MCQ Practice Qu
MCQ Practice Qu
MCQ Practice Qu
Diya is a hard working girl who shows dedication, perseverance and perseverance. All your
actions are intentional. Such qualities focus on the ____ aspect of integrative intelligence.
a) social skills
b) cognitive ability
c) Entrepreneurship
d) Emotional abilities
Riya has very good verbal reasoning skills and is very interested in reading. She is more
likely to succeed than
a. Athlete
b. Journalists
c. Engineers
d. Farmers
a. Changer
b. Spearman
c. Terman
d. Thurstone
Spearman says there are generative possibilities that humans use in adapting to different kinds
of intellectual tasks. This factor is _________________
a. Specific Factor
b. General Factor
c. Multi Factor
d. None of the above
_______________ refers to the abilities involved in forming using and transforming mental
a. Spatial
b. Musical
c. Naturalistic
d. Intrapersonal
What is an individuals preference for participating in one or more specific activities compared
to others?
a. Value
b. Interest
c. Aptitude
d. Intelligence.
Nia is a determined young lady who shows responsibility, diligence and tolerance. All her
way of behaving is objective coordinated. Such characteristics focus on _________ facet of
integral intelligence.
a. Cognitive capacity
b. Emotional competence
c. Social competence
d. Entrepreneurial competence
Who among the following psychologists divided all personalities into introverts and
a. Freud
b. Carl Jung
c. Adler
d. Erikson
Which of the following personality types in described as noisy, callous and fond of physical
a. Endomorph
b. Ectomorph
c. Mesomorph
d. None of the above
Who among the following saw personality as composed of three major systems, the Id, the
Ego and the super ego?
a. Carl Jung
b. Erik Erikson
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Erik Fromm
The _________________ is the original source of personality, present in the newborn infant.
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Superego
d. None of the above
The method of reducing anxiety called _________ is to push the impulse our of awareness
into the unconscious.
a. Regression
b. Repression
c. Suppression
d. Ration
__________ have been decided as one method for uncovering unconscious motives.
a. Inventory
b. Projective tests
c. Behavioural assessment
d. Situational tests.
Who among the following psychologists has tried to describe personality in terms of traits?
a. Cattle
b. G.W. Allport
c. Eysenck
d. All of the above
Which of the following scales have been useful in measuring anxiety, hostility and
hallucination, phobias and suicidal impulses?
a. 16PF
c. TAT
d. Adjective Checklist
According to Psycho-analytic theory, the sexual energy that underlies the biologically based
urges is called the
a. Ego
b. Defense mechanism
c. Libido
d. Oedipus
Freud believed that if a child’s needs at one of the psycho-sexual stages were either
unsatisfied or over satisfied__________would take place.
a. Identification
b. Fixation
c. Repression
d. Pleasure
Which of the following periods of psycho-sexual development was not considered by Freud
to be very important to the development of personality?
a. Oral stage
b. Phallic
c. Latency
d. Genital
According to dynamic theorists, people use_____________to reduce their anxiety and guilt.
a. Unconscious
b. Defense mechanism
c. Dreams
d. Traits
The five factor model of personality was given by___________.
a. H.J. Eysenck
b. Morgan and Murray
c. Paul Costa and Robert McCrae
d. Hathaway and McKinley
The MMPI inventory was devised by _____________.
a. Hathaway and McKinley
b. Allport
c. Eysenck
d. Morgan and Murray
20. _________refers to our ability to organise and monitor our own behaviour.
a. Self-efficiency
b. Self-esteem
c. Self-regulation
d. Self-concept
As persons we always make some judgment about our own self is known as
A) Self-regulation
B) Self-esteem
C) Self-concept
D) Self-efficacy
____ emerges in relationship with others and emphasises such aspects of life as unity and co-
operation is known as
A) Personal self
B) Social self
C) Social identity
D) Personal identity
____ refers to those attributes of a person that make him/her different from others.
A) Social identity
B) Personal identity
C) Social control
D) Social self
A) Carl Jung
B) Erikson
C) Freud
D) Bandura
___ refers to the totality of an individual's conscious experiences, ideas, thoughts and
feelings with regard to himself/herself.
A) Personality
B) Trait
C) Self
D) Repression
A) Erik Erikson
B) Erich Fromm
C) Karen Homey
D) Alfred Alder
A) Individual Psychology
B) Pro-social theory
C) Five stage theory
D) Analytical Psychology
Social beings desire for freedom, striving for justice and truth are a part of whose theory?
A) Erich Fromm
B) Erick Erikson
C) Carl Rogers
D) J.P. Guilford
A) Response
B) Fixation
C) Stimulus
D) Repression
Abhishek gets satisfaction only when he gets appreciation and does everything
perfectly.This is an instance of :
b.Social Pressure
c.Internal Presssure
d.Social stress
Piya is facing some problems in her house, but she is fully trying to manage her
emotions in school and with her society friends. Identify the coping strategy.
a.Emotion oriented strategy
b.Avoidance oriented strategy
c.Goal oriented strategy
d.Task oriented strategy
Rajat always blames his friend circle for his poor performance in exams rather than
focusing on his studies. He is said to be using:
a.Avoidance oriented
b.Problem focused coping
c.Task Oriented
d.Emotion oriented
Bhawna is continuously crying and is a bit frustrated and aggressive, as she has not
prepared well for her examination.Identify the coping strategy
a.Problem Focused
b.Task oriented
c.Avoidance oriented
d.Emotion oriented
Stress is:
a.Both a and b
b.An intervening variable
c. A dependent variable
d.An independent variable
Recognition of self, character, strengths and weaknesses, desires and dislikes called?
a.Creative thinking
b.Both a and b
c.Self Awarness
d.Effective communication
In which kind of stress people feel anxiety, worry about problems or become
a.Psychological Stress
b.Social Stress
c.Physical Stress
Which of the following does not come under the stage of the GAS model?
c.Both A and B
Rajat always over thinks that his feelings, thoughts and actions are controlled by
others is called delusion of ____
Kirti usually smells an unpleasant odor whenever she wakes up in the morning or
sometimes in the middle of the night. Identify the type of hallucination
Ria always cries when her father drops her to the school and becomes tense. Identify
the disorder
b.Separation anxiety
Rahul having sudden and temporary fluctuation of consciousness that blots out
painful experience is showing signs of
a.Panic disorder
b.Mood disorder
c.Depressive disorder
d.Conversion disorder
People who are at risk fall under which category of abnormal behavior?
a.Psychodynamic model
b.Behavioural model
c.Diathesis-stress model
d.Cognitive model
Schizophrenia is ____
a.Both a and b
b.Neurotic disorder
d.Psychotic disorder
Shweta always fears whenever she has to enter in some new or unfamiliar situation.
Identify the category of phobic disorder
b.Social phobia
d.Specific phobia
Naman, a 12 year old boy has marked difficulties in social interaction and
communication, he is suffering from__
The focal theory of this treatment is that nonsensical convictions intercede between
the predecessor occasions and their results. Name the therapy
b.Rational Emotive Therapy (RET)
c.Humanistic-existential Therapy(HET)
d. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
Nishu has some irrational thoughts in her mind i.e “I should be loved by everyone”
can be treated by
a.Behavior therapy
d.Rational emotive therapy
Rahul always gets a coupon to buy something from the school canteen for his
discipline in the classroom, it is a form of_____
b.Token economy
c.Aversive conditioning
______is the case where the client reveres, or experiences passionate feelings for the
advisor, and looks for the specialist's endorsement.
a.Negative transference
c.Transference neurosis
d.Positive transference
Methods of psychoanalysis____
a.Dream interpretation
b.Both a and b
c.Free association