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Audit Report

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N{agnitude Xlanagement Services Private Limited

Fll 1 lssire 1l I Rev LtO CLIENT A(}REEN{ENT

(01 06.20r8)


Second Parl-v)

agreement is entered into the follorvins Temrs and Conditions:

4. Rights antl Duties of \tMS

4. I The orurership for Logo or mark, Clertillcatjon doculents. Audit reports etc lies with \4MS and in ary situation the second parq- make
any incofiect refelencc 10 the certification status or l])isleading the LlSe ofcertification docrnne[ts, Mart or logo or audit reporls then
MMS will take the following steps

4. L1 Prima Facie MMS will request to the ser:ond palt) for coreclion and corcctive aclion.
4.1.2 Iucasesecondpaft)-isnottakingthecorrectiveactionthenM\4Sshall suspendandWithdrarvalofcertilication.
4. 1 .3 hr case slill Second Dafl) is not laking action lllen a notice of lnfringernenl of Lrtelleclual propefll shall be giverr and Legal
actiol] shall be taken against the second pafiy.
4.2 MMS shall not disclose intbmradon about a particular cefiilled cliert or irldividua] to a third pany \lilhout thc writtcn conserll of the
cefiilied client or individual concenred Fl\cepl il required in this parf oflSO,]lEC 1702 L
4.3 When the MNIS is recpired bl lau'or aul.holized bv coutnctral anarseirenls (such as rvith the accreditation body) to release
corfidenlial infonlation. the client or indiyidual r:oncerned shall, trnless piohibited b1, larv. be ilotified o[lhe inlomralion provided
++ The ceftificaTion bodv shall have processes and where applicable etluiprrent and thcililies lhal cnsu'c the secure handling of
confi dential information
4.5 Anv infornration about the client (e.9. contplaint- Noticc or feedbaok) received by MMS liom the any person other than ciient iike
complainant/Regulators,lstatutorJ bodies or anv other person shall be treated conlidential and callt not be disclosed to client. All other
inlbrmalion. ercept tbr irlbmation that is nrade publicly acccssible b) the clienl, rvijl be corsideretl confidential bv MMS
4.6 u,hen there is anl change in the requirelrent ofthe certificaliorl ther N{MS *'ill serd a nolice to client conlpan-_v intimalirg the re\r
reqilirernenl or cliarge. The cliert has 10 Clonrplv to l'rotice of anv charqes to iTs require[ren1s lor certificalior] ard verification ol
cunpliarce with the nov requirements
4.1 MMS shall provide information ofclienr's. addless standard and scope in pubirc dor:rain.
4.8 lnformation provrded b),tire MMS to anr clienl rx to the nrarketplirce, including adveftising, shall be accurate and not misleadiug.
4.9 IVIMS shall provide a detalled description olthe initial and continuing certificatlon rclivity. including the applicaliol, iuitial audits-
stuleiilarce audits, and the process for uratrttlg, retusinc- maintaining of certilication, erpanding or reducing the scope ol
ceilillcation, relerving. suspel]ding or restorirg- or withdrarring ofceftification rvhich is aYailable on thc websrle 01'the conrpany i.e
. tiirr r-.:l i i: ti, t. l

.1.1 0 tl:re rx)nnil1ive reqrrirements tb;'certitication; ifrequiled tcin tifire to tlnrc

-1.1 ifforlilirtion about thr tees tbr applrcatior), inl1ia1 ceniticalion arrrl continuing
1 cefjtrcalion in the l'omr ol't]rc qLrotation or vl)rk oiler.
4.t2 wiren tlrere is anv cliange il) lhe reqdrcrlenl o1'the ccrtification then MMS u,ill scnd a notice to chenr compa}'trrtimatin! ihe [e$'
rcquiremenl or ciargc. l'he clicnl has 10 Colnply to l)otice of any clranges to its requircilrents ibr cerlillcation ard verj{lcation of
conrplialce u.ith the new require0rerits
4.L3 MMS can coilduct audits ol cerlilied clients at short ilo1ice or unannounced audit to invesfigatc colnplaiuts aller ensurins that it
belolrgs to MMS. or in resporrse to chaLrges (Legal stat(s, Orgarisation and nlarlageurent- address ard sites, scope. lnajor chalges to
nlal)agemer]l s.vslern md processes, latal accidcnts or a legal action by an-v', regulatory authoriq') OR a lollo}' Lrp on suspended clients
. The client Courparry carl reflse or reject or make m! obi€ction lor the Auditor or the Audit T eanr in case ol short nolicc Audit

5. l,iabilitr
5I Excepl, ir the case oldeliberate ueglecl on the pafl olMMS, its empiovees, servanls or agents. Ml\4S sha.ll not be liablc lbr arv loss or
damage sustained by ary person due to any act of omission or eror u4ratsoever or howsoever caused during the pefiilrmance of its
asSe.\r net I l. CCtl I li( rl tut) o r ol I rcr scn rcc:

MMS shall not be liable in arl.v respect- sbould i1 be prevented fiom discharging such obligatiols as a resull ofany nutter be.vond its
conlrol \vhich cotrid not be reasonabll' foreseen.
7. Disputes:
ln case oftlrc dispute trise bctween the paties then it shall be settled by appointrlent ofthe sole arbitrator as the Indian Laws. Aggdeved
pafly can challenge lhe arvard olarbitrator wilh 30 days ofthe arvard but the Jurisdiction mea sha]l be New Delhi only and the case can
be tiled in the conrpelent coul1 01' Ne\r l)elhi o[ly.


Magnitude Management Sewices Pvt. Ltd. Namrofcompany H\I A,g!ocraTED Et{

Name of Signatory:
t^e#*-t e ;IsA


Rev 00 (01 .06.201 8)

Date of audit
Name of the Compan_v M/s Associated Engineers
Audit type
Scope of Certification

s.N Name Position Department Signature

Opening Meeting Closing Meeting


02 SANTOSH BARAI ENGINEER \f gr4^^4,t/ V' Pr4^i'.^)r-
04 SANTOSH MAHTO SI]PERVTSOR 4r*,'ry &srld**
MANAGER w;',* @.w


ISO 9001:2015 Rev 00
Stage 2 Audit RePort

Team Leader Declaration (Tick or Each Column as ner anolicabilitv)

is based on a of the available information
Audit is oint or
The effectiveness of corrective actions taken identified
nonconfbrmities has verified
outcomes are eflective and
The intenral audit and management revieu'process are effective and complying with the

The of ceftitlcation is
The of the to meet and
The audit ectives has been fulfllled and achieved.
Recommended with 2within 60 from this audit
Recommend not proceeding to stage 2 until audit evidence has been submitted to MMS
shorving that the concerns raised by the auditor (s ) have been rectif-red. A date tbr stage
2 u,ill then be
Recommend not proceeding without a further stage I Audit due to the severitv of the
concerns raised the audit team

Off : Date
MMS Submission Client tbr
Name of Auditor: Narne:
Signature: Sign:


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