Income Statement - Practice Activities - Final
Income Statement - Practice Activities - Final
Income Statement - Practice Activities - Final
You are provided with information relating to TRENERY Limited for the year ended
31 December 2020.
The following information relates to Monarca Limited. The financial year ended on 30
June 2020. The business uses the perpetual (continuous) inventory system.
Refer to Information B. Calculate the correct net profit after tax for the year ended 30
June 2020. Indicate a + for increase and a – for decrease. (13)
B. Net profit before tax of R2 493 600 was determined BEFORE taking
into account the following information:
E. The mortgage loan from Custom Bank was obtained on 1 April 2019.
This will be repaid over 6 years. A fixed loan repayment (excluding
interest) is made at the end of each month. The first monthly loan
repayment was made on 30 April 2019. All other loan repayments
have been made. Interest is not capitalised and has been correctly
You are provided with information from the records of SANTORINI Ltd for the
financial year ended 28 February 2021.
Complete the Income Statement for the year ended 28 February 2021. Note that
some information is included in the ANSWER BOOK. (33)
Ordinary share capital ?
Retained income ?
Loan: Anca Bank 433 500
Trading stock (before the annual stock take) 231 700
Debtors' control 540 000
Provision for bad debts (1 March 2020) 19 600
Creditors' control 395 200
SARS: Income tax (provisional tax payments) 360 000
Rent income 61 900
Interest income ?
Sundry expenses ?
Directors' fees 605 500
Audit fees 29 000
Ordinary share dividends (interim) 420 000
B. The gross profit for the year ended 28 February 2021 was calculated at R3 150
000. A mark-up of 60% on cost was achieved.
You are provided with information for the financial year ended 28 February 2018.
Complete the income Statement (Statement of Comprehensive Income) for the year
ended 28 February 2018: (28)
A. Balances/Totals on 28 February:
2018 2017
Ordinary share capital 8 816 000 6 976 000
Retained income 384 600 376 600
Loan: LSO Bank ? 1 725 500
Trade creditors 414 120
SARS: Income tax (provisional payments) 341 800
Sales ?
Cost of sales 4 856 000
Total operating income 879 440
Salaries and wages 501 200
Audit fees 65 400
Rent expense 79 240
Directors' fees 497 800
Sundry expenses 91 680
Interest on fixed deposit ?
Interest on loan 242 500
g) Share capital and dividends: Authorised share capital: 1 600 000 ordinary
shares 1 March 2017 80% of the shares were in issue. 1 May 2017 300 000
shares were repurchased at R465 000 above the average share price. 31
August 2017 Interim dividends paid: 30 cents per share. 31 October 2017
Additional shares were issued. 28 February 2018 Final dividends were
You are provided with information from the records of Khaya Limited for the financial
year ended 30 June 2020.
Complete the Statement of Comprehensive Income (Income Statement for the year
ending 30 June 2020. (30)
KHAYA LIMITED supplies and installs one specific type of air conditioner. The
company also repairs data projectors for which it charges a fee.
The air conditioners are sold at a standard price of R15 200, 00 per unit. KHAYA
LIMITED applies a mark-up of 60% on cost. In an attempt to attract customers the
selling price has remained unchanged for the past 2 years.
KHAYA LIMITED has an authorized share capital of 1 200 000 ordinary shares.
Some figures have been entered into the answer booklet and these are correct.
1. The company reported a 12% increase in sales for the year ended
30 June 2020.
2. Debtors' allowances was correctly recorded last year, but has been
incorrectly treated in the Statement of Comprehensive Income for 2020.This
error needs to be corrected, and the amount shown where it should have
been recorded.
3. Although they kept their rental the same for the financial year ended June 2019,
KHAYA LIMITED decided to increase the rental by 18% on 1 April 2020.
4. 3 air conditioners were donated to the local clinic as part of their corporate
social responsibility initiative. This donation must be treated as advertising.
This has not yet been recorded.
11. An additional 330 000 ordinary shares were issued on 1 July 2019 at R6,50
per share.
13. After the declaration of the final dividend on 30 June 2020, 110 000 ordinary
shares were repurchased at R16 per share. The necessary entries to record
the repurchase have been made. The weighted average per share on this
date was R12, 20 per share.
14. The earnings per share (EPS) as at 30 June 2020 is 39 cents. These earnings
apply to all shares that were in issue during the year.
15. According to the Cash Flow Statement for the year ending 30 June 2020:
An inflow of R60 000 resulted from a change in Inventories.
Dividends paid R800 000.
16. The current liabilities for the year amounted to R675 000 and the acid-test
Ratio on 30 June 2020 was 1, 25:1
7.1 Choose a term in COLUMN B that matches an explanation in COLUMN A. Write only
the letters (A–E) next to the question numbers (4.1.1 to 4.1.4) in the ANSWER BOOK.
7.1.1 Reflects the financial position of the A Audit report
business on a specific date
B Cash Flow Statement
7.1.2 Shows whether the business made a
profit or loss C Balance Sheet
2019 2018
Ordinary share capital 9 300 000 4 800 000
Mortgage loan: Sapphire Bank 1 430 200 1 658 000
Land and buildings 12 500 000 12 500 000
Vehicles 1 377 000 750 000
Equipment ? 398 000
Accumulated depreciation on vehicles ? 475 000
Accumulated depreciation on equipment ? 117 500
Provision for bad debts ? 30 100
Trading stock 364 200
Debtors' control 578 000
Sales 10 563 280
Cost of sales 6 236 000
Rent income 99 500
Directors' fees 1 262 100
Water and electricity 218 000
Telephone 75 600
Audit fees 104 000
Sundry expenses 61 001
Salaries and wages 1 280 000
Employer's contributions (medical, pension and
316 000
Bad debts 22 300
Consumable stores 53 200
Interest income ?
Insurance 79 500
Depreciation (on equipment sold) 1 750
Interest on loan ?
Bad debts recovered 6 000
Ordinary share dividends (interim) 375 000
A. A credit invoice for R36 720 (after deducting a 10% trade discount) issued
on 31 March 2019, was not recorded. Goods are marked up at 70% on cost.
B. The physical stock count on 31 March 2019 revealed the following on hand:
C. Debtor S Magnum was declared insolvent. His estate paid R2 000, which
was 20% of his debt. The difference must be written off as a bad debt.
F. Insurance includes an annual premium of R51 000 paid for the period
1 January 2019 to 31 December 2019.
G. An employee was left out of the Salaries Journal for March 2019.
The following details are applicable:
(i) Vehicles:
Accumulated depreciation
Cost price Date purchased
31 March 2018
1 R350 000 R315 000 1 October 2013
2 R400 000 R160 000 1 April 2016
3 R627 000 30 November
(ii) Equipment:
Equipment was sold for R9 600 cash on 31 August 2018. Only the
following entries in respect of this sale were processed:
K. Income tax is calculated at 28% of the net profit. The net profit before tax
was R691 000.
Operating profit
Gross income
Operating expenses
Sundry expenses 257 400
Bank charges 41 905
Audit fees 75 600
Operating profit
Interest income 3 000
Profit before interest expense
Interest expense
Calculation of the correct net profit after tax for the year ended 20 June 2020
Income tax
Operating profit
Interest Income
Net profit before interest expense
Interest expense
Net profit before tax
Income tax (396 800)
Net profit after tax 33
Operating profit
Interest income
Net profit before interest expense
Interest expense
Net profit before tax
Income tax
Net profit after tax 959 400 28
Cost of Sales
Gross profit 2 812 500
Other Operating Income DO NOT CALCULATE
Rent income
Discount received 19 200
Fee income 446 000
Gross income for the year
Operating expenses
Advertising (74 200
Audit fees 180 000
Bank charges 22 800
Debtors' allowances
Delivery expenses 290 000
Discount allowed 58 700
Lease on vehicle 322 000
Salaries and wages 1 010 400
Directors' fees
Trading stock deficit
Provision for bad debts
Operating profit for the year
Interest income 25 250
Profit before interest expense
Interest expense (66 000
Profit before taxation 1 015 200
Taxation for the year
Net profit after taxation 30
7.1.4 4
Cost of sales
Gross profit
Operating income
Rent income 99 500
Operating profit
Interest income
Profit before interest expense
Interest expense
Net profit before tax 691 000
Income tax
Net profit after tax