Dhirajkumar Kolte CV
Dhirajkumar Kolte CV
Dhirajkumar Kolte CV
About Me
Results-driven data professional with a proven track record of 3+ years in
developing and deploying impactful predictive models. Known for adapting
swiftly to new technologies and adept at efficiently solving complex business
problems. Ready to contribute expertise in data-driven decision-making to ad-
vance organizational success.
Work Experience
Python, My SQL, MongoDB, NLP, Analyzing Data and model building | Domain : Data 2022-Present
Oracle, Machine Learning, LLM, Analyst
Power-BI, Big Data, Google Cloud
Platform, Snowflake, Tableau • Collaborated within a technical team for end-to-end development, deployment,
Windows, Linux and analytics, ensuring successful project outcomes help to Increase Portfolio
of company by $450k annually for one geography and overall, we have 10
• Analyzed and visualized complex datasets around 1.5M using Excel; executed
Tools SQL queries to establish relationships in relational databases.
PowerBI, SQL Server Management • Applied advanced SQL and MongoDB for efficient data organization and re-
Studio, Oracle Developer Tools, Git trieval time reduce to 75%.
• Employed Python on Google Colab for effective data cleaning, ensuring data
integrity for analysis.
Contact • Developed OCR solutions for Indian language text extraction from printed doc-
uments, enhancing accessibility and increasing the accuracy to 83%.
Pune • Used machine learning and statistical modeling to optimize algorithm, achieving
91% accuracy in performance.
+91 7773925206
• Applied NLP frameworks to process and analyze extracted text, revealing deeper
dhirajkkolte96@gmail.com linguistic insights.
• Customized LLM language models to align with specific client use cases with
an accuracy of 67%.
• Aligned technical solutions with business goals by defining data analytics prob-
lems with product managers.
• Led New Product Development projects with a focus on designing and enhanc-
Interests ing both new and existing parts.
• Demonstrated proficiency in project scheduling, meticulous planning, and rig-
ML / AI orous testing of machines/parts in accordance with industry standards.
Trekking • Utilized advanced CAD tool UG-NX PLM tool ENOVIA to streamline the
design and development processes.
Trying new food • Implemented effective Engineering Change Order (ECO) and Engineering Change
Request (ECR) processes to facilitate the seamless release of designs and draw-
• Conducted rigorous testing of components to identify failure points, fostering
collaborative efforts to address issues and implement improvements in the design
and functionality of the parts.