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AVNL Oct14

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Arsha Vidya

Newsletter Rs. 15/-

Vol. 15 October 2014 Issue 10

Arsha Vidya Pitham Arsha Vidya Gurukulam Arsha Vidya Gurukulam
Swami Dayananda Ashram Institute of Vedanta and Institute of Vedanta and Sanskrit
Sri Gangadhareswar Trust Sanskrit Sruti Seva Trust
Purani Jhadi, Rishikesh P.O. Box No.1059 Anaikatti P.O.
Pin 249 201, Uttarakhanda Saylorsburg, PA, 18353, USA Coimbatore 641 108
Ph.0135-2431769 Tel: 570-992-2339 Tel. 0422-2657001,
Fax: 0135 2430769 Fax: 570-992-7150 Fax 91-0422-2657002
Website: www.dayananda.org 570-992-9617 Web Site : "http://www.arshavidya.in"
Email: dayas1088@hotmail.com Web Site : "http://www.arshavidya.org" Email: office@arshavidya.in
Books Dept. : "http://books.arshavidya.org"
Board of Trustees:
Chairman: Board of Directors: Board of Trustees:
Swami Dayananda President: Paramount Trustee:
Saraswati Swami Dayananda Saraswati Swami Dayananda Saraswati

Managing Trustee: Vice Presidents:

Swami Viditatmananda Saraswati
Swami Suddhananda Chairman:
Swami Tattvavidananda Saraswati
R. Santharam
Trustees: Secretary:
Swami Santatmananda Anand Gupta Trustees:
Swami Jnanananda Treasurer: C. Soundar Raj
Sri Rajni Kant Piyush and Avantika Shah P.R.Ramasubrahmaneya Rajhah
Sri M.G. Srinivasan Asst. Secretary: Ravi Sam
Sri M. Rajalingam Dr. Carol Whitfield N.K. Kejriwal
T.A. Kandasamy Pillai
Arsha Vijnana Gurukulam Ravi Gupta
72, Bharat Nagar Drs.N.Balasubramaniam (Bala) &
M. Krishnan
Amaravathi Road, Nagpur Arul
Maharashtra 410 033 Ajay & Bharati Chanchani
Phone: 91-0712-2523768 Dr.Urmila Gujarathi Secretary:
Emai: brahmapra@gmail.com Sharad & Lata Pimplaskar V. Sivaprasad
Dr.V.B. Prathikanti & Sakubai
Board of Trustees Dr.Sundar Ramaswamy(Dhira) & Usha
Paramount Trustee: Dr.L.Mohan & Vinita Rao
Swami Dayananda Saraswati V.B.Somasundaram and Dr.Anasuya Arsha Vidya
Bhagubhai and Janaki Tailor
Dr.Ashok Chhabra & Martha Doherty
Rajashree Shrikant Jichkar, Vijay and Pammi Kapoor
In fearless voice may
Secretary Associate Board of Directors: we proclaim
Dr.Soma & Nagaveni Avva
Madhav Babasaheb Solao,
Dr.Ravindra Bathina
The Rishi's message
Trustees: Dr.Mahesh & Maheswari Desai
Dr.Pramod & Lata Deshmukh
from all house-tops
Ramesh Bhaurao Girde
Dr.T.A.Gopal & Lata
Avinash Narayanprasad Pande Dr.Kamlesh & Smita Gosai And bring the men
Madhav Chintaman Kinkhede Dr.Haren Joshi & Pratima Tolat of different claim
Dr.Arun & Mangala Puranik
Ramesh alias Nana Pandurang
G.S. Raman & Gita To a fold of Love
Dr.Bhagabat & Pushpalakshmi Sahu where oneness lasts!
Rajendra Wamanrao Korde Rakesh Sharma

Newsletter- -October
2014 1 1
Second Muëòaka
Section 1

In the previous section the limited ends that can be accomplished through various
means stated in the karma-käëòa, that is, aparä-vidyä was discussed briefly. Now parä-
vidyä is taken up again and unfolded. Çaìkara introduces it as follows.1 the subject
matter of parä-vidyä is akñaraà brahma that was earlier revealed as one not subject
to decay and death. The upaniñad defined parä-vidyä as that vidyä by which akñaraà
brahma is understood. Then, the results of aparä-vidyä were mentioned pointing out
their limitations in order for one to discover in oneself a dispassion towards limited
ends and develop a value for the subject matter of parä-vidyä. The çästra thus helped
to create the adhikärin for the parä-vidyä . Now the upaniñad takes up the original
request on the part of Çaunaka, namely, the knowledge of that, knowing which
everything is as well known. That is the subject matter of parä-vidyä.

The teacher points out two lakñaëas , modes of revealing Brahman.2 Both of them
are very important.

One definition unfolds, by implication, the svarüpa, essential nature of Brahman. The
other is taöastha, an incidental definition, involving something distinct from the nature
of Brahman, but by which it is known. This definition is meant to show that Brahman
is not one of the objects in the world, but is the very cause of the world. Without
the incidental definition one cannot understand Brahman as everything. The world
as well as one’s physical body, mind and senses are non-separate from Brahman. It
does not mean Brahman has undergone a change to become all this. Had it been
so, then Brahman would not be available at all for knowing. In the svarüpa -lakñaëa
one gets to know Brahman as neither the cause nor the effect. The cause-effect set-
up is to prove that any effect is mithyä and it depends upon satya which is Brahman.
So, all that is here is Brahaman. That Brahamnan is ‘I,’ the caitanya ätman. Therefore,
I am everything. By the knowledge of ätman, everything is as well known. In the
following mantras both the above definitions are well brought out.

Mantra 1
Now, the first mantra here gives the incidental definition.3
tdett! sTym!,
ywa sudIÝat! pavkaiÖSpuil¼a> shö!z> àÉvNte sêpa>,
twa]raiÖivxa> saeMy Éava> àjayNte tÇ cEvaip yiNt. 2,1,1

Apr-iv*aya> sv¡ kayRmu´m!, s c s<sarae yTsarae ySmaNmUlad]rat! sMÉvit yiSm<í àlIyte td]r< pué;aOy< sTym!,yiSmn!
iv}ate svRimd< iv}at< Évit tTprSya ä!ü-iv*aya iv;y>, s v´Vy #TyuÄrae ¢Nw Aar_yte, mu{fk Éa:ym!
Although the word lakñaëa is often translated as ‘definition,’ strictly speaking, no definitions of Brahman
are possible. But in the tradition, there are two modes of revealing Brahman, which are known as svarüpa-
lakñaëa and taöastha -lakñaëa.

2 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

tadetat satyam.
yathä sudéptät pävakäd visphuliìgäù sahasraìa prabhavante sarìpäù.
tathäkñaräd vividhäù somya bhäväù prajäyante tatra caiväpi yanti. (2.1.1)

tad - that; etat - this; satyam - is the truth; somya - Oh pleasing one;
yathä - just as; sudéptät - well-lighted; pävakät - from the fire;
sahasraìaù - in thousands; visphuliìgäù - sparks; prabhavante - come
sarìpäù - of the same nature (as of the fire); tathä - so too;
akñarät - from the Brahman; vividhäù - varieties of; bhäväù - beings;
prajäyante - are born; ca - and; tatraiva - into that alone; apiyanti -
they go back

This is the truth, oh pleasing one! From a well-lighted fire how innumerable
sparks of the same nature as fire come out, so too, varieties of beings are born
from the Brahman that is akñara, and they go back into that alone.

Tad etat satyam : this is the truth. The akñara taught in the previous chapter
and known through parä-vidyä, is indeed satya. While talking about aparä-vidyä,
the upaniñad4 used the expression, ‘ tad etat satyam.’ There, it was with reference
to the results of karma mentioned in the çästra, because the results never fail
to unfold. They remain for endless cycles of creation, and get exhausted either
by giving rise to experience or by neutralisation. They are relative satya. Here,
the subject matter of parä-vidyä revealed in the çästra is also satya, but it is
absolute.5 Here, the word ‘satya’ means that which is not negated at any time
and which is the truth of everything. What was said before, tat, and what is
going to be said now, etat, is satyaà brahma. It is not subject to time. It is unborn
and not subject to disappearance. Brahman is çästra-vedya, known only through
the çästra.

If it is çästra-vedya, then the knowledge of Brahman gained must be indirect;

it cannot be direct knowledge.

The logic6 is this - anything that is known through the çästra can only be indirect
knowledge, being known only through the words of the çästra, like svarga, puëya,
päpa and so on. Since Brahman is also known through the words of the çästra,
the knowledge of Brahman can only be indirect. This is the conclusion.

The words such as divyaù, amürtaù etc., of the next mantra deal with svarüpa-lakñaëa of Brahman.
Muëòaka 1.2.1
ydpriv*a-iv;y< kmR-)l-l][< sTy< tdapei]km!, #d< tu priv*a-iv;y< prmawR-s‘][Tvat!,
mu{fk Éa:ym!

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 3

ïI éÔm!
Çré Rudram
Mantra 6

Åñi - Bhagavän; Chandas - Jagaté; Devatä - Bhagavän

Dhyäna- çloka

dxanmekadzxa ivÉJy deh< ivzuÏS)iq kàkazm!,

tejaemym! zUilnimNÊmaEil< ivicNtyedÇ sdEv éÔm!.
dadhänamekädaçadhä vibhajya dehaà
viçuddhasphaöi kaprakäçam |
tejomayaà çülinamindumaulià
vicintayedatra sadaiva rudram ||

May one always meditate upon the Lord Rudra of eleven-fold form,
who shines like pure crystal, whose nature is effulgence and who has
a spear in his hand and silver crescent on his crown.

The Lord is presented here as one with çüla, spear. The weapon is
meant to destroy your enemies within and without. When Bhagavän comes
to protect you, he cannot be presented coming with flowers. Yathä loke tatha
çästre - çästra also goes by our conventions. For instance, the security guard
with uniform is feared and respected. Sädhus also should have a form of
dress; if a sädhu goes in a three-price suit, he may command a different kind
of respect.

Result for the chanting of the sixth mantra: This mantra is meant for
longevity. Let the body, due to constant abuse, not die away before the
exhaustion of one’s prärabdha. The prosperity of kingdom, through adequate
rain at the right time is also another result. Gain of one thousand sovereigns,
release from great päpas like killing a Brahmin, the capacity to attract people
and friendship with all, are some of the other results gained.

4 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

ma nStaeke tnye ma n Aayui; ma nae gae;u ma nae Añe;u rIir;>,
vIraNma nae éÔ Éaimtae=vxIhRiv:mNtae nmsa ivxem te .6.
mä nastoke tanaye mä na äyuñi mä no goñu mä no açveñu rériñaù,
véränmä no rudra bhämito’vadhér-haviñmanto namasä vidhema te

mä - do not; naù - our; toke - in progeny ; mä - do not;

naù - our; äyuñi - in longevity; mä - do not; naù -
our; goñu - in cattle; mä - do not; naù - our; açveñu - in
horses; rériñaù - cause any harm; vérän - any leaders (in
our society) ; mä - do not; naù - our; rudra - O Lord Rudra!
; bhämitaù - being angry; avadhéù - kill; haviñmantù - who
have offerings in our hands; namasä - with saltation;
vidhema - worship; te - you

O Lord Rudra! Despite anger, do not harm us in terms of

our progeny, longevity, cattle and horses. Do not kill the brave
leaders (Of our society). With offerings in our hands we worship
you with salutation.

Here, the prayer is offered identifying with the parenthood.

He rudra bhämitaù, 128 O Lord, being angered do not cause harm to
any of our children.

Mä naù äyuñi - O Lord do not (reduce) our longevity. Mä

naù goñu - Do not cause any loss with reference to our cattle and
horses; may you not cause any disease to them and may they not
meet with any calamity. For instance, if the leg of a race horse is
broken then it is put to sleep; they say it is humane. It is not humane;
it is drastically wrong. Who are we to decide?

Naù asmäkaà vérän mä vadhiù - Do not harm the people who

lead our society. Why should Rudra not hurt anyone of them
belonging to you? Because we pray to you with offerings in our
hands and salutation.

bhämitaù jätakrodhaù - one whose anger is caused when the prohibited actions are done.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 5

Long Term Course at AVG
during September - October 2014

pursuits. Karma does not give

one permanent freedom from
the sense of limitation as its
results are temporary.

Dispassion is seeing the

absence of connection between
what one wants and what one
does. Moments of happiness
experienced without fulfilling
desires or changing the world,
show that happiness is centered
on oneself and not on the
external objects or situations. If
the external world is not
A summary of the Vedanta classes held required for one to experience satisfaction,
during September –October 2014 is then the self has to be the nature of
presented below: satisfaction. One discovers that he is indeed
the meaning of wholeness, fullness,
CLASSES ON VAKYA VICHARA BY happiness and satisfaction. Dissatisfaction
PUJYA SWAMI DAYANANDA is not due to one’s own nature being so, but
SARASVATI due to ignorance of the true nature of the
self and imposing the limitation of the
All the Upanisads share one common body-mind-sense complex on the limitless
vision. Pujya Swami Dayananda Sarasvati self.
taught select mantras from various
Upanisads covering significant topics. One can understand atma only through
Vedanta pramana taught by a Guru. One
PURUSHARTHA NISCHAYA should respectfully approach a Guru, who
is srotriya (one who has studied Vedanta
EXAMINING LIFE EXPERIENCES: from a Guru and who knows the
Mundaka Upanisad 1.2.12 “pariksya lokan sampradaya) and is a brahma-nistha (one
karmachitan…” After analysing various who understands Brahman as non-separate
experiences in life gained through karma, from oneself).
a viveki develops dispassion by
recognizing that karma which is limited in STUDENT SHOULD ASK FOR THE
nature cannot be the means to gain the KNOWLEDGE: Mundaka Upanisad 1.1.3
limitless. What one seeks in life is “saunako ha vai mahasalah…” Saunaka
everlasting satisfaction through various who had lived a life of prayer and dharma,

6 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

approached Guru Angiras as per
stipulations and asked
“Bhagavan! What is the one
thing knowing which everything
is known?”

Upanisad 1.1.4 “tasmai sa hovaca
dve vidye…” Guru Angiras told
Saunaka that there are two types
of knowledge: Para vidya which
is about Brahman and Apara
vidya which includes all other
disciplines of knowledge. Yajnyavalkya told her that a wife is not
dear for wife’s sake, but for one’s sake.
SORROW CANNOT GO WITHOUT Similarly, all people and things one loves
PARA VIDYA: Chandogya Upanisad 7.1.3 are not dear for the sake of the people or
“so ham bhagavah socami…” Sage Narada the things, but for one’s sake alone.
approached Guru Sanatkumara and told Therefore one loves people and things not
him that he was in sorrow and requested for their sake but only because they
him to help him cross sorrow. Sanatkumara invoke the pleased self .
asked what Narada knew. Narada replied
that he knew all the Vedas and all other For gaining amrtatvam, atma jnana is
disciplines of knowledge. Sanatkumara told required. Sastra is the pramana for atma
him that what Narada knew were only jnana. One should go to a Guru and do
namas, not the Naami. Knowing the Naami sravana, manana and nididhyasana and
and only bhooma vidya (knowledge of gain atma jnana.
atma) can help one cross sorrow and
taught him bhooma vidya. ONE WHO DIES BEFORE GETTING
LOVE FOR ANYTHING IS FOR THE Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 3.8.10 “yo va
SAKE OF ONESELF ALONE: etad aksaram…” Every human being is
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 2.4.5 “atmanastu born with the capacity to gain atma jnana.
kamaya sarvam priyam bhavati…” One is endowed with discriminative
Yajnavalkya was a great scholar and a rich intellect for gaining this knowledge. If one
person. He had two wives Katyayani and wastes his life in frivolous pursuits, the
Maitreyi. He decided to become a sannyasi. Upanisad calls such a person a miser for
He told Maitreyi that he would give her not using his wealth of discrimination.
half of his wealth and sought her
permission to take sannyasa. Maitreyi asked PREPAREDNESS - TWO LIFE STYLES,
if the wealth could give her amrtatvam. VALUES AND ATTITUDES
Yajnyavalkya replied that only atma jnana
could give amrtatvam. ONE SHOULD KNOW ATMA AND
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 4.4.21 “tam eva

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 7

dhiro vijnaya…” A person of to the Acharya. Do not break family lineage.
discrimination should know atma through Do not show any indifference in telling the
Sastra and Guru and assimilate the truth, following dharma, earning further
knowledge. One should do whatever is to accomplishments and teaching the Sastra.”
be done to gain preparedness. One should
not get lost in logical analysis. ATTITUDE TOWARDS ELDERS:
Taittiriya Upanisad 1.20 “matrdevo bhava
PREPAREDNESS REQUIRED FROM THE pitrdevo bhava…” “Look upon mother,
SEEKER: Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 4.4.23 father, teacher and guest as Isvara with
“tasmad evam vit shanto danta…” One devotion. Do only noble actions. Respect
should have sama (emotional maturity, elders in age and learning.”
having resolved all issues of the mind),
dama (the capacity to say no to things that ATTITUDE WHILE GIVING DANAM:
do not help in the pursuit of moksha), Taittiriya Upanisad 1.21 “sraddaya deyam.
uparama (the absence of a sense of Asraddhaya adeyam…” Danam should be
ownership or the spirit of sannyasa), titiksa given with respect for the receiver, in
(not being moved by opposites) and plenty, with humility and understanding.
samadhanam (contentment, like a fire
which has no fuel). RESOLVING DOUBTS IN DHARMA:
Taittiriya Upanisad 1.22 “atha yadi te
YAJNA, DANA AND TAPAS FOR karmavicikitsa va…” When you have a
PREPAREDNESS: Brhadaranyaka doubt regarding dharma, you may consult
Upanisad 4.4.22 “tam etam a cultured, educated, discriminative and
vedanuvacanena brahmana…” The seekers considerate person.
with discriminative intellect perform yajna
(rituals) , dana (reaching out action) and AMRTATVAM THROUGH TYAGA:
tapas (austerities) to gain preparedness to Kaivalya Upanisad 3 “na karmana na
understand Brahman. prajaya ….” You cannot obtain amrtatvam
through rituals, progeny or wealth.
GIVE UP DESIRES OF FAMILY, Amrtatvam can be obtained by tyaga only.
WEALTH AND LOKA: : Brhadaranyaka Seekers attain the knowledge that “Isvara
Upanisad 4.4.22 “kim prajaya is everything”.
karisyamah…” The seekers give up desire
for family, wealth and loka and live a life ALL THAT IS HERE IS ISVARA: Isavasya
of renunciation. Formal sannyasa is taken Upanisad 1 “Isavasyam idam sarvam…”
desiring atma jnana. Atma jnana can also All that is here is Isvara. Even a simple
be achieved by informal sannyasa. villager in India will tell due to vridha
vyavahara that everything is bhagavan. The
VALEDICTORY ADVICE TO entire culture of Bharat is based on this
STUDENTS: Taittiriya Upanisad 1.19 vakya. This is the vision of our culture. This
“vedam anucya acaryah antevasinam is manifest in dance, music, worship and
anusasti…” After teaching the Veda, the prayers. Because of this unique vision, we
Acharya gives valedictory advice to can do puja to earth, river, tree, mountain,
residential students as follows: “Speak the stone, cow or any other form.
truth. Live a life of dharma. Study the
Sastra everyday. Offer appreciable wealth TAT PADA VICHARA

8 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

Upanisad 3.1 “yatho va iimani bhutani Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 3.9.26
jayante…” Brahman is the cause from “upanisadam purusam pruchami…” One
which all beings are born, are sustained should ask for the knowledge of Brahman
and unto which they all resolve, meaning in Upanisads from a Guru. There is no other
that it is non–separate from the effect. One means of knowledge that the Brahman is
should continue to be a jijnasu, until he the cause of the jagat and that is not other
understands this completely. than the self.


Mundaka Upanisad 2.1.3 “etastmajjayate BRAHMAN NOT AN OBJECT Kena
pranah manah …” From this Brahman are Upanisad 3.1 “na tatra chaksurgacchati…”
born prana, mind, sense organs, organs of Brahman cannot be known as an object of
action, space, air, fire, water and earth. perception through eyes, ears or mind. It
can be only known as the subject through
PURUSHA IS THE WHOLE Purusha the pramana of Sastra.
Suktam “purusha eva idam sarvam…” All
that is here is Purusha, the individual who ONE WHO HAS A GURU KNOWS:
is purna. This is possible only if there is Chandogya Upanisad 6.4.2 “acharyavan
advaita. This is explained through karana- purusho veda…” A jiva in samsara forest
karya prakriya. First by negating what the is bound by so many ties. When the Guru
self is not, the cause is not and finally handles the Sastra as the pramana, the
negating the difference between the self and student cannot but know.
the cause. Hence Purusha is the whole.
“yathornanabhih srjate grhnate ca…” Like ELSE IS AS WELLKNOWN: Chandogya
the spider being both the efficient cause Upanisad 6.1.3 “yena asrutham srutham…”
and material cause of the web, Isvara is When clay is understood as the content of
both the efficient cause and material cause pot, pot is perceived as a name and form.
of this jagat. From sentient body, in- When gold is understood as the content of
sentient hair grows. Similarly from sentient an ornaments, ornament is perceived as a
Brahman, the sentient and in-sentient jagat name and form. When Brahman is
has come into being. understood as the non separate efficient
and material cause of the jagat, the jagat
LIKE SPARKS FROM FIRE Mundaka is perceived as mithya with a name and
Upanisad 2.1.1 “tad etat satyam….” form.
Innumerable sparks come out of fire. Later
they go back to the source. Similarly BEFORE MANIFESTATION ISVARA
innumerable beings are manifest from WAS THERE: Chandogya Upanisad 6.2.1
Brahman and they later become “sat eva sowmya…” Before manifestation
unmanifest in Brahman. jagat was there in the form of Sat, similar
to a sprout in an unmanifest seed form.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 9

“TAT TVAM ASI…” Chandogya Upanisad STORY OF DEVAS PRIDE: Kena
6.8.7. A cause without having a cause for Upanisad 3.1 “brahma ha vijigye…” Devas
its being is Satyam Brahman. That is defeated the asuras and were proud.
consciousness. The effect has no existence Brahman appeared before them in the form
apart from its cause. Brahman is the cause of a Yaksha. Agni and Vayu went near the
of this jagat and jiva. Hence jagat and jiva Yaksha and could not find who that person
are not different from Brahman their cause. was and also understood that they were
Self existing Sat lends its existence to powerless before the Yaksha. When Indra
everything else. You (jivatma) are that Sat went near, Yaksha disappeared. In that
(Brahman). place Goddess Uma appeared there and
revealed that the Yaksha was Brahman and
JOTHIR BRAHMANA the victory and power of the Devas were
only because of the blessings of Brahman.
Brhadaranyaka Upanisad 4.3.2 “kim jothir LIFE STYLE OF A STUDENT
ayam purusha…” Light for person is light
from sun, moon, fire or sound. Even when SRADDHA BHAKTI DHYANA: Kaivalya
these lights are not there, self shining Atma Upanisad 2 “sraddhabhaktidhyanayogat…”
shines as the light. The one who has sraddha in the Vedas,
Isvara bhakti and a prepared mind through
KENA UPANISAD meditation is qualified for atma jnana.


Kena Upanisad 1.1 “kena ishitam
manah….” Willed by whom the the mind PURNAM: “om purnamada
and sense organs function? Atma as ear of purnamidam….” The cause of the jagat is
the ear, mind of the mind, eye of the eye Isvara, who is purnam. The jagat is an effect
make them function. Atma always remains of Isvara, which is not separate from the
as subject and cannot become the object of cause and is purnam. Even when the jagat
knowledge. (which is mithya) is unmanifest, Isvara
remains as purnam.
Kena Upanisad 2.1 “yadi manyase KNOWER OF BRAHMAN ATTAINS
suvedeti…” The one who says “I Know PARAM: Taittiriya Upanisad 2.1
Brahman well”, does not know. He “brahmavid apnoti param…” The knower
considers Brahman as on object. The one of Brahman attains param. Brahman is
who says “I do not consider Brahman to satyam, jnanam and anantam. It is
be known well (as an object), nor I existence, awareness and limitlessness. One
consider that I do not know Brahman” who knows Brahman fulfills all his desires.
knows. He understands that Brahman is not
known as an object. But Brahman is the Report by N. Avinashilingam
subject that objectifies the jagat.

10 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

Veda Patashala at Anaikatti

Pujya Swami Dayananda

Sarasvati has blessed
Anaikatti with a Veda
Patashala. This is run under
the aegis of SrutiSeva Trust.

This patashala teaching

Jaiminisaka of Sama Veda is
functioning from April 8,
2013. Sri Srinivas Dave from
Nanded, Maharastra is the
Acharya. Here nine students
aged from 7 to 17 hailing
from Bihar, Maharastra and
Madhya Pradesh study. Smt.
Girija Natarajan is the co-
ordinator for the

This saka is studied only in

Tamil Nadu and Kerala. One
branch of this patashala is
functioning at Palakkad,
Kerala with Sri Sailesh
Deshpande from Lattur,
Maharastra as Acharya. There
six students study

The complete study of this

saka will take ten
years.Kanchi Mutt will conduct three
levels of exams on Veda for the students
at the Veda patashala itself. The fourth and BrniMedhaMichika teaches Sanskrit to
final level of exams will be conducted at enable the students to appear for
Kanchipuram. The successful students are SamskritaBharati examinations. Smt. Girija
supported by KanchiSankara Mutt and Natarajan teaches English, Mathematics and
Tirumala TirupatiDevastanam. Computer applications to the students.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 11

The students study the Veda from early Sri Srinivas Dave expressed his thanks to
morning to evening. They also attend the PujyaSwamiji for his blessings and for
daily pujaat Lord Daksinamurti temple. providing all the required facilities for the
They have holidays on astami, pradama, patashala, Acharya and the students.
amavasa, purnima and chaturti. They go
home during the annual holidays of one Report by N. Avinashilingam
and half months during summer.

12 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

Navaratri Puja at AVG

Navratri puja was celebrated with fervor blessed, watching Devi Jnaneswari who is
and enthusiasm at Anaikatti from Sep 24, ever smiling and brimming with motherly
2014 to Oct 2, 2014. Elaborate and exquisite love.
alankara was performed every day to
Goddess Jnaneswari. The atmosphere was On Oct 2, 2014 Sarasvati puja was
charged with divinity by the pujas and celebrated at the Gurukulam. Students
Lalitha sahasra nama archana and prepared an altar made of their books in the
paarayanam performed on all the nine days. lecture hall. Special Puja was performed for
Goddess Sarasvati, the bestower of
On the day of Lalitha panchami on Sep 29, knowledge along with the chanting of
2014 special eleven dravya abhisekam was Sarasvati Astotram.
performed for Goddess Janeswari. All who
participated in the puja were indeed Pujya Swami Dayananda Sarasvati initiated
the students to Sarasvati moola mantra

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 13

“om aim hriim sarasvatyaii namah”. own words and also because it contains the
Swamiji spoke about how the mantra is the essence of the Sruti. The meaning of Tvam,
code to invoke the grace of Goddess Tat and Asi padas are explained in 6
Sarasvati, as the special power of Isvara. chapters each. Any object in the world has
Led by Pujya Swamiji, the students chanted the possibility of invoking likes or dislikes
the moola mantra. in one. One cannot follow Dharma if under
the spell of likes and dislikes. The Gita
On Oct 3, 2014 Vijaya Dasami was comes to the rescue of humanity by giving
celebrated. Punar puja was done for the the means for purification of the mind. It
books. Pujya Swamiji blessed the students. teaches how to master likes and dislikes. It
Bhagavat Gita bhasyam books were highlights the values and attitudes to be
distributed to the students. Led by Pujya cultivated by the seekers. It elaborates on
Swamiji, the students chanted “sarasvati the two committed life styles, how karma
namastubhyam varade kaama ruupini, yoga and sannyasa lead to the common goal
vidyaarambham karisyaami siddhir of moksha. The Gita mentions the goal –
bhavatu me sadaa”. PujyaSwamiji purusharta siddhi, the Sruthi’s vision and
explained the meaning of the prayer verse also the means – antahkarana shuddhi and
“Oh Sarasvati! I salute you. You are the jnana prapti.
bestower of boons and blessing the devotees
with the desired objects. I am beginning my Later in the evening, the students presented
studies. Let there always be success for me.” a short skit in Sanskrit on the theme of
evolution of Sanskrit teaching parampara
Pujya Swamiji gave his anugraha bhasanam. over the ages starting from Panini to the
He said that on Vijayadasami day we present day. The skit depicted the
worship knowledge in the form of books. transformation of Panini to a great
Pujya Swamiji opened his Gita book and in grammarian, the composer of Astadhyayi,
that page he found the verse “saankhya after being blessed by the Lord himself with
yogau prathag baalaah….” Gita 5-4. He the Maheswara sutras. The highlight was
explained that both the life styles of karma the shiva tandava with Mahesvarani sutras
yoga and sannyasa will take one ultimately coming out of the lord’s drum. In the end,
to the same goal, moksha. Pujya Swamiji spoke at length about the
unique qualities of Sanskrit language and
Vedic chanting, Sanskrit and Viveka
how one develops a love for its grammar
chuudaamani classes were conducted.
for its sheer brilliance.
Pujya Swamiji inaugurated the Gita
Report by N. Avinashilingam
bhasyam class in the afternoon. He said that
Gita is a pramana because it is Bhagavan’s

14 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

Bhumi Puja for Porbandar Gurukulam

Gandhiji was born there. Now that

place is becoming holier due to the
proposed Gurukulam named
Kuchhadi, Porbandar. In a
sprawling land of 4 acres, a lecture
hall and two kutias are proposed
to be constructed.


to his other commitments could not
travel to Porbandar. Hence, on
September 24, 2014, he blessed
SWAMINI NIGAMANANDA Swamini Nigamananda and Swamini
SARASWATI, who completed a long term Nityakalyanananda, and the bhumi puja was
course at Anaikatti Gurukulam during 2002- done at Anaikatti itself.
2005, has since been teaching Vedanta,
BHUMI PUJA including Ganapathy puja and
Sanskrit, Bhagavatham, Chanting and
Vaastu puja were done with the blessings of
Meditation in Porbandar. She has also been
Pujya Sri Swamiji.
conducting jnana yajnas in various parts of
Gujarat as well as in Dubai. She manages CONTACT nigamanandasaraswati
a sandhya gurukulam where 120 students are @yahoo.com for further details.
taught. She has authored two books on
Kenopanisad and Mundakopanisad. Report by N. Avinashilingam

SARASVATI has studied
Vedanta under Swami
Viditatmananda Sarasvati at
Ahmedabad. She manages
Porbandar where children are
taught Bharatiya culture, besides
helping in the running of
sandhya gurukulam.

PORBANDAR is a holy place in

South Gujarat as Mahatma

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 15

A retreat at Amboli Ashram


The 3-Day retreat was held during 19th- Their professions ranged from Scientists,
23rd Sept 2014. All the participants arrived Engineers, Bankers, Doctors, Industrialists,
at Amboli Ashram by 19th evening. In the Social Activists, Teachers, and House
INTRODUCTION session on the 19th Makers.Some were still pursuing their
evening after dinner, we learnt that there careers and some had retired. However one
were 25 participants who came from various thing in common was they were interested
places like Mumbai, Bangalore, Kolhapur, in yoga and spirituality. Having spent a
Pune and Dubai. major portion of their life in running after
unending desires and ever eluding
contentment, they had now come to seek

16 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

self -knowledge. For the next 3 days, we belonging to the category of Bhastrika,
would be studying and practicing under the Kapalbhati and Ujjai were given. These
able guidance of our teachers -NilooferGiri practices were done using individual
and SribantaGiri. components of the respiratory system, such
as diaphragm, rib cage, clavicle, glottis, and
We were given the time-table for the next nasal tunnels. Yogic Pranayama involving
3 days consisting of Guided Meditation, combination of diaphragmatic breathing/
Asanas and Pranayam, three sessions of inter costal breathing/clavicular breathing
classes followed by question & answer and in a single breathing cycle was also given.
chanting. Retention of breath (Kumbhak) was avoided
as it is meant for advanced practitioners.The
After a good night’s rest and after tea/
Pranayama sessions were very much
coffee, the participants assembled at the
appreciated by the participants and they
spacious yoga hall. To reach the yoga hall,
used to practice them even outside the class
we had to climb the steps set amidst a
whenever some time was available.
beautiful garden of flowering plants and
water ponds with blooming lotuses.This The Pranayama session was followed by
yoga hall is at the highest elevation, Asanas. The emphasis was given to passive
commanding a beautiful view of the Amboli stretching using props such as bolsters,
village and the surrounding hills and forest. bricks, belts etc.The asanas were given in
the postures of standing, sitting and lying
The first session of guided meditation,
Pranayam and asanas was to be conducted
by GIRI Sir. This session started by chanting This schedule was followed for the 3 days
of Gayatri mantra facing the rising sun in of the Retreat.
the east. It was very rejuvenating and
readied us into a rightful mood for the The central theme of the workshop was a
meditation. study of the text “VAIRAGYA
SHATAKAM” by Bhartruhari. Out of the
The guided meditation was wonderful and 100 original Sanskrit verses, only 29
gave us an inner experience of the carefully selected verses were
components of the SELF namely, body/ analyzedthreadbare.
breath/mind. It was clear that the
instructions came from a mind that had The venerable teacher of the centre, Niloofer
discovered itself.The steps in meditation GIRI, covered the topic in 9 discourses
were: (1) Becoming aware and relaxing the totaling over12 hours lasting over a period
body (2) Channelisingthe mind to its source, of 3days. Her mastery over Sanskrit,
by using the parameters of breath, mental enchanting voice, knowledge of scriptures,
arithmetic, imagery and mantra.At the end love with compassion and her realization of
of meditation, there was clarity and truth synergized into a wonderful
serenity. presentation of the text, fulfilling the
purpose of the participants in
The guided meditation was followed understanding the purpose of life and
byPranayama.The breathing practices master the art of living.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 17

The teacher narrated the historical compassion of a sage is superior to that of
background about Bhartruhari and how he a king. In the 100th verse, sage Bhartruhari
had enjoyed his life of wealth, power and is thanking Lord Siva for grace in granting
sensual pleasures. However, a moment of Brahma Gyana, the knowledge of Whole
realization of the futility of such a life had and recognizing that he IS THE WHOLE!
led him to pursue the path of knowledge,
thereby, making him a renunciate. The life At the time of death, he is totally freed from
for him became meaningful, full of the bondage of the world. He bids good-
unending joy and contentment. bye and acknowledges the important role
of his family of five elements: earth as
Our teacher devoted considerable time in mother, wind as father, fire as friend, water
explaining the starting Verse 1, which is a as relative, sky as brother. The participants
prayer to Lord Siva to grant grace in listened in silence and awe and the beloved
destroying the moth of ignorance teacher had interacted and elevated our
(in running after unending worldly
pleasures, but resulting in more desires and During the 3 days of the camp, the weather
more sorrow ) by a powerful beam of light had become totally cloudy with intermittent
from his third eye (awaken the knowledge rains. The clouds had enveloped the
of reality leading to VAIRAGYA resulting ground. It was literally like “living in the
in happiness and contentment ). clouds!” Amboli looked wonderful in her
pristine glory!
In the body of the text 3 main topics were
covered : (1) Acknowledgement of The chanting sessions were held in the
SUFFERING due to pleasure hunting, (2) ancient temples of the Amboli village to
Cause of suffering as incessant and binding have their deep impact.
DESIRE, and (3) Removal of the cause of
suffering by VAIRAGYA and BRAHMA On one of the days, we were taken to visit
JNANA. the centre “ AIM for Seva”, where the
under privileged are given free boarding,
Suffering at various levels of body, mind, lodging and value education. We had
intellect and emotions is discussed at great wonderful times in listening and watching
length. In spite of repeated suffering, desire little innocent children with folded hands,
multiplies and intensifies, resulting in reciting Bhagavad Gita and Tukaram
enslavement and helplessness of Bhajans. The camp ended on the evening
intelligence. The appropriate use of of 22nd. All had carried wonderful
knowledge is non-negotiable to get out of memories with new learnings to lead
this vicious circle. This leads to freedom fulfilled lives; as we recognized, we do not
from the bondage of ignorance and its need anything other than ourselves to be
related suffering. Many verses are devoted fulfilled!
to point out that the peace,joy and
As viewed by a participant

18 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

Teacher of teachers

Ramachandran and Lalitha Ramachandran Karma-yoga

who underwent three year Vedanta and
Sanskrit Course from 2010 to 2013 are @;a te AiÉihta sa’œOye #dainm! buiÏyaege öun,u Yogam
presently conducting classes at Coimbatore. is there sankyam is also there. Both are same
They came along with their students to (in terms of final result). Each one will do
Pujya Swamiji to get his blessings. each job. Whatever in meant for yoga is also
same for sankya.Sankya means sanyasa and
Swamiji talked to them on karma-yoga and sanyasa means pursuit of knowledge. Doing
answered couple of questions which are karma with proper attitude is karma-yoga.
transcribed and reproduced in this article.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 19

Karmayoga is for moksha so also sankya.@km! Question: What is the role of logic or tarka
sa’œKym! c yaegm! c y> pZyit s pZyit in Vedanta?

One cannot remain without karma. But the Answer by Pujya Swamiji: Logic means
same karma can be converted in to yoga inference. Inference depends upon
purely by attitude. Karma done in keeping perception. Without perception there is no
with dharma coupled with proper attitude inference. Whatever the data one collect,
towards the karma-palam is yoga. In dharma based upon which inference or anumana
sva-karma-roleplaying- is included. For each pramana works.
role there is script - for mother, for father,
for son, for daughter etc. The role-playing What we are talking about is not what we
script is ‘to be done’. To be done means see. It is about ourselves and not a subject
Ishwara. Even if it is kamyakarma the result matter of perception or inference. It is ME.
is to be taken as prasada. Thus the And ME happens to be jagat karanam, which
kamyakarma also will be converted in to is not available for inference. Once Sastra
yoga. Thus all karmas done irrespective of tells, afterwards we can assimilate. Later by
kamyakarma, sva-asharamakarma or inference/logic we can eliminate our
loukikakarma will get converted in to yogam. doubts.

#ó-Ainó-%ppiÄ;u inTym! smictTvm! - towards Doubts are created by the mind by certain
desired and undesired results the tarka/logic. We have to find out sruti/sastra
equanimity is yogam. In our culture this is supported (sammata) tarka to negate all the
ingrained in our day-to-day life. Even in the doubts. Vedanta will not work if pramana-
food one gets the attitude of accepting it buddhi is not there in it. zaôSy guévaKySy
although it is not desired by one. The sTybuiÏ>Satya-buddhi is nothing but pramana-
samatva-buddhi starts from here, even buddhi … what is understood through
though it may not be in full measure. Still pramana only is satyam. It is true that it has
it is part of life. It is part of our culture. been obtained thro pramana.
What is there in Sastra is what is in culture.
Question: Is consciousness self-evident?
Sastra is the basis. Sastra’s ideas have
Modern people talk about mystic advaitam
become an integrated ingredients in culture.
where they claim a mystical experience,
With a better understanding of Ishwara the where-as Vedanta considers experience
samatva-buddhi improves. As an individual within the field of dvaitam.
I only have choice is doingkarma. But with
Answer from Pujya Swamiji: For
regard to the karma-pala I do not have full
consciousness there is no need for science
control.ma kmR)lhetuÉUR>,Karmapala being part
or Vedanta. Consciousness is YOU.
of the ‘order of Ishwara’ one does not have
Consciousness is and everything else is
any choice over the results - it comes..This
object of consciousness. If it is you, no need
is one more layer in the process of samtvam/
to search outside, no need for Science. That
I am a conscious entity needs no proof from

20 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

outside. Sastra additionally says that the We are not trying to objectify atma. We are
consciousness is the jagat karanam Brhama / only negating what is not atma. What is
Ishwara and it is eternal. It is not an not-atma is also conjured-up by the mind
epiphenomenon (a mental state regarded as alone. It is to be removed/negated by mind
a by-product of brain activity). alone. Mentally created problem is mentally
solved – bythe vision of Sastra. Otherwise
Everything is given - space is given, time mentally created problem cannot be solved
is given and whatever that is there within by mind alone. Mental problem or notions
time and space is given. If so where is the are based upon some facts. Notions are not
epiphenomenon? Neurology is study of just ‘rope-snake’. They are born of certain
brain - it is given. The knowledge to study facts created by the mind as facts. We
neurology is given. That way everything is require a different vision of the same thing
given. which means one need to look at it
differently with the Sastra-budhi. All the
Consciousness is also given. Between
notions can thus be dismissed by this Sastra-
consciousness and the object of
budhi alone.
consciousness the relation is amazing -it is
one of satya and mitya. Really speaking All these (idam vastus- jagat, body-mind
what is object is also nothing but complex, buddhi etc) are not atma, but atma
consciousness. Really speaking there is no is THIS (aham). For this vritti-jnanam,
object - just a word and meaning. Every negating idam vastu, mind is required. After
object is just word and meaning. negating all what remains is the NEGATOR
whose svaroopa is atma or consciousness
Word and meaning means it is knowledge
which is self-evident. What is self-evident
- knowledge which is Iswara himself. And
does not required to be objectified and
knowledge is consciousness. Phenomenon
hence no need for the mind. For removing
or epiphenomenon it is consciousness all
the so called avidya vritti of idam vastu alone
the way. Consciousness does not require
the mind is required.
any other thing to reveal - it is self-evident.
I am a self-consciousness-being is self- Atma is limitless, suddha-
evident. caitanyam,nityaha,muktaha etc are all created
only when one considers wrongly oneself
Question : Moksha is a cognitive
to be limited, jatam anityam, bound etc. ‘I
understanding. But it can be known by
AM’ is correct. It is self-evident
mind alone. But it is also said it is beyond
consciousness. Any further addition to ‘I
mind. Does this not contradictory?
am’ is the description of anatma.
Answer by Pujya Swamiji: ‘ mnsa @v
AnugNdVym! , nEv mnsa mnute, Both
statements are there in Sastra.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 21

Two Week Course at
ArshaVidyaGurukulam, Saylorsburg

with SwamijiTattvavidananda and SwamijiPratyagbodhananda; Sept. 21-Oct.4, 2014

The 2-Week camp began on September 21st been talking about daiva qualities andasuric
with a welcome address and orientation qualities, defining and giving many
with Suddhatma Chaitanya. examples of each quality mentioned in the
SwamijiTattvavidanandaSaraswati then verses. He said that we were to not so much
gave Satsang. There were about 85 - 90 develop the daiva qualities but to notice and
attendees. to turn away from the asuric qualities
(before they turn to rakshahs) so that the
Classes started the next day with a 7am daiva qualities, which are already within us,
meditation. Swamiji Tattvavidananda can manifest, so that the divine can begin
always included chanting “OM” silently 3 to speak through us.
times as a simple prayer at the beginning
of all the meditations. He encouraged us to He touched on and clarified mistaken usage
drop our pasts and our future plans with of words that might mislead to wrong
our breaths; to keep the spine stretched up understandings, such as the use of the word
and still; to keep the entire body still, “suppression” in relation to our desires. We
ignoring its discomforts. He told us, “Watch are to notice and to turn away from them,
the mind. Don’t ask how. Just watch it.”, not to suppress them. He has been
etc. His constant refrain for us in and out explaining about how self-forgetfulness
of meditation has been to “be” - and that leads us to pursue desires, to live in fear
that “being” is love. He also had us do and how they both make us live in
Loving Kindness meditations, telling us to imaginations instead of what is. He said
wish ourselves, our family, all creatures and that satisfying our desires will not stop
our foes, them from arising and encouraged us to ask
wellbeing, happiness and peace. During one ourselves, “Is it possible for the mind to not
meditation, in keeping with the 16th think in terms of more?” and “Is it possible
Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita (BG), he said for the mind to stop asking for more?” He
that there was nothing more beautiful than has been making it clear to us over and
a mind maturing into its daiva qualities. over again how strong mAyA’s hold over
us is. But he also told us that we must be
The first talk was at 9am, the second at confident that rising to higher consciousness
11:15am and the third at 5pm. To is a doable feat.
accomodate the schedules of the two
Swamijis, the Swamijis talked at different The other text that Swamiji
times during the first week. Tattvavidananda has been talking from is
the Saddarshanam written by
Swamiji Tattvavidananda started with the RamanaMaharshi. He said that
16th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. He has

22 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

RamanaMaharshi was, perhaps, the lone Dr.Rao spoke with a flair and the general
voice in revitalizing self-inquiry. Swamiji feedback was very positive. He left us
made clear how self-knowledge differs from with his contact information,
other types of knowledge and described the MOHAN@AUDIOPEDICS.COM.
challenges sadhakas must overcome because
of this difference. He said that abiding as One day during the 2-week camp,
the Atman is a sadhana, and, as per the text, SwamijiParamatmananda visited the
elaborated on how the world is illusory and ArshaVidyaGurukulam (Sept. 22). He talked
temporary and that the world and the mind about PujyaSwamiji’s and his visit with
are interdependent. He always urges us to Prime Minister NarendraModi of India. He
listen with an open mind because the mind held a small Satsang in Swamiji
must Pratyagbodhananda’sroom and talked about
be open if we are to think creatively and (quoting from the BG) how every one of our
if we are to discover, to have insight about senses have their ownragadveshas. Some
AtmavidyA. people asked him about how they could
introduce Vedanta to their children. Swamiji
Swamiji Pratyagbodhananda talked from Paramatmananda and Swamiji
the Mundakopanishad, Part 1. He talked Pratyagbodhananda took turns answering
about the differences between “paraa” and their questions.
“apara” knowledge and that everything but
Brahmavidya is apara knowledge. Swamiji The music class has been conducted by
Pratyagbodhananda, to meet some PanditMukesh Desai and the chanting class
obligations in India, left AVG on Sept. 29th. was conducted by Suddhatma Chaitanya,
who chanted, again, from the Taittiriya-
On September 28th., a Sanskrit and Yoga Upanishad, chapters 7-9. From the second
scholar, Dr. H.V. Nagaraja Rao, gave a talk week, JasparaKalpesh began teaching
during the 11:15 class. Dr. Rao talked about Sanskrit in the morning. And again, Lance
the philosophical nature of the Patanjali’s Daniels has been teaching some Yoga Asana
Yoga Sutras and talked about the different classes.
disciplines of yoga (asana, pranayama, etc.)
that can help the mind. He also said that Navaratri is being celebrated here currently.
it is “chittavrittinirodhaha”- that we are to The worship of Saraswati Devi started
knock off the vrittis, not the mind. He said yesterday and after meditation today
that anything can be achieved by human (Oct.2nd.), the priests performed a Saraswati
beings but self-confidence and a life-long puja in front of a picture of Saraswati and
commitment are necessary. He also said the books we had laid down in front of Her.
that we should be grateful to the Rishis, to Tomorrow, they will do the SaraswatiPunar
the Gurus, the parampara and our parents. Puja after meditation.

At the end of Dr. Rao’s talk, Suddhatma Report by Mami Kato

summarized the talk very concisely for the
audience. Then Swamiji Tattvavidananda
and Swamiji Pratyagbodhananda presented
him with shawls.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 23

Vande MaataraM! Vande MaataraM!

promote the ‘Aim-

for-Seva’ vision of
Parama Pujya Swami
Dayanandaji by
making education
accessible and
available for children
all over the Hindi
belt - in UP,
Uttarakhand, MP. In
Khategaon which is
3 hours away from
Indore – there is a
Two hundred girls assembled for prayer at three storey school building nearing
10am in this AIM for Seva Girls’ school in completion, an existing old school building
a little village, Khategaon , in the heart of constructed with curved arches of
India , Madhya Pradesh! About 12 teachers Maharashtrian style, two buses which
stand attentively around while the girls collect teachers and students from nearby
reverentially sing the beautiful prayer in villages , a guesthouse of VIP standard, a
praise of Mother India in clear, high pitched goshaala with 13 native cows, a double
voices. At the end ‘ Bharat Mata ki Jai’ is storey chatralaya building which is home
repeated thrice. A teacher reads out the to 80 resident girls mostly from
headlines from the local Hindi newspaper Vindhyachala region including18 girls from
– which includes news of the visit of CM Tripura.
Modi to Indore for the global investment
summit, a clip about circulation of fake Set amidst green maize fields under the
currency notes and weather forecast for the vast open sky – it is a luxury to experience
day. Girls disperse and go to their sunrise, sunsets and full moon casting its
respective class rooms to begin the journey light all around. It is magical. The body
from unknown to known. relaxes, mind expands and one is filled with
awe at the reality of a simple and profound
I had always wanted to visit a chatralaya way of life.
in the northern belt and so eagerly accepted
the invitation to visit Chatralaya cum School Acharyaji had already briefed me that the
in Khategaon by Swami Aiswaryanandaji main purpose of my visit would be to
and Acharya Navneetji – who tirelessly interact with school teachers who came
from ‘simple background with a limited

24 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

vision’ and who could perhaps be
challenged to think more creatively
, more scientifically! So I drew up
a tentative plan of talks – Japa, Puja,
Sadhana – these were important , I
thought to inspire anyone to
creativity – but Acharyaji said
firmly ‘one hour of Puja, japaetc per
day is enough for anyone. Think of
interactive topics like – effective
communication, goals important for
family, society and country etc .
Get them to THINK! That’s the
main goal of your visit.

Empowered by this new sense of direction him out of his/her passive learning mode
– I planned the new topics – communi- into a dynamic, unconventional way of
cation, role of values in shaping the child, thinking.
definition of success, use of technology in
education etc. What followed was a series Swami Aishwaryanandaji is a unique blend
of informative and delightful exchanges of seva, bhakti and jnaanam andit is a
amongst us. These young women are from wonder how he remains so unruffled and
orthodox backgrounds, live in joint families cheerful amidst his countless appointments
and perform their duties as daughters, and frequent travels. In him – one can see
wives, mothers, sisters and now as teachers both the strictness of a father and the
they openly shared their personal struggles, softness of a mother so necessary for the
dreams and ambitions. healthy growth of a child. Kumbha, the
charming girl from Tripura told me ‘
I had communicated to them about WheneverSwamiji ( Aiswaryananda) comes
Swamiji’s definition of a teacher - one who here , I feel my mother and father have
is not a professional - rather a ROLE come!’ The teachers were inspired by
MODEL that makes the institution great. personal life stories of Swamij who further
Each of them shared their means of creative clarified their doubts on duties vs right and
communication to make the student encouraged them to start ‘rishi yagna’
understand. They had many questions and through pursuits of knowledge.
doubts and were curious to know more
about deeper significance of our scriptures Anil Bhai who has graciously donated the
and knowledge of meditation. And we family property to Aim for Seva is a strong
enjoyed light sessions of humor and deep presence here and whose life is inspired by
insights about life. Truly – ‘sharing is twice Gandhian values.
learning’ and this was ‘Empowerment of
women’ in a unique way leaving us with Now the girls living in the chatralaya – are
no option but to think. Thanks to Acharyaji truly its Prana! They wake up
– who literally ‘shakes’ everyone who meets early,dosuryanamaskara and Yoga followed

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 25

by bhajans, meditation and special prayers requirements, the Hindi equivalents of
for health of Pujya Swamiji whom they are WBC, RBC, definition of blood pressure etc.
very eager to meet . I too joined these
sessions and learnt to chant the On Purnima day – Swamiji had organized
‘NarmadaashtakaM’. I shared with them – a visit for Narmada –darshan , about 10 km
super brain Yoga, tips on spoken English , away. Narmada Devi flows here – calmly
mental maths meditations,Hanuman – unlike the gushing Ganga Ma in the
Chalisa, games and stories which always north. And since She comes down from
attracted pin drop silence and faces glowing mountains, trees and bushes – the waters
with expectation. are warm. It is believed - the merit one
obtains from a Ganga Snaanam is gained
On Valmiki Jayanti day we took time to here by a mere darshanam (sight) of
discover the precious lessons from the NarmadeDevi. We lit a lamp, prayed for
classic Ramayana.When I asked them – Pujya Swamijis excellent health, visited the
what their personal ambition in life was – ancient Siva temple of Pandava times and
most of them said – they wanted to become after a brief halt at the equally inspiring
a teacher and teach poor children. After a Aims Boys Hostel in Nimaavar nearby, we
simple breakfast of Poha and Chai – they returned back to Khategaon.
go to school. I had the unique opportunity
to teach English to classes 9th and 10th. But I left Khategaon feeling rejuvenated and
I found to my apprehension – the English deeply nourished with the sound of
lesson was on ‘hockey’! Hockey is the Narmadaashtakam still ringing in my mind
national sport. However I knew nothing and sweet Saanchi pedhas melting in the
more about it. I managed to engage their mouth.
attention and enjoyed the temporary role of
As it is rightly said “ There is greater joy
the English teacher.
in feeding (giving) than eating (consuming).
The next day I was to address the 10th std Pujya Swamiji is a living embodiment of
girls and found the lesson to be taught was this truth and who is constantly inspiring
on ‘Basketball’!! Once bitten, twice shy! I us to live a life of maximum contribution.
requested the principal for a change of topic With none of the hustle and bustle of city
and she graciously permitted me to select life, the pollution, the noise, Internet facility,
a lesson which was an extract from the modern luxuries like TV , refrigerator etc
autobiography of – a visit to Khategaon is truly a ‘MUST’ on
the list of places to explore and be enriched
ex-president Abdul Kalam. Again it was a by. Where the wealth and potential of
great experience to watch the faces light up nation lies and where the mind is free from
with some bit of knowledge of life. fear!

Here in Khategaon - there is a smart digital Satgurunaath Mahaaraaj ki Jai! Narmade

classroom where one can see the best use Mata ki Jai! Bharat Mata ki Jai!
of modern technology. I learnt all about
‘Haemoglobin’ - the iron- protein , daily SwamimiSumatmananda

26 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

Ayurveda Hospital at Anaikatti

‘SDJ AYURVEDALAYA’was inaugurated at Anaikattion June 5, 2014 as an ayurveda

treatment centre. Pujya Swami Dayananda Sarasvati inaugurated the inpatient wards at
the hospital on August 29, 2014.Now it has become a full-fledged Ayurveda hospital.
Dr. R. Parthasarathy is the Chief Medical Officer. Dr. P. Saranya wife of Dr. Parthasarathy
is the Senior Medical Officer. Sri S. Narayanan is the Manager.
Those who wish to take treatment in the hospital may contact through e mail:
sdjayurveda@yahoo.com or through Phone No +91 422 2657222and + 91 9442241600.
Further details can be seen in the hospital web site www.sdjayurvedalya.com

Report by N. Avinashilingam

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 27

Pujya Sri Swami Omkarananda
is pleased to announce a 6-month Vedanta course,
leading to a long term course, starting December 1, 2014
Location: Swami Chidbhavananda Ashramam, Vedapuri, Theni.

Course Teachers:
Brahmachari Sivatma Chaitanya
(disciple of Pujya Sri Swami Dayananda Saraswati)
along with Sri Ramanujam and Swami Adhyatmananda.
Visit www.vedaneri.org for details.

Eligibility: Male college graduates (10+2+3) between 22 and 35 years.

Exceptions only for deserving candidates.
Conversant in English.
Medium of instruction English

Duration: 6 months leading to a longer term

Cost: Free of cost. Donations are welcome.

Aim of the course:

Bring about inner transformation through a study of Vedanta and live a life
based on the principles of Vedic heritage.

Course content:
Vedanta – A study of some basic texts of Advaita, Bhagavad Gita and
Also an overview of Mahabharata with focus on value structure.
Sanskrit – The goal would be to get a good grasp of the language.
Spoken Sanskrit will also be taught. Knowing Sanskrit is not a pre-requisite.

Workshops/interactive sessions:
Interactive sessions
to bring out tangibly the role of Vedanta in one’s inner transformation,
Indian Heritage: Detailed overview about the ancient Indian education system,
art, Governance, Temples etc.

Application form:
Visit www.vedaneri.org or
Contact our office at –
Swami Chidbhavananda Ashramam,
Chatrapatti Road, Vedapuri, Theni 625 531. Tamilnadu.
Phone: 91-4546-253908
Course-E-mail: <thenivedantacourse@gmail.com>

Application deadline: October 1, 2014

28 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014


PadmasriArutchelvar Dr N. Mahalingam of Coimbatore, a great devotee

of PujyaSwamiji attained Lord’s feet on October 2, 2014. A great
Gandhian leaves his mortal body on Mahatma’s birthday, himself being
a Mahatma. PujyaSwamiji met the ailing scholar just a week before his
death and blessed him.


Dr. N. Mahalingam was a Gandhian thinker, Vallalar devotee,

industrialist, businessman, politician, nationalist, author of
eminence, agriculturist, a humanitarian and philanthropist. One may
wonder how all these could be in one person. I knew Sri Mahalingam;
therefore, I know it is possible. He was a prudent given and in his
giving there was consistency. When he was not convinced of the cause,
he would give a firm ‘no’. Convinced, he would go all the way to
support the cause. He was the person of the era, a rare phenomenon.
For me, he was just ‘Iyya’.

Swami DayanandaSaraswati
October 7, 2014

30 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

Pearls of Wisdom

The self is not an object of perception; it

is the subject who perceives. Nor is the self
available for inference; it is the one who
makes each inference. Since the self-
knowledge unfolded in the Upanishads is
not based on perception or inference, it
must be understood as revealed knowledge.

To see oneself is knowledge of oneself

as something that is not subject to
negation; it is the knowledge of the
whole. Atma is, therefore, to be
understood as the whole, that which
is free from all attributes – as yourself.
All attributes are incidental.

Only when I have negated all the false

notions I have entertained about
myself will I be able to see clearly what
I really am. This process of inquiry
involves a lot of analysis and leads to
jnanam, self-knowledge.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014 31

The very order which makes a given
thing what it is and not anything else,
is the Lord. Man himself is ‘made’,
then what is ‘man-made’ ? Man has no
authorship as it is the omniscience of
the Lord alone that is manifest as the

You have to question whether the

person whom you think you are, is
really the same person. If that is so,
there is no solution to the problem.
If that is not so, you have no problem.

Arsha Vidya Newsletter

Annual Subscription: Rs.180/-
Published by V. Sivaprasad
Trustee, Sruti Seva Trust, Anaikatti, Coimbatore 641108
Edited by
S. Srinivasan - 0422-2657001
Printed by B. Rajkumar,
Rasi Graphics Pvt. Ltd.,
40 Peters Road, Madras 600014. Ph. 28132790, 28131232

32 Arsha Vidya Newsletter - October 2014

Sri P.R.Ramasubrahmaneya Rajhah, Trustee donates
Rs.50 lacs to Corpus Fund of Sruti Seva Trust on Oct 8, 2014
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