System reagent for the quantitative determination of C-Reactive Protein in human serum on Beckman Coulter AU/DxC
AU Analyzers.
C-reactive protein (CRP) has long been recognized as one of the most, if not the most, sensitive of the acute-phase
reactants. C-reactive protein levels in plasma can rise dramatically after myocardial infarction, stress, trauma, infection,
inflammation, surgery, or neoplastic proliferation. The increase occurs within 24 to 48 hours, and the level may be 2000
times normal. Because the increase is nonspecific however, it cannot be interpreted without a complete clinical history,
and even then only by comparison with previous values. Cord blood normally has low CRP concentrations (0.01 - 0.35
mg/L), but in intra-uterine infection, levels may be high as 260 mg/L.
For unknown reasons, the degree of C-reactive protein response varies in some diseases that are otherwise apparently
similar. For example, the C-reactive protein response in systemic lupus and ulcerative colitis, even when there are
obvious signs and symptoms of inflammation, is slight in contrast to its very large response in rheumatoid arthritis and
Crohn’s disease.
Immune complexes formed in solution scatter light in proportion to their size, shape, and concentration. Turbidimeters
measure the reduction of incidence light due to reflection, absorption, or scatter. In this procedure, the measurement of
the rate of decrease in light intensity transmitted (increase in absorbance) through particles suspended in solution is the
result of complexes formed during the antigen-antibody reaction.
C-reactive protein specimens are stable for 11 days at 20 - 25°C and 2 months at 4 - 8°C in serum and plasma. For
longer storage, freeze serum to -20°C.1 However, please note that it has been reported that frozen specimens may give
false-positive results.2
Specimen storage and stability information provides guidance to the laboratory. Based on specific needs, each laboratory
may establish alternative storage and stability information according to good laboratory practice or from alternative
reference documentation.
Serum, free from hemolysis, is the recommended specimen. When used to evaluate patients with arthritis, serum is
preferred specimen. Avoid highly lipemic samples which may produce excessively high scatter signals.
Additional instructions for patient sample preparation as designated by this laboratory:
1. Exercise the normal precautions required for handling all laboratory reagents.
2. Dispose of all waste material in accordance with local guidelines.
3. This product contains material of animal origin. The product should be considered as potentially capable of
transmitting infectious diseases.
Sodium azide preservative may form explosive compounds in metal drain lines.
See NIOSH Bulletin: Explosive Azide Hazard (8/16/76).
To avoid the possible build-up of azide compounds, flush wastepipes with
water after the disposal of undiluted reagent. Sodium azide disposal must be in
accordance with appropriate local regulations.
For use on the AU480, AU680, AU5800, DxC 500 AU and DxC 700 AU Beckman Coulter Analyzers.
Storage location of test tubes or sample cups in this laboratory:
The C-Reactive Protein reagents are ready for use. No preparation is required.
1. The unopened reagents are stable until the expiration date printed on the label when stored at 2 - 8°C.
2. Opened bottles of reagent are stable for 90 days when stored in the refrigerated compartment of the analyzer.
Visible signs of microbial growth, turbidity, precipitate, or change in color in the C-Reactive Protein reagents may indicate
degradation and warrant discontinuation of use.
Additional storage requirements as designated by this laboratory:
The Beckman Coulter AU/DxC AU analyzer automatically computes every determination at the same time interval.
The frequency of calibration for the C-reactive protein procedure is every 90 days. Calibration of this C-reactive protein
procedure is accomplished by use of the Serum Protein Multi-Calibrator (Cat # ODR3021), which is traceable to IFCC
(International Federation of Clinical Chemistry) standard CRM 470 (RPPHS).
The Serum Protein Multi-Calibrator is a 6 - level calibrator for serum proteins including CRP (Level 6 for use with CRP
OSR6x47 only).
During operation of the Beckman Coulter AU/DxC AU analyzer, at least two levels of an appropriate quality control
material should be tested a minimum of once a day. In addition, controls should be performed after calibration with each
new lot of reagent, and after specific maintenance or troubleshooting steps described in the appropriate Beckman Coulter
AU/DxC AU analyzer Instructions For Use (IFU) and Reference Manual. Quality control testing should be performed in
accordance with regulatory requirements and each laboratory's standard procedure.
A complete list of test parameters and operational procedures are provided in the relevant AU/DxC AU analyzer IFU and
Reference Manual.
The default unit of measure is mg/L, for conversion to mg/dL the result is divided by 10.
Results of studies4 show that the following substances do not interfere with this C-reactive protein procedure.
The criteria for no significant interference is recovery within 10% of the initial value.
Data contained within this section is representative of performance on Beckman Coulter systems. Data obtained in your
laboratory may differ from these values.
Patient serum samples were evaluated in method comparison studies.
Results of Deming regression analysis were as follows:
Estimates of precision, based on CLSI recommendations8, are consistent with typical performance. The within run
precision is less than 5% CV or SD ≤ 1 and the total precision is less than 5% CV or SD ≤ 1. Assays of serum pools and
control sera were performed and the data reduced following the CLSI guidelines above.
DxC 700 AU analyzers require that each reagent application has a standard format of abbreviated Test Name. This Test
Name is required to allow automated loading of the calibrator information for each application. Refer to the table below
for the Test Name assigned to each application for this assay.
Updated AU to AU/DxC AU
Addition of DxC 500 AU information
2. Rose, N.R. et. al (ed) Manual of Clinical Laboratory Immunology, American Society of Microbiology, Washington,
DC, 1986.
3. Beckman Coulter Inc., data on samples collected from 200 blood donors in North Texas.
5. Ashwood, E.R., Burtis, C.A., Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry, 2nd Edition, W.B. Saunders, 1994.
6. Young, D.S., Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, 5th Edition, AACC Press, 2000.