Van Life British English Student
Van Life British English Student
Van Life British English Student
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1 Warm up
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
tent caravan
2 Listening
Fern is at a music festival. Listen to her conversation with Steve and decide if the information in the
sentences is true, false or not given.
6. Fern is jealous.
4. The basic van is , so you can choose the features and layout that you want.
5. It’s true that some classic models of the VW Transporter are very , which pushes
the price up.
3 Reading
Steve’s camper van Ronnie is a VW Transporter. What do you know about this type of vehicle?
Read the article about this design classic and then finish the sentences below with one or three words
from the text.
1. Being collectable is one thing that makes the VW camper van .
2. The Transporter was so adaptable that vehicles could be produced from the same
basic design.
3 4 5
3. The , and are three things which made the
original Transporters instantly recognisable.
4. , the Transporter camper van became very popular because it was so affordable.
5. The newest VW camper van retains classic features like adjustable seats, but also uses modern
technology, like a removable tablet computer to .
Read the text again and match the words/phrases with these meanings.
5. (Paragraph 2) the system attached to the wheels of a vehicle that makes it more comfortable to
travel in
7. (Paragraph 4) changed or added something to make it relate strongly to one person or their needs
8. (Paragraph 4) very famous and easily recognisable, representing a particular time or place
The Fender Stratocaster guitar, the Coca-Cola bottle The popularity of the Transporter camper van
and the VW Transporter - what do these things have coincided with the development of the counter-
in common? Each one is a design classic, which cultural movement in the 1960s. The vehicles were
means they share certain features. We recognise affordable to run and could be customised and
them immediately, they’ve been around for ages, adapted for many uses including full-time homes.
their design is innovative and functional, they reflect They quickly became iconic of the freedom-loving
popular culture and they’re even collectable. Let’s independent-thinking hippie lifestyle.
take a closer look at the VW Transporter.
The Transporter has been through many design
The VW Transporter was developed just after the changes over the years, but the original vehicles hold
Second World War. The story has it that Dutch a special place in people’s hearts ... and wallets. An
businessman Ben Pons was visiting the Volkswagen original vehicle in excellent condition could be worth
factory when he saw some little motorised trolleys almost £100,000 to a collector.
being used to transport items around. He had a
Today, all sorts of people from young families to older
Eureka moment, and sketched an idea for a transport
couples enjoy touring and camping in VW vans. A
vehicle. His clever flat-front design maximised
van is often like a family member — people even give
cargo space and was easy to steer around the small
them names! If you don’t want to buy your own,
crowded streets of European cities. The air-cooled
you can rent a vehicle and take off to explore the
engine was at the back, so the driver had more space
countryside. Having your own space to cook and
and less noise and heat at the front. In addition,
sleep makes this type of holiday more Covid secure
each of the four wheels had independent suspension,
as well.
which produced a smoother ride than other vehicles
at the time. Volkswagen continues to innovate. Their latest
design, the ID Buzz Microbus is an electric self-
The Transporter was designed to be adaptable and
driving vehicle with wrap-around LED lights,
the company was soon producing a range of vehicles
adjustable seats and a removable tablet computer
including delivery vans, buses, pick-ups, ambulances,
which can control the car. However, the exterior
fire engines and, of course, the well-loved camper
design refers back to the 1950s with its flat front,
van. These vehicles were instantly recognisable by
two-tone paint and prominent VW badge.
the split front windscreen, the two-tone paint and the
famous VW logo badge at the front. By 1968, two Sources:,,
million vehicles had been sold.
4 Talking point
Discuss these questions in pairs or small groups.
5 Project
Imagine that you’ve got a basic small vehicle and an unlimited budget to adapt and customise your
own camper van.
Think about what features you’d like to include from the list below and get ready to explain your ideas
to a classmate. You can sketch your ideas if you like. Will you give your camper van a name?