CL Team Assignment 16
CL Team Assignment 16
CL Team Assignment 16
Cyber Law
Assignment 16
Enhancing US Cyberlaws
Advanced innovation is fairly evident in today’s technology-saturated world, but the difficulties
it presents in cybersecurity are very complicated. The importance for more states to ratify cyber
laws or for current ones to strengthen them is especially important in light of day by day changes
in threats and in order to protect every single person, businesses, and the nation. Below is the list
of the five priority areas in which S. 1518 should provide for the implementation of the
It is the most fundamental right, and everyone must ensure that their privacy is protected at all
times. The second most cited reason relates to this argument. These are indeed very vast buckets
of personal data that are now being gathered and processed and hence the need for ensuring that
The legislation proposed reads that the whole federal data privacy law should emulate the
provisions of the EU GDPR. Individuals should have a significant freedom over the information
they share, and this law should incorporate numerous rights; clear procedures for collection and
utilization of the data, exact data security standards, and significant levels of control over
individual data.
The reason the law is passed: One federal law would make legislation easier to understand,
therefore boosting people’s trust in it and giving them the same levels of protection in any state
(Rubinstein & Good, 2021). This is perhaps of even more importance now because cases of
hacks and leaking of data are becoming more frequent and the exploitation of individual data by
companies is on the rise. The present situation can be described as a situation where there is
rather a random collection of regional legislation which may be insufficient to address challenges
that cut across the entire country given that there is no federal regulation on most of these
Stating that cyberattacks are gradually targeting essential structures is the third reason for its
significance. Some of such structures include water supply networks, health facilities, and
electricity frameworks. Ensuring that they are resilient is now imperative to maintaining the
At the legislative level proposed legal initiatives that would require the adoption of stringent
cybersecurity regulations for all critical sectors and industries. This also means that some
periodically, contemporary security measures, and the mandatory cyber occurrences reportage
should be included.
However, for this law to be enacted, it is crucial to understand why this law is made as well as
the aspects that make it unique and different from the others. Y productively, according to
Goodman (2021), the ransomware attack occurred in 2021 aimed at Colonial Pipeline revealed
such a manner that the resilience of these systems is strengthened up to the point where complex
cyber threats are kept at a safe distance away from our economic structure as well as people’s
Ranking Reason: Incumbent staff is regarded as critical to protecting a firm against cyber-
attacks, provided that its members are aware of cybersecurity measures. The subject of
cybersecurity is not well staffed with only a few experienced and trained personnel available.
a piece of legislation which will establish a program through which the government will fund the
cybersecurity training and education across all levels of learning, including professional
elementary and secondary. The most important proposal is to provide a financial incentive in the
form of targeting tax credits, loan forgiveness, and scholarships to ensure people pursue careers
within cybersecurity.
Reasons for the Need for This Law: The authors of the publications states that the need to bridge
the cybersecurity skill gap is necessary for the protection of security and stability of the nation’s
economy as noted by Evans, Reeder, and Shames (2020). Employees with proper training can
effectively avoid enabling hackers to access the organization’s network, thereby minimizing the
The ranking has been affected by what seems to be an endless progression of the complexity of
the crimes in the cyber space, which imposes the requirement of ever-enhanced capabilities in
Inasmuch as the commission fights against cybercrime, this proposed legislation seeks to
enhance the operations of federal, state, and local police agencies. This should involve financing
Criminals also work across borders, which complicates the arrest of cybercriminals and other
related incidents such as identity theft (Paganini, 2020). Increased legal authority and
more effective cybercriminal specification, investigation, and prosecution. In turn, this will be a
Rationale for Ranking: Customers feel more exposed and can easily fall prey to so many internet
scams who want to fraud people out of their money, and in the process of doing so, the customers
There is a proposed federal resolution designed to protect citizens from being scammed and
manipulated on the Internet. For this reason, businesses have to be forced to come out and
declare any instance of cyber fraud, the lawmakers must offer stiff penalties to the offenders, and
government and other stakeholders should ensure that there is sufficient public sensitization.
Is there a rationale for why this law is being passed? In their article, Holtfreter, Reisig, and Pratt
(2020) postulate that cyber frauds have become increasingly sophisticated majoring on the
ignorant, and which yield considerable monetary losses and other forms of harm. Higher
consumer protections could significantly impact the reduction of these risks, enhance secure
online conduct, and ensure that enterprises are held to the standard of their consumer’s
Evans, K., Reeder, F., & Shames, M. (2020). Building a Resilient Cybersecurity Workforce.
Goodman, M. (2021). The Colonial Pipeline Ransomware Attack: A Strategic Failure. Journal of
Holtfreter, K., Reisig, M. D., & Pratt, T. C. (2020). Consumer Fraud in the United States:
Prevalence, Risk Factors, and Offender Characteristics. Criminology & Public Policy,
Rubinstein, I. S., & Good, N. (2021). Privacy and Security in the Age of Big Data: A Research
Agenda. Journal of Law and Policy for the Information Society, 18(3), 295-335.