Axial and Centrifugal Compressors (Api 617) : Company Technical Standard
Axial and Centrifugal Compressors (Api 617) : Company Technical Standard
Axial and Centrifugal Compressors (Api 617) : Company Technical Standard
Rev.06 - October 2016
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For information about the content of this standard, please refer to responsible and
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The order of precedence for any conflict that may arise between referenced standards and
documents content shall be as follows:
International Standards are at the lower level of hierarchy since their contents, assumed as
reference, are embedded and detailed within the Company Specifications considering the
application and the area of business in which eni s.p.a. is operating.
On top of these there are, in ascending order of precedence, the Company General
Specifications, the Project Specifications and the Local Regulations.
1. FOREWORD ................................................................................................... 6
This Specification forms an addendum to “API Standard 617 Eighth Edition, Sep 2014” for,
Part 1 and 2, Axial and Centrifugal Compressors and defines additional requirements covering
the manufacture, inspection, testing, marking, coding and supply of Compressors. For
expander compressors, Part 4 of API 617, refer to company standard 28000.MAC.MEC.FUN.
This Specification shall be read in conjunction with API 617, This Specification is developed in
“exception style” to API 617, in order to minimize the risk of technical misunderstanding
between SUPPLIER and COMPANY, during Project Tendering and Execution Phases, and to
fully cover some specific COMPANY requirements.
This specification is applicable to all Eni Projects and SUPPLIER shall comply with the
requirements of this Specification. If SUPPLIER wishes to submit a deviation to the
Specification, this will be reviewed by COMPANY and may be approved or rejected on a case
by case basis
These submitted deviations shall be stated in a dedicated Project document and issued to
COMPANY Headquarter Engineering Department, for approval.
The objective of this Specification is to define the minimum requirements for design,
procurement, manufacturing and testing of Centrifugal Compressors, in conformity with
COMPANY’s expertise and international standard practice.
Centrifugal Compressors design shall fully compliant with the requirements of API 617 Eighth
Edition, with additional requirements, exceptions and other modifications specified hereafter.
Project specific requirements shall be specified in the project documentation and any
deviation from these requirements shall be identified by the SUPPLIER in the deviation list for
COMPANY’s approval.
Special Purpose Gear Units for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry
API 613
API 616 Gas Turbines for Petroleum, Chemical, and Gas Industry Services
The compressors design, procurement, manufacturing and testing shall be fully compliant
with the requirements of API STD 617 EIGHTH EDITION.
The following sections present the COMPANY amendments to API STD 617 EIGHTH EDITION,
which are identified by the following categories:
ADD: Where additions have been made to the API STD 617
clause or paragraph.
AMEND: Where the API STD 617 clause has been modified.
SUBSTITUTE: Where the text has been substituted for the complete
clause or paragraph in API STD 617.
AMEND in §4.1
Add in §4.3.1
SUPPLIER with unit responsibility shall review the final package layout (including
compressor, driver, baseplate and ancillaries) specifically to ensure safe access for
regular maintenance and inspection tasks.
Unless otherwise specified the compressor SUPPLIER shall be responsible for the
coordination of the design and for the satisfactory functioning of the complete unit,
i.e. compressor, driver, transmission and ancillaries.
In cases where the compressor SUPPLIER supplies equipment that he has not
manufactured, he shall be responsible for ensuring that the designs of these items
are compatible with each other and with his own equipment in all respects. In
particular, they shall be compatible dimensionally, in performance, in control and in
vibration, such that a fully integrated unit is achieved. The satisfactory functioning of
the complete unit shall form part of the compressors SUPPLIER's contractual
ADD in §
The compressor shall be capable of operating at all conditions specified in the project
ADD in §
AMEND in §
The requirements for liquid injection shall be specified in the project documentation.
ADD in §
AMEND in §
The applicable electrical codes and area classification shall be specified in the project
ADD in §
The compressor package shall be suitable for operation under the environmental
conditions specified in the project documentation.
AMEND in §
The maximum permissible noise level of the equipment and any other ancillary
machinery such as but not limited to drivers including electric motors and turbines
shall be in accordance with Company standard The control of the
sound pressure level (SPL) shall be the responsibility of the SUPPLIER.
ADD in §4.4.5
Area classification (class, group, and division) shall be specified in the project
ADD in §4.4.7
The suitability of the machine(s) to be field run on air shall be specified in the project
ADD in §
ADD in §
AMEND in §
Copper or copper alloys shall not be used for parts of machines or auxiliaries in
contact with process fluid.
Coatings shall not be applied to the rotating and/or stationary components in the gas
path. Erosion resistant steel shall be employed.
AMEND in §
All components of the machinery train shall be evaluated for the prevention of brittle
fracture due to materials exhibiting change from ductile to brittle fracture as
temperatures are reduced.
AMEND in §
The minimum design metal temperature (MDMT) and concurrent pressure used to
establish impact test and other material requirements shall be specified in the
project documentation.
ADD in §
For operating temperatures below -29° C or when specified for other low ambient
temperatures, steels shall have, at the lowest specified temperature, an impact
strength sufficient to qualify under the minimum Charpy V notch impact energy
requirements of Section VIII, Division 1, UG-84, of the ASME Code. For materials and
thicknesses not covered by the code, the purchaser will specify the requirements on
the data sheets. For operating temperature up to -45° C Nodular iron can be used
when it is well experienced by compressor Manufacturer for the specified service.
ADD in §
ADD in §
Threads of jackscrews used in steel material shall be fine-threaded series UNF or NF.
Lifting provisions (lifting lugs or fixed lifting points) shall be supplied for any
maintenance item with a mass greater than 20 kg.
ADD in §
Vertically split casings shall be used for flammable or toxic services with maximum
allowable working pressure above 40 barg.
ADD in §
When a baseplate is furnished, casing drains shall be furnished and individually piped
to edge of baseplate and shall terminate with a blind flange.
AMEND in §
The requirement of individual stage drains including a drain for the balance piston
cavity shall be specified in the project documentation.
Compressor SUPPLIER shall provide provision for flushing in fouling services when
specified in the project documentation and it shall be blanked off flanged connections
(at least two) at each impeller for installation of flushing nozzles.
ADD in §
ADD in §
ADD in §4.7.1
Coupling hub shall be removable and non-keyed (tapered bore and hydraulically
ADD in §4.7.8
ADD in §
Welded impellers employing fillet welds joining vanes to hubs or covers shall have
full penetration welds for at least 12 mm of the vane and at the tip. When vanes are
milled into the cover or hub, the gas passageway shall have a generous fillet radius
on both sides of each vane.
ADD in §
ADD in §
AMEND in §
AMEND in §
The requirement of a train lateral analysis by the SUPPLIER with unit train
responsibility shall be specified in the project documentation.
ADD in §
AMEND in §
Major parts of the rotating element, such as the shaft, balancing drum and impellers,
shall be individually dynamically balanced before assembly, to ISO 1940 Grade G1 or
AMEND in §
The settle – out pressure shall be specified by the PURCHASER in the project
• a fugitive emissions recovery system, to recycle the vented primary seal gas
to the compressor inlet
The primary and secondary seal gas systems shall be made as minimum of 316
stainless steel, unless otherwise specified by the project specification.
ADD in §5.1.4
Steam turbine drivers shall conform to API 612 and company standard
SUSTITUTE in §5.1.5
ADD in §5.1.6
Gas turbine drives shall conform to API 616 and Company Standard
03774.MAC.MEC.FUN “Gas Turbines (API 616)”. The gas turbine drive shall be sized
for a maximum continuous load (also known as base load) of not less than 110% of
the maximum power required by the machine train, when operating at any of the
specified operating conditions, under specified fuel conditions and site ambient
conditions. The power margin shall take into account the gas turbine aging and the
compressor aging and fouling.
ADD in §5.1.7
The load gear shall be in accordance with API 613 and company standard
06647.MAC.MEC.FUN and shall be sized for the maximum power and speed of the
driver under all specified operating and ambient conditions.
ADD in §
Anchor bolts shall be installed using, unless otherwise specified by the PURCHASER.
The inner diameter of the sleeve shall be at least twice the diameter of the anchor
bolts. The bolt head must extend a minimum of 5 bolt diameters below the bottom of
the sleeve. This will allow adequate room for the concrete anchorage cone to
Unless otherwise specified, when base plates are used, they shall extend to support
the entire drive train, including electrical and instrumentation junction boxes.
Installation of control panels should be reviewed by PURCHASER.
Thermocouples shall have leads brought out through thermocouples heads and shall
be wired to junction boxes on the unit baseplate.
The instrumentation and automation system shall comply with the Company
Standards 28037.CMP.STA.SDS “Instrumentation & Automation included in the
Package Plants” and 20150.PKG.STA.FUN “Instrumentation & Automation Plants
Included in Rotary Machine Package” considering the package typology to be supply.
ADD in §5.5.4
SUBSTITUE in §6.1.3
The COMPANY shall specify the amount of advanced notification required for a
witnessed or observed inspection or test in the project documentation.
SUBSTITUTE in §6.1.4
The COMPANY shall specify the extent of his/her participation in the inspection and
testing in project documentation.
The SUPPLIER shall provide an Inspection and Test Plan which shall include all the
inspections and tests specified in the project documentation, including requirements
for civil works and grouting.
ADD in §6.4.1
ADD in §Annex
Annex J applies only to onshore installations and does not apply to offshore
installation or floaters.
The metallic baseplate of the skid shall be connected to the concrete foundation by
means of anchor bolts. Equipment shall be positioned on the foundation, aligned and
leveled out, then the anchor bolts shall be grouted inside the concrete.
The foundation surface to be coated with grout and the foundation bolt pockets must
then be soaked to the concrete saturation point for at least six hours before grouting.
Afterwards, any water remaining on the surface or inside the pockets is to be
The recommended procedure for setting the unit on its foundation is the following:
A. Install metal washers (1) for the levelling screw (2) on the foundation (see Figure
B. Tighten the screws (4) of the levelling plates (5) to the metal base beneath the
C. Slowly position the baseplate, with the equipment installed on it, onto the
foundation. The baseplate is provided with levelling screws (2) and foundation
bolts (3). Adjust the leveling screws to obtain a gap of the size shown on the
Installation and Foundation Drawing between the baseplate and the foundation.
D. Using a precision level, carefully level the baseplate both lengthwise and
crosswise by means of the levelling screws. These must always be evenly
adjusted so that load is equally distributed over all the screws.
E. Grout the foundation bolt pockets, as shown in Figure 6 . A non-shrink grout mix
is recommended.
A. Insert four shims of identical thickness, one between each of the compressor
support plates and its foot. If the compressor is not perfectly in position (i.e. if the
shims slip off) proceed by adjusting the baseplate levelling screws and, if
necessary, the foundation bolts (check first that the grout has set as in Figure J -
Figure J - 1
Figure J - 2
Proceed as follows:
A. Build a wooden form around each support plate (5) and foundation bolt (see
Figure J-3). The distance from the inside wall of the form to the edge of the
support plate should be approximately 100 mm. The form must be sturdy, well-
anchored, and grout leak proof.
B. Grout the pockets and form as shown in Figure J - 3, making sure to puddle
thoroughly beforehand so that air bubbles are not formed.
C. When, according to the SUPPLIER, the grout has reached proper consistency (not
less than 2 to 3 days and no longer than 8 to 10 days depending on temperature
and humidity conditions), symmetrically loosen the levelling screws (see Figure J-
D. After the curing period has elapsed (i.e., from 8 days in warm weather to 20 in
cold), remove the screws (4) and symmetrically tighten the foundation bolts.
E. Re-check levelling and, if off, correct by means of the levelling screws and
adjusting shims between the baseplate and support plates.
F. When alignment is completed, grout is beneath the baseplate (normal grout mix).
Once the grout has cured, coat the outer edges that come into contact with a
special grout composed of one part cement and two of sand in order to prevent
G. These edges may be further protected with a coat of oil or resin paint.
Figure J - 3
Check foundation curing time before proceeding with preparation for grouting. Epoxy
grout shall never be poured on “green” or uncured concrete. Concrete must also be
exposed to a drying-out period to ensure that the capillaries are free of moisture and
will provide proper grout bonding.
This procedure will assure that the shear and tensile forces coming from the rotating
equipment will be transferred to concrete foundation. Usually this operation, called
“chipping”, is performed by pneumatic hammer with chisel or by other system as
sandblasting, scarifiers, scabblers or acid etching.
The edges of the concrete block should be chamfered or radiuses approximately 30°.
Rebar wickets or dowels can also be added to provide mechanical locks between the
epoxy grout and concrete. Both of these techniques will help prevent edge lifting or a
horizontal crack at the grout concrete interface.
All grout forms shall be built of materials of adequate strength and securely anchored
and sealed to withstand the liquid head and forces developed by the grout during
The inside surfaces of all grout forms shall have three coats of paste wax applied to
prevent grout adherence (prior to their placement on the concrete foundation to
prevent contamination of the grout bonding surface). Oil or liquid wax is not
Access holes for grouting should be provided in the skid floor plate by the OEM or
packager. They also provide inspection points to ensure the entire skid is fully
supported. Be sure there are no blind or restricted flow areas in the skid design.
Expansion joints for epoxy grout should be installed in advance (after chipping); they
will serve to break up the grout into smaller sections, thus reducing the probability of
a crack.
To apply the grout, start at one end of the forms and fill the cavity completely while
advancing toward the other end. Pour the grout along only one side of the mounting
plate allowing it to slowly flow under the plate to the opposite side. Do not pour
around the perimeter of the mounting plate as this will cause air entrapment. Do not
vibrate the grout as a means of helping it flow since this tends to separate the
aggregate from the resin binder. Limited use of push tools may be employed to help
distribute the grout, using long strokes rather than short jabs. Violent ramming of
the grout is not permitted.
The grout volume used should be checked against the estimated cavity volume. This
is a good way to check for air pockets and insufficient filling.
Check frequently for grout leaks. Leaks will not self-seal, and if not stopped, will
cause voids.
§J.9 Post-grouting
Typically, three days after the grout has been poured (or less, depending on ambient
temperature), the grout should be of sufficient hardness to remove jackscrews and
grout forms.
Lubricate all anchor bolt threads with mineral oil and torque anchor bolts in
accordance with the equipment manufacturer’s recommendations.
ADD in §
Maximum relative inlet Mach number (at the cover side of the blade leading edge)
shall not exceed 0.85 for any impeller at any operating condition without
PURCHASER’s approval.
For axial compressors, rotor and stator blade Mach numbers are not to exceed 0.85.
ADD in §
Radial split casing must be used for service with a maximum operating discharge
pressure above 30bar g.
Last sentence “Axial split casings using O-rings on the flange facing are not
Vertically split casings shall be used for flammable or toxic services with maximum
allowable working pressure above 40 barg.
ADD in §
Interstage diaphragms and inlet guide vanes shall be suitable for all specified
operating conditions, start-up, shutdown, trip-out, settling-out, and momentary
surge. When intermediate main process connections are used, the PURCHASER will
specify the maximum and minimum pressures at each connection in the project
documentation. The SUPPLIER shall confirm that the diaphragms furnished are
suitable for the maximum differential pressure during the operation and shall provide
suitable means for protecting the diaphragm during trip-out against excessive
differential pressure that might arise during transitory operation.
ADD in §
ADD in §4.10.3
Seals shall be capable of being removed at site without moving the driving or driven
equipment including gear boxes.