Diagnostic Exam - NP2
Diagnostic Exam - NP2
Diagnostic Exam - NP2
A. RA 12800
B. RA 9800
C. RA 7600
D. RA 10028
A. PD 4
B. PD 5
C. PD 6
D. PD 7
5. Nurse Rona explains to the mother the importance of Breastfeeding *1/1
which is based on Milk Code of:
A. EO 51
B. PD 51
C. EO 15
D. PD 15
A. The vaccination schedule should not be restarted from the beginning even if
the interval between doses exceeded the recommended interval by months or
B. Giving doses of a vaccine at less than the recommended 4 weeks interval may
lessen the antibody response.
D. Use one syringe and one needle for all the children receiving the same
A. Diphtheria
B. Measles
C. Poliomyelitis
D. Dengue
8. Kurt, 4 years old, has Measles. His mother asks the nurse if there is a *1/1
chance that Kurt will contract the virus again. The nurse’s response
should be based on her knowledge that:
D. immunity from Measles is just for 6 months after the first attack.
9. When can you say that a child is already a “Fully Immunized Child”? * 1/1
10. Annabelle, a new mother, asks the nurse about the purpose of the *1/1
first BCG vaccination given to her son. The nurse’s best response should
A. “An early start with BCG reduces the chance of severe pertussis.”
B. “The extent of protection against polio is increased the earlier the BCG is given.”
D. “An early start of BCG reduces the chance of being infected and becoming a
carrier. It prevents liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.”
Situation: One of the dramatic advances of immunization is the decline of *0/1
infectious diseases to children and also to mothers.
11. A Public health nurse prepares the necessary equipments before
immunization. Which of the following vaccines is/are most sensitive to
1. OPV
2. DPT
3. BCG
4. HepB
5. Measles
A. 1,3,5
B. 1,5
C. 2,3,4
D. 2,4
12. This is a practice in immunization that aims to assure that all *1/1
vaccines are utilized before its expiry date.
13. Nurse George, the Public Health Nurse, is preparing to administer *0/1
the Measles vaccine. He knows that this vaccine is administered:
A. Orally
B. Intradermally
C. Subcutaneously
D. Intramuscularly
14. Nurse George administered DPT1 to Baby Lynzee. Maria, Lynzee’s *1/1
mom, asked Nurse George about what she needs to expect after the
administration of DPT1? The Nurse response would be based on his
knowledge of the following side effects of DPT EXCEPT:
15. Rosalie, 2 months pregnant, came to the health center for her first *0/1
dose of Tetanus Toxoid Immunization. After the administration, she asks
the nurse when she needs to come back for the next dose. The nurse’s
response should be:
D. after 6 months
Situation: In the Community Health Center several children were admitted *0/1
for treatment of various health disorders. The Nurse Harold utilizes the
integrated approach in child illness management.
16. Nurse Harold, a new Public health Nurse, upon conducting his
assessment following the integrated case management process in the
Rural Health Unit, classified Baby Lou under the color yellow. He knows
that the management of baby Lou will be done:
A. at home
B. in the RHU
D. in the hospital
17. The following are the danger signs that need to be assessed *0/1
following the Integrated Case Management process EXCEPT:
A. Convulsions
B. Vomits everything
C. Fever
D. Unable to drink
18. Which of the following statements made by a mother about her one *0/1
year old son reflects a need for immediate referral?
19. What would be the most appropriate way to measure the height and *0/1
weight of a 13-month-old child?
A. Stand the child on the scale for weight, and then measure the height with the
child standing up.
B. Lay the child down to measure length, and then stand the child on the scale.
C. Lay the child down to measure length, and then lay the child on a baby scale.
D. Stand the child up to measure height, and then lay the baby on the baby scale for
A. Food sanitation
B. Excreta disposal
C. Environmental sanitation
D. Water sanitation
D. Hypertension
22. Niyog-niyogan is an: * 0/1
A. Analgesic
B. Anti-helminthic
C. Anti-hypertensive
D. Anti-gout
A. Mercury drugs
B. Right Med
C. Generic Pharmacy
D. Botika ng Barangay
25. One strategy to address the problem in a poor Barangay aside from *0/1
Herbal Plants is food production. Which of the following is a priority?
A. RA 9288
B. RA 8829
C. RA 8299
D. RA 9928
27. The following are diseases included in the newborn screening *0/1
A. Galactosemia
C. Phenylketonuria
D. Hepatitis
28. Congenital Hypothyroidism is one of the diseases screened in the *1/1
Newborn Screening Program. When asked by the mother why her
newborn baby does not manifest signs of hypothyroidism when it is a
congenital condition , the Nurse’s response will reflect an understanding
of which of the following:
A. Thyroid hormone can pass through placental barrier and the fetus had
received enough to delay the onset of the signs of hypothyroidism
B. The mother’s own antibodies act to protect the Newborn from early signs of
C. The immaturity of the thyroid gland at the same time of birth favors the delayed
onset of hypothyroidism
D. The influence of anterior pituitary gland is not so much in the neonatal period
causing delay in the onset signs
29. Nurse Sebastian also discusses the different programs and legal *1/1
benefits of our Elderly to promote Health Care. The law that mandates the
provision of 20% discount in all public establishments for the Elderly is:
A. RA 7423
B. RA 7432
C. RA 7342
D. RA7243
30. This is also a beneficial legal act for every individual especially to *1/1
those who are economically conscious of their medical maintenance.
This refers to Republic Act 6675 which is:
Situation: A Community health Nurse plans to analyze the health status in *1/1
her assigned community area. She is aware of the knowledge on the
different concepts of health and health promotion.
31. She used a problem tree to analyze the community problems. The
diagram includes that:
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Tertiary
33. In order to help achieve its mission of the Philippine Health Care *0/1
Delivery System (PHCDS) the Department of Health (DOH) adopted which
of the following best strategies ?
A. Focusing on programs that will fight poverty at the family and community level
A. Mastoiditis
B. Severe Dehydration
C. Severe Pneumonia
42. In identifying malarial risks for a certain area, which among these *0/1
conditions would indicate high-risk?
C. More than 10% of the fever cases in children are due to malaria
D. Less than 10% of the fever cases in children are due to malaria
D. Instill quinolone drops after dry wicking three times daily for two weeks
44. Oral thrush is present in an infant with HIV. In which stage of HIV *0/1
does the patient fall under?
A. Asymptomatic
B. Mild
C. Moderate
D. Severe
45. Which of these is not included in the preferred antiretroviral regimen *0/1
for HIV-patients who are 3 years old and above?
A. Nevirapine (NVP)
B. Efavirenz (EFV)
C. Abacavir (ABC)
D. Lamivudine (3TC)
47. Which of these is not a recommended practice during the intrapartal *1/1
48. You are counselling a woman on proper attachment and suckling *0/1
during breastfeeding. Further instruction is needed with which of the
following statements made by the mother?
A. “The upper lip should be turned outwards, with the lower lip inwards”
A. Immediate drying
A. It reduces iron reserves of the newborn for less load for the kidneys.
B. It reduces the newborn’s blood volume and prevent increased cardiac load.
B. The 5-minute APGAR score of the neonates correlate with the number of hospital
stays due to pneumonia (r=-0.9, p-value=0.5)
C. A chi-square of the sex of the pediatric patient, and the incidence of pneumonia
is 1.83, p-value=0.1.
53. Another staff nurse presented a study that looks into the factors *0/1
that decrease (or increase) the incidence of pneumonia in the pediatric
ICU. What is the most likely research purpose of this study?
A. Description
B. Exploration
C. Prediction
D. Control
54. Which of the following sampling techniques produces a less likely *1/1
representative sample for study?
A. Convenience Sampling
B. Stratified Sampling
C. Purposive Sampling
D. Nonprobability Sampling
55. The head nurse of the pediatric ICU reported a study that looked *1/1
into how a nurse-led infection prevention intervention is implemented in
Singapore, which included how the nurse-led team is composed, the
manner how teams orient the different participating hospitals, and the
factors associated with successful implementation. This refers to what
kind of evaluation research?
A. Process Analysis
B. Outcome Analysis
C. Impact Analysis
D. Adherence Analysis
Situation: Different communicable diseases spike up in today’s trends. It *0/1
is important for the nurse to understand the background of different
emerging diseases, its presentation, diagnosis and interventions
associated to the diseases. The following questions apply to emerging
communicable diseases.
56. Ebola virus was discovered in 1978 in Congo and re-appeared last
2014 in Guinea with a case fatality rate of 50%. It has several different
causative agents and is transmitted through direct or indirect contact to
affected primates such as bats. It is also commonly known as the
hemorrhagic fever. Given its signs and symptoms of myalgia, high fever,
malaise, internal bleeding and shock, the nurse should anticipate all of
the following management except:
B. Contact tracing
C. Isolation
57. Zika virus is another emerging disease which was discovered in *1/1
Uganda in 1947. It is known to be transmitted through mosquito bites
specifically of Aedesaegypti and albopictus. Aside from a known
complication of microcephaly to infants born to a mother who had a
history of Zika virus, which complication is known to develop among
adults who have had a history of the disease?
A. Guillain-Barre Syndrome
B. Alzheimer’s disease
C. Degenerative spondylosis
D. Hunter’s syndrome
58. In caring for a client with AIDS and is currently on HAART therapy, *0/1
which of the following statements indicates a need for further teaching
regarding the management of the disease?
59. Nurse Pau is teaching a group of student nurses about Dengue. *1/1
Which of the following statements, if said by the student indicates correct
understanding of the topic being discussed?
A. “The confirmatory test for Dengue virus is the complete blood count test”
B. “20 or more petechial spots inside a 2.5 cm2 box may indicate presence of
bleeding according to the principle of the Rumpel lead test”
D. “There is a need to restrict the client’s fluid during Grade III Dengue Fever”
60. SARS and MERS-COV almost have the same presenting signs and *0/1
symptoms. Although they both have the same causative agent which
beta-coronavirus, MERS-COV has a higher case fatality rate of 30%
compared to the 10% CFR of SARS. The difference between the statistics
of the two diseases can be attributed to:
A. 9
B. 12
C. 14
D. 3
A. 98
B. 24
C. 78
D. 23
D. Both Barangays have the same herd immunity and susceptibility levels to
64. This statistical data is the most sensitive and a good index of the *0/1
general condition of a community as it is able to reflect the minimal
changes in its environment and medical condition.
A. Sporadic
B. Endemic
C. Epidemic
D. Chance
Situation: Family nursing practice emphasizes the need to understand the *0/1
behavior of the family as a dynamic, functioning unit which affects its
capability to help itself and maintain equilibrium within self. Family
community health nursing deals with an open and developing system of
interacting personalities which may affect the health status of the
66. In the practice of family community health nursing, different
theoretical frameworks were developed to better understand the ever
dynamic system under the basic unit of the community. Which of the
following statements explains the Family Systems Theory?
A. “Views the family as a living social system within a context in which multiple
environmental actions or factor occur over the life course. It is composed of
interrelated and interdependent individuals who are organized into a single unit to
attain specific family goals.”
B. “Views the family as a unity of interacting personalities whose actions are based
on meanings they derive from interactions and taken in an ever changing process
of new interactions, new interpretations and new meanings”
67. Assessment data base is an important tool used in planning care *0/1
for the whole family in the community. Data collection is an essential
step for a successful diagnosis of family health problems as well as
implementation of care needed by the clientele. This type of data
collection infers communication and interaction patterns, task
assumption and role perception of family members and home and
environmental conditions.
A. Interview
C. Observation
D. Records review
68. Using the Family Systems Theory of Murray Bowen, data which is *1/1
analyzed is then used in the diagnosis of the family health problems
which is included in the typology of nursing problems in family health
care. During the diagnosing part of planning care for Ventura family,
Nurse Gia found out that Mr. Alex Ventura, 45yo, the head of the family
reported that he is engaging unprotected sexual activities with multiple
sexual partners without the knowledge of his wife. He also engages into
physical activity at least 4 times a week. Mr. Alex’s sexual practices can
be considered as a:
A. Wellness condition
B. Health threat
C. Health deficit
D. Foreseeable Crisis
69. Mrs. Aleli, Mr. Alex’s wife is on her 28th week AOG. They have five *1/1
children in which 3 are currently attending school while two youngest
children are aged 1 and 3 respectively. During the interview, Mrs. Aleli
verbalized that she is worried that the family would not be able to supply
the needs of all their children and that they deem it necessary for the
eldest child to stop her schooling. This condition is considered as:
A. Wellness condition
B. Health threat
C. Health deficit
D. Foreseeable Crisis
70. Maria, the eldest child of Aleli and Alex has been reported to have a *1/1
feeling of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Upon Nurse Gia’s physical
assessment, she observed that there is an abdominal protrusion on the
child’s thin frame. Maria is also underweight and Aleli reported presence
of worms in her daughter’s stool. This condition is:
A. Wellness condition
B. Health threat
C. Health deficit
D. Foreseeable Crisis
71. In the second-level assessment of Ventura family, Aleli reported that *0/1
they think Maria is a healthy child and that there are no present health
problems. The couple seemed defensive as they explained that they are
trying their best to give the basic needs of their children. This reaction
from Aleli indicates which family health nursing problem?
72. When talking about the immunization status of their children, Alex *0/1
stated that all of their children did not have complete immunization
status despite knowing that it is available for free in the rural health unit.
The couple reported to have a problem with the rural health midwife in
the past and they have decided to never go back to the RHU for any
services again. In the second-level assessment, which family health task
does the family fail to perform?
B. Salience
D. Preventive potential
A. 1
B. 0.5
C. 2
D. 1.5
75. During the planning phase of the Valdez family on the current *0/1
problem of HIV of their mother, Mrs. Leila. This problem was seen by the
family as a problem which needs immediate attention with a moderate
preventive potential as the complications and disease process can be
halted but not prevented upon intervention. What prioritization score
should the nurse give to the presenting problem of the Valdez family?
A. 1.40
B. 3.16
C. 2
D. 1.0
C. “A special field of nursing that combines the skills of nursing, public health
and some phases of social assistance and functions as part of the total public
health programme for the promotion of health, the improvement of conditions
in the social and physical environment, rehabilitation of illness and disability”
D. “The art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health
through the organized efforts of society.”
77. The public health nurse plays different vital roles in the promotion of *0/1
health in different fields in the community. The PHN coordinates with
other agencies for the provision of specific services at the same time
conducts home visits in the community to evaluate the plan of care
implemented on clients. When the nurse calls for active participation of
the community through community organizing and mobilization to assist
the community in solving their own problems and promote independence,
which role is the nurse portraying?
A. Management function
C. Training function
D. Research function
78. In the year 2000, the United Nations Millennium Declaration was *0/1
signed wherein 189 participating UN member states agreed to try to
achieve the 8 Millennium Development Goals in the year 2015. After the
implementing period of the MDGs, the United Nations, through a
deliberative process involving its 193 member states, came up with the
Sustainable Development Goals 2030, officially known as the
“Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”.
Which of the following statements is not in line with the targets of the 17
C. Ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote
sustainable development, including, among others, through education for
sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender
equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship
and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable
79. Public health and public health nursing is a practice which primarily *0/1
move in an increasingly health promotion direction beyond its
responsibility of providing clinical and curative services in the community.
All but one are principles of health promotion;
A. It involves the population as a whole in the context of their everyday life, rather
than focusing on people at risk from specific diseases
B. It is primarily a medical service and not a societal and political venture in which
healthcare professionals have a vital role
A. Intravenous
B. Oral
C. Intramuscular
D. Subcutaneous
82. Determine the dosage of this vaccine. * 1/1
83. Young women in your community are afraid that they could be *0/1
infected with Zika virus, and they approached you in request of
conducting a small gathering wherein you could share with them
information about it. The following are vital points to be discussed about
Zika virus, except:
A. Wear personal protective equipment when caring for a client with EBOLA
B. Clients who had EBOLA but were treated should abstain from sexual
intercourse for the rest of his life.
C. A person with EBOLA becomes infectious upon the onset of signs and
D. A person with EBOLA remains infectious as long as the virus is present in his
85. You are approached by Paul and Phoebe, a couple, during your *1/1
medical mission to ask about EBOLA virus because Paul was infected
several months ago. Fortunately, he survived. Now, they are planning to
start a family. When they ask you about resuming their sexual practices,
which statement is appropriate for you to say?
A. Ebola virus can still be transmitted through blood for few years.
C. Survivors can safely resume normal sexual practices without fear of Ebola
virus transmission after two negative results in laboratory testing.
D. Survivors can safely resume sexual practices provided that condom is used.
Situation: Nurses play an active role in the prevention, management and *0/1
containment of communicable diseases.
86. A client with human immunodeficiency virus positive had a mantoux
skin test. The nurse notes a 7 mm area of induration at the site of the
skin test. The nurse interprets the result as;
A. Positive
B. Negative
C. Uncertain
D. Borderline
SITUATION: Leprosy is a chronic mildly communicable disease that *0/1
mainly affects the skin, the peripheral nerves and the mucosa of the
upper respiratory tract. The Multi-Drug Therapy (MDT) is proven effective
cure for leprosy and renders patients non-infectious a week after starting
the treatment.
87. In a health education class conducted by the PHN, she informed
them about the early signs and symptoms of Leprosy. Which of the
following choices is inappropriate description of the disease?
A. Lagopthalmus
B. Painful nerves
C. Muscle weakness
D. Nasal bleeding
88. The PHN gave emphasis on signs and symptoms indicating the *1/1
infection had advanced to a later stage. Which of the following
information should be excluded
A. Madorosis
B. Hand contractures
D. Chronic ulcer
D. The post cervical nodes and post auricular nodes are enlarged
A. It is essential to isolate my other siblings who had Rubella infection last year
B. I should not allow my child to play with neighbors who recently recovered from
German measles
C. Playmates who live next door with uncertain immunization are highly risk
A. All except B
B. All except C
C. All except D
D. A, B, C, D
A. The immediate sources of infection include soil, dust, animal and human feces
94. A 12 year old child is scheduled for camping in Antipolo a month *0/1
from now. the mother ask the PHN the purpose of doctors prescription of
Tetanus Toxoid instead of Tetanus Immune Globulin. The nurse responds
correctly that Tetanus toxoid confers;
A. My child develops pruritic rashes for four days duration, coupled with low grade
C. I gave my child medicine to control the fever of 39° and yet fever persists for
3 days, with an abrupt appearance of elevated rashes, non-pruritic as soon as
the fever declines
C. On her first pregnancy, the mother is expected to receive at most two doses of
tetanus toxoid vaccine.
97. You are to request for supply of DPT vaccine. When tasked to *0/1
conduct a health teaching of the infections this vaccine will cover, the
following must be included when diphtheria is discussed, except:
A. If a mother acquires diphtheria during her pregnancy, the child she will give birth
to will be born immune to the disease.
98. The DOH recognizes immunization as a key element in reducing the *0/1
burden of childhood mortality and morbidity with the new inclusion of the
IPV. Which of the following statements are inappropriate regarding IPV?
C. IPV will be given in addition to oral polio vaccine when a child is 14 weeks old
D. Put two drops of vaccine straight from the dropper on child’s mouth but
precaution not to allow the dropper touch child’s tongue
100. Mrs. De Leon, mother of a 6 month old baby, asks the PHN about *0/1
the new Pentavalent vaccine and Rotavirus vaccine. Which among the
following information should be excluded?
A. Pentavalent vaccine will be injected in three doses together with DPT and OPV
B. Pentavalent vaccine is given to children which starts when the child is six weeks
C. Rotavirus vaccine is given in two doses, the first dose is given when the child
is six weeks old to less than 15 weeks old
D. For the Rotavirus vaccine, the priority will be given to 4 P’s PantawidPamilya
Pilipino program beneficiaries
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