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Endocrine System and Plant Hormones

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Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

1.3.5 A change in the direction and speed of the body

causes the movement of fluid in the semicircular canals
which stimulates the cristae

A change in the position of the head

stimulated the maculae
The stimuli were converted into impulses
which were transported along the auditory nerve
and interpreted in the cerebellum
which then sent impulses to the muscles
to restore balance and equilibrium

1.4 Describe how the different parts of the ear and brain allow for hearing to occur. (7)

The sound waves were directed by the pinna

through the auditory canal
to the tympanic membrane /eardrum
causing it to vibrate
The vibrations of the tympanic membrane were transferred to the ossicles
in the middle ear
which eventually caused the oval window to vibrate
This set up pressure waves in the cochlea
This stimulated the Organ of Corti in the cochlea
to convert this stimulus into a nerve impulse
which was then transmitted along the auditory nerve
and interpreted in the cerebrum


Know the difference between an endocrine gland and an exocrine gland
Endocrine glands: ductless glands that Exocrine glands – glands that release their
release their secretions (hormones) secretions through ducts to a body cavity
directly into the bloodstream. or to the outside
eg. Ovaries, adrenal glands, pancreas , eg. salivary glands that secrete saliva
hypophysis through ducts that open in the mouth cavity

Hormones are chemical messengers.

Hormones can stimulate (increase the secretion of hormones, allow a reaction to occur)
or inhibit (slow down the secretion or stop the secretion) for a reaction

Location of the following glands, the hormones they secrete:

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

Hypothalamus – ADH (controls water

concentration in blood)
Pituitary gland/hypophysis – Growth
hormone, TSH, FSH, LH and prolactin
Thyroid gland – thyroxin
Pancreas – insulin and glucagon
Adrenal gland – adrenalin, aldosterone
Ovary – oestrogen, progesterone
Testes - testosterone

Homeostasis: the process of maintaining a constant, internal environment

Negative feedback mechanism: operate in the human body to detect changes or

imbalances in the internal environment and to restore the balance
You should know and describe the negative feedback mechanism involving:

Thyroxin levels
Blood glucose levels (pancreas secreting insulin and glucagon)
Blood carbon dioxide levels
Water balance (osmoregulation)
Salt levels
Thyroxin and TSH – negative feedback
Imbalance could be:
Thyroxin levels are TOO HIGH: Thyroxin levels are TOO LOW:
-Pituitary gland/hypophysis is stimulated -Pituitary gland/hypophysis is stimulated
-To secrete LESS TSH -To secrete MORE TSH
-Low TSH levels stimulates the thyroid -High TSH levels stimulates the thyroid
gland gland
-To secrete LESS thyroxin -To secrete MORE thyroxin
-Thyroxin levels DECREASE -Thyroxin levels INCREASE
-Back to normal -Back to normal

Blood glucose levels

Glucose levels in the blood are TOO Glucose levels in the blood are TOO LOW:
Pancreas is stimulated Pancreas is stimulated
To secrete INSULIN into the blood To secrete GLUCAGON into the blood
Insulin stimulates the conversion of Glucagon stimulates the conversion of
excess glucose to glycogen which is stored glycogen back to glucose
Glucose level in the blood decreases Glucose level in the blood INCREASES
Back to normal Back to normal
Have a careful look at these three terms: It is important that you do not confuse these
terms with one another, and you have to spell them correctly or you will lose marks.
Glucose Simplest sugar in the blood
Glycogen Glucose is converted to glycogen and is stored in this form
Glucagon The hormone that is secreted by the pancrea is blood sugar levels are too low

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

You only need to know how our body reacts

when CO2 levels are too high:

Regulation of water balance (osmoregulation):

When blood has LESS water than normal: When blood has MORE water than normal:
Hypothalamus is stimulated Hypothalamus is stimulated
Send impulses to the pituitary gland Send impulses to the pituitary gland
To secrete MORE ADH To secrete LESS ADH
ADH increases the permeability of the ADH decreases the permeability of the
renal tubules renal tubules
MORE water is re-absorbed back into the LESS water is re-absorbed back into the
blood blood
Water level in blood returns to normal Water level in blood returns to normal

The regulation of salt balance:

Salt levels in the blood TOO HIGH: Salt levels in the blood TOO LOW:
Adrenal gland is stimulated Adrenal gland is stimulated
To stop secreting aldosterone/less To secrete MORE aldosterone
LESS salt is reabsorbed into the blood MORE salt is reabsorbed into the blood
Salt level decreases Salt level increases
Back to normal Back to normal

Disorders caused by imbalance in the levels of:

Imbalance of: Name of disorder
Thyroxin Goitre (low levels of iodine)
Blood glucose Diabetes mellitus

The role of: sweating

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022


2 5 2

3 3

4 4


1.1 The diagram below represents parts of the endocrine system in humans.
1.1.1 Identify gland:
(a) A
(b) B
(c) C (3)
1.1.2 Give the LETTER and the
NAME of the gland that secretes a
hormoneresponsible for:
(a) Starting puberty in males
(b) Stimulating absorption of glucose by
(c) Making the kidney tubules
permeable to water (6)

1.1.1 (a) Hypophysis / Pituitary gland
(b) Adrenal gland
(c) Pancreas
1.1.2 (a) D - Testis
(b) C - Pancreas
(c) A – Hypophysis / Pituitary gland (9)

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

1.2 The diagram below represents the interaction between two important endocrine glands.
The gland labelled A is found at the base of the brain, while the gland labelled C is
present towards the front of the neck.
1.2.1 Give a label for gland A (1)
1.2.2 Name hormone B. (1)
1.2.3 State TWO functions of hormone D. (2)
1.2.4 Describe the negative feedback mechanism
that operates when the level of hormone D is higher
than normal in the blood. (5)
1.2.5 Describe the negative feedback mechanism that
operates when the level of hormone D is lower than
normal in the blood. (5)

1.2.1 A. Hypophysis / Pituitary gland (1)
1.2.2 B. TSH
1.2.3 Controls metabolism
Influences heart rate (2)
1.2.4 High levels of thyroxin are detected by the hypophysis
which leads to a decrease
in the secretion of TSH
Activity of thyroid is slowed down /less thyroxin produced
Thyroxin level drops to normal (5)
1.2.5 Low levels of thyroxin are detected by the hypophysis
which leads to an increase
in the secretion of TSH
more thyroxin produced
Thyroxin level rises to normal (5)

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

1.3 Study the flow diagram below.

1.3.1 Organ 1: (1)
1.3.2 Hormone 2: (1)
1.3.3 Hormone 3: (1)
1.3.4 The disorder caused when organ 1 fails to release sufficient amounts of
hormone 2 (1)
1.3.5 Describe how the blood glucose level in the human body is returned to normal
when the glucose level decreases to below normal. (4)
1.3.6 Describe how the blood glucose level in the human body is returned to normal
when the glucose level increases to above normal. (4)
1.3.1 Organ 1: Pancreas (1)
1.3.2 Hormone 2: Insulin (1)
1.3.3 Hormone 3: Glucagon (1)

1.3.4 Diabetes mellitus (1)

1.3.5 The pancreas /Islets of Langerhans is stimulated
to secrete glucagon into the blood
which stimulates the liver / muscles
to convert glycogen into glucose
The glucose level in the blood now increases and returns to normal (4)
1.3.6 The pancreas /Islets of Langerhans is stimulated
to secrete insulin into the blood
which stimulates the liver / muscles
to convert glycose into glycogen
The glucose level in the blood now decreases and returns to normal (4)

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

1.4 The diagram below represents one part of the negative feedback response that
occurs when a person is dehydrated. The decrease in blood volume, as a result of the
excessive loss of water, is detected by the brain.

1.4.1 Identify the

(a) Hormone X (1)
(a) Endocrine gland that secretes hormone X (1)
(c) Target organ (1)
1.4.2 Describe the negative feedback response that occurs when a person is
dehydrated, after it has been detected by the brain. (4)
1.4.3 Describe what happens when the blood has more water than normal (4)
1.4.1 (a) ADH
(b) Hypothalamus / Pituitary gland / Hypophysis
(c) Kidney
1.4.2 An increase in ADH causes the walls of the kidney tubule
to become more permeable to water
More water is reabsorbed
and the blood volume increases
Less urine is produced
and the urine is more concentrated
1.4.3 A decrease in ADH causes the walls of the kidney tubule
to become less permeable to water
Less water is reabsorbed
and the blood volume decreases
More urine is produced
and the urine is less concentrated (11)

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

1.5 Study the flow diagram below of a homeostatic mechanism used to regulate the
concentration of salts in the human body.

1.5.1 Define homeostasis. (2)

1.5.2 Give the name of the following:
(a) Organ A (1)
(b) Gland B (1)
(c) Hormone C (1)
1.5.3 Describe the response by the effector at D. (2)
1.5.1 The process by which the human body maintains a constant internal environment
1.5.2 (a) Kidney
(b) Adrenal gland
(c) Aldosterone
1.5.3 Walls of renal tubules
become more permeable
allowing for a greater re-absorption of sodium ions
from the filtrate /into the blood capillaries (7)

1.6 Describe how the human body restores the carbon dioxide concentration
the blood when it rises above normal levels. (6)
Receptor cells
in the carotid artery/aorta are stimulated
to send impulses to the medulla oblongata in the brain
which then stimulates the heart
to beat faster
and the breathing muscles /example
to contract more actively
This increases the rate/ depth of breathing
More CO2 is taken to and exhaled from the lungs returning the CO2 level in
the blood to normal.

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

1.7 The diagram below represents the skin of a person under different environmental conditions.

1.7.1 Identify part X. (1)

1.7.2 Give the LETTER of the diagram which represents the skin on a
hot day. (1)
1.7.3 Name TWO visible reasons for your answer QUESTION 1.7.2. (2)
1.7.4 Name the part of the brain that regulates temperature. (1)
1.7.5 Name ONE hormone which will have the same effect as seen in
diagram A.
1.7.1 sweat glands
1.7.2 B
1.7.3 vasodilation (widening) of blood vessels
Sweat glands are active
1.7.4 hypothalamus
1.7.5 adrenaline

Responding to the environment: Plants – Paper 1, 13 marks

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

The role of AUXINS in phototropism and geotropism:

1.1 A Grade 12 learner performed an investigation to determine the effect of light
on the growth of plant shoots. The learner divided the plants that were used
into three groups as follows:
Group A – The tip of the shoot was intact.
Group B – The tip of the shoot was removed.
Group C – The tip of the shoot was covered by a cap that does not allow
light to pass through.
The diagram below shows each shoot at the start of the investigation and
next to each, the same shoot at the end of the investigation.
The arrows indicate the direction of light in each investigation.

Life Sciences Gr 12 Cape Winelands Survival Kit – PAPER 1 2022

1.1.1 The influence of which plant hormone is being investigated? (1)

1.1.2 Explain the results observed in investigations A and C, as illustrated in the
diagram above. (6)
1.1.3 Plants respond to gravity.
Explain why the root grows in different directions when a pot plant
is placed horizontally on the ground, receiving light equally from all directions. (6)
1.1.1 Auxins
1.1.2 In investigation A:
Light from the right
caused auxins to move to shaded side of the shoot
leading to increased cell elongation and division
There was therefore greater growth on the shaded side
thus bending the shoot in the direction of the source of light
In investigation C:
Light has no influence on the distribution of auxins
therefore the shoot grew upright

1.1.3 There is a high concentration of auxins on the lower side of the root
which inhibits growth/cell elongation/cell division on the lower side
There is a low concentration of auxins on the upper side of the root
which stimulates growth/cell elongation/cell division on the upper side
The upper side of the root grows faster /Uneven growth occurs
causing the root to grow/bend downwards
The root grows towards gravity /The root is positively geotropic


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