber plain is a desert
geyser a hot spring that intermittently, Gini coefficient, Gini index a measure
sometimes at regular intervals, throws up of concentration, calculated by taking the
a jet of hot water, steam etc. in areas that ratio between the area contained by the
are or were volcanic. Famous examples diagonal and the lorenz curve and the
are in the volcanic distncts of Iceland and area in the whole triangle below the diag¬
the USA. The original ‘geyser’, the Giant onal. The value of the index increases with
Geyser in Iceland, erupts on occasions to the increasing size of the area between
55 m (180 ft), the Giant Geyser in Yellow¬ the curve and the diagonal. The index is
stone National Park, USA, to 60 m (200 ft) frequently used as a measure of inequality
at irregular intervals. The Waimangu in the welfare approach (welfare geo¬
Geyser, New Zealand, is said to have graphy).
erupted to 305 m (1000 ft) in 1909. geo¬
glacier tongue the part of a glacier especially to the branches of trees, super¬
extending to the sea, and usually afloat. cooling.
glint a steep cliff, steep terrace, steep edge globate adj. shaped like a globe.
of a plateau.
globe 1. a spherical body 2. the earth-i
glint line an erosion escarpment, the con¬ 3. a spherical model with a map of the earth
spicuous edge ofa stretch of denuded rock, (terrestrial globe) or the heavens (celestial
particularly the edge between an ancient globe) shown on it.
shield (such as the Laurentian shield) and
GMO genetically modified organism, a
younger rocks.
term applied in biotechnology to a
glint-line lake a lake, frequently one of product resulting from genetic engin¬
a string, formed along a glint line. eering.
global adj. I. of or pertaining to the earth GMT, Greenwich Mean Time the
as a whole 2. spherical 3. comprehensive, local time at the meridian of Green¬
total, encompassing all or nearly all con¬ wich, England (o° longitude, passing
graded sediments
(excluding goods or services used as inputs mental Programme and designed to mon¬
in the production of further goods or itor the massive energy movements in the
services), i.e. the gdp (gross domestic world ocean-i. The information gath¬
product) of a country combined with ered should lead eventually to improved
income derived from overseas invest¬ forecasting of weather and of climatic
ments less profits generated by production change, including anticipation of the in¬
within the country but due to foreigners cidence of the el nino effect, and of
abroad. earthquakes.
V v
of grain size are used in the study of sedi¬ gramme, gm, the unit of mass in the metric
ments and soils (soil texture, Went¬ measurement system, one thousandth part
worth scale), e.g. of a KILOGRAM. KILO-.
grain i. the general trend of the geological grape the juicy edible green or purple
structure, folds, faults etc. reflected in the fruit growing in bunches on a grapevine.
dominant direction of mountain ranges, Some grapes are used for dessert, others
river valleys etc. 2. the natural arrangement' for wine, or for drying as currants, sultanas,
of strata in rock, coal etc. 3. the direction raisins. Grape vines flourish in Mediter¬
and pattern in which wood fibres grow 4. ranean conditions and in mild midlatitude
a very small hard particle, especially of a areas (including southern England) in the
mineral 5. the seed ol a cereal; or har¬ open air, or under glass in cooler areas.
vested cereal crops in general, flour. VINEYARD, VITICULTURE.
a function, i.e. a diagram indicating the ics concerned with the properties of
relationship of one variable quantity to graphs-2, i.e. with the vertices (access
one or more others by showing their values points, junctions, nodes, points, terminals)
as distances from two axes (occasionally and edges (links, routes). Graph theory is
three) usually placed at right angles to used to describe networks, to indicate
one another, one of the variables to be ACCESSIBILITY, etc.
plotted being scaled along each of the axes.
grass a loose herbaceous plant with
By convention, in a two-dimensional
shallow, fibrous roots, and with a world¬
graph showing a frequency distri¬
wide distribution in areas with sufficient
moisture. Among the grasses are cereals,
plotted along the vertical axis (i.e. the
reeds, bamboos, pasture grasses. Grasses
y-axis), representing the frequency of
provide valuable food for people and their
occurrence, the independent variable
livestock, through their starchy seeds, rich
along the honzontal axis (i.e. the v-axis) 2.
in protein, and their nutritious foliage.
a mathematical structure, a topological
The leaves of some species are used in
diagram, consisting of a set of objects
paper-making, the stems of others (bam¬
(which may also be termed access points,
boo) provide structural timber, sugar
junctions, nodes, points, terminals, or ver¬
tices, sing, vertex) some of which are con¬
nected to each other by edges (which may grassland land covered with grass I.
also be termed links or routes), thus estab¬ occurring naturally in areas with enough
lishing a binary relation between the moisture to stimulate and maintain
objects (accesspoints, junctions etc.). Such seasonal growth, e.g. tropical (savanna),
a graph, being topological, ignores the midlatitude (downs, pampas, prairie,
spacing of the objects and the lengths of puszta, steppe, veld), mountain (alp)
the connecting edges (links, routes). It is 2. cultivated for pasture or hay, either
used to represent a network and is basic permanent or short ley (grown in rotation
to GRAPH THEORY. BAR GRAPH, DIVIDED with arable crops), usually sown and fert¬
V s.
between them 3- the law (newton’s law resenting the population of one place, Pj
OF UNIVERSAL GRAVITATION) Stating that the other; and the distance between them
any two pieces of matter attract one
another with a force which is directly pro¬
1 J
portional to the product of their masses,
D 2
and inversely proportional to the square v
of the distance between them. Using this equation the relative trans¬
actions between towns A and B (TAB) and
gravity I. weight, heaviness 2. the
A and C (TAC) can be calculated:
gravitational force between the earth and
a body on the earth’s surface or in the Population of A x population of B
earth’s gravitational field. The force Tab ~
Distance between A and B2
decreases with increasing distance from the
earth, the force of gravity being inversely Population of A x population of C
proportional to the square of the distance. tac = -—--—
green revolution
the earth into two hemispheres. The which the atmosphere-i near the earth’s
equator is a great circle, and each meri¬ surface holds heat. Incoming short-wave
dian is half of a great circle. The number solar radiation (which includes visible
of great circles which can be drawn on a light and heat) has no difficulty in passing
sphere is limitless. The shortest distance through the atmosphere to the earth’s sur¬
between any two points on the earth’s face. It is absorbed there by materials that
surface is the arc of the great circle on re-radiate on longer wavelengths. But this
which they lie, hence the use of the great outgoing returning long-wave radi¬
circle routes by aircraft, e.g. over the north ation from the earth does have difficulty
polar regions. in passing through the atmosphere: it is
inhibited especially in the presence of
Great Ice Age ice age.
cloud, being absorbed and radiated back
green belt a tract of open country of to earth by water vapour, particles and
varying width, and not necessarily con¬ carbon dioxide. Thus the atmosphere near
tinuous, with farmland, open recreational the earth’s surface is warmed by long-wave
areas, woodland etc. surrounding a large radiation and, like the glass of a green¬
built-up area and, by planning regulations, house, restrains the rising heat, an effect
protected from further building in order enhanced by cloud cover, atmospheric
to prevent urban sprawl and to provide WINDOW, GLOBAL WARMING.
green labour people who for the first
green fallow partial fallow, fallow land time go outside the home to work for
from which a quickly maturing green crop payment, cottage industry.
(e.g. turnips, potatoes) is taken, the crop
green lane an unmetalled road, still bear¬
being planted in rows and weeded by hoe¬
ing a turf or grass surface, but constituting a
ing. Bastard fallow (pin fallow) is a type
right-of-way. Often identical with drift¬
of green fallow, the land being sown with
a quickly maturing crop (e.g. vetches) in
autumn, fed-off in spring, fallow. green manure a green crop, especially
one rich in nitrogen, e.g. clover, which
green field, greenfield site a planning
is, while still green, ploughed directly into
term for a plot of land, previously unde¬
the soil to increase soil fertility and improve
veloped, for which development-2 is
structure, leguminosae, pea, rape.
proposed, or on which it is in progress.
green revolution an agricultural
greenhouse glasshouse, a building with
revolution in less developed countries,
glass or clear plastic roof and sides, some¬
especially in Asia in the 1960s and 1970s,
times heated artificially, used to provide
which gave rise to increased food pro¬
the protection from air turbulence and
duction, brought about mainly by the
warmth needed in some areas by certain
rapid improvement of yields of cereal
growing plants. The glass or clear plastic
crops (particularly of rice, maize and
allows incoming short-wave solar radi¬
wheat) resulting from the introduction
ation to enter the structure, but acts as a
of new high-yielding varieties and the
barrier to outgoing long-wave radiation
techniques, relying on an abundant water
from the earth, greenhouse effect.
supply and the use of fertilizers, necessary
greenhouse effect the phenomenon in to grow them.
green village
green village a small nucleated settlement angles, the lines being such a distance apart
in which the homesteads surround an open as to represent a fixed distance (e.g. i km,
space or village green. io km). The lines are numbered eastwards
and northwards from a point fixed in
Greenwich Mean Time gmt.
the southwest corner of the whole area
Greenwich meridian the prime meri¬ covered (false origin); thus any point
dian (o° longitude) passing through the can be expressed exactly in terms of its
former Royal Observatory at Greenwich, easting and northing, without the
England, from which other meridians are cumbersome use ofLONGiTUDE and lat¬
calculated, expressed east or west, to i8o° itude. Grid north is the direction of the
longitude. approximately north to south grid lines,
but coincides with true north only
grey box approach black box ap¬
along the meridian of origin, bearing,
national grid 2. any uniform pattern
grey-brown (gray-brown) podzol laid on a surface for the purpose ofmapping
(podzolic soil) an acidic soil, transitional (and subsequently spatially analysing) data,
between a podzol and brown forest or for calculating values at the node-2 of
soil, less leached and with a greater each unit of the pattern so that isopleths
organic content than a podzol. It occurs may be drawn 3. a network-2, e.g. of
mainly in western Europe (including the electricity cables or gas pipelines for a
UK) and northeast USA, where humid power supply.
conditions lead to some leaching, but less
grike, gryke a deep cranny or fissure lying
than in the climatic conditions resulting
between ridges and traversing limestone
in a true podzol. It supports good quality
pavements, caused by carbonation-
grassland, and is suitable for mixed farm¬
solution along well-defined joints.
ing. The upper layer of the a horizon
has a mull-humus form, and there is grit, gritstone an ambiguous term
marked illuviation of clay in the b applied to 1. small, usually angular, par¬
HORIZON. SOIL, SOIL HORIZON, SOIL ticles of rock 2. coarse-grained sand¬
PROFILE. stone, or sandstone (coarse or fine) made
up of angular grains 3. sandstone of grains
grey earth a soil in arid areas of mid¬
of conspicuously unequal size 4. strati-
latitudes, deficient in organic matter
graphically, in names of such forma¬
and nitrogen, commonly salt encrusted,
tions as Millstone Grit.
because the lack of rainfall discourages
plant growth and leaching is rare. groin groyne.
growth area
layer when the ground surface temperat¬ idue is made into oilcake for animal feed.
ure drops to — i°C (30.2°F), a condition
ground rent the rent paid by a leaseholder
likely to have a marked effect on plant
to the freeholder for the privilege of using
tissues. AIR FROST.
or leasing the ground on which a building
ground ice i. ice formed on the bed of stands, land tenure.
a river, lake or shallow sea when the water
ground swell the deep, slow rolling of
as a whole remains unfrozen (also termed
the sea (sometimes caused by a distant
anchor ice or bottom ice) 2. fossil ice, a
storm or a seismic disturbance) which in
mass of clear ice associated with perma¬
passing into shallow water raises the height
of the waves.
ground information in remote sens¬
groundwater, groundwater phreatic
ing, information concerning the state of
water, all the water derived from per¬
the physical environment derived from
colation of rainwater, from water
aerial photographs and measurements
trapped in a sediment at its time of de¬
(based on sample estimates) of soil mois¬
position (connate water) and from
ture, temperature, biomass etc. Ideally this
magmatic sources (juvenile water), ly¬
information is recorded at the time when
ing under the surface of the ground above
a remote sensor, also collecting data, is
an impermeable layer, but excluding
passing over the area concerned.
underground streams, vadose water,
groyne, groin a construction of timber, the'earth, where the material of the earth’s
concrete, or stone jutting seawards, usually interior is in transition between the solid
at right angles to the coast, to combat and plastic state, and where the speed of
longshore drifting ofsand and shingle the P-waves of earthquakes slackens
and maintain a level beach. and S-waves are absent. In the Gutenberg
Channel, lying between 100 and 200 km
guano the thick deposit formed by the
(60 to 120 mi) beneath the lithosphere,
excreta of seabirds valued, as a source of
at the upper surface of the mantle, the
nitrogen and phosphates, for fertilizer,
material becomes more plastic and both
e.g. occurring on the many islands of the
P-waves and S-waves exist but are slow¬
dry Chilean and Peruvian coasts where
there is little or no rainfall to wash it away.
gulch in western USA, a narrow, deep, guyot tablemount, a topographical fea¬
rocky ravine. ture of the ocean bed, a flat-topped vol¬
gulf i. a large inlet of the sea, cutting into canic mountain, occurring especially on
the land more deeply than a bay. It is more the floor of the Pacific ocean (as opposed
enclosed by the coast than a bay is; and it to a seamount with its pointed summit).
may itself contain one or more bays 2. a It may rise to a great height, e.g. 3200 m
deep hollow, a chasm, an abyss, e.g. a (some 10 000 ft), but the summit usually
steep-walled sinkhole with a flat alluvial lies well below the ocean surface, e.g.
habitat a place or a kmd of place that lode or fault plane with the vertical, i.e.
provides a particular set of environmental the slope of the fault as contrasted with
conditions for the organism or organisms the dip of the beds. Fig 23.
inhabiting it. Some geographers use the
term as a synonym for environment.
Hadley cell a thermally driven vertical
circulation cell (atmospheric cell-2)
Habitat I, Habitat II United Nations forming that part of the general circulation
conferences on human settlement, at¬ of the atmosphere-i between the
tended by world leaders, planners, archi¬ equator and approximately 30°N and
tects, population experts etc., to discuss 30°S. Warmed air rises from the equatorial
the problems of rapidly expanding and area to high altitudes, spreads polewards
overcrowded cities. and, cooled, descends at about 30°N and
30°S, flowing towards the equator in the
habitus the individual’s sense of‘home’,
lower levels of the atmosphere, as trade
of place in the world, based on geograph¬
winds at the surface. The cell takes its
ical background, cultural origin, inher¬
name from G. Hadley who, in his ex¬
itance, experience and social networks
planation of trade winds in 1735, issued
carried through life, subject to refash¬
his modification of the original theory
ioning viewed through the rosy spectacles
on the circulation of the atmosphere put
of passing time and increasing distance.
forward by Edmund Halley in 1686. Fig 5.
hachure (French) short lines of shading
haematite, hematite an important iron
on a map drawn at right angles to the
ore, grey, black or reddish in colour,
contours to represent slopes, the lines
abundant and widely distributed, valued
being thicker and more closely spaced at
for its lack of phosphorus, occurring in
areas of greatest slope, but not giving spe¬
crystalline, massive or granular (in
cific information about altitude.
grains) form, sometimes in kidney-shaped
hacienda (Spanish) in Spain and former nodules (kidney ore), as a cement-2 in
Spanish colonies, a large agricultural estate sandstone, as an accessory mineral
with a dwelling house. The term is some¬ in igneous rock, and in hydro-
times applied to a country house and its thermal veins and replacement deposits.
associated activities, e.g. in monoculture, LIMONITE.
cash crop farming, sheep or cattle ranching
hafF (German, pi. hafle) a coastal lagoon
(and some would add mining or manufac¬
of fresh or brackish water, fed by a stream
turing conducted on the estate); some¬
which is blocked by a nehrung, through
times it is restricted to the country house
which it is linked to the sea by a channel,
typical of the Baltic coast of Germany,
bade the angle made by a mineral vein, Poland and Russia.
V s.
hail, hailstone a small ball or piece of ice white, but ifit is sharply defined, the inner¬
with a concentric layered structure, the most ring appears red, the outermost blue.
diameter usually ranging between 5 and
halo effect of a boundary, the detri¬
50 mm (0.2 to 2 in), falling separately
mental effect of a boundary on locations
or agglomerated from cumulonimbus
close to it, making them unattractive to
cloud at the passing of a cold front,
people, e.g. of a political boundary in dis¬
sometimes damaging crops, trees, green¬
puted territory, resulting in the emigration
houses and injuring livestock and people.
of the population; but there may be a
Hailstones are caused by the fast ascent of
beneficial effect (intervening oppor¬
moist air in which frozen droplets of ice
tunity effect). •
are carried ever higher by the force of the
updraught, their size growing as additional halophyte a plant that tolerates soil
water vapour freezes on them, until impregnated with salt, e.g. the soil of a salt
their weight overcomes the force of the marsh, the seashore, a salt desert.
ascending air current and they fall to earth.
ham in southern England, a local term 1.
On the way they sometimes gather more
a plot of meadow land, especially a tract
ice from supercooled (supercooling)
of rich pasture by a river 2. (Old English
water droplets in the moist air. precipi-
ham, home) a settlement ranging in size
from a single homestead to a town,
hailstorm a violent fall of hail. common in place-names in the parts of
England influenced by Anglo-Saxons,
haldenhang wash slope, the part of a slope
surviving in hamlet.
that is less steep than the part above it,
occurring at the foot of a rock wall, usually hamada, hamada, hammada (north
beneath an accumulation of talus. Africa: Arabic) the rocky desert of the
plateaus of the Sahara, stripped of sand and
half-life in physics, the time needed for
dust by air currents, the surface smoothed
one half of the atoms of a sample of a
by abrasion, erg, reg.
radioactive element (radioactivity) to
disintegrate or change into the isotope hamlet a small group of dwellings in the
of another element. The half-life of a English countryside, usually smaller than
radioactive element is known and con¬ a village and lacking a church, ham-2.
stant, e.g. the half-life of carbon 14 is 5600
hanger a wood-2, most commonly of
years (but see radiocarbon dating);
beech trees (hence beech-hanger), on the
of radium 226 is 1620 years; of uranium
steep chalk slopes of southern England.
238, U238, is 4.51 x io9 years, decaying to
lead 206; of U235 is 7.13 x io18, decaying hanging glacier a truncated glacier
to lead 207; potassium 40 has a half-life of projecting from a basin or shelf high on a
47 000 mn years, decaying to strontium mountainside, from which ice may break
87- off and fall as an ice avalanche.
halo a ring or rings of diffused light seen hanging valley a tributary valley, the
from the earth to encircle the sun or moon lower end of which is well above the bed
in conditions of thin cloud, caused by the of the main valley (and from which a
refraction of light by water-drops or ice waterfall may descend), commonly
crystals in cloud. It usually appears to be found where the main valley has been
deepened by a glacier which has since fragipan, an acid, cemented, platey layer
disappeared, u-shaped valley. between the parent material and the upper
soil layers; iron pan, a layer of sand or fine
harbour I. an anchorage haven, stretch
gravel cemented with iron oxides; laterite
of water, close to and sheltered by the
or plinthite, a layer cemented with ferric
shore and protected from the sea and swell
oxide; lime pan, a thick layer of cal¬
by artificial or natural walls which allow
cium carbonate; moorpan, compactre-
access for vessels through a narrow
depositedhumus compounds, laterite.
entrance (the harbour mouth). In the har¬
bour vessels can lie at anchor, secured to hardware the physical equipment used
buoys or alongside wharfs, piers etc. The for data collection and handling, including
facilities of a port may or may not be remote sensing equipment, computers
provided 2. a term used in place-names etc. and their parts, software.
in England, especially applied to farms in
hard water water which does not easily
sheltered situations.
form a lather with soap or detergent on
hardebank kimberlite. account of the inhibiting effect of dissolved
calcium, magnesium and iron compounds
hardeveld (Afnkaans) veld where a thin present in it, derived from the rocks over
layer of soil is underlain by hard gravel or or through which the water has passed
rock, making ploughing impossible. (e.g. water flowing over limestone). The
greater the quantity of these salts in it, the
hardness I. the quality of being hard, in
harder the water.
solid objects generally, ofbeing resistant to
cutting, cracking or crushing 2. in metals, hardwood I. any deciduous or ever¬
resistance to indentation or deformation green broadleaved tree, with vessels
3. in minerals, resistance to abrasion. in its wood, that produces close-grained
The hardness of minerals is indicated on wood 2. the timber of such a tree. Most
a scale devised by Friedrich Mohs (Mohs’ hardwoods, e.g. oak, beech, maple, wal¬
Scale), a German mineralogist, 1773 — nut, grow in temperate regions. Other
1839, in which the softest (talc) was rep¬ examples are the evergreen oak, native to
resented by 1 and the hardest (diamond) the region of Mediterranean climate; the
by 10 (subsequently revised, the diamond eucalyptus, native to eastern Australia; the
now being 15) 4. of water, hard water. hard, heavy teak of the regions of monsoon
climate; and ebony and mahogany, grow¬
hardpan an indurated (induration) or
ing in tropical forests. All are used mainly
cemented layer of soil of varying character
in furniture making, softwood.
found at varying distances below, or some¬
times at, the upper surface of the soil. It is harmattan, hamattan a strong, dry wind
usually formed from material carried down blowing from a noitheasterly or some¬
mechanically or in solution by rainwater times easterly direction over northwest
percolating from the surface, and later Africa, from the Sahara to the northwest
deposited. The term is applied to the layer African coast, the southern limit averaging
or the material, e.g. clay pan, a dense 5°N in January (mid-winter) and i8°N in
subsoil formed by the washing down of July. Heavily dust-laden and parching in
clay or syntheses of clay; duripan or sil- the interior, it helps to evaporate the high
crete, cemented siliceous minerals; humidity of the Guinea Coast, and thus
Hawaiian volcanic eruption
seems a relatively cool and healthy wind heartland, heart-land 1. the central part
in that area, hence its local name there, of a land mass inaccessible to a seapower.
the Doctor. The term was introduced by Sir Halford
Mackinder, 1904, with reference to the
Hawaiian volcanic eruption a non¬
heart of the Euro-Asian continental
explosive volcanic eruption in which basic
mass, and subsequently developed by
(base-2) and highly fluid lava flows over
him (world-island). He postulated his
a large area and hardens to form a volcano
theory of world power, that the fertile,
shaped like a shield (shield volcano).
self-sufficient heartland of the world-
island, being land based, held the key to
potential world domination, rather than
hay the stems and leaves of grasses, cut a vulnerable maritime-based state 2. the
and dried, and used as fodder. heartland of the USA, usually defined as
the area within the rectangle Boston—
hazard a risk, a chance associated with Washington—St Louis—Chicago.
danger or with a damaging effect.
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARD, FLOOD heat balance the condition of equilib¬
HAZARD. rium in which radiation reaching the earth
and its atmosphere from the sun (in¬
haze the condition in the atmosphere near solation) is approximately equalled by
the earth’s surface when visibility is re¬ radiation and reflection (albedo) from
stricted to more than i km (0.6 mi) but the earth, heat engine.
less than 2 km (1.2 mi), commonly result¬
ing from the suspension in the air of solid heat engine a mechanical system set in
matter such as dust or smoke particles, or motion by heat energy, e.g. as in the
in density in the layers of the atmosphere. provide the thermal power, and the vari¬
ing area. This is due in part to the storage heavy land, heavy soil land that is
of solar heat in roads and the mass of difficult to plough, especially in wet con¬
building etc. and its slow release, in com¬ ditions, e.g. a thick clay soil.
parison with the heat stored and released
hectare ha, a metric unit of area, equi¬
more quickly from the surrounding, more
valent to 10000 sq m or 2.471 acres.
open area; in part to the effect of buildings
100 hectares equal 1 square kilometre.
in reducing wind speed; in part to the
heat derived from the internal heating of
hecto- h, prefix, a hundred, attached to
buildings, from industry, transport, power
si units to denote the unit x io2, e.g.
generation, human metabolism; in part to
hectolitre (100 litres), centi-, kilo-,
the blanket effect of polluted air overlying
large towns. The effects of a heat island
spread to areas lying at some distance from hegemony (originally used with refer¬
it. ence to the states of ancient Greece)
predominance, leadership I. the predom¬
heat wave, heave-wave a relatively long inance of, the leadership exercised by,
unbroken spell of abnormally hot weather. one state in relation to others in a group,
e.g. in a union or confederacy of states 2.
heave of a fault the forward, lateral dis¬
in Marxism, the predominance of one
placement of strata on an inclined nor¬
social class over others.
mal fault, expressed as the horizontal
distance between the ends of the surfaces hemisphere the half of a sphere formed
of the displaced strata, throw of a on each side of a plane passing through its
fault. Fig 23. centre. The earth’s surface is commonly
considered to be bisected by the
Heaviside Layer the E layer of the
equator, producing the northern hemi¬
atmosphere-i, lying in the ionosphere
sphere and the southern hemisphere. The
at about 100 to 120 km (60 to 72 mi), and
eastern hemisphere (Asia, Africa, Europe,
reflecting medium and long radiowaves
Australia and New Zealand) is separated
(electromagnetic spectrum) back to
from the western hemisphere (the New
the earth while allowing short radiowaves
World, i.e. North and South America) by
from the earth to penetrate until they reach
the meridians 20°W and i6o°E. great
the appleton layer. Oliver Heaviside,
1850—1915, suggested the existence of
such a layer; but it is also known as the herb 1. in botany, a non-woody vascu¬
Kennelly-Heaviside Layer, Arthur Edwin lar plant lacking parts that persist above
Kennedy, 1861-1939, having made the the ground (annual, biennial, peren¬
same prediction. nial) in the unfavourable season, thereby
enhancing its chances of survival, as dis¬
heavy industry a secondary indus¬ tinct from a shrub or a tree 2. a plant
try in which the weight of materials used that is not necessarily a herb in the botan¬
per worker is high, the machinery used is ical sense, but is valued for its fragrant,
bulky and the finished products have a medicinal or flavouring properties.
low value in relation to their weight, e.g.
ship building, basic industry, light herbaceous adj. of, pertaining to, or
INDUSTRY. resembling a herb-i.
Hercynian adj. applied to the earth build¬ heuristic adj. 1. useful for discovery or
ing movements and associated mountain for solving problems, e.g. applied to a
remnants of Upper Carboniferous to Per¬ method of education which encourages
mian times (geological timescale) in the student to gain knowledge by personal
Europe, variously and confusingly named. investigation; or to a procedure (heuristic
Hercynian is applied by some authors to method) for discovering an unknown goal
the whole mountain system of central by a progressive sequence of operations or
Europe (also termed the altaides); investigations based on a known criterion,
others use it as a synonym for variscan. e.g. a person put against a wall in a totally
(Others restrict the use of Variscan to the dark room and asked to find the door will
eastern sector of the Hercynian earth discover it by moving systematically in
movements, applying armorican to the the same direction round the walls 2. of
western, i.e. to earth movements in Brit¬ practical, though perhaps unexplained, use
tany and southwestern Britain.) There are in invention or discovery, e.g. in social
remnants of mountains of similar age in science, applied to conceptual devices such
Asia (the Urals, T’ien Shan, Nan Shan), as models-2 and working hypotheses the
in North America (the Appalachians) and aim of which is not to describe or explain
in South America (the foothills of the the facts but to suggest or to eliminate
Andes). possible explanations.
quality of their livestock and crops, and mark indicates the high-water mark of
improving farm buildings. medium tides (HWMMT).
highland, highlands in general, any tract hill loosely, a natural elevation of the
ofhigh or elevated land or the more moun¬ earth’s surface, not so high as a moun¬
tainous parts of any country. Used specif¬ tain. It is sometimes defined as an el¬
ically, usually in plural, in proper names, evation under 300 m (1000 ft), but such
e.g. the Highlands ofScotland. lowland. exactness is misleading: some ranges
termed hills exceed 2680 m (8800 ft).
high latitudes latitude.
hill farming generally, farming in hill
highly developed country hdc.
country, in Britain traditionally pas¬
high plains plains lying at an elevation toral, and devoted to sheep rearing.
above some 600 m (2000 ft). There are EEC subsidies designed to
encourage the continued farming of poor
high pressure high.
hill land, less favoured land.
S. v
historical fallacy
is termed a relative frequency histogram. whbn the dew-point is below o°C (32°F).
hobby farmer a part-time farmer
historical fallacy the false assumption who owns the freehold of, or rents, a
that a relationship observed in a cross- farm, who may or may not use any build¬
sectional study will be present in a ing on it as a mam residence, who does not
similar longitudinal study, or vice rely on the farm output for a livelihood,
versa, ecological fallacy. whose mam income comes from another
source, e.g. from an urban occupation,
historical geography the geography,
and who farms mainly for pleasure.
physical and human, real, perceived or
theoretical, of the past. hoe a projecting ndge of land, a height
ending abruptly or steeply. The term is
historical materialism a materialist con¬
now obsolete except in place-names, e.g.
ception of history, the Marxist theory of
Plymouth Hoe, Ivinghoe.
history, seen as a natural process related to
human material needs. Marx believed that hogback, hog back, hogsback, hog’s
this historical human evolution was the back an elongated narrow ridge shaped
product of the class struggle arising like the back of a hog (pig), the result of
between and amongst the exploiting and unequal erosion on alternating hard and
exploited classes throughout the suc¬ soft layers of steeply inclined rocks. It
cession of the MODES OF PRODUCTION, differs from a cuesta because both slopes
each mode of production determining the of the ridge (i.e. the dip slope and the scarp
general character of the social, political, slope) are steep and more nearly equal.
intellectual and spiritual processes in a
holding in agriculture, land held or occu¬
society (social existence being determined
pied by legal nght for purposes of farming.
by human consciousness, not vice versa).
The term is sometimes used as a synonym
Marx and Engels came to modify their
for farm, but several farms may be com¬
views that such economic determinism
bined and worked as one holding, small
governed all aspects of historical develop¬
ment; and Marxists have since variously
interpreted the theory and its concepts. holism adj. holistic, a philosophy so
DIALECTICAL MATERIALISM, MARXISM, named byj. C. Smuts that there is a tend¬
MATERIALISM. ency in nature to produce ‘wholes’ (whole
bodies or whole organisms) from an
histosolsinsoiL classification, USA,
ordered grouping of unit structures, the
an order of soils developed mainly by the
whole being greater than the sum of the
accumulation of organic matter in a water¬
properties (property-3) and relationships
logged area, and thus including bog soils
of its parts (gestalt). This phenomenon
and soils rich in peat.
can be recognized in other ‘wholes’, lead¬
hoar frost, hoar-frost, hoarfrost a ing to the doctrine that a functioning
white deposit of ice with a crystalline whole (e.g. an organization, institution,
appearance, formed directly from the society) affects its component parts, is
cooling of water vapour on surfaces with inimical to analysis, and that therefore the
a temperature below that of dew-point parts should not be studied in isolation. It
a farm with its associated buildings 2. in native to Europe and western Asia, now
USA, a plot of land adequate for the res¬ cultivated there and in other midlatitude
idence and maintenance of a family, given areas for the sake of its essential oils and
special and legal meaning, notably under soft resins used in flavouring beer in
the 1862 Homestead Act, a grant of 65 ha Europe since the Middle Ages.
horizontal equivalent
strata, or the level at which a particular horst an elevated block of the earth’s crust,
fossil occurs 3. in soil science, a distinct usually with a level summit, standing
soil layer with more or less well-defined prominently above parallel normal
characteristics produced by soil-forming faults, formed either by the sinking of
processes, soil, soil horizon. the crust on each side outside the faults,
or by the uplift of a block between the
horizontal equivalent HE, the distance faults. In some cases it is denuded to the
between two points on the land surface extent that it is no longer upstanding, rift
when projected on to a horizontal plane, VALLEY.
as on a map. If two points on a hillside,
say 75 m (245 ft) apart measured down the horticulture originally the cultivation of
actual slope length, are projected on to a garden, now applied to the intensive
a map they will be a shorter distance apart cultivation of vegetables, fruit and flower
in the horizontal plane: this is the HE or crops on relatively small plots, in a market
Horizontal Equivalent, say 60 m (195 ft) garden, greenhouse or nursery.
in the example. A rise of i° in an HE
Horton’s Law the theory relating to
of 30 m (100 ft) represents a vertical
streams and their order (stream order)
interval of about 0.5 m (1.74 ft), gra¬
and the area of the basin they drain, i.e.
that the number of streams of a given order
decreases sharply with increasing order,
horn a pyramidal peak in a mountain
and that the total length of a drainage net
range occurring when several cirques are
increases regularly with order. Generally,
formed back to back, thereby leaving a
in most drainage basins the number of
high central mass, an unreduced part of
streams of a given order is about three
the original mountain range, with marked
times the number in the next higher order.
faces and sharp ridges (arete). The term
is common in mountain names, e.g. the Hotelling model a model-2 used by
Matterhorn. Harold Hotelling, economist, to account
for the locations of two firms in com¬
horse latitudes the belts of calms (calm),
petition with each other, based on the
the subtropical belts of high atmospheric
assumptions that these firms are producing
pressure (anticyclone), moving north
identical goods, that their production costs
and south with the sun, lying north and
are the same at all locations, that the price
south of the equator from about 30° to
of the goods covers the cost of transport
35°N and 30° to 35°S (but interrupted by
to the consumer, that the market to be
the land and sea pattern), regions of the
satisfied is linear-2, with customers
descending air which flows towards the
evenly distributed along its length, and
equator and the poles to produce calm,
that the demand for the goods is inelastic.
stable, dry weather conditions with light,
variable winds. The origin of the name is hot rock a deep-seated rock in the earth’s
uncertain. Fig 5. crust which has a temperature higher than
might be expected from the normal
horseyculture the practice of pasturing
horses and ponies for riding on relatively
small plots of land, usually on town out¬
skirts. hot Spot PLUME.
humic acid
human agency the capacity of human of systems); or with the human race in
beings to act, in the light of their experi¬ general (as distinct from an individual
ence and creativity, e.g. to improve a soil; member of it), or with the studies of
to the rules, constraints and conventions sical Greece and Rome, the prime concern
human ecology i. the study of the inter¬ the history, language, literature and the
relationships between human beings and arts of classical Greece and Rome.
human geography one of the two parts landscape painting), thinking and beliefs
into which geography is often separated, as well as human experience and values
Human geography is concerned with the environment and in affecting, their rela¬
study of those features and phenomena tionships with it. HUMAN AGENCY, HU¬
in soils and resulting from the partial decay hundredweight cwt, a measure ofweight
of organic matter, humus. equal in British measures to 112 lb
(50.802 kg), in US to 100 lb (45.359 kg).
humic gley soil gley soils.
hurricane 1. in the beaufort scale,
humidity the state of the atmosphere-i wind of force 12, with velocity equivalent
with respect to its content of water va¬
at a mean velocity exceeding 34 m/sec or
pour, warm air being able to hold more 121 km (75 mi) per hour 2. a violent
water vapour than cold air. When the air cyclonic storm with torrential ram and
is holding its maximum amount of water
thunderstorms and wind velocity over
vapour it is said to be saturated . abso¬
117 km (73 mi) per hour (often exceeding
160 km: 100 mi per hour), originating in
latitudes 50 to 20°N over the west Atlantic,
moving west-northwest over the Carib¬
humid tropicality, humid tropics the
bean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico to
climatic condition relative to a standard
Florida, then northeast at about 30°N
period of time (e.g. a month) in which
along the eastern coast of the USA. cyc¬
the relative humidity exceeds 65 per
cent, pressure 20 mb, mean temperature
20°C (68°F). To this is sometimes added
rainfall exceeding or equalling evaporation HWMMT, HWONT, HWOST
for the period, approximating to 75 mm
(3 in) per month. The term humid tropics
is applied to tropical areas in which the hydration in the mechanical weath¬
condition of humid tropicality prevails for ering of rocks, the process in which min¬
a minimum of nine months of the year. erals combine with water and expand,
TROPICAL CLIMATE, TROPICS. thereby exerting pressure within the rock
pores (exfoliation). Minerals that have
humification in soil science, the trans¬
undergone hydration are very likely to be
formation of organic material into humus
affected by chemical weathering.
by slow decomposition-i and oxida¬
still occasionally used. The origin of this agrarian civilization depending on big,
have been the area inhabited by 100 flood control and power, as distinct from
hydraulic force the eroding power of solution is used to assess the acidity and
needed a supervising authority which overlap, and the tendency now in Britain
could ensure a fair distribution of water is to restrict hydrography to cover survey
to the groups over space and time; and and mapping etc. with an emphasis on
that this led to the emergence of ur¬ marine waters, and to apply hydrology to
ban centres, hydraulic civilization, the study of the water of land areas.
hydrological cycle the continuous cir¬
hydric adj. having abundant water. culation of water from the earth’s surface
MESIC, XERIC. to the atmosphere-i to the earth’s sur¬
face, brought about by evaporation
hydrocarbon an organic compound,
from the surface water and the land and by
solid, liquid or gaseous, consisting primar¬
evapotranspiration from vegetation,
ily of carbon and hydrogen, e.g. pet¬
giving rise to water vapour in the
roleum, coal, natural gas. acid rain.
atmosphere which condenses (conden¬
hydroelectric power HEP, electric sation), forms clouds, and returns to
power generated in dynamos moved by the earth’s surface as precipitation,
the energy of falling water, electricity, swelling the oceans, seas, lakes and rivers,
WATER POWER. or become ground water, hydro¬
\ v
Condensation in clouds
v \\\\y v\y ■
\WV TA \ \\\- \ \
hydrolysis a chemical reaction of water hydrosphere the water sphere, all the
in which the reagent (i.e. the substances waters (liquid or solid) of the surface of
creating the chemical reaction of the the earth collectively, including soil and
water) is decomposed and hydrogen and ground water, in comparison and contrast
hydroxyl (hydrogen, oxygen) and, com¬ with the lithosphere and the atmo-
monly, other new compounds are added. SPHERE-I. The HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE
This process is involved in I. the chemical blurs the distinction between the atmo¬
weathering of rocks, in which the salt sphere and the hydrosphere.
constituents of the rock combine with
water, and an acid and a base-2 are hydrostatic pressure the pressure
formed, corrosion 2. the decomposi¬ exerted by water at rest equally at any
tion of organic compounds by interaction point within that body of water, arte¬
bined action of heat and water that brings nuclei for the condensation of water
about changes in the earth’s crust, by vapour.
making strong solutions, by altering pro¬
hygroscopic moisture water in the soil
cesses in minerals (kaolinization) and
held by such strong surface tension
by depositing minerals in veins and on
that it is unavailable to plants, capillary
the earth’s surface around geysers 3.
applied to the rocks (hydrothermal de¬
posits), ore-deposits and springs (hydro- hypabyssal adj. half-abyssal, applied
thermal springs) so produced 4. applied especially to an igneous rock or to an
to vencs in the oceanic crust through igneous intrusion which has risen
which gases and hot water jets rise. towards the surface, but which has
BLACK SMOKER, GEOTHERMAL ENERGY, crystallized below it. They are thus inter¬
HOT ROCK, METAMORPHISM, METASO¬ mediate in physical form between the
MATISM, SINTER. rocks which are deep seated, having
cooled from magma deep in the earth’s
hygrometer an instrument used to de¬
crust (plutonic rock) and those which
termine the humidity or RELATIVE
have been poured out and solidified on
humidity of the atmosphere or a gas,
the surface (volcanic rock). Hypabys¬
some types making use of a human hair
sal rocks are found as dykes, sills, small
(which stretches and contracts), others a
intrusions etc. acid rock, basic rock,
lithium-chloride strip (which has a varying
resistance to moisture), the very slight
reaction of the moisture-sensitive com¬ hypermarket a very big, self-service store
ponent being enlarged and registered on which is larger than a supermarket, sells
a graded scale. a wide variety of foodstuffs, household
goods etc., has an extensive car park and
hygrophyte a water-loving plant, one is usually situated on the outskirts of a
which thrives in moisture (e.g. a tree of town.
the tropical rain forest) but is not an
aquatic plant. Most of the coniferous forest hypolimnion the non-circulating coldest
trees of the west and southeast of North layer of water, with the least oxygen, in
Amenca, southern Chile, western Europe, a deep lake or ocean, lying below the
thermocline. thermal stratifica¬
parts of China and Japan, southeastern
Australia and New Zealand are hygro- tion.
(with or without the movement of a gla¬ or from an ice shelf and floating in the
cier), by the seepage of water into snow sea, at the mercy of winds and currents.
masses and its subsequent freezing. The The ratio of ice below the water to that
density-2 of ice is lower than that of above is some three or four to one. Arctic
water, thus ice floats. icebergs have pinnacles in their superstruc¬
tures; coming from Greenland, they are
ice age any period in the long course carried south by the East Greenland and
of geological time, from Precambrian
Labrador currents to the Atlantic (a few
time onward (geological timescale),
passing through the narrow, shallow
when extensive glaciers covered large
Bering Strait to the Pacific). The super¬
parts of the land surface in the northern
structures of the Antarctic icebergs, which
and southern hemispheres. The greatest
come from the Ross ice shelf, are flat, and
and best known of these ice ages is the last
these icebergs float northwards to about
or Great Ice Age, also known as the Glacial
6o°S in the Pacific.
Epoch, which occurred in the pleisto¬
cene epoch when human beings had ice cap a permanent covering of ice, a
already appeared on the earth’s surface. In dome-shaped glacier, smaller than an
Europe and North America there were at ice sheet, covering a highland area or an
least four fluctuations in the Pleistocene island in high latitudes.
glaciation, periods with extending ice
sheets being interrupted by warmer ice crystal a single ice particle with regular
interglacial episodes. Many local names structure.
have been given to these periods of ice
expansion. In the European Alps four were ice-dam lake, ice-dammed lake a lake
distinguished and named, from the oldest formed by a barrier of ice stretching across
\ v
ideology I. the science of ideas, con¬ which has received material in solution
cerned with their origin and nature, par¬ or suspension from the overlying soil
igneous rock a rock which has originated copy (solid or optical, or the product of
from the cooling and solidification of remote sensing) of an object, the same
magma from the heated lower layers of size as the object, or diminished or magni¬
the earth’s crust. The chemical com¬ fied, erect or inverted (e.g. in optics a copy
crystalline (e.g. granite), and termed developed soil occurring on recently laid
at the surface, they have fine crystals and with the development of a soil profile.
imperialism i. the making of an empire duced goods in order to improve the bal¬
through the extension by one sovereign ance OF PAYMENTS.
state of its authority over other territories,
improved adj. made better in quality,
by military conquest or by political or
more productive, more valuable.
economic means, thereby creating a
relationship in which those territories con¬
improved land frequently used as a tech¬
tribute resources to, and become depend¬
nical term, but not always with the same
ent on, the dominant sovereign state,
meaning. In the Agricultural Statistics of
usually to the economic benefit of the
most countries it refers to farm land where
latter, colonialism is a form ofimperial-
by ploughing, cultivation, manuring, or
ism 2. the policy or the doctrine of such
some form of management, the natural
an extension of authority.
condition of the land has been improved.
In Britain it covers ploughland and grass¬
impermeable adj. not permeable, not
land in fields, but not open moorland;
permitting the passage of fluids, especially
similarly in the USA, land in farms but
of water, impervious rock.
not open range land.
impermeable rock a rock which does
inceptisols in soil classification,
not allow water to soak into and through
US A, an order of young soils with weakly
it because it is impervious or non-porous
developed horizons, occurring in vari¬
(or practically non-porous) or both.
able climates, e.g. brown earths (brown
impervious rock, permeable rock,
forest soil) and tundra soils.
pervious, pervious rock, porosity.
\ v
inclosure in England, the legal act, per¬ ter in the USA and the UK. The origin
mitted by an Act of Parliament, either of the term is uncertain.
general or special, whereby open land or
indicator plant, indicator species a
land formerly worked in common (open
plant or species-i which shows by its
field) is cut up into individual fields sur¬
presence in a locality the existence of a
rounded by fences, walls, hedges etc. The
particular environmental factor or certain
spelling of the physical process is usually
environmental conditions, e.g. the olive,
enclosure, and although that of the legal
an indicator of the mediterranean
Act should be inclosure, the two spellings
are commonly used interchangeably.
indigenous adj. originating in, native to,
incompetent, incompetence (of
a particular area, not introduced, applied
rocks), incompetent bed com¬
to i. plants, animals, human population
2. a rock, mineral or ore in its place of
Indian summer a period of calm, dry, industrial city the type of city commonly
mild weather, with cloudless sky but hazy found in industrialized countries today,
atmospheric conditions, occurring fairly broadly conforming to the concentric
regularly in late autumn (fall) or early win¬ zone theory of Burgess, industrial
industrial revolution
crop-i grown not for food but as a raw encing its location, including, for example,
material for manufacturing industry, e.g. the exchange of information with other
V v
industrial society
soil. Infiltration rate is now the preferred first in some respect, e.g. in establishing a
lation and in the volume and variety of logous to the onward movement of an
their industries. ocean wave.
insequent drainage
circumdenudation, e.g. a steep-sided, isol¬ islands and some sheltered coastal areas.
ated residual hill, common in semi-arid
integration in society, the process by
and savanna lands, rising from a plain
which a sub-group, e.g. an ethnic
which is, in many cases, monotonously
minority, adapts to, fits into, and parti¬
flat (pediment).
cipates fully in the social and economic
insequent drainage, insequent stream structure in which it finds itself, while
a drainage-2 pattern developed on the keeping its identity, its individuality and
present land surface (especially on hori¬ cultural distinction, accommodation,
zontal strata), bearing no direct relation to ASSIMILATION, PLURAL SOCIETY.
the underlying structure, and seemingly
intensive agriculture a farming system
determined by accident, dendritic
in which large amounts of capital and/or
labour are applied to a relatively small area
inshore adj. an imprecise term, moving ofland to achieve high yields per unit area.
towards the shore (e.g. inshore breeze); or ESA, EXTENSIVE AGRICULTURE.
applied loosely to that which is close to
interaction in general, reciprocal action,
the shore; or shorewards of a position in
the action or influence of forces, objects,
contrast to seawards of it.
or persons on each other.
in situ (Latin, in place, in position) adv.
interbedded adj. applied to a layer of rock
associated with the occurrence of a fossil,
deposited in sequence between two other
mineral, rock or soil in its original place of
deposition or formation, e.g. a residual
deposit. interface 1. the surface that constitutes the
common boundary between two bodies,
insolation I. exposure to the rays of the
two systems, two spaces, two different
sun 2. solar radiation received,
contiguous parts of the same substance, or
applied especially to that reaching the sur¬
between phases in a heterogeneous system
face of the earth, greatest at the equator
(e.g. the surface formed between a liquid
for the year as a whole, but polewards
and a solid), extended to cover other
decreasing, at first slowly, then more
boundaries, especially if they are lll-
rapidly, then again slowly, the variation
defined 2. the connexion between two
throughout the year being least at the
pieces of equipment, by analogy extended
equator, most at the poles. It is an import¬
to cover the intercommunication between
ant climatic factor and has a (sometimes
different social groups.
disputed) role in atmospheric weathering.
The interrelationship of relief and insola¬ interfluve the tract ofland between two
tion is important in human geography adjacent rivers, regardless of its character.
(adret) 3. the rate at which solar radiation
interglacial adj. of a period of time
reaches a specified area.
between two glacial periods; sometimes
insular adj. of, inhabiting, situated on, used as a noun, referring to an inter¬
forming, characteristic of, an island. glacial period and/or to a deposit
formed in that period.
insular climate a climatic regime with
little range of temperature between sum¬ interglacial period a period of time with
mer and winter, characteristic of many a relatively warm climate, when the ice
international division of labour
sheets retreated, occurring between two period of prolonged rainfall, but which
periods of glacial cold, e.g. as in the ice quickly dries out in even a short-lived
age, which was not a period of unremit¬ DROUGHT.
ting cold.
intermittent spring a spring that flows
interlocking spur one of the series of from time to time, usually depending on
protrusions (spur) of land that, lying the height of the water table (itself
between bends in the winding course of affected by fluctuations in precipitation).
a young river in its V-shaped valley, juts
intermittent stream a stream which does
into a concave bend and interdigitates with
not flow continuously but dries up from
its opposing neighbours lying upstream
time to time, e.g. a bourne.
and downstream. Interlocking spurs thus
obscure the upstream or downstream view intermonate adj. lying between moun¬
of the river. They are caused initially tains, e.g. the intermontane plateaus, the
by the stream’s flowing swiftly round high plateaus, lying between the east and
an obstacle in its course, undercutting west ranges of the Andes.
the bank opposite the obstruction, and
internal migration the movement of
thereby making the concave bend, me¬
people within a country, e.g. in search of
intermediate rock an igneous rock
classified chemically as being between acid international airport an airport with
and basic in its composition (acid rock, facilities suitable for handling international
basic rock), that is it has a silica-2 traffic and meeting the needs of inter¬
cent and no free quartz. It may be international date line an imaginary line
plutonic (intrusive) or volcanic (ex¬
agreed internationally which follows the
meridian of 18o°, with some deviations to
INTRUSIVE ROCK, LAVA, PLUTONIC accommodate certain land areas. In cross¬
ROCK, VOLCANIC ROCK. ing the line from west to east a day is
logy-3 which aims to introduce to small a whole day is lost. Thus an aircraft flying
lands those parts of advanced scientific time on the same day; an aircraft leaving
knowledge and industrial processes which, Honolulu late on Monday evening would
combined with resources and materials not reach Japan until Wednesday morn¬
readily available locally, will match their ing, although the duration of the flight is
knowledge and skills, meet their needs, only a few hours. Fig 43.
which may hold vadose water in a tasks performed to supply world markets.
\ v
International Monetary Fund
The principal exports of the dominant measure of dispersion (the spread of values)
to the subject territories and to other coun¬ tile is produced by splitting a distribu¬
tries. The subject territories bought these tion into four equal parts, the quartiles
manufactures with earnings from the being those values of the variable below
exports of their primary products. In the which he 25 per cent, 50 per cent and 75
process the most powerful controlling per cent ofthe distribution. The interquar¬
powers became dominant in the inter¬ tile range is the distance between the 75
national organization of production and per cent (upper quartile) and the 25 per
trade, and in world markets 2. in the ‘new’ cent (lower quartile). It thus contains one
international division of labour (NIDL) half of the total frequency and provides a
(i.e. after the mid-i940s) the production simple measure of dispersion, median.
Such developments have far-reaching so¬ for reasons other than those of benefiting
cial, economic and political effects; and the place itself. The result is that the place
are especially important to the multi¬ enjoys better services than its own charac¬
invisible exports
inversion the reversal of the normal or payments are made by the country to
ion an atom or group of atoms with mafgnetic iron ore which tend to occur in
either an excess (cation, a positive ion) or large masses associated with igneous or
a deficiency (anion, a negative ion) of metamorphic rocks; (b) the bedded
electrons, which is therefore electrically ores of hydrated oxide of iron which
unbalanced and electrically charged. (An include limomte and are usually very
electron is a fundamental particle, negat¬ impure; (c) siderite; (d) sulphide ores of
ively charged, a constituent of the atom, which iron pyrites and copper pyrites are
orbiting in the nucleus.) An ion may be the chief, although neither is an important
formed in a gas or in a solution and carry source of metal, iron pyrites being more
current through either, acid, base, col¬ important as a source of sulphur and cop¬
loid, pH, HYDROGEN ION. per pyrites of copper. The impurities in
the ore are important in processing, e.g.
ionization the production of ions, con¬
phosphoric iron ore needs special treat¬
verting to ions, or being converted to ions,
ment, because phosphorus makes the
by the addition or removal of electrons
iron brittle, pig iron, steel.
from atoms, e.g. by addition to an ioniz¬
ing solvent or by means of high-energy Iron Age the era in human development
radiation, as in the ionosphere. (succeeding the bronze age) when iron
was smelted and used for tools, utensils
ionosphere thermosphere, the outermost
and weapons. It probably began among
zone of the atmosphere-i, above the
the Hittites c. 1400 bc, reaching southern
mesopause, at a height of about 65 km
Europe by c. 1000 bc and Bntain by
(40 mi), the lower level dropping to some
500 BC.
55 km (35 mi) in daylight, rising to some
105 km (65 mi) at night, so named because Iron Curtain a term introduced by Win¬
ultraviolet and x-rays radiatedby the ston Churchill in a speech in 1946 describ¬
sun ionize its gases to a degree determined ing the divide between the then USSR
by the solar cycle, season and time of day. and its associated communist states in east¬
Particles arising from this ionization ern Europe on the one hand and the coun¬
concentrate in distinct layers (distin¬ tries of western Europe on the other. The
guished by the letters D, E, F2, Fi) and USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hun¬
refract radiowaves back to earth, apple- gary, Romania, Bulgaria and East Ger¬
ton LAYER, HEAVISIDE LAYER, SUN¬ many were considered to be within the
SPOT. Fig 4. Iron Curtain, and sometimes Yugoslavia
and Albania were included.
iron a widely occurring heavy, metallic
element-6, the second most widespread iron pan, ironpan hard pan.
mineral-i (aluminium being the first),
irradiance the amount of radiant power
estimated to constitute chemically some 5
(radiant flux) per unit area falling on
per cent of the earth’s crust by weight. It
a surface or object, radiance.
does not occur native-i (adj.) in nature,
rusts readily in moist air (i.e. it combines irrigation the action of artificially supply¬
with the oxygen of the atmosphere to form ing land with water to help the growth
an oxide) and is chemically active, forming and productivity of plants. In addition to
compounds. The chief ores are (a) haem¬ methods long used of bringing water by
atite or red kidney ore and magnetite or karez, by canal-2 from a river or reser-
neph amount of cloudiness; isoseismal botany, applied to algae and some fungi
are vegetatively identical 3. in chemistry, isostatic adj. 1. under equal pressure from
mineralogy, having shape or structure all sides 2. of, relating to, or characterized
similar to that of another, usually due to by, ISOSTASY.
a similarity of composition 4. in math¬
isothermal adj. 1. having the same tem¬
ematics, applied to two data sets, or two
perature 2. without change of temperat¬
theories, which are precisely equivalent in
ure 3. relating to or showing a change
form and in the nature and product of
in pressure or in volume at a constant
their operations, the elements of one cor¬
responding with those of the other, gen¬
eral SYSTEMS THEORY, ISOMORPHISM. isotope one of two or more forms of
an element-6, having the same atomic
isomorphism the state or quality ofbeing
number as the other forms but identified
isomorphic, e.g. specifically in biology,
by small differences in atomic weight and,
the apparent similarity of individuals of
usually, by minute differences (due to
different races or species; and in math¬
mass) in chemical and physical properties.
ematics, a one-to-one correspondence
An isorope is named by the mass number
between data sets.
with the name or symbol of the element,
isopleth 1. common use in geography, e.g. carbon 14, or 14C, a radioactive car¬
iso- 2. a graph showing the frequency of bon. In natural radioactivity one iso¬
any phenomenon as the function of two tope changes very slowly but at a known
variables 3. a straight line on a graph join¬ rate into another that is more stable (half-
ing corresponding values of the variables life), thus the proportion of one to the
when one of the variables has a constant other present in a sample (e.g. of organic
ary regions should cover the whole of where the tropical maritime air masses
the plain), there should be minimum converge, i.e. where the northeast trade
movement of consumers, and no central winds and the southeast trade winds meet,
place should make excess profits. In order broadly in the region of the equator, but
to fulfil all these specifications the plain moving north and south according to
has to be divided into hexagonal comple¬ season. The air masses may be almost stag¬
mentary regions, urban hinterland. nant, the winds light and variable, hence
the old name of belt of calms or dol¬
isthmus a narrow strip ofland, with water drums. The air is very unstable, a factor
on each side, connecting two larger land in the heavy convection rain of the
masses, e.g. two continental land masses, equatorial belt; and in this area shallow,
or a mainland and a peninsula. slow-moving depressions-3 develop
which may stray from the zone towards the
ITCZ, ITF Intertropical Convergence
poles, intensify and become fast-moving
Zone, Intertropical Front (sometimes
tropical revolving storms (cyclone).
termed the equatorial front or equatorial
trough), a broad trough of low pressure, iteration in mathematics, the repeating
a zone rather than a front, defined more of an operation on the product of the
sharply over land than over the ocean, operation.
\ s.
Janet Joint Academic Network, a com¬ sion and weathering are helped by the
puter network that links together most weak surfaces of well-developed joints,
UK colleges and universities. Superjanet which are also useful to the quarryman in
jokulhlaup (Icelandic) a glacial outburst,
jet stream a high altitude, fast-moving a sudden, sometimes catastrophic, flood
air current, a few thousand kilometres in of meltwater flowing from the underside
length, a few hundred kilometres wide, of a glacier or ice sheet as a result ofvolcanic
a few kilometres in depth, more or less activity and geothermal heating which
horizontal, flattened, tubular, occurring in melts the ice.
the vicinity of the tropopause, usually
joule j i. the unit of energy and work
blowing more strongly in winter than in
in si, the work done when the point of
summer, polar front jet stream, sub¬
application of a force of one newton
is displaced in the direction of the force
through a distance of one metre 2. a unit
stnke-joint, with a dip a dip-joint, ero¬ reefs were laid down in shallow seas,
juvenile water
dinosaurs were at their peak, birds began juvenile water magmatic water, mtratel-
to appear, and the flora included ferns luric water, water from great depths of the
and conifers. The rocks include clays, earth reaching the earth’s surface for the
LIMESTONES, SANDSTONES. first time, as a result of volcanic activity,
i.e. not the meteoric water which is
juvenile relief a landscape with steep¬
already present in the atmosphere-i and
sided valleys characteristic of the early
stages of a cycle of erosion.
Ki. kelvin, the basic Si unit of temper¬ dust particles great distances to settle as
ature 2. usually in italic, the symbol for a LOESS.
constant, e.g. in statistics 3. k-value.
karez term applied in Baluchistan to the
kame an imprecise, unspecific term qanat of Iran and the foggara of north
and gravels) associated with former ice tunnel dug from the arid plains to tap water
fronts. ESKER, MORAINE. at the foot of a nearby hill range, the water
flowing through by gravity.
kame-and-kettle country an undulat¬
ing landscape consisting of kame moraines
karoo, karroo 1. a plateau in southern
Africa between the Swartberge and Nuwe-
and shallow depressions, kettle.
veldberge, covered with semi-desert ve¬
kame terrace a terrace formed of sand getation of small shrubs 2. the vegetation
a glacier and the sides of its trough. and the Northern Karoo, Upper Karoo,
or Karroid plateau, north of the Nuweveld
kaolin china clay, a fine, white clay range.
occurring especially in pockets in gran¬
karre (German, usually in pi., karren) a
ite masses, resulting from the decom¬
channel or furrow varying in depth from
a few millimetres to over a metre, and
and by ascending heated gases (pneu-
separated from others by ridges, caused
matolysis) and vapours (mainly car¬
by solution on limestone surfaces, clint,
bon dioxide and superheated steam)
from a deep-seated magma. It is used in
making ceramic ware (china, porcelain), karrenfeld a surface cut with and dom¬
paper, pharmaceuticals, rubber and cos¬ inated by karren (karre).
metics. The term is derived from the name
of the mountain in China (Kaoling) from karst originally the barren limestone
which it seems originally to have been plateau of Istria, between Carmola and
tropical humid karst, sometimes termed and clays, caused by the former presence
cone karst in translation, cockpit-2. of a great detached block of ice which had
eventually melted. Such hollows became
kelvin K, the basic si unit of temperature, filled with water to form kettle-lakes; and
defined from the triple point of water (the the drifts in which they occurred became
point at which water, ice and water vapour known as kettle-drift or kettle-moraine.
are in equilibrium), valued at 273.16K, ice
point (absolute zero) being 273.15K. kettle-drift a mound or ridge of gravelly
The value of the degree in the kelvin drift-1 formed by water at or beyond
scale is the same as that of the degree in the margin of the ice.
key village
key village, king village a minor centre in fhe Kimberley district of South Africa,
with facilities (e.g. a primary school, a termed hardebank at depth, changing near
village hall) to serve even smaller villages the surface to the softer blue ground which
and hamlets, but reliant on major centres oxidizes at the surface to yellow ground.
for other facilities.
kinetic energy the energy of a moving
khamsin a hot, dry, often dust-laden mass associated with its speed and equal
southerly wind known also as ghibli, sa- to half the product of the mass and the
miel or leveche, which blows intermit¬ square of its velocity, thermal con¬
knoll, knowe, know, knowle a more
kidney iron ore haematite. or less rounded small hill.
derived from the original use of pieces
of knotted string fastened to the logline
kilogram, kilogramme kg, the basic si trailed from sailing vessels, the number of
unit of weight, 1000 grams (2.2046 lb), knots being measured against a period of
being defined as the mass of a standard time indicated by a sand-glass. It is tauto¬
piece of platinum-iridium alloy kept in logical to refer to so many ‘knots per hour’.
the Bureau International des Poids et Me- mile 2. a complex of mountains, especially
sures at Sevres, near Paris. one where several ranges meet and the
arrangement is irregular, e.g. the Pamir
kilometre km, an si unit of length, 1000
metres (0.62 mile, or 3280.84 feet). In
measures of area one square kilometre kolkhoz (Russian contraction of kollek-
equals 100 hectares each of 10000 tivnoe khoziaistvo) a collective farm in the
square metres. former USSR, collective farming,
kimberlite a DiAMOND-bearing ultra-
to sixty years and occurring in capitalist months with temperature below io°C)
economies, postulated by KondratiefF (io°C = 50°F; 20°C = 68°F). These major
(Russian economist) in 1925. He identi¬ climatic groups were subdivided to take
fied an innovation in new technology account of refinements of rainfall and
developed in times of depression as a major temperature characteristics, expressed by
trigger for each new cycle, e.g. the first lower case letters, thornthwaite’s
(1946 — 73), air transport, electrical, elec¬ istic of a FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION that
tronic and oil-based industries; and, at pre¬ reflects the pointedness of the peak and
sent, a fifth, microprocessors and genetic the length of the tails, frequency curve.
K-value in central place theory, a
value given to a central place, to
Koppen’s climatic classification a
describe its place in, and the nature of, the
classification devised by Vladimir Peter
hierarchy (central place hierarchy).
Koppen, 1846—1940, who based his cli¬
The K-value expresses the total number
matic classification on the climatic needs of
of central places at a certain level in the
certain types of vegetation, and identified
central place hierarchy served by a central
five major groups, A to E, to which he
place at the next highest order in the
added H, the mountain zone. The major
system. The value includes the higher
groups are: A, tropical zone (12 months
order place itself, e.g. in a K-3 hierarchy,
with a temperature exceeding 20°C); B,
the higher order place serves two adjacent
subtropical zone (4 to 11 months with
lower order places (i.e. two places and the
temperature exceeding 20°C, and 1 to 8
place itself), administrative prin¬
months ranging between io°C and 20°C);
C, temperate zone (4 to 12 months with
(transportation) PRINCIPLE.
temperature between io°C and 20°C); D,
cold zone (1 to 4 months with temperature kyle (Scottish) a narrow channel or strait
between io°C and 20°C, and 8 to 11 between an island and the mainland, or
months below io°C); E, polar zone (12 between two islands.
labelling a social process by which indi¬ labour theory of value 1. in classical
viduals or groups classify and categorize economic theory, a theory proclaimed
social behaviour in others, e.g. a particular by Adam Smith and David Ricardo, that
group or area may be reputed to have any two products will exchange one with
socially undesirable characteristics (e.g. another in proportion to the amounts of
being charactenzed by criminality) and labour needed to make them, i.e. that
is stigmatized, given a disparaging name. value-1 is the product of the expenditure
People who are not ‘socially undesirable’ of labour. The part played by capital in
but who live in such a stigmatized area production is explained by assuming that
may have difficulty in finding work or the amount of capital used per umt of
obtaining credit. It has been suggested that labour in making every product is con¬
labelling affects the behaviour of the la¬ stant, or by treating capital equipment as
belled, in that people who are labelled stored-up labour. 2. in Marxian eco¬
come to see themselves in terms of the nomics the theory is similar, one of the
label, and behave accordingly. main tenets of Marxism being that value
can be created only by the expenditure of
labour i. workforce 2. in economics,
human labour. Thus the price of a com¬
work as a factor of production, factors
modity should be the amount of labour
time needed to produce it under normal
conditions. The labour so required is
labour-extensive adj. needing a very
termed socially necessary labour, con¬
small work force to achieve a very high
with several masses one above the other, island) or a coral reef 2. the sheet of
a lake, built by a stream flowing into the laissez-faire, laisser-faire (French, let
lake. act, i.e. let things alone) a term originated
by the physiocrats, the philosophy or the
ladang (Indonesia) shifting cultiva¬ practice of the avoidance of planning, par¬
tion in the Malay archipelago and, par- ticularly, in economic affairs, as expressed
ticulary, in Indonesia. in the avoidance of government control.
The doctrine is based on the theory that
LAFTA Latin American Free Trade
general good and harmony will ensue if
Association, headquarters Montevideo, an
each individual is allowed to work for his
organization of some South American
or her economic advantage in a freely
states, established in February 1961 by
competitive economic system, a the¬
Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Para¬
ory supported by Adam Smith, David Ri¬
guay, Peru and Uruguay, with Colombia
cardo and others, classical economic
and Ecuador (October 1961) and Vene¬
zuela (September 1966) associated by
treaty, to promote economic coopera¬ lake a broad, general term applied to an
tion. It has two subgroups: the Andean accumulation of water lying in a
Group, established May 1969, compris¬ depression in the earth’s surface, normally
ing Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador to a sheet of water of considerable size, but
and Peru (Venezuela, expressing interest, sometimes to a small artificial ornamental
has not yet signed); and the River Plate feature, e.g. in a PARK-2,3; if very large,
Association, comprising Argentina, Brazil, natural and saline, the term sea is com¬
Paraguay and Uruguay. monly used (e.g. Caspian Sea, Sea of Aral,
Dead Sea), if very small and natural, pond
lag fault a low-angled fault resulting
or pool are used. An inflowing and/or
from movement in a series of rocks, those
outflowing river may or may not be pres¬
nearer the top moving less than (lagging
ent; and a lake may not necessarily be a
behind) those nearer the bottom of the
permanent body of water (e.g. Lake Eyre,
playa). The classification of lakes
lagoon 1. a shallow area*of salt or brack¬ is usually based on the origin of the
ish coastal water completely or partly depression which they occupy (e.g. bar¬
separated from the open sea by some rier LAKE, CRATER LAKE, GLACIAL LAKE,
more or less effective obstacle, such as a trough lake). The term is also applied
low sandbank (barrier beach, barrier to a fairly large accumulation ol asphalt,
a viscous substance, lying in a depression scale) that blows at night from the land
in the earth’s surface, ice-dam lake, to the sea in coastal regions (or from the
LACUSTRINE, PATERNOSTER LAKES. land surrounding a large lake to the
lake), due to the differential heating of
lake-dwelling a dwelling built on piles
land and water. At night air cooled relat¬
driven into a marsh or the bed of a shallow
ively quickly by radiation over the land
lake, common in some tropical areas
descends, the atmospheric pressure over
today, and characteristic of certain periods
the land is slightly higher than that over
of neolithic times in Switzerland,
the water, and the air over the land flows
France and central Europe, to which the
away from the land towards the warmer
terms Lacustrine period or Lacustrine
water. Land breezes are particularly likely
civilization are applied.
to occur in equatorial latitudes and in other
lamina pi. laminae, any thin plate, scale areas where temperature changes are regu¬
or layer, lamination. lar in calm, settled weather, sea breeze.
Fig 26.
laminar flow I. non-turbulent flow of a
fluid closely following the streamlined land bridge 1. in geology, a land link
surface of a solid object in the fluid (tur¬ between continents 2. an ancient route
bulence) so that adjoining levels do not used by migrating land animals 3. an over¬
mix. 2. the movement of a glacier along land route lying between and connecting
a slope caused by the thrust of the weight two sea routes.
of solid ice in the upper part, in some cases
land capability the potential usefulness
so powerful that the snout of the glacier
of land for agriculture (including forestry)
moves uphill.
based on environmental factors, e.g. soil
lamination in geology, stratification and climatic factors, land classifica¬
on the finest scale, the usual definition tion.
resources, designed in most cases to indi¬ subject to wind erosion (by planting of
cate the quality, the relative fertility of the vegetation cover including shelter belts of
land for different types of farming or for trees); land spoiled by quarrying, mining or
some other land use. In some cases ‘land industrial activity (by filling-in of quarries
capability’ or ‘potential land use’ classes and pits, levelling, planting of spoil tips,
are favoured; but potential is a matter of restoration of soil profile); land impreg¬
judgement and may be radically changed nated with salt or industrial effluent (by
by research findings and technological chemical treatment); land covered with
progress. undesirable trees and/or scrub (by clear¬
land degradation desertification.
land reform changes in a system of land
landform the shape, form, nature of a
tenure, commonly brought about by
specific physical feature of the earth’s sur¬
government intervention and usually
face (e.g. a hill, a plateau) produced by
aimed at removing what is considered to
the natural processes of denudation and
be unfairness in the system, or at improving
deposition (including weathering,
agricultural efficiency, etc., e.g. by the
glaciation-i etc.) and by tectonic
breaking up of big estates and the redistri¬
processes, geomorphology.
bution of the land as small holdings to
land ice ice formed from fresh water lying farmers who become owner-occupiers; or
inland. by the consolidation of fragmented hold¬
ings (fragmentation-2) to form larger,
landlocked adj. applied to an area (par¬
more efficient, farming units, agrarian
ticularly a state) which lacks a sea coast
and thus does not have direct access to the
sea. land rent the concept of economic rent
landmass a very large area of continental developed by J. H. Von Thunen for his
model (von thunen model). He de¬
crust (plate tectonics) lying above sea-
fined it as that part of the total (gross)
product of land which remains as a surplus
land reclamation a term applied broadly after the deduction of all costs, including
to cover not only the winning back, the interest on invested capital, i.e. the net
recovering, of land that has been spoilt for profit earned by a farmer from his/her
agricultural use, but also the improvement chosen productive system, opportunity
of land so that it can be made useful, costs (economic rent) being ignored.
or more useful, for economic (including The net profit is governed by production
agricultural) or social purposes. Some of costs and market price per unit of product,
the types of land and the techniques transport rate per distance unit for each
employed are: land under water or water¬ product, the yield per unit of land, and
logged (by drainage or by the filling-in of the distance from the point of origin of
a water-filled depression); and land (by the product to the market centre, rent.
irrigation and, if saline, ,by chemical treat¬
ment); unstable slopes and loose soil (by land rotation a regular system of land
planting of vegetation cover); land subject management in which land is cultivated
to water erosion (by planting of vegetation for a few years and then allowed to rest,
cover, by terracing, by embankment); land perhaps for a considerable period, usually
ing cultivation common in Africa. using land, i.e. the conditions on which
Land rotation should not be confused with land is held (tenure), varying with the
lateral dune
V v
lateral erosion
lateral erosion the wearing away of its estate) originally large landed properties
banks by a stream, bank caving, in South America cultivated by peons
MEANDER. (agricultural labourers) for the Spanish
Crown, now applied to the extensively
lateral moraine the rock debris from val¬
farmed large estates or ranches in Spain
ley slopes that lies on the surface of a
and South America in contrast to the
glacier, making a low ndge along each
intensively farmed huertas. In some
side. It may form an embankment along
cases very small holdings on the estate are
the valley wall as the glacier melts.
leased to tenants (land tenure), the rest
of the land being farmed by the landlord,
laterite a subsoil product of weathering who employs day labourers. The compar¬
in humid tropical areas (humid trop¬ able Italian term is latifondo, but this is
ic ality) where there are alternating wet applied to an agricultural area with extens¬
and dry seasons which lead to the forma¬ ive cereal cultivation and grazing which
tion of a mottled red-yellow and grey includes large estates and peasant holdings.
mass, sufficiently soft to be cut out with a EXTENSIVE AGRICULTURE, FARMING, FA¬
latex the milky fluid exuding from tl\e the equator, as measured from the centre of
cut surface of some flowering plants and the earth, in degrees, minutes and seconds.
trees, coagulating on exposure to the air. The equator itself is o°, the north pole
Some of these fluids are commercially use¬ is 90°N, the south pole is 9o°S. Low
ful, providing, e.g., the raw material of latitudes are broadly those between the
rubber from Hevea species, or of chewing tropic of cancer (23°3o'N) and the
gum (chicle gum) from the sapodilla tree.
Midlatitudes extend from the Tropics to
latifundia (pi. ofLatin latifundium, a large the arctic CIRCLE (66°3o'N) and ANT-
ARCTIC CIRCLE (66°30'S). High latitudes latosol a soil with thin A0 and A, layers
lie within the Arctic and Antarctic circles, over reddish or red deeply weathered
i.e. from the Arctic circle to the North material which is low in silica and high in
Pole, from the Antarctic circle to the South sesquioxides. A term not widely accepted
water removes materials from the upper wind is blowing, thus dangerous to ship¬
layers of a rock, soil or ore, and carries ping. LEE.
them away in solution or suspension.
lee wave, lee-wave a wave formation in
It brings about the secondary enrichment
an air-stream caused by a relief barrier
of ores and porosity in limestone, and
which forces air to rise. In slight wind the
is especially important in the formation of
air closely follows the form of the ground;
soils in that it removes soluble salts from
but if the air speed is greater a standing
the a horizon to the zone of accumula¬
wave forms; and if greater still a lee wave
tion, the B HORIZON.
develops in the stable part of the air-stream
lead a blue-white, tarnishing to dark grey, and clouds frequently form in the cool
soft, dense, metallic element-6, not crest of the lee wave (banner cloud,
occurring native in nature, most being lenticular cloud) under which the air
obtained from an ore in its sulphide form, becomes turbulent, a revolving phenom¬
galena, which often occurs with zinc sul¬ enon termed a rotor.
phide in veins in igneous rocks or as irregu¬
lar masses in some limestones; also in an legend an explanation, a key to, the sym¬
oxidized form, cerussite. It is used in pipe¬ bols used on a map or diagram.
ticularly affects southeast Spain, the Bale¬ land put down to grass and/or clover for
aric islands, Gibraltar and northern Algeria, a period of years, a short ley applying to
especially between July and October. two to four years, a long ley to longer
When moderate it causes a banner periods, even up to twenty years. The
cloud to develop from the summit of character of the ley may be indicated, e.g.
the Rock of Gibraltar, when strong it grass-ley, clover-ley, etc.
produces dangerous currents and eddies
ley farming a system of farming in which
in the sea on the lee side of the Rock.
grass-leys or clover-leys are an essential
When especially stormy it is termed lle-
part of the land management.
vantades. solano is an alternative term.
leveche (Spanish) a hot, dry wind, some¬ liana, liane a climbing woody plant, with
times dust-laden, originating in the Sahara roots in the ground, characteristic of trop¬
and blowing towards Spain, due to the ical forests.
eastward movement ofa depression-3 in
lichen a group of slow-growing dual
the western Mediterranean area, kham¬
organisms formed from the symbiotic
sin, sirocco.
(symbiosis) association ofa fungus and a
levee, levee a natural or artificial embank¬ green or blue-green alga (algae), size
ment of a river which confines the river variable, flat and leaflike or upright and
within its channel and hinders or prevents branched in form. Lichen are primary
flooding, applied especially to those of the colonizers ofbare areas, the dominant flora
lower Mississippi. in mountainous and Arctic regions where
few other organisms can survive; but they
level a nearly horizontal tract of land,
occur also elsewhere on tree trunks, walls,
unbroken by hills and valleys, applied
exposed rock surfaces. A valuable food for
specifically to certain tracts of such land,
animals (e.g. reindeer) in Arctic regions,
e.g. the Bedford Level in Fenland, Eng¬
they are also a source of dyes (e.g. in
land. There, in a famous experiment, three
providing the dye litmus, for litmus paper,
stakes were driven into the ground so as
which is turned red by the application of an
to stand exactly the same height above a
acid or blue by an alkali), lichenometry.
water surface, by which the curvature of
the earth could be seen and measured.
lichenometry an imprecise method of
levelling in surveying, the process of measuring the passage of time (dating),
establishing the difference in height e.g. the length of time a stone has been
between successive pairs of points by lying in situ in a moraine, based on the
means of sighting through various instru¬ rate of growth of lichen (the assumption
ments that incorporate a telescope with being that the diameter of the largest lichen
spirit level, graduated measuring rod, etc. growing on the surface under investigation
is proportional to the length of time that
level of living in welfare geography, the surface has been exposed to coloniza¬
the level of well-being (social well¬
tion and growth). It is not a completely
being) ofa group of people in a particular
satisfactory method because the rate of
place at a particular time, quality of
lichen growth is greatly affected by cli¬
LIFE, STANDARD OF LIVING. matic and other factors, e.g. atmospheric
life cycle the progressive series of changes lignite a low-grade coal, generally post-
undergone by an organism from fertil¬ carboniferous in age, intermediate in
ization (the union of gametes, the repro¬ properties between the peats and bitu¬
ductive cells) to death or, in a lineal minous coal. The term is sometimes
succession of organisms, to the death of used as a synonym for brown coal, but
that stage producing the gametes which lignite is darker in colour, the vegetable
begin an identical series of changes. In structure is not so apparent, the carbon
some organisms (e.g. parasitic worms) content is higher, the moisture content
there is a succession of individuals, con¬ lower than that of brown coal. Lignite is
nected by sexual or asexual reproduction, used mainly as a fuel to produce heat in
in the complete cycle. thermal-electric generators.
life expectancy the amount of time, cal¬ limb of a fold the rock strata on one or
culated by actuaries, an individual person the other side of the central line (the axis)
line squall
\ V
link in a NETWORK-2,3,4, a line, a route, ally well-drained soils with an organic sur¬
an edge (graph) between nodes-2. face layer lying on bedrock or little altered
parent material which underlies the soil
linkage the contact and the flow of in¬
layer at a depth of some 30 cm (12 in).
formation between two individuals, the
connexion between and within different lithosphere 1. the earth’s crust, includ¬
types of activities or different functions. ing the sial and sima layers above the
sial, sima and upper part of the mantle
linked industries secondary indus¬
above the Gutenberg Channel (guten-
tries where the final product, e.g.
motor vehicles, depends on many separ¬
ate preparatory processes and matenals.
links (Scottish, always pi.) a narrow coastal litter m soil science the layer of leaves,
strip with accumulations of blown sand twigs and other organic remains lying on
giving rise to sand dunes, supporting the soil surface (especially on the forest
coarse grass and low shrubs, so often used floor), which may decompose to form
for the game of golf that the term golf humus (l layer).
links, or links, is now regarded as almost
synonymous with golf course. littoral adj. of, on, or along, the shore,
whether of sea, lake or river.
liquid fluid matter having a definite vol¬
ume but no definite shape, taking on the
littoral current a current in the zone
shape of its container but, unlike a gas-i, of the surf running parallel to the
not expanding to fill the containing vessel, seashore, caused by waves breaking
i.e. it keeps its own volume at any given obliquely to the shore, longshore cur¬
localization of industry
monly kept on a subsistence or commercial L layer the organic litter lying on the
basis to provide food (e.g. eggs, meat, land surface and not yet incorporated in
milk) and other raw materials (e.g. bone- the SOll. O HORIZONS, SOIL HORIZON.
meal, hides, wool) for people I. in
load of a river, load of a stream all
general, applied to cattle, sheep, pigs to
the solid matter transported by a river
which may be added poultry (chickens,
or stream, by being rolled and bounced
ducks, turkeys) (often); and goats and
(saltation) along its bed (bed load),
horses (sometimes) 2. fao international
or carried in suspension or in solution.
statistics include cattle, sheep, pigs, poultry
(chickens, ducks, turkeys), buffaloes,
horses, mules, asses, camels (all, except the loam an old term variously applied, now
mules, asses and camels being slaughtered best restricted to a soil having clay and
for meat). FAO also include indigenous coarser materials in such proportion as to
animals as livestock, as providers of meat, form a permeable, friable and easily
i.e. beef and mutton as well as buffalo, worked mixture. This is attained, accord¬
goat and pig meat. But reindeer (important ing to standards in the USA, when clay is
in semi-NOMadism in Lapland), caribou 7 to 27 per cent, silt 28 to 50 per cent
and other deer and antelope, all providing and sand less than 52 per cent (graded
meat, skins etc., are not included, live¬ sediments). Loam is termed clay loam if
stock FARMING. the clay content lies between 27 and 40
per cent and the sand between 20 and 45
livestock farming, stock farming, pas¬ per cent; silty loam if clay is below 30 per
toral farming, pastoralism the farming cent, sand between 20 and 50 per cent,
activity based on the rearing of animals silt between 72 and 80 per cent; sandy
(livestock) for eggs, hides and skins, loam if clay is between 10 and 20 per cent,
meat, milk, wool etc. as distinct from sand between 50 and 70 per cent (soil
crop farming. The methods used and texture). The best agricultural soils are
the size of the enterprise vary greatly, from usually loams, hence tracts with loamy
nomadism to small scale fanning (where, soils, or loam-terrains, have always at¬
for example, a small herd of dairy cattle tracted settlers.
may be kept) to large scale ranching,
local climate a general term applied to
or to the large scale, highly organized,
the climate of a small area, e.g. a valley
scientific reanng of animals under cover
with a particular aspect (thus larger than
in a completely controlled environment
the area of a microclimate), which
(the term pastoral being perhaps an
differs in one or more elements from the
inappropriate description of the last).
climate of nearby areas, those within, say,
a kilometre or less. The difference(s) may
be caused by slight variations in slope,
aspect, type of soil or vegetation, or the
llano (Spanish) the extensive plains in the
presence (or absence) of water or tall build¬
basin of the Orinoco in.South America.
These are treeless, and the term came to
be transferred, in international literature, localization of industry the concen¬
to the type of vegetation they supported, tration of an industry in a certain district
i.e. tropical grassland, or savanna. or districts. Various means have been
local time
longitudinal coast
till (includes deformation till, deformed of verbal forms of expression for complex
lodgement till). ideas and propositions, helped by formal
logic. Logical positivism differs from pos¬
loess, loss (German dialect losz; spelling
itivism in that it accepts that some state¬
loess is erroneous) originally applied to a
ments are verifiable without recourse to
fine-grained yellowish loam occurring in
experience, falsifiability.
the valley of the Rhine and elsewhere in
Germany, comparable with the limon of Lo-Lo lift-on/lift-off of containers.
France. Internationally the term has come RO-RO.
to be applied to the fme-grained aeolian
deposit, the permeable, wind-sorted longitude the angular distance between
and wind-deposited morainic material, the meridian passing through a given
unconsolidated and unstratified, laid down point and the prime, standard, initial or
away from the margins of the great ice zero meridian (usually considered to be
sheets of pleistocene times, and cover¬ the meridian passing through the old
ing vast areas in central Asia, Europe, Observatory at Greenwich, London,
North America and elsewhere. It ranges England, and numbered o°). This angular
from clay to sand (graded sediments), distance, i.e. longitude, is measured in
is buff or brownish in colour, is usually degrees, minutes and seconds east or west
calcareous and contains concretions of of the Greenwich meridian (o°) to 1800,
calcium carbonate and in some cases the meridian i8o°E thus coinciding with
iron oxide. It has been suggested that i8o°W. All points through which a meri¬
increased rainfall helped to wash the fine¬ dian passes have the same longitude. The
grained material down from the air to the alternative term for meridian is line of
ground; and also that much may have been longitude; and all lines of longitude meet
reworked and redeposited by later stream all PARALLELS OF LATITUDE at right
action. The soils derived from loess are of angles. The actual distance represented by
high quality, being fine in texture, well- i° of longitude becomes less as the meri¬
drained, fertile, deep and easily worked. dians converge towards the poles. Thus at
the equator the distance is roughly 111 km
logical positivism a body of philosoph¬
(69 mi), at latitude 450 it is 78.8 km (nearly
ical thought developed from the late 1920s
49 mi), and at the poles it is zero. Fifteen
under the leadership of Schlick and Carnap
degrees of longitude are equivalent to a
in Vienna, the main aim of which was
difference of one hour in local time.
to create a comprehensive philosophy of
science stemming from empiricism and
proceeding by induction. Among its longitudinal adj. 1. of or pertaining to
tenets, logical positivism maintained that longitude 2. of or pertaining to length
traditional metaphysics, consisting of as a dimension 3. running lengthwise, e.g.
propositions that could not be verified by LONGITUDINAL COAST.
empirical observation, was without mean¬
ing (thus religious and moral statements, longitudinal coast a concordant
being metaphysical, were considered by coast, one running broadly parallel to
most logical positivists to be meaningless); the main geological structure or fold lines.
and that philosophy generally consisted of Commonly occurring around the Pacific
an analysis of language, of the discovery ocean, it is also termed a Pacific coast.
longitudinal dune
passing over the land surface and re¬ railways; later, by analogy, applied in other
sponding to the character of the rocks towns to what came to be called the CBD,
lopolith a large intrusion of igneous
long profile of a river the profile-3 of rock concordant with the strata, allied
a river bed, from the source of the river to a laccolith or phacolith, but hav-
Backwash Groyne
Fig 28 Longshore drift, showing wave action and the movement of beach materials
ing the form of a saucer-shaped basin. on one mile square cells (Lowry’s measure)
GABBRO. on the basis of population poten¬
tial-2; and service employment (e.g.
Lorenz curve a curved line drawn on a
retail activities) are plotted in proportion
graph to show, by its concavity, the extent
to the market or employment potential in
to which a distnbution (e.g. concentration
each cell. The service activities naturally
of population) differs from a uniform dis¬
create further employment opportunities,
tribution. Percentage values are used for
located to take advantage of the market
each axis, the uniform distribution appear¬
potentials. Constraints on land use in the
ing as a straight line drawn across the graph
cells are incorporated in the model (e.g.
the minimum sizes of clusters of services,
low, atmospheric a low pressure system maximum housing densities etc.). By it¬
indicated on a weather chart by closed into the cells, until the market potentials
isobars (iso-), the values of which fall are so disturbed that the pattern of retail
towards the centre. If the strength of the activities has to be modified. These activ¬
air flow around the system increases, the ities are reallocated to the limits of the
Lowry model a computer model-2 de¬ low tide 1. the tide at lowest ebb 2. the
vised by I. S. Lowry to portray the spatial level of the sea or the time of the lowest
organization of human activities in an ebb. EBB TIDE, HIGH TIDE, NEAP TIDE,
urban area, so that the impact of public SPRING TIDE.
decisions on such an area can be evaluated
low water 1. low tide 2. the low level
and changes in urban form predicted in
of water in a lake or river, high water.
view of anticipated changes in key vari¬
ables such as the pattern of employment, lumber (American) timber, especially
the efficiency of the transport system, or that recently felled and roughly sawn into
the growth of population. Using eco¬
logs and planks.
nomic base theory, the distribution of
‘primary’ and manufacturing employment lumbering (American) the act of 1. felling
(basic activities) in the area are plotted and sawing of timber and removing it
from the area 2. felling trees and sawing luhar month the period from one new
them into logs. moon to the next, averaging 29 days 12
hours 44 minutes, moon.
lumberjack (American) one who cuts
lynchet, linchet probably originally
timber and prepares it for the sawmill or
applied either to a strip of green land
between two pieces of ploughed land, or
(as in present use) to a narrow terrace on
lumberman (American) one employed
a hillside, especially in the chalk downlands
in the felling of trees and in preparing
of southern England. In most cases lynch-
them for market, especially as a manager.
ets seem to mark old cultivation strips,
perhaps of iron age or earlier, usually-
lunar adj. of, relating to, similar to, the
lying parallel to the contours to make a
level, well-drained strip of land, accident¬
ally or intentionally preventing soil ero¬
lunar day the period of time in which
sion; but sometimes running down the
the earth rotates once in relation to the
hillslope; and sometimes retained by a wall
moon, i.e. 24 hours 50 minutes between
of stones. Their origin is much discussed.
two successive crossings of the same meri¬
dian, despite the fact that the earth rotates
once in 24 hours. The discrepancy is due lysimeter a simple device for measuring
to the orbiting of the moon itself around the percolation of water through the soil,
the centre of gravity of the moon and the and so of determining the soluble constitu¬
earth, causing it to cross each meridian 50 ents removed in soil drainage. A container
minutes later: hence the interval of some holding the material under investigation
12 hours 25 minutes between one high is fitted with instruments that measure the
tide and the next, i.e. high tide on one day quantity or quality of the water that has
is 50 minutes later than the corresponding passed through it, revealing what happens
high tide of the day before. in the field.
N. V
magmatic water
canic neck.
magnetic compass compass.
magmatic water juvenile water.
magnetic declination, magnetic vari¬
magnesian limestone a limestone ation the angular distance between
containing 5 to 15 per cent magnesium MAGNETIC NORTH and TRUE NORTH,
carbonate (magnesite). As Magnesian Lime¬ expressed in degrees east and west of true
stone (with initial capitals) it is the name (geographical) north, at any point on the
given to the rocks of this character which earth’s surface. It varies with place and
constitute an important part of the Per¬ time owing to irregularities in the earth’s
mian rocks in northeast England. MAGNETIC FIELD. MAGNETIC POLE, TER¬
magnesium a silver-white metallic ele¬
ment occurring naturally only in combi¬ magnetic field the space through which
nation, especially as the carbonates £ magnetic force, created by an object with
magnesite and dolomite and as the chloride magnetic power at its centre, exists. It is
carnallite, present in seawater, in plants formed by a permanent magnet or by a
(e.g. in chlorophyll) and in animals (in circuit carrying an electric current, ferro¬
bones), pedalfer, pedocal. magnetism, MAGNETIC, TERRESTRIAL
magnet an object producing a magnetic
field, e.g. a piece of iron, cobalt, nickel magnetic meridian any line joining the
north and south magnetic poles along maize a tall, coarse annual cereal, Zea
which the free-swinging magnetic needle mais, bearing large ‘cobs’ on which the
of a compass aligns itself. edible kernels are carried. It is native to
the Americas, where it is known as corn,
magnetic north the direction to which was brought to Europe by Columbus,
the magnetic needle ofa compass, swing¬ taken to Africa by the Portuguese, where
ing freely in a horizontal plane, points in it spread to the areas with sufficient rainfall
its search for the magnetic north pole. (and where, in central and southern Africa,
BEARING-2, MAGNETIC DECLINATION, it is known as mealies). It needs good,
MAGNETIC MERIDIAN, MAGNETIC POLE, deep soil, plenty of moisture, at least 150
TRUE NORTH. frost-free days, and summer warmth. New
hybrid strains with short stalks ripen
magnetic pole either of the two poles
quickly, are pushing the limit of cul¬
(the north or the south) of the earth’s
tivation to cooler areas, and give higher
magnetic field, indicated by the mag¬
yields. The grain does not make good
netic needle ofa compass swinging freely
bread, but maize is the staple grain for
in a horizontal plane. The precise locations
people in many maize-growing countries
vary, partly due to irregularities of the
(especially in South America and Africa).
earth’s magnetic field. The magnetic north
The sweeter varieties grown for use as a
pole moved 150 km (93 mi) northwards
vegetable are termed sweet corn. Maize
between 1984 and 1994. In 1994 the aver¬
gram, when very finely ground, produces
age position lay on the southwestern coast
cornflour, used in baking and confection¬
of Ellef Ringness Island, 1300 km
ery; it also yields corn oil, used in cooking,
(1186 mi) south of true north, situated
and corn syrup, which is sweeter than
in the Arctic ocean, magnetic decli¬
sugar. But in Europe and North America
the larger part of the crop is fed to animals,
especially to cattle and pigs.
magnetic reversal a 18o° swing round of
direction of the earth’s magnetic field malleable adj. of metals, capable of taking
(magnetic anomaly), causing the mag¬ a permanent change of shape by being
netic poles to change position, so that beaten, pressed, rolled etc., i.e. by the
the north magnetic pole becomes the application ofsTRESS-i. ductile.
south magnetic pole, and vice versa. This
mallee (Australian: aboriginal term) a
phenomenon, revealed by studies in
low, scrubby, evergreen plant, Eucalyp¬
palaeomagnetism, helped to confirm
tus dumosa, growing in arid, subtropical
the theory of sea floor spreading and plate
parts of southern Australia.
tectonics. The time period during
which the reversal occurs is termed the mallee scrub a densely growing, low,
magnetic interval, and the rocks formed evergreen shrub formation of Eucalyptus
at that time are termed a magnetic division. species, growing in the and, subtropical
parts of southern Australia.
magnetosphere the zone of influence of
the earth’s magnetic field, extending malt processed grain, especially of bar¬
in the atmosphere-1 up to and including ley, used in brewing and distilling. The
the exosphere and ionosphere, sun¬ gram is put in water to germinate, then
spot, TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. heated and dried.
V v
Malthusianism the body of doctrines In 1^45 the United Nations took over
derived from the writings of Thomas such responsibilities as remained, and
Robert Malthus, 1766-1834, a British the territories became trusteeship ter¬
economist and demographer, especially ritories.
from An Essay on the Principle of Population
manganese Mn, a hard, brittle metal
as it affects the Future Improvement of Society.
occurring in nature usually as an oxide,
His thesis was that the human population,
carbonate or silicate, found in a
if unchecked, increases at a geometric rate
great variety of compounds, an essential
(geometric progression) while the
micronutrient for plants, and especially
food and other resources needed for its
important in making certain types of steel.
subsistence increase only at an arithmetic
rate (arithmetic progression); that manganese nodule a manganese ox¬
population always grows to the limits of ide concretion, with some iron, copper,
the means of its subsistence, checked only cobalt and nickel, occurring in some clay
by war, famine, pestilence and the influ¬ rocks and on the floor of the abyssal
ence of miseries derived from a consequent zone of the ocean (red clay).
low standard of living.
mangrove 1. a member of a number of
mammatus cloud a breast-shaped genera and species of low trees and shrubs
cloud (cloud form) usually occur¬ which grow and spread quickly on tidal
ring in the formation of thunderclouds, mud in tropical areas, so that their dense
associated with convection.
root systems (which include adventitious,
aerial roots which stretch out at a distance
managed fallow bush fallowing.
from the main stem, bend towards the
mandate, mandated territory a territ¬ ground, strike, and send up new trunks)
ory designated under Article 22 of the are covered by salt or brackish water at
League of Nations. When the League of each tide and effectively bind the mud.
Nations was created after the First World The roots under the mud have air supplied
War, in 1919, the former colonial pos¬ by aerial roots which rise above the surface
sessions of Germany and Turkey (the los¬ 2. a plant community dominated by such
ing countries) came under the control of trees and shrubs, mangrove swamp.
independence and fairly soon became manioc a shrub native to Brazil but widely
independent. Class B (Cameroons, Togo- cultivated as a staple food plant in tropical
land, Tanganyika, Ruanda) were less areas of South America and Africa, the
developed; Class C (South-West Africa, source of cassava and tapioca, produced
New Guinea and certain Pacific islands, by subjecting the poisonous tuberous roots
Samoa) were to be governed as part of of manioc to heat and pressure, then dry¬
the territory of the mandatory power. ing. It is the non-poisonous granular sub-
map projection
stance produced that is known as cassava mantle 1. of the earth, that part of the
or tapioca (according to treatment), high earth’s interior lying between the core
in starch but low in protein, tapioca and the crust, consisting of ultrabasic
man-made soils the term applied by mantle is some 2900 km (some 1800 mi)
those who drew up the 1973 soil classi¬ thick, density about 3.0 to 3.4, the lower
fication of England and Wales to one surface forming the gutenberg dis¬
of its major soil groups. Made by human continuity, the upper the mohor-
endeavour, these are good deep soils, over ovicic discontinuity, the uppermost
40 cm (16 in) thick, rich in humus, with layer forming the asthenosphere.
a surface layer which may or may not be Movements in the mantle, presumed to
sizes small. It is assumed that both popu¬ industry, the making of articles or
lation distributions have the same shape. materials (now usually on a large or rel¬
trolled by manorial courts from the manor methods and their results of representing
a plane surface 2. the orderly arrangement distorted, e.g. Africa appears twice as long
of parallels and meridians which enables as it is wide (in reality Africa east to west
this to be done. It is impossible to map is as long as it is from north to south).
any part of a sphere on a plane, or a flat Good atlases generally discuss in their
sheet, with complete accuracy. It is neces¬ introductory section the projections em¬
sary therefore to choose the properties ployed, and indicate the correction to be
which are desirable for the purpose of applied to distances. Projections fre¬
the proposed map (correct area, shape, quently used for atlas maps are Mercator
bearing, scale). True shape can be obtained (bearings are straight lines and shapes cor¬
for small areas only, and is incompatible rect, but areas in high latitudes are greatly
with correct area. A map which shows exaggerated; also used for navigational
correct areas cannot give true direction. charts); Mollweide (equal area but shapes
No projection can give true distances over greatly distorted on the margins); Bonne
the whole surface. (modified conic, used for great continental
Certain classes, e.g. perspective projec¬ areas); zenithal equidistant (correct direc¬
tions, can be obtained by geometrical con¬ tion and distance from the centre, used
struction: the zenithal or azimuthal (true for polar regions). A number ofproj ections
direction from the centre); the gnomic have transverse and oblique forms, when
(shortest distance between two points in a in place of the equator as the axis, a suitable
straight line); stereographic (preserves cor¬ GREAT CIRCLE is used.
rect shape); and orthographic (produces
effect of a globe). These are useful features maquis, macquis, macchia, matorral
but the modified, or non-perspective, (French maquis; Italian macchia; Spanish
projections are in greater use since the matorral) the low scrub vegetation of
network of meridians and parallels can evergreen shrubs and small trees charac¬
be calculated to meet particular require¬ teristic of siliceous soils in Mediter¬
ments. ranean lands, the result not only of the
Two much-used classes are derived summer aridity of the Mediterranean cli¬
from the so-called developable surfaces, mate in association with the soils, but of
those of the cylinder and the cone (Mer¬ human activities in the felling of the natural
cator’s projection is a modified cylindrical forest cover (including particularly the
and Bonne’s a modified conic). Conven¬ holm oak), of grazing animals (particularly
tional projections include the Mollweide goats) and of fire, garigue.
marketing principle
maritime polar air mass polar air According to the marketing principle the
\ s.
market orientation
place should be as close as possible to the in cooperative action. It came into force
place supplied. To achieve this a higher in 1948, administered by oeec, terminated
order central place will serve two centres 1952.
of the next lower order (a K-3 hier¬
Marxism a doctrine based on the political,
social and economic views of Karl Marx,
1818-83 (German economist, sociologist
and philosopher), and Friedrich Engels,
market orientation the tendency of a 1820 — 95 (German socialist philosopher),
firm or industry to be located close to both of whom were profoundly influ¬
ItS MARKET-3. MATERIAL ORIENTATION, enced by German philosophers, particu¬
RESOURCE ORIENTATION. larly by G. W. F. Hegel, 1770-1831. Very
broadly, the doctnne’s philosophical bases
market town in Britain, a town with a
are dialectical materialism and his¬
legal right to hold a market-2 on certain
days, usually a settlement which developed
production is viewed as the dominant
at the intersection of routes. ‘Market’
factor governing economic and social
commonly occurs in the name, e.g.
interaction in society, the impetus for
Market Harborough.
change in the mode of production being
marl 1. a calcareous clay or mudstone generated by class conflict, until ultimately
with an admixture of calcium carbon¬ the harmonious, classless, communist so¬
ate 2. in agriculture, loosely applied to ciety (communism-2) is to be achieved.
any friable clayey deposits. In economic theory the Marxist view
is especially concerned with the deter¬
marling the old practice of spreading
mination of the value at which a
marl or CLAY on light soil to improve its
commodity-1 can be exchanged for
texture and its capacity to hold water.
another; it broadly accepts David Ricardo’s
marsh a wet area of mainly mineral (i.e. labour theory of value-2. Refer¬
inorganic) soil commonly flooded period¬ ences that help to explain the doctrine
ically or at intervals and covered with will be found elsewhere in the Dictionary,
water-loving vegetation. It differs from a labelled ‘in Marxism’.
swamp (where the summer water level is
massif (French) a compact mass of moun¬
usually above the surface of the soil), a
tain or highland with relatively uniform
BOG (which has a mainly organic, acid
characteristics and well-defined bound¬
peat soil), or a fen (which has a purely
aries, thus similar to the Massif Central of
organic soil, typically alkaline in reaction,
though occasionally neutral or slightly
acid). SALT MARSH. massive adj. applied to a thick stratum
of rock in which stratification, joint¬
Marshall Plan a popular name for the
ing (joint), cleavage, foliation-i
European Recovery Programme pro¬
etc. are almost or completely absent.
posed by G. C. Marshall in the USA on
5 June 1947 that materials and financial mass media the systems or impersonal
aid should be provided for the countries means used for the transmission of in¬
of Europe by the USA on condition that formation and entertainment for the
the European nations took the initiative benefit of a large number of people,
glassy minerals 4. the impression left which is completely full expands, exerting
in a rock after a fossil etc. has been re¬ pressure on the column of mercury, which
moved 5. in mathematics, an ordered accordingly rises on the other side of the
array of mathematical elements con¬ U (i.e. the side with the space in it), push¬
veniently arranged for the carrying out of ing up the needle, which sticks to the
various operations on it, e.g. in a square tube to register the maximum temperature
or rectangular arrangement of rows and reached. When the temperature drops, the
columns of quantities or symbols. liquid in the full side contracts, the mer¬
cury rises under the weight of the liquid
mature adj. having reached a stage of full
in the side with the space, the needle in
natural development, applied to I.
the full side rises and sticks to the tube
a landscape exhibiting the features result¬
to register the minimum temperature
ing from a long cycle of erosion when
reached. As the mercury swings up and
dissection of the original surface is com¬
down, the needles stay in the ultimate
plete, little trace of it remaining; such a
positions to which they were pushed.
landscape may be maturely dissected by
They have to be reunited with the mercury
rivers which are still young 2. a river
by a magnet operated by hand or by a
characteristic of such a landscape, in which
push-button device.
erosion is at a minimum because the stream
has acquired a normal fall in its bed 3. a
maximum sustainable yield the highest
shoreline in a condition of approximate
yield obtainable within a specified period
equilibrium between erosion, weathering
from a renewable natural resource
and transportation 4. a soil with well-
without jeopardizing the future pro¬
developed characteristics produced by the
ductivity of that resource, sustainable
processes of soil fonnation, and in equilib¬
rium with its environment, or a soil with
well-developed horizons, old age, sen¬
maximum thermometer a thermo¬
meter used to register the highest ambient
maximum-minimum thermometer air temperature reached over a selected
a thermometer used to register the period of time. There are many types in
maximum and the minimum ambient air use. One consists of a sealed glass, gradu¬
temperatures reached over a selected ated tube containing mercury; on the
period of time. A common type consists top of the column of mercury lies a metal
of a column of mercury housed in and needle. As the temperature rises the mer¬
partly filling a graduated, U-shaped tube, cury expands and pushes the needle
the rest of each side of the tube being upwards; but the needle is arranged in such
topped-up with a transparent liquid. One a way that it cannot fall with the mercury
side of the U is completely filled; but a when the temperature falls and the mer¬
small space is left at the top of the other cury contracts. It is left standing, stuck to
side. Small metal needles rest on top of the sides ol the tube, and the lower end of
each end of the mercury, inside the tube; it (i.e. the end which touched the mercury)
they are mobile but stick to the tube sides registers the highest temperature reached.
when not being actively pushed by the The needle remains set in this position
column of mercury. When the temperat¬ until reunited (usually manually, with a
ure rises, the liquid on the side of the U magnet) with the column of mercury.
meander scar
ley). The river itself develops the curve meandering valley a winding valley with
of a meander by lateral erosion, the large, sweeping curves that cut into the
bank on the concave side (the outside) of solid rocks that contain it. It has extensive
the curve being eroded by the current deposits of alluvium on the floor over
(river-cliff), while deposition is taking which existing streams have created
place on the convex side (the inside) (slip- meanders smaller than those of the valley
off slope). Eventually the meander be¬ as a whole, meander, misfit rivfr.
meander scroll
marking the channel of a cut-off meander mean solar time an average or mean
(oxbow). solar day of 24 hours, a useful measure
because the period of time between two
meander scroll point bar.
successive daily returns of the real sun to
meander terrace a terrace formed on the meridian (local time) is not always
one bank of a river as it meanders in its the same, apparent time, rotation of
valley and at the same time (due to reju¬
melt-water channel
the lateral moraines oftwo confluent for coldest month usually over 6°C: 43°F)
glaciers meet. and hot dry summers (warmest month
usually over 2i°C: 70°F) with a high
median i. something situated in the amount of sunshine. Some of the most
middle 2. in statistics, the centrally occur¬ marked variations, especially in precip¬
ring value in a data set which is arranged itation and temperature, occur in the Me¬
in rank order, i.e. the value above and diterranean area itself. The regime is due
below which lie 50 per cent of the observa¬ to the dominance of sub tropical high pres¬
tions in a distribution. If there is an even sure systems (anticyclone) in summer,
number of observations, the median lies and the passage of depressions-3 associ¬
midway between the two centrally occur¬ ated with moist winds from the oceans in
ring values. The upper quartile covers the winter.
highest 25 per cent of the values, the lower
quartile the lowest 25 per cent; and the megalith a large stone used as a monu¬
interquartile range is the difference ment or in construction. Some cultures
between the lowest number in the up¬ have been marked by the use of such stones
the lower, arithmetic mean, central megalithic adj. applied to the large
TENDENCY, MODE. monumental constructions termed mega¬
liths, to the people who put them up,
medical geography the study of the geo¬
and to the period in which they were
graphical aspects of health and the pro¬
constructed (Megalithic Age), i.e. the cul¬
vision of health care. It covers the study
tures ofNEOLITHIC to BRONZE AGE times.
of the spatial distribution of human disease
and causes of death, together with the megalopolis a very large and spreading
factors of the environment conducive to urban complex, with some open land,
human health and sickness. It includes formed when built-up areas, widespread
deaths from disease (mortality), illness over an extensive area, enlarge to such an
not necessarily fatal (morbidity), the dis¬ extent that they become linked together,
eases permanently located in certain areas as in the northeastern seaboard of the
(endemic disease), and the wider spread USA, or along the northern shore of the
(pandemic) or sudden outbreak (epi¬ Inland Sea ofjapan. ecumenopolis.
demic) of disease. It is thus concerned
melting point the temperature at which
with aetiology (etiology) and epidemi¬
a solid becomes liquid under normal
Mediterranean climate the western
melt-water, meltwater water derived
margin warm temperate climate (one of
from the melting (melting point) of
koppen’s C climates), occurring on the
snow and ice, e.g. from the snout of a
coastal lands round the western Mediter¬
ranean and on the narrow western coastal
margins of continents in latitudes 30° to melt-water channel a channel in the
40° (California, central Chile, South Af¬ solid rock or in drift deposits in a once-
rica, Australia). It is a climate with wide glaciated area, unrelated to the trend of
variations, but is generally characterized the present drainage pattern, and in some
by mild wet winters (average temperature cases cutting across it. drainage-2.
\ -v
mental map
mercantile adj. pertaining to, concerned antimeridian. The prime, standard, initial
with, engaged in, trade and commerce. or zero meridian, o°, is usually considered
to be the meridian passing through Green¬
mercantile model, mercantilist wich, and meridians are numbered from
model an approach to the study of urban it to 18o° east or west ofit. meridional-2.
systems suggested in 1970 by J. E. Vance,
American geographer, as an alternative to meridian adj. pertaining to noon, espe¬
central place theory. To summarize, cially to the position of the sun at noon.
it views wholesaling as the key urban func¬
tion, and explains the development of an meridional adj. 1. of, pertaining to,
study was particularly related to the the inhabitants of the south, particularly
N. v
boron, cobalt, copper, iron, manganese, THEORY, REFUGEE 3. ofammals, e.g. birds,
the seasonal movement from one region
molybdenum, zinc, macronutrient,
TRACE ELEMENT. to another 4. of plants, the movement to
extend habitat.
microorganism any organism too small
to be seen by the unaided eye, being of mile (Latin mille passus or passuum, a
microscopic or even smaller size (e.g. a thousand paces) mi, a British unit of linear
bacterium). measurement 1. statute mile, 1760 yards or
5280 feet (1609.35 metres) 2. geographical
Middle East part of the earth’s surface mile, one minute of arc measured along
east of Europe, now usually taken to the equator, 6087.2 ft, rounded to 6080 ft
include parts of southwest Asia and (1852 m) 3. nautical mile, one minute of
northeast Africa, stretching from Turkey arc or irfeb a GREAT CIRCLE, stand¬
through Iran, Iraq and the countries of ardized in Britain as one minute of arc at
Arabia to Sudan and Egypt and including 48°N, 6080 ft, equivalent to 1.1516 statute
the countries bordering the eastern shores mile (1853.25 m) 4. international nautical
of the Mediterranean, far east, near mile (used by the USA and other coun¬
tries) 6076.1033 ft, approximately 1.15
statute mile (18 5 2 m). k n o t 5. in measures
midlatitude adj. applied to the latitudinal
of area, 1 square mile (2.59 square kilo¬
zone lying between 23°3o' and 66°3o' in
metres) equals 640 acres each of 4840
the northern and southern hemispheres.
square yards or 43 560 square feet.
migrant one who migrates, emigrant, mon millet, little millet, foxtail millet,
Japanese millet.
milK- m, prefix, one thousandth, attached
minimax location
to si units to denote the unit x io-3, e.g. within certain limits); hence the distinc¬
millimetre (mm), one thousandth part of tion from a rock, which is commonly
a METRE. CENTI-, HECTO-, KILO-. (apart from rock salt) a mixture of minerals.
On this definition water (ice) is a mineral,
millibar mb, a unit of atmospheric pres¬
but (being of organic origin) petroleum
sure indicated by a barometer, equal
and natural gas are not, although they are
to iooo dynes per square centimetre of
commonly described as such, as are some
mercury; iooo mb equals i BAR-3. The
organically-derived limestones and sili¬
formula for conversion is not universally
ceous rocks 2. loosely applied to any min¬
applicable, but at o°C (32°F) at latitude
eral deposit won by mining, e.g. metallic
450, 29 in mercury = 982 mb; 30 in =
ore, coal.
1016 mb; 31 in = 1049 mb; and 1000 mb =
750.1 mm (29.531 in). Millibars are com¬ mineral horizons one of the two major
monly used in drawing weather charts, classes of soil horizon, the other class
isobars (iso-) being drawn at 2 or 4 millibar being the o horizons. The mineral hori¬
intervals. zons consist mainly of inorganic matter.
million city a city with a resident popu¬
lation of one million people or more. mineralization 1. the process whereby
gases and water from the heated lower
Millstone Grit a hard, coarse-grained,
layers of the earth’s crust by passing
sandstone occumng in Britain in the
through fissures, cracks etc. cause changes
central Pennines and in Northumberland,
in the rocks, and the deposition of minerals
under the Coal Measures at the base of the
of economic importance, metasoma¬
Upper carboniferous. It was probably a
tism 2. the replacement of the organic
delta-deposit laid down in a shallow sea.
parts of a plant or animal by minerals-1
Minamata disease a disease of the central during decomposition or fossilization.
nervous system caused by mercury FOSSIL.
poisoning. The name is derived from a
mineral oil any oil of so-called min-
bay and town in Japan where many people
eral-i origin, notably petroleum.
were poisoned in 1959 by eating fish and
shellfish which had ingested dimethyl mineral soil a soil low in humus, con¬
mercury, present in the sediments of the sisting mainly of material of mineral-i
bay as a result of effluent discharged by a origin, mineral horizons, organic
nearby factory, pollution. soil.
minimum thermometer
mode of production
from the winter high pressure system lying mobile, e.g. of people moving readily
over central Europe is channelled through from one place to another and from job
the lower Rhone valley to the low pressure to job, in search of employment or higher
area lying over the western Mediterran¬ incomes; or of individuals in relation to
ean. BORA. the degree to which each one has access
to travel facilities (personal mobility); or
mixed cultivation the growing of two
ofindividuals and households in being able
or more crops intermingled on the same
to move between social classes and income
field or plot, especially a mixture of tree
groups (social mobility).
and ground crops.
mode in statistics, the value of the variable
mixed economy an economic system in
occurring most frequently in a set of obser¬
which some parts operate according to
the forces of the free market (production,
distribution and exchange being in private
hands), while other parts are in the hands model 1. a three-dimensional represen¬
of the government (i.e. there is more tation, more or less to scale, of something
state intervention in a mixed eco¬ that exists or is to be constructed, e.g. of
nomy than there is in a true market a building, which may be to scale in every
economy), centrally planned eco¬ dimension and detail; or of a landscape,
nomy, PLANNED ECONOMY, STATE CAP¬ with ground measurements to scale but
ITALISM. the vertical scale exaggerated to show
both crops and livestock are produced on such as one representing tides, which
LAND, CROP FARMING, FARMING, LIVE¬ brought together to show certain of its
properties, and providing a working
hypothesis against which reality can be
MNC, MNE MULTINATIONAL COM¬ tested. On a range of abstraction these are,
PANY, CORPORATION OR ENTERPRISE. at the first level, the iconic model, the most
moved from place to place 2. moving or reality (e.g. with real phenomena shown
moved with ease, fluid 3. of organisms, in their characteristic form, but scaled-
down). At the second level is the analogue
having the power of moving from one
model in which real phenomena are rep¬
place to another.
resented by different but analogous phe¬
mobile dune a coastal dune partially nomena (e.g. clusters of people shown
fixed by vegetation but still liable to by clusters of points). The final level of
deflation-i and blow-outs-i, a type abstraction, the furthest from reality, is
transitional between a fore-dune and a reached by the symbolic model, in which
STABILIZED DUNE. real phenomena are represented by math¬
mode of production (one of the central
mobility the state or quality of being concepts in Marxism) the economic base of
Si V
a society, the way in which the productive late 193os, and gradually merging into
activities in the society are organized, and postmodernism. To select some ele¬
thereby affect the social as well as the eco¬ ments from the socio-economic-political
nomic relations in that society. Marx iden¬ background that appear in geographical
tified the historical succession of modes as studies, this was a period influenced by
primitive communal, slave, feudal, capital¬ positivism and logical positivism, a
ist, state capitalist, socialist, communist, the time of mass production (fordism); the
changes of mode being brought about by consolidation of the power of European
class conflict, e.g. between landlord and countries in their African colonies; the
peasant, capitalist (bourgeoisie-2) and destruction and aftermath of the First
workers (proletariat-2) as each class World War; high unemployment in
tries to gain control of the means of pro¬ Europe; the rise of communism-2 and
duction, asserting that the other class is fascism; the emergence of the USA as
inept at providing society with an accept¬ a leading world power; keynesianism;
able level of subsistence. Marx maintained rapid progress in scientific, technological,
that the proletariat would eventually over¬ psychological and sociological research
come the capitalist ruling class (dialect¬ etc. To generalize, the promoters and fol¬
ical materialism) and that a class¬ lowers of Modernism rejected traditional,
less communist society would emerge. representational and romantic art in
CAPITALISM, COMMUNISM, FEUDAL¬ favour, for example, of impressionism,
ISM, HISTORICAL MATERIALISM, POST¬ cubism, surrealism and abstract art in the
INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY, SOCIALISM. visual arts; jazz and atonality in music;
functionalism and unomamented,
moder in soil science, a humus layer
pure geometrical forms (in concrete) in
intermediate in composition between
architecture that came to be insti¬
mor and mull-3, occurring where de¬
tutionalized as the International Style, and
composition is greater than in mor, but
high-tech glass and steel structures; among
has not advanced so much as in mull, but
other styles in writing, the stream-of-
where there is some mixing with particles
consciousness style is associated with
from the underlying mineral soil, due
Modernism, humanistic geography.
to the presence of soil fauna.
advances in science and technology gave term was originally local to Cuba, where
rise to industrialization, rapid popu¬ it referred to residual hills of folded lime¬
lation increase and urban growth, changes stone, but it is now applied internationally
in land use patterns and land management, to karst residual hills in tropical regions.
and an anthropocentric attitude that
Mohorovicic Discontinuity, Moho
viewed the natural environment as a
the boundary surface between the mantle
source of commodities. These elements
of the earth and the rocks of the earth’s sur¬
combined to promote international trade
face, lying at a depth ofsome 40 km (25 mi)
and the spread of capitalism with its
under the continents but only some 6 to
cumulative economic power. The writ¬
10 km (4 to 6 mi) under the ocean. In the
ings of Newton, Locke and Hume were
Discontinuity, owing to the different
influential in England; Voltaire, Descartes,
densities of the crust and the mantle,
Diderot (and the Encyclopedists) in
there is a very sharp change in the rate
France. The Classical music of the time
of travel of earthquake waves (push
gradually evolved from the Baroque; in
wave, shake wave): they accelerate.
architecture there was a revival of classical
forms; in the visual arts David expressed Moh’s scale hardness of minerals.
the high moral tone of the movement,
moisture index thornthwaite’s cli¬
Hogarth portrayed the decadence ol the
affluent urban society of the time. Twen¬
tieth-century examples of modern¬ molecular adj. pertaining to, involving,
ity-2 are modernism and postmod¬ or consisting of, molecules.
HUMANISTIC GEOGRAPHY, UTILITARI¬ molecular attraction the attraction of
ANISM. molecules for each other, especially, in
hydrology, the attraction of the mo¬
modernization i. in general, the process lecules of the surfaces of solid rocks for
or act of making up-to-date, of changing the molecules of water, and of the water
something from the past so that it becomes molecules for each other, the means by
in harmony with current taste, thinking, which some ground water is held in
technology 2. in society, a process of social fine-grained rocks, capillarity.
change which commonly accompanies or
follows industrialization and may in¬ molecule two or more atoms linked
clude an increase in social mobility, the by chemical bonding and constituting the
blurring of boundaries between social smallest group of combined atoms of an
classes, the advancement of education, the element-6 or of a compound which can
development of social services, and the exist freely (free-2) while retaining the
adoption of procedures in government characteristic properties of the substance.
Si V
monadnock a residual hill, a remnant of the northeast, six months from the south¬
erosion, left standing above the general west. Now generally applied to those and
level ofa denuded plain (peneplain). The some other winds that blow with consider¬
term is derived from the name of a moun¬ able regularity at definite seasons ofthe year
tain of this character in New Hampshire, due to the seasonal reversal ofpressure over
USA. land masses and their neighbouring oceans,
combined with the influence of jet
monetarism the economic theory which
streams. In the typical area of the Indian
asserts that the level of activity of an eco¬
subcontinent and southeast Asia it is the
nomy can be controlled by controlling
seasonal inflowing moist winds that bring
the money supply, keynesianism.
rain, hence the monsoon season is termed
monocline I. (British) a fold-2 in which the rains, and the term monsoon is applied
the bend is in only one direction (i.e. a fold to the rains without reference to the winds.
with one limb, a single bend in horizontal monsoon forest the forest-i of the
beds), the rock stratum, through tension tropical monsoon lands where the annual
in the earth’s crust, changing its dip by rainfall is between 1000 and 2000 mm (40
increasing the steepness of inclination, and and 80 in) and there is a marked dry season.
then levelling out again or resuming its It consists of BROADLEAVED TREES that
original dip. It is termed a monocline be¬ lose their leaves in the hot dry season
cause only one fold, or one half of a fold, is (February to May in the Indian subcon¬
presented instead of the two occurring in tinent and Burma). The trees, mainly
an arch or trough 2. (American) a synonym hardwood, do not grow so closely
forHOMOCLiNE (British usage), i.e. a struc¬ together as those in equatorial forest,
ture of several beds dipping evenly in one and the number of species is low.
direction. Fig 24.
montane adj. of or pertaining to moun¬
monoculture cultivation in which a tain regions, applied particularly to the
single crop predominates and is planted vegetation growing on high land below
successively on the same land, in contrast the TREE LINE.
montane forest the forest-i of the
monopoly 1. the exclusive control of the cool uplands in the zones of tropical and
supply ofa product or service in a particular equatorial climates, mossy forest.
market by a single supplier, who thus
moon 1. a natural satellite of any planet
dominates the market 2. an exclusive right
2. the earth’s only natural satellite, appear¬
to conduct a particular business or provide
ing to move in the celestial sphere, in
a particular service, granted by a ruler,
relation to the stars, from west to east,
government, etc. 3. a commodity-i
responsible with the sun for tidal action
under exclusive, single control 4. a single
on the earth. It revolves round the earth
supplier who has exclusive control, duo¬
in a slightly elliptical orbit, the distance
from the earth varying from 348 285 km
(216420 mi) surface to surface perigee
monsoon (Arabic mausim, season) ori¬ to 398 587 km (247 67ml) apogee. The
ginally applied to the regular winds of the diameter is about one-quarter of that of
Arabian sea, blowing for six months from the earth, its mass 1/81 ofthe earth. It has
no atmosphere, no water, and shines by plants, hence cotton grass moor, heather
reflecting light emitted by the sun. It moor, etc.
revolves round the earth every 27 days
mor in soil science, raw humus, low
7 hours 43 minutes 15 seconds (sidereal
in animal life, acidic and crumbly, un¬
month), and one revolution related to the
mixed with and sharply demarcated from
sun on average 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes
the underlying mineral soil, moder,
(lunar or synodic month, i.e. from one
‘new’ moon to the next); the lunar day
is about 24 hours 50 minutes. Because moraine (French) an accumulation of
it rotates on its own axis once in each unstratified (stratified) debris, espe¬
revolution of its orbit (i.e. the period of cially boulders and coarse material, carried
rotation is the same as the period of re¬ down and deposited by a glacier or
volution), the same face is always seen ice sheet. Some of the debris falls from
from the earth. The changes in aspect seen above, from the mountain slopes, on to a
from the earth are due to changes in the glacier (superglacial), some is plucked
relative position of the earth, moon and (plucking, subglacial) from the floor
sun, and are termed phases, the sequence beneath a glacier or ice sheet by ice action.
being: new moon, invisible to faintly vis¬ On the surface ofa valley glacier there
ible, the moon lying between the earth and are usually lateral moraines on each
the sun (conjunction) so that viewed side, and a medial moraine if two valley
from earth it is not illuminated by the sun’s glaciers have joined, englacial moraines
light, although it may reflect a faint glow are those enclosed in the ice. The debris
of light from the earth; the first quarter may be deposited as ground moraine
(quadrature), when the moon has when the ice melts, or as a terminal or
moved through about one-quarter of its end moraine. The term applies both to
orbit round the earth, and appears as a the material and to the feature produced.
semicircle, having ‘grown’ from a cres¬ push moraine, recessional moraine,
cent, bow facing west; gibbous moon, the SUBGLACIAL MORAINE. Fig 20.
phase reached when the moon has passed
morbidity the incidence of disease in a
through another eighth of its orbit, so that
three-quarters of its face as seen from earth
is illuminated by the sun; full moon, when more developed country mdc. under¬
the earth lies between the moon and the development.
sun (opposition) so that viewed from
earth the whole face of the moon is illum¬ morphology the scientific study of the
inated by light from the sun. From new form, structure, origin and development
moon to full moon the moon is said to be of organisms; or of the external structure
waxing; from full moon to new moon it of rocks in relation to form; or of land-
cloud, occurring in the upper layers of mud flat an expanse of fine clay or silt
the stratosphere when atmospheric (graded sediments) deposited by
pressure and temperature are low. flocculation-2 in estuaries and
sheltered coastal areas (e.g. behind a
mottled adj. marked with blotches, with
sand-spit), covered by water at high tide
patches of differing colours, e.g. in a gley
and sometimes colonized by hygrophil-
ous plants, such as mangrove in tropical
moulin (French, a mill) glacier mill, a areas, various grasses in cooler regions.
steep shaft or vertical circular hole carved HYGROPHYTE.
through the ice of a glacier or ice sheet
multiplier effect
erals and other clay-grade constituents. business enterprise which has subsidiary
GRADED SEDIMENTS, INDURATION. companies, branches, offices, factories etc.
in very many countries, and commonly
mud-volcano i. a cone ofmud associated
ranges world-wide, that is controlled from
with escaping gases in the earth’s surface,
headquarters in the country of origin, as
formed when gases, trying to escape
distinct from a transnational corporation
through a stratum of wet clay, whisk the
(TNC) which operates mjusttwo or more
clay to a soft slurry which is ejected at the
countries, and locates any of its functions
surface with hisses and bubbles, though
(including its headquarters) in the most
usually quite cold, to build a cone 2. an
advantageous location.
ejection of hot mud from the volcanic
vent, building a small ephemeral cone. multinational adj. of, pertaining to, or
VOLCANO. consisting of, many nationalities or eth¬
multiracial adj. of, pertaining to, or con¬ mutation a changing or being changed,
sisting of, people of several ethnic-2 or especially a sudden change in the chro¬
cultural groups, coexisting amicably and mosomes of a cell, the changes in the
cooperatively together, each group having dna of individual genes (gene-mutation)
equal rights and opportunities. being the most common. Mutations
occurring in the gametes (reproductive
multispectral adj. applied in remote
cells) or their precursors can produce an
sensing to a device that makes use of
inherited change in the characteristics of
several wavebands in recording images.
the organisms that develop from them;
thus mutation is a potent force in
multispectral scanner in remote sens¬ evolution.
ing, a scanning device that operates
simultaneously in various wavebands
mutualism I. broadly, any association of
one organism with another of a different
in recording images, electromagnetic
species 2. symbiosis, pure, but also modi¬
fied to the extent that neither partner is
multispectral sensing in remote sens¬ vitally important or totally beneficial to
ing, the recording of images by one or the life of the other 3. commensalism
more sensors operating in several wave¬ 4. the concept that mutual dependence is
bands. ELECTROMAGNETIC SPECTRUM. an essential, basic factor if social well-being
is to be achieved.
multivariate analysis I. a statistical
analysis of data in which more than one
mutually exclusive categories in stat¬
type of measurement or observation is
istics, two categories characterized by
involved, the number ofvariables being
the fact that an observation may fall in
greater than two 2. in regression
either one of them, but not in both.
analysis, an explanation of variance
in terms of several variables, taking into mycorrhiza the association of a fungus
account not only the relationship of inde¬ with the root of a higher plant. There are
pendent to dependent variables, but two main types: endotrophic, in which
also the interrelationship of independent the vegetative part of the fungus (i.e. the
variables, factor analysis. mycelium) is within the cortex cells of
municipal adj. of, relating to, or carried the root; and ectotrophic, in which the
out by, local self-government, especially mycelium is external, covering the smaller
nadir i. the lowest point 2. the point on narrow gauge of railway, a gauge less
the celestial sphere directly opposite than 143 cm (4 ft 7 in), railway gauge.
to the zenith 3. in remote sensing, the
narrows a constricted passageway in a
point on the ground vertically underneath
strait, in part of a river, in a valley, or
the centre of the sensor.
in a pass.
squares, one reference system covers the without compensation. The term expro¬
whole of Britain, the grid lines corres¬ priation is applied to nationalization with¬
ponding with sheet lines 2. a network of out compensation, privatization.
transmission lines linking the main gener¬
national park an extensive area of
ating stations to distribution centres in a
countryside officially designated by gov¬
country or region in order to maintain
ernment in order to protect and conserve
a constant supply (e.g. of electricity, of
its special natural features (scenic beauty,
water) to the consumer. Fig 30.
native flora and fauna, display of geological
Transverse Mercator projection phenomena, etc.) and in some cases its
False origin : 400 km W & 100 km N of
historical associations, for public enjoy¬
true origin : 2°W 49° N
ment and for scientific purposes. The con¬
cept originated with the Yellowstone
National Park, USA, in 1871; and national
parks, varying in type, are now to be found
in most countries, country park, na¬
tional PARKS.
natural resources
itants of a country 3. a plant or animal tracting the number of deaths from the
originating in an area. number ofbirths.
natural change the net change in the boundary imposed for political or admin¬
total population of an area arising from the istrative purposes, regardless of any geo¬
natural selection
e.g. amenity landscape, soils, forests); stock managed for the protection and conser¬
(non-renewable, e.g. minerals); and con¬ vation of its animal and plant life and its
tinuous (always available and independent physical features.
of human action, e.g. solar and tidal
nautical mile knot, mile.
energy), alternative technology,
CONSERVATION, RESOURCE MANAGE¬ naze, nose, ness, nore a headland or
MENT. promontory, ness.
natural selection the mechanism of neap tide a tide in which the difference
evolutionary change suggested by between high water and low water
Charles Darwin in his theory of evolu¬ is small, the high tide being lower and the
tion (evolution-2) and also by the Eng¬ low tide being higher than usual (tidal
lish naturalist Alfred Russell Wallace, range). It occurs twice a month, about
1823-1913 (Wallace’s line), i.e. that the time of the first and last quarters of the
of the many variant offspring produced moon, when the earth, sun and moon he at
by a generation of organisms only those
right angles to each other (quadr ature),
most fitted to their environmental condi¬
with the effect that the gravitational pull
tions will survive and breed, transmitting
ofthe sun opposes that of the moon instead
their advantageous characteristics to their
of reinforcing it. moon, spring tide,
offspring, the weaker, less well adapted SUN.
variants failing in competition with them,
and thus not perpetuating their disadvant¬ Near East east-2 of western Europe, a
ageous characteristics. term formerly applied to the territory of
the Ottoman Empire in the eastern Medi¬
natural vegetation the plant-association
terranean region and to the Balkan states,
which is primarily due to nature rather
or to Palestine and the adjacent lands facing
than to human activity. But little of the
the Mediterranean, a term now usually
world’s vegetation is entirely unmodified
superseded by middle east.
by human activities, which include the
burning of plant cover, the introduction nearest-neighbour analysis a statistical
of alien species (e.g. rabbits), or the grazing technique used to describe a point pattern,
of livestock. Thus a large part of the involving measuring the distance between
so-called natural vegetation is at best only each point and one or more of its neigh¬
semi-natural. The term is therefore bours. The observed point pattern is then
now usually applied to all vegetation not compared with a theoretical random pat¬
deliberately managed or controlled in tern, which allows the non-randomness
farming activities, i.e. it includes the ‘nat¬ ofthe observed point pattern to be judged.
ural’ as well as the ‘semi-natural’, suc¬ The average ofthe distances between each
cession-2. observed point and its nearest neighbour
is divided by the expected random spacing,
nature 1. the physical universe, including
to give the statistic Rn, with values varying
the laws and forces ruling changes within
(not in linear progression) from o, indicat¬
it, excluding objects made by human
ing maximum clustering, through 1 (ran¬
beings 2. the essential, fundamental
dom distribution) to 2.15, indicating
character of something or someone.
that all points are uniformly distributed
nature reserve an area of land or water throughout the area. Problems arise over
neoclassical economic theory
the spacing, shape and size of areas. It neighbourhood a small district inhabited
is always important to be consistent in by people, in which there are close, every¬
defining the area to be analysed in com¬ day social contacts and within which the
parative studies, and in some cases it may individual feels secure, ‘at home’, i.e. the
be necessary to measure not only the prox¬ home territory. The boundaries are inde¬
imity of the nearest neighbour to each terminate and more readily discernible by
observation but also the distance to the those outside than by those inside the
second, third, or nth nearest neighbour. district.
For example, if observations occur in
neighbourhood effect 1. the influence
widely scattered pairs over the specified
of the local residential area on the decisions
area, measurement of the distance to the
and behaviour of a person living in it. 2.
second nearest neighbour will be needed.
the effect of proximity in the diffusion-i
The technique was originally used by bot¬
ofiNNOVATiON,new adopters being most
anists, and later applied to the study of
likely to be near to existing users, the
geographical problems.
likelihood of adoption of innovation de¬
nebula a cloud of gas and/or dust, lumin¬ creasing with increased distance.
ous in many cases, occurring in the inter¬
neighbourhood unit in town planning,
stellar medium of a galaxy.
a physical and social unit within a large
neck I. of land, isthmus or promontory, town, the unit being self-contained in the
a narrow stretch of land with water on sense of having its local shops (selling par¬
each side 2. a narrow stretch of woodland ticularly convenience goods), bank¬
or of ice 3. a high level pass, especially the ing, postal and other service facilities and
narrowest part, volcanic neck. social amenities, but depending on the
main centre of the town for other than
negative area a term sometimes used to
daily needs. A neighbourhood unit may
suggest a range of environmental factors
arise naturally from the absorption of a
which render an area unfit for human
village within an expanding town.
habitation, i.e. anecumene as opposed
tO ECUMENE. nekton, necton a collective term for an¬
negative movement of sea level, the imals that live at various depths in the
lowering of the sea level in relation to the ocean or in lakes, i.e. in the pelagic
zone, and swim actively, in contrast to
land caused by 1. a global lowenng of
ocean level (eustatism); or 2. a local plankton which float, and benthos
neoclassical theory of regional development
economic theory introduced in the latter matically adjust to changes and always tend
part of the nineteenth century (e.g. by to move towards equilibrium at a price
W. S. Jevons) and forming the dominant which balances supply and demand. Thus
economic analysis used (usually with neoclassical economics focuses on indi¬
modifications) in capitalist societies today vidual decisions and the aggregates of those
(market economy). Outlined briefly, in decisions, generally ignoring social costs
general it accepts classical economic and benefits, and concentrating on the
theory (apart from Ricardo’s labour analysis of cost, profit, revenue and utility.
theory of value), but refines and ex¬
neoclassical theory of regional devel¬
tends it. For example, neoclassical eco¬
opment the theory that imbalance in
nomic theory, related to a free-enter¬
growth and well-being between regions
prise, capitalist system (capitalism-i), is
or between cities is temporary and will be
founded on the idea that the maximization
resolved eventually by the effect of market
of profit-2 and utility by a large
forces alone. It assumes perfect price
number of small producers and consumers
flexibility, and perfect mobility of labour
who do not have power to influence to any
and capital.
great extent the operation of the market
in which they act (perfect competition) neo-colonialism, neocolonialism i.
benefits the entire community. It assumes the situation in which a foreign power
that the whole economic system is regu¬ intervenes in the economic, and some¬
lated by the interaction of supply and times the political, affairs of another
demand in the market place. Business country, in some cases to the resentment
decisions are made primarily on the basis and annoyance of some nationals of that
of consideration of production processes country. The intervention does not neces¬
to be used and the scale of output, not of sarily stem from a former colonial relation¬
the location of plant. Business buys or ship 2. the transfer of power from external
hires land, labour and capital (factors colonial control to internal control accom¬
of production) and uses them in pro¬ panied by the preservation of the trade and
duction processes in a way designed to investment (sometimes also of military,
maximize profits. The prices of pro¬ fiscal and political) relations existing be¬
duction factors and of the finished goods fore independence was gained from the
sold are beyond the control of business. dominant, external colonial power, col¬
The public offers for sale (to business) onialism.
labour, land, capital goods; and the inter¬
neolith (Greek, new stone) a polished
action of supply and demand for these
stone tool of the last period of the stone
determines prices paid as wages, rent,
interest (i.e. the distribution of income).
The public uses income to buy goods and Neolithic adj. of or pertaining to the last
services chosen to maximize personal satis¬ period of the stone age (succeeding the
faction or utility; and this all-powerful palaeolithic and the mesolithic)
consumer demand, interacting with the from about 6000 to 3000 bc in Europe
costs at which business can supply goods, and western Asia, when neoliths came
determines the prices of those goods and into use as well as implements of polished
services. The theory also assumes that bone and horn, animals came to be
markets are self-regulating, that they auto- domesticated, crops cultivated, weaving
undertaken, and the wheel used. The long in some way, e.g. an information network
barrows and megaliths of Britain 4. a chain of radio or television stations
are associated with this cultural period. etc. GRAPH-2, INTERNET, NETWORK
neritic adj. associated with shallow water,
especially with shallow coastal water.
OCEANIC. network connectivity the extent to
which movement is possible between
neritic province, neritic zone one of
different parts of a network-2,3 and, if
the zones of the aquatic environment
movement occurs, the extent to which it
based on depth ofwater, variously defined,
is direct. Directness is expressed as the ratio
but commonly applied to the littoral
between route distance and geodetic
and sublittoral marine zones between
distance (a ratio termed the route fac¬
low water mark and depths of 180 to
tor, or index of circuity). Fig 31. alpha
365 m (100 to 200 fathoms: 590 to 1200 ft),
or the edge of the continental shelf.
network density the length of links,
ness (Scotland and eastern England, also routes, edges (graph-2) of a
naze, nore, nose) a headland or cape, a NETWORK-2,3,4 per unit area.
spur of a mountain ridge; used especially
network society a phenomenon of the
in place-names, apparently where Scan¬
dinavian influence was strong.
individuals anywhere in the world who
nesting the enclosing of objects by a suc¬ have access to the appropriate technology
cession of similar, ever-larger ones, e.g. can communicate with each other, with
in central place theory, the pattern institutions and with information services,
displayed when low order trade areas he transcending time, space, national, eco¬
within the boundaries of high order trade nomic and social boundaries, global¬
areas. ization, INTERNET.
neutrality 1. the quality or state of not
net primary production in ecology, taking the side of or assisting either of two
PRIMARY PRODUCTION. opposing sides in a dispute, controversy,
war etc. 2. the quality or state of having
net radiation a measure of the differ¬
no distinctive colour or other quality 3.
ence between incoming and outgoing
in chemistry, the state of being neither
alkaline nor acid (pH) 4. in inter¬
network 1. the actual structure that forms national law, the status of a state (or a
a net, i.e. the knotted yarn of a fishing net, nation) which has a declared policy
or the veins of a leaf etc. 2. any set of of nonparticipation. The state may have
interlinking lines (links o reroutes) that cross adopted this policy of neutrality from
or meet one another (at nodes, junctions, choice (e.g. Sweden, Switzerland in the
terminals) in the manner of those in a Second World War); or it may be imposed
net, e.g. a railway network, a grid-3 3. a on the state by others (e.g. Austria, follow¬
system with its unit members interlinked ing the Second World War).
neutral stability
(a) 3 branching network, with only one route between two places
(b) a circuit network, with more than one route between at least two places
compounds of nitrogen (which cannot bacteria living in the soil. Some of these
be absorbed by green plants) into nitrates bacteria live independently in the soil,
(which can be absorbed by green plants). others symbiotically (symbiosis) with
DENITRIFICATION, NITROGEN CYCLE. leguminous plants (leguminosae) in
nodules-2 on their roots, absorbing
nitrogen a colourless, odourless gaseous atmospheric nitrogen and from it forming
element-6, the main constituent (some
organic nitrogenous compounds which
78 per cent by volume) of the atmo-
enrich the soil, nitrogen cycle 2. the
sphere-i , an essential constituent oflivmg
industrial conversion of atmospheric
organisms, an essential macronutrient
nitrogen into useful compounds (e.g.
for plants. Atmospheric nitrogen is the
ammonia and ammonium compounds)
mam raw material used in the manufacture
used in fertilizer, explosives.
of fertilizers, nitric acid and ammonia; and
naturally occurring potassium nitrate (salt¬ nivation 1. a general term for the effects
petre) is used as fertilizer, acid rain, produced by snow and neve (firn) in
NITROGEN CYCLE, NITROGEN FIXATION. the weathenng and sculpture of rocks in
contrast to those produced by glacier ice
nitrogen cycle the circulation of nitro¬ 2. the rotting and disintegration of rocks
gen atoms through ecosystems brought underlying and round the edges of a patch
about by natural processes in which living of snow lying in a hollow (nivation hollow
organisms play the major part. Inorganic or nivation niche) brought about by
nitrogen compounds (nitrates) are con¬ FREEZE-THAW and CHEMICAL WEATH¬
verted into organic nitrogen compounds ERING (sometimes termed snow patch
by autotrophic plants which either die, erosion). This enlarging of the hollow
decay or are eaten by animals. These may lead to the formation of a cirque
organic nitrogen compounds then pass, (nivation cirque).
through the excreta or by the death and
decay of the animals or plants, to the soil noble metal a metal resistant to oxi¬
or water, where they are converted back dation or corrosion, i.e. gold and
Fig 32 The nitrogen cycle
discrete rounded concretion of minerals meets needs within that city or urban area,
in a sedimentary rock 2. a root nodule, resulting in an internal exchange of rev¬
such as a mass on the root of a leguminous enue. It is sometimes termed ‘second¬
plant (leguminosae). ary’ basic industry in contrast with the
‘primary’ basic industry (basic activ¬
nomadism a type of human life style,
now rare, based essentially on constant
movement in search of sustenance, espe¬
cially for grazing animals. Most nomads
wander within defined areas, often using non-governmental organization
regular routes. The term semi-nomadism NGO.
is sometimes applied to the life style of
non-hydraulic civilization hy¬
nomads who use fixed quarters in the wet
season but migrate in the dry season to
find pasture. nonnull hypothesis I. in general, an
hypothesis alternative to the one under
nominal scale in statistics, a system of
test, i.e. to the null hypothesis-i 2. an
categorization, and the simplest form of
hypothesis under test where the effect is
measurement. It has a low level of differ¬
not equal to zero (null hypothesis-2).
entiation, the observations being put into
convenient, mutually exclusive and nonparametric test a statistical test
exhaustive classes according to a particular which does not need an estimate of a
attribute, without any particular order or population parameter or, generally,
preference, bar graph, categorical any assumptions as to the distribution of
DATA ANALYSIS, MEASUREMENT-2. the scores, distribution-4, para¬
non-basic activity, non-basic func¬ norm 1. that which is usual, expected, av¬
tion, non-basic industry in urban erage, conforming to an accepted standard,
development, a manufactunng or service measure or pattern. The adj. is normal
activity within a city or urban area which 2. a standard or ideal to which people think
normal i. the usual or average state, level normative approach an approach which
etc. 2. in mathematics, a line drawn at concentrates on what ought to occur in
right angles to the tangent line at a point certain circumstances rather than on what
on a curve. actually occurs.
the vertical and the direction of the north, e.g. of winds blowing from the
abutting the fault of its upper face (hang¬ North American Free Trade Area
ing wall) are displaced downwards
relative to those against the lower face
(footwall). This is not, as the use of North Atlantic Treaty Organization
‘normal’ might imply, the most usual, the NATO.
most common type of fault. Fig 22.
northeast trades trade wind.
normal watershed a watershed in a
norther a cold, northerly winter wind,
mountainous region which runs along the
blowing in the rear of a depression-3
crest of the highest range of a mountain
over the southern USA, especially Texas
chain, anomalous watershed.
and the Gulf of Mexico, sometimes viol¬
normative adj. 1. of or relating to a ent, in some parts dry' and dusty, in others
northern hemisphere
the Charter of the Organization of Amer¬ and wheat, but need less heat and more
ican States, aiming to achieve an order moisture. Oats are fed to livestock as gram,
of peace and justice, promote American processed pellets, hay, or in green stage;
solidarity, strengthen collaboration among the grain is used for human food (oatmeal,
the member states and defend their sover¬ rolled oats). Oat flour is an antioxidant,
eignty, territorial integrity and inde¬ used as a preservative in the preparation
pendence. The aims were extended on of some foods (e.g. some margarines).
14 April 1967: to promote Latin Amer¬
OAU Organization of African Unity, an
ican economic integration and foreign
organization founded by 30 African coun¬
trade, to raise agricultural productivity and
tries in May 1963 to which all independent
living standards, and to expand other so¬
African nation states now belong, aiming
cial development programmes. The mem¬
to advance the unity and solidarity of Af¬
ber countries are Argentina, Barbados,
rican countries, to coordinate political,
Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa
economic, cultural, health, scientific and
Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador,
defence policies, and to eliminate colo¬
El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Haiti,
Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua,
Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Surinam, Trini¬ objective adj. 1. not influenced by
dad and Tobago, USA, Uruguay, Ven¬ personal feelings 2. having a real
ezuela. existence external to an observer, or
oasis 1. an area in a hot desert where the pertaining to an object or event inde¬
extent from a very small area supporting
a few palm trees (typical of the Sahara) to
oblate adj. of a spheroid, flattened at the
a tract of hundreds of square kilometres
poles. EARTH-1, GEOID.
supporting a large settled agricultural
population (e.g. those near the rivers Nile oblique fault a fault in which the
and Euphrates) 2. a patch of ice-free land strike lies at an oblique angle to the strike
in an icebound landscape. of the bed it traverses.
oat, oats (pi. is common use) Avena sativa, obsequent fault-line scarp a fault¬
a cultivated grass, and one of the main line scarp which has ‘turned around’ so
cereal-1 crops of temperate regions, that it is now facing in the reverse direction
absent from Mediterranean and tropical to that produced by the initial earth move-
oceanic climate
oceanic crust
owing to the moderating influence of sur¬ boundary between it and the neritic
oceanic island an island in the ocean, far surges through the weakened crust, cool¬
away from any continent, as opposed to a ing quickly to make new oceanic crust,
field have been recorded, and by checking aims of furthering economic, cultural and
the magnetic pattern of the rocks against social cooperation among the members,
this timetable the spreading of the ocean i.e. El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and
floor, and thus of plate movements, can Nicaragua, joined by Costa Rica in 1962.
be calculated. The evidence provided by Of the Central American countries only
mid-ocean ridges thus strongly supports Panama has not joined.
the theory of plate tectonics, magnetic
OECD Organization for Economic Co¬
operation and Development. In 1961 the
oceanic trench, ocean trench in the oeec (Organization for European Eco¬
theory ofPLATE tectonics, asubduction nomic Cooperation) which had existed
zone, a long narrow depression in the since 1947 gave place to OECD, head¬
ocean floor (trench-i) where, as litho¬ quarters in Paris. The members, Australia,
spheric plates converge under the ocean, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, the
one dives under the other, the edge of then Federal Republic of Germany,
the descending plate going steeply and Finland, France, Greece, Iceland, Irish
deeply into the mantle where it is Republic, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the
absorbed (benioff zone). Friction arising Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway,
from the grinding together of the two Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,
plates leads to earthquakes. The sedi¬ Turkey, UK, USA (Yugoslavia, with
mentary rocks of the diving plate are special status, took part in activities), aim
scraped off, the rocks of the oceanic to develop each other’s economic growth
crust descend into the mantle, but not and social welfare, coordinate policies, and
so deeply as does the plate: they are less work together in helping developing
dense than the rocks of the mantle and, countries.
deformed by heat, they rise, molten, to
OEEC Organization for European Eco¬
the ocean floor, where they erupt as lava
nomic Cooperation, an organization
and combine with the scraped-off sedi¬
established in 1947 — 8 by sixteen Euro¬
ments to form an island arc, an arc of
pean countries with the aim of assisting
volcanic islands near the weakened margin
in the distribution and administration of
of the overriding plate, e.g. the Aleutian
resources sent to Europe under the mar¬
and the Japanese islands, andesite, col¬
shall plan, and of coordinating their
lision zone.
economic activities. It was superseded in
1961 by the oecd.
OD, Ordnance Datum the mean sea-
level at Newlyn, Cornwall, calculated office park, business park a tract of
from hourly observation of the tide in the land, in some cases park-like in character
period 1915 to 1921, from which heights (park-2), with good transport facilities
shown on British maps are measured. and communications, planned and in some
BENCH MARK. cases officially designated for groups of
modern office buildings, industrial
ODECA Orgamzaciom de los Estados
Centroamericanos (Organization of Cen¬
tral American States), Central American
Common Market (CACM), an organiz¬ offshore adj. applied to 1. movement
ation set up in December i960 with the away from the shore towards the sea 2.
offshore bar
shore fishing zone 3. the zone to seaward pool) associated with one geological phe¬
of the foreshore and the backshore. nomenon, a term applied especially when
the petroleum is being exploited.
offshore bar bar.
oil palm a tree native to western tropical
O horizons organic horizons, one of the Africa, now cultivated there and elsewhere
two major classes of soil horizon used by in tropical Africa and in similar climatic
some soil scientists in their soil classi¬ conditions in Asia (e.g. Malaysia, Indo¬
fication, the other class being the min¬ nesia), the largest producer of vegetable
eral horizons. O horizons correspond, oil measured in yield per ha (per acre),
broadly, to the A00 and A0 honzons. They hence valuable commercially. The oil is
are formed of accumulated material de¬ obtained from the fibrous pulp of the fruit
rived from plants and animals and lie over and from the kernel (palm kernel oil, the
the predominantly mineral or inorganic more valuable), and is used in the making
honzons. The organic material in the of industrial products (e.g. soap) and food
uppermost layer, Ol5 is easily recognizable products (e.g. margarine, for which palm
to the unaided eye; but in the layer below, kernel oil is preferred).
02, it has decomposed, is not so easily
identifiable, and is termed humus. Some oil-pool a separate reservoir of petro¬
soil scientists identify the O layer as: L (the leum or natural gas occurring, with
litter); F (partly decomposed litter); H water, in the pores and fissures of sedi¬
there and in other warm temperate and limestone, with very small concretions
subtropical areas for the sake of its edible (oolith) resembling the roe offish, hence
nutritious fruit, yielding oil, used for cu¬ the name. Oolite (with capital initial letter)
linary, medicinal and cosmetic purposes, is the formation name applied to the upper
the inferior grades being used as lubricants part of the Jurassic (geological time-
oolitic limestone
other material, and resembling a fish-egg. oryTurnace with a cup-shaped hearth for
OOLITE. melting and refining pig iron, iron ore
and scrap iron, the air employed to remove
oolitic limestone oolite.
the carbon being played over the molten
ooze a deposit on the floor of the deep metal (instead of being blown through it
ocean far from land, classified as biogenic as in the Bessemer process). Neither the
or non-biogenic according to its origin. open hearth nor the Bessemer process
The biogenic oozes consist mainly of removes any phosphorus present in the
minute organic remains (e.g. diatoms, pig iron (phosphorus makes steel brittle).
globigerina, pteropods, radiolara, that
give the ooze a specific name); at an even open system a SYSTEM-1,2,3 charac¬
lower level lie the non-biogenic oozes terized by the supply and escape of energy
(red clay), consisting of wind-blown and material across its boundaries (unlike a
volcanic ash that has settled on the closed system). Such a system regulates
ocean surface and sunk, meteoric dust, itself and may eventually reach a steady
and material carried by icebergs etc. STATE (e.g. a CENTRAL PLACE). ECO¬
OPEC Organization of Petroleum Ex¬
porting Countries, an organization estab¬ opisometer a small instrument used in
lished in i960 by what were then the chief measuring distances on a map. A calibrated
oil-producing countries, with the aim of dial is attached to and records the revolu¬
formulating a common policy in respect tions of a toothed wheel which is small
of dues paid to them by the oil companies, enough to be pushed along and negotiate
and of their share in the capitalization of any bends on the specified course (of a
the oil companies, cartel. river, road, etc.).
order of goods
optimum location the site for a firm ordered attribute synonym for or¬
which is central, minimizes the costs of dinal VARIABLE. ATTRIBUTE.
the necessary spatial relations and (if selling
order of goods in central place
pnces for the product vary) maximizes the
theory, Christaller’s ranking (according
differences between costs and revenues
to their scarcity in a central place
(the classical theory of firm location for¬
system) of the retail and service facilities
mulated by A. Weber in 1909). bid price
(to which he applied the term goods)
carried by a central place. High order
optimum population 1. the number of goods are specialized and scarce, middle
individuals that can be accommodated in order goods less specialized, low order
an area to the maximum advantage of goods generally available everywhere.
each individual 2. the number of human Thus the order of goods is linked to cen¬
inhabitants considered to be the most fav¬ tral place hierarchy, higher order
ourable for the full use of all the resources goods being available in higher order
available in an area, so that the standard centres with larger complementary
of living achieved is adequate or as high regions, lower order goods (e.g. a
as possible 3. the number of human inhab¬ convenience good) being available
itants who would produce the highest total in lower order centres with a smaller com¬
production or real income per head in an plementary region. RANGE-9.
V S.
oscillatory wave theory of tides
rowing and grazing animals also con¬ orogenesis, orogeny tectonic activity
tribute to these processes, chemical and mountain building. Orogenesis is usu¬
WEATHERING, MECHANICAL WEATHER¬ ally applied to the process; orogeny to
ING, WEATHERING. the great periods of mountain building,
Organization (Organisation) for Eco¬
nomic Cooperation and Develop¬
periods, epeirogenetic.
ment OECD.
orographic precipitation, orographic
Organization for European Eco¬
rain relief rainfall, precipitation caused by
nomic Cooperation oeec. oecd.
the cooling of moisture-laden air as it rises
Organization of African Unity oau. over a high relief barrier, occurring par¬
ticularly on the high ground and wind¬
Organization of American States oas. ward slopes that face a wind blowing
steadily from a warm ocean. It leads to
Organization of Central American
rainshadow on the lee side of the bar¬
States (Spanish) Organizacion de los
rier; but the orographic factor may be just
Estados Centroamericanos. odeca.
additional to other rain-inducing factors,
Organization of Petroleum Export¬ e.g. a high reliefbarrier may slow down the
ing Countries opec. progress of a depression-3, lengthening
the duration of the cyclonic (frontal)
Orient, the (to orient, to cause to face
eastwards, especially to build a church with
its altar at the eastern end) the countries orography i. a branch of physical geo¬
lying to the east of Europe, especially the graphy concerned with the knowledge
FAR EAST, the opposite of OCCIDENT. and description of the surface relief of
the earth 2. more specifically, the scien¬
orientalism a fanciful concept held in tific study of the relief of mountains and
the imagination of some people of the mountain systems. A term now rarely
Occident that romanticizes and fears the used. BATHYOROGRAPHICAL.
peoples and cultures of the orient.
OS Ordnance Survey, the official British
orientation (French orienter, to place map-making authority. It publishes the
facing east; medieval maps have east at the largest range of maps in Britain, from
top) the positioning of, or the position of, detailed maps on the scale of 1:1250 for
someone or something in relation to the urban areas to a world map at 1:40 million
points of the compass, especially the posi¬ scale, with 1:2500; 1:10000; 1:25000;
tioning of a map or of a surveying instru¬ 1:50 000 and 1:250 000 maps in between
ment in the field so that a north-south line in the main series. Survey information is
on the map lies parallel to the north-south held on computer. It seems likely that
line on the ground. maps-on-demand to meet the needs of the
individual user should soon be possible.
origin i. the point in time or in space at
which the existence of something begins. oscillatory wave theory of tides oscilla¬
FALSE ORIGIN, SEISMIC FOCUS, TRUE tion wave theory of tides, the hypothesis
origin 2. the source, the cause, or the that the surface of the ocean can be divided
beginning of something. into tidal units (amphidromic systems)
S. s.
each with a centre (a node), termed an the ‘areas remote from the main settle¬
amphidromic point. Within each unit ments.
the water oscillates in response to its
outcrop in geology, the part of a rock
depth, the relative positions of the earth,
body, stratum or vein which reaches
moon, sun (conjunction, opposition,
the earth’s surface and is exposed, or
syzygy) and the gyratory movement re¬
covered (e.g. by superficial soil, vegeta¬
sulting from the earth’s rotation (coriolis
tion or buildings), exposure-2.
force). At the nodes the water stays al¬
most level, rotating in an anticlockwise outflow cave an effluent cave, a cave-i
direction in the northern hemisphere, from out of which a stream flows, or
clockwise in the southern; but from formerly flowed.
the nodes co-tidat tines radiate out¬
outlier i. a mass of rock (not necessarily
wards and the height of the tidal rise
elevated above the surrounding country)
grows (standing wave). In the English
normally of stratified sediments, com¬
channel a kelvin wave results, the theor¬
pletely surrounded by older rocks, usually
etical amphidromic point, the degenerate
as a result of circumdenudation. By ana¬
amphidromic point, being in Wiltshire.
logy applied to other units separated from
OSL optical stimulated luminescence, a the mam mass, e.g. to a hill or hills separ¬
dating technique using instruments that ated from a mam highland even if the
reveal when a buried surface (e.g. of a soil, feature is not an outlier in the geological
and re-sorting takes place in this process, aged, sometimes beyond recovery, over¬
the coarser material being deposited near cropping.
to the ice, the finer being carried farther
overland flow surface runoff, the unham¬
before settling. Fig 20.
pered, unchannelled, downslope move¬
overbank stage in river flow, the stage ment of a broad expanse of shallow water
when a river overflows the banks of its produced by sudden, heavy precipita¬
normal channel and spreads in flood on to tion, often leading to soil erosion. If
the floodplain, usually carrying mater¬ the flow is due to the fact that the rate
ial which is deposited there and termed and amount of rainfall exceeds the rate at
overbank deposit, bankfull stage, which the soil can absorb it (infiltration
termed infiltration-excess overland flow;
overburden the overlying soil and rock
but ifit is due to the saturation ofthe soil
which has to be removed in opencast
over which it flows, it is termed saturation
mining or strip mining before the seam
overland flow. Fig 41.
of coal or bed of ore is exposed.
overlay a transparent sheet laid over a
overcast adj. cloudy, sometimes applied
map, photograph, diagram etc. It may bear
as a noun to total cloud cover.
information to be used in conjunction
overcropping the overplanting and tak¬ with that shown on the map, photograph,
ing of too many harvests from the soil or diagram, or on another overlay; or it
without restoring its fertility, thus leading may be used for rough work or for cor¬
to the creation of poor soils which lack recting the material beneath, synoptic
of the number that can be properly housed oxygen a colourless, odourless, invisible
and se wed in an area, and who accordingly gaseous element-6, the most abundant
have to be accommodated elsewhere, e.g. in the earth’s crust, forming about eight-
in new towns, or, in Britain, in ex¬ ninths by weight of water, nearly one-half
panded towns. by weight of all the rocks of the earth’s
crust, and about 20 per cent of the earth’s
overthrust in geology, the thrust of the
atmosphere-i . It is essential to plant and
rocks of the upper limb of a fold along
animal life, combines easily with other
a horizontal or near honzontal plane over
elements, forming oxides. In industry it
the lower limb of the fold, caused by fold¬
is used in cutting, welding, in producing
ing so intense that the rocks may fracture.
flames ofhigh temperature in steel making,
and in the manufacture of nitric acid from
oxbow, oxbow lake a cut-off or mort- ammonia, etc. free oxygen.
lake, a crescent-shaped lake formed when
ozone an allotropic form of oxygen, 03,
a river breaks across the neck of a well-
i.e. oxygen with molecules consisting
developed MEANDER. Fig 29.
of three atoms instead of the usual two. It
oxidation the process of combining with, has a strong smell and is present in very
or being combined with, oxygen. In the small quantity in the atmosphere-i of
chemical weathering of rocks (cor¬ the earth, the main concentration occur¬
rosion) oxidation occurs particularly in ring between heights of 30 and 80 km (20
rocks containing iron because iron takes and 50 mi) above the earth’s surface. Its
up oxygen very readily, thus the ferrous presence there is vital to atmospheric pro¬
state changes to the oxidized ferric state cesses and to the existence of life on earth,
with a yellowish-brown, crumbly crust. because it absorbs harmful short-wave
ultraviolet radi ation while allowing
oxide a compound of oxygen with
the beneficial longer ultraviolet radiation
another element, oxidation.
from the sun to pass to the earth’s surface.
oxisols in soil classification, USA, Its own existence results from the absorp¬
an order of soils occurring in tropical and tion by oxygen of the short-wave ultra¬
subtropical areas, well-weathered and violet radiation from the sun, a process
including most bauxite and lateritic soils. leading to the rise in temperature that
LATERITE. occurs at the stratopause. Fig 4.
V s.
magnetism present in them at the time of being largely arid and covered with semi-
their cooling. This indicates the direction desert grassy vegetation, the eastern part
of the earth’s magnetic field at that (humid pampa) having a higher rainfall
time and provides an historical record of and covered with tall, coarse grass (pampa).
the shifting position of the magnetic Some of the dry pampa and much of the
POLES. MAGNETIC ANOMALY, MAGNETIC humid pampa has now been ploughed and
REVERSAL, OCEANIC RIDGE, PLATE TEC¬ planted with European grasses or wheat
TONICS, TERRESTRIAL MAGNETISM. and other crops, and extensive areas are
used for cattle rearing, grassland-i.
palaeontology, paleontology the
scientific study of fossil remains of past pampero (South America: Spanish) a
geological periods. The study of fossil strong southwest wind associated with the
plants is now usually designated palaeo- cold front in the rear of a low pressure
paisa (Swedish pals, from Finnish paisa, pan 1. in soil science, hard pan 2. (Afri¬
elliptical) a dome-like peat hillock, con¬ kaans, pi. panne) any shallow, generally
taining several lenses of ice, varying in rounded hollow occurring in arid and
form and size, up to 3 m (10 ft) or more semi-arid regions which may in some cases
in height, often surrounded by open water, hold water only in the rainy season, but
occurring in northern Sweden and in the in others throughout the year 3. more
tundra elsewhere. The term should not specifically, the flat central part of such
be equated with pingo. a depression which may be briefly or
seasonally flooded, playa 4. a container
palynology the study and analysis of pol¬
in which gold-bearing sand or gravel is
len grains preserved in soil or peat and
washed in order to separate the valuable
of fossil pollen and other microfossils
gold from the other alluvial deposits.
highly resistant to acids found in sedi¬
mentary rocks of all ages, the findings pro¬ pandemic adj. applied to a disease so
viding valuable environmental indicators widespread that it affects the whole world
and aids to stratigraphic correlation, stra¬ ' or a whole continent or a whole country.
parallel of latitude
being separated by a vast ocean, tethys, group of leading scholars as being of par¬
from laurasia in the north. It is thought ticular importance, and used by them and
that Pangaea started to break up some others for a while in their field of study.
190 mn years ago, perhaps first in what is It points to the kinds of phenomena which
now the Gulf of Mexico, plate tec¬ should be investigated and to the best
tonics. means of carrying out the investigations,
and it owes its pre-eminence to its per¬
panhandle a narrow protruding strip of
ceived ability to be more successful than
land, especially a narrow strip of the ter¬
its competitors in solving some problems
ritory of a state protruding into that of
regarded as acute at a particular time.
another state, or between the territory
of another state and the sea, e.g. Alaska
Panhandle (US territory) lying between paradigm shift a significant change of
Canada and the Pacific ocean. approach in a field of study occurring
when a prevailing paradigm-2 fails to
pantograph an instrument used in the
meet the needs of changing thought or
mechanical copying of a drawing or map
new theories, falls from favour, and a new
on any scale selected, consisting of hinged
paradigm emerges which is, by consensus,
rods arranged to form a parallelogram and
rotating about a fixed point.
parallel drainage a drainage-2 pattern
papagayo (Mexico: Spanish) a dry, strong in which the channels of streams and their
and cold northerly to northeasterly wind tributaries are almost parallel to one
blowing over the plateau of Mexico in another, due to the control of the trend
winter, causing the temperature to fall sud¬ of the underlying structure, or to a uniform
denly to a low level. A continuation of slope gradient. Fig 17.
the norther of the USA, it is due to the
movement of air from the high Mexican parallel land use a type of multiple
plateau to the low pressure area lying over land use in which the tract of land is
the Gulf ofMexico and the Caribbean sea. not used in common for two or more
purposes, but in which the uses are kept
spatially separate, e.g. a limited re¬
parabolic dune a crescent-shaped sand creational strip bordering the highway
dune that faces the wind, i.e. the curve through a commercial forest-i.
is convex, with a steep face downwind,
parallel of latitude a line drawn on a
the ‘horns’ pointing into the wind, i.e.
map to link all points on the earth’s surface
in the opposite direction to those of a
with the same angular distance north or
barchan. Parabolic dunes are found par¬
south of the equator (latitude), termed
ticularly on sandy shores and plateaus
a parallel because each is a line encircling
inland where sudden wind eddies and
the earth parallel to the equator. Because
blowouts whisk away the central part
the earth is a spheroid the circles become
of the dune and carry it downwind.
smaller from the equator towards the poles.
paradigm 1. in general, an accepted Thus each is a small circle, but the
example or pattern 2. specifically, an equator (o° latitude) is a great circle.
approach, a school of thought with its Parallels oflatitude are marked off in ninety
associated methodology, accepted by a divisions, i.e. ninety degrees, from the
S. V
equator to each of the poles, each degree the detriment of the host, ectoparasite,
being subdivided into 60 minutes, each ENDOPARASITE, EPIPHYTE.
patterned ground
by analogy with a typical English park passive glacier a glacier with a low
(consisting of grassland with scattered rate of accumulation (alimentation)
trees, park-2), the tropical savanna and ablation because it receives only
lands of grassland with scattered trees, light snowfall and undergoes little melt¬
especially in Africa (also termed park ing in summer. It flows very slowly and
savanna). transports little ice and debris, active
paroxysmal volcanic eruption a sud¬
den violent eruption of a volcano, usu¬ pastoral adj. of, pertaining to, or charac¬
ally of one that has been dormant for a terized by, the care of grazing animals.
long period, plinian eruption. GRAZING, LIVESTOCK FARMING.
pascal pa, the unit of pressure in si, equal pathetic fallacy the attribution of human
to one newton per sq metre. characteristics or emotions to natural phe¬
nomena, e.g. an angry sea.
pass a narrow gap or col in a mountain
range providing a passageway through the patterned ground ground that is em¬
barrier. bellished with circles, polygons, nets,
stripes etc., varying in size and occurring cultural worker, usually (but not always)
in (but not wholly confined to) regions of farming at or near subsistence level and
present or former permafrost. The rock either holding a proprietary right over
fragments may or may not be sorted, e.g. in the land farmed or being an employed la¬
a polygonal pattern the smaller fragments bourer. Some specialists in land tenure
may appear near the centre and increase restrict the term to the farmer holding a
in size outwards, or the pattern may be proprietary right, peasant farming,
outlined by vegetation, no sorting of frag¬ subsistence agriculture.
ments having taken place; and on a slope
peasant farming a farming activity
there may be step-like forms, or stupes
carried on by a small family unit at or near
consisting of lines of stones, graded as the
subsistence level on a small area of land,
slope flattens. It has been suggested that
e.g. as distinct from that on a large farm
the processes of freeze-thaw and soli-
with employed labour, organized primar¬
fluction, moisture conditions and the
ily for commerce. In peasant farming the
extent (or non-existence) of vegetation
family provides the labour. Production is
cover contribute to the development of
primarily for the benefit of the family but
the patterns, piprake.
in most cases (particularly if the land is
pays (French) asmall natural region in leased from a landlord) surplus products
France, of no administrative significance, are sold in the market (in order to pay the
demarcated by the unity of some physical rent). If the land is leased from a landlord
feature or features (e.g. of geology, relief, the tenancy is usually held by the family
land use) and/or of social or cultural fea¬ group, rather than by an individual. If the
tures. A term used by geographers writing land is owned by the peasant the right
in English who wish to avoid the problem of ownership is usually vested in the
of defining ‘natural’. family group, not in an individual, farm¬
pea a climbing or bushy leguminous an¬
nual plant (leguminosae), probably
(but not certainly) native to western Asia,
peat a dense deposit of dead vegetable
now wid dy grown for the sake of its pods,
matter only partially decomposed (de¬
containing seeds also termed peas, used as composition) mainly because it has
human food since ancient times, the whole
accumulated in water or in very damp
plant also being used for animal feed and
conditions where oxygen is deficient
for green manure.
(anaerobic). Dark brown or black, par¬
peak I. a pointed top or projection 2. the tially converted to carbon, it forms the
highest point, the maximum 3. the more first stage in the development of lignite,
or less pointed prominent summit of a brown coal and coal; and may be
mountain, often used in place-names; but neutral or alkaline (fen peat) or acid (bog
this does not apply to The Peak of Derby¬ peat). It is burnt as fuel, or applied to the
shire, England, which is a high, flat-topped soil to improve the texture or raise its
plateau ofM ill stone grit, an area sched¬ water-retaining property.
uled as a national park 4. a high isolated
pebble a small stone, naturally rounded
by the action of water or wind, diameter
peasant very loosely applied to an agri¬ between that of gravel and cobble.
There is some confusion over precise size, lumnar mass of weak rock capped with a
but a pebble is commonly defined as harder rock. Opinions differ as to whether
having a diameter lying approximately it is formed by differential weathering
between io and 50 mm (0.4 to 2 in); on helped by rainwash, or by wind abra¬
the wentworth scale it lies between sion.
pedalfer in soil science, a soil from which foot of an abrupt mountain slope or face,
the base compounds calcium carbon¬ the lower edge doping gently away. Pedi¬
ate and magnesium carbonate have been ments form basal slopes of transport over
leached, and which contains accumula¬ which occasional rainstorms carry weath¬
tions of aluminium, and iron com¬ ered material derived from the steeper
pounds. Such soils occur especially in a slope above, and are characteristic of arid
humid climate with annual precipitation and semi-arid lands. A pediment should
over 610 mm (24 in), and include brown not be confused with a bajada, formed
Mountain 1
front 1 !◄-Pediplain-—►
1 <D
c 1 E
CD 1
E 1 (D
•0 t
Cl) <D
Piedmont angle
Sub-alluvial bench
Fig 35 A pediment
\ v
pedocal in soil science, a soil, only slightly peneplain, peneplane almost a plain, an
leached (leaching), containing an accu¬ almost featureless, gently undulating land
mulation of CALCIUM CARBONATE and surface, the penultimate stage before the.
magnesium carbonate, and occurring stage of the plain without relief in a c y c l e
mainly in climates with an annual precipi¬ of erosion or denudation.
tation below 610 mm (24 in), insufficient to
peneplanation the process of forming a
remove the soluble constituents. Pedocal is
peneplain. The spelling peneplaination
applied to one of the two types of zonal
is, by general agreement, incorrect, cycle
soil, the other being pedalfer. soil
screw, saqia, shaduf or water pump, to the orbit of the moon around the earth.
by sinking of wells and by the creation of
ponds (tank) to the building of dams and
periglacial adj. applied to areas adjacent
barrages on rivers to hold back enough
to an ice sheet or glacier of the past
water to last from one flood period to the
or of the present, and to all phenomena
next, thus providing a constant supply for
associated with such a situation.
the canals and channels by which the water
is led on to the dry land. perihelion the point nearest to the sun
in the orbit of a comet or planet around
perennial stream a stream that flows
it. The earth arrives at its perihelion about
continuously throughout the year, in con¬
3 January, when it is some 147.3 mn km
(91.5 mn mi) from the sun. aphelion,
permafrost table
petroleum crude oil, mineral oil, a mix¬ keel (the trough) of a syncline, differing
ture of hydrocarbons in a solid (bitu¬ from a laccolith in that it is shallower
men), liquid or gaseous state (natural and the laccolith has a flat base.
gas), occurring in porous sedimentary
rocks interbedded with shales and
phenomenal environment the en¬
vironment seen as including not only
other rocks. It originates from the alter¬
natural phenomena (phenomenon-i)
ation of vegetable and animal remains
but also the effects of human activity, i.e.
entombed in the sediments when these
the biotic and physical environment
were deposited, especially under brackish
combined with the environments altered
water conditions. The term is usually
by, and in some cases almost entirely
applied specifically to the liquid form,
created by, human beings: the ‘real’ world
commonly trapped, with natural gas, at the
as distinct from the ‘perceived’ world
top of the arch (dome) of an anticline
represented by the behavioural en¬
between impervious beds. This pet¬
roleum, obtained by drilling into the OIL
dome, is subsequently distilled in a re¬ phenomenalism in philosophy, the the¬
finery, yielding fractions making petrol, ory that phenomena (phenomenon-3)
paraffin oil, diesel fuel, fuel oil, lubricat¬ are the only things that can be known,
ing oils and heavy fuel oils; asphalt that everything else is either non-exist¬
and paraffin wax are obtained from ent or inaccessible to the human mind.
the residue. The hydrocarbons in the METAPHYSICS.
heavier fractions are further ‘cracked’ to
make them suitable for, and to increase the phenomenon pi. phenomena 1. a fact or
amount of fuel for, internal combustion event that can be described and explained
engines, oil field, oil pool, oil-sand, scientifically 2. a person, fact, thing, or
OIL-SHALE, OIL WELL. event that is extraordinary 3. in philo¬
sophy, something known by (sensed) per¬
pH potential hydrogen, the standard
ception, i.e. not by thought or intuition.
measure of acidity or alkalinity (base-2)
of a substance, based on the activity of phosphate any of the substances obtained
hydrogen ions in a litre ofa solution (or naturally from the weathering of rock rich
of a pure liquid), expressed in gram equiva¬ in phosphorus (phosphate rock) or from
lent per litre. The pH values range from o GUANO, or industrially by processing
to 14.0, neutrality-3 being 7.0 (the pH phosphate rock or basic slag from blast
of pure water at 25°C: 77°F). Numbers furnaces. Phosphates, an important source
lower than neutrality signify increasing of phosphorus, are used as a soil fertil¬
acidity, the higher numbers increasing izer and in industrial processes, super¬
basicity (alkalinity). Knowledge of the pH phosphate.
of the soil under cultivation is most impor¬
phosphorus a nonmetallic f.lement-6
tant in agriculture and horticulture, acid
existing in several structural forms, in
nature only in combined state, chiefly in
phosphate rock. All living cells contain
phacolith, phacolite a lens-shaped in¬ organic compounds of phosphorus (it is
trusion of igneous rock occupying the an essential macronutrient), the in¬
saddle (the crest) of an anticline or the organic compounds being important
phosphorus cycle
constituents of minerals, soil, bones, teeth. hydrates from carbon dioxide and
It is used in making fertilizer , detergents water, using energy absorbed from
and matches, phosphate. sunlight by chlorophyll, and releas¬
phosphorus cycle the circulation of
trophic). The products of photosyn¬
atoms of phosphorus brought about by
thesis directly or indirectly supply nearly
natural processes, the major part being
all plants and animals with the energy they
played by living organisms which contain
need for metabolism; thus, with a few
organic compounds of phosphorus. On
minor exceptions, all other forms of life
their death their tissues decompose, the
depend for their existence on the photo¬
phosphorus returns to the soil in a form
synthesis carried out by green plants (food
suitable to sustain plants, and the plants
provide food rich in phosphorus for
notable exceptions are bacteria (bac¬
terium) in the oceanic crust which
photic region, photic zone (Greek seem to draw energy from methane and
phos, light) the layer of water of a lake or minerals in the crust.
of the ocean indicated by the penetration
of light and the distribution of plants. It
phototrophic adj. applied to an organism
that obtains energy from sunlight, auto¬
includes the disphotic zone and the
photochemical adj. of or relating to the
action of light on chemical properties or phreatic surface ground water table.
reactions, photosynthesis, smog-2. PHREATIC WATER.
change) without any chemical change articulated vehicle is used only the trailer
taking place, erosion, weathering. may be carried by train, to be reconnected
to a tractor at the station at the end of the
phytoplankton minute plants, many
rail leg.
microscopic, mostly algae (e.g. diatoms),
which float in bodies of fresh or salt water, pig iron cast iron, impure iron with high
which are basic in the food chain, and combined carbon content, sometimes also
on which nearly all animal life in the open with sulphur and phosphorus, the product
sea depends, plankton, zooplankton. of a BLAST FURNACE. The molten metal
from the blast furnace is run into channels
pidgin a spoken language that incorpor¬
or lateral moulds known as pigs, hence the
ates the vocabulary of two or more
name (in the large modern integrated steel
languages and an extremely modified
grammar of one. works the molten metal is fed directly to
the steel converter). The high content of
pie diagram, pie graph divided carbon and phosphorus make pig iron (cast
CIRCLE DIAGRAM. iron) very brittle. These impurities are
removed by puddling, a process in which
piedmont at the foot of a mountain, term
the cast iron is re-melted and stirred when
used as a noun and applied to the gentle
molten, so that the carbon escapes, to be
sloping ground lying between the steep
burnt in the heated air of the furnace, the
slope of a mountain and the plain below,
product being termed wrought or mal¬
including the pediment and the bajad a;
leable iron. Wrought iron is tolerably hard,
or, very widely, as an adj., e.g. piedmont
but not flexible, elastic or hard enough to
alluvial plain, piedmont depressions etc.
be used in making machinery, construc¬
Fig 35-
tion equipment, cutlery and so on: for
piedmont glacier an extensive sheet of those purposes it must be converted into
ice covering low ground at the foot of a STEEL.
core expands and raises the surface to form just below the surface, where layers of
a dome. The top of the pingo may later needles may be separated by a thin min¬
collapse, forming a crater which may be¬ eral soil layer. They contribute to frost
come partially filled with water. Some heaving and the making of patterned
authors distinguish a closed-system pingo GROUND.
(formed from the freezing of an isolated
pisciculture the breeding and rearing of
body of water) from an open system pingo
fish for commercial purposes, aquacul¬
(formed from the freezing of ground water
at its pressure head), pals a.
pisolite, pisolith pea stone, a type of
pinnate adj. resembling a feather.
limestone made up of rounded bodies
pinnate drainage a distinctive dend¬ the shape and size of a pea, diameter 2 to
ritic pattern of drainage-2 that re¬ 10 mm (0.08 to 0.40 in), i.e. larger than
sembles a feather in that the tributaries to the ooliths of an oolite. Jurassic pea
the mam stream are closely spaced and gnt is typical; and other rocks may show
meet the main stream at acute angles. It is pisolitic structure, e.g. some laterites
likely to occur if the slopes on which the and iron ores.
tributaries develop are unusually steep.
pit 1. a surface working, a deep hole in
Fig 17.
the ground from which minerals or other
pioneer community in ecology, suc¬ matenals are extracted, e.g. clay, gravel
cession-2. 2. a coal mine, including the associated
pithead buildings and the shaft, mine,
pipe 1. in a volcano, the vent opening
into the crater 2. in chalk country, a
vertical joint made wider by carbon- pitch 1. any of the several dark, sticky,
ation-solution and filled with sand resinous substances, solid at low temper¬
and gravel 3. a mass of mineral ore or atures, plastic at high, which are a residue
diamond-rich rock, e.g. kimberlite, formed in the distillation ofTARS, turpen¬
shaped like a column, in some cases tine etc., but especially the naturally oc¬
formed by fluidization 4. a tunnel curring nearly black substance termed
in the soil, commonly in the interface asphalt. When an oil-sand has been
between horizons (soil horizon), re¬ exposed by natural erosion the oil gradu¬
sulting from THROUGHFLOW. ally evaporates, leaving such natural pitch
as a residue (as in the pitch lake of Trini¬
pipeline a long stretch of linked pipes
dad). bitumen-2 2. a resin derived from
with pumps at intervals, used to carry gases,
certain coniferous trees, e.g. pitch pine
liquids, or solid material in the fonn of
3. pitch of a fold, the direction in which
.the axis of a fold dips.
piprake (Swedish) the layer or layers of
pitchblende a mineral, a complex ox¬
perpendicular ice needles (very small thin,
ide of uranium with small quantities of
sharp-pointed pieces of ice), varying in
other elements from which uranium
length from 1 or 2 mm to nearly 0.5 m,
is extracted.
formed in periglacial conditions on the
surface of the ground, i.e. the limit surface pixel picture element, in remote sens¬
between the soil and free atmosphere, or ing, using MULTISPECTRAL SENSING, the
planetary winds
very small basic unit from which a satellite resulting in the formation of a plagio¬
image may be constructed. The area it can climax rather than a climax.
represent ranges from 5 m2 to 10 km2 (6
sq yd to 4 sq mi), the smaller the area plain a term with wide variations in use,
especially in compound terms, but gener¬
the better the resolution-i,2 at ground
level. ally applied to an unbroken flat or gently
rolling land surface, lacking prominent
place 1. a particular part of space, an area elevations and depressions, especially one
or volume of space-2, unoccupied or of low elevation. Some authors restrict
occupied, e.g. by a person, object or the application to such a feature with a
organism 2. a particular area in space, e.g. horizontal structure, high plains.
town, village, district etc., real or as per¬
plan 1. a map of a small area on a large scale
ceived (mental map), where people and
on which everything is drawn precisely to
environment interact over time to give it
scale 2. a large scale detailed chart 3. a
characteristics distinct from those of sur¬
drawing to scale representing a horizontal
rounding places 3. position in a hier¬
section of a solid object 4. a formulated
archy, scale, orderly arrangement, or in
scheme of action, or the way in which it
is proposed or intended to carry out some
placer an alluvial deposit of sand or gravel proceeding or course of action to achieve
with particles of valuable minerals, espe¬ some goal, e.g. in connexion with eco¬
cially of gold, weathered from rocks or nomic and social development, land
veins and washed down by a stream. USE PLANNING, PLANNING, PLANNING
the earth’s solar system, asteroid,
or defining goals and ways of achieving ture or plantation system implies rather
them 2. the drawing-up and imple¬ more: the use of a large labour force (in
Plinian eruption
< <
3<c3 ££>2
jo 0-70
8 3
c >
Fig 36 Plate tectonics: tectonic plates, their probable boundaries and their direction of movement
Fold mountains
at collision
of two plates
Volcanic Oceanic
island arc trench
plinth the lower and outer portion of it moves along 2. applied sometimes to
a sand dune, beyond the slip-face quarrying-2, one of the erosion pro¬
boundaries, which has never been sub¬ cesses carried out by a stream.
jected to sand avalanches.
plug a roughly cylindrical mass of volcanic
Pliocene adj. of or pertaining to the most rock marking the neck (volcanic neck)
recent epoch (time) or series (rocks) of the of an ancient volcano, sometimes left
tertiary period or system, geological isolated, exposed by denudation of the
TIMESCALE. rest of the cone.
plucking i. one of the main erosion pro¬ plume i. in plate tectonics, the
cesses carried out by a glacier, effecting upward movement of magma in a convec¬
the removal of rocks frorp its valley floor. tion current caused by a locally very hot
Water enters cracks in the rocks of the area lying between the core and the
floor, freezes and detaches rock fragments mantle of the earth which melts the rocks
which become frozen to, and carried away of the mantle and results in a localized
by, the under surface of the glacier as swelling on the earth’s surface, followed
plunge pool
by a cracking open of rocks. There are identity, its beliefs, traditions etc. All soci¬
certain localities (termed hot spots) on the eties except the very simplest are pluralist
earth’s surface where this volcanic activity to some extent, but if in a nation state the
is relatively frequent, e.g. Hawaii 2. a demand of a group to retain its separate
stream of effluent consisting of gases or identity becomes very strong a delicately
gases and particulates emitted by a chim¬ poised unity may break down under the
ney, or a larger ribbon-like cloud of sim¬ strain of warring factions, especially if that
ilarly polluted air produced by an industrial group demands separate, independent
complex, city etc., drifting downwind statehood. Such a demand for separ¬
from its source, the form varying, shaped ate territorial and political sovereignty
by turbulence in the atmosphere, pol¬ is termed separatism. See accul¬
political systems which argues that power ROCK, GABBRO, GRANITE, INTRUSION,
there are two or more elements, social activity, affecting both the igneous
orders or cultural groups which, in many rock itself and the surrounding coun¬
areas of social behaviour, do not mix try rOck, and usually resulting in the
because each group wishes to retain its formation of new minerals, including me-
Poisson distribution
x v
i.e. the probability of the event occurring is ing‘from the north or south polar-i
(polar maritime air mass, Pm) or over the attraction 3. one of the two points at the
Pc). The term was introduced originally pulling iron towards itself is greatest 4.
to stress the difference in temperature with either end of the axis of a sphere, e.g. the
a tropical air mass. It should not be northern or southern extremity of the axis
confused with the arctic air mass, sym¬ of rotation of the earth, i.e. the north
bol A, or the antarctic air mass, sym¬ pole, south pole, the earth's geograph¬
bol A A, air masses which originate near ical poles. MAGNETIC POLE, TRUE NORTH,
polar front the front or frontal zone Pole Star the bright star in the constel¬
where the polar maritime and tropical lation Ursa Minor, seen in the zenith at
maritime (polar air mass, tropical the north pole. It is used to find true
air mass) meet, over the North Pacific north from any point in the northern
and North Atlantic oceans. Disturbances hemisphere, the height of the Pole Star
along this front, which shifts over a broad above the horizon seen from that given
zone, play a major part in determining point being equal to the latitude.
polar wind a very cold wind blow¬ new growth forms a thick head of many
branches, not to be confused with cop¬ pollution haven a location that lacks
pollen th e very fine powder (microspores) polygon 1. a plane figure enclosed by five
carrying the male element of seed- or more straight lines 2. in soil, a polygonal
producing plants, each gram of pollen pattern varying in diameter from a few
(i.e. each microspore) containing a (much millimetres to tens of metres, usually with
reduced) male gametophyte. The pollen a slightly concave or convex surface,
grains are carried by wind, insects, birds visible on the soil surface in areas of
or water to the female parts of the plant, permafrost or of very cold winters (pat¬
where pollen tubes containing the male terned ground), but also in other areas
nuclei develop and eventually penetrate where contraction has taken place, e.g. in
the embryo sac. playas, in arid areas, in deserts.
is affected in such a way that it is made pond an area of still water, smaller than a
potentially or actually unhealthy, unsafe, lake, lying in a natural hollow (pond verb)
impure or hazardous to the welfare of the or in a depression formed by digging or
organisms which live in it, i.e. the results by embanking a natural hollow (and
\ N.
pool and riffle a pattern developed on the population pyramid a bar graph in
bed of a stream by a sequence of alternating the form of a pyramid drawn to express
scoured pools and shallow gravel bars the age and sex composition of a human
termed riffles, even if the channel is population-i. The age groups are
straight and the bed uniform. The distance shown on the vertical scale, commonly
between the pools depends on the width graduated into ten-year intervals, young¬
of the stream (commonly the distance is 5 est at the base, and the number or percent¬
to 7 times the width of the stream). If the age of males and females within each of
bed is easily eroded the channel begins to the age groups on the horizontal scale, the
wind, pools develop on the outer (con¬ males lying traditionally to the left, females
cave) bank, riffles grow on the inner side to the right of a line drawn perpendicular
to become point bars, the beginning of to the horizontal axis, and expressing zero
70* 1 1, . —
60-69 1,
50-59 T Each age group
40-49 v 1 moves upwards
30-39 r as time passes
1 ,
20-29 1
10-19 j I .
0-9 f
New births
(a) High death rate
70 ♦
Fig 38 Population pyramids, showing the effects of reductions in birth and death rates
S v
tained in the interstices between the par¬ person or object 2. rank in a hierarchy.
porosity the quality of being porous, full positive movement of sea level, the rais¬
or abounding in pores. The porosity of ing of the sea level in relation to the land
rocks, i.e. the ratio or percentage of the caused by a global raising of the ocean
total volume of the pore spaces (minute level (eustatism) or by the subsidence
interstices through which liquids or gases of the land resulting from earth move¬
can pass) in relation to the total volume ments or isostatic processes, isostasy,
of the rock, is measured by a porosimeter. negative movement.
Sand, gravel, sandstones, with open tex¬
tures and coarse grains, are typical porous positivism a philosophy developed ori¬
rocks. Porosity is quite different from per¬ ginally in the nineteenth century to dis¬
viousness (pervious rock, permeable tinguish science from metaphysics and
rock). Dry clay, for example, is highly religion. It is based on the assumption
porous and will hold much water in its that all true knowledge is scientific, is
pores, but when saturated the small spaces grounded on facts or experience, and
between the grains become blocked with completely represented by observable
water held by surface tension, pre¬ phenomena and scientifically verified
venting the passage of water. To be an facts, their objective relations and the
aquifer or source of water a rock must laws that determine them, logical
be both porous and pervious. Porosity may POSITIVISM, RELEVANCE, SCIENTIFIC
be increased by leaching or decreased LAW.
possibilism a philosophical concept
porphyry a hypabyssal rock with large which, while accepting that every en¬
crystals in a crystalline or glassy ground- vironment has its limits which restrict
mass (matrix-3) of finer grain. The hard human activity, argues that within those
Egyptian porphyry composed of red or limits there is a set of opportunities which
white feldspar crystals embedded in a offer human beings freedom of choice
red or purple glassy base was much used of action in contrast to determinism or
by the Romans as a decorative material ENVIRONMENTALISM. PROBABILISM.
for buildings, vessels, ornaments, acidic
rock. post-Fordism a term connoting the
system of manufacturing processes and
port a term loosely applied to a place
practices that developed in western in¬
where ships may anchor to load or unload
dustrialized countries in the mid-1970s
cargo, or to the harbour itself, or to
(fordism). Its keynote is its flexib¬
the harbour and adjoining settlement,
ility, in machinery and work practices.
quays, handling facilities for cargo, »
Highly skilled, versatile workers operate
warehouses, transport termini etc. aban¬
advanced, automated machinery, making
doned doorstep, entrepot, fishing
individually tailored products for niche
markets; component parts may be pro¬
vided by specialist companies able to
position i. the place-i occupied by a deliver just in time (at the time the parts
person or an object in relation to another are required). Management (incorporat-
ing the financial structure), research and PRIMARY INDUSTRY). NETWORK SOCI¬
development, production and marketing ETY, POST-INDUSTRIAL CITY, POST¬
interact with labour. MODERNISM.
precious metal
children lack adequate equipment to com¬ and cultivated. It is very similar to cher¬
pete for jobs. The assumption is that chil¬ nozem, but is dark brown and slightly
dren of poor parents start school at a acidic on the surface; some leaching has
disadvantage, may not be encouraged and occurred but there is no great accumula¬
supported by their parents while at school, tion of calcium carbonate in the b hori¬
achieve little, leave school with few or zon 2. a general term for all dark soils of
no qualifications, can find only low-paid treeless plains, mollisols.
work, if at all, and stay poor, their children
Pre-Boreal, Preboreal a climatic phase,
in turn inheriting their disadvantages.
with cold, dry conditions favourable to
the growth of birch-pine forest in Eng¬
power in physics, the rate at which work land, pine forest in Scotland, following the
is done (as distinct from energy, the quaternary glacial epoch (geolo¬
capacity for doing work), the transfer of gical timescale), lasting in eastern
energy, geothermal energy, hydro¬ England until about 7500 bc. The sea
carbon, HYDROELECTRIC POWER, NUC¬ level was more than 60 m (195 ft) below
LEAR FISSION, NUCLEAR FUSION, SOLAR the present level, thus the British Isles
BATTERY, TIDAL POWER STATION, were part of continental Europe, bor¬
pozzolana, pozzuolana (Italian Poz-
zuoli, a town near Naples) fine volcanic Precambrian, Pre-Cambrian adj. of
ash used in hydraulic cement and or pertaining to all geological time
some mortars. and rocks before the Cambrian period
(time) or system (rocks) (geological
prairie an extensive area of unbroken
timescale), a period spanning probably
grassland, generally without trees, occur¬
more than 4000 million years. The rocks
ring in midlatitudes in North America and
have been subjected to much upheaval
considered by some authors to be equi¬
and change, but a few fossils-i have been
valent to the steppe of Europe, the
found in some of the unmetamorphosed
pampa of South America, the veld of
rocks; and some Precambrian rocks are
southern Africa. Prairie occurs where sum¬
visible in northwest Scotland and in Wales.
mer rains are light (total annual rainfall 250
to 500 mm: 10 to 20 in, with some local precession of the equinoxes the gradual
drought) and summer temperatures are change in the annual occurrence of the
high, conditions well suited to grain crops. equinoxes, due to the relative change of
Thus little remains of the original prairie, position of the ecliptic and the
most having been ploughed and sown to equator as the axis of the earth’s rotation
cereals or grasses finer than the indigenous. describes a cone-shaped rotation (similar
Some authors distinguish long grass prairie to the movement of a gyroscope). The
from short grass prairie, equating the latter conical rotation is caused by gravitational
with steppe. forces between the earth and the sun, the
earth and the moon. It is calculated that
prairie soil 1. brunizem, a zonal soil
the equinoxes swing round the ecliptic
developed in midlatitude subhumid tem¬
once in 25 800 terrestrial years.
perate areas that were formerly under
prairie grasses but which are now sown precious metal a metal-i, especially
\ s.
gold, platinum, silver, prized for its ence, preventing ruin and decay. The
high value. term usually implies the maintenance of
something in its present form (or as
precipitation i. in meteorology, the
close to that form as is possible), with¬
deposition of moisture on the surface of
out change; whereas the work of con¬
the earth from atmospheric sources (met¬
servation, aware of present and future
eoric water), including dew, hail,
needs, is more positive, forward-looking
rain, sleet, snow 2. in chemistry, the
and flexible, and does not rule out neces¬
formation, the settling out, of solid par¬
sary change.
ticles in a solution.
pressure 1. the action of exerting a
precipitation-day a period of 24 hours,
steady force on something, of trying to
commencing normally at 0900 hours, on
force or persuade, pressure group 2.
which rainfall exceeds 0.25 mm (0.01 in)
in climatology, meteorology, atmo¬
or snowfall 0.25 cm (0.1 in). It is a more
spheric pressure.
appropriate and precise term than rain-
day, especially when applied to areas with pressure gradient barometric gradi¬
much snowfall, and is generally now the ent.
preferred term, wet-day.
pressure group a group of people united
pre-industrial city a city-i of the past by shared attitudes and goals who try to
or present serving a population of which obtain decisions favourable to their inter¬
most are engaged in agriculture. It has ests by gaining access to and influencing
characteristics markedly different from the governmental process.
those of an industrial city typical of
pressure release the outward force of
the highly developed industrialized coun¬
pressure set free from inside a rock mass
tries of today. For example, the pre¬
when the overlying strata is removed by
industrial city is usually identified by the
denudation. This commonly occurs in
non-existence of a central business
massive, unjointed rock, e.g. in granite.
district; in some cases one may exist
but if it does it is not dominant. Usually pressure system a distinct atmospheric
there is no specialization of land use, the circulation system of high or low pressure.
urban layout is relatively un-ordered, the ANTICYCLONE, COL, DEPRESSION, RIDGE
street markets, shops, workshops and OF HIGH PRESSURE, SECONDARY DE¬
homes being mixed together (although a PRESSION, WEDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE.
particular craft may be concentrated in a
particular district). The poorest live on the pressure wave push wave.
periphery, not in the inner city zone. prevailing wind a wind blowing most
There is a marketing economy based on frequently from a specific direction in a
crafts, little specialization of labour in the' particular area, dominant wind.
large population, and in most cases family
ties and relationships that ensure rigid primary adj. of the first in order of time
social, ethnic, and tribal segregation, often of origin or precedence.
on occupational lines, post-industrial
primary industry, primary activity,
primary sector an activity concerned
preservation the act of keeping in exist¬ with the collecting or making available of
N. V
of cases that would favour its occurrence, potential productivity, the hypothetical
taken over an infinite series of these cases. yield under stated conditions, especially
The probability of an event occurring lies under the best conditions possible (land
within the range o to I, zero indicating potential is the term sometimes used in
absolute impossibility, i indicating abso¬ this sense, land classification).
lute certainty, the probability ofthe occur¬
profile I. the shape of something, viewed
rence of most events lying between the
from the side 2. a short, concise descriptive
written sketch 3. a side elevation or sec¬
produce agricultural or horticultural tion, e.g. the shape shown in outline where
products. the plane of a section cuts vertically the
surface of the ground, i.e. producing the
producer goods, producers’ goods
surface outline alone, as in a river pro¬
goods such as tools and raw materials
needed by a manufacturer to make other
goods. Thus producer goods do not satisfy profit 1. an excess of income over expend¬
the needs or desires of the individual iture, especially in a particular transaction
person directly (consumer goods), over a period of time 2. the surplus money
but only indirectly, in the production of produced by industry after deductions
other, final products, capital goods, have been made for the cost of wages, raw
CONSUMER DURABLES, CONSUMER materials, rents, charges.
proglacial adj. before, in advance of, to
product something grown, manufac¬ the front of, a glacier, applied to time
tured or created, the end result of a pro¬ or position, proglacial lake.
cess. OUTPUT.
proglacial lake a stretch of water ponded
production i. that which results from during a glacial period between an ice
a process, effort, action, product 2. front and rising ground, e.g. a morainic
the total output, especially of some¬ ridge, the sediments in the lake consisting
thing grown or manufactured, measured of FLUVIOGLACIAL deposits. FLUVIO-
in absolute terms, food chain, prim¬ GLACIAL DEPOSITION.
DUCTION. progradation a process in which the
shore is extended seaward by the action
production rate in ecology, the number of waves on a seashore, continuing so
of organisms formed in an area in a given long as the current builds up the sea
penod of time. Gross production rate is the bottom offshore, aggradation, beach
rate of assimilation shown by organisms of
a given trophic level-i. Net produc¬
tion rate is the gross production rate' progressive wave applied to ocean
less loss of matter brought about by respira¬ waves, a wave propagated in a channel
tion, decomposition and predation, food of (theoretically) infinite length, its wave
CHAIN, PRIMARY PRODUCTION, PRO¬ length being the distance between two
DUCTION-2, SECONDARY PRODUCTION. successive crests, and its period the time
taken to move one wave length.
productivity of land i. actual pro¬
ductivity, the equivalent of yield-i 2. proletariat 1. the lowest class-3 in
public utility
ancient Rome 2. the lowest social be taken into account together with the
class in a modem society, particularly lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere and
(in Marxist theory) the wage earners biosphere in environmental studies, tech¬
possessing neither property nor capital nosphere.
and living by the sale of their labour.
public goods social goods, goods that
cannot be subdivided for distribution and
sale to individuals, e.g. national defence,
promontory a headland, a cliff, usually fire services, hospital services, street light¬
rocky, projecting into the sea, often associ¬ ing etc. In Britain (apart from national
ated with offshore rocks and stacks. defence) they are usually subject to public
control via local government; and what
property I. possessions, a thing or things
is included/excluded is often a political
owned 2. real estate (i.e. immovable
property, e.g. land or buildings as distinct
from personal possessions) or a piece of public housing social housing, housing
real estate (especially a building such as a units financed directly by government
house) 3. an attribute, a characteristic, a agencies or local authonties and rented to
quality. tenants.
\ v
pulse a leguminous food plant (leg- attracted to another area by what are per¬
uminosae), e.g. butter bean, chick pea, ceived as favourable conditions (e.g. the
black and green grams, lablab, lentil, pea, likelihood of a better job, higher wages,
or its edible seeds. freedom of movement) in another area.
pumice solidified froth on the surface of
an acid lava flow, formed by the escape
of gases and vapours from the cooling lava, push wave P-wave, a primary wave, a
to give a very light, fme-grained, cellular pressure or compressional wave, a shock
acid rock, capable of floating in water and wave produced by an earthquake, a
used as an abrasive in smoothing, cleaning compressional vibration resembling a
and polishing. Pumice dust forms one of sound wave, which passes through solids,
the components of red clay-i on the liquids and gases. It is termed push wave
deep ocean floor. because each particle is displaced by the
wave along the direction of its move¬
punctuated equilibrium the term
ment through the earth’s crust, mantle
popularly applied to the theory of allo-
and core, gutenberg discontinuity,
patric speciation which suggests that the
evolution of species occurs not as a steady,
continuous process as proposed by Darwin
but by a process of sudden leaps forward,
followed by a calm period with little puszta (Hungarian, waste) Hungarian
change; that new species develop rapidly steppe region, the open treeless plains of
from a small subpopulation of ancestors, temperate grassland in the heart of Hun¬
often in an isolated area at the limit of gary, also termed alfold.
the ancestral range, thereby splitting the
puy (French) a small hill, the cone of an
lineage, cladistics.
extinct volcano, rising from a plateau in
push moraine, push-moraine (less fre¬ the Auvergne, France. The term does not
quently push-ridge moraine, or shoved have a precise definition: the puy may be
moraine) mounds of sand and gravel composed of ash or cinder, of acid lava in
pushed into broad, smooth, massive, paral¬ the shape of a dome, or it may have a
lel ridges, frequently arc-shaped, on the double cone; and there may be evidence
margin of ice as it advanced over glacial of PELEAN or STROMBOLIAN volcanic
drift from an earlier glaciation. It may be activity. The term is applied elsewhere to
composed of superglacial and engla- similar hills.
cial material dumped in front of the ice
P-wave push wave.
(dump moraine); or of local glacial and
non-glacial debris which the advancing pyramid peak, pyramidal peak a
ice piled up in its path, moraine. HORN.
of older rocks etc. clast, clastic, pum¬ pyroclastic adj. applied to a rock formed
ice, scoria, tephra, and entries under from the debris of an explosive volcanic
Perhaps the term quality of life may there¬ when compared with opencast mining
fore best be interpreted as people’s sub¬ 2. the eroding of its channel by a young
jective feelings of satisfaction with their stream by the lifting effect of water as it
living conditions and life-style. penetrates cracks in rocks, termed pluck-
in g-2 by some authors.
quango a quasi-autonomous non¬
government organization, a government quartile one of the four equal parts
appointed body or agency in the UK of a data distribution, interquartile
which is financed by, but is not part of, a RANGE, MEDIAN.
government department.
quartz silicon dioxide, one of the com¬
quantifiable adj. measurable in terms of monest minerals in nature. It is character¬
quantity, conceivable or treatable as a istic of acid igneous rocks, is resistant
QUANTITY. to chemical weathering, is abundant
quantification the action of measuring
rocks, often fills joints, veins and cav¬
quantity, the expression of a property
ities, sometimes mixed with other min¬
or quality in numerical terms.
erals, as well as ores, so stable that it
quantitative adj. relating to, concerned usually constitutes the majority of sand
with, quantity or with the measurement grains in a sand or sandstone. When
of QUANTITY. pure (rock crystal) it is like clear glass,
but much harder (no 7 on the hardness
quantitative revolution a movement in
scale), and occurs in hexagonal crystals
approach to geographical studies in the
and massive form, usually colourless and
1950s and 1960s concerned with the use
transparent, but also in coloured (ameth¬
of statistical and mathematical methods
yst), translucent and opaque forms. Rigid,
and techniques to analyse associations in
it does not easily expand and is therefore
the attempt to produce objective systems
used in making heat-resistant apparatus.
of classification and theories of spatial
It is also used in radio-transmitters and
astronomical clocks because the oppos¬
quantitative variable qualitative ing faces of the crystals are able, under
VARIABLE. pressure, to take up opposite electrical
charges; conversely there is a change
quantity 1. an amount, sum or number
of volume if an electromotive force is
2. a great deal, very many 3. the property
of things that can be measured 4. in math¬
ematics, anything which is measurable, or Quaternary adj. 1. of the most recent
a figure or symbol used to represent this. period (time) or system (rocks) of the
Cainozoic era, i.e. following the plio¬
quarry an open excavation on the surface
cene of the tertiary period or system
of the earth, worked usually for the extrac¬
(geological timescale), and including
tion of rocks and certain non-metallic
the pleistocene and holocene, the
minerals, mine, mining, opencast min¬
time when human beings appeared on
ing, pit.
earth 2. applied by some geologists to the
quarrying 1. the extracting activity con¬ fourth era in the sequence of geological
ducted in a quarry, limited in extent time, i.e. post-Cainozoic, post-PLioCENE,
quaternary industry
commencing about the time of the onset sectors, industry, primary industry,
of the most recent ice age. SECONDARY INDUSTRY.
radiant adj. emitting energy in the form densed. Such fog usually disappears when
of ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES. ENERGY, the sun rises, but it may persist if the layer
RADIATION. is thick and it lies under a layer of temper¬
ature inversion (inversion of temper¬
radiant energy the energy originating
ature). It may also lead to smog.
from the sun.
radioactivity, radioactive decay the
radiant exitance in remote sensing, property possessed by some natural ele¬
the measure of radiant energy (en¬
ments, and many synthetic elements, of
ergy) per unit area leaving the surface or
spontaneously decaying and in the process
object which is undergoing sensing.
emitting charged particles from the nuclei
time of death. But recent research suggests 1650 mm (5 ft 6 in) are used in Spain,
that the production of carbon 14 is not Portugal, the former USSR, parts of the
constant through time, and that to reach Indian subcontinent, Australia and South
a more satisfactory measure radiocarbon America. Narrower gauges, especially
years should be compared with known 1066 mm (3 ft 6 in) or less, are used in
tree ring dates, thus giving ‘real years’. South Africa and parts of Australia; and
DENDROCHRONOLOGY. the metre gauge (3 ft 3% in) in many parts
of the world, including the Indian subcon¬
radiometer in remote sensing, any
device that measures/records radiance
from, or irradiance on to, a surface. rain drops of water, large enough to fall
under the influence of gravity from
radiometric age the age of a substance, clouds to the earth’s surface, formed
e.g. rocks, measured in years before the by the coalescence of water droplets
present as revealed by the time taken for produced by condensation of water
a particular ratio of daughter atoms to vapour in the atmosphere, convec¬
parent atoms to be formed by natural tion AL RAIN, CYCLONIC RAIN, DRIZZLE,
radioactive decay of the parent atom MIST, OROGRAPHIC PRECIPITATION,
(radioactivity). The half-life of a PRECIPITATION-I, RAINS.
particular natural radioactive element
(commonly uranium 238 or 235, or rainbow an arc of concentric bands of
potassium) is used in the calculation, light in the colours of the spectrum seen
which is based on the assumption that the in the sky when the sun is behind and
and that none of the daughter atoms the reflection and refraction of sunlight in
existed in the original material, radio¬ the water drops. The larger the drops, the
s. V
rain forest
valent) are included. For calculation of rainshadow an area with a relatively small
averages a period of 3 5 years is commonly average rainfall occurring on the lee side
used, though many records are based on of a high land barrier, e.g. a moun¬
a shorter period, drought, precipita- tain barrier. The high land gives rise to
windward slopes, thereby reducing the
rain forest, rain-forest forest-i com¬ moisture content of the air-stream on the
posed mainly of evergreen hygrophil-
leeward, which is warmed and dried
ous trees (hygrophyte). If the term is
further as it descends. Chinook, fohn.
strictly applied it should be restricted to
such a forest growing in moist tropical rain spell in Bntain, a period of at least
lowlands only in non-seasonal tropical fifteen consecutive rain-days on each
climates, i.e. with evenly distributed rain¬ of which at least 0.25 mm (0.01 in) of rain
fall (equatorial forest), e.g. of the falls.
Amazon and the Congo (Zaire) basins, the
islands of Borneo and New Guinea. But rain-wash, rainwash hill wash, hill-wash
if more generally applied, it may include 1. the surface creep of soil and weathered
the somewhat less luxuriant evergreen rock down a slope under the influence of
forest with some deciduous species gravity aided by rainwater, mass move¬
random sampling
ranching the activity of breeding and random numbers sets of numbers drawn
rearing animals on a large scale on a purely by chance, e.g. by rolling a dice.
V s.
all the numbers appear an equal number of godd, in CENTRAL PLACE THEORY, the
times in the overall table. See p. 456. maximum distance consumers are willing
to travel to obtain a good or service, order
random sampling error the sampling of GOODS.
error occurring in cases where the
sample-3 has been drawn by random rank i. position in a hierarchy, ranking,
selection (random sampling), termed rank-size rule 2. the stage reached by
sampling error where it is assumed or coal in the progress ofits change in phys¬
understood that random selection has ical composition, from lignite (with the
North America and Asia for cattle feed, ther product before being used. The term
for spring ‘greens’ for cooking, in seedling is sometimes loosely applied to include
form for salad; or dug in as a green the source of energy employed, e.g. coal,
manure. The seeds are pressed for their petroleum.
oil, used in cooking and as a lubricant, the
reach an uninterrupted stretch of water,
residue being pressed to form nutritious
e.g. in a straight section of a river, espe¬
cattle cake (oil cake).
cially if navigable, between two bends,
rapids (rarely rapid) part of a stream where or between locks on a canal.
the water is relatively shallow and the rate
reafforestation reforestation.
of flow is accelerated by continuous and
unbroken increased slope of the stream realism 1. an attitude based on facts and
bed or by a gently dipping outcrop of hard reality, as opposed to one founded in
rocks, causing the flow of water to become imagining and emotions etc. 2. in philo¬
swift, turbulent and broken, cascade, sophy, as opposed to idealism, the doc¬
WATERFALL. trine which maintains that material things,
the object of sense perception, have a real
ratio the relation between two quantities
existence, i.e. that they exist outside the
of the same kind, indicated by a colon
mind; or the doctrine which holds that
(e.g. 3:2), and expressed by dividing the
ideas, or universal (a general proposi¬
magnitude of one by that of the other.
tion, concept or idea), have an absolute ex¬
Thus 3:2 where the division is implied but
istence outside the mind, materialism-1.
not carried out, or as 3/2 = 1.5, indicating
that for each unit in the denominator there Reaumur scale a temperature scale, now
are 1.5 in the numerator. obsolete, introduced by Rene-Antoine
Ferchault de Reaumur, French physicist,
ratio scale in statistics, a measurement
1683 — 1757, in which the ice point, the
scale which is the same as, but more precise
freezing point, of water at one atmosphere
than, the interval scale, because it has
is o° and the steam point, the boiling point,
a true, fixed zero point. Thus equal pro¬
is 8o°; thus i°C = 33-8°F = o.8°R.
portional variations in the data correspond
to equal absolute variations on the scale. recessional moraine stadial moraine,
A variable measured on this scale is one of a succession of terminal mo¬
termed a ratio variable. raines which mark the temporary limit
of an ice sheet, formed as it pauses in
ravine a small, narrow valley with steep
retreat, or sometimes as it slightly re¬
sides, larger than a gully, smaller than a
advances and again retreats, moraine.
recharge a process in which water in an
raw data data.
aquifer, e.g. m an artesian basin,
raw material(s) the basic commodity or is replenished by the sinking of precip¬
commodities, natural (e.g. a plant product itation into the land surface, artificial
such as cotton, or a mineral) or partially RECHARGE.
processed, i.e. the product of another act¬
reclamation the act of reclaiming, win¬
ivity (e.g. wood pulp, wheat flour), which
are to be transformed by some industrial
or manufacturing process into some fur¬ recreation a leisure-time activity under-
rectangular drainage
taken for the sake of refreshment or enter¬ high humidity and high temperatures in a
tainment (e.g. in tourism), in many cases region with a markedly seasonal rainfall.
away from home, and in the countryside It can be 15 m (50 ft) in thickness. The
bringing about multiple land use. term should not be used as a translation of
rectangular drainage a drainage-2
pattern formed usually under the influence redevelopment in urban areas, urban
of a rectilinear joint pattern, the tributaries RENEWAL.
meeting larger streams mainly at right
red-line district in an urban area, origin¬
angles, and all streams having sections of
ally an area delimited on a map by a red
approximately the same length between
boundary line and regarded by mortgage
junctions. Fig 17.
controllers as being in decline, unstable in
recumbent fold an overfold, nappe. social and economic terms, a poor security
Fig 24. risk, in which property is therefore con¬
sidered to be unacceptable as a loan secur¬
recycling the long-established practice of
ity. The practice of such delimiting is
collecting and purifying waste materials
termed redlining, gatekeepers.
and converting them to new and useful
products, e.g. as in the making and use red rain rain coloured by red dust carried
of shoddy, the reconstitution of glass by high-level winds from an and to a
bottles, the recovery of metals from scrap, more humid area, e.g. from the Sahara to
the re-use of waste paper and rags in paper southern Europe.
red snow 1. snow coloured red by the
red clay 1. a fine-grained, soft deposit, presence of various organisms, found in
mainly of hydrated silicate of alumina, snowfields throughout the world 2.
rich in iron oxides, occurring on the floor specifically, snow coloured by the pres¬
of the deepest parts of the ocean (abyssal ence ofthe red algae which occurs in acidic
zone, ooze) where the water is so deep alpine and arctic environments.
that the calcareous shells of microscopic
organisms and even siliceous shells are dis¬ red-yellow podzolic soil a soil with an
solved before they reach the bottom. Thus ABC horizon (soil horizon) sequence.
the red clay, in which manganese nod¬ The profile has an A2 honzon unless it has
ules occur, is derived mainly from vol¬ been removed by erosion. The clayey b
canic (pumice) and meteoric dust, horizon is ‘blocky’ in structure, pod¬
material carried by icebergs, and insoluble zol, SOIL, SOIL ASSOCIATION, SOIL
remains of marine life (e.g. sharks’ teeth) 2. CLASSIFICATION.
applied loosely to any red-coloured clay.
reefi. a mass of rock or coral, sometimes
red earth a term loosely and unscien¬ of shingle or sand, occumng in the sea,
tifically applied to a red-coloured zonal usually covered at high tide, but often
soil with clay, quartz and iron com¬ partly exposed at low tide, atoll, bar¬
pounds, occurring in tropical areas (e.g. rier reef, coral reef (includes fringing
in Brazil, Guyana, eastern Africa, southern reef), stack 2. a bed or vein of metal
Deccan in India, Sri Lanka), resulting from ore or metal, particularly of gold-bearing
chemical weathering in conditions of QUARTZ.
reflection the process by which a beam to a place where pressure is less, where it
of particles or a wave (e.g. visible light), again freezes.
in collision with an opaque surface, may
regime i. the seasonal fluctuation in
be deviated or reversed in direction.
respect of precipitation, or of the volume
Reflection is regular from a smooth
of a glacier, or of the volume of water in
(especially a polished) surface, diffuse
a river 2. recurring seasonal pattern of
(not coherent) from a rough surface. The
climatic changes.
proportion of radiant energy incident
upon a surface which is reflected or region i. an area of the earth’s surface
scattered by it is termed reflectance. with one or more features or characteristics
(natural or the result of human activity)
reforestation, reafforestation the plant¬ which give it a measure of unity and make
ing of trees on land previously forested it differ from the areas surrounding it.
but from which the trees have been re¬ According to the criteria used in the
moved by natural causes or by cutting, differentiation, a region may be termed
burning or other means, afforestation. cultural, economic, morphological, nat¬
ural, physiographic, political etc.; and a
refraction the change in direction of
region may be identified by single, mul¬
the path of a ray occurring when elec¬
tiple or ‘total’ attributes, complemen¬
tromagnetic waves (e.g. visible
light) or other energy-bearing waves,
area or space surrounding a specific place,
pass obliquely from a less dense to a
e.g. the London region 3. an area which
denser medium, reflection.
is a unit of administration, e.g. a planning
region, chorography, chorology.
refugee a person who, owing to reli¬
gious persecution or political troubles, regional development the economic
seeks shelter or protection from danger and cultural growth in a region-3, large
in a foreign country, emigrant, exile, or small, especially in one suffering ser¬
EXPATRIATE, IMMIGRANT, MIGRANT, ious economic problems, usually stimu¬
MIGRATION. lated and organized, sometimes directed,
sometimes financed, by direct or in¬
reg a stony desert, a desert plain covered
direct government action, regional
with tightly packed, wind-scoured gravel,
e.g. as in Algeria. The gravel may be
cemented by salts drawn to the surface in regionalism 1. the local feeling of group
solution by capillarity and precipitated consciousness associated with a particu¬
by evaporation, thereby forming a desert lar geographical area, e.g. the South, the
PAVEMENT. ERG, HAMADA. West, the Middle West 2. the French
movement of the late nineteenth century
regelation the re-freezing of ice which directed to the revival of regional iden¬
has melted under pressure, the re-freezing tities and feelings, sometimes associated
taking place as pressure is released (the with political overtones 3. the movement
melting point of ice is lowered by pressure, to decentralize central government, pla¬
but it rises when pressure is released). The cing it at a level intermediate between that
process is a contributory factor to the flow of the state and the small local government
of a glacier: the melt-water flows down units 4. in economic and social planning
V 'v
regional metamorphism
mantle of loose material (soil, sediments, 1931, that two cities attract retail trade
from an intermediate city or town in the
broken rock, volcanic ash, wind-blown
material etc., i.e. the soil and weathered vicinity of the breaking point, approx¬
imately in direct proportion to the popu¬
rock) overlying the solid bedrock.
MANTLE-2, weathering. lations of the two cities and in inverse
proportion to the square of the distances
regression 1. in general, the act ofmoving (distance via most direct improved auto¬
back, the tendency to move back 2. in mobile highway) from these two cities to
astronomy, the movement of a heavenly the intermediate town, gravity model.
body, e.g. a planet, in a direction opposite
to the normal, e.g. as in the precession rejuvenation becoming again youthful;
of the equinoxes 3. in biology, the in geology and geomorphology, the
return to an earlier or less complex form development of younger surface forms,
4. in statistics, the relationship between appropriate to the earlier stages of the
Fig 40 Linear model: linear regression relating the length of streams to drainage areas
cycle of erosion, occurring when a lation of the highest and lowest points in
comparatively well-advanced cycle is a land area, the difference between the
interrupted by an increase in the rate of two extremes being termed the amplitude
erosion, especially erosion by a river, of relative relief, available relief,
due to causes defined as dynamic, eustatic RELIEF.
(diastrophic eustatism, glacio-
relaxation time the lapse of time during
eustatism) or static, resulting in such
which a physical system-1,2,3, having
river features as alluvial terraces,
been upset by changes in the factors con¬
trolling or influencing it, readjusts to those
changes and reaches a new state of equi¬
relative humidity RH, the ratio be¬ librium.
tween the actual amount of moisture in
relevance 1. the quality of being con¬
the air and that which would be present
nected with, pertinent to, the subject 2.
if the air were saturated at the same tem¬
specifically, the degree to which some¬
perature, expressed as a percentage. Air
thing known or being discussed or studied
with an RH of 60 may be considered
has a bearing, particularly a practical bear¬
as approximately separating dry from
ing, on some current issue in society, e.g.
‘moist’ atmosphere, absolute humid¬
the contribution geographers may make
in helping to find practical solutions to
current environmental or social problems.
The consideration of relevance gained
favour in 1970s study as a reaction to
relative relief relative altitude, the re¬ the scientific approach of positivism,
reproduction rate
N. \.
firm or a particular industry to be located in which the fault plane dips to the
close to the source of its raw material(s) upthrow side (throw of fault), the
when the source of the raw materials result of older beds on one side of the fault
is localized, not widespread like that of plane being compressed and thrust over
UBIQUITOUS MATERIALS. MARKET ORI¬ younger beds on the other side. Fig 22.
S v
ribbon development
narrowing inland, increasing in depth sea¬ mqn, and in many parts of the monsoon
ward, a drowned river valley, occurring lands rice as the summer crop can be grown
particularly along coasts of the Atlantic on the same land as wheat or barley as
type as a result of a rise in sea level (eu- winter crops. With intensive cultivation
statism). A ria differs from a fjord in under these methods yields may be very
being shorter and lacking the irregularities high; but very high yields are also obtained
of depth characteristic of the fjord. The from rice grown under mechanized con¬
stream that made the original valley, and ditions in California, Spain and northern
which flows into the head of the ria, is Italy. Poorer qualities of rice are used for
clearly too narrow in relation to the making starch; the hulls are fed to cattle,
present size of the inlet. as are the stalks, which are also used in
making paper, thatching, footwear; fer¬
ribbon development the building of
mented nee kernels provide alcoholic
houses etc. along each side of the mam
roads extending outwards from a built-up
area, typical in Britain between 1920 and Richter scale a scale, in Arabic numerals
from o to over 8, used in measunng the
magnitude of earthquakes, based on
rice Oryza sativa, a cereal-i, native to
instrumental recordings ofa standard seis¬
Asia, cultivated in wet tropical areas
mograph 100 km (62 mi) from the epi¬
(especially in monsoon Asia) and in some
centre, the larger numbers being applied
subtropical areas for its seed (padi), used
to the larger disturbances, 7 being a major
for human food, the staple cereal in the
earthquake. The Richter scale superseded
growing countries. There are many dif¬
the mercalli scale and the rossi-
ferent varieties in cultivation, the high-
yielding strains produced by hybridization
playing an important part in the green ridge a term loosely applied to any long,
revolution. Uplandorhillrice (dry rice) narrow, steep-sided rise in the land, some¬
is grown without irrigation on tropical times to a small feature in a mountain
hillslopes; but most rice is grown in flat range-2, but infrequently to the range
fields which can be flooded, either itself and never to a mountain chain.
through heavy rainfall or by irrigation OCEANIC RIDGE.
water. In Asian countries the seed is usually
ridge and furrow a method of working
germinated in a nursery field from which
heavy soils, attributed to the Anglo-Saxons
the young plants are transplanted to larger
in England, but continuing after inclos¬
fields when they are some 15 to 25 cm (6
ure, to promote surface drainage. The
to 10 in) m height (other crops may be
land was ploughed so as to form broad
growing in the larger fields whilst the seeds
ridges separated by furrows which served
are germinating in the nurseries). Trans¬
as drams to draw off water. Where such
planting, by hand, is usually done into the'
land is now in grass, the ridge and furrow
mud of the flooded fields. As the plants
can, in many cases, still be seen.
grow, rapidly, the water is absorbed and
by harvest time the fields are almost dry. ridge and valley a form of relief in which
Reaping is still mainly by hand. In some ridges and valleys lie close together and
parts of the tropics three, or even more almost parallel, e.g. the ridge and valley
crops a year are obtained, two are com- region of the Appalachians, where the
resistant rocks (sandstones, quartzites igneous intrusion . The vertical and out¬
and conglomerates) form the ridges and ward pressure of the magma forming the
the valleys have been carved through the intrusion causes fractures in the country
more easily eroded shales and limestones. rock-i, into which the magma flows and
solidifies, forming ring-dykes if the frac¬
ridge of high pressure a long, narrow
tures are vertical.
region of high atmospheric pressure,
broader than a wedge, lying between two ring road a road encircling a built-up
low pressure areas, and responsible for a area, used as a bypass or as a service road
brief period of fine weather in a generally for the area.
rainy period, atmospheric pressure.
rip a disturbance and turbulence, rough
riffle I. a rocky obstruction in a river bed,
water, sometimes in a river, more com¬
or the riffled water resulting from such an
monly in the sea, occurring when two tidal
obstruction 2. a shallow gravel bar over
streams flowing from different directions
which water flows rapidly with a ruffled
meet; or a strong outflowing surface or
surface, formed in a stream with a gravel
near-surface current meets the incoming
bed which, with intervening pools, gives
surf; or when a tidal stream suddenly flows
rise to a pool and riffle pattern.
into shallow water; or when a tidal or
rift valley a long, narrow section of the river current flows over an irregular
earth’s crust let down between two parallel floor, especially one with abrupt changes
series of faults with throws in opposite in depth.
directions, thus appearing as a long, flat-
riparian adj. of, pertaining to, situated on,
floored valley with steep sides, as in the
or associated with, a river bank, applied
rift valleys of east Africa, or in the Midland
especially in legal temis, e.g. riparian
Valley of Scotland.
rights, riparian land, riparian states, riv¬
rill i. a small natural stream-i of water erine, RIVERSIDE.
2. in soil erosion, a small erosion channel.
ripple, ripple-mark, sand ripple a series
rill erosion the removal of soil by rills of small more or less parallel ridges, pro¬
which, if persistent, may enlarge the rill duced especially on sand by the wind, the
channels so much that they unite to form current of a stream, or by waves on a shore.
gullies, leading to gully erosion, soil
erosion. rise, swell on the deep sea floor, a gently
sloping, long, broad elevation rising from
rime an accumulation of white, opaque,
the deep sea floor, its summit far below
granular ice tufts formed on the windward
the surface of the water.
side of objects with a temperature below
that of freezing point when supercooled risk i. the chance of danger, injury, loss
droplets (e.g. in cloud or freezing fog) are etc. 2. a situation in which there is the
blown against them. It resembles hoar possibility of several possible outcomes
frost, supercooling. occurring as a consequence of a decision
or action taken when the probabilities of
ring-city randstad.
the possible outcomes are known and can
ring-dyke a dyke (dike) in the area be calculated for each individual outcome
surrounding a circular or dome-shaped (e.g. as in insurance risk), uncertainty.
stream-i of water flowing regularly or autopiracy. River capture may give rise to
slopes and the beginning of meanders; to, situated on, living on, the banks of a
and old age (senile river) with broad river 2. of or relating to a nver or its
valleys and a sluggish flow of water. Not vicinity. The application is less restricted
all rivers fit this ideal model, e.g. the flow than that of riparian.
may be sluggish but the stream not old
river port a port situated on a river,
(cycle of erosion). The point or points
usually at the point farthest from the
of origin are termed the source of a
mouth where the water is deep enough
river, the path it follows is its course,
for navigation by trading vessels.
the part where it enters a sea or lake its
mouth. Most rivers have an upper moun¬ river profile a section of a river valley,
tain course, a middle or plains course, either longitudinal (along the course of
and a lower or estuarine-delta course. the nver, showing the slope from source
Rivers are especially active as eroding to mouth, river) or transverse (cross
agents in rejuvenation, particularly in profile of a valley, i.e. across the valley
STATIC REJUVENATION. See BED LOAD, at right angles to the stream). The long
DELTA, DISSOLVED LOAD, DRAINAGE-2, profile-3 (‘long’ is prefened to ‘longit¬
STREAM-I, STREAM ORDER, SUSPENDED udinal’) usually takes in the actual length
load and entries qualified by river. of the centre of the stream, and the height
of the surface at mean level, measurements
river bank the rising land bordering a
being adjusted for minor variations of
river. level. The height of the floodplain (espe¬
river basin all the area of land drained by cially useful in comparing the present
rock salt
step-like strip on the side of the valley, at roche moutonnee (French) a rock mass
a level higher than that of the present forming a hillock, resulting from ice
channel. Such a terrace is usually built action, seen in most glaciated valleys. The
up of gravel, coarse sand and alluvium upstream side is smoothed and rounded
deposited by the river when it was flowing owing to the effect of abrasion and com¬
at the level of the terrace. Thus the terrace monly shows glacial striation (striae); the
represents a part of the valley floor at that downstream side is steeper and rougher,
time, and may not be perfectly flat. The owing to PLUCKING. ONSET AND LEE.
term is applied to a rock bench as well
rock i. in general use, a large, hard, con¬
as to a gravel-covered terrace, alluvial
TERRACE. solidated, compact part of the earth’s crust,
also a large piece of this material protruding
Riviera I. the coastal strip with its numer¬ from the land or sea 2. in geology, any
ous resorts, bordering the Mediterranean naturally formed aggregate of mineral par¬
from Marseille in southern France to ticles, whether it is hard, relatively soft,
Genova in Italy 2. by analogy, applied unconsolidated or incompact, which con¬
to resort coasts elsewhere, e.g. Cornish stitutes an integral part of the lithosphere
Riviera, the southern coast of Cornwall, (thus includes mud, clay, sand, coral
England. etc.). Rocks are classified by the manner
of formation (igneous, metamorphic,
road metal not metal, but broken, tough, sedimentary) or by age (geological
hard stone which breaks into angular TIMESCALE, STRATIGRAPHY). COUNTRY
pieces without splintering or making ROCK.
much dust, used for surfacing roads.
MACADAM. rock creep the slow movement of rock
blocks down a slope under the influence
Roaring Forties the latitudes between of gravity, mass movement.
40° and 50°S where the westerly winds
rock fall a free fall of individual boulders
are not obstructed by land as they blow
or blocks of bedrock down any steep
strongly and regularly over the ocean,
slope under the force of gravity, mass
bringing gales, rough seas and ram associ¬
ated with the regular procession of de¬
pressions^ moving from west to east. rock flour, rock-flour very finely pow¬
The term is occasionally applied to the dered rock material produced by the
winds. WESTERLIES. grinding action of a glacier when, with
rocks frozen into its mass, it abrades its
robber economy the working of
bed. The process is mechanical, there is
resources-2, especially of stock re¬
little or no chemical action, hence rock
sources which, once used up, are not
flour has the same mineralogical com¬
renewed, in contrast to the develop¬
position as that of the rocks from which
ment of renewable resources (natural
it is formed. It is a major constituent of
resources). Sometimes also applied to
the needless destruction of resources for
the sake of quick profits, especially if it is rock salt sodium chloride, a mineral
unlikely that the resource will recover in occurring in a clear or white to brownish
the future. crystalline mass and forming, with brine.
N, v
rock slide
the source of salt-2 used in commerce Ro^si-Forel scale a scale formerly used
rural population
move round the earth from east to west. (vulcanizing) which opened up the pos¬
The average period of rotation of the earth sibility of its extensive use in manufactur¬
in relation to the sun, i.e. the time interval ing 2. a synthetic substitute for the natural
between two successive crossings of the product.
sun over a meridian, is 24 hours (mean
runnel 1. a small stream 2. the small chan¬
solar time); but the rotation period
nel in which a small stream flows.
measured by two successive crossings of a
meridian by a selected star is less, being 23 runoff 1. all the water flowing from a
hours 56 minutes 4.09 seconds (sidereal drainage area 2. that part of the precip¬
day). The velocity of the earth’s rotation itation which runs off the land surface
is some 1690 km (1050 mi) per hour at into streams, in contrast to those parts
the equator, some 845 km (525 mi) per which either soak into the ground or evap¬
hour at 6o°N and S, and zero at the poles. orate (although some authors include
AXIS OF THE EARTH. water which returns to the surface by seep¬
age and from springs), overland flow,
rough grazing unimproved, usually
unenclosed grazing, including many
different types of natural and semi-natural Evapotrartspiration
, , Rainfall
vegetation, e.g. moorland, scrubland, salt
marsh, mountain pasture. In Britain the
distinction between rough grazing (usually
unenclosed) and improved grazing (usu¬
ally enclosed in fields) is clear, the two
categories being shown separately in offi¬
cial statistics. In other countries enclosed
grassland for grazing does not exist,
and statistics merely separate pasture
from arable: thus statistics for grassland, Fig 41 Runoff
pasture, grazing are not internationally
comparable. rural adj. of, belonging to, relating to,
characteristic of, the country or country
rubber 1. an elastic substance made from
life, in contrast to the town or urban life.
the sap (latex) of a number of different
It is now recognized that in industrialized
tropical trees and climbers. Formerly,
countries the distinction between rural
‘wild rubber’ was collected from such
and urban is blurred. Some authors write
plants in the equatorial forests of South
of a rural-urban continuum, or urban-
America and tropical Africa; it was super¬
rural continuum, and the creation of
seded by rubber from plantations of the
a rural-urban complex as ‘rurbanization’.
Brazilian rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis, in
Malaysia (with some in Indonesia, Thai¬
land, Sri Lanka, Nigeria). The trees are rural population 1. broadly, the popu¬
‘tapped’ by cutting a thin slice of bark, lation living in the countryside, not in a
the white sap is collected, curdled by the town 2. more specifically, that part of the
addition of a little acid, and stickiness population defined on the basis of various
countered by the addition of sulphur. It criteria, e.g. functional, those maintained
was this treatment of rubber with sulphur by the exploitation of the intrinsic resource
rural-urban continuum
of the land (agrarian, or agrarian and min¬ rutin a glycoside, present in plants, espe¬
ing); landscape-sociological, those living cially in buckwheat and tobacco leaves,
in a ‘non-built-up’ area; statistical, the size used in the treatment of radiation injuries
rust 1. a hydrated oxide of iron formed and cnspbread which keeps well and is
when iron is exposed to air and moisture favoured in low-calorie diets. The grain
2. the red-brown colour of that substance is also used in making whisky, gin, beer.
3. any of the several diseases of plants Young plants are fed to livestock, the straw
caused by an order of parasitic fungi, or is used in thatching, bedding, paper¬
rainy season and a long dry season. The common salt in a solution, determined by
original climax was thorn woodland, but measuring the density of the solution, and
the vegetation now consists of patches of usually expressed in parts per thousand by
thornbushes. desertification.
salinization the precipitation-2 of
St Elmo’s fire small flickering flames soluble salts within the soil.
around the tops of tall objects, such as
salt i. in chemistry, a chemical compound
mastheads, visible at night, occurring in
derived from acids formed when all or part
stormy weather, associated with the pass¬
of the replaceable hydrogen atoms in
ing ofa front. The phenomenon consti¬
a molecule of the acid are replaced by
tutes a brush discharge, occurring when
a metal, directly or indirectly. Classified
a stream of molecules of air, electrically
as normal salt when all the replaceable
charged, is repelled by a sharp-pointed,
hydrogen atoms have been replaced by
charged conductor.
a metal, acid salt when only part of all
salina (Spanish) a playa with a high con¬ replaceable hydrogen atoms have been
centration of salts, enclosed from the sea. replaced 2. common salt, sodium chloride,
a white crystalline compound, widespread
saline adj. salt, or of, containing, or tasting
in nature as a solid (rock salt) around
salt-2; or relating to or being character¬
margins of salt lakes, in salt domes, or
istic of chemical salts-i.
in solution in seawater, and present in
saline soil an intrazonal soil with a all animal fluids. It is obtained commer¬
high concentration of soluble salts, occur¬ cially by the evaporation of brine from
\ V
seawater, from brine wells and salt lakes; andwvhen protected in this way the term
or from the solid deposits in rock salt sea-marsh is sometimes applied.
mines. It is used as a food seasoning and
salt mine a mine where a natural deposit
preservative, and widely as a raw material
of rock salt is worked, salt-2.
in industrial processes and manufacturing
industry, e.g. the chemical industry, in salt pan 1. a small undrained natural basin
make intermittent leaps from the bed of sample 1. a small part taken from the
the stream, bed load 3. the similar move¬ whole by which the characteristics of the
ment of grains of sand propelled by the whole can be deduced 2. an individual
wind in a hot desert. portion, a specimen, by which the quality
of more of the same sort can be judged 3.
salt dome, salt plug an almost circular
in statistics, a part of a population-4 or
mass of rock salt or of other salt forced
a subset from a set of units, deliberately
upwards from a great depth in the earth s
selected with the object of investigating
crust and, being plastic under pressure,
the properties of the parent popula¬
squeezed towards the weak part of the
tion-4 Or set. RANDOM SAMPLE, SAM¬
sedimentary cover, thus often topped by
limestone cap rock. Oil and gas fields are
in many cases associated with salt domes, sampling 1. in general, the judging of
which extend to great depths in the earth’s the quality etc. of the whole by examining
crust. a part 2. in statistics, the process ofselecting
a part or a subset in order to judge the
salt flat a stretch of unbroken, salt-
quality, characteristics etc. of the whole
encrusted horizontal land, the bed of a
by investigating the properties of the
former salt lake, now dried out, usually
part, quadrat, random sample; and
permanently but sometimes only tem¬
sampling error in statistics, the difference
saltings a slightly elevated natural area of
between a population-4 value and an
salt marsh, with muddy channels, support¬
estimate of it derived from a sample-3.
ing halophytes, and covered by the sea
No sample, however carefully selected,
at high water. The distinction is not always
can be a perfect representation of the
made between saltings and salt marsh.
population from which it is drawn; but if
salt marsh a natural coastal marsh, sup¬ the sample units are selected at random
porting HALOPHYTES, regularly covered from the population (random sample)
by the sea at high water. Some authors the sampling error can be calculated. The
use the term to include the elevated area greater the precision of the sample, the
(salting), others exclude it. Salt marshes less the sampling error. Sampling error
may be enclosed for grazing, for land does not include errors due to imper¬
reclamation, for the recovery of salt, fect selection, bias-2 in response or
saqia (Sudan: Arabic) a simple animal- massive heavenly body, e.g. one of the
powered mechanical device, also known artificial satellites in orbit around the earth,
as the Persian wheel, used to raise water particularly one used in remote sensing
from a river to irrigate the land above. 2. a state which depends economically
Types vary, but a common, simple one, and politically on another, more powerful,
resembling the hand-powered shaduf, state.
incorporates a bucket suspended from the
satellite town a self-contained town, i.e.
end of a pole, the pole pivoting on the
with its own industry, etc., especially a
top of a support mounted vertically on
new town, in some cases in the style of
the ground and attached to a system of
a garden city, associated with a major
cog-wheels operated by a circling animal.
city with which it has good commun¬
The bucket is dipped in the water and,
when full, swung round by the cog-wheel
system to be tipped and emptied, usually saturated adj. applied to I. a solution
into a channel carrying water to the having the highest possible amount of a
cultivated land. In the Persian wheel solute in a specified amount of the sol¬
a series of buckets is fixed round the vent at a given temperature 2. the
circumference of a vertically mounted atmosphere-i when it cannot hold any
wheel, similarly operated by a cog-wheel, more water vapour, i.e. when the
animal-powered system. number of molecules of water going in
coincides with the number going out. If
sargasso gulfweed, a tropical brown sea¬
cooling occurs at that stage conden¬
weed which gives its name to the calm
sation results, giving mist, cloud or
Sargasso sea, characterized by the mass of
rain 3. a rock holding in its interstices
sargasso which floats on it, supporting a
the maximum possible amount of water.
variety of marine organisms, some of
water table 4. a rock having the
which are unique and peculiar to it.
maximum possible amount of combined
sarsen a mass ofhard sandstone, varying silica (if the rock is oversaturated the
in constituents, especially one formed in excess silica occurs as free quartz).
the eocene, left as a residual mass on the SATURATION LEVEL.
surface of southern England. It is widely
used as a building stone, and in prehistoric saturated (or wet or moist) adiabatic
times in megalithic monuments, mega¬ lapse rate the rate of loss ofTEMPERAT-
DRY ADIABATIC LAPSE RATE, ENVIRON¬ with soil impregnated with salt 2. in soil
MENTAL LAPSE RATE, LAPSE RATE, NEUT¬ science, specifically a red-brown soil
RAL STABILITY. which has lost part of its a horizon.
saturation stage the level or point or ratio between a given distance on the map
or plan and the corresponding distance on
stage at which a solution, the atmo-
the earth’s surface. This is shown by a
sphere-i, or a substance, or an area etc.
reaches a stage of saturation, e.g. when graduated line, or by the representative
fraction; or it is expressed in words 3.
the population-i,3 of an area equals its
an arrangement ofmarks spaced at intervals
CARRYING CAPACITY-1,2,3,5, or when
to represent a series of numerical values
the diffusion-i ofiNNO vation is com¬
plete. and used in measuring temperature (ther¬
mometer), length, angles etc.
savanna a term with a wide variety of
applications, but best restricted to the scarp, scarp-face, scarp-slope the
natural, open, tropical grassland with scat¬ abrupt, sometimes cliff-like face or slope
tered trees and bushes (mainly xero- terminating an elevated surface of low
phytes) covering vast areas in Africa, relief, i.e. an escarpment-2, the steep
Obsequent Subsequent
often used to discover if there are relation¬ scientific adj. 1. of, pertaining to, used
which will split into more or less irregular fact methodically established (according
such minerals as mica . The texture is inde¬ the basis of observation and experiment
pendent of the BEDDING PLANES of the (empiricism). Scientific laws are usually
original rock, the grains are of medium rooted in determinism-i, and are uni¬
size, not so coarse as those of gneiss; and versal in their application in that they usu¬
the type of schist is distinguished by ally make statements which cover all
the dominant mineral, e.g. mica-schist. members of a particular class of things. But
Nearly all types of sedimentary and they stray into probability in statistics
igneous rocks will become schists if sub¬ in making statements about a methodically
jected to sufficient heat and pressure. estimated proportion of the class of things
under observation. Some philosophers of
science (Latin scientia, knowledge) 1. the science do not agree that the method of
condition or fact of knowing 2. know¬ establishing a scientific law is wholly
ledge gained by detailed observation, inductive. They see two phases in the
by deduction of the laws governing scientific method, the first comprising
changes and conditions and by testing' inspired guesswork, leading to the forma¬
these deductions by experiment 3. a tion of an hypothesis; and the second,
branch of study, especially one concerned the confirmation of the hypothesis by
science park research and science scoria pi. scoriae 1. a mass of volcanic
from a furnace, the holes being caused transitional stage in a plant succession,
by the expansion of gases and steam leading to woodland 2. the land covered
imprisoned in the lava and the rapid with this type of vegetation 3. sometimes
cooling of its surface. A a 2. an accumula¬ applied to rain forest in Queensland,
tion of similar clinkery material which has Australia.
been ejected from a volcano as pyro-
scrub forest forest-i consisting of mal¬
formed, small or stunted trees and shrubs.
Scotch mist mizzle, precipitation resem¬
scrub woodland an open cover of the
bling mist and drizzle, occurring when
trees and shrubs characteristic of scrub
cloud lies near the ground, especially
common in hilly or mountainous areas,
e.g. in Scotland, hence the name. sea 1. in general, applied to the great body
of salt water on the earth’s surface (the
scour the strong, erosive action of a cur¬
ocean-i), i.e. as opposed to land 2. one
rent or flow of water, e.g. of the tide, of
of the smaller bodies of salt water of the
a river, in clearing away deposits such as
ocean with a proper name, e.g. Mediter¬
mud and sand; or of boulders frozen into
ranean sea, China sea 3. a large body of
the base of an ice sheet or glacier.
inland salt water, e.g. Sea of Aral, Dead
Sea, Salton sea.
search space V v
summit usually lying well below the ocean dry season; in monsoon regions there are
surface, e.g. sometimes 3000 m (nearly commonly three seasons, termed cold,
SEASAT 1 the first of the NASA satel- some activity, e.g. the football season.
ary), spring (March to May), summer a relatively small area of low atmospheric
(June to August), autumn (September pressure associated with a main primary
to November) in the northern hemi¬ depression-3, encircling the latter in an
sphere, the reverse in the southern. In anti-clockwise direction in the northern
tropical regions the seasons are linked to hemisphere (clockwise in the southern) as
rainfall, the year being commonly divided it moves along its course. It may be linked
into two, the wet (rainy) season and the to the primary depression, appearing in
the isobars (iso-) as a protuberance, or it system after the Second World War,
may be self-contained, with closed isobars; including the countries of eastern Europe
in either case its pressure may be lower linked economically with the USSR.
than that of the primary, which it may FIRST WORLD, THIRD WORLD.
eventually absorb.
section i. in geometry, the plane figure
secondary industry, secondary activ¬
resulting from the cutting of a solid by a
ity, secondary sector manufacturing
plane; hence 2. the formation revealed by
industry, i.e. industry concerned
a cut, or representation of a cut, made
with transforming material provided by
vertically through a landform, rock or soil
primary industry into somethingmore
so as to show the surface and subsurface
directly useful to people, e.g. manufac¬
layers, e.g. in a geological section, the
tured goods, construction work, electric
surface layer and the underlying strata. In
power production (but some countries
that example the representation of such a
include the last in primary industry).
cut may be small scale and generalized
(diagrammatic section), or have an accur¬
ate surface profile with the strata in dia¬
secondary labour market primary grammatic form (semi-diagrammatic). A
LABOUR MARKET. totally accurate representation, without
exaggeration of the vertical scale, would
secondary production in ecology, the
give a misleading impression of the dip
energy lost in the respiration of the
of the strata (vertical exaggeration).
consumer levels in a food chain,
primary production, production.
sector model sectoral model, of land use,
secondary soil a transported soil, soil
a model-2 developed on the assumptions
formed on transported material, as
that the arrangement of routes radiating
opposed to a residual soil, sedent¬
from a city centre conditions the structure
ary soil.
of the city and its growth; and that differ¬
secondary vegetation a general term ences in accessibility between the radial
applied to the natural plant-cover growing routes lead to variations in land value and
on land that was once cleared of vegeta¬ consequently of land use in the sectors
tion, used for a while, and then abandoned. created by these routes, the outer arc of
NATURAL VEGETATION, SEMI-NATURAL each sector tending to repeat the pattern
VEGETATION. of its earlier growth.
usual, commonly larger, residence is else¬ concerned with temporal, worldly matters
where, and who occupies the second rather than with religion.
sedentary agriculture V. V
debris, laid down in layers, in some cases ide, silver iodine) from aircraft on to clouds
in order to stimulate condensation and
with fossils, some being consolidated
(e.g. by compaction-i), others un¬ lead to rainfall.
different social or ethnic groups, as for of the solid earth, including earth tremors
whites and blacks in the former Republic produced artificially, seismograph.
ofSouth Africa, apartheid 2. the process
selva (South America: Portuguese and
by which individuals and groups settle in
Spanish) i. dense equatorial forest
areas already housing people with tastes,
of the Amazon region 2. such equatorial
preferences, or social characteristics similar
forest growing elsewhere 3. the Amazon
to their own. ghetto.
region in which it grows.
seiche a periodic or occasional, brief,
semi-arid climate, semi-desert the
undulation of the water in a restricted
transitional zone lying between savanna
area, e.g. in a lake, estuary or bay, ap¬
and the true hot desert (sahel), or
parently caused by abrupt changes in
between the hot desert and a Mediter¬
atmospheric pressure, or by wind, or
ranean climatic region, characteristically
supporting patchy xerophilous ve¬
seif-dune (Arabic seif, sword) a sand getation.
dune piled up longitudinally as a steep¬
semi-natural vegetation vegetation
sided ridge, sometimes stretching over
not actually planted by human hand,
many kilometres, and lying parallel to the
but resulting directly or indirectly from
direction of the prevailing wind.
the activities of human beings or their
seine a large fishing net held vertically in livestock, e.g. secondary vegetation.
the water by floats fixed to one edge and NATURAL VEGETATION.
weights to the other. The fish (especially
semiotics the theory of symbols, the
demersal fish) are trapped as the ends
systems of signs by which an individual or
are drawn together.
a culture expresses meaning.
seismic adj. relating to, characteristic of,
senile river a river system in old age in
produced by, movement within the earth,
the cycle of erosion, i.e. when all
e.g. an earthquake.
slopes have been worn down and the
in the earth’s crust, under the surface, from covering any irregularities in the surface,
\ V
to gather information about distant objects ings 2. the act of peopling a formerly un¬
or phenomena in the atmosphere-i, inhabited or under-populated land 3. a
BIOSPHERE, HYDROSPHERE, LITHO¬ decision or choice made to put an end to
SPHERE (as in REMOTE sensing), elec¬ a controversy.
settlement hierarchy the ranking of
separatism the demand of a particular urban places with their associated trade
group of people that a particular piece of areas, graded according to their functional
territory should become separate in ter¬ importance, central place hier¬
ritory and political sovereignty from archy, CENTRAL PLACE THEORY.
the state within which it lies, plural
Seven Seas the Arctic, Antarctic, North
and South Atlantic, North and South
serac (French) a pinnacle of ice formed Pacific and Indian oceans (ocean). In
in the part of a glacier where crevasses classical literature the term was applied to
intersect, usually at the point where the the seven supposed salt water lagoons on
glacier breaks on reaching a steep slope. the east coast of Italy, including the lagoon
of Venice (cut oflf from the Adriatic by
sere i. a developmental series of plant
the lido).
communities resulting from the process
of succession-2 2. any stage in a plant Seventh Approximation soil classi¬
SUCCESSION-2. fication.
in the ground. The pivot point is nearer America) barrio; (Asia) busti or kam-
to the weighted than the bucket end of the pong; (Africa) bidonville or shanty-town.
pole; the weight acts as a counterbalance to
sharecropping an agricultural tenancy
the bucket. The bucket is dipped in the
system in which the tenant renders rent
water and the counterpoising weight takes
to the landlord in the form of produce
over most of the effort of raising and
rather than cash. The systems vary, but
swinging it round so that the bucket may
usually the landlord in addition to provid¬
be emptied into a trough or into a channel
ing and being responsible for the land,
by which the water is carried to cultivated
buildings, drainage and farm roads also
land. Archimedes’ screw, saqia.
provides the sharecropper (the tenant)
shake wave S-wave, the secondary wave with machinery, stock, seeds and fertilizer.
(also termed shear wave or transverse In return the landlord receives an agreed
wave) produced by an earthquake, a proportion of the farm produce, land
body wave in the earth which passes tenure.
through solids but not liquids, resembling
sharp sand sand-i with angular, as
a light wave in that it is a transverse wave,
opposed to rounded, GRAiNS-4.
i.e. it displaces particles at right angles
to the direction of its own movement. shatter belt, shatter-belt a zone of
LONGITUDINAL WAVE, MOHOROVICIC movement in the earth’s crust where rocks
DISCONTINUITY, PUSH WAVE, TRANS¬ have been broken into angular fragments,
VERSE WAVE, WAVE. i.e. into fault-breccia. It occurs where
faults are ragged and extensive, so that
shale a fme-grained argillaceous
a line of weakness develops in the crust,
sedimentary rock, formed from par¬
along which weathering and erosion
ticles of clay minerals compressed by
are facilitated.
overlying rocks, very finely laminated
(lamination), in the direction of the shattering a form of physical weather¬
bedrock, the thin layers easily splitting ing in which strong mechanical stresses
apart and disintegrating (compare slate). produce fresh fractures in the rocks.
shear 1. in physics, stress applied to a
shale oil an oil distilled from bituminous body but along one face only of the body
N. V
shear wave
but its form does as the two neighbouring by the clouds so that it appears as a sheet
parts slide past each other, in some cases of Hght.
causing crushing and shattering along the
sheet metal metal flattened out to form
line of shear-i.
a thin sheet.
shear wave shake wave. shell sand beach sand consisting mainly
of comminuted shell fragments, and there¬
sheep a gregarious animal, domesticated
fore highly calcareous, e.g. machair.
and crossbred for a very long time to pro¬
duce animals suitable for specific purposes, shelterbelt a windbreak, usually a stand
i.e. for supplying meat or wool of vary¬ of trees planted to act as a screen against
ing quality, and milk (especially in the the wind, especially in areas subject to
Mediterranean region) for cheese. Sheep wind erosion.
flourish on land poorer than that required
shield in geology, a very large rigid mass
for cattle provided it is not too wet under¬
of precambrian rock, forming a major
foot, those bred for meat needing better
continental block, relatively stable over a
fodder than those kept for wool. The fine
long period of geological time, disturbed
wool breeds (merino) thrive in dry, warm
only by some slight warping, e.g. the
climates, those with medium quality wool
Laurentian Shield, glint-line.
in cooler midlatitudes, where they provide
meat as well as wool. shield volcano a volcano shaped like a
shield, i.e. a broad dome, the diameter of
sheet erosion very slow erosion of soil
the base being large, the angle of slope
from an extensive, flat, gently sloping area,
small, basic lava forming the cone, e.g.
the result of runoff, most likely to occur
Mauna Loa in Hawaii, basaltic lava,
in areas where the soil layer is thin, soil
shifting cultivation loosely applied to
sheetflood, sheetflow an unhampered, any of the many systems of cultivation
broad expanse of water derived from pre¬ where land is cropped and after a few
cipitation flowing down a slope, occur¬ years, with the initial fertility exhausted,
ring where channels are absent or when abandoned in favour of a new patch. A
the runoff is so great and fast that the distinction can be made between the true
existing channels, rills, etc. cannot carry shifting cultivation of nomadic peoples
it, and thus it overflows, overland who do not practise a land rotation
flow. but move on when the soil fertility is
exhausted; a regular system ofland rotation
sheeting the splitting away of shells of
or bush fallowing practised by people
rock from the upper surface of a massive
who usually have a fixed central village;
rock (particularly an igneous rock)
ajad shifting cultivation associated with
resulting from the expansion of the rock
certain cash crops whereby land is aban¬
by the release of pressure (dilatation);
doned when yields begin to drop below
not to be confused with exfoliation.
an economic level. There are some 150
sheet lightning a discharge of light¬ or so vernacular terms applied to shifting
ning within a cloud or between clouds, cultivation, farming, land tenure,
the brilliance of the flash being diffused SWIDDEN FARMING.
Shimbel index a measure of the access¬ giant tankers the dwt may be 120 per cent
ibility of a node-2 in a network-2. The higher than gross tonnage.
shortest-path links between each node
shoal 1. a shallow part of a nver, sea, lake
and all other nodes in the network are
2. an accumulation of sand, mud, pebbles
recorded on a MATRix-5; the lower the
creating such shallow water and in many
index value the better the accessibility.
cases dangerous to navigation 3. a group
shingle an accumulation of coarse stones, of fish.
rounded by water. The term is usually
shoddy 1. a yarn made from the shredded
restricted to cover only such an accumula¬
and reconstructed fibre of fabric or fabrics
tion on a BEACH.
which have already been used 2. a fabric
made from such reconstituted yarn, re¬
ship canal an artificial waterway large
enough for the passage of ocean-going
vessels, e.g. the Manchester Ship Canal. shore 1. loosely applied to the land
SEAWAY. immediately bordering the sea or other
large expanse of water 2. the meeting of
shipping tonnage a measure of capacity
sea and land considered as a boundary of
of ships, calculated as follows: Gross
the sea, thus the land as seen from the sea
tonnage, the capacity of the permanently
3. the area between the lowest water of a
enclosed space between the frame of the
spring tide and the highest point reached
vessel and the deck together with any
by unusually strong waves in a storm 4.
closed-in space above the deck, 2.83 cu
in law, the ground between the ordinary
m (100 cu ft) being reckoned as 1 ton. Net
low and high water marks (low water,
or registered tonnage, gross tonnage less
the space occupied by engines, gear, crew’s
and officers’ quarters, i.e. the space avail¬
able for cargo and passengers, calculated shoreline the line where the shore meets
on the same basis as gross tonnage. Dues are the water, an imprecise term sometimes
usually paid on net or registered tonnage. regarded as synonymous with coastline
Cargo tonnage, the weight of the cargo (equally imprecise), sometimes applied to
carried, calculated by volume; in UK 1.19 the line reached by an ordinary low tide.
cu m (42 cu ft), in USA 1.1 cu m (40 cu There is a tendency to regard coastline as
ft), being equal to 1 ton. Deadweight the landward limit fixed in position for
tonnage, dwt, the total load carried at considerable periods of time, shoreline as
maximum loadline, including the total a moving phenomenon.
weight of cargo, fuel and passengers etc.
shott (north Africa: Arabic) 1. a fluctuat¬
measured in tonnes. Displacement ton¬
ing shallow brackish or saltwater lake in
nage, the weight of water displaced by
north Africa, especially in Tunisia and
the vessel when fully laden, i.e. the weight
Algeria, dry for much of the year, water-
of the vessel and its contents when calcu¬
filled in winter 2. the depression holding
lated on the basis that 0.99 cu m (35 cu ft)
such a lake, playa, salina.
of water equals 1 ton. As a rough conver¬
sion for a mixed fleet, consisting of tankers shoulder 1. a rounded spur on a moun¬
and cargo vessels, gross registered tons plus tainside 2. a bench on the side of a valley,
50 per cent equals deadweight tons; for most likely to occur on the side of a valley
deepened by a glacier at the point where being housed on the farm land. The crop
the gentle slope of the upper part (unaffec¬ raised is usually one which needs little
ted by glacial erosion) changes abruptly to attention in growth, e.g. a cereal, suit¬
the steep slope of the inner, glaciated valley case FARMER.
sierra (Spanish; Portuguese serra) a high
shower a fall of rain, hail, sleet or range of mountains with jagged peaks
SNOW of brief duration. resembling the teeth of a saw. The term
was originally applied to such mountains
shrub a perennial plant with many per¬
in Spain and Spanish-speaking South
sistent woody stems branching from or
America, but it is now extended and
near the base, herb-i, tree.
applied in Spanish to almost any high
SI, Systeme Internationale d’Unites a mountain range; and in English generally
simplified metric system based on seven to ‘the mountains’ or a mountain region.
basic units, agreed in i960 by an inter¬
sieve map, sieve method a series of maps
national committee and now adopted by
drawn on transparent material (overlay),
most countries using the metric system.
each showing the distribution of a selected
The seven basic units, from which all other
factor. By superimposing the transparen¬
SI units are derived, are the metre (m),
cies the factors wanted or not wanted for
kilogram (kg), second (s), ampere (A), the
a particular purpose can be ‘sieved out’.
kelvin (K), mole (mol) and candela (cd).
Multiples and submultiples preferably sep¬ signature the unique pattern of wave¬
arated by the factor of 1000 are used with bands (electromagnetic spectrum)
these basic units, i.e. io12 (prefix tera-, T), peculiar to and emitted by an object on
io9 (giga-, G), io6 (mega-, M); io3 (kilo-, the earth’s surface, remote sensing.
k); io-3 (milli-, m); io-6 (micro-, p);
significance test a statistic calculated to
10 9 (nano-, n); io~12 (pico-, p); io~15
indicate the likelihood that a character¬
(femto-, f); io-18 (atto-, a), centi-,
istic in a sample-3 reflects accurately
the characteristic of the parent popu¬
lation-4 of that sample, and that it has
sial silica and u/umina, granitic rocks not occurred by chance in the sampling,
(granite-i) of the surface of the earth’s e.g. CHI-SQUARED TEST.
continental crust (plate tectonics),
composed mainly of silica and alum¬ significant adj. in statistics, unlikely to
ina, light in colour and density (between have occurred by chance.
2.65 and 2.70). There is a tendency for the silage green fodder (e.g. grass, clover,
term to be replaced by the less specific alfalfa, maize plant) packed into a silo,
term upper crust, geothermal gradi-,
usually with molasses, fermented by an¬
ENT, ISOSTASY, SIMA. aerobic bacteria to preserve it, and cut
Siberian high a persistent anticyclone into blocks for animal feed when needed.
silica by weight. Silicate minerals are the sill 1. an INTRUSION of IGNEOUS ROCK
largest group of compounds in the earth’s of tabular form, as when a very fluid
crust. SILICATES. magma is forced between the bedding
planes of sedimentary or volcanic forma¬
silicate magma magma from which
tions, i.e. it is concordant with the
silicate minerals are formed, silica-2,
strata 2. a submarine ridge between
ocean basins, or between a sea and an
ocean or, termed submerged sill, near the
silicates silicate minerals, a group of
entrance to a fjord. Fig 21.
minerals based around the highly stable
Si04, constituting (with the silica-i silt fine particles, larger than those of clay,
group) some 95 per cent of the earth’s finer than those of fine sand, diameter
crust, and including clay minerals, feld¬
0.002 to 0.02 mm, suspended in, carried or
spar, quartz etc. as members, silica, deposited by, water, graded sediments.
Silurian adj. of or pertaining to the third
siliceous adj. 1. of, pertaining to, contain¬ period (time) or system (rock) of the
ing, resembling silica-i 2. growing in or palaeozoic era, preceded by the Or¬
needing a soil containing silica. dovician, succeeded by the Devonian.
silicon a nonmetallic element occurring,
as a brown powder or dark grey crystals, silver a white, stable, malleable, ductile
abundantly in nature, always in com¬ metallic element-6, a precious metal,
pounds. It is the second main element in some occurring in silver ores, and a little
the earth’s crust (the first being oxygen), native-1 in nature, but more as an
comprising by volume some 28 per cent impurity in lead ores, particularly galena,
(sial). Combined with oxygen it forms considered to be argentiferous (silver¬
silica and, with various other oxides, a bearing) if it has more than 0.1 per cent
large group of rocks termed silicates. It of silver. A good conductor of heat and
is used in glass-making, the manufacture electricity, silver is resistant to oxidation.
of very hard alloys and, in silicone com¬ It is used in electrical apparatus, coins,
pounds, in lacquers, lubricants, water- photography, electroplating, backing mir¬
repellent finishes etc. rors, jewellery, silverware etc.
silicone any of the large class of synthetic silviculture a branch of the science of
siLicoN-containing compounds in which forestry concerned with the breeding,
the atoms of silicon are held together development and cultivation of forest
by bonds to oxygen atoms which act as trees.
sima silica and magnesium, basaltic
silk 1. a fine, strong, protein, thread-like rocks composed of silica and mag¬
structure secreted by some insects 2. such nesium, fomiing part of the earth’s crust,
a substance secreted by the caterpillar (silk¬ relatively heavier in density than the sial
worm) of the moth Bombyx mori, so called of the continental crust which over-
because it feeds on the leaves of the white lies it in places. In areas without sial, sima
mulberry, Morns alba, sericulture, syn¬ forms most of the ocean floor. There is
thetic fibre. thus a tendency for the term sima to be
\ s.
Site of Special Scientific Interest sssi.
simoom, simoon (Arabic) a scorching-
situation 1. the place, position or
hot, heavily dust-laden, swirling wind oc¬
location of something, e.g. a house, a
curring in the hottest months in the
town, in relation to its surroundings or to
northern Sahara, usually associated with
another thing 2. a state of affairs, site.
the northward passage of a low pressure
system. It may carry so much dust and skargard (Swedish) enclosure by a line
sand that visibility is reduced to zero; and of skerries, skerry, skerry-guard.
it greatly affects the shape of sand dunes
skerry a small islet, sometimes one of a
in its path.
series lying parallel to the main trend of the
sink, sinkhole I. in general, a hollow in coast, usually rocky, sometimes composed
which surface water collects and escapes of morainic material, over which the sea
through a shaft, i.e. a swallow hole may break at high tide or in stormy
2. specifically, a feature characteristic of weather.
limestone country (karst), a closed
skerry-guard the area of calm water
depression which is dry or through which
between a line of skerries (skerry) and
water seeps downwards, resembling in
the mainland. The term should not be
shape a basin, funnel or cylinder 3. a large
applied to the line of skerries itself.
depression in a shield volcano or lava
dome formed when the surface has cooled skewness in statistics, asymmetry, fre¬
and solidified but subsides as the under¬ quency curve.
lying molten lava flows away.
sky the atmosphere enveloping the earth,
sinter a chemical deposit ofsiLic a formed with or without clouds. Its blue appear¬
around a geyser or hot spring, the ance if cloudless in the daytime is due to
material having been previously held in the scattering of sunlight by the molecules
solution in the water (hydrothermal). of air. At high altitudes the sky appears to
be deep blue because there the short waves
sirocco, scirrocco a very hot south or
of the blue-violet end of the spectrum of
southeasterly wind, sometimes dust-laden,
solar light are easily scattered by the fine
dry as it blows over north Africa, some¬
molecules of air present.
times humid by the time it meets the south
Italian shore, blowing from the Sahara Skylab a US satellite-i that no longer
over the Mediterranean to Malta, Sicily, exists. It was launched in 1973 with a
Italy, ahead of a depression moving east¬ crew of three, whose members carried out
wards over the Mediterranean. It is com¬ various experiments and had control over
mon in spring, when it may damage crops,' the remote sensing equipment aboard.
especially blossoming vines and olives. LANDSAT, SPACE SHUTTLE, SPACE STA¬
site a fixed position where an object, slack 1. a shallow hollow among coastal
structure or tissue is placed or where some¬ sand dunes or mud banks 2. the state of
thing occurs, e.g. the position on the the tide when tidal currents are almost
ground of a place, town, building etc. in still, commonly about high or low water
slope elements
when there is neither ebb nor flow 3. dip of the fault plane, termed dip-slip
small pieces of coal, refuse coal. 2. a landslide in which a mass of
rock or surface debris moves as a whole
slash 1. locally in south and southeast
down a slip-plane, mass movement, ro¬
USA, a low, wet, swampy, boggy area,
tational slip.
overgrown with bushes, cane etc., favour¬
able for the growth of any one of the slash slip -face the leeward side of a sand
pines, e.g. Pinus caribaea yielding gum and dune, steeper than the windward side
turpentine 2. the debris of felled trees 3. from which sand is blown, dune, plinth.
part of a forest strewn with such debris.
slip-off slope of a meander, the gentle
slope of the spur on the convex (inside)
slash-and-burn a method of clearing curve opposite the steep bank or river
land, as in shifting cultivation, by cliff on the concave curve (outer side).
felling trees and burning the slash-2. point bar. Fig 29.
slope 1. the upward or downward in¬
slate a fine-grained, laminated (lamina¬ clination of a natural or artificial surface,
tion), dark grey, metamorphic rock a deviation from the perpendicular or
derived from shales or mudstones sub¬ horizontal 2. the degree or nature of such
jected to pressure by earth movements. It an incline. The study of the development
has the property of being fissile into thin of slopes on the earth’s surface is a complex
slabs (slates) by the development of one, theories abound and many specialized
minerals such as mica, the thin flakes of terms are in use apart from those that
which lie at right angles to the pressure follow. CONSTANT SLOPE, FREE FACE,
splitting is along the lines of cleavage, LEL RETREAT OF SLOPE, SLIP-OFF SLOPE,
independent of the original bedding SLOPE ELEMENTS, SLOPE RETREAT,
planes, differing from the splitting of TRANSPORTATION SLOPE, WANING
shale, which takes place along the bed¬ slope, waxing slope 3. on a straight line
ding planes, clay-slate. on a graph, the amount by which the
dependent variable (on the vertical axis)
sleet precipitation-1 consisting of
increases/decreases for each unit of the
snow and rain mixed, or of partially
independent variable (on the horizontal
thawed snow, glazed frost.
axis), the slope of a regression line for two
slide 1. a mass of rock or earth falling as variables being the regression coefficient.
a whole, rapidly and sometimes cata¬ REGRESSION ANALYSIS.
strophically down a bedding plane or
slope elements of hillside slope, the
joint through the force of gravity 2. the
component parts of the hillside slope pro¬
mark on the hillside, caused by such a
file defined as the waxing slope (relat¬
ively concave and at the top), succeeded
downwards by the nearly vertical free
slip 1. in a fault, the4 actual relative face, the constant slope (rectilinear
movement along the fault plane, either in profile), and the waning slope (rel¬
in the direction of the strike, termed atively concave) at the base, standard
strike-slip; or in the direction of the HILLSLOPE.
\ 'v
slope length
slope length the actual length of the sur¬ small holding, smallholding, small¬
face of a slope-i , from its highest to its holding written as two words, with or
lowest point, not the length projected on without a hyphen, applied generally to
to a plane, termed the horizontal any small farm or holding. But as one word
equivalent, which measures less, gra¬ given a special legal meaning in Britain
social class
commonly featuring a cave from which snow-limit the limit north and south
MELT-WATER flows. MORAINE. from the equator indicating a zone within
which no snow falls and stays unmelted,
snow precipitation-i in the form of
varying with physical conditions (eleva¬
delicate, feather-light, hexagonal, vari¬
tion, proximity to the ocean etc.); not in
ously patterned, individual ice crystals
general use as a technical term.
aggregated to form snowflakes. The ice
crystals are formed when water vapour in snow-line the variable lowest level on
the atmosphere condenses quickly at a mountains above which snow never com¬
temperature below freezing point, does pletely disappears, considered to be a
not liquefy but passes immediately to the permanent level (varying with latitude,
solid state, the sparkling whiteness releas¬ altitude, temperature, humidity, precip¬
ing latent heat, causing a rise in air itation, aspect, steepness of slope) if sum¬
temperature. Sometimes snow melts in mer warmth does not melt and remove
descending, to reach the ground surface the winter accumulation. The snow-line
as rain; it arrives as snow only if the lower in winter is commonly lower than this
atmosphere is cold enough to prevent so-called permanent snow-line.
melting. Air is trapped between the crystals
social adj. I. relating to human so-
in snowflakes causing internal reflection
ciety-i 2. as applied to human beings, of
of light at the crystal surfaces and giving
any behaviour or attitude that is influ¬
snow its sparkling whiteness. This trapped
enced or created by experience of the
air, combined with the air between the
behaviour of other people; or any
flakes, makes snow a good insulator, pre¬
behaviour or attitude directed towards
venting heat loss by radiation from the
other people.
surfaces on which it collects. Snow can be
dry and powdery, and therefore great in social area analysis a technique used to
volume (as in cold temperatures, e.g. in link social structure and urban residential
the Antarctic); so to make for uniformity patterns. Widely ranging data, e.g. con¬
in meteorological recording, it is collected cerning rank in social class, occupa¬
(usually in a special cylindrical gauge) and tion, fertility, size of families, racial and
melted, the amount being expressed as the ethnic grouping, are analysed and classified
rainfall equivalent, and usually added to in order to make distinctions between
the precipitation total, avalanche, red small areas within a city. Sometimes
snow. termed social ecology.
snow avalanche a swift fall of a mass of social capital in Marxism, state expend¬
snow down a slope (avalanche), distin¬ iture which, by providing resources that
guished as dry, consisting of newly-fallen finals themselves would otherwise have to
snow in winter; wet, caused by spring provide, contributes to the profitability of
thaw; wind slab, where the surface layer the private sector of an economy.
of the snow is compacted and hard.
social class a problematic, disputed con¬
snowfield a stretch of permanent snow cept, widely used in the social sciences,
with a relatively level, smooth surface, applied to a group of people of similar
occurring in shallow depressions in moun¬ rank or status in a community (CLASS-3),
tainous areas or on high plateaus. the basis for the grouping being variable,
social Darwinism
e.g. determined by education, power, USA), and many of the aspects of urban
income, wealth, prestige, occupation, or GEOGRAPHY, HUMANISTIC GEOGRAPHY
social status
the economic field between state and pri¬ social physics a mechanistic approach to
vate enterprise. the study of human geography whi ch uses
analogy with physical laws in analysing
social justice in welfare geography,
human behaviour. Introduced in the mid¬
the fair distribution ofbenefits and burdens
nineteenth century, it is represented today
among the members of a society-i.
by, e.g., the gravity model, reilly’s
socially necessary labour labour LAW OF RETAIL GRAVITATION.
social polarization the consequence of
social mobility the movement of people such divergence of segregated groups
between social classes. People moving in a society that large discrete groups
from unskilled and manual occupations (representing widely different socio¬
to those that are skilled, non-manual and economic status, cultures etc.) form at the
professional are often considered to be extremities of the social spectrum and
going up (upwardly mobile), those there is little or no social contact between
moving in the reverse direction, from them, segregation-1,2.
what may be considered superior oc¬
social relations the evolving interplay of
cupations to the inferior, going down
cultural, economic and political activities
(downwardly mobile) in social class
that shape and identify individual places
position; such mobility is said to be vert¬
but which spread beyond their boundaries.
ical. The term horizontal mobility is
applied to movement which involves social relations of production, re¬
a change of status (social status) and lations of production in Marxism, the
role (particularly in occupation, social relationships between social groups which
role) without a change in social class are generated by, and form the basis of, a
position. MOBILITY, MODERNIZATION, particular mode of production.
social role the pattern of behaviour
social network the relatives, friends, expected by others from an individual in
neighbours with whom an individual a particular social position, of a particular
person or a family is linked (the persons social status, e.g. a mother, doctor,
being represented by nodes, the relation¬ employer, school-teacher.
ships by connecting links, network-3).
social segregation the residential group¬
social overhead capital the public
ing, the spatial separation of people within
investment in roads, housing, community
an area, on the basis of social distinctions.
services necessary for production to take
social space the space perceived to be
social pathology an approach to social
homogeneous by those living in it who,
problems which concentrates on the
in using it, give it its special character,
characteristics of problem individuals and
the space itself reflecting their activities,
communities. It suggests, for example, that
preferences, aspirations, and thereby
the problem of poverty can best be under¬
becoming separate, identifiable by the
stood by studying any physical and social
social group inhabiting it.
inadequacies which may be present in the
poor themselves. social status the social standing of a
\ V
social structure
person, based on life-style, consumption facilities for recreation and leisure; and be
of goods, the esteem in which that person able to participate in social affairs in a stable
is held by others, social role. (preferably democratic) administration.
social structure the form, shape, pattern,
framework of the interrelationships of
people in a society-2,3, in a social system, society 1. the state of living in organized
which can be analysed by identifying the groups 2. people living and working
roles and sets of roles played by the indi¬ together and considered as a whole 3. a
vidual in that society, as well as the rules, large group of people associated together
constraints, conventions, resources and geographically, culturally or otherwise,
facilitations which underpin them, any of with collective interests, shared laws,
which may be considered as a social struc¬ customs etc. and with a particular or¬
ture in its own right, with structures of its ganization. INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY, POST¬
own. That, broadly, is one of the tra¬ INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY, PRE-INDUSTRIAL
ditional applications of the term social society 4. an association of people with
structure in anthropology and analytic some special interest, some central dis¬
(formal) sociology. In human geography cipline.
it is more commonly applied (as social
socioeconomic adj. of or relating to
structures) to the social rules and resources
social and economic conditions.
etc. which underlie a social system, cul-
TURE-I, POST-INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY, sodium a soft, white metallic element-6,
SOCIAL ROLE, SOCIAL STATUS, STRUC¬ oxidizing rapidly in air, reacting with
TURE-1,2. water to liberate hydrogen and producing
a state in which the needs and wants of a widely distributed in many compounds,
population-i are, in general, satisfied. the most common being common salt-2,
wants is subjective and in many cases his¬ salts are important in industrial processes.
soil classification
wood products, and in construction work. and iron compounds. (The terms pedocal
HARDWOOD. and pedalfer are now little used by soil
scientists.) From another viewpoint soils
soil loosely, the earth or ground, but
fall into three world groups: zonal, soils
specifically the loose material of the earth’s
with profiles which show a dominant
surface in which terrestrial plants grow,
influence of climate and vegetation in their
usually formed from weathered rock or
development; azonal, or skeletal, soils
regolith changed by chemical, physical
lacking such a profile; and intrazonal,
and biological processes. Thus the soil may
well developed soils with profiles reflect¬
be considered as an entity, quite apart from
ing the influence of some local factor of
the rocks below it. It consists partly of
relief, parent material, or age, rather than
mineral particles and partly, to a varying
those of climate and vegetation (soil pro¬
extent, of organic matter (humus). The
file). Most soil scientists recognize the
mineral particles can be graded according
existence of world soil groups at one end
to size (graded sediments); and accord¬
of the scale and soil series or soil types
ing to the proportion of the grade present
as the units for description and map¬
the terms clay soil, sandy soil etc. are
ping, but the intermediate soil families
applied. A soil is said to be mature ifit has
and soil associations are differently
a fully developed profile (soil profile);
immature if it lacks a well-developed pro¬
In i960 the Soil Conservation Service
file; truncated if it has lost all or part of the
of the US Department of Agriculture in
upper horizons (soil horizon). Human
Soil Classification: A Comprehensive System,
beings, by their cultivating activities, have
Seventh Approximation (commonly termed
affected the development of many soils
the Seventh Approximation), later entitled
and led to the destruction of others (soil
the Comprehensive Soil Classification System
erosion), soil association, soil
(CSCS), drew up another classification in
classification and other entries quali¬
which ten major orders were based on
fied by soil.
the present state of development of soils,
soil acidity acid soil, pH. divided into sub-orders, great groups, sub¬
groups, families and soil series. The ten
soil association a term used by some soil
major orders are alfisols, aridisols,
scientists but not by others, usually applied
to soils, not necessarily with the same pro¬
files (soil profile), lying close to each
other, but also in UK, a group of soil
A new soil classification in England
series developed on parent material de¬
and Wales, 1973, groups soils on a con¬
rived from similar rocks or combinations
sideration of their land use capability.
of rocks.
Taking landform, geology, climate and
soil classification a systematic grouping natural vegetation into account, seven
of soils. Most soils which develop in the major groups emerge: peat soils, and six
solum fall into one or other of two great groups of mineral soils, brown soils,
groups, the lime-rich pedocals, contain¬ GLEY SOILS (GLEYSOLS), LITHOMORPHIC
ing an accumulation of calcium car¬ SOILS, MAN-MADE SOILS, PELOSOLS and
bonate and the lime-poor pedalfers podzolic soils. The sub-groups num¬
containing accumulations of aluminium ber 108. SOIL HORIZON, SOIL PROFILE.
\ v
soil compaction
lengths range widely outside the earth’s the arrangement in space of its molecules,
stratosphere ensures that the electro¬ freely, vibrate about a fixed position.
deposits. DRY VALLEY, FREEZE-THAW, or the state of being put into solution,
MASS MOVEMENT. e.g. in the chemical weathering of
rocks (corrosion) the salts they con¬
solonchak (Russian) a saline soil, without
tain are commonly dissolved by water to
structure, occurring in arid and semi-arid
form a solution; rainwater charged with
regions, soil structure.
carbon dioxide dissolves (forms a
solonetz (Russian) a formerly saline soil solution with) calcium carbonate,
from which the salts have been leached. to remove it as calcium bicarbon¬
In Russian, solonets, pi. solontsy, is applied ate (carbonation, hydrolysis); and
to a soil with surface rock salt. rivers, in their work of transporting debris,
carry a variety of substances in solution.
solstice a term conveying the idea of the
sun-2 standing still, i.e. the point in the solvent the part of a solution which is
ecliptic when the sun is farthest from present in greater bulk, i.e. usually the
the equator, either north or south (i.e. liquid in which the solute is dissolved.
approximately 23°3o'N, the Tropic of If the solvent is not water, this fact is usually
Cancer and 23°3o'S, the Tropic of Capri¬ noted, e.g. non-aqueous solvent.
corn). Thus in the northern hemisphere
sonar Sound Navigation Ranging, echo
the summer solstice is 21 — 22 June, the
sounding, a device for locating an under¬
longest day, when at noon the sun is shin¬
water object by sending out high fre¬
ing vertically over latitude 23°3o'N, the
quency sound waves which are reflected
Tropic of Cancer; the winter solstice is
from the object and registered on the
21-22 December (the shortest day), when
apparatus, the time delay and nature of the
it is shining vertically at noon over latitude
echo giving information about shoals of
23°3o'S, the Tropic of Capricorn. Fig 18.
fish, underwater obstructions, and ocean
solum the term applied by soil scientists depths (radar). Some animals, e.g. bats
to the part of the earth’s crust influenced (in air), dolphins and whales (underwater)
by climate and vegetation, i.e. the soil use high frequency sound waves in a sim¬
layers above and excluding the parent ilar way, to locate objects and to commun¬
MATERIAL. SOIL, SOIL HORIZON. icate with each other.
sovereign state
subtropical regions. The white-grained situated towards, coming from, the south,
variety is preferred for cooking, the red¬ e.g. of winds blowing from the south.
grained for beer making. Sugar is obtained
southeaster a strong wind or storm
from a sweet variety grown in the USA.
coming from southeast of the observer.
The gram of all varieties, some of which
enters world trade, is fed to livestock. southeast trades the trade winds of
the southern hemisphere.
sorting separation and putting into groups
or classes according to some special quality southerly burster, southerly buster a
or kind (shape, size, weight, age etc.), e.g. strong, dry cold wind blowing from the
the sorting of sediments by the natural south, most frequently in spring and sum¬
processes of flowing water and of wind. mer, in Australia and New Zealand, in
DEFLATION-I, GRADED SEDIMENTS. the wake of a trough of low pressure.
sound I. a stretch of water connecting
two larger bodies of water, e.g. a sea or Southern Cone a term applied in 1976
large lake with another sea or the ocean, by A. P. Whitaker, American histor¬
wider than a strait 2. the channel ian, to the states of Argentina, Chile and
between an island and the mainland, con¬ Uruguay. Since then some writers have
cordant coast 3. an inlet of the sea included Paraguay, or adjacent parts of
4. a lagoon fringing the southern and Paraguay and southern Brazil.
southeastern coast of USA.
Southern Cross a five-star constellation
sounding 1. a method by which the depth forming a Christian cross, with a bright star
of a sea or lake can be determined, formerly at each extremity, the longer axis pointing
by a weighted line (a sounding line) towards the south pole. It is used to
dropped overboard, now usually by an find true south and latitude from
echo-sounder (sonar) 2. a measure of any point in the southern hemisphere
the depth of water determined by those (comparable with the pole star in the
means. northern hemisphere).
source of a river, the point at which a southern hemisphere the half of the
river, identifiable as such, begins its flow. earth south of the equator, hemi¬
This may be at a spring-2, or from a lake, sphere.
glacier, cave, marsh or swamp, or formed
south magnetic pole magnetic pole.
from the coalescence of trickles of water
in runoff on a hillside. South Pole the geographical South Pole,
the southern extremity of the earth’s axis.
south I. one of the four cardinal points of
the compass, directly opposite the north,
lying on the right side of a person facing southwester, sou’wester a strong wind
due east 2. towards or facing the south, or storm coming from southwest of the
the southern part, especially of a country, observer.
particularly of the southern states (The
sovereign state a state-2 with the
South) of the USA. brandt report.
supreme authority, the supreme power,
south adj. of, pertaining to, belonging to, held within the state itself, a state which
is therefore independent and fully self- spa^e I. that which objects occupy as a
governing. NATION, NATION STATE. result of their volume, the amount ofspace
occupied being the volume of the object
soviet (Russian soviet, council) I- an 2. a part of space, a volume, area or length
elected governing council in the former
that may be occupied by something, or
USSR, at local, provincial and national
may be empty, e.g. an extent or area of
level, the latter (the Supreme Soviet) com¬
the earth’s surface, or the distance between
prising delegates from all the Soviet
two points, or two objects, or two lines
Republics 2. any of the associated repub¬
on a page 3. a period of time, e.g. between
lics of the former USSR. CIS. two events 4. that which is beyond the
soviet adj. of, relating to, or pertaining limit of the earth’s atmosphere-i. spa¬
specific gravity
V \
specific humidity
density are numerically the same, but the centre for various services, or with which
former is a relative quantity, density-2 it has special relations (the terms umland,
now more commonly applied to such an
specific humidity the ratio of the weight
area), central place theory.
of water vapour in a parcel of the
atmosphere-i to the total weight of air spheroid a figure, a body, resembling
(i.e. including water vapour), measured in a sphere-i (especially an ellipsoid).
grams of water vapour per kilogram of air. GEOID.
The specific humidity of very cold dry air
spheroidal weathering onion weather¬
is low, that of very warm humid air is
ing, a form of underground chemical
weathering occurring particularly in
tropical regions in well-jointed rocks such
sphagnum bog moss, a member of Sphag¬ as basalts. Water penetrates the inter¬
num, a genus of soft mosses with erect secting joints, attacking each separate
stems, growing in swamps or in water in block from all sides simultaneously, break¬
cold temperate zones. Minute holes in ing off a succession of shells or skins, so that
some of the cell walls of the leaves promote a succession of new surfaces is presented
the absorption of water, even when the to the weathering solution, leaving a
leaves are dead. The conditions of the mass of unweathered rock in the centre
environment prevent decay, so as the plant which, on exhumation, appears at the
grows upwards the depth of the moss bed surface as a rounded mass. The process
increases, becomes compacted, and forms (hydrolysis) is similar to that involved
terminating in open water at the other. April, May or (astronomically) from the
The outer end is often deflected landward spring equinox, 22 March, to the sum¬
to form a hook, or a recurved spit; and mer solstice, 21 June 2. a continuous
development of the hook may produce a or intermittent natural flow of water
compound recurved spit or compound issuing strongly or seeping gently from the
hook. BARRIER ISLAND. earth’s surface under its own pressure, the
site being related to the nature and rela¬
spodosols in soil classilication,
tionship of rocks (especially permeable
USA, an order of soils associated with a
and impermeable layers), the level of
cool and cool-humid climate and forest
the WATER TABLE, the surface relief. DIKE¬
or heath vegetation, with a leached, acid,
ash-grey a horizon, low in plant nutri¬
SCARP-FOOT spring, spring-line,
ents, overlying a b horizon rich in iron
oxide and aluminium and enriched by
organic material from the A horizon (elu- spring-line a line ofsPRiNGS-2 occurring
viation, illuviation), e.g. a PODZOL. roughly at the level where, by reason of
deposition of the strata, the water table
spoil waste material from mining or
reaches the surface, as at the foot of an
quarrying operations, piled up in spoil
escarpment. Where such springs are
banks, spoil tips, spoil dumps or tip-heaps.
copious and constant they provided in the
SPOT Satellite Probatoire pour l’Obser- past a reliable water supply, one of the
vation de la Terre, a satellite-i orbiting factors likely to influence the choice of a
the earth, launched by France, carrying site for a village, hence the term spring-line
remote sensing equipment similar to village.
that aboard landsat satellites in order
to gather data on natural resources, spring-sapping, spring-head sapping
environmental conditions, land use etc. the undermining of a hillside at the point of
needed for certain earth resource develop¬ issue of a spring-2, caused by the erosive
ment projects. SKYLAB, SPACE SHUTTLE. action of swiftly flowing water, leading to
physically on the ground, thus differing range) greater than that of ordinary tides,
from BENCH MARK. i.e. the high tide is higher, the low tide
spread and backwash effect circular the same straight line (syzygy), either in
N. S.
the period before the Free Selection Acts, rock, steep-sided, varying in height,
Australia. Comparable with the squire¬ especially such a mass forming an off¬
archy in Britain. shore island.
SSSI Site of Special Scientific Interest, in stack an isolated mass of rock near a coast¬
planning in Britain, an area ot land judged line, detached from the mam mass usually
by the Nature Conservancy to be of special by marine erosion (especially by wave
interest on account of the fauna or flora it action), rising steeply from the surround¬
supports, or of its special geological or ing sea. It represents the midway stage in
physiographical features. the marine erosion cycle: cave-i, arch,
vegetation and therefore usually not liable stadial moraine a recessional mo¬
standard time
seeped through joints and crevices to drip at random with replacement not only the
very slowly from the cave roof. Some of means but also the standard deviations and
the carbon dioxide in the water is released the variances etc. of these samples-3
so that some ofthe dissolved calcium bicar¬ always vary, standard error of the
altitude, used as a unit of measure in avi¬ which people live or would like to live 2.
each side of the mean in a frequency selected for its appropriateness for making
distribution. If there is no variation be¬ the necessary calculations and for drawing
tween values in the distribution the stand¬ a particular map projection; or for acting
ard deviation will be zero; it increases with as the horizontal axis of a grid-system. A
the increase in variation. A relatively low meridian selected for the same reason and
standard deviation is associated with a close purpose, but providing the vertical axis, is
standard error in statistics, the stand¬ part (zone) of a country (time zone), and
ard deviation of a whole set of estim¬ used for the whole of that area in order to
ates. It owes its existence to the fact that avoid the inconvenience resulting from
if an infinite number of samples of the the use of local time, daylight sav¬
\ s.
\ V
steady state
steady state an open system in which the ‘one above, thus producing step-like
external and internal relationships pro¬ changes of level of strata. Rift valleys are
duce equilibrium, or internal balance. often bounded by such a series.
steppe the treeless midlatitude grassland
steam fog a f o g resulting from the passing stretching from central Europe to southern
of cold air over the surface of warmer Siberia in Asia. It is similar to midlatit¬
freshwater, the moisture from the latter ude grassland elsewhere (e.g. pampas,
condensing into tiny visible droplets in the prairie) but if the term is applied to
air so that its surface seems to steam. In these it is best restricted to their drier
very low temperatures the droplets are parts.
converted immediately to ice particles and
stereoscope a binocular optical instru¬
ment designed to give photographs a
steam point the point at which pure three-dimensional character, the simplest
water at sea-level boils at a standard pres¬ comprising two lenses mounted horizon¬
sure of ATMOSPHERE-2. tally in a frame with legs some 20 cm
(8 in) in height, the distance between the
steel any of the many alloys of iron and o. i
eye-pieces being approximately the same
to 1.5 per cent carbon in the form of iron
as the distance between human eyes. Two
carbide, especially cementite, often alloyed
photographs of the same area but taken
with other metals if a special steel with a
from slightly different angles are viewed
particular property is needed. In its solid
through the lenses, with the result that
state steel is hard, with great tensile
each photograph is viewed by only one
strength, and it can be cast, rolled, drawn.
eye, giving the impression of a three-
It is used in construction work, all kinds
dimensional view. Stereoscopes, some
of machinery, installations, equipment,
very complex, are used especially in the
vehicles, domestic goods etc. It is made by
interpretation of aerial photographs.
reducing the carbon in cast iron (pig iron)
or by the diffusion of carbon into cast Stevenson screen a standardized met¬
iron. The methods formerly used in steel eorological screen, designed by
making (basic Bessemer process, Bes¬ Thomas Stevenson, an engineer.
stochastic adj. pertaining to chance or
have now been largely superseded by the
conjecture; in mathematics, random.
use of the electric furnace in large inte¬
grated steelworks (arc furnace, blast
furnace, iron, pig iron). Converters stock 1. an accumulation of goods held
lined with dolomite bricks in the basic for future use or maintained as a constant
Bessemer and basic open hearth processes source of supply 2. a resource 3. a group
produce basic, or mild, steel; acid steel is of plants or animals having the same line
produced from non-phosphonc ores pro¬ of descent 4. livestock.
cessed in converters lined with silica
stone 1. rock, hard mineral matter (other
than metal) 2. a piece of rock of imprecise
step faults a series of parallel faults each size, but larger than a particle of coarse
with a throw that projects in the same sand, smaller than a boulder, graded
direction, but to a greater distance than SEDIMENTS.
stratified society
Stone Age the period generally defined strain in physics, the deformation of a
as extending from the beginning of the body as a result of stress, termed homo¬
PLEISTOCENE (GEOLOGICAL TIMESCALE) geneous if the deformation is equal in
to the beginning of the bronze age, all directions, heterogeneous if otherwise.
when stone, bone or wooden (not metal) Strain is measured by the ratio of the
tools and weapons were used, divided into dimensional change produced to the ori¬
the culture periods eolithic, palaeo¬ ginal dimension (in linear measure, area
lithic, MESOLITHIC, NEOLITHIC. or volume); e.g. the ratio of the change
in area to the original area.
store cattle cattle bought and kept for
fattening and, as fat cattle, destined for the strait, straits a narrow passage of water
butcher. connecting two larger bodies of water.
storm i. any violent disturbance of the
atmosphere-i and the effects associated strata stratum.
with it, e.g. SANDSTORM, THUNDER¬
strath glen.
STORM 2. a gale-force wind, beaufort
SCALE. stratification (verb to stratify, to arrange or
form in strata, or to become arranged in
storm-beach a deposit of coarse beach
strata) formation into layers 1. in geology,
material, including cobbles and boul¬
the accumulation ofsEDiMEN t ary rocks
ders, thrown high up on the shore (usu¬
and of some igneous rocks in layers or
ally farther inland than the level reached by
strata ; the condition or manner ofbeing
a high spring tide) by unusually strong
stratified; the arrangement in strata (lam¬
waves in a storm.
ination) 2. in meteorology, the forma¬
storm-surge an unusual, rapid nse in tide tion of stable horizontal layers in the
atmospheric factors, especially by the lapse rate is less than the adiabatic
ing an immediate general picture of air when they are in a position of economic
motion; compare trajectory. strength, not weakness, i.e. conditions are
satisfactory in the place where they live,
stream order a hierarchical classification
but conditions in another (e.g. higher
of streams based on the magnitude of their
wages, higher social status, more pleas¬
channels and position in a drainage
ing environment) seem more desirable.
area, the outermost tributaries being des¬
ignated fingertip tributaries or first order
streams, two first order streams uniting to
form a second order stream, two second stress I. in physics, the force acting on an
order streams joining to form a third order, object, expressed as force per unit area,
and so on until the main river or trunk measured in newtons per metre squared
stream, opening to the mouth, is reached. (i.e. the force needed to give a mass of
At least two streams of any given order 1 kg an acceleration of 1 m per second
are needed to form a stream of the next per second, symbol N), calculated by
higher order. A more recent classification dividing the total force by the area to
is simpler, using only first order links as which it is applied. When stress is applied
an index of magnitude. Fig 44. to a body, e.g. a rock, it produces strain,
and the body can be distorted or deformed,
according to its elasticity. If two forces
press towards each other compression
or thrust results; if they pull apart there
is tension; and if they act in parallel the
result is shearing stress (shear) 2. the state
produced by that force 3. the force exerted
by environmental factors on the nervous
system of an animal or human being, or
the state produced by that force.
Fig 44 Stream order, according to Strahler ment of the ice. Similar scratches and
(modified) grooves on rocks may be the result of other
movements, e.g. soil creep, so the distinc¬
stream stage the height of the surface of tion ‘glacial striae’ is sometimes made.
a stream at any particular point in time.
strike the direction of a horizontal line
on an inclined rock stratum at right angles
to the direction of the true dip of
strength theory of migration-i,2, a the rocks. Strike is applied as an adj. to
theory which suggests that people move features roughly parallel to the strike, e.g.
strike fault
strike fault, strike joint, strike valley. HAWAIIAN, VULCANIAN (or VESUVIAN),
Figs 16, 42. and pelean.
equal. For the matched pairs f-test the two inant in southern areas) spread, pre-
can then be checked in a table of t values to continent 2. a very large land mass smaller
assess the probability of its being a chance than one usually termed a continent, e.g.
in latitudes near or just south of the arctic beneath an ice sheet or glacier, and
circle, and the phenomena associated now usually dry or carrying only a small
\ v
of the thinking subject, and therefore con¬ subsequent stream a stream indicating
ditioned by personal characteristics and that its development was subsequent to
feelings, humanistic geography, ob¬ a consequent stream. A consequent
level in relation to the land leads to the high level inversion in the atmos phere-i
flooding of the former land surface. Dal¬ caused by the slow descent of a large air
matian coast, fjard, fjord, ria, sub¬ mass which, as it approaches the ground,
decelerates and spreads horizontally,
merged FOREST.
resulting in adiabatic compression, the
submerged forest the remains of a warming of the descending air, and a stable
former forest, now completely covered by lapse rate. SUBSIDENCE-3.
the sea except occasionally at very low
tide, resulting from the submergence of subsistence agriculture, subsistence
the coast caused either by a rise of sea farming farming in which the products
level relative to the land (eustatism) or are grown or raised primarily (but not
by a lowering of the land surface (iso- necessarily solely) for the support of the
stasy). submerged coast. farmer and the farmer’s dependants, not
primarily for sale or trading. The opposite cancer and about 40°N and between the
is COMMERCIAL AGRICULTURE which is tropic of capricorn and about 40°S
primarily concerned with the growing 3. to belts of atmospheric high pressure
of crops or raising of livestock for sale. occurring in those zones, subtropical
regions where the temperature in any
subsistence crop a crop (commonly a
month does not fall below about 6°C
farinaceous food crop) grown as the
basic item of diet to be eaten by the farmers
The term extra-tropical is sometimes pre¬
and their dependants, not for sale or trad¬
ferred when the reference is to something
occurring just outside the tropics, e.g.
subsistence economy an economic extra-tropical high pressure belt.
system in which there is little if any buy¬
subtropical high pressure belts the belts
ing and selling, although there may be
of persistent high atmospheric pressure
bartering, market economy.
(anticyclone) with an east to west
subsoil an imprecise term for the soil trend, centred generally about latitudes
material lying immediately below the soil subtropical jet stream a jet stream
proper (solum, topsoil) and above the forming at the tropopause immediately
bedrock, corresponding approximately over the hadley cell. Fig 5.
to the c horizon. The term is seldom
used by pedologists, pedology, soil suburb, suburbs the outer, socially
V s.
succession and invasion
ity 2. in ecology, the progressive natural fuel or a fuel additive; and current experi¬
development of vegetation from the initial ments indicate that it may be used as a
pioneer community (pioneer stage) to the substitute for petrochemicals in various
climax, one community being gradually industrial processes, e.g. the making of
replaced by another under the influence detergents and plastics.
of physical factors (the living organisms
sugar beet a biennial plant with a
responding to topographical features, and
white, conical, swollen root yielding suc¬
edaphic and climatic factors) and bio¬
rose (sugar), native to midlatitude lands
tic factors (organisms reacting to one
in continental Europe, grown there
another), sere.
and in similar conditions elsewhere for a
succession and invasion invasion sugar supply. The leafy tops and the pulp
remaining after the sugar has been ex¬
tracted are used for cattle feed; molasses,
succession phenomenon a problem another by-product of the processing of
resulting from the control of pests and the roots, is also used as stock feed and for
diseases, in that by removing one pest or making industrial alcohol, the filter cake
disease another is given the opportunity remaining after the juice has been purified
to operate. by filtration being used as manure.
it y may drop to 15 per cent or less, causing (sulfur) dioxide emitted in the burning
excessive evaporation and seriously injur¬ of hydrocarbon fuels and in other pro¬
ing crops and other vegetation. cesses in towns and industrial plant.
V S.
sunrise, sunset the times at which the formed in situ, is also included; but a soil
sun apparently rises in the morning and formed in situ through the weathering of
sets in the evening below the horizon, the underlying rock is not. clay-with-
varying with latitude and with the sun’s flints, of uncertain origin, is usually
declination, due to the earth’s rotation on referred to as a superficial deposit, sur¬
its axis. Sunrise is defined in meteorology face deposit.
as the time at which the upper edge of
superglacial, supraglacial adj. of or
the sun appears above the apparent
relating to the surface or to the environ¬
horizon on a clear day; sunset, the time at
ment at the surface, of a glacier, engla-
which the upper edge of the sun appears
to sink below the apparent horizon on a
clear day. superglacial stream a rivulet of melt¬
water flowing in summer in a deep runnel
sunspot a dark area on the visible surface
on the surface of a glacier and descending
of the sun, consisting of a grey region
into a crevasse, englacial river, sub¬
surrounding a darker centre, causing
glacial CHANNEL.
an increase in the solar radiation
received on earth, and particularly affect¬ superheating heating to a temperature
ing the earth’s magnetic field and iono¬ above the normal transition point for a
sphere. Their number usually reaches a change of state without the occurrence of
maximum every eleven years. that change, e.g. when water is heated
above boiling point without boiling
supercooling cooling to a temperature
occurring, supercooling.
below the normal transition point for a
change of state without the occurrence of superimposed (superposed) drainage
that change, e.g. when water, if undis¬ epigenetic drainage, a drainage pattern
turbed, stays liquid at a temperature below appearing to be independent of the struc¬
o°C (32°F). This can happen naturally if ture of the underlying rocks because it was
water droplets in clouds are not disturbed; established on a former rock surface, since
but they become ice immediately on removed by denudation.
coming into contact with another body,
supermarket a large, self-service store
e.g. an aircraft (which can be most danger¬
stocked with food and (usually) some small
ous), or tall trees; and supercooling can
household goods displayed on open
also create very large hailstones, super¬
shelves, hypermarket.
superphosphate any of the various phos¬
superficial adj. of or relating to the sur¬
phate fertilizers containing soluble phos¬
face, not penetrating below the surface.
phorus pentoxide, obtained by treating
superficial deposit unconsolidated PHOSPHATE rock with SULPHURIC ACID.
Pleistocene or Holocene material lying on PHOSPHORUS.
the surface of the earth’s crust, not formed
superposition law of superposition.
in situ from underlying bedrock, but
carried and set down in position by the supersaturation the state of a solution
agencies of wind (e.g. loess), water (e.g. having a higher concentration of solute
alluvium), ice (e.g. glacial drift), than atsaturation (saturated), produced
or by gravity (e.g. colluvium), peat, by heating and slow, steady, undisturbed
suspended load
cooling or by very fast cooling of a satu¬ above the surface, and thereby drawing the
rated solution. Supersaturation occurs in surface together. In a small quantity of
the atmosphere-i when a cooling body liquid a shape with the smallest area possible
of air with a relative humidity will be found, i.e. a sphere. Surface tension
exceeding ioo per cent has enough water is usually reduced by a rise in temperature.
vapour to produce condensation, but con¬ CAPILLARY MOISTURE, POROSITY.
densation does not take place unless solid
surface wash processes whereby soil and
particles (e.g. dust) or negative ions are
other unconsolidated material are carried
available, quicksand.
by flowing water across the surface of the
supply and demand the market forces land, overland flow is the major pro¬
that govern prices, operating freely in a cess, but on sloping ground the action of
market ECONOMY, apparent through the large raindrops or a heavy downpour in
price mechanism as responses in quantities dislodging soil particles is also involved.
offered for sale (the supply) or the quant¬ SOIL EROSION. WANING SLOPE, WAXING
ities that consumers are prepared to buy SLOPE.
(demand) when the market price changes.
survey i. a general inspection or view¬
supraglacial adj. sometimes applied to
ing as a whole 2. a careful consideration,
the environment at the surface of a glacier.
inspection and examination as a whole
and in detail, e.g. of a place, building,
surazo (Brazil: Portuguese) friagem, a cold population, problem, state of affairs, con¬
wind blowing in winter in the campo of dition etc. 3. the presentation ofthe find¬
Brazil in the middle Amazon region, pro¬ ing of such a survey in written, diagram¬
duced by an anticyclone. Tempera¬ matic, cartographic, photographic form
tures may fall below io°C (50°F), causing 4. the process of gathering data relating
great discomfort. to a chosen area, e.g. by remote sensing
or by the measuring and recording of lines
surf the foaming water produced by a
and angles of an area of land in order to
powerful wave as it breaks on rocks on
make an accurate map of it 5. an area that
the seashore, littoral current.
has been so measured and recorded etc.
surface deposit unconsolidated material 6. a group of people, or a department,
overlying bedrock, weathered from the engaged in the surveying indicated in
bedrock itself (residual deposit), or 1,2,3,4 7. in statistics, a method for esti¬
weathered elsewhere and carried to the mating. SAMPLE SURVEY.
present position by wind (aeolian de¬
suspended load the fine organic and
posit), by water (alluvium), by ice
inorganic materials (e.g. silt and clay)
(glacial drift) or by gravity (collu¬
consisting of particles with diameters
vium). superficial deposit.
commonly less than 0.2 mm (some¬
surface tension the surface force acting times termed wash load) carried by a
on the surface of a liquid with the effect of stream-i in suspension (without the
reducing the surface area to the minimum. aid of saltation), as distinct from the
This surface force is the result of forces bed load and the dissolved load.
within the liquid acting on the molecules Measurements of suspended material are
ofthe surface in the absence offorces acting usually expressed in milligrams per litre or
kilograms per cubic metre, and are used disappears, in some cases as a waterfall 2.
to calculate transport rates. a hole in a stream bed through which some
of the stream water flows and disappears;
suspension a two-phase system in which or a point of no fixed location where a
a finely divided insoluble solid is uniformly stream may dry up as its water percolates
dispersed in a liquid or gas. In moving
water, e.g. in a stream-i, small particles
are kept buoyant (in suspension) by tur¬ swamp 1. in general, wet spongy land
bulent upward eddies which prevent saturated with water for much of the time,
the particles sinking under gravity; thus and its associated vegetation 2. more pre¬
the finest particles may be carried long cisely, the soil-vegetation type in which
distances by a stream or river before they the normal summer water level is above
sink to the bottom or are carried out to that of the soil surface, and the character¬
sea. colloid, saltation, solution, istic vegetation is woody 3. in ecological
SUSPENDED LOAD, TRACTION. freshwater studies, the last phase of aquatic
vegetation before it gives way to land ve¬
sustainable development develop-
getation (the sequence being, from the
ment-i in which the rate of exploi-
centre of a body of freshwater to the
TATION-I of RESOURCES-1,2 does not
margins: aquatic, swamp, marsh), bog,
exceed that of the renewal of those
resources, or degrade the stock-2, maxi¬
swash the body of water which rushes up
a beach after an ocean wave has broken.
synoptic map
regenerated and soil fertility has built up which divide the structure in exactly cor¬
naturally, to repeat the process. responding and equal parts.
symbiosis i. in biology, the very close synclinal valley a valley which follows a
association of dissimilar organisms to syncline in the underlying rocks, i.e. a
their mutual benefit, commensalism, valley formed by a downfold.
syncline a downfold in the strata of
parasitism 2. in human ecology, the very
the earth’s crust, the rocks dipping inwards
close, mutually advantageous relations
to a central axis (axis of fold), caused
among dissimilar members of a human
group or among dissimilar groups within
a larger group, or among dissimilar insti¬
tutions and activities, symbiotic rela¬ synclinorium a broad downfold (syn¬
tionship. cline) of the rocks over a considerable
tract of country on which numerous
symbiotic relationship the relationship minor upfolds (anticline) and down-
of the dissimilar organisms in symbiosis, folds are superimposed. Fig i.
applied by analogy to other phenomena,
e.g. the mutually beneficial relationship synoptic adj. providing a general sum¬
between a city or large town and its sur¬ mary or a general view.
limbs dip away symmetrically (sym¬ a problem. The factors are shown either
synoptic meteorology
sphere, adjacent to the tundra. There (a tank) for the carrying of liquids in bulk.
does not seem to be any authority for the tapioca starch the very pure starch
spelling taiga: etymologically tayga is more extracted from the root of the manioc
(cassava) plant, potentially useful in
tail dune a sand dune of varying length, the making of biodegradable plastic
talik (Russian) I. a layer of unfrozen tar a dark, thick, viscous substance ob¬
ground between the seasonally frozen tained by the destructive distillation
ground (active layer) and the perma¬ of coal, wood, or other organic material
frost 2. an unfrozen layer within the (coal tar). It is used in road surfacing
permafrost 3. unfrozen ground between (macadam), as a preservative for wood
permafrost. and iron, and in making dyes, antiseptics
talus 1. commonly applied to a scree, a
sloping heap of rock debris at the foot tariff 1. a scale of duties imposed by a
of a cliff or mountain slope 2. applied government on goods exported from or
specifically to the landform produced by imported into the territory under its juris¬
such rock debris, the term scree being diction; or the classificatory instrument
restricted to the rock debris itself, talus embodying such duties 2. the duty
CREEP. imposed 3. a scale of rates or charges, e.g.
for hotel accommodation.
talus creep the slow movement of
talus-i or scree down a slope under the tarmac macadam.
V v
tarn a small lake among mountains, usu¬ the ^problems arising from the interaction
ally of glacial origin, fed by rainwater from of people with their environment, al¬
the surrounding steep slopes rather than by ternate, APPROPRIATE, INTERMEDI¬
a distinct feeder stream; sometimes applied ATE, low, and high technology.
to a nearly circular lake occupying a corrie
technosphere the part of the physical
environment created or modified by
taxonomy the science of classification, tectonic adj. of, relating to, or ansing
living and extinct plants and animals and form features of the earth’s crust, plate
young leaves of a small evergreen tree, teff a tropical millet, the most widely
Camellia sinensis, usually pruned to form a grown food grain in Ethiopia (rarely cul¬
shrub, native to hill lands of southeast Asia, tivated elsewhere), yielding a fine white
now grown there and elsewhere in Asia, flour.
in east Africa and in areas bordering the
teleology consequentialism, the study of
Black Sea. It flourishes in high rainfall if
ends, goals or purposes, the doctrine of
the soil is well drained, yields well on
final causes. The belief that an explanation
highly acid soils, withstands frost.
of anything (process, object, act, event
teak a large deciduous tree, native to etc.) can be achieved only if the ends to
the relatively wet areas of tropical regions which it is directed are considered; that
of southeast Asia, providing very hard, explanation restricted to terms of caus¬
close-grained timber, used especially in ality is insufficient.
temperate adj. moderate, without ex¬
tear fault a strike-slip fault, some¬ tremes, of equable temperature, espe¬
times termed a transcurrent fault. cially a climate without extremes of
technological determinism in Marx¬
ism, the theory that the predominant type temperate glacier warm glacier.
ofTECHNOLOGY-3 of a society determines
temperate zone term applied in classical
its other features, particularly its social
times to the latitudinal temperature zone
lying between the tropics (23°3o'N or S)
technology I. the scientific study con¬ and the polar circles (66°3o'N or S), the
cerned with the practical and industrial midlatitudes. But temperatures of great ex¬
arts 2. the practical arts or practical science tremes occur in these midlatitude belts
3. the systematic application of scientific (especially in the interiors of the contin¬
knowledge to industrial processes or to ents), so in making specific reference to
terrace gravel
them in terms of a climatic zone the term landed property-2 2. the period ofhold-
temperate is inappropriate: it is better to ing this. LAND TENURE.
use the adj. midlatitude. Temperate
tephra a collective term for all the solid
zone does however appear in koppen’s
material ej ected into the air from a volcanic
vent during an eruption, i.e. pyroclast.
temperature I. the property of an object
teratogenic pollution the kind of pol¬
which indicates the direction in which
lution which gives rise to the birth of
heat energy will flow if the object is put in
malformed or otherwise defective organ¬
thermal contact with another, heat energy
flowing from places of higher to places of
lower temperature 2. as a climatic element, terminal moraine, end moraine a
the degree of sensible heat or cold in crescent-shaped moraine forming a ridge
the ATMOSPHERE-I (SENSIBLE TEMPER¬ beyond the snout of a glacier or at the
ATURE), measured on various scales. end of an ice sheet, marking the furthest
absolute as applied to range, temper¬ extent of the ice. If it is large it indicates
ature, zero; and diurnal range, inver¬ a long pause in the retreat of the ice.
terrace I. in agriculture, one of a series
of horizontal steps cut into a hillside to
between the mean temperature of a place relief, and to reduce soil erosion, terrace
and the mean temperature along its parallel cultivation 2. in geology, a level or
of latitude (in both cases adjusted to sea- nearly level and horizontal or nearly hori¬
level) . If the mean temperature of the place zontal strip of land, usually narrow
is higher than that of the mean along its and bordering the sea, a lake, or a river
parallel oflatitude, the anomaly is qualified (river terrace), lying between a rising
as positive; if lower, as negative. The slope on one side and a downward, often
British Isles is much warmer than the av¬ abrupt, slope on the other, alluvial ter¬
and thus has a positive temperature an¬ TERRACE, MEANDER TERRACE; and REJU¬
tenure I. the act, manner or right of terrace gravel a gravel deposit remaining
holding office or property, especially on a river terrace after the erosion
of the finer alluvium with which it was on land, as opposed to marine-i deposits.
originally combined.
terrestrial magnetism the magnetic
terracette one of a senes of narrow hori¬ field of the earth as a whole, weak and
zontal steps from a few centimetres to varying in intensity and direction (mag¬
60 cm (up to 2 ft) in height, making a netic DECLINATION, PALAEOMAGNET-
ribbed pattern on a steep, usually grassland, ism) , which causes the needle ofa magnetic
slope in areas accessible to animals. Their compass, swinging freely in a horizontal
origin is disputed. They may owe their plane, to come to rest, indicating the north
existence to soil creep and, once formed, and south magnetic poles. The origin
be used by sheep and other animals; or of terrestrial magnetism has not yet been
they may have been formed initially by satisfactorily accounted for. magneto¬
animals treading the easiest route up the sphere.
hill. LYNCHET.
terrestrial radiation long-wave radi¬
terracing the work of making terraces for ation given out by the earth.
terrigenous adj. derived from the land.
terrain an area of land in respect of its
terrigenous deposits inorganic deposits
physical characteristics or condition,
(sand, gravel, pebbles etc.) derived from
especially if considered for its fitness or
the denudation of the land and laid down
use for a special purpose, e.g. for laying a
in the littoral zone-i of the sea floor,
railway track, or for a military operation.
as distinct from pelagic deposits.
terra rossa (Italian) a red-coloured thin
territorial waters the coastal waters with
clay loam soil, rich in iron, developed in
the sea bed below and all that lies or lives
limestone areas with a warm temperate,
therein (and the air space above) over
seasonally dry climate, occurring espe¬
which a coastal state has sovereignty. Vari¬
cially in karst in lands bordering the
ous international conventions have sug¬
eastern coast of the Adriatic sea, and else¬
gested the zones shown in Fig 45 (but
where in the Mediterranean region. The
discussions continue). A line drawn to link
fact that it supports garigue suggests that
major promontories is deemed to be the
deforestation may have contributed to its
landward baseline; for the treatment of
bays, see bay-2.
terra roxa (Brazil: Portuguese) a deep, A coastal state has (a) sovereignty over
dark red-purple, porous soil, rich in the territorial sea (b) powers of policing the
humus, formed on the Parana plateau in contiguous zone (to prevent infringement
Brazil, especially suitable for coffee cul¬ of its customs, fiscal, immigration and san¬
tivation. itary regulations etc.) (c) sovereign rights
over the sea bed of the so-called contin¬
terrestrial adj. I. of or pertaining to land,
ental shelf (to explore and exploit its
or to the earth-i (as opposed to celes¬
natural resources). For this purpose the
tial) 2. consisting of land (as opposed to
seaward limit of the continental shelf is
water) 3. growing on land 4. living on
defined as 370.4 km (200 nautical miles)
land, aquatic.
from the baseline or a limit coinciding
terrestrial deposits deposits laid down with the outer edge of the continental
margin, providing this is not beyond sovereign state on behalf of the United
648.2 km (350 international nautical mi) Nations 3. historically, in Australia, Can¬
from the baseline. The exclusive econ¬ ada, USA, an area not admitted to full
omic zone extends a coastal state’s rights rights as a state or province, having a sep¬
of sovereignty over the natural resources arate legislature under an administrative
of the waters as well as those over the authority appointed by the central govern¬
natural resources of the sea bed. Where ment 4. any large tract of land, a region, a
the distance between coastal states is less district, with undefined boundaries 5. in
than 740.8 km (400 international nautical zoology, the area of the habitat occupied
mi) a median line is usually drawn between by an individual animal or group of animals
the closest points of the baselines of the which will be defended by them, attacks
states concerned. being made especially against a trespasser
The traditional freedom of the high seas or trespassers belonging to the same
retains for all nations the right of naviga¬ species- 1 as the occupant(s).
tion, overflight and laying of submarine
cables in the areas of the so-called con¬ tertiary third in order or rank.
0 12 24
nautical mi les ♦ 2007
tertiary industry
chains such as the Alps and Himalayas were zontal angles by means of a small telescope,
formed, i.e. the earlier of the two periods a spirit level, and graduated arcs, mounted
of the Cainozoic era (geological time- on a tripod, triangulation.
theory 1. in general, an organized body
tertiary industry, tertiary activity, ter¬ of ideas, an integrated system of hypo¬
tiary sector one of the main categories theses, put forward as the truth of
ofiNDUSTRY, the activity concerned with something, supported by a number of
service to the primary and secondary facts relating to it, but sometimes resulting
industries, to the community and to from speculation 2. scientific, a structure
the individual, e.g. financial, commercial resting on a series of steps of observations
and educational institutions, distributive and assumptions, each supported by the
trades, professions, transport and com¬ preceding step, put forward to explain
munications, construction, repairs, main¬ a particular class of phenomena 3. a pro¬
tenance, defence, personal services, qua¬ cess of investigation based on logical or
ternary INDUSTRY. mathematical reasoning rather than on
Tethys the name applied to the ocean
and the geosyncline which it occupied, thermal a current or updraught of air
separating laurasia and gondwana- rising vertically in the atmosphere-i (of
LAND. CONTINENTAL DRIFT, PANGAEA, great advantage to birds and glider-pilots),
PLATE TECTONICS. the result of differential heating by the
sun’s rays on a sunny day of small parts
texture i. in geology the size, shape,
of the earth’s surface. It is the parts that
arrangement and distribution of particles
warm up more rapidly which give rise to
constituting a rock or a surface deposit, as
conductional heating and absolute in¬
opposed to the chemical character of such
stability and thus to rapidly ascending
particles 2. the arrangement and relation¬
vertical currents. A thermal may rise high
ship of particles of a soil as opposed to
enough for condensation to occur, leading
their chemical character.
to the formation of cumulus cloud, in
thalweg talweg. some cases associated with heavy con¬
vection rain and a thunderstorm.
thanatocoenosis a group of fossils con¬
sisting of the remains of organisms thermal adj. pertaining to heat.
assembled after death, in contrast with
BiocoENOSis-3. thermal conduction the process oftrans-
fer of heat through a body where there is
thematic adj. of, pertaining to or consti¬
a temperature gradient, the heat energy
tuting the topic, the main subject with
diffusing through the body by the action
which a study, discussion, piece of writing
of particles of high kinetic energy on
etc. is concerned.
particles of lower kinetic energy (from a
thematic map a map on any scale rep¬ high to a low temperature point). There
resenting a specific spatial distribution, is no visible movement of any part of the
theme, topic or aspect under discussion. body, convection, radiation.
caused by localized heating of the earth’s flow of hot water from the ground, usually
surface, leading to convectional rising of (but not always) associated with present
air, resulting in heavy rainfall and thunder¬ or former volcanic activity. It contrasts
storms if the warmed air rises high enough with a geyser, with its violent, intermit¬
for condensation to occur (thermal). tent emission, geothermal energy.
Small scale thermal depressions lead to
thermal stratification the succession of
dust devils in hot deserts and the
well-defined layers of water of different
simoom in the Sahara; on a larger scale
temperatures lying at various depths in the
they are associated with monsoon con¬
ocean or a deep lake, the top layer being
the warmest, except under ice, where
thermal erosion a type of erosion there may be an inversion or, in very cold
occurring in areas of permafrost where, areas, just one unstratified layer of very
if the organic layer protecting the land cold water, epilimnion, hypolimnion,
surface is removed, the ground ice-2 THERMOCLINE.
melts and the land surface breaks up.
thermocline the layer of water in an
thermal (infra-red) sensing remote ocean or deep lake, lying between the
sensing in which a thermal scanner, pen¬ non-circulating hypolimnion and the
etrating darkness and cloud, is used rather warmer epilimnion, through which
than a camera to sense the natural radi¬ the temperature falls swiftly with increas¬
ation emitted by features on the earth’s ing depth, commonly exceeding i°C per
surface and, by revealing relative temper¬ metre (about n°F per foot) of descent.
ature differences, to detect pollution in THERMAL STRATIFICATION.
water, the source offorest fires etc. infra¬
thermokarst, cryokarst a KARST-like
landform with irregular depressions
thermal metamorphism contact meta¬ formed in periglacial or former periglacial
morphism, the alteration of pre-existing superficial deposits as a result of the melting
rock to form a new, well-defined type
of ground ice-2 and the subsequent set¬
of rock, caused by a rise in temperature,
tling or caving of the ground. The term is
usually brought about by an intrusion
not widely used by British geomorpholo¬
into the pre-existing rock of very hot, gists, but is favoured by Russian authors.
molten igneous rock, metamorphic thermometer an instrument used to
AUREOLE, METAMORPHISM, REGIONAL measure temperature on any tem¬
METAMORPHISM. perature scale, commonly consisting of
a graduated glass tube with a bulb at
thermal pollution the heating of part
one end containing mercury or alcohol
of the environment by the discharge of
which is heat-sensitive, expanding with
substances with temperatures higher
increase in heat, and therefore rising in
than that of the ambient. The effect is
the tube; contracting with decrease, and
particularly detrimental in freshwater
falling in the tube (dry-bulb thermom¬
because heating tends to lower its content
of free dissolved oxygen. Heeded by most
ETER, wet-bulb thermometer). Less
of the organisms living in it. pollution.
common types incorporate heat-sensitive
thermal spring hot spring, a continuous metals, which expand or contract with
N. S.
temperature change, at a known rate; or OU’S thorny trees, the thorns giving partial
which, with temperature change, have protection from browsing animals.
varying resistance to the passage of elec¬
tricity. There is also a gas thermometer Thornthwaite’s climatic classifica¬
which measures pressure variations in a tion a classification of climates developed
gas maintained at constant volume. by C. W. Thornthwaite, American clima¬
tologist, between 1931 and 1948, based on
thermonuclear adj. relating to nuclear
the effectiveness of climate in the develop¬
ment of plant communities. Identifying
thermosphere the layer of the upper rainfall and temperature as the dominant,
which temperature increases with increas¬ to assess them. His index for measuring
—20 to o; semi-arid (D), MI —40 to —20; of strata or rocks in a fault, varying from
arid (E) with MI below —40. koppen’s a few millimetres to hundreds of metres
CLIMATIC CLASSIFICATION. in extent. The rocks on one side of the
fault-line are termed upthrow, on the
three-field system a system of cultivation
other side downthrow, indicating the dis¬
common in medieval England whereby
placement of each in relation to the other.
the arable land was divided in three large
fields (open fields), worked in common
by the village, one being fallow or resting thrust 1. a force tending to compress,
each year while the other two were similar to tension but acting in the op¬
cropped with wheat or rye and barley or posite direction, stress 2, in geology,
oats. The system disappeared with enclos¬ a compressional force affecting strata in
ure, the discovery that clovers (leg- an almost horizontal plane, leading, e.g.,
uminosae) enrich the soil and that to a reverse fault of very low angle.
fallow is largely unnecessary. OVERTHRUST, THRUST FAULT, THRUST
threshold 1. the point at which a stimulus
of increasing strength is first perceived or thrust fault a low-angled reverse
provokes a specific response, the point of fault, with the beds of the upper limb
transition from one state to another 2. in pushed far forward over the beds of the
central place theory, the threshold lower. FAULT, NAPPE, THRUST PLANE.
of success, the lowest demand necessary
thrust plane the surface, usually inclined
to ensure that any good, service or func¬
at a low angle and not strictly a plane, over
tion will be offered at a central place.
which the upper strata ofa reverse fault
Demand may be measured in terms of
are pushed, fault.
population (threshold population)
or income per caput. thunder the sound produced by the
explosive expansion of suddenly heated
threshold population the minimum
gases in the atmosphere-i resulting from
number of people needed in an area to
the expending of electrical energy in
support a function, service or provision of
THEORY, THRESHOLD-2. thunderstorm a storm of heavy rain
and/or hail and wind, with lightning
throughflow the flow of water down a
and thunder, occurring when intense
slope through the regolith, as distinct
heating of the ground surface leads to
from overland flow. It occurs when
strong upward air currents, great at¬
the quantity of water falling on the ground
mospheric instability and the forma¬
surface, or the rate at which it falls, is
tion of cumulonimbus clouds in which
too great for it all to percolate sufficiently
electrical charges become separated, the
swiftly downwards through the upper
positive charge collecting in the upper
soil horizons. Lateral eluviation re¬
part, the negative charge in the lower,
sults from the carrying of soil particles by
with a small region of positive charge at
the throughflow. pipe-4, runoff, sub¬
the base. Eventually the separation of the
surface wash. Fig 41.
main negative and positive charges gives
throw of a fault the vertical displacement rise to a diff erence of some 100,000 volts,
breaking down the insulation of the air, barrage) to drive hydraulic turbines
and resulting in a flow of electricity seen which generate electricity.
as the lightning flash. Thunderstorms
tidal race race-2.
are frequent in tropical and equatorial
regions, where air masses are warm and tidal range the difference in the height
moist; and they are also associated with of the water at high and low tide at a place,
the passage of a cold front (termed a varying from day to day. The fortnightly
frontal thunderstorm). neap tides have a small range, the spring
tides have a greater range.
tidal adj. of, or pertaining to, due to,
affected by, the tide. tidal stream the normal movement of
seawater in a coastal inlet, the inward flow
tidal barrage a barrier built on the sea¬
with the flood tide, the outward with
ward side of the reservoir in a tidal
the ebb tide, usually resulting in scour.
altitudinal zones of low latitudes in the Central America, Mexico and the north¬
northern Andes, Central America and ern Andes, the altitudinal zone known as
Mexico (the others being tierra fria, the zone of coffee (the zone of perpetual
TIERRA TEMPLADA, TIERRA HELADA). spring in the northern Andes), lying
Tierra caliente is the lowest zone, the zone between the tierra caliente and the
of tropical products, the hot tropical tierra fria, from about 1000 m to
coastland from sea-level to about 1000 m 1800 m (3000 to 6000 ft), average annual
(3000 ft), where the climate is humid, the temperature varying between i8.3°C and
temperature varying little between 24°C 24°C (65°F and 75°F), the range between
and 27°C (74°F and 8o°F) throughout the the coldest and the warmest month rather
year, and with the difference between the less than that in the tierra caliente. The
coldest and warmest months not more natural vegetation is savanna with open
than three or four degrees. The natural forest; the crops are maize, coffee, tobacco;
vegetation is luxuriant and tropical, with but rainfall is too low for pasture.
dense forests in wetter parts. The crops are
till unstratified, unconsolidated drift-i
bananas, sugar, cocoa; with maize, tobacco
consisting of a heterogeneous mixture of
and coffee on the mountain slopes.
angular and/or subangular clay, sand,
tierra fria (Spanish) one of the four alti¬ gravel and boulders carried by ice and
tudinal zones oflow latitudes in the north¬ deposited, with little or no subsequent
ern Andes, Central America and Mexico sorting or transportation by water. The
(tierra caliente), the tierra fria, the term boulder clay, long in use, has
zone of grains, lying higher than the now been replaced by till; and recently
tierra templada, lower than the refinements in the nomenclature of till
tierra helada, i.e. from about 1800 m have been proposed, taking into account
to 3000 m (6000 to 10 000 ft). The average the processes which form the sediments
annual temperature lies between I2.5°C and the position of their deposition.
and i8°C (55°F and 65°F), there is little
tillage 1. the process of cultivating land
difference in temperature from one month
so as to make it fit for raising crops 2. land
to another, and the natural vegetation is
ploughed or hoed in the current year 3.
coniferous forest giving way to scrub and
arable land, excluding rotation grass
grassland with increasing height and
and clover.
decreasing temperature. The crops are
wheat and vegetables; the fruits are those tilt block a block of rock standing
common at sea-level in higher latitudes between prominent fault lines and slanted
in the northern hemisphere; and there is at an angle in such a way that its slopes
much pasture. contrast with those that border it. basin
tierra helada the highest of the altitudinal
zones (tierra caliente) in the northern tilting the condition of slanting or being
Andes, Central America and Mexico, the slanted from the horizontal or vertical.
permanently snow-covered region of
timber 1. a wood suitable for or processed
mountain summits, lying higher than the
for use in construction 2. a tree yielding
tierra templada (Spanish) in tropical WOOD.
S v
timber-line the altitudinal or latitudinal tmte (which may include hours of day¬
line or zone beyond which trees suf¬ light, or biological constraints such as the
ficiently large to be of use for timber circadian rhythm) and physical
cease to grow, tree-line. accessibility. For example, it is possible
to travel only a certain distance from home
to another place, to spend time there in
some activity (working, shopping, play¬
ing, visiting friends, etc.) and to return
home in daylight, or in waking hours.
and entries qualified by time.
time geography, time-space geo¬
time-space convergence the concept
graphy an approach to geography pro¬
that as improvements in transport pro¬
posed in the 1960s by T. Hagerstrand,
gress the significance of the travel time
Lund School of Geography, who saw time
between places diminishes, distance
and space as resources, inextricably linked,
together imposing the boundary of the
field within which human activities and
behaviour are possible (time-space con¬ time-space distanciation term used by
straints). Within this framework he Anthony Giddens to define the social
identified (a) capability constraints, those interaction of peoples across space and
imposed on an individual or group by time by which formerly separate, self-
physical limitations (e.g. need to eat/ contained social systems, remote from one
sleep), or the availability of the facilities another, come into contact and become
required; (b) coupling constraints, the interdependent and integrated, the inter¬
place, time and duration of time available action being facilitated by swift transport
for people to meet, cooperate, join organ¬ and communication systems (time-space
izations; (c) authority constraints, limita¬ convergence). Giddens distinguishes
tions imposed by law or tradition that these ‘distanciated’ contacts from the rou¬
determine the place and time when per¬ tine face-to-face contacts of everyday life,
sonal contacts are possible, e.g. legal work¬ normally confined to a fairly limited
ing and shop hours, transport timetables, locality.
time zone the division represented by 15 0
time-space compression a force identi¬ longitude (less in small countries) within
fied by D. Harvey, 1989, as the accelera¬ which the mean time of the central (or
tor in TIME-SPACE CONVERGENCE and near central) meridian is selected to rep¬
time-space distanciation. He attrib¬ resent the whole division, standard
uted it to the mechanism of capitalism time. Fig 43.
in its unceasing search for new markets
tin a silvery-white, soft, malleable,
and a quick turnover of capital for re¬
ductile, stable metallic element-6,
resistant at ordinary temperatures to the
time-space constraints, space-time chemical action of air and water. It occurs
constraints the boxmg-in of human mainly as the oxide cassiterite, either in
activity produced by the simultaneous placer deposits weathered from veins in
operation of the limitations of available granite, or directly from lodes. It is used
topography a term which has given rise topophilia the love of place, the coupling
\ V
of sentiment with place, mental map. Mexico meets cool, dry air from the north,
and when the heating of the land surface
topotype in ecology, a population with
is at its greatest. It may travel only a short
characteristics associated with a particular
distance (some 30 km: 18 mi) and last
region, which are distinct from the charac¬
under two hours, but in that time it mows
teristics of the population in another
down anything in its path, tropical
topsoil an imprecise term applied by agri¬
tour a journey made for pleasure or for
culturalists rather than by soil scientists to
reasons of business, inspection, education
the cultivated layer of the mature soil,
etc. which ends at the place of origin and
whatever soil horizons were originally
takes in several places or points of interest
involved, or to the surface soil as distinct
on the way. tourism.
from the subsoil.
tourism 1. the practice of making tours
tor a prominent, isolated mass of jointed,
for pleasure 2. synonym for tourist indus¬
weathered rock, usually granite, especially
try, the whole business of providing hotel
one rising from the moorland of Dart¬
and other accommodation, facilities and
moor, southwest England.
amenities for those travelling, or visiting,
tornado I. African tornado, a violent or staying in a place for a relatively limited
storm over the lands of west Africa, con¬ period of time primarily for pleasure.
sisting of a squall, usually with torrential ADVENTURE TOURISM, ECOTOURISM.
rain, sometimes of short duration, but
extending over a long front (up to 320 km:
tower karst, turmkarst karst formed
200 mi) associated with a thunder¬ in tropical conditions (tropical karst),
with isolated limestone hills, generally
storm. It occurs most frequently in day¬
flat-topped with steep, forest-covered
time between the wet and dry seasons
when humid monsoon air from the south¬ sides, interspersed with stretches of allu¬
west meets the dry northeasterly har- vium or other detrital sand, kegelkarst.
trade wind
land and the common grazing, the croft traction load bed load, traction.
land being separated from the common
trade the business of distributing, selling
pasture by the township dyke (a stone or
and exchanging commodities.
turf wall), the number of crofts varying
widely (from six to fifty or more) 2. trade gap in the trade of a country, the
(American) a term applied in two ways in amount by which, over a period of time,
Public Land Survey, USA, the first being the value of imports exceeds that of ex¬
to the congressional townships of 6 mi ports.
square, whether it is settled or not, the
trade-off theory of land use, a theory
second to the northern component drawn
which maintains that consumers are pre¬
up for locating and identifying the town¬
pared to trade-off (balance out) rents and
ships 3. in Australia, a tract of land laid out
transport costs, i.e. to trade-off the access¬
with streets and subdivided into lots for
ibility offered by city centre sites (where
future urban development, or a temporary
the plots of land are small and the cost of
settlement on such a site 4. in the former
land is high, but transport costs involved
Republic of South Africa, separate areas
in living there are low) and the lower land
of generally low standard housing reserved
costs but higher transport costs incurred in
for Africans, Asians or ‘coloured’ people.
living in suburban sites. Trade-off theory
towpath a path alongside a navigable river thus relies on the ideas of indifference
or canal, used originally by draught animals theory (a theory which states that, within
or people towing boats. certain limits, consumers are indifferent to
varying combinations of goods, e.g. of
trace element one of the chemical
high rents and low transport costs, or low
elements present in relatively small quan¬
rents and high transport costs), and is used
tities in the earth’s crust, and essential in
particularly in studies of residential land
very small amount for the normal health
use. It is similar to bid rent theory (bid
of plants and animals, e.g. boron, copper,
price curve) in that it explains residential
manganese, molybdenum, zinc for higher
location decision solely in terms of minim¬
plants, cobalt for cattle and sheep, iodine
izing travel costs (accessibility) and hous¬
for human beings. An insufficiency or lack
ing costs (location rent). If a graph is drawn
of intake of trace elements may lead to
to show transport costs, land costs and
deficiency diseases. An excess is in some
overall cost in relation to distance from
cases harmful, macronutrient, micro¬
the city centre, there will be various points
where the mix of land and transport costs
trace fossil the trace of plant or animal produces the same overall cost. These are
activities (e.g. tracks or burrows ofanimals, the points of access/space trade-off which,
root passages of plants) preserved in the in those terms, present the consumer with
rocks of the earth’s crust, fossil. a choice of best location, the consumer in
this case being indifferent to the alternative
traction a process in the transportation of
combinations of factors which make up
debris by a river, in which the debris rolls
the total costs.
and slides along parallel with and close
to the bed, other debris being carried in trade wind (from nautical phrase to blow
solution-i and suspension, salta¬ trade, to blow a regular course) a constant
tion. wind which blows (more strongly over
V v
traffic in endangered species
the ocean than over the continents) from commodity movements, e.g. tariff walls.
the tropical high pressure belts towards
transform fault in theory of plate tec¬
the equatorial LOW in the northern and
tonics, a massive tear fault that marks
southern hemispheres, i.e. from the north¬
the divide where two plates slide past each
east in the northern, from the southeast
other, the edges moving jerkily and jost¬
in the southern, the typical planetary
ling each other but staying close together.
The plates do not dive into the mantle,
no material is added to or subtracted from
traffic in endangered species cites. the earth’s crust, but the friction arising
from the movement of the plates usually
traffic principle, transportation prin¬
causes severe earthquakes and earth
ciple one of the principles used by
tremors, e.g. the San Francisco earth¬
W. Christaller to account for the varying
quake, 1906, caused by the movement
levels and distribution ofcENTR al places
along the San Andreas transform fault in
in a central place system. Assuming
California, USA.
ease and efficiency of transport between
central places to be the dominant consider¬ transhumance a periodic or seasonal
ation, as many lower order centres as pos¬ movement of pastoral farmers and live¬
sible will he on the traffic routes between stock seeking fresh pasture between two
the higher order centres (shown by a K-4 areas of different climatic condition, e.g.
hierarchy, where a higher order place in mountainous areas, the movement from
serves three adjacent lower order places). valley floor, the winter location, to moun¬
There will therefore be a greater number tain pasture for the summer, and the return
of higher order centres than is accounted to the valley in autumn; or the movement
for by the marketing principle, ad¬ from drought-stricken lowlands in sum¬
ministrative PRINCIPLE, K-VALUE. mer to cooler higher land, as in Spain.
Fig 9(a). Some authors also use the term as equi¬
valent to nomadism, the migration of
trajectory the path of an individual parcel
nomadic pastoralists in search of fresh pas¬
of air over some duration of time, in con¬
ture in a regular, seasonal pattern according
trast to STREAMLINE.
to the rainfall regime, mayen.
tramontana, tramontane, tramon-
transition zone the zone surrounding
tanto (Spanish; Italian, north wind) a cold
dry north or northeast wind descending
residential areas invaded by business and
towards the sea from cold, dry plateaus in
light manufacturing, mainly from the
the western Mediterranean area.
core-2, but also from elsewhere.
transcurrent fault tear fault.
transit trade in international trade, trade
transect a section taken across a tract of' in which freight is exported from one
country for the purpose of studying the country to cross another, or others, before
vegetation in relation to soil and relief. reaching its destination in the importing
transfer costs in international trade,
transport costs combined with the translocation in soil science, the transfer
costs of overcoming other obstacles to of substances in solution-i or suspen-
sion from one soil horizon to another. the site of deposition, the agents being
ILLUVIATION. running water, ice (glaciers and ice sheets),
wind, the ocean (waves, tides, currents).
transnational capitalism capitalism
The material earned, termed the load
that is non-territorial, not only crossing
(load of a river), may itself act as an
state borders in seeking new markets, raw
eroding agent (abrasion, corrasion),
materials, cheaper labour, but concerned
suffering attrition as the particles rub
especially with speculative finance capital
against each other and the surface over
in the world economy, state capit¬
which they are being carried.
transportation slope a slope-2 on
transnational corporation multi¬
which at each point the amount of material
received from points upslope is balanced
transnational movements social, cul¬ by the loss of material passing downslope.
tural and political networks that cross
transport costs all the costs involved in
territorial boundaries of existing states
the moving of goods from one place to
without having a dominant base which
another, e.g. inventory, paperwork, hand¬
expresses the interests of any individual
ling, packaging, insurance, freight rates,
state (or groups within such a state).
temporary warehousing en route etc.
transpiration the loss ofwATER vapour TRANSFER COSTS.
from a plant mainly through the tiny pores
transverse adj. crosswise, lying across,
in the outermost layer of cells, i.e. from
crossing from one side to another.
the stomata of the leaves, resulting in a
stream of water with dissolved mineral transverse coast an Atlantic type
salts surging up through the plant. Tran¬ COASTLINE, or DISCORDANT COAST.
spiration is unlike evaporation in that
transverse dune a dune with its crest
it takes place through living tissue under
running at right angles to the direction
the influence of the physiology of the
of the prevailing wind, longitudinal
transport the act of carrying material or
transverse valley a valley which cuts
a person from one place to another. In
across a ridge, at right angles to the ridge.
British usage the terms transport and
transportation are commonly inter¬
changeable, transport being preferred transverse wave shake wave.
except in geomorphology in the cases
traverse a surveyed line consisting of a
cited below. American usage generally
series of observations (legs), measured in
favours transportation.
distance and direction from a known start¬
transportation i. (American) the carry¬ ing-point, the end of one leg being the
ing or the conveying of material or a person beginning of the next, thus incorporating
from one place to another 2. a phase in cumulative error. The term closed traverse
the process of denudation concerned is applied if the legs are joined to link a
with the conveying of loose material of known starting-point to a known fin-
the earth’s crust by a natural agent (other ishing-point. If the position of only the
than mass movement by gravity) to starting-point or the finishing-point is
N. S>
accurately known, and the legs are joined, streams at right angles, angulate drain¬
the traverse is termed an open traverse. age. Fig 17.
trench 1. a deep elongated submanne
trawl, trawler a large bag-shaped fishing trough. DEEP, OCEANIC TRENCH 2. a
net with a wide mouth which is dragged long narrow valley between two moun¬
along the bottom of the sea by a boat; tain ranges, especially a rift valley or
tropical climate
line, which serves as one side of the cancer) and23°3o'S (tropic of capri¬
primary triangle, triangles are constructed, corn).
their angles being measured with a
tropical adj. of or pertaining to the
theodolite, the length of their sides
tropics, relating either to the specific
being calculated by trigonometry as
parallels of latitude, 23°3o'N or 23°3o'S;
the equipment is moved from one point
or to the zone lying between those two
that is to be determined to another. Tri-
parallels; or to that zone with the adja¬
angulation may be of primary, secondary
cent areas, since major climatic and other
or tertiary order, in accord with the area of
changes take place more nearly at 30°N
the triangles and the standard of accuracy
or S thanat23°3o'N orS. But some authors
needed, traverse.
exclude as distinct the doldrums or belt
Triassic adj. of or relating to the earli¬ of calms (itcz) or the equatorial belt.
est period (of time) or system (of rocks)
tropical air mass an air mass, symbol
of the mesozoic era, when reptiles were
T, originating within the subtropical
donnnant, gymnosperm plants (plants pro¬
high pressure belts, either the warm,
ducing seeds not enclosed in an ovary)
moist maritime tropical (mT), originating
appeared, and sandstone and pebble beds,
in the trade wind belt and subtropical
shelly limestone, red sandstones and marls,
waters of the ocean, or the hot, very dry,
with layers of rock salt and gypsum, were
unstable continental tropical (cT), origin¬
laid down.
ating in low latitude deserts (especially
tributary a stream or river flowing into the Sahara and Australian deserts), polar
a larger one. FRONT.
s. V.
tropical cyclone
tsetse fly
to the earth’s surface, i.e. below the the observer, as distinct from magnetic
tropopause. The thickness of the tropo¬ north and grid north.
sphere vanes from 7 to 8 km (11 to 13 mi)
near the poles to some 16 km (26 mi) over true origin the point on which the
the equator. It contains nearly all the dust grid-1 system on a map is based, at the
and liquid particles, some 90 per cent of intersection of the projection axes (the
the water vapour, and 75 per cent of the central meridian and a line drawn at right
\ V
restricts the areas where cattle rearing is spreading of a more fluid lava below, thus
possible in Africa. resembling a laccolith in origin.
tsunami (Japanese) a large-scale seismic tundra (Russian) a treeless region and its
ocean wave (incorrectly termed a tidal associated vegetation north of the north¬
wave) caused by a submarine earthquake ern latitudinal tree-line, characterized
or a volcanic eruption. It travels at great by long, very cold winters and perma¬
speed in the open ocean (between some frost, and supporting a vegetation of
600 and 1000 kph: 370 and 1600 mph), mosses, lichens, herbs-i and dwarf
with enough energy in some cases to travel shrubs, infested with insects (blackflies,
halfway round the world. The wave height midges, mosquitoes) in the short summer.
is low in the open ocean, but on entering The mean monthly summer temperature
shallow water the energy is concentrated, lies below io°C (50°F), warm enough to
resulting in a wave of great height (up to thaw the snow and the surface of the
15 m: 50 ft), inundating low-lying areas permafrost, providing ideal marshy con¬
on the shore. ditions in the ill-drained soils for msect-
breedmg. Koppen included tundra in
tuba cloud a cloud in the shape of a his polar zone, koppen’s climatic
cone or column emerging from a cloud CLASSIFICATION, TUNDRA SOIL.
tundra soil a dark-coloured shallow soil
tuber the swollen food-storing part of an with a highly organic surface layer and
underground stem (e.g. potato) or root usually (but not necessarily) with frozen
of a plant. subsoil. Comparatively little moisture is
available but where it is the typical
tube well a well dug or drilled to reach
tundra plants in decay give rise to a
a deep-seated supply of water, lined with
surface layer of organic material which
a pipe (a tube).
accumulates and forms a peaty layer over
tufa (Italian) calc tufa, a soft porous sedi¬ an anaerobic layer. In general soil pro¬
mentary rock composed of calcium files are not well developed, and the soils
carbonate orsiLiCA, depositedby evap¬ range from polar desert soil in the arid
oration of circulating ground water, north to Arctic brown earths in the more
or water in lakes, or water near the point of humid upland regions with better drain¬
issue of a spring-2 or thermal spring. age.
down any available slope, spreading out sunrise) and after it has sunk below the
on a horizontal floor, turbulence due horizon (sunset) in the evening, its dur¬
to the flow tends to keep the sediment in ation depending on the date and latitude,
suspension until the flow itself ceases; i.e. brief in tropical regions, longer in
thf_ sediment is then deposited. Turbidity higher latitudes, sunrise, sunset 2.
currents near the ocean floor have an ero- astronomical twilight begins in the morn¬
sional effect and are thought to have cut ing when the centre of the sun is 18° below
deep valleys in the continental slope. the horizon, lasting until dawn; in the
SUBMARINE CANYON. evening from sunset until the centre of
the sun is i8° below the horizon. About
turbulence movement of a fluid in the time of the solstice in high lat¬
which the flow is not in smooth, parallel itudes the sun’s centre never sinks to i8°
layers, but in eddies (eddy), so that mixing below the horizon, so twilight is continu¬
occurs, in contrast to a smooth laminar ous from sunset to sunrise for some nights,
flow. The term is used especially in the number of such nights increasing
meteorology in connexion with the flow towards the poles. 3. civil twilight is classi¬
and mixing of air (diffusion-z). Turbu¬ fied as commencing or ending when the
lence in river flow helps to carry material sun’s centre is 6° below the horizon, when
in suspension; and it is a characteristic the light is judged to be sufficient for out¬
feature of ocean drift-2, hydraulic door work 4. nautical twilight commences
force. or ends when the sun’s centre is 120 below
the horizon, when the light should be
turnpike historically, a spiked bamer
sufficient to allow vague shapes to be seen.
fixed across a passage for defence purposes;
later a gate placed across a road (hence twilight area the part of a town where old
turnpike road) where a toll was paid by buildings in need of repair and inadequate
anyone wishing to use the road. In Britain facilities lead to poor living conditions.
in the eighteenth century the roads were
twister a tornado-2 in USA, a
privately owned (especially by ‘turnpike
trusts’) and maintained by these tolls. Later
the term turnpike was applied to the road two-field system a simple system of cul¬
itself; and later still revived, especially in tivation practised in parts of medieval Eng¬
the USA, and applied to motorways sub¬ land, in which half the land was cultivated,
ject to a charge or toll. half left fallow each season, three-field
tussock grass bunch grass.
typhoon a violent tropical revolving
twilight i. the faint light of the sun re¬ storm in the China Sea and adjacent
flected from the upper atmosphere-i on regions, particularly around the Philip¬
to the earth before the sun itself rises above pines, commonly occurring in the period
the honzon in the morning (dawn or from July to October.
\ V
ubac (French dialect; Italian opaco; Ger¬ quartz or feldspar, with a silica con¬
man Schattenseite) the shady side of a tent less than 45 per cent and a basic-1
valley facing away from the sun, in contrast oxide content more than 55 per cent,
to ADRET. largely FERROM AGNESI an minerals, me¬
tallic oxides, sulphides. Ultrabasic rocks
ubiquitous materials the raw materials
usually occur in association with other
used in manufacturing industry
basic rocks in layered igneous intru¬
which are available anywhere, not loc¬
alized, and therefore do not influence the
selection of location of the industry con¬ ultraviolet radiation very short elec¬
cerned. RESOURCE ORIENTATION. tromagnetic waves emanating from
the sun, with wavelengths between those
Uinta structure (USA: from the Uinta
of x-rays and those of the violet end of
mountains, Utah) a broad, flattened an¬
visible light. Most ultraviolet radiation is
ticlinal flexure from which strata
absorbed by ozone molecules in the
descend sharply on each flank before
upper atmosphere, but some reaches the
resuming their horizontal state. In the
earth’s surface in sunlight, especially in
Uinta mountains there is a classic example
high mountainous areas. It plays an im¬
of subsidence and uplift on a giant scale,
portant part as a photochemical agent
a flattened anticlinal flexure being there
in some life processes, e.g. it acts on the
raised up in Cretaceous times, later ex¬
skm of some animals, including people, as
tensively denuded to expose Precam-
a factor in helping to produce vitamin D;
brian rocks, uplifted again at the end of
but an excess of ultra violet radiation can be
the Eocene, with large faults on its north
lethal to organic life, electromagnetic
and south flanks, and again uplifted in the
late Pliocene-Pleistocene epochs, geolo¬
gical timescale. umiak the traditional Inuit open boat
made from skins stretched tightly over
ultisols in soil classification, USA,
a wooden frame, paddled especially by
an order of soils which are deeply weath¬
women and children.
ered and relatively infertile, lacking base
minerals, having red and yellow clay umland (German) an area which is
constituents, associated with humid tem¬ culturally, economically and politically
perate to tropical climates. Character¬ related to a particular town or city, urban
istically the a horizon is marked by field is now the preferred term.
residual iron oxides and the b horizon
uncertainty I. the possibility that several
has accumulations of clay.
outcomes will occur as a consequence of
ultrabasic rock an igneous rock, gen¬ a decision or action, the form but not the
erally Plutonic and containing very little probability of each being known. Thus
contact, where the overlying younger which the adjective ‘backward’ had pre¬
rocks have been laid down on a surface viously been applied but to which excep¬
resulting from a very long period of de¬ tion was naturally taken by their people.
nudation, the older, lower set of beds Underdeveloped (of a country or region)
having been laid down then uplifted, came to be applied to one not achieving
tilted, warped or folded and denuded to the level that could be reached, given its
a greater or less degree before the depos¬ natural and economic resources, if the
ition of the upper, younger series. The necessary capital, skills, machinery etc.
plane or the division between two such were available, i.e. underdevelopment was
sets is the unconformity, and it implies assessed in economic and technical terms.
a break (of any duration) in a geological From an economist’s viewpoint, under¬
record. developed can be applied to a country
which could use more capital, labour or
underclass an imprecise term, variously more available resources (or all of these) to
used, but in general applied to disad¬ support its present population on a higher
vantaged people who suffer multiple living standard or, if its per caput income
deprivation, who do not share in the is already fairly high, could support a larger
benefits of the society in which they live, population on a living standard which
who may fall outside a prevailing welfare would not be lower. In time the narrow
system, and who live in poverty-3 . pov¬ economic view of underdevelopment
erty CYCLE. came to be regarded as unsatisfactory: it
did not take into account social conditions
underdid a large mass of unstable rock
in the country or region concerned. It is
debris lying below a cliff, consisting of
thus now usual to include a c msideration
material which has slipped as a result of
of social (as well as economic and tech¬
weathering, occurring particularly if chalk
nical) elements in references to develop¬
overlies clay.
ment or underdevelopment. Over time
undercut slope the steeper slope on the other terms have been introduced relating
S. x.
underfit river
undertow a strong current flowing near static or in relative decline. Some writers
the bottom of the sea close to the shore, maintain that increased global competition
pulling away from or aligned with the and the mobility of capital (and the col¬
coastline. It is caused by the flowing sea¬ lapse of state socialism) encourage uneven
cess, but others consider this confusing languages being English, French and (in
(uniclinal), preferring uniclinal because the General Assembly) Arabic, Chinese,
it implies a uniform dip in one direction. Spanish and Russian. The official lan¬
guages are English, French, Russian,
uniformitarianism the principle that the
Spanish and Chinese. The principal organs
processes and natural laws existing in the
are the General Assembly, the Security
past, which steadily and slowly brought
Council, the Economic and Social Coun¬
about changes in and on the surface of
cil, the Trusteeship Council, the Inter¬
the earth, can still be seen at work today.
national Court of Justice, the Secretariat.
The opposite view is expressed in cata¬
A very full account of the United Nations,
strophe THEORY.
its operations and agencies appears in The
unimproved adj. not used well, not made Statesman’s Year-Book, The Macmillan
United Nations an association of coun¬ rising. If it is very moist it will cool very
tries which by signing the Charter pledge slowly, at the saturated lapse rate,
themselves to maintain international peace and be even more unstable, leading to the
and so to help the political, social and eco¬ formation oflarge cumulus clouds which
nomic progress of the world. The or¬ may be associated with heavy rainfall,
in the domestic affairs of any state. It ori¬ only when its temperature equals that of
ginated during the Second World War, the surrounding air. stable equilib¬
V S.
upper atmosphere
urban sprawl
urban fringe the area of social change etc. In the process most urban places grow
around a town or metropolitan area but the population tends to concentrate
(metropolis-2), where urban devel¬ most quickly and in the greatest numbers
opment impinges on agricultural land, in the largest places 2. the state reached in
population density increases and land the process, anti-urbanism, counter¬
values rise, rurban. urbanization, ECONOMIES OF URBAN¬
urban geography the branch of geo¬
graphy concerned with the site, evolution, urban land the land on which an urban
morphology (urban morphology) and SETTLEMENT is built.
classification of villages, towns and cities,
urban renewal a process in which the
their location in relation to a region or the
obsolete fabric of an urban area is restored,
country, the general processes (economic,
renovated and improved in order to meet
political, social) at work within them, and
contemporary needs or standards. In most
the pattern of their relationship to other
cases an attempt is made to retain its
urban areas.
original external character, but if this
urban hearth the place of origin of is impossible, a certain amount of re¬
urban development, of urban culture, development may be included. Redevel¬
e.g. the land between the rivers Tigris and opment involves the total destruction of
Euphrates, Mesopotamia; the Nile valley; all or part of the obsolete fabric before the
the Indus valley in the Indian subcontin¬ work of new building, creation of open
ent; the valley of the Hwang Ho, northern spaces, possibly new roads etc. begins.
China, hydraulic hypothesis.
urban-rural continuum rural-urban
urban hinterland the hexagonal trade continuum, the merging of town and
areas in central place theory. country, a term used in recognition of the
ISOTROPIC SURFACE, SPHERE OF IN¬ fact that in general there is rarely, either
FLUENCE-2. physically or socially, a sharp division, a
clearly marked boundary, between the
urbanism i. town character, the typical
two, with one part of the population
condition of a town, or way of life charac¬
wholly urban, the other wholly rural.
teristic of a town 2. sometimes used as
an alternative term for urbanization.
ANTI-URBANISM. urban settlement a term loosely applied
to a relatively densely built-up area with
urbanization i. the continuous process
its associated open spaces where the major¬
of transformation from being of rural to
ity of the economically occupied inhab¬
being of urban character, and the con¬
itants are engaged in activities mainly
tinuous change within the urban area itself
concerned with secondary, tertiary,
as it grows by natural increase and by mig¬
quaternary industries, i.e. the def¬
ration-1,2 from other (usually rural)
inition is based on the function, not on
areas. The result is that an increasing pro¬
the number, of the inhabitants, urban,
portion of the population of an extensive
area is concentrated in defined urban
places, with resulting changes in land use, urban sprawl an irregular, unplanned,
landscape, way of life, economic activities untidy spread of buildings around a
V v
urban village
town, sometimes linking-up with similar more gentle slopes ofthe pre-glacial valley.
development around a neighbouring Theglacier straightens the valley, shortens
town, and usually consisting of residen¬ projecting spurs (truncated spur) and
tial areas, small shopping centres, small creates hanging valleys. The head of
industrial enterprises. the valley may end in a steep wall (trough
end); and paternoster lakes may be
urban village village-2. formed. Post-glacial alluvial deposits may
have enhanced the flatness of the floor.
urstromtal (German) a wide, shallow
valley excavated by a melt-water stream utilitarianism in ethics, a doctrine
flowing in front of a continental ice sheet (expounded broadly by David Hume,
in the North European Plain, correspond¬ 1711-76, but fully developed by Jeremy
ing to static periods in the northwards Bentham, 1748-1832) that the greatest
retreat of the edge of the Scandinavian ice good is the greatest happiness of the great¬
sheet. est number; and that therefore the moral
and political rightness of an action is deter¬
U-shaped valley a glaciated valley, a val¬
mined by its utility, i.e. its contribution
ley which in cross section has the shape of
to the greatest happiness.
a U, the floor being generally flat, the sides
usually steep, due to the work of a valley utility 1. in economic theory, value-i,
glacier moving down the v-shaped the capacity (especially the capacity of
valley of a pre-glacial river. The glacier goods or services) to satisfy human wants.
gouges out the floor and erodes the valley The worth to the consumer is determined
sides up to the level of the surface of by the extent to which these satisfy the
the ice. If the ice does not fill the valley wants; and it is reflected in the price which
a prominent shoulder-2 commonly oc¬ the consumer is prepared to pay 2. public
curs where the steepened sides meet the utility.
vadose water water wandering in the beauty, rarity, utility) expressed in terms
ground above the permanent water of the money, effort etc. someone is pre¬
table, varying in amount and position pared to expend in order to acquire, hold
as it moves through permeable rock. in possession, preserve it 2. a quality, prin¬
GRAVITY WATER, PHREATIC WATER. ciple etc. that excites such a desire (e.g.
moral values) 3. in economics, the monet¬
vale imprecise term applied to a broad,
ary equivalent of a product or a factor of
flat, extensive valley (e.g. the Vale of
production which satisfies three criteria,
Aylesbury), or simply a gently undulating
i.e. it is capable of being owned, it has
lowland (e.g. the Vale of Glamorgan). It
utility (satisfies needs or desires), and
is also used poetically, and is best avoided
is in limited supply 4. in mathematics,
as a geographical term.
the amount represented by a symbol
valley an elongated depression, usually or expression, or 5. the category of a
with an outlet, sloping down to an area VARIABLE-2.
of inland drainage, a lake, or to the sea,
value judgement a judgement that at¬
sometimes (but not always) occupied by
tributes worth or goodness, evil, beauty
a river. See valley qualified by beaded,
or some other value-i,2, to something;
or which asserts that some action ought
or ought not to occur.
valley glacier alpine glacier, mountain Van Allen radiation belt either of
glacier, outlet glacier, a glacier which the two layers of intense ionizing ra¬
occupies an existing valley, i.e. a preglacial diation, with high energy particles,
valley, termed an alpine glacier if it is which envelop the earth in its outer atmo¬
formed by the merging of several cirque sphere, the inner occurring at some 3000
glaciers; an outlet glacier if it originates km (1865 mi) above the earth’s surface,
from the margin of an ice cap or ice sheet. the outer at some 13 — 19000 km (8080
to 11 800 mi). The movement of the
particles is influenced by the magnetic
valley wind, valley breeze a general
field of the earth rather than by grav¬
term applied to cold air draining down
a valley especially by night (katabatic
wind) or a wind blowing up a valley vapour a substance in the gaseous state
(anabatic wind) by day, the result of (gas-2) which separates into two phases
the differential heating of the mountains when compressed, condensation,
above and the low land below. CRITICAL TEMPERATURE-I.
value I. the measure of how much some¬ vapour pressure the pressure exerted by
thing is wanted for its special quality (e.g. the vapour of a substance, e.g. the pressure
vapour trail
exerted by water vapour in the atmo¬ variable costs 1. costs that vary with
sphere. If the air is saturated the term volume of output, unlike fixed costs 2.
saturated vapour pressure is applied, at¬ in spatial economic analysis, costs that are
mospheric pressure. subjectto spatial variation, cost surface,
vapour trail condensation trail.
variable revenue analysis an approach
vardarac a cold wind, similar to the mis¬ to the explanation of industrial location
tral, which blows down the valleys of based on spatial variation in revenue.
Macedonia, including that of the river VARIABLE COST ANALYSIS.
Vardar, to the Aegean sea in winter.
variance in statistics, the square of the
variable i. something variable-i adj. standard deviation, a statistic which
2. in mathematics, a quantity which may measures the variability-2 in a set of
take two or more values, may take any observations, covariance.
one of a specified set of values-4 (also
variate in statistics, an individual observa¬
applied to denote non-measurable charac¬
tion, one member of a set of values for
teristics, e.g. sex is a variable in that any
one variable. A variate is a quantity that
human individual may take one of two
may take any of the range of values of
‘values’, i.e. male or female), or a symbol
a specified set with a specified relative
for such a quantity, dependent vari¬
frequency-3 or probability-2, and is
therefore sometimes termed a random
variable adj. I. having the quality ofbeing variable. It is particularly associated with
in biology, not true to type, classi¬ presses how often those values appear in
vent d’Autan
where, of the laminated sediment, the or tallow which are more or less solid
lower, thicker layer, light in colour, con¬ at ordinary temperatures (e.g. coconut
sists of coarser material (deposited by melt¬ oil). Allied are the waxes, harder than oil,
water from the rapidly thawing ice in occurring on leaf surface (e.g. carnauba
summer), the upper, thinner layer, darker wax); and lather-forming products of
in colour, of very fine-grained material leaves and stems used as soap-substitutes
(settling during the slow melting of ice (e.g. cultivated soapwort, Saponaria offi¬
in winter). Each varve thus represents a cinalis) .
year, so by counting the varves the time
vegetation a general term for the total
involved in the formation of the sediment
plant cover in an area or on the surface of
can be estimated; and by correlations over
the earth as a whole, climatic forma¬
a fairly extensive area, a glacial chronology
be established. The sediments are termed
varve clays, varved clays, varved sedi¬
ments. vein lode, a general term for a crack or
fissure in the earth’s crust in which highly
vauclusian spring (from Fontaine de
heated waters from below have deposited
Vaucluse, southern France) a gushing
crystalline minerals (especially vein
spring, a large spring, the resurgence of
quartz) from solution and, under special
an actively eroding underground stream,
circumstances, metallic minerals of eco¬
commonly occurring in limestone coun¬
nomic importance.
try and varying greatly in output, re¬
form a soft film only after long exposure vent d’Autan a strong, hot dry wind
(e.g. cottonseed oil); non-drying, those blowing from southern France towards
which remain liquid at ordinary temper¬ the centres of low pressure which come
atures (e.g. olive oil); and vegetable fats from the ocean into the Bay of Biscay.
vertebrate adj. having a segmented spinal sometimes termed an urban village, often
USA, an order of clay-rich soils which (presence or absence of dust, fog, mist),
swell and crack in seasonally alternating the height above sea-level at which the
viticulture the cultivation of the grape various types are: Hawaiian, pelean,
vine for the production of grapes and STROMBOLIAN, VULCANIAN.
volcanic neck or plug strictly the ori¬
voe (Scottish: Shetland and Orkney dia¬ fice of a volcano through which lava
lect) I. a narrow gully cut in a cliff, in reaches the surface, and in which the lava
many cases ending in a cave or tunnel eventually solidifies as a plug, the plug
with a blowhole 2. a bay, creek, inlet, itself also being termed a neck. This may
specifically in the Shetland and Orkney later stand in isolation if the material of the
islands, but the term is applied elsewhere. surrounding cone is denuded, denuda¬
tion, PIPE-I, VENT.
volcanic adj. of, pertaining to, or like a
volcano covering all types of extrusive volcanic rock an igneous rock formed
IGNEOUS activity, as distinct from intrus¬ by volcanic action at the earth’s surface,
ive Plutonic activity. consisting of solidified material which has
issued in the molten state from the depths
volcanic ash the unconsolidated pyro¬ of the earth, i.e. extrusive rock, in
clastic material consisting of finely com¬
contrast to hypabyssal and Plutonic
minuted fragments of rock and lava which
rocks. That is the most common applica¬
have been ejected explosively from a vol¬
tion, but some authors include rock
cano. The term ash, which dates from
formed in association with intrusive activ¬
the time when a volcano was thought to
ity (intrusion), and therefore include
be a ‘burning mountain’, is a misnomer.
some hypabyssal rocks; and others also
\ x.
(the lava issuing through a line ofweakness central market (isolated state). In this
in the earth’s crust, fissure eruption). simple, original model (reflecting the
It is described as active whilst in eruption needs, conditions, equipment and tech¬
or liable to eruption; dormant during a nology of 1826), the zone nearest to the
long period of inactivity; extinct after all town was devoted to market gardening
eruptions are presumed to have ceased. and milk production, the zone beyond
Four types of eruption are identified: this to forestry (for fuel, building timber,
HAWAIIAN, PELEAN, STROMBOLIAN, wood products), the next one to intensive
VULCAN IAN. Figs 21, 46. crop rotation (without fallow), the next
to crop farming, fallow and pasture, the
Von Thiinen model a model devised by next to a three-field system, the next to
J. H. Von Thiinen, published 1826 in his livestock farming, which gave way to
Der Isolierte Staat, to explain the principles waste. This original model thus concen¬
which govern the prices of agricultural trated on the distance from market-i
products and the way in which these vari¬ as the governing, independent variable.
able prices control the pattern of agricul¬ Later Von Thiinen considered the effects
tural land use. Using the isolated state of varying soil fertility on production costs,
as his basic assumption and applying his and modified his assumptions of transport
theory of economic rent, he further costs being uniform in all directions.
assumed that all farmers would produce
voralp (German) the lower pastures of an
the crop giving them individually the
alpine valley, i.e. those above the valley
maximum net profit (land rent). To
floor but lower than the alp-i proper.
accomplish this each farmer would pro¬
duce a crop or adopt an agricultural system
for which the location of the farm land in V-shaped valley a valley eroded by a
relation to the market was most advantage¬ river, V-shaped in cross-section in con¬
ous. Von Thiinen also assumed that the trast to the U-shape common to a glacially
value of a unit of produce to the farmer modified valley. In W. M. Davis’s cycle
would be equal to its market price less the of erosion the V-shape is cited as evid¬
cost of transport to the market. The cost ence of youth in the stage of river erosion;
of transport of agricultural produce from but nearly all river valleys, if not subjected
farm to market was the only variable in the to glaciation, are V-shaped in the upper
model. Land rent for any product declined course of the river. Among other factors
with increasing distance from the market the valley shape will be influenced by the
point, but the rate of decline varied for type of rocks through which the river is
each product according to its particular flowing, their resistance to weathering and
transport cost. The market price for each erosion, and climate, u-shaped valley.
product determined the highest land rent
possible. Von Thiinen also considered the Vulcanian eruption, Vesuvian erup¬
technology available for production and tion a volcanic eruption charac¬
transport, and the kinds and quantities of terized by Vesuvius, the active volcano
produce needed by the central, large town. southeast of Naples, the first known
From all this he postulated a model with eruption of which destroyed the towns of
concentric rings or zones of agricultural Pompeii and Herculaneum in 79 AD. The
land use centred on the large town, the eruptions are less frequent, the magma
Vulcanian eruption
more viscous, the ejected lava less basic material is not so sticky and acid as that of
than the phenomena associated with a a PELEAN ERUPTION. ACID LAVA, BASIC
strombolian eruption; but the ejected LAVA, PLINIAN ERUPTION.
V \
wadi (Arabic) a stream course or valley in
hot desert or semi-arid areas, especially in
north Africa, usually dry but occasionally
carrying a stream following heavy rain.
water hole
of wind) as the front passes over, and SUB-SURFACE WASH, SURFACE WASH,
the precipitation dies away, cold front, WASH SLOPE.
wash load suspended load.
warm glacier temperate glacier, a
wash slope, wash-controlled slope
moving ice mass, the surface of which
melts through thermal conduction,
the resultant surface water percolating
through the ice mass, releasing latent waste, waste land 1. commonly, any
heat in refreezing, thus raising the tem¬ wild, uncultivated, uninhabited land 2.
perature of the ice mass itself (the summer formerly, the little-used common land,
temperature of the whole mass is about usually on light soil, which failed to yield a
o°C: 32°F but in winter the surface is return to the medieval and later cultivator.
colder), cold glacier. Now rarely applied to such land because
in so many cases it is valued as an open
warm occlusion an occlusion where space 3. now applied to land previously
the cold, overtaking air is not so cold as used but abandoned, for which further use
the air mass ahead of it. has yet to be found.
warm sector a region, a bulge, of warm water buffalo the common domesticated
air in a depression-3 , where the air tem¬ buffalo, widely used as a draught and dairy
perature and relative humidity rise. animal in the warm parts of Asia.
It is preceded by the warm front and
water cycle hydrological cycle.
followed by a cold front, occlusion.
waterfall a sudden, steep or perpendicular
warping i. the process (natural or arti-
descent of water in the bed of a river,
ficial-i) whereby the low-lying land of
occurring where the flow of the river is
a tidal estuary is flooded, leading to depos¬
broken by a nearly horizontal bed of hard
ition of silt, mud or clay 2. a gentle, slow
rock overlying easily eroded soft rock; or
deformation of the earth’s crust over a
by the sharp edge of a plateau; or by the
wide area, resulting in the raising or lower¬
abrupt end of a hanging valley, high
ing of the surface.
on the slopes of a u-shaped valley; or
V v
watering place
gathers, especially in savanna and hot des¬ system, anomalous watershed, NOR¬
ert lands, in some cases fed by a spring 2. MAL'WATERSHED.
a depression in the bed of an intermittent
stream 3. a hole on the surface of ice. waterspout the product of an intense,
localized small scale cyclonic storm (cyc¬
watering place a term formerly applied lone) occurring over the ocean or a lake,
to 1. a place to which animals were taken usually in tropical and subtropical regions.
for drinking 2. a place at which ships called From the underside ofa cumulonimbus
to lay in a supply of water 3. a spa or cloud a spinning funnel cloud (carrying
locality with a mineral spring to which water droplets formed by condensation)
people went to drink the waters or to descends to meet spray thrown up from
bathe. the water surface by whirling winds, the
combination forming a rotating column of
waterlogged adj. applied in soil science to mist, water and spray which is sometimes
the state of a soil when it is saturated-2
vertical and straight, sometimes bent
with water. (when the top part moves faster than the
base), moving swiftly over the surface of
water meadow a low-lying meadow by
the water, tornado.
the side of a stream, artificially irrigated
by flooding in the early part of the year
water table, water-table the surface be¬
to encourage an early growth of grass, a
low which permeable rocks are satur-
practice especially common in the chalk
ated-2 with water. In areas with pervi¬
valleys of southern England where the
ous soil andpervious subsoil-rocks it tends
lime in the water was beneficial. Most of
to follow generally, but not in detail, the
these English water meadows have now
form of the land surface. Where the water
fallen into disuse on account of the high
table lies below the land surface its height
cost (especially the labour cost) of main¬
corresponds to the level of water in wells
taining the elaborate series of miniature
(ground water, phreatic water),
canals and drains.
and similarly fluctuates seasonally. Where
water power, waterpower the energy the water table reaches the land surface a
of moving water converted into mechan¬ spring-2 results; fluctuations in the water
ical energy, formerly used directly to drive table account for the intermittent flow
water mills etc. but now nearly always used of bournes. A permanent marsh or lake
\ s.
weathering front
by gravity) is notinvolved (erosion). The impound or raise the level of the water
main mechanical or physical agents are for fishing purposes, for creating a head
shattering, frost action and temperat¬ for a water mill, for the control of the
ure change, assisted by the biological current and maintenance of the water
processes, the organic agents being depth to aid navigation, for irrigation, or
plant roots, mosses, lichens, the burrow¬ to divert the flow. The term is limited to
ing of animals. The chemical processes small, low constructions over which the
include carbonation, hydration, water may flow, the larger being termed
welfare 1. the state or condition of being
weathering front the boundary between well, thriving, happy, prospering 2. work
weathered and unweathered rock. organization to bnng about this state in
needy members of a community.
weather vane wind vane, an apparatus
for indicating wind direction. A broad, welfare geography an approach in
pivoted, freely rotating support, so that it social inequality, which considers the areal
may swing round easily in an air current. differentiation and spatial organization of
human activity from the perspective of
Weberian analysis a theory of the op¬ the welfare-i of the people involved. It
timum location of firms (manufacturing touches on everything, positive or nega¬
enterprises) formulated by Alfred Weber, tive, contributing to the quality of human
1909, German economist, who main¬ life, covering everything differentiating
tained that transport costs were the one state of society from another, the
major factor determining location; that ‘good’ and the ‘bad’ things consumed in
optimum location was primarily the society, what these are, to whom and
point where the costs of the transport where they are distributed; and how the
of raw materials to the factory and of observed differences arise (i.e. who gets
supplying goods to the necessary market what, where and how), quality of life,
were at their lowest; but that if variations SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY, WELFARE.
in other costs (e.g. of labour) were high
welfare state a state with a political system
enough, location determined solely by
based on the principle that the protection,
transport costs might not be the optimum
social security and welfare of the indi¬
vidual is the responsibility of the com¬
munity as represented in the state. The
ideal welfare state therefore provides the
wedge ofhigh pressure a region ofHiGH facilities and services necessary to bring
atmospheric pressure, indicated by a V- this about (e.g. by providing medical care,
shaped pattern of isobars, narrower than 'education, public housing, pay for the
a RIDGE OF HIGH PRESSURE, occurring unemployed and the aged etc.), financed
between two depressions-3, bringing a by taxation and compulsory contributions
brief period of fine weather in a generally from the population.
rainy period.
well originally a natural spring-2 or pool
weir an obstruction built across a river to fed from a spring. The term is now re-
stricted to a deep hole, usually cylindrical, sphere their presence makes the North
or a shaft, dug in the ground to obtain Atlantic ocean one of the stormiest regions
water, oil or gas. A well sunk for water is in the world; and in winter too they move
usually lined with brick or masonry, but southwards, carrying winter rain to the
may be unlined (e.g. if sunk through hard Mediterranean region. In the northern
rock) and normally fills with water up to hemisphere their force and direction vary,
the level of the water table (phreatic and they are associated with the succession
water), the surface ot water fluctuating of DEPRESSiONS-3 and ANTICYCLONES
seasonally with the height of the water characteristic of the weather of the area in
table. A well sunk into an artesian basin which they blow. But in the southern
taps water held under considerable pres¬ hemisphere they blow strongly and with
sure. ARTESIAN WELL, OIL WELL, TUBE greater regularity throughout the year
WELL. over the great expanse of ocean, giving
the region the name roaring forties.
Wentworth scale a scale devised by C. K.
Westerlies gain strength with height, evol¬
Wentworth, 1922, to measure the size of
ving into jet streams. The old term
particles in sediments, a geometric scale
applied to the Westerlies, the anti-trade
of factor 2. This scale ranges from clay
winds, is misleading and no longer used.
particles of 0.004 mm diameter, through
Fig 5-
silt, sand, granule, pebble, cobble to boul¬
der, exceeding 256 mm (10 in) diameter. wet adiabatic lapse rate saturated
wet-point settlement
wind chill
those engaged in the professions), blue- cells lose their turgidity, so that the leaves,
collar WORKER. young stems and tops of older stems
become limp. It is usually caused by an
white-out a condition in a blizzard
excess of water loss through transpira¬
when the snow cover is extensive and
tion in relation to water absorption
the falling snow so great that visibility
(wilting point); or it may be due to
is reduced to the minimum and finding
functional disorder or the action of fungus
direction almost impossible.
WHO World Health Organization, an
international body established in April wilting point in soil science, the point
1948, headquarters Geneva, with an below which the amount of water stored
Its work includes dealing with matters of drought. Wilting point is used as a measure
wind erosion
temperature in complete shade and regard¬ wind is blowing, facing into the wind, as
less of evaporation. opposed tO LEEWARD.
wind erosion deflation, erosion. wine an alcoholic drink made from the
fermented juice of the grape (but the term
wind-gap, air-gap a dry gap, a notch or is also applied to other juices fermented
gap in the crest of a hill range, or a pass, and containing alcohol). Wine is produced
originally cut by a stream, from which the in nearly all grapevine-growing countnes
water has disappeared, e.g. a dry col in (grape), where most of it is consumed,
an escarpment through which a con¬ although much enters international trade.
sequent stream may have flowed Even in a small area variations in soil and
before river capture. In many cases a microclimate, as well as in the weather,
wind-gap lies at a higher level than that type of grape and manufacturing processes,
of a neighbouring water-gap. produce great differences in yield and the
quality of the wine.
windmill a mill operated by rotating sails
which are turned by the wind, wind winnowing the act of blowing chaff (the
power. outer husk) free of grain-5 .
window atmospheric window, one of the winter i. the colder part of the year, in
bands in the electromagnetic spec¬ contrast to summer, the hotter 2. loosely,
trum within which terrestrial radi¬ the cold season; in tropical regions the
ation escapes into outer space because, term winter is usually dropped, the term
cloud cover being thin or non-existent, it cool season being preferred 3. one of the
is not absorbed by water vapour and seasons in mid- and high-latitudes, popu¬
carbon dioxide present in the clouds larly December, January, February in the
in the atmosphere. northern hemisphere (the other seasons
being spring, summer, autumn), or
wind power mechanical or electrical
June, July, August in the southern 4. astro¬
power generated by the rotor of a
nomically, from the winter solstice to
the spring equinox, i.e. from about 22
wind pump a pump activated by the December (also paradoxically termed
wind’s power in rotating a propeller midwinter day) to 20 March in the north¬
wheel composed ofvanes (blade-like, thin, ern hemisphere, 22 June to 21 September
flat strips, often curved). in the southern hemisphere.
wind rose a diagram with radiating arms winter solstice 21-22 December in the
constructed to show the frequency (and northern hemisphere, 21—22 June in the
usually the speed as well) of winds blowing southern, season, solstice, winter.
from the eight chief points (but sometimes
' wood 1. the hard, fibrous vascular tissue
from twelve points) of the compass. The
of mature plants, forming stems, roots and
length of each arm shows the frequency
the trunks of trees, providing mechanical
recorded over a specific period of time,
support, and through which water con¬
and gradations on the arms show the fre¬
taining dissolved mineral salts passes 2.
quency of wind speeds.
with indefinite article, i.e. a wood, or pi.
windward the direction from which the woods, imprecise terms applied to a piece
of ground (small in relation to that support¬ national Bank for Reconstruction and
ing a forest-i) covered with relatively Development) with the aim of assisting
widely-spaced trees growing naturally (as postwar reconstruction in Europe. It
distinct from a plantation-i), with or extended its role by making large sums
without undergrowth, hanger, wood¬ available in ambitious development pro¬
land. jects in Third World countries, in many
cases involving them in very great debt.
woodland, woodlands land covered
The Bank has now scaled down some
with trees, sometimes defined as an open
of its credit advances, and is supporting
stand of widely-spaced trees without a
smaller, more viable projects, micro¬
continuous canopy of overhead foliage
(sometimes specifically as a canopy cover¬
age between 25 and 60 per cent), forest, world city, global city a city-i charac¬
FORESTRY, WOOD-2. terized by the range of its economic,
financial, cultural and political power and
wood pulp the fibre of wood processed
influence on a global scale. It may, or may
by mechanical means and chemicals to
not, be a large or a capital city, but its role
form a mixture of water and cellulose
in the world is dynamic and dominating.
fibres, used as raw material in making paper
or artificial fibres. World Health Organization who.
zenith the point where the line joining temperate, torrid zones 3. in geology, a
the earth’s centre to the observer cuts group of strata of limited but variable
the celestial sphere, the opposite of thickness, characterized by a definite
NADIR. assemblage of fossils which distinguishes
it from all other deposits, the zone being
zinc a hard, blue-white, corrosion-
named after one of the characteristic
resistant metallic element, a trace
species 4. a layer or part of the earth’s crust
element, an essential micronutri¬
(e.g. zone of weathering or, deeper in the
ent, often occurring in association with
crust, zone of fracture; and, deeper still,
lead and silver. It is used especially in coat¬
zone of flow) 5. in land use planning,
ing sheet iron to prevent rust (galvanized
an area designated (zoned) for a specific
iron), in alloys (with copper to make
brass), in electric cells; in its oxide form,
zinc oxide, as a white pigment (zinc zone of assimilation, zone of discard
white); and as a filler in ointments. related concepts indicating the movement
zonal flow atmospheric circulation in of city centre growth and decline. City
which the dominant airflow follows the centres tend to grow outwards system¬
lines of latitude, e.g. trade winds, atically; thus the zone of new growth
tion in its development, as contrasted with theory, the area between the hinterlands
an AZONAL SOIL. SOIL CLASSIFICATION. of competing centres within which no
one centre exerts a dominant influence.
zone I. frequently applied more or less
loosely to a region, belt, tract or area of the
earth (i.e. of the atmosphere, lithosphere,
zoning in land use planning, the desig¬
hydrosphere, or of any place or space),
nation of specific sites for specific uses,
with or without defined limits, with some
e.g. for residential use, for industrial use
characteristic or characteristics or activity
etc. ZONE-5.
particular to it (e.g. of climate, rocks, soil,
plant and animal life, condition), indicated zoogeography the scientific study of the
by a qualifying word or phrase which natural distribution of animals.
differentiates it from other regions, belts,
tracts or areas etc. 2. in classical times, one zoonosis a disease of animals naturally
of the latitudinal climatic belts into which transmitted between vertebrate animals
the earth’s surface was divided, i.e. frigid, and human beings.
2-test in statistics, an hypothesis test used zymogenous adj. applied to soil organ¬
either to analyse one sample of data in isms whose metabolic and reproductive
order to compare a population mean with rates increase if organic material is added
a particular value, or to analyse two unre¬ to the soil.
39 56 14 02 45 65 16 86 78 90 46 39 58 62 66 96 12 56
32 53 16 30 76 36 80 52 65 02 10 07 81 40 80 33 18 70
98 43 67 05 82 06 19 24 86 24 30 44 06 15 54 29 00 60
53 08 00 94 46 80 60 94 01 83 94 45 42 43 55 52 27 23
28 21 05 43 60 40 73 70 75 33 10 74 91 83 95 25 43 89
89 79 63 50 98 53 56 42 12 76 48 56 34 46 82 02 58 68
61 48 17 25 59 95 19 14 31 68 94 23 83 40 83 53 36 90
41 98 20 72 70 69 39 46 17 37 70 37 81 75 23 82 31 79
51 08 35 35 16 20 92 94 25 05 04 01 65 33 82 87 28 54
73 97 76 94 92 07 24 89 41 98 35 91 96 52 82 62 63 42
43 74 49 01 59 38 60 29 94 61 02 11 61 86 36 95 57 95
94 94 39 87 49 44 54 02 52 56 28 49 34 49 25 35 65 55
52 10 65 11 34 68 68 65 58 90 17 33 98 36 82 93 87 17
54 42 73 62 51 54 80 63 36 65 12 44 52 16 12 64 41 70
73 27 51 94 71 14 37 55 00 05 32 36 59 89 86 79 08 65
77 69 59 62 33 99 26 67 95 72 77 16 02 28 96 75 17 45
08 19 98 26 68 06 02 05 57 21 73 55 35 07 79 91 04 44
50 83 92 60 44 28 52 83 25 39 83 60 92 71 10 34 33 73
16 89 30 82 48 70 63 82 71 48 72 82 77 37 56 22 90 95
21 41 74 65 08 73 82 94 72 22 67 92 34 74 33 69 86 14
99 08 47 77 43 94 17 07 76 57 93 68 61 15 97 78 76 99
20 02 69 70 87 44 57 23 35 99 94 16 63 40 99 72 64 82
93 95 15 81 21 75 71 39 23 31 06 43 87 44 21 81 55 34
10 91 65 40 88 43 50 57 83 50 82 34 12 78 80 00 34 07
91 72 35 36 80 19 49 49 37 17 40 98 02 53 59 18 91 30
23 82 82 20 56 34 76 49 27 40 78 29 99 07 22 01 40 97
21 02 08 25 07 15 36 45 19 21 30 48 30 76 99 24 46 39
82 45 49 85 02 33 58 84 03 74 63 52 15 47 04 09 50 45
44 33 94 98 75 51 62 00 17 59 00 42 09 39 66 86 57 76
96 00 26 82 60 22 02 60 69 99 09 67 01 12 01 88 58 15
20 67 56 12 77 16 78 04 36 38 95 35 71 26 49 34 20 46
64 60 21 12 41 60 04 63 93 45 25 52 75 50 35 51 13 61
64 76 41 17 07 54 01 29 8b 41 93 16 55 54 40 32 80 30
93 46 82 67 64 48 91 74 85 94 40 51 30 93 08 42 35 24
82 64 44 58 45 94 30 39 86 19 64 84 35 30 19 04 77 69
61 46 40 89 21 47 20 85 91 90 56 67 40 31 46 30 97 14
92 80 33 89 23 96 24 33 16 80 45 20 35 36 00 76 31 13
45 65 20 02 56 40 21 35 17 71 33 07 36 71 90 71 56 81
40 99 02 66 37 59 24 79 35 21 61 29 96 50 01 27 51 87
50 31 47 84 44 30 70 33 12 63 54 86 63 08 62 63 07 30
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over photograph of Rice terraces, Guangxi, China © Robert Harding Picture Library