Small-Cell Carcinoma of The Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type - Genetics, New Treatment Targets, and Current Management Guidelines
Small-Cell Carcinoma of The Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type - Genetics, New Treatment Targets, and Current Management Guidelines
Small-Cell Carcinoma of The Ovary, Hypercalcemic Type - Genetics, New Treatment Targets, and Current Management Guidelines
Marc Tischkowitz , Sidong Huang , Susana Banerjee5, Jennifer Hague2, William P.D. Hendricks6,
1,2 3,4
David G. Huntsman7, Jessica D. Lang6, Krystal A. Orlando8,9, Amit M. Oza10, Patricia Pautier11,
Isabelle Ray-Coquard12, Jeffrey M. Trent6, Michael Witcher13, Leora Witkowski14, W. Glenn McCluggage15,
Douglas A. Levine16, William D. Foulkes13,14,17,18, and Bernard E. Weissman8,9
Small-cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type with hypercalcemia. SCCOHT primarily affects females under
(SCCOHT) is a rare and highly aggressive ovarian malignancy. In 40 years of age who usually present with symptoms related to a
Small-cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcemic type (SCCOHT) is
Department of Medical Genetics, National Institute for Health Research Cam- a rare and aggressive cancer which mainly occurs in adolescents and
bridge Biomedical Research Centre, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, young women. It represents less than 0.01% of all ovarian malignan-
United Kingdom. 2East Anglian Medical Genetics Unit, Cambridge University
cies (1), with fewer than 500 cases reported to date in the medical
Hospitals NHS Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom. 3Department of Biochemis-
try, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 4The Rosalind & Morris Good- literature. The clinical and pathologic aspects of this tumor were
man Cancer Research Centre, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 5The initially described by Scully in 1979 (2). In describing these neoplasms,
Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research, London, he noted: (i) the characteristic morphologic appearance of small
United Kingdom. 6Translational Genomics Research Institute, Division of Inte- hyperchromatic cells with scant cytoplasm and brisk mitotic activity,
grated Cancer Genomics, Phoenix, Arizona. 7BC Cancer, Vancouver, British (ii) the occurrence in young females, and (iii) the presence of hyper-
Columbia, Canada. 8Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Uni-
calcemia. Although the mechanism underlying the commonly
versity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. 9Lineberger Comprehen-
sive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. observed serum hypercalcemia is not well established, one study found
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, that in four of seven cases, the tumor cells expressed parathyroid
on Berard,
Canada. 11Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France. 12Centre Anti cancereux Le hormone-related protein (3). It has long been postulated that some
& University Claude Bernard Lyon, GINECO Group, Lyon, France. 13The Lady cases could be familial (4) and in 2014, multiple groups discovered
Davis Institute of the Jewish General Hospital, Department of Oncology, McGill that SCCOHT is characterized by both germline and somatic delete-
University, Montreal, Canada. 14Department of Human Genetics, McGill Univer-
rious mutations (henceforth termed pathogenic variants, PV) in
sity, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 15Department of Pathology, Belfast Health and
Social Care Trust, Belfast, United Kingdom. 16Gynecologic Oncology, Laura and SMARCA4 (5–8). Studies have shown that SMARCA4 appears as the
Isaac Perlmutter Cancer Center, NYU Langone Health, New York, New York. only recurrently mutated gene in SCCOHT (6–8). Therefore, PVs in
Department of Medical Genetics, Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, SMARCA4 likely serve as the driver mutation for almost all cases of
Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 18Department of Medical Genetics and Cancer SCCOHT (8). The discovery of SMARCA4 PVs in >95% of SCCOHTs
Research Program, Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre, has been the first step in the development and implementation of
McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
potential targeted treatment options (9). With these discoveries in
Corresponding Authors: Marc Tischkowitz, University of Cambridge, mind we brought together international experts and formed the
Cambridge CB2 0QQ, United Kingdom. Phone: 4401-2232-16446; E-mail: International SCCOHT Consortium (ISC) consisting of researchers,; and Bernard E. Weissman, University of North Carolina at
clinical scientists, and clinicians. We held the first symposium on
Chapel Hill, 450 West Drive, 31-321 LCCC, CB #7295, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7295.
Phone: 1 91-9966-7533; E-mail: SCCOHT in London in July 2018 to lay out the current state of
knowledge regarding genetics and consider potential treatment tar-
Clin Cancer Res 2020;26:3908–17
gets. There have been 2–3 monthly follow-up conference calls since
doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-19-3797 then to foster collaborative research and to develop a consensus
2020 American Association for Cancer Research. guideline for the diagnosis and management of SCCOHT. | 3908
SCCOHT, Management Guidelines, and New Treatment Targets
SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling this term is well established in the literature. SCCOHT is the proto-
typical ovarian neoplasm composed predominantly or exclusively of
Complex small round cells with scant cytoplasm (so-called “small round blue
Recent sequencing studies have identified mutations in subunits of cell tumor”). Because of the wide range of differential diagnoses of the
the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes in over 20% of human various neoplasms in this broad group, pathologists commonly strug-
cancers (10). Multiple configurations of the SWI/SNF complex exist, gle with these tumors due to overlapping morphology and IHC (18). In
each consisting of approximately 15 proteins (11). With several iso- diagnosing the various tumor types, IHC and molecular studies are of
forms existing for many of these proteins, theoretically, 100 or more value (19). While typical SCCOHT is part of the differential diagnosis
different combinations may exist (12). While all SWI/SNF complexes of a small round blue cell tumor, the large cell variant of SCCOHT may
contain one of the two mutually exclusive ATPase subunits, be confused with other neoplasms composed of large cells (Fig. 1).
SMARCA4 (BRG1) or SMARCA2 (BRM), functional differences Older studies investigated the immunophenotype of SCCOHT to try to
appear among them (13). This is likely due to the differential complex elucidate the histogenesis but were inconclusive. The neoplastic cells
compositions and the cell type in which they exist, as some SWI/SNF are sometimes focally positive with epithelial membrane antigen,
subunits specifically target certain genomic regions and transcription broad spectrum cytokeratins, calretinin, and CD10 (20), while desmin,
factors (14). Depending on the cell type and timepoint in development, S100, and inhibin are consistently negative. Occasional neoplasms are
these complexes can both repress and activate gene expression (15). focally positive with neuroendocrine markers. Most cases also exhibit
Thus, SWI/SNF alterations play important and varied roles in driving diffuse nuclear positivity with an antibody against the N-terminal of
all patients diagnosed before the age of 15 years. Women with germline mutations have been reported previously (6–8, 33, 36). The penetrance
PVs present at a significantly younger age than those without (P ¼ of these PVs remains uncertain, and interpretation of risk is compli-
0.02; ref. 36). We recommend caution in diagnosing SCCOHT in cated by our observation that germline PVs are often paternally
females under 10 or over 50 years of age and although one publication inherited, with only two known cases caused by a de novo SMARCA4
reported a SCCOHT in a 71-year-old female, the lack of modern PV (37, 38). While SMARCA4 PVs occur across the entire gene, with
diagnostic markers used (immunostaining or SMARCA4 mutation no obvious predilection for certain domains, loss of function variants
analysis), makes the validity of this diagnosis unclear (9). Given the in some exons may not be pathogenic for SCCOHT due to their lack of
importance of establishing a correct diagnosis and the wide differential expression in transcripts expressed in the ovary (39). Furthermore, we
diagnosis (18), we strongly recommend an expert opinion from a do not know whether individuals with a germline SMARCA4 PV
specialist gynecologic pathologist and SMARCA4 IHC staining to associated with SCCOHT possess an increased risk for development of
establish the diagnosis in an ovarian neoplasm in which SCCOHT is other types of cancers.
considered in the differential diagnosis and where a firm diagnosis of The risk of cancer in females with germline SMARCA4 PVs remains
an alternative neoplasm cannot be established. At present, most uncertain but may be considerable. Only one publication reports a
pathology laboratories do not perform SMARCA4 IHC. female with a SMARCA4 germline mutation who remained cancer-free
past her sixth decade (36). On the other hand, there is likely to be
ascertainment bias in the literature, resulting in overestimation of
Genetic Counseling and Screening in
cancer risk. Prospective studies will be needed to provide more
Patients and at-risk Family Members accurate cancer risk estimates. Thus, one of the top priorities of this
Germline and somatic SMARCA4 PVs causing SCCOHT are gen- Consortium effort is the establishment of an international registry of
erally nonsense or frameshift, although in-frame indels and missense patients with SCCOHT to facilitate follow-up of families and provide
3910 Clin Cancer Res; 26(15) August 1, 2020 CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
SCCOHT, Management Guidelines, and New Treatment Targets
Figure 1.
A, SCCOHT is composed of predominantly diffuse arrangement of cells with follicle-like structures. B, On higher power, the tumor cells have hyperchromatic nuclei
and scant cytoplasm. C, Large cell variant of SCCOHT composed of tumor cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm. D, There is loss of nuclear immunoreactivity
with SMARCA4 (BRG1) with a positive internal control in the form of nuclear staining of endothelial cells.
opportunities for participation in research and clinical trials. Please see with a left-sided SCCOHT in 2011. This suggests that the remaining for more details. ovary in females with SCCOHT and a germline SMARCA4 PV is also at
The Consortium recommends referral of all patients with SCCOHT risk. Therefore, we recommend discussion of risk-reducing removal of
to a clinical genetics service or provider, with an offer for testing for the other ovary if a germline SMARCA4 PV is detected. SMARCA4
germline SMARCA4 PVs (Table 1). It is important to use a clinical variants are inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. All at-risk
laboratory that offers full gene sequencing, including copy number relatives of those with SCCOHT due to a germline SMARCA4 PV
calling, as PVs are typically scattered throughout the gene, and whole- should receive genetic counseling and be offered predictive testing,
or partial-gene deletions have been reported previously (40). The which should be covered by personal or national health insurance.
incidence of germline pathogenic PVs could be high (up to 43%), Males with germline SMARCA4 PVs will not develop SCCOHT,
and the family history is not generally informative, especially if the but their daughters will have a 50% chance of inheriting the PV.
germline PV was inherited from the proband's father (36). There are Confidence in the pathogenicity of a germline variant can be enhanced
several different approaches to genetic testing for diagnostic confir- by either IHC showing loss of SMARCA4 protein expression in the
mation and with the increasing use of matched tumor-normal tumor or by identifying a second PV in the tumor.
sequencing, both germline and somatic mutations can be identified.
If no SMARCA4 mutation is detected, the diagnosis of SCCOHT
should be reconsidered, along with sequencing of other related genes as Surveillance for at-risk Family Members
a SMARCB1 mutation has been reported in one case of SCCOHT (41). This remains controversial considering the lack of proven efficacy
When there is a confirmed diagnosis of SCCOHT (appropriate and the potential risks including a false sense of security, risk of false
histologic findings plus loss of SMARCA4 expression), germline positive screens, and the potential exclusion of effective risk-reducing
testing is strongly recommended, regardless of somatic testing. surgery. Although early detection methods using imaging offer
We have recently identified a molecularly confirmed second pri- an appealing alternative to risk-reducing bilateral salpingo-
mary SCCOHT in the right ovary of a young woman initially diagnosed oophorectomy (RRBSO), this approach remains unproven and has
been ineffective to date for other more common ovarian malignan- effective (36). However, these nonrandomized studies may suffer
cies (42, 43). While RRBSO performed prior to malignant transfor- from selection bias. Early-stage patients will more likely meet the
mation may prove more effective, its benefits for females at high risk criteria for HDC, which requires a complete response to initial
for SCCOHT also remain unproven. Determining the optimal age for chemotherapy, with the expectation of improved outcomes compared
RRBSO is extremely challenging considering the early age of disease with patients with more advanced stage disease (16). Although
onset and the uncertain penetrance of germline SMARCA4 PVs (36). SCCOHT is often chemosensitive initially, a substantial risk for relapse
RRBSO has been offered, on a highly selective basis, to females with persists and the effectiveness of additional chemotherapy is limited.
germline SMARCA4 PVs, typically for siblings in an affected fami- Reported options for chemotherapy in the recurrent setting include
ly (42, 44). Counseling for such a procedure needs sensitivity, including combinations of cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, and vincristine, or
a discussion of surgical-based risks, onset of surgical menopause, carboplatin in combination with paclitaxel and topotecan (47). Sub-
estrogen replacement therapy, and reproductive preservation options sequent responses are often short-lived, emphasizing the need for
including oocyte cryopreservation and preimplantation genetic diag- more clinical trials.
nosis. RRBSO should be only be considered with extreme caution
where a germline SMARCA4 PVs is identified incidentally during
genetic testing for another indication and where there is no personal or
Identification of SCCOHT Therapeutic
family history of SCCOHT as the penetrance for these variants remains Candidates
uncertain. There are no published studies that suggest any form of To date, a paucity of approved or investigational agents exists for
3912 Clin Cancer Res; 26(15) August 1, 2020 CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
SCCOHT, Management Guidelines, and New Treatment Targets
GSK126 SMARCA4/2 Palbociclib
EZH2 RB CDK4/6 Abemaciclib
Cyclin D1 Ribociclib
H3K27me3 H3K4me3 H3/4KAc OTX015
Repressed gene Activated gene Survival
SCCOHT cells MHCI PD-L1 Ponatinib
T-cell activation
Figure 2.
Graphic summary of SCCOHT therapeutic candidates and their corresponding drugs. Agents that are being tested in clinical trials available to patients with SCCOHT
are underlined. See Table 2 for more details.
(NCT02601950) to include patients with SCCOHT by name are EPZ-6438 in vitro and further reduces tumor growth in vivo (56).
investigating the most studied EZH2 inhibitor, tazemetostat (EPZ- While HDACi may offer an attractive treatment option for patients
6438), and early results from these phase I/II trials reported on 2 with SCCOHT, a single case report did not find efficacy with this
patients with SCCOHT, 1 with stable disease and 1 with a partial approach (58). A phase I trial (NCT03895684) of seclidemstat, a
response after treatment. A tazemetostat trial sponsored by the NCI lysine-specific demethylase inhibitor, will open specifically for
was recently suspended because of observations of secondary SWI/SNF-mutant gynecologic cancers, with an emphasis on
lymphomas. Of interest, one report has shown that growth inhi- SCCOHT, ovarian clear cell carcinomas, and endometrial carcinomas
bition of SMARCA4-deficient NSCLC appears primarily dependent that show SMARCA4 or ARID1A mutation or loss. Following dose
on a noncatalytic role of EZH2 for stabilizing the PRC2 complex, escalation with the single agent, combination with pembrolizumab will
which current EZH2 inhibitors do not target (54). be examined.
Targeting other histone modification complexes has also shown In addition to targeting EZH2 and HDAC, bromodomain and extra-
promise for treatment of patients with SCCOHT. HDACi have been terminal motif containing protein inhibitors (BETi) have been explored
clinically approved for the treatment of several hematologic malig- in SCCOHT models, based on previous studies showing the dependency
nancies but have proved less effective for solid tumors (57). Several of SMARCA4-mutant esophageal cancer models for BET protein
studies have shown that HDACis in the context of SCCOHT result in BRD4 (59) and the coregulation of an oncogenic network by BRD4
reexpression of SMARCA2, which strongly suppresses growth of and SMARCA4 in acute leukemia (60). Consistent with these findings,
SCCOHT cells (23, 56). One of these reports also showed in vivo SCCOHT cells were highly sensitive to BETi JQ1 and OTX015, the latter
sensitivity of SCCOHT cells to the HDACi quisinostat (56). They of which showed strong antitumor activities in an orthotopic xenograft
further demonstrated that quisinostat acts synergistically with model of SCCOHT (61). In addition to BRD4, other BET proteins have
Activities against
SCCOHT Clinical trial available
Class Target Drug In vitro In vivo FDA-approved application for SCCOHT Reference
been linked to SWI/SNF function. Inactivation of another key SWI/SNF regulation of cyclin D1, limiting CDK4/6 kinase activity in
subunit SMARCB1, also known as INI1 or SNF5, occurs in synovial SCCOHT cells and leading to in vitro and in vivo susceptibility
sarcomas and rhabdoid tumors as well as in a small fraction of to CDK4/6 inhibitors. Thus, their findings indicated that CDK4/6
SCCOHTs. Recent evidence suggests that both synovial sarcomas and inhibitors, approved for a breast cancer subtype addicted to CDK4/
rhabdoid tumors require a noncanonical SWI/SNF complex (ncBAF, as 6 activation, could be repurposed to treat SCCOHT. They also
opposed to BAF and PBAF), carrying BRD9 as an essential subunit, for observed this synthetic lethal interaction between SMARCA4-loss
their survival (10). Supporting this, CRISPR-knockout screens uncov- and CDK4/6 inhibition in SMARCA4-deficient NSCLC despite
ered BRD9 as a therapeutic target in these cancers (62). However, their differences in tissue of origin and mutation landscape (67).
pharmacologic inhibition of BRD9 did not recapitulate this phenotype, Given that SMARCA4 loss occurs in a variety of other cancer types,
indicating ncBAF function requires protein domains beyond the BRD9 this common druggable vulnerability, shared by SCCOHT and
bromodomain. While these studies suggest that BRD9 inhibitors may NSCLC, may also be effective for targeting other SMARCA4-
prove effective for the treatment of patients with SCCOHT, Michel and deficient tumors. Furthermore, patients may also benefit from the
colleagues showed that BRD9 forms complexes with SMARCA4 but not antitumor immunity triggered by CDK4/6 inhibition as recently
SMARCB1 (10). Therefore, the effects of BRD9 inhibition on SCCOHT shown by others (68, 69). The Canadian Profiling and Targeted
remain untested. Currently, there is no available clinical study to Agent Utilization Trial (NCT03297606), a pan-Canadian phase II
investigate the effect of BETi in patients with SCCOHT. basket trial matching patients with cancer with different genetic
variants to appropriate targeted treatments, has recently approved a
Kinase inhibitors new match to treat SMARCA4-mutant tumors with the CDK4/6
Functional genetic screening approaches have proven to be a pow- inhibitor palbociclib based on the above findings (66, 67). Patients
erful tool to uncover novel drug targets in cancers. In this context, the with SCCOHT will be included in this new trial arm.
kinome is often chosen because pharmacologic inhibitors targeting
kinases identified from the screens are often available, providing the Immunotherapies
highest chance of clinical implementation. Using an arrayed kinome- Although the low mutation burden of SCCOHT would not predict
focused siRNA screen, Lang and colleagues showed sensitivity of responsiveness to immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) based on
SCCOHT cell lines in culture and in xenografts, as well as PDX models neoantigen burden alone, programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1)
to the clinically available multi-targeted tyrosine kinase inhibitor pona- inhibitors including pembrolizumab have shown substantial and
tinib (63). They also implicated a dependence upon FGFR signaling durable responses in selected patients with recurrent SCCOHT after
as the underlying mechanism for this sensitivity (56). These results prior treatment with cytotoxic chemotherapy and also immediately
coincide with similar observations in rhabdoid tumors where reexpres- following radiation treatment (70). In addition, 1 patient, known to
sion of SMARCB1 resulted in decreased expression of FGFR1 and these authors, showed near complete treatment response to CDK4/6
FGFR2, as well as the relative in vitro and in vivo sensitivity of rhabdoid inhibition in combination with ICB (see comment above). Further-
tumor cell lines to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors ponatinib and more, preclinical data from SWI/SNF-mutant melanoma (71) and
BGJ-398 (64, 65). Ponatinib is FDA-approved for the use in leukemias clear cell renal carcinoma (72) models demonstrate a causal connec-
and warrants further investigation in SCCOHT. tion between loss of SWI/SNF components such as PBRM1 and
Using a pooled short hairpin RNA screening approach also sensitivity to ICB. Although these reports focus upon loss of the
targeting human kinome, Xue and colleagues found that SCCOHT PBRM1 subunit, Pan and colleagues showed loss of this subunit in
cells are highly sensitive to cyclin-dependent kinase4/6 (CDK4/6) SCCOHT cells (73). Rhabdoid tumors, also with low mutation burden,
inhibition (66). They showed that SMARCA4 loss causes down- have recently been shown to have high infiltration of immune cells; this
3914 Clin Cancer Res; 26(15) August 1, 2020 CLINICAL CANCER RESEARCH
SCCOHT, Management Guidelines, and New Treatment Targets
immunogenicity is linked to endogenous retrovirus expression upon identification of germline PVs. Because surveillance is unproven,
induced by SMARCB1 loss (74). Indeed, several recent reports support we recommend RRBSO for unaffected adult females with germline
the efficacy of these inhibitors in patients with rhabdoid PVs in the context of a positive family history. Given the lack of defined
tumors (75, 76). Checkpoint blockade responses in SWI/SNF- guidelines for the management of women with SCCOHT, we recom-
mutant cancers may be associated with overexpression of immune- mend aggressive cytoreductive surgery followed by adjuvant combi-
stimulatory genes (71, 72). Given the similarity between SCCOHT and nation therapy with a cisplatin- and etoposide-based regimen. HDC
rhabdoid tumors, similar mechanisms may be in place underlying the with stem cell rescue for individuals who have a complete clinical
response of SCCOHT to PD-1 inhibitor. A French phase II basket trial response may be considered (36, 48). Patients with progressive or
AcSe program with pembrolizumab (NCT03012620) is currently open recurrent disease should enroll in a clinical trial or consider nonstan-
for women with rare ovarian tumors including relapsed SCCOHT. dard therapy based on the latest data that may come from case reports
While further investigation will define the utility of checkpoint inhi- and limited source material.
bitors in SCCOHT, mechanistic understanding remains limited on the SCCOHT is an excellent example of a cancer where the develop-
basis of the complex nature of modeling immune cell interactions in ment of novel therapies targeting the cancer vulnerabilities induced by
the available SCCOHT models, where the cell of origin is not yet the driver mutation is possible. The key message for patients and
defined. A phase II trial including pembrolizumab in combination family members it to remain in contact with disease experts who have
with initial chemotherapy for advanced disease (stage II to IV) is due knowledge of the latest clinical trials, seek consultation from academic
to start in France in 2020. referral centers, and request input from members of the ISC, https://
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