Mefa Unit 4
Mefa Unit 4
Mefa Unit 4
1. Introduction
2. Book-keeping and Accounting
3. Function of an Accountant
4. Users of Accounting
5. Advantages of Accounting
6. Limitations of Accounting
7. Basic Accounting concepts
As you are aware, every trader generally starts business for purpose of earning profit.
While establishing business, he brings own capital, borrows money from relatives,
friends, outsiders or financial institutions. Then he purchases machinery, plant , furniture,
raw materials and other assets. He starts buying and selling of goods, paying for salaries,
rent and other expenses, depositing and withdrawing cash from bank. Like this he
undertakes innumerable transactions in business. Observe the following transactions of
small trader for one week during the month of July, 2022.
2022 Rs.
1. The making of routine records in the prescribed from and according to set rules of
all events with affect the financial state of the organization; and
2. The summarization from time to time of the information contained in the records,
its presentation in a significant form to interested parties and its interpretation as
an aid to decision making by these parties.
Thus, the terms, book-keeping and accounting are very closely related, through
there is a subtle difference as mentioned below.
3. Final Result: In Book-Keeping it is not possible to know the final result of business
every year,
Meaning of Accounting
interpret and review the accounts and draw conclusion with a view to guide the
management in chalking out the future policy of the business.
Definition of Accounting:
Smith and Ashburne: “Accounting is a means of measuring and reporting the results
of economic activities.”
Branches of Accounting
1. Designing Work: It includes the designing of the accounting system, basis for
identification and classification of financial transactions and events, forms,
methods, procedures, etc.
2. Recording Work: The financial transactions are identified, classified and
recorded in appropriate books of accounts according to principles. This is “Book
Keeping”. The recording of transactions tends to be mechanical and repetitive.
3. Summarizing Work: The recorded transactions are summarized into significant
form according to generally accepted accounting principles. The work includes the
preparation of profit and loss account, balance sheet. This phase is called
‘preparation of final accounts’
4. Analysis and Interpretation Work: The financial statements are analysed by
using ratio analysis, break-even analysis, funds flow and cash flow analysis.
5. Reporting Work: The summarized statements along with analysis and
interpretation are communicated to the interested parties or whoever has the right
to receive them. For Ex. Share holders. In addition, the accou8nting departments
has to prepare and send regular reports so as to assist the management in
decision making. This is ‘Reporting’.
6. Preparation of Budget : The management must be able to reasonably estimate
the future requirements and opportunities. As an aid to this process, the
accountant has to prepare budgets, like cash budget, capital budget, purchase
budget, sales budget etc. this is ‘Budgeting’.
7. Taxation Work: The accountant has to prepare various statements and returns
pertaining to income-tax, sales-tax, excise or customs duties etc., and file the
returns with the authorities concerned.
8. Auditing: It involves a critical review and verification of the books of accounts
statements and reports with a view to verifying their accuracy. This is ‘Auditing’
1 Internal Users:
Managers: These are the persons who manage the business, i.e. management
at he top, middle and lower levels. Their requirements of information are different
because they make different types of decisions.
Accounting reports are important to managers for evaluating the results of their
decisions. In additions to external financial statements, managers need detailed internal
reports either branch division or department or product-wise. Accounting reports for
managers are prepared much more frequently than external reports.
2 External Users :
1. Investors: Those who are interested in buying the shares of company are naturally
interested in the financial statements to know how safe the investment already made is
and how safe the proposed investments will be.
2. Creditors: Lenders are interested to know whether their load, principal and
interest, will be paid when due. Suppliers and other creditors are also interested to know
the ability of the firm to pay their dues in time.
4. Customers: They are also concerned with the stability and profitability of the
enterprise. They may be interested in knowing the financial strength of the company to
rent it for further decisions relating to purchase of goods.
5. Government: Governments all over the world are using financial statements for
compiling statistics concerning business which, in turn, helps in compiling national
accounts. The financial statements are useful for tax authorities for calculating taxes.
6. Public : The public at large interested in the functioning of the enterprises because
it may make a substantial contribution to the local economy in many ways including the
number of people employed and their patronage to local suppliers.
The role of accounting has changed from that of a mere record keeping during the
1st decade of 20th century of the present stage, which it is accepted as information
system and decision making activity. The following are the advantages of accounting.
1. Provides for systematic records: Since all the financial transactions are recorded
in the books, one need not rely on memory. Any information required is readily
available from these records.
2. Facilitates the preparation of financial statements: Profit and loss accountant
and balance sheet can be easily prepared with the help of the information in the
records. This enables the trader to know the net result of business operations (i.e.
profit / loss) during the accounting period and the financial position of the business
at the end of the accounting period.
3. Provides control over assets: Book-keeping provides information regarding cash
in hand, cash at bank, stock of goods, accounts receivables from various parties
and the amounts invested in various other assets. As the trader knows the values of
the assets he will have control over them.
4. Provides the required information: Interested parties such as owners, lenders,
creditors etc., get necessary information at frequent intervals.
5. Comparative study: One can compare the present performance of the
organization with that of its past. This enables the managers to draw useful
conclusion and make proper decisions.
6. Less Scope for fraud or theft: It is difficult to conceal fraud or theft etc., because
of the balancing of the books of accounts periodically. As the work is divided among
many persons, there will be check and counter check.
7. Tax matters: Properly maintained book-keeping records will help in the settlement
of all tax matters with the tax authorities.
8. Ascertaining Value of Business: The accounting records will help in ascertaining
the correct value of the business. This helps in the event of sale or purchase of a
9. Documentary evidence: Accounting records can also be used as an evidence in
the court to substantiate the claim of the business. These records are based on
documentary proof. Every entry is supported by authentic vouchers. As such,
Courts accept these records as evidence.
10. Helpful to management: Accounting is useful to the management in various ways.
It enables the management to assess the achievement of its performance. The
weakness of the business can be identified and corrective measures can be applied
to remove them with the helps accounting.
2. GOING CONCERN CONCEPT: This concept relates with the long life of Business.
The assumption is that business will continue to exist for unlimited period unless it is
dissolved due to some reasons or the other.
4. COST CONCEPT: Accounting to this concept, can asset is recorded at its cost in the
books of account. i.e., the price, which is paid at the time of acquiring it. In balance sheet,
these assets appear not at cost price every year, but depreciation is deducted and they
appear at the amount, which is cost, less classification.
“DEBIT”, where as the giving benefit aspect is termed as “CREDIT”. Therefore, for every
debit, there will be corresponding credit.
Considered to be made at the point when the property in goods posses to the buyer and
he becomes legally liable to pay.
They are termed as convert conventions in accounting. The following are some of the
important accounting conventions.
2. MATERIALITY: Under this convention the trader records important factor about the
commercial activities. In the form of financial statements if any unimportant information is
to be given for the sake of clarity it will be given as footnotes.
4. CONSERVATISM: This convention warns the trader not to take unrealized income in
to account. That is why the practice of valuing stock at cost or market price, whichever is
lower is in vague. This is the policy of “playing safe”; it takes in to consideration all
prospective losses but leaves all prospective profits.
Transactions are two types.
2. GOODS: Fill those things which a firm purchases for resale are called goods.
7. ASSETS: The valuable things owned by the business are known as assets.
These are the properties owned by the business.
11. DRAWINGS: cash or goods withdrawn by the proprietor from the Business for
his personal or Household is termed to as “drawing”.
12. RESERVE: An amount set aside out of profits or other surplus and designed to
meet contingencies.
1. Personal accounts
2. Real accounts
3. Nominal accounts
1. Personal Accounts: Personal Accounts which are transactions with persons name
are called “Personal Accounts”.
A separate account is kept on the name of each person for recording the benefits
received from ,or given to the person in the course of dealings with him.
E.g.: Krishna’s A/C, Copal’s A/C, SBI A/C, Nagarjuna Finance Ltd.A/C, ObulReddy
& Sons A/C , HMT Ltd. A/C, Capital A/C, Drawings A/C etc.
2. Real Accounts: The accounts relating to properties or assets are known as “Real
Accounts” .Every business needs assets such as machinery, furniture etc, for running its
activities .A separate account is maintained for each asset owned by the business.
E.g.: cash A/C, furniture A/C, building A/C, machinery A/C etc.
3. Nominal Accounts: Accounts relating to expenses, losses, incomes and gains are
known as “Nominal Accounts”. A separate account is maintained for each item of
expenses, losses, income or gain.
E.g.: Salaries A/C, stationery A/C, wages A/C, postage A/C, commission A/C,
interest A/C, purchases A/C, rent A/C, discount A/C, commission received A/C,
interest received A/C, rent received A/C, discount received A/C.
Credit---The Giver”
2. Real Accounts: When an asset is coming into the business, account of that asset is to
be debited .When an asset is going out of the business, the account of that asset is to be
Accounting Cycle
The first step in accounting therefore is the record of all the transactions in the books of
original entry viz., Journal and then posting into ledges.
JOURNAL: The word Journal is derived from the Latin word ‘journ’ which means a day.
Therefore, journal means a ‘day Book’ in day-to-day business transactions are recorded
in chronological order.
All the transactions in a journal are recorded in a chronological order. After a certain
period, if we want to know whether a particular account is showing a debit or credit
balance it becomes very difficult. So, the ledger is designed to accommodate the various
accounts maintained the trader. It contains the final or permanent record of all the
transactions in duly classified form. “A ledger is a book which contains various accounts.”
The process of transferring entries from journal to ledger is called “POSTING”.
Posting is the process of entering in the ledger the entries given in the journal. Posting
into ledger is done periodically, may be weekly or fortnightly as per the convenience of
the business. The following are the guidelines for posting transactions in the ledger.
1. After the completion of Journal entries only posting is to be made in the ledger.
2. For each item in the Journal a separate account is to be opened. Further, for
each new item a new account is to be opened.
3. Depending upon the number of transactions space for each account is to be
determined in the ledger.
4. For each account there must be a name. This should be written in the top of the
table. At the end of the name, the word “Account” is to be added.
5. The debit side of the Journal entry is to be posted on the debit side of the
account, by starting with “TO”.
6. The credit side of the Journal entry is to be posted on the debit side of the
account, by starting with “BY”.
Particulars account
Dr Cr
Sales account
Dr Cr
Cash account
Dr Cr
The first step in the preparation of final accounts is the preparation of trail balance.
In the double entry system of book keeping, there will be credit for every debit and there
will not be any debit without credit. When this principle is followed in writing journal
entries, the total amount of all debits is equal to the total amount all credits.
DEFINITIONS: SPICER AND POGLAR: A Trail balance is a list of all the balances
standing on the ledger accounts and cash book of a concern at any given date.
A trail balance is a statement of debit and credit balances extracted from the ledger with
a view to test the arithmetical accuracy of the books.
Thus a trail balance is a list of balances of the ledger accounts’ and cash book of a
business concern at any given date.
Trail Balance
The trader can ascertain this by preparing the final accounts. The final accounts
are prepared from the trial balance. Hence the trial balance is said to be the link between
the ledger accounts and the final accounts. The final accounts of a firm can be divided
into two stages. The first stage is preparing the trading and profit and loss account and
the second stage is preparing the balance sheet.
The first step in the preparation of final account is the preparation of trading
account. The main purpose of preparing the trading account is to ascertain gross profit or
gross loss as a result of buying and selling the goods.
Debit Credit
Finally, a ledger may be defined as a summary statement of all the transactions relating
to a person, asset, expense or income which have taken place during a given period of
time. The up-to-date state of any account can be easily known by referring to the ledger.
The business man is always interested in knowing his net income or net profit.Net
profit represents the excess of gross profit plus the other revenue incomes over
administrative, sales, Financial and other expenses. The debit side of profit and loss
account shows the expenses and the credit side the incomes. If the total of the credit side
is more, it will be the net profit. And if the debit side is more, it will be net loss.
Debit Credit
TO Commission Xxxxx
xxxxxx Xxxxxx
DEFINITION: A balance sheet is an item wise list of assets, liabilities and proprietorship
of a business at a certain state.
Thus, Balance sheet is defined as a statement which sets out the assets and liabilities of
a business firm and which serves to as certain the financial position of the same on any
particular date. On the left-hand side of this statement, the liabilities and the capital are
shown. On the right-hand side all the assets are shown. Therefore, the two sides of the
balance sheet should be equal. Otherwise, there is an error somewhere.
1. Information about every account: Under double entry system, both aspects of a
transaction are being recorded in the books of accounts. Hence, information about
every account is available in the books of account as all accounts are to be found
in the ledger under double entry system.
2. Helps to know the receivables and payables: it is helps to know much is owed
to creditors and how much is due from the debtors. Also it focused on the dills
payable and receivables.
3. Arithmetical Accuracy: The arithmetical accuracy can be ascertained by
preparing a statement of debits and credits called trial balance and this is possible
because both debits aspects and credit aspects of every transaction are recorded.
4. Helps to Locate errors: Trial balance can reveal the errors that creep in accounts
while recording the business information.
5. Helps to Ascertain Profit/Loss: The profit and loss statement can be prepared
without much difficulty under double entry system unlike in single entry system.
6. Helps to know the Financial Position: Double Entry system helps to proper
Types of Accounts:
Real account: Debit what comes in and credit what goes out.
Nominal Account: Debit all expenses and credit all incomes and gains
Ex: 1 On July 25, 2020, the firm bought furniture worth Rs.4000/- for cash.
The transaction, name of the supplier is not mentioned. That means it is a cash
transaction. The two aspects to be recorded here are cash paid and furniture.
Cash account
(being Furniture
purchases for cash)
This is the cash transaction. The two aspects to be recorded are goods or purchases
account and cash account. Both are real account. For this entry would be:
Cash account
(being Furniture
purchases for cash)
This is cash transaction. The two aspects are cash account and goods accounts.
(Nominal Account).
(being Furniture
purchases for cash)
Bank A/c...Dr
Cash A/c
2020 July 5 4,000
(Being the cash deposited
in bank)
Goods A/c...Dr
Kamal A/c
(Being the goods
2020 July 6 10,000
purchased from kamal on
Ledger is a book that contains several accounts. The process of preparation of
accounts from the journal into ledger is called posting in the ledger.
The Example: Ledger including sales account, purchases account, sales returns
account, purchase return account, bills payable account, bill receivable account,
cash account, debtors accounts, creditors accounts, and so on.
T Format of Ledger Account: the format of ledger account is two parts: (a) left-
hand side called (Dr) and (b) right hand side called credit side (Cr) Debit side
starts with ‘ To’ and Credit side start with ‘By’. However, modern trend reveals that
the words ‘To’ and ‘By’ are not widely used in practice.
Cash Account
July- By
31,,2020 Balance
10,000 10,000
10,000 10,000
Aug1,,2020 By 10,000
Bank Account
4,000 4,000
Goods Account
10,000 10,000
Kamal Account
10,000 10,000
Aug31,202 By 10,000
0 Balance
Creditors account
Liabilities account
Incomes account
Gains account
Profits account
Loan account
Bank overdraft account
Sales account
Purchase returns accounts
Reserve account
Provisions account
Problems: 1
Particles Amount
Cash account 10,600
Madhu capital account 15,000
Interest from bank 750
Discount account 100
Sales account 3,400
Ramu account 3,400
Purchase returns 200
Bank account 9,500
Rent account 1,000
Salaries account 400
Entertainment account 50
Purchases account 2000
Sales return account 100
Prepare a Trial balance above the table.
Problems: 2
Make a Trial balance as on 31.12.2019 from the following information.
Particles Amount
Sundry debtors 32,000
Stock(1.1.2019) 22,000
Cash in hand 35
Cash at bank 1545
Plant and machinery 17,500
Sundry creditors 10,650
Trade expenses 1075
sales 2,34,500
salaries 2,225
Carriage outwards 400
Rent 900
Bills payable 7,500
purchases 2,18,870
Discount (Dr.) 1,100
capital 79,500
Business premises 34,500
Prepare a Trial balance above the table.
Particles Debit (Rs) Credit (Rs)
Sundry debtors 32,000
Stock(1.1.2019) 22,000
Cash in hand 35
Cash at bank 1545
Plant and machinery 17,500
Sundry creditors 10,650
Trade expenses 1075
sales 2,34,500
salaries 2,225
Carriage outwards 400
Rent 900
Bills payable 7,500
purchases 2,18,870
Discount (Dr.) 1,100
capital 79,500
Business premises 34,500
Total 3,32,150 3,32,150
Final Accounts
The process of preparing final account is two stages a) Trading and Profit and
Loss account b) Balance Sheet.
Preparation of Trading Account
Trading Account shows gross profit or gross loss for the end of a given accounting
period. Gross Profit or gross loss is the excess of sales revenue over the cost of
goods sold. Gross profit = Net Sales – Cost of goods sold.
If the cost of goods sold is more than the sales revenue, it results in gross loss.
Items to be considered in trading account are:
Opening stock
Purchases less purchase returns (returns outwards)
Carriage inwards
Fuel and power
Sales less sales returns
Any other direct expenses such as freight, spent on raw materials
Closing stock given as additional information (adjustments)
While preparing Trading Account for a manufacturing concern, consider only such factory
expenses that increase the cost of goods manufacturing, such as fuel as fuel and power,
heating and lighting, etc.
Problem: From the following extract of Trial Balance, from the books of Kamal, for the
year ending December 31, 2019, prepared a Trading account.
Solution: Problem:1
To Fright 5,000
Profit and Loss Account: From the gross profit or gross loss transferred to Profit and
Loss account, deduct all expenses related to office, selling and distribution department.
Add all non-operating income such as commission or rent received. Interest received etc.
Profit and loss account considers only revenue expenditure such as those incurred in:
Problem: 2
Balance Sheet
Meaning of Adjustments: It is quite possible that the trial balance presented to you for
preparation of final accounts in not a final one. In other words, there could be some
pending items which call for certain adjustments to adjustment (given at the end of the
trial balance) at the time of preparing final accounts.
Problem: 3
From the following trial balance and adjustments of Swaraj Emporium, prepared trading
and profit and loss account for the year ended December 31.12.2020 and a balance
sheet on the date.
2,93,900 2,93,900
To Rent 1,800
To Discounts 2,200
(64,000-800 x 5%)
To Depreciation on Business
20,710 20,710
Debtors: 64,000
Less: Write of debts 800
Depreciation Calculation:
1,59,000 35,000
Cash in hand 70
Ratio Analysis
Types of Ratios
1. Liquidity Ratio: Liquidity Ratio expresses the ability of the firm to meet its short-
term commitment as and when they become due. There are 2 types of ratio such
a. Current Ratio: Current ratio is the ratio between Current assets and current
Current Assets
Current Ratio = Current Liabilitie s
Current Assets= Current assets include cash, cash at bank, bills receivable,
closing stock/inventory, marketable securities.
b. Quick Ratio or Acid Ratio: The firm’s ability to convert its current assets quickly in
to cash in order to meet its liabilities.
2. Active Ratio: Active ratio express how active the firm is in terms of selling its
stocks, collecting its receivables and paying its creditors. These are 3 types such
b. Debtors Turnover ratio : This ratio revels the no. Of times the average
debtors are collected during a given accounting period.
c. Creditors Turnover Ratio: Creditor turnover ratio revels the no. of times the
average creditors are paid during a given accounting period.
b. Interest Coverage Ratio: This ratio is calculated to judge the firm’s capacity to
pay the interest on debt it borrows.
Interest coverage ratio = Net profit before interest and taxes / Fixed
Interest Charges
c. Ratio of proprietor’s funds to total assets: This establishes the relationship
between proprietor’s funds and the total assets.
Ratio of proprietor’s funds to total assets = Proprietors funds / Total assets x 100
4. Profitability Ratio: Profitability ratio throw light on how well the firm is
organising its activities in a profitability manner.
a. Gross Profit Ratio: Gross profit ratio is the ratio between gross profit to sales
during a given period.
b. Net profit Ratio: Net profit Ratio is the ratio between net profit after taxes and
net sales.
C. Operating Ratio = Operating Ratio is the ratio between cost of goods sold plus
operating expenses and the net sales.
D. Earnings per share (EPS): EPS is the relationship between net profit and no. Of
shares outstanding at the end of the given period.
E. Price / Earnings Ratio (P/E Ratio): this is share price divided by the earning per
What Is a Cash Flow Analysis? Cash flow analysis is a financial statement that
records how money flows into and out of your business during a specific
predetermined period of time. It can help you better understand where your money
is going and how much cash you have at any given time.
According to R.N.anthony ‘funds flow statement describes the source from which
additional funds were derived and the uses to which these funds were put.”
1. The funds flow statement useful to top management to take decision making related
3. To find out in past, how much amount financed for growth of externally and internally.
Current assets: - cash in hand, cash at bank, bills receivable, closing stock, debtors,
prepared expenses, and working-in –progress.
Current Liabilities: Trade creditors, outstanding expenses, bills payable, bank over draft
(O.B), income tax payable, dividends declared.
Problem:- from the following balance sheet of ABC Limited, you are required to prepare
funds (working capital) flow statement for the year ending 31st December 2018.
Land account
By balance C/d
10,000 10,000
Debentures A/c
1. The funds flow statement shows the causes of changes in net working capital
whereas the cash flow statement shows the causes for changes in cash.
2. Cash flow statement is stated with the operating and closing balances of cash
while there is no opening or closing balances in funds flow statement.
3. Cash flow statement deals with only cash transactions whereas funds flow
statement deals with all the components of working capital.
4. Cash flow statement useful for short-term financing whereas funds flow statement
is useful for long-term financing.
5. Cash flow statement depicts only changes in cash position, while funds flow
statement concerned with the changes in working capital between twp balance
sheet dates.
6. Cash is a part of working capital. Improvement in cash position, as indicated by
cash flow statement can be taken as an indicator of improved working capital
position. But the reverse is not true. That is, sound funds position may not
necessarily mean sound cash position.
Problem: 1
After taking on to consideration the under mentioned items, Jain Ltd. Made a net profit of
Rs.1,00,000 for the year ended 31st December 2020
Particulars Amount
Loss on Sale of Machinery 10,000
Depreciation on buildings 4,000
Depreciation on machinery 5,000
Preliminary expenses written 5,000
Provision for taxation 10,000
Goodwill written off 5,000
Gain on sale buildings 8,000
Computation of cash from operations for the year ended 31st Dec.2020
Problem: 2
Additional Information:
Cash flow Statement for the year ended 31st Dec 2020
Working note: Rs Rs
Working note: Rs Rs
Profit (December 2020) 23,000
Less: Profit (January 2019) 10,000
Profit for 2020 13,000