Lac Operon
Lac Operon
Lac Operon
• An operon is a group of
genes that are
transcribed at the
same time.
• They usually control an
important biochemical
process. Jacob, Monod & Lwoff
• They are only found in ©
The lac Operon
The lac operon consists of three genes each
involved in processing the sugar lactose
One of them is the gene for the enzyme β‐
This enzyme hydrolyses lactose into glucose
and galactose
Adapting to the environment
• E. coli can use either glucose, which is a
monosaccharide, or lactose, which is a
• However, lactose needs to be hydrolysed
(digested) first
• So the bacterium prefers to use glucose when
it can
Four situations are possible
1. When glucose is present and lactose is absent the E. coli
does not produce β‐galactosidase.
Repressor RNA
protein Blocked polymerase
O z y a
Regulator Operator
lac operon
gene site
2. When lactose is present
• A small amount of a sugar allolactose is formed within the
bacterial cell. This fits onto the repressor protein at another
active site (allosteric site)
• This causes the repressor protein to change its shape (a
conformational change). It can no longer sit on the operator
site. RNA polymerase can now reach its promoter site
I O z y a
2. When lactose is present
• A small amount of a sugar allolactose is formed within the
bacterial cell. This fits onto the repressor protein at another
active site (allosteric site)
• This causes the repressor protein to change its shape (a
conformational change). It can no longer sit on the operator
site. RNA polymerase can now reach its promoter site
I O z y a
Promotor site
3. When both glucose and lactose are
• This explains how the lac operon is
transcribed only when lactose is present.
• BUT….. this does not explain why the operon
is not transcribed when both glucose and
lactose are present.
• When glucose and lactose are present RNA
polymerase can sit on the promoter site but it is
unstable and it keeps falling off
Repressor protein
_) RNA polymerase
I O z y a
Promotor site
4. When glucose is absent and lactose is
• Another protein is needed, an activator protein. This
stabilises RNA polymerase.
• The activator protein only works when glucose is absent
• In this way E. coli only makes enzymes to metabolise other
sugars in the absence of glucose
protein steadies
the RNA
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I O z y a
Promotor site