Master Thesis
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
It is study about the influencing the Online Integrated Marketing Communication. It is not only beneficial
for organisation also for the helps us given information about the product and make awareness
of the brand. It’s plays a crucial role in today competitive market.
How customer more aware about the product?
How can be improve the technology?
• To understand the importance of Online advertising in changing market scenario.
• To understand the reasons for growing popularity of online marketing.
• To analyze the effectiveness of online marketing as compared to traditional marketing tools.
• To identify the limitations of online marketing as IMC tool.
Research Design:
• Descriptive research
• Survey method is Questionnaire Techniques
• Data collection through Telephone, Personal interview
• Using primary and secondary data
• Sample size 200
• Area – DELHI NCR
• Sample frame – Educational Institutions, Public Places & Corporate Office
Major findings and conclusions
• Awareness about the various brand?
• How rely on just one medium to get knowledge about any brand?
• Which source do you refer the most to get awareness of various brands?
• How do not require much information to take purchase decision.
• Companies should use online activities in their marketing efforts.
• how prefer Online advertising as it is SAFEST to use.
The study concludes consumer should be focus on more than one medium to aware about the brands. In
the modern and technology era should be literate about the internet among the people. There are many
social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, online shopping apps, (photo, music, video) also post on
the social sites.
Today consumer know their strength and weakness; how can save their time by allowing them to make
their quick buy decision.
Internet helps to the customer buy a product in many offers, discounts and sharing theiur feedback.
Traditional marketing day by day decreasing.
Companies needs to improve the technology to reach targeted audience. To help their awareness to the
brand and also influence the consumer behaviour.
It is need to improve to their cyber security and data privacy of the consumers. Consumers is more
expanding time on the social sites also get feedback easily to improve their system. It needs to be build
trust and strong relationship to their customers. Consumer get more beneficial in online marketing as
compare to traditional marketing.
2. Which source do you refer the most to get awareness of various brands?
• Print ads Television commercials
• In-store promotion
• Outdoor media
• Online media
• Strongly disagree
9. I don’t prefer the print ads or Television commercials much to get the brand awareness.
• Strongly agree
• Agree
• No opinion
• Disagree
• Strongly disagree
10. What benefits does online marketing offer over the traditional marketing?
(Tick only one, which is more prominent according to you)
• Wide range of information
• Low cost
• Ease of shopping
• Interactive medium
• Time saving
History of IMC:
First defined by the American Association of Advertising Agencies in 1989, IMC was developed mainly
to address the need for businesses to offer clients more than just standard advertising. The 4As originally
coined the term the "new advertising”, however this title did not appropriately incorporate many other
aspects included in the term "IMC" - most notably, those beyond traditional advertising process aside from
simply advertising.
Overall, an influx of new marketplace trends in the late 20th century spurred organisations to shift from
the standard advertising approach to the IMC approach:
Decreasing message impact and credibility: The growing number of commercial messaging made it
increasingly more difficult for a single message to have a noteworthy effect.
Decreasing costs of databases: The cost of storing and retrieving names, addresses and information from
databases significantly declined. This decline allowed marketers to reach consumers more effectively.
Increasing client expertise: Clients of marketing and public relations firms became more educated
regarding advertising policies, procedures and tactics. Clients began to realize that television advertising
was not the only way to reach consumers.
Increasing mergers and acquisitions of agencies: Many top public relations firms and advertising agencies
became partners or partnered with other communication firms. These mergers allowed for more creativity,
and the expansion of communication from only advertising, to other disciplines such as event planning
and promotion.
Increasing global marketing: There was a rapid influx in advertising competition from foreign countries.
Companies quickly realised that even if they did not conduct business outside their own country, they
were now competing in global marketing.
Increasing media and audience fragmentation: With the exception of the decline of newspapers, media
outlets, such as magazines and television stations, increased from 1980 to 1990. Additionally, companies
could use new technologies and computers to target specialized audiences based on factors such as ethnic
background or place of residence.
Increasing number of overall products: Manufacturers flooded retailers with a plethora of new products,
many of which were identical to products that already existed. Therefore, a unique marketing and branding
approach was crucial to attract customer attention and increase sales.
Stages of Integrated Marketing Communication Process
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is a procedure by which businesses and institutions align
their marketing and communication objectives with their firm or institutional goals using a custom method.
Market Research - Thorough understanding of customer behaviour will outclass the demographic features
of the market. The research will define the audience and the value of the product correctly.
SWOT Analysis - Analysis using SWOT will comprehensively give an insight into external and internal
factors. It will set a strong marketing strategy to drive the business to the optimum point.
Setting Goals - Determining marketing objectives towards customer experience, creating awareness
regarding the product and services will improve the brand image.
Budget - As per the targets set, financial investments and ROI are crucial before initiating the marketing
strategies. The SWOT analysis report will determine the funds for igniting the sales and revenue
generation for the organization.
Execution- Delivering as per the strategies set according to the organization's objectives will ensure
effective marketing.
Evaluation-Traffic in the company's website and social networking sites, increase in the followers' count,
high sales are all the metrics to evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing strategies.
6. Push notifications
Benefits of Integrated marketing channel:
1. IMC helps to the awareness of the products through various marketing tools.
2. IMC not only creates the brand awareness but convert into actual purchase action.
3. IMC helps to build brand loyalty of the company which helps to repeat purchase of the product.
4. IMC helps to brand image as well as company image in the mind of the customers.
5. IMC helps to the promotion through tools for expanding their market from local to global
(international market).
1) It is creating a conflict between the different departments in the organisations.
2) It is not possible to single agency to handle all communication areas.
The global digital advertising and marketing market was estimated at $350 billion in 2020 and is projected
to reach $786.2 billion by 2026.The U.S. digital advertising and marketing market is currently estimated
at $460 billion.
Google holds 92% of the total worldwide search engine market share.
the International Journal of Advanced Research Foundation reveals the following stats on digital
marketing in India-
Between 1971 and 1972, The ARPANET is used to arrange a sale between students at the Stanford
Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the earliest example of
electronics or digital commerce.
9. Content Marketing-Content marketing refers to informational, valuable content like blog posts,
how-to videos, and other instructional materials. This type of marketing helps you connect with your
audience and answer their questions. It can also help to generate leads and close sales.
India’s social commerce has the potential to expand to US$16–20 billion in FY25, growing at a CAGR of
India’s e-commerce market is expected to reach US$ 111 billion by 2024 and US$ 200 billion by 2026.
In 2022, the Indian ecommerce market is predicted to increase by 21.5%, reaching US$ 74.8 billion.
India’s e-commerce market is expected to reach US$ 350 billion by 2030.
Attention- grab the attention of target audience and attract them towards ad message. It leads to generate
Interest- in the central theme of the ad that presents a forceful selling point, which arouses
Desire- to give positive response and act in a favourable manner that ultimately leads to
Action-of purchasing product or making an inquiry
The popularization of the concept of integrated marketing communication has been confirmed by both
growing number of publications on the subject and examples from business practice showing the
efficiency and effectiveness of IMC programmes. In this area it is in particular the interest in
professionalization of communication activities for the benefit of brand that has grown. According to G.
Hajduk (2010), properly designed and efficient IMC should assure that all forms of contacts with clients
and other target groups of a brand will be dedicated to a particular recipient, comprehensible and coherent
in terms of the content of message. The author himself defines IMC as a "strategic business process used
to plan, develop, execute and assess a coordinated, measurable, convincing programme of communication
of a brand with consumers, potential clients and other target recipients, both internal and external ones".
The classical tools of IMC
• Advertising -Mass media advertising, or the awareness builder, consists of “non-personal, one
way, planned messages paid for by an identified sponsor and disseminated to abroad audience in order to
influence their attitudes and behavior.” (Duncan, 2002, p. 506). It is a very broad tool and primary
objective is to create awareness.
• Personal selling -Personal selling is defined as “Two way communication in which a seller
interprets brand features in terms of buyer benefits.” (Duncan, 2002, p. 617). Also called the face-to face
• Public relations-. Public relation can create a goodwill and a positive understanding between an
organization and its stakeholders. Marketing PRis defines as non-paid media to deliver positive brand
information designed to
positively influence costumers & prospects.” (Duncan, 2002, p.543)
• Sales promotion-Sales promotion and the value added communication, is a communication tool
that encourages people to action by adding value. It is “a short term, added- value offer designed to
encourage and accelerate a response” (Duncan, 2002, p. 569).
• Events & sponsorship-Event marketing & sponsorship are not the same but they overlap and have
many things in common. They are designed to create involvement and are effective to bond customers to
a brand or company. Event marketing a used to involve,I ncrease awareness, reach audience and gain
publicity. Sponsorships have increased over the year and both differentiate and add value. The definition
is the “the financial support of an organization, person or an activity in exchange of brand publicity and
association.” (Duncan, 2002, p. 640).
Online marketing
Mohan Nair (2011) takes social media as a complex marriage of sociology and technology that cannot be
underestimated in its impact to an organization marketing communication, choice as to when to engage,
how to manage and measure, and whether to lead or to follow is complex but not an impossible task. These
cannot be answered simply by one formula because the context and the market dynamics are strong
variables in these decisions. Even though the interest for social media is huge, few companies understand
what the term ―social media can mean to their businesses. But how much it has been given importance,
as an IMC tool, varies from region to region (PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), 2009; Budde Comm &
Chiltern Magazine Services
E-mail Marketing
E-mail Marketing The study of (Dheeraj & Pars, 2017; Kaur & Singh, 2017) discussed about the top
motivator factors of shopping online. Being of the main success factors of e-mail marketing is the
additive information by their clients to the list of subscribers, which allows you to remain in permanent
connection and on a regular basis with them by the directorate of marketing and promotional campaigns.
Search -engine marketing
Viral marketing
Digital ads
More AI uses
Metaverse (2021 work in progress)
Research objective & Methodology
Scope of the research:
The study aims to understand the great contribution of Online marketing as a part of Integrated Marketing
Communication and to know it’s very good efforts towards promotion in practice and also to find out
some challenges in using online marketing as a tool of integrated marketing communication. The
recommendations of this research can be used to frame an appropriate Integrated Marketing
Communication strategy in which companies can give special consideration to online marketing along
with the other traditional tools of IMC.
Research problem:
This study focuses on following problems
• Should companies integrate various marketing tools to communicate about its brand?
• How do consumers get awareness about different brands?
• How online marketing plays important role in companies’ marketing strategy? • What are the
reasons for growing popularity of online marketing among consumers?
• How is online marketing advantageous over traditional marketing?
• What are the loopholes in online marketing?
Research objectives:
Based on the above research problems, the research objectives are as follows,
• To understand the importance of Online advertising in changing market scenario.
• To understand the reasons for growing popularity of online marketing.
• To analyze the effectiveness of online marketing as compared to traditional marketing tools.
• To identify the limitations of online marketing as IMC tool
Research Methodology:
The first step is to formulate a research design. This means planning a strategy of conducting research. It
is a detailed plan of how the goals of research will be achieved. Research design is exploratory, descriptive
and/or experimental in nature. After collecting and analysis of the data, the researcher has to accomplish
the task of drawing inferences. Only through interpretation researcher can expose relations and processes
that underlie his findings and ultimately conclusions. Interpretation refers to the task of drawing inferences
from the collected facts after an analytical study.
It is a search for broader meaning and research findings. It is the device through which factors that seem
to explain what has been observed by researcher in the course can be better understood and provides
theoretical conception which serve as a guide for further researches. It is essential because it will lead
towards findings of the study and proper effective conclusions of the study.
In the present study, researcher has followed Descriptive research. Descriptive research is usually a fact
finding approach generalizing a cross -sectional study of present situation.
The major goal of descriptive research is to describe events, phenomenon and situations on the basis of
observation and other sources.
Survey Method:
The survey method is the technique of gathering data by asking questions from people who are thought to
have the desired information. Every effort should be made to state the objectives in specific terms.
The survey design can be defined as: “gathering information about a large number of people by
interviewing a few of them.”
The definition can be modified by stating that collecting information with other data collection
alternatives available to survey researcher in addition interviewing such as questionnaire, personal
observation etc. Surveys are conducted in descriptive research studies with the help of questionnaire
techniques in most appropriate manner. Survey type of research studies usually have larger sample. It is
concerned with conditions or relationships that exists, opinion that are held, processes that are going on
effects that are evident or trends that are developing. Thus in surveys variables that exist or have already
occurred are selected and observed.
Data Collection:
Data collection means to a purposive gathering of information relevant to the subject matter of the study
from the units under research. Primary data are empirical observations gathered by the researches. There
are several methods of collecting primary data particularly in descriptive researches
• Telephone enquiries
• Personal interviewing
Telephonic inquiries and telephonic questionnaires are the best’s method for gathering quickly needed
information at the cheapest way.
Secondary data is the data collected by others in the past and used by others. It may be either being
published or unpublished data. It includes the following:
Various publications of central, state and local governments.
• Technical and trade journals
• Books, magazines, and new paper.
• Reports prepared by research scholars etc
• Reports publications of various associations connected with business and industry, bank,
university, economists etc.
• Sources of unpublished data are many diaries, letters etc.
Using secondary source the researcher must ensure reliability sustainability and adequacy of data.
In present study, researcher has used published and unpublished sources of secondary data. Secondary
data was collected to provide the dissertation with necessary theoretical back up. Information related to
IMC, online marketing & its implication etc. was collected through various secondary sources such as
research journals, reference books, business magazines and content sharing websites.
Sampling methods:
Sample selection is undertaken for practical impossibility to survey entire population by applying
rationality in selection of samples we generalize the findings of our research. A collection from all items
of the population is known as census enquiry. But practically considerations of time and cost almost in
variably lead to a selection of respondents called sampling techniques. A sample design is a definite plan
for obtaining a sample from a given population.
Sampling process: Define the population: the population is said to be completely defined if at least the
following terms are specified i.e. elements, sampling units, extent, and time. In this research such terms
may be defined as follows
• Elements
• Sampling units
• Extent
• Time
1. Identifying the sampling frame: a complete list of population units is the sampling frame it should
be so selected which consist of almost all the sampling units.
2. Specifying sampling unit: it is the basis unit containing the elements of target population. 3.
Specify the sample method: it indicates how the sample units are selected, whether probability or
non-probability samples are to be taken.
4. Determine the sample size: the decisions about the number of elements to be chosen i.e. number
of observations in each sample of the target.
5. Parameters of interest: one must consider the questions of specific population parameter which are
of the interest.
6. Select the sample: final step in the selection of sample process where a good deal of field work
and office work is introduced in the actual selection of sample elements:
• Sample size :200 people
• Area covered: Delhi NCR
• Sample frame: Educational Institutions & Corporate offices.
Data analysis tools for research:
To analyze data collected through structured questionnaire researcher used statistical
software SPSS 17.0 and Ms-Excel Add-In Data Analysis. Statistical tools used for the
analysis are Mean, Median & mode, Standard deviation, Skewness & Kurtosis.
Validity of the data:
The approach of content valid it was used in order to verify whether the context of measure covers the full
domain of the content. It helped to assess how items used in the survey represent their context domain and
how clear they are.
Thus, the present study adopts descriptive research design and undertakes the survey method with
questionnaire as a research instrument in order to collect primary data required in the research. Stratified
probability sampling is the sampling technique used to select the appropriate sample.
Limitations of the study:
• The study is limited to Delhi NCR
April 16.2019
Integrated marketing enables a unified and consistent experience for customers to interact with a brand
or company.
Integrated marketing communications (IMC) is the coordination and integration of all marketing
communications tools, avenues, and sources in a company into a seamless program designed to
maximize the impact on customers and other stakeholders. The program covers all of a firm’s business-
to-business, market channel, and internally-directed communications - James G. Hutton.
Integrated marketing and IMC by evaluating case studies of companies that have taken an integrated
marketing communication approach.
Integrated Marketing Communication Case Study #1 - Microsoft
Microsoft Corporation is an American technology company. It develops, manufactures, licenses,
supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics, personal computers, and related services.
Their mission is to 'empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.'
Microsoft's Integrated Marketing Communication Channels:
Print and media are a pivotal part of Microsoft's marketing strategy. Microsoft spends upwards of $1.5
Billion for Print and media alone.
Microsoft print integrated marketing communication campaign. One of its ingenious print advertising
campaigns for Microsoft's Office 365 software includes the WiFi-enabled promotion on the Forbes
Microsoft's Forbes Print Ad with a Wifi Router
A sleek router with a battery placed within the magazine gave its subscribers free wifi for 15 days. This
gimmick ensured that readers had to retain the magazine him at all times and contributed multiple
exposures of the ad to the reader.
Currently, Microsoft is undertaking a slow shift from traditional media to social media and other online
Microsoft's Integrated Marketing Communication Approach:
Microsoft has been continuously taking up several Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects and has placed AI
high up in its product portfolio. To promote its AI offerings, Microsoft teamed up with Carlsberg to use
AI to speed up the process of brewing new flavors of the beer.
The company has marketed this project using the integrated marketing approach using a multitude of
It is the process of using the Statistical technique to describe and summarize the data. Which can be easier
to use. It helps the study of distribution of one variable. this study provides several work group, person
and other subjects with multiple characteristics.
Descriptive analysis is more specific for the dimensions research target. It is helpful for the researcher to
observe, understand and provide concepts to apply it.
It is essential towards the findings of the study and Effective outcomes of the study.
It is the most common and effective approach for the researcher. The problem is described by the
researcher through the questionnaire to help the direct contact with respondent. This approach helps to
generate new ideas.
Inferential analysis
It is the process that helps to compare your sample data to other samples or to previous data. The method
of inferential statistics are estimation of parameters 2 testing of hypothesis
Descriptive analysis of primary data:
This part of the study focuses on the main objective of the research. Researcher used statistical tools like
mean, standard deviation and graphs for analysis of primary data.
Profile of Respondents:
Survey of research work was conducted in the Delhi NCR online marketing. sample of 200 respondents
was selected for survey. The Questionnaire included a segment on customers profile as a classification of
their demographic factors such as gender, age & occupation. During data collection phase, due care was
taken in order to make sure that the given questionnaire is completely filled by the respondents. The
detailed respondent profile is as follows:
Respondent’s profile- 200 respondents ,100 students which is age between 18 to 25, 19 students are age
between 25 to 35, and 38 male students and 43 female students. 88 Service based 88 respondents, age
between 25 to 35 ,41 respondent,35 to 45 between respondent are 47 total was 63,31 male and 32 female
.12 respondent are self employed 25 to35 age between 3respondent, 35 to 45 age between 9 respondents,
total 56 respondents,29 male respondents, and 27 female respondents.
Importance of integrated marketing communication:
Integrated marketing communication (IMC) is an approach used by the organizations to create brand
awareness and to communicate to the target audience.
To understand the researcher asked respondents about number of medium to get knowledge about any
brand , information related to the various products ,brands to take their decision according to their time
spend on that product or services. The details given below:
Importance of Integrated Marketing Communication:
1-Number of medium to get knowledge about any brand :
In today’s market scenario, due to the wide number of competition in the local as well global market, it is
difficult to how to advertise and target audience. There are many mediums to aware about the brand such
as search engine ,social sites, holding banner ,television etc . modern marketing takes leads in the market
of advertising as compare to traditional market. It has built brand image and boost sale .
Do consumers rely on just one medium to get knowledge about any brand?
frequency percent
No 82 41.0
Somewhat 47 23.5
Yes 71 35.5
Total 200 100
Interpretation: as per observation when respondents were asked if they rely on just one medium to
get knowledge about any brand;
• 41% have given negative response.
• 35.5% respondents have given complete positive response while only,
• 23.5% responded that they rely partially.
It means major percentage is with negative response. that consumers more think upon more than one
medium to get knowledge of any brand. Due to unlimited brand choices & price conscious , they undertake
a detailed evaluation of various brands by referring more number of sources of information. So they may
be using combination of various mediums such print ads, television commercials, online, social media etc.
Interpretation: When respondents were first asked they require much information to take purchase
decision; secondly they spend much time for purchasing any commodity;
• 16.5% respondents shown strong disagreement to the first question and13.5% to second question,
• 40% respondents were disagree to the first question and 19% to second question,
• 18% were neutral for first question and 17% to second question,
• 14% respondents were agreed to first question and 34% were to second question,
• 11.5% respondents have shown strong agreement to first question and16.5% to second question.
Most of consumers require more information to take purchase decision but they do not like to spend much
of their time for purchasing any commodity. It reveals that consumers do require plenty of information to
take purchase decision. This information may increase their knowledge and trust on brands’ attributes &
benefits consumers are likely to gain that will eliminate their confusion in choosing any particular brand.
Once they obtain the required information on various brands, they take less time in the purchase of any
Graphical representation of details for information and time spend to take purchase of any
Descriptive statistic scores for information and time spend to take purchase of any commodity.
• As per observation Mean value scores for parameter much information to take purchase decision
isnot required is 2.64 with positive skewness 0.553 indicates respondent disagreement. It means they really
required much information to take purchase decision. Median and mode values are equal to 2 also support
this result.
• Mean value scores for parameter much time is required to spend to take purchase of any commodity
is 3.21 with negative skewness -0.314 indicates respondent agreement. It means they do not prefer to
spend much of their time in purchase of any commodity.
This shows that consumers try to gain more information before they make purchase. They receive this
information through various mediums; so integration of these mediums is required so as to feed the
necessary information to the customers for brand evaluation which in turns will save their time & efforts
while making an actual purchase.
Importance of Online advertising in changing market scenario
Online marketing refers to the powerful tool of promoting the products and services through the internet.
It is very helpful for us. Today scenario is most effective to promote their brand across the world. It also
based in AR,VR and AI.
After covid -19 online marketing to boosting. It has leading the traditional marketing.
It is depend on the connectivity of the internet. It is also known as internet marketing digital marketing,
web marketing.
5- Knowledge about the use of internet:
Today, internet play a very important role in our daily life. The large number of activities can be done by
the help of the internet. The current time most of the people know about how to use the online marketing
through the internet. They are busy on social networking (sharing photos, videos and songs) , online
shopping, online study, online gaming, route search. It is improve the internet speed.
The respondents are respond with the use of the internet; how they knowledge about use of internet.
Code Response Frequency Percent
1 Not knowledge 14 7.0
2 Somewhat 28 14.0
knowledge about
3 Knowledge about 67 33.5
4 Very well 91 45.5
Total 200 100.0
As per observation, when respondents were asked about their convergence with internet;
• 7% were not knowledgeable about internet.
• 14% were somewhat knowledgeable about internet.
• 33.5% were knowledgeable about internet.
• 45.5% were very well knowledgeable about internet.
It means major percentage of respondents is very well knowledgeable about internet. They are well known
with various usage, functions and benefits being offered by internet. While out of 200 respondents, only
few 7% are not knowledgeable about internet. So, that there is high degree of literacy for internet usage.
Descriptive statistic scores for use of online activities in their marketing strategy
Intrepretation: As per observation,
• Mean value scores for parameter companies should use online activities inmarketing efforts is 3.31
with negative skewness -0.268 indicates respondent’sagreement. It means they strongly feel that
companies must incorporate online activities in their marketing efforts.
• Median and mode values are 4 & 5 therefore closed to each other also supportthis result.
8- Prefrence for onlinr marketing as it is safest to use.
Online marketing is also harmful foe us day br day incrasing fraud activities. It needs to secrity of the data
.Data can be misused by anyone. So many scams on the internet.time to time need to updates their software
and system.
Today so many fraud call,emails,messages needs to be strict rules and regulations related to the
cyber security.
The respondents were prefer onlone advvertising as it is safest to use :
5.strongly agree 4. Agree 3.No opinion 2.Disagree 1.Strongly agree
Prefernce for online advertisding as it is SAFEST to use
Frequency Present
Strongly agree 40 20.0
Disagree 58 29.0
No opinion 33 16.5
Agree 34 17.0
Strongly agree 35 17.5
Total 200 100.0
As per observation, when respondents were asked whether theyfind online marketing safest to use;
• 20% were strongly disagreed.
• 29% shown disagreement.
• 16.5% had no opinion on this question.
• 17% shown agreement and,
• 17.5% were strongly agreed.
It means majority of respondent feel online marketing is not very safe. In order toknow the reasons,
respondents were being specifically asked to identify limitations.
Descriptive statistic scores for prefrence for nlinev advertising it us SAFEST to use
Descriptive statistic scores for Preference for Online advertising as it isSAFEST to useParameter Value
As per observatins, that value for parameter preference for online marketing as it is safest to use is2, it
shows that majority of respondents feel online marketing is not safest to use.
Hence, though respondents prefer online marketing to salve their various purposes,they do not entirely
believe that it is safest to use.
It means majority of respondents agreed that they do not prefer Televisioncommercials or print ads to get
brand related awareness.
The study concludes that consumers rely depends upon more than one medium to enhance their brand
related information. They are using various sources to get their information and make purchase decision
final. Consumers are using traditional as well as modern marketing but after covid -19,heavily using the
modern marketing tool such as online advertising, online shopping education, business etc.
This study help that how to more awareness about the brand and product knowledge.
To know the Strength, Weaknesses , Opportunity and Threats of the consumer as well as organisation.
Today’s consumers strongly feeling well comfort in online education, shopping, business, gaming,
transferring of money to save their time and work do effectively. It has reduces the traditional marketing
activities. E-commerce is fastest growing in our country (India) as per the Data . They will more motivated
to use online marketing with the intend to getting access to exclusive about the brand , discounts ,offers
and sharing their feedback about the brand with the advertiser.
It's provide wide range of information about the product .But at that same time consumer are more fear
about their user-safety side of internet. Due to the increase the frauds &privacy issue.
Companies should use the various medium of the advertisement to reach the targeted audience. Companies
should help to make awareness about the influence consumer behaviour and make a effective marketing
communication strategy.
Consumers aware about the using of the internet. Every small and big company do the survey and find out
the opportunity take an advantage and include the online marketing strategy.
Companies are more spending on modern marketing due to consumer is more time and money in online
media. It makes to protect the privacy data of the consumer from the fraudulent activities.
It needs to adopt the new technology such as AI,AR,VR, Metaverse, which builds the credibility of the
company and make trust among the customers .
The study is limited to the Delhi NCR
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