3/18/2024 Learning Objectives (1 of 2) 5.1 Understand the importance of scope management for project success. 5.2 Understand how conceptual development serves as a critical first stage in scope management. 5.3 Identify the steps in developing the scope statement. 5.4 Identify the elements in the work authorization phase of scope development. Learning Objectives (2 of 2) 5.5 Identify the various types of information available for scope reporting. 5.6 Demonstrate how control systems and configuration management relate to scope development. 5.7 Discuss why effective scope management includes a project closeout stage. 5.8 Understand how project practices can support the critical goal of sustainability. PMBoK Core Concepts Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) covered in this chapter includes: 1. Develop Project Charter (PMBoK 4.1) 2. Plan Scope Management (PMBoK 5.1) 3. Collect Requirements (PMBoK 5.2) 4. Define Scope (PMBoK 5.3) 5. Create WBS (PMBoK 5.4) 6. Validate Scope (PMBoK 5.5) 7. Control Scope (PMBoK 5.6) Project Scope Project scope is everything about a project—work content as well as expected outcomes. Scope management is the function of controlling a project in terms of its goals and objectives and consists of: 1. Conceptual development 2. Scope statement 3. Work authorization 4. Scope reporting 5. Control systems 6. Project closeout Conceptual Development The process that addresses project objectives by finding the best ways to meet them. Key steps in information development: ❑Problem or need statement ❑Requirements gathering ❑Information gathering ❑Constraints ❑Alternative analysis ❑Project objectives ❑Business case Statement of Work (SOW) A SOW is a detailed narrative description of the work required for a project. Effective SOWs contain: 1. Introduction and background 2. Technical description of the project 3. Timeline and milestones Statement of Work Components ❑Background ❑Objectives ❑Scope ❑Task or Requirements ❑Selection Criteria ❑Deliverables or Delivery Schedule ❑Security ❑Place of Performance ❑Period of Performance Project Charter • Many organizations establish the project charter after the SOW. • A document issued by the project initiator or sponsor formally sanctioning existence of the project and authorizes the project manager to begin applying organizational resources to project activities. • Is created once project sponsors have done their “homework” to verify that: – there is a business case for the project – elements of project are understood – company-specific information for the project has been applied ❑ It demonstrates formal company approval of the project. Scope Statement 1. Establish project goal criteria to include: a. cost b. schedule c. performance d. deliverables e. review and approval “gates” 2. Develop management plan for project 3. Establish a Work Breakdown Structure 4. Create a scope baseline Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) The WBS is a hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the project deliverables. Each deliverable is decomposed, or broken down, into specific “bite-sized” pieces representing work to be completed. Work Breakdown Structure Purpose WBS serves six main purposes: 1. Echoes project objectives 2. Organization chart for the project 3. Creates logic for tracking costs, schedule, and performance specifications 4. Communicates project status 5. Improves project communication 6. Demonstrates control structure WBS Hierarchy • The logic of hierarchy for the WBS follows this form:
Level WBS Term Description
Level 1 (Highest) Project The overall project under development Level 2 Deliverable The major project components
Level 3 Subdeliverable Supporting deliverables
Level 4 (Lowest) Work package Individual project activities
Defining a Work Package ❑Lowest level in WBS ❑Deliverable result ❑One owner ❑Miniature projects ❑Milestones ❑Fits organization ❑Trackable Figure 5.3 Partial Work Breakdown Structure Figure 5.6 Sample WBS Development Using M S Project 2016 Organizational Breakdown Structure Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) allows • work definition • owner assignment of work packages • budget assignment to departments
OBS links cost, activity, and responsibility.
Figure 5.7 The Intersection of the WBS and OBS Figure 5.9 Cost Account Rollup Using OBS Figure 5.10 Responsibility Assignment Matrix Defining a Project Work Package 1. Work package forms lowest level in WBS. 2. Work package has a deliverable result. 3. Work package has one owner. 4. Work package may be considered by its owner as a project in itself. 5. Work package may include several milestones. 6. Work package should fit organizational procedures and culture. 7. The optimal size of a work package may be expressed in terms on labor hours, calendar time, cost, reporting period, and risks. Work Authorization The formal “go ahead” to begin work. Contractual documentation possesses some key identifiable features: • Contractual requirements • Valid consideration • Contracted terms
Contracts range from:
Scope Reporting Determines what types of information reported, who receives copies, and when and how information is acquired and disseminated. Typical project reports contain: 1. Cost status 2. Schedule status 3. Technical performance status Reasons Why Projects Fail • Politics • Naïve promises • Naïve optimism of youth • Startup mentality of fledgling entrepreneurial companies • “Marine Corps” mentality • Intense competition caused by globalization • Intense competition caused by appearance of new technologies • Intense pressure caused by unexpected government regulations • Unexpected and/or unplanned crises Types of Control Systems ❑Configuration control ❑Design control ❑Trend monitoring ❑Document control ❑Acquisition control ❑Specification control Configuration Management Configuration management is defined as: A collection of formal documented procedures used to apply technical and administrative direction and surveillance to: identify and document the functional and physical characteristics of a product, result, service, or component; control any changes to such characteristics; record and report each change and its implementation status; and support the audit of the products, results, or components to verify conformance to requirements. Baseline is defined as: The project’s scope fixed at a specific point in time—for example, the project’s scheduled start date. Project Changes Occur for one of several reasons: ❑Initial planning errors, either technological or human ❑Additional knowledge of project or environmental conditions ❑Uncontrollable mandates ❑Client requests Project Closeout The job is not over until the paperwork is done . . . Closeout documentation is used to: • Resolve disputes • Train project managers • Facilitate auditing
Closeout documentation includes:
• Historical records • Post-project analysis • Financial closeout Sustainability Sustainable development Figure 5.12 The Triple Bottom Line involves efforts to promote of Sustainability harmony among human beings and between humanity and nature. Sustainability involves efforts to promote the triple bottom line of social sustainability, environmental sustainability, and economic sustainability. Sustainability Concepts Sustainability is about: • Harmonizing the triple bottom line • Integrating short-term and long-term • Consuming income, not capital • Including local and global perspectives • Values and ethics • Transparency and accountability • Stakeholder participation • Risk reduction • Waste elimination Sustainable Project Management Practices Project management sustainable practices include: • Engaging in sustainable projects that will not cause harm to the planet or its inhabitants • Employing sustainable practices while undertaking the projects themselves • Developing sustainable supplier practices • Emphasizing sustainability in project design
to pay attention to all aspects of the project life cycle from conceptualization through termination. Summary (1 of 2) 1. Understand the importance of scope management for project success. 2. Understand how conceptual development serves as a critical first stage in scope management. 3. Identify the steps in developing the scope statement. 4. Identify the elements in the work authorization phase of scope development. Summary (2 of 2) 5. Identify the various types of information available for scope reporting. 6. Demonstrate how control systems and configuration management relate to scope development. 7. Discuss why effective scope management includes a project closeout stage. 8. Understand how project practices can support the critical goal of sustainability.
1 .Define Project Cycle, Project Management, and Scope of Project. List The Various Project Management Knowledge Areas? What Are The Reasons For Failure of A Project
1 .Define Project Cycle, Project Management, and Scope of Project. List The Various Project Management Knowledge Areas? What Are The Reasons For Failure of A Project