32.climate Change Organizations
32.climate Change Organizations
32.climate Change Organizations
IPCC has so far published 5 Assessment Reports, currently preparing its 6th Assessment Cycle.
The three Special Reports and Methodology Reports (of 6th assessment cycle) have already been produced.
Green Economy Economy and Investment + Positive social and environmental outcomes + Sustainable
focuses on: consumption and production + Employment and skills + Capital and Infrastructure
SPA sought to reduce vulnerability and increase resilience to the adverse effects
Strategic Priority on of climate change by targeting each of the GEF focal areas.
Adaptation Program (SPA) Besides, it also encouraged cross-sectoral approaches à Biodiversity + Climate
change + Ozone layer depletion + International waters + Land degradation.
ADAPTATION FUND (AF) It was established to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in
developing countries that are vulnerable to adverse effects of climate change.
AF-funded projects are implemented around the world through accredited
implementing entities.
Established under the Kyoto Protocol of UNFCCC.
It was created at the request of Parties to help strengthen the institutional and
Capacity Building Initiative technical capacities of non-Annex I countries to meet the enhanced transparency
for Transparency (CBIT) requirements defined in Article 13 of the Paris Agreement.
Hottest Year: 2020 will be one of the three hottest years just behind 2016 and 2019.
Rise in Global Temperature: The global mean surface temperature for January-October 2020 was 1.2 degree
Celsius higher than the pre-industrial baseline (1850-1900). For that period, 2020 is the second-warmest year on
High Temperature over Ocean Surfaces: 80% of ocean areas have experienced at least one marine heat wave
(MHW) so far in 2020.
Global sea-level rise was also similar to the 2019 value. This was mainly due to the increased melting of the ice
sheets in Greenland and Antarctica.
Consequences: Extreme weather events such as tropical cyclones, floods, heavy rainfall and droughts were the
consequence of global warming that impacted many parts of the world.