Time Table 1 To3
Time Table 1 To3
Time Table 1 To3
Vaishali Nagar Bhilai, Durg (CG)
Class – I To III
Non Academic Examination
(Exam will be conducted during regular classes)
Date Day I II III
19.02.2024 Monday English (SET) EVS (SET) Maths (SET)
20.02.2024 Tuesday Comp. Practical Comp. Practical Comp. Practical
21.02.2024 Wednesday Maths (SET) Hindi (SET) EVS (SET)
22.02.2024 Thursday Art & Craft Art & Craft English (SET)
23.02.2024 Friday EVS (SET) English (SET) Art & Craft
24.02.2024 Saturday GK GK GK
26.02.2024 Monday Hindi (SET) Maths (SET) Hindi (SET)
27.02.2024 Tuesday Comp. (PPT) Comp. (PPT) Comp. (PPT)
Note: SET Examination will be conducted in allotted time during regular classes from 19.02.2024 to 28.02.2024
During the SET examination First four period will be the regular classes and after break the exam will be
Parameter of SET will be given in writing to all students by subject by teachers in regular classes.
SET-Skill Enrichment Test
PPT- Pen Paper Test
Date :06/01/2023
Vaishali Nagar Bhilai, Durg (CG)
Class – I To III
Written Examination
Reporting Time - 07:45 am Written Examination Time - 8:00 am to 10:30 am
Date Day I II III
01.03.2024 Friday Maths EVS English
04.03.2024 Monday Hindi English EVS
06.03.2024 Wednesday - - -
09.03.2024 Saturday English Hindi Maths
11.03.2024 Monday - - -
13.03.2024 Wednesday EVS Maths Hindi
Note : - Parents Please :- vfHkHkkod d`i;k /;ku nsoa sA
1. Clear all the dues by 15.02.2024 otherwise, the student will not be allowed in examination.
fnukad 15-02-2024 rd l= ds lHkh ns; jkf”k tek dj ikorh ysA Hkqxrku u gksus dh LFkfr esa ijh{kk esa lfEefyr ugh gks ldsxsA
2. Send your ward with required material for examination on scheduled date timely.
vius ikY; dks ijh{kk frfFk ,oa fo’k; vuqlkj ijh{kk lkexzh ds lkFk le; ij Hkst
a As
3. Attendance is compulsory in Written & Skill Enrichment Test(SET) .
fyf[kr ,oa dkS”ky lao/kZu ijh{kk esa mifLFkfr vfuok;Z gSA
4. The Answer book for classes I To III will be given to parents for spot observation on
22.03.2024 .
fnukad 22-03-2024 dks d{kk 1 ls d{kk 3 rd ds vfHkHkkodksa dks mŸkjiqfLrdk;sa fn[kkbZ tk;sxhA
5. Books & Copies list will be to parents on the result declaration day.
ifj.kke ?kks’k.kk ds fnu vfHkHkkodksa dks fdrkc vkSj dkfi;ksa dh lwph nh tk;sxhA
6. Compartmental & retest will commence from 05.04.2024 to 12.04.2024. The students for retest
(nonappearance in main examination) need to produce authentic medical document.
iwjd ,oa iqu% ijh{kk fnukad 05-04-2024 ls 12-04-2024 rd fu/kkZfjr gSA ijh{kk esa vuqifLFkr fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks izkd`frd
vkink ;k esfMdy nLrkost ds vk/kkj ij gh iqu% ijh{kk esa lfEefyr gksus dh vuqefr gksxhA
7. Information related to session 2024-25 will be given on the last day of examination to the students.
l= 2024&25 ls lacaf/kr tkudkjh ijh{kk ds vafre fnu fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks nh tk;sxhA
8. The New session 2024-25 starts from 01.04.2024. Summer vacation will commence from 01st May
2024 to15th June 2024.The school will reopen on 18th June 2024 in regular schedule.
fnukad 01-04-2024 ls uohu l= 2024&25 dh d{kk,¡ izkjEHk gksxhA xzh’edkyhu vodk”k 01-05-2024 ls
15-06-2024 rd jgsxkA fnukad 18-06-2024 ls d{kk,¡ iqu% vius fu/kkZfjr le; ij yxsxhA
9. Mark statements/Result to students will be distributed on 01.04.2024 in regular teaching schedule.
vadlwph 01-04-2024 dks fo|kfFkZ;ksa dks fu;fer d{kkvksa esa forfjr fd;k tk,xkA
10. Exam schedule subject to change. ijh{kk lkj.kh esa cnyko ds lokZf/kdkj lqjf{kr gSA
Note : Kindly clear your outstanding fees and produce NOC before non – academic and academicexamination.