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Der Langrisser (T)

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Copyright © 1995 NCS/Masaya

Copyright © 2007 DL Team

This patch is an unlicensed, unsupported and un-

official fan work and is not licensed for sale or
rent by any party.
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.

C O N T E N T S Prologue
Introduction to the Cast
Beginning a New Game
Game Controls 13
Preparing for Battle 14
Managing Equipment 15
Hiring Troops 16
Combat System 18
Magic List 19
Icons & Status Bars 20
Class Changing 21
Road to Victory 22
Ending a Scenario 23
About the Translation 24
Credits 27

Der Langrisser® is © 1995 by NCS/Masaya. Translation is ©2007 by DL Team.

This patch is an unlicensed, unsupported and unofficial fan work and is not licensed for sale or rent by any party.
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
In ancient times, people had to battle in order to survive.
Their battle for an affluent kingdom became a legend.
That legend is known as ... Langrisser.

Since the dawn of time, the men and women of El Sallia have grappled An unknown magician supports him and his Four Heavenly Dragons
with the ever-present threat of darkness ... from the shadows in their campaign. The quest has been long and bloody,
Long ago, in ancient times, there was a battle among several king- and few nations dare to stand against the imperial powers aside from
doms in the land. It was a time when chaos and intrigue ruled human Kalxath, a kingdom only a few centuries old.
hearts. In the flames of war, the Holy King Sieghart forged Langrisser, It was in these times that Erwin, a young swordsman, was roaming the
a sword to vanquish evil, and banished the darkness to the desolate lands of El Sallia with his friend Hein, a young magician. The two friends
land of Velzeria. had travelled to many towns on their journeys and known the people’s bit-
The descendants of Lewin, terness.

first king of Baldea, were The two journeyed to a
charged with guarding the small village on the outskirts
sword for all time. of Salrath, a territory once al-
Hundreds of years later, lied with Baldea.
the greed of a would-be One day, General Leon of
Kaiser wrested the blade the Imperial Blue Dragon
from Baldea’s safe-keeping and unleashed darkness upon the land once Knights rode into town seeking Liana, a young village girl and shrine
more. The surviving prince of the fallen kingdom and his comrades defeated maiden whom Hein had known since childhood. As the chaos of battle en-
the darkness and put to rest an evil god. gulfed the village, the two men set out to stop the Imperial forces.
Centuries of peace reigned in the land, and eventually, Baldea’s Unfortunately, capturing Liana was only the beginning of the Em-
role was forgotten. The castle fell into ruin and its heir escaped with pire’s ambitions ...
his swordsmanship instructor ... Why were the most honourable knights in the land now petty kid-
Years passed, and a new nation has risen to power in El Sallia. The Ray- nappers, and why was Liana a target at all? None could say for cer-
guard Empire founded by Kaiser Bernhardt, a former mercenary bent on tain, and the quest for an answer would be more than Erwin could
uniting the lands no matter the means or the cost. To fulfil his ambition, he ever have imagined.
has claimed Alhazard, Chaos’s Might, the sword of the demon tribe. And so, the two set off from the village inn ...
4 5
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Introduction to the Cast Lone Heroes
In Der Langrisser, you take the role of Erwin, a wandering swordsman
who is roaming the countryside on a quest to avenge his instructor who was
A wandering swordsman searching for his
murdered several years prior. Sage
instructor’s murderer.
Depending on how you play the game, there are 16 other heroes who can High Lord
join Erwin’s entourage. Each choice—even one as Lord General
??? Swordsman
simple as which enemies to defeat and which to Silver Knight Sword Master
let live—will push Erwin’s fate in one direction Highlander
or another. Hein Knight Master
The only character guaranteed to A young magician in training that Erwin met
stand by his side, come what may, is on his journeys. Archmage
Hein, a young mage he befriended on Sorcerer Sage
his journey. Warlock Saint
Each character has his own motiva- Paladin Sword Master
tions for fighting in the continental High Priest
war, and depending on whether
their ideals and Erwin’s align, they A powerful mercenary willing to sell his blade
to the highest bidder. Knight Master
may choose to fight beside him. Highlander
And his ideals are just as apt Silver Knight Sword Master
Gladiator Swordsman
to change. Assassin General
During the war, he will continually High Lord
learn more about himself and why he Ranger
chooses to fight for the shattered lands.
These pages are intended to provide the
player with an introduction to each character, as well
as the character’s basic class change paths (see Page 21). Each branch
will present two new options. Some paths can lead to a secret “Fifth
Class,” but you will have to discover those on your own.
6 7
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Army of Light
Liana Scott
A maiden from the shrine of light who lost her The adopted son, student and heir to the Lord
parents at birth. High Priest of Salrath Country. General
Priest High Lord
Cleric Sage Lord Sword Master
Sister Saint Knight Swordsman
Paladin Archmage Silver Knight Knight Master
Mage Highlander
Cherie Sword Master Aaron Dragon Lord
The rebellious princess of Kalxath Kingdom An old swordsman who has been watching
who wants to see the world. Ranger the world for too long ... Ranger
Swordsman High Lord
Hawk Lord Sage Lord Sword Master
Hawk Knight Dragon Knight Fighter Swordsman
Silver Knight Dragon Lord Paladin Sage
Unicorn Knight Saint
Keith Knight Master Lána Dragon Lord
The retainer of Kalxath and commander of its The long-lost twin of Liana who was mysteri-
famous aerial knights. Serpent Lord ously kidnapped after birth. Dragon Lord
Serpent Knight Saint
Hawk Lord Dragon Lord Cleric Sage
Hawk Knight Dragon Knight Sister Priest
Lord Knight Master Sorcerer High Priest
High Lord Mage
Lester General Archmage
A former pirate who has devoted himself to
protecting a sorceress. Dragon Lord
Dragon Knight
Captain Serpent Lord
Pirate Serpent Knight
Assassin Knight Master
Sword Master
8 9
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Imperial Generals Army of Darkness
Leon Esto
A young idealistic knight who commands the A parasitic monster loyal to the Prince of
Blue Dragon Knights. General Darkness, Böser. Great Dragon
High Lord Phoenix
Lord Sword Master Serpent Jörmungandr
Knight Swordsman Scylla Kraken
Silver Knight Knight Master Lich Vampire Lord
Highlander Succubus
Imelda Dragon Lotd Osto Stone Golem
The cold, narcissistic lady commander of the A minion of darkness with an insatiable urge
Water Dragon Navy. Zauberer for human flesh. Great Dragon
Mage Phoenix
Sorcerer Archmage Kerberos Master Dino
Warlock Saint Werewolf Minotaur
Assassin Sage Dullahan Stone Golem
Swordsman Living Armour
Vargas Sword Master Sonya Vampire Lord
Strong as a bear and the General of the A half-human half-demon girl who has an axe
Blazing Dragon Army. Archmage to grind with all humanity. General
High Lord Swordsman
Lord General Assassin Sword Master
Fighter Swordsman Knight Mage
Assassin Sword Master Silver Knight Archmage
Serpent Knight Highlander
Egbert Serpent Lord Lána (Dark Princess) Knight Master
The General of the Dark Dragon Sorcerers The long-lost twin of Liana who was mysteri-
and Kaiser’s counsel. General ously kidnapped after birth. Dragon Lord
Saint Saint
Sorcerer Sage Necromancer Sage
Warlock Mage Shaman Summoner
Necromancer Archmage Sorcerer Zauberer
Summoner Mage
Zauberer Archmage
10 11
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Beginning a New Game Game Controls
When you first load your Der Langrisser cartridge, you will be prompted Der Langrisser uses all of the buttons available on the Super Nintendo
to press START at the title screen. After you have an existing game save, Entertainment System control pad except for the L Trigger.
you will be given options to START or
LOAD. Selecting START allows you to begin Table of Buttons
a new game. •Directional Pad – Moves the game’s cursor up, down, left or right.
At the start of a new game, the player is •SELECT Button – Display unit’s move range
taken to the Holy Realm, where Lushiris, •START Button – Open scenario menus
the goddess of Light, will explain the hero’s •B Button – Cancel action / close menu
mission and ask a series of questions to de- •A Button – Confirm action / open menu
termine a player’s most appropriate type •Y Button – Move cursor to next available commander
and alignment. •X Button – Speed up scrolling of the screen
You will be prompted to rename the •L Trigger – Unused
main character, Erwin. He is the only char- •R Trigger – Toggle display of unit HP and attributes
acter in the game whose name you are al-
lowed to choose.
Following naming, the player will be
asked ethical questions with three possible
answers each. Each answer leads to new
questions which balance your character’s
class, statistics and number of hireable
troops, and which sometimes award items.
At the end of the quiz, you will be asked
to confirm your character choice. You may
repeat the quiz if you do not like the results.
Once a character has been accepted, Lushiris will explain the basics of
battle in El Sallia: unit affinities, healing, command range and other impor-
tant gameplay concepts.
12 13
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Preparing for Battle Managing Equipment
At the beginning of a scenario, the prologue information is displayed on The second step of preparing for battle is to purchase and equip new
the world map screen. Erwin’s stationary position indicates where on the El items. Selecting the Equipment option will bring you to this screen.
Sallian map the battle is taking place. The menu presents the player with three options: Equip, Buy and Sell.
Following the introduction, players will Selecting Equip allows a commander to equip new items from the main in-
be notified of the victory and failure condi- ventory. If an item is incompatible with the commander’s class, it will be
tions for the battle. Be advised — there are darkened. Selecting No Change will allow the commander to keep one item
conditions for some battles which are not equipped while changing another. For example, if Erwin has the Long Bow
revealed to you on this screen. equipped, but you only want to change his armour, you would select No
At the start of actual scenario play, Change for the first option, and the new armour for the second.
you will enter a menu system on the cur- Selecting Buy allows characters to purchase items. Each scenario’s shop
rent scenario map. Using this menu, you has different items available, and some can only be purchased in certain sce-
can preview what type of terrain exists narios. Equipment is impressively expen-
in this scenario, who the enemy com- sive, so only shell out P to equip the
manders are and which units they posess and make character most in need of a status boost.
your own preparations. Commanders who are unable to equip a
You will be shown a list of commanders currently in given item will be darkened when you move
your entourage. Commanders will have three actions the cursor over it. Characters who can
available: Hire Troops, Equipment and Placement. equip it will have the item’s potential bene-
Selecting the Hire Troops option allows you to pick fits reflected in their AT and DF properties.
which subunits to assign a commander. It is covered in Pressing SELECT while highlighting an
depth on Pages 16 – 17. item will bring up a window explaining its
The Equipment menu allows you to purchase and sell finer details. Some items offer more
equipment, and change the commander’s current equip- bonuses to their wearer than the numbers alone can show ...
ment. It is explained in detail on Page 15. The last option is Sell, which allows you to sell your inventory for P. Since
Selecting Position allows you to choose where to place you can only carry a limited number of items, it is a good idea to sell off any-
a commander and his troops. You may place any commander on thing no one will ever use. The game will prevent you from selling certain
any flag marker on the map. key items.
14 15
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Hiring Troops Chart of Troop Affinity
The last step in preparing for battle is hiring troops. It is a good idea ËAdvantage äSlight Advantage ¿Slight Disadvantage ÒDisadvantage
to take advantage of the Position command to scroll the scenario map
and see what guns the enemies are bring- Defense


ing to the fight.





If the scenario has a lot of water, con-



sider Sailor units. If the enemy is using


cavalry, then spearmen will be the choice Attack
of the day. If you are fighting undead Soldier Ë Ò Ò ¿ ä ä
monsters, then monk-type units will be Monk Ë Ò Ò ¿ Ë Ë Ë Ë ä ä
the most useful.
Spearmen Ò Ò Ë Ë ¿ Ò Ò Ò ä ä
In the most basic sense, unit types op-
Cavalry Ë Ë Ò ¿ Ë Ë Ë Ë ä ä
erate like rock, paper, scissors.
However, it Dragoon Ë Ë ¿ Ë Ë Ë Ë ä ä
does get more complicated when taking terrain Flier ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä ä Ò
into account. For a full chart of unit affinities, Bandit Ë Ò Ò ¿ ä ä
please refer to the next page. Sailor Ë Ò Ò ¿ ä ä
Unlike Langrisser and Langrisser II, com- Gel Ò
manders can only hire one type of unit in this Demon Ò
game. There is no opportunity for your com- Monster
manders to mix and match troops—even though
Barbarian Ë Ò Ò ¿ ä ä
your opponents can.
Magician Ë Ò Ò ¿ ä ä
After selecting a troop unit from you list, a
box will pop up allowing you to choose how Ghost Ò
many units to hire. The high costs of stronger Undead Ò
troops may be a major factor in determining how Bowman ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ Ë ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
many you can hire. Ballista ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
Select Confirm to hire your troops and exit. Dragon
16 17
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Combat System Magic List
After starting the battle, you will have a movable cursor. Selecting Spell Name Targets MP Description
enemy units will display their information; selecting your own units will Magic Arrow Single Enemy 1 A fireball aimed at the enemy
allow you to assign them actions. Blast Single Enemy 10 A powerful ball of pure energy
Most troops have only two options: Thunder Enemy Group 4 Sends thunder crashing down
Move and Attack. A few troops have Magic. Fireball Enemies in Range 2 A focused explosion
Commanders have a few more: Rally Meteo Enemies in Range 8 Rains meteors from the heavens
and Orders, which expands to show Battle, Blizzard Enemies in Range 3 A focused snowblast
Charge, Defend and Manual. Rally allows a Tornado Enemies in Range 2 Calls forth intense winds
commander to sacrifice his turn and re- Turn Undead Enemies in Range 5 Destroys all undead within range
cover 3HP and 2MP, and Orders control Earthquake Enemies in Range 12 Shakes the ground violently
how the commander’s unmoved units will Heal 1 Allies in Range 2 Recovers 3 HP
behave when you end your turn. Heal 2 Allies in Range 4 Recovers all HP
Some classes will also have options for Force Heal 1 Ally Group 3 Recovers 3 HP
Magic and Summon. Magic allows you to Force Heal 2 Ally Group 6 Recovers all HP
cast spells, and Summon will allow you to Sleep Enemies in Range 4 Puts enemies to sleep
bring in a monster that you control. Sum- Mute Enemy Commander 3 Seals the enemy’s magic
moned monsters behave like normal units Protection 1 Ally Group 2 Raises DF by 3 for one turn
and also recieve a bonus for being within Protection 2 Ally Group 4 Raises DF by 5 for one turn
its commander’s flashing command range. Attack 1 Ally Group 2 Raises AT by 3 for one turn
After selecting an option, you will be Attack 2 Ally Group 4 Raises AT by 5 for one turn
presented with a new animated cursor in- Zone Single Enemy 6 Prevents unit movement
dicating your action: Boots for move, a Teleport Ally Group 5 Teleports unit to destination
Sword for attack, a Wand for magic. Move Resist Ally Group 2 Raises MDF by 15 for one turn
the cursor to the target tile you want to act Charm Enemy Group 6 Causes enemy to attack its allies
on and press A Button to confirm the action. Again Single Ally 10 Restores a unit’s turn
A Move action will present an Attack cursor if there are targets to attack Quick Ally Group 5 Raises MV by 3 for one turn
near where the unit’s movement ended. Decline Enemy Group 5 Lowers MDF by 15 for one turn
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Icons & Status Bars Class Changing
When battling in El Sallia, it’s especially important to pay attention to Commanders gain EXP by battling and de-
the icons and prompts places on the screen. With a little practice, one glance feating other units, or through casting spells.
at a unit will be all you need to learn everything about it. As a commander levels, he will learn new magic
The first unit detail is the character’s icon itself. The icon can show you and gain status bonuses.
what type of unit it is: commander or troop, When a commander reaches Level 10, he will
Battle Defend HP
and possibly what kind of commander. have an opportunity to change his class to one of
The four corners bordering the unit two options. The class branches for each charac-
are also key indicators of unit attributes. ter are explained on Pages 7 – 11 of this in-
The top-left icon shows what kind of com- struction manual.
mand the unit is under. Units with the Bat- Charge Manual Carefully review the benefits of each class
tle icon will spread out. Units with the before confirming a change. The class win-
Charge icon will be more likely to attack— dow will in-
even to their own peril. Units with a Defend icon will not attack unless con- form you which
ditions favour them. The Manual setting disables automatic movement bonuses will be
The bottom-right icon shows how many HP a unit has, with 10 being the gained during this
maximum for any unit. For troops, this is how many are still able to fight in class.
the unit. An enchanted commander and his troops will have a magic staff After a class
appear at the top-right of the character block. change, the only immediately available
If you move the cursor over a commander or troop, the bottom window bonuses are increased command range,
will display all even more specific details about it as diagrammed below: troop count and available unit types. Any
Terrain Bonus Unit Name Class spells listed will be gained during Level Ups
on this class.
Also, try to think about how enemy commanders of this class have
fought. Different classes have different types of attacks. For example, Sor-
cerers cannot strike until the end of combat, which leaves them open to at-
tack. Swordsmen, on the other hand, are guaranteed first strike.
Combat Bonus Level Attack Defence HP MP The class system makes for an infinite number of play variations.
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Road to Victory Ending a Scenario
At any point during gameplay, you can review the victory conditions When a scenario is completed, the End Scenario sequence of
for the current scenario by pressing START, then selecting Objectives events begins.
from the menu. The first part of a scenario end is the
The Objectives window explains the Spoils of War calculation. Your present
conditions to ensure your victory, as well as commanders will be listed along with their
the ones that can spell doom for Erwin and hired unit types. For each single unit which
his entourage. survived combat, you will be awarded +1 to
Pay special attention to scenarios a running total. Whenever you earn 15
which have a turn limit. Some scenarios points, the second value increases by one.
must be completed within a specific num- Try to preserve as many of your units
ber of turns; otherwise, you will automati- as possible. During this screen, your men
cally lose. When will pay you back. Each time the right value
nearing the last increases, you will be awarded an extra
five turns, you will have to move fast—even if it A+1 D+1 to your command bonus.
means sacrificing EXP. How is that for gratitude?
Some scenarios have multiple endings which During the next phase, each enemy
can lead you in new directions in the game, de- commander and unit is displayed—even
pending on how you complete them. Often you ones which may have lain hidden due to un-
will be faced with choosing to defeat one enemy triggered events.
or another, or to defeat all enemies or trigger Defeated units will explode, awarding
an event with one opponent. you El Sallia’s favourite currency: P.
Never underestimate the small decisions You will be prompted to press a button
in El Sallia. Killing one extra commander could and continue on to the Save screen. This
close the door on one possible future. screen allows you to make a Scenario Save,
After clearing a scenario, you will be as- unlike the mid-scenario save which is only one temporary slot. It may be a
signed extra EXP before continuing to to the good idea to save in multiple slots when a key scenario comes up.
Spoils of War assignments. Select “Next scenario” to continue with the game.
22 23
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
About the Translation
The Der Langrisser translation project was founded on the ruins of No- glitch was one which prevented your selected name for Erwin from being
Life Translations, a group formed in 2000 to carry on the work of Warui used during the ending dialogue.
Toransu from 1998. Despite this history, no work created by Warui Toransu But were that all the improvements, this wouldn’t be a Sobodash and
is contained in this translation. byuu translation project.
Derrick Sobodash and John Grathwohl met in 2001 through The number of colors used in the game fonts was tripled, and
their work in the English-language Langrisser community. After Sobodash designed seven new typefaces for the game using a
the former group fell apart, Sobodash carried on the translation SNES, an NTSC television and a Mario Paint mouse. The fonts look
effort with the help of byuu, author of the bsnes Super Nintendo perfect on an actual TV screen—something emulation technology
Entertainment System (SNES) emulator and an expert in pro- has only just this year begun to support.
gramming for the system’s hardware. byuu hacked, repositioned and scaled every single window in
With byuu’s help, the translation was able to achieve what the game to make the English version use less screen space than
had been deemed impossible by other prominent translators: full even the Japanese original, making for a much cleaner game.
proportional fonts. Sobodash also hacked new dialogue window colors based
Der Langrisser is one of the more sloppily-programmed SNES on later Langrisser remakes, and byuu altered the Text Speed
titles—frequent glitches that cause character graphics to corrupt game option to allow toggling the new and classic colors. Every
during gameplay are a testament to its multitude of problems. single window of dialogue in the game was manually formatted
However, the team has remedied many known glitches for the Eng- using custom tools. The windows are formatted so that connecting
lish translation. Several blocks of dialogue where the Japanese game showed the line endings will form a smooth arc.
the wrong character portrait were corrected and the game’s math engine This translation has been seven years in the making, and for most of the
was updated to show negative numbers in all menus. Perhaps the oddest team, it is their magnum opus in the field.

24 25
D E R L A N G R I S S E R.
Japanese Development Credits
Executive Producer ... Mitsuo Shibutani
Programmers ... Kazuhisa Mitani; Kouichi Fujiwara
Planning & Scenario ... Fuuma Yatou; Masayuki Suzuki; Hiroaki Hori;
Akira Hazuki
Graphics ... Masayuki Suzuki; Shuuichi Kono; Takeyoshi Akane;
Noriko Tasaki; Takahide Saitou
Sound Producer ... Isao Mizoguchi
Composition & Programming ... Noriyuki Iwadare
Sound Operator ... Kouji Yoshimura; Kouen Shibuya; Sanae Kasahara
Sound Programmer ... Dougen Shibuya
Character Design ... Satoshi Urushihara
Industry ... Toshiyuki Komori; Kouichirou Terada
Public Relations ... Hiroaki Satou
Technical Advisers ... Toshihiko Matsuda; Nobuya Takayoshi
Producer and Director ... Shinjiro Kouda
Assistant Director ... Hiroaki Hori

English Translation Credits

Programming ... byuu

Das Ende
Translation ... Derrick Sobodash; Eddie Stemkowski; Hsing Chen;
Benjamin Whitting; ElfShadow; Haruka
Editing ... John “MK” Grathwohl; Derrick Sobodash; Tyson Anderson;
Eric H. Krieger
Graphics & Typefaces ... Derrick Sobodash
Designed in QuarkXpress 7.0. Set in the Bitstream Vera font family. Instruction Manual ... Derrick Sobodash
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