Advanced Database
Advanced Database
Advanced Database
School of Computing
Department of Software Engineering
Instructor’s Name: - Seid Mehammed
This course includes Query processing and optimization; data base administration, performance
tuning, recovery and back up; object oriented database, design techniques, and implementation
issues; advanced and emerging database systems concepts – data warehousing, data mining…
Learning Outcomes
Topic Duration
Chapter 1:Transaction Management and Concurrency Control 1 -2
1.1. Transaction 1.6. Concurrency Control Mechanism
1.2. Transaction Support 1.7. Database Recovery
1.3. Concurrency Control 1.8. Transaction and Recovery
1.4. Problems of Concurrent Sharing 1.9. Recovery techniques and facilities
1.5. Concept of Serializability
Chapter 2: Query Processing and Optimization 3-4
2.1 Overview 2.6 Transformation Rules
2.2 Query Processing steps 2.7 Implementing relational Operators
2.3 Query Decomposition 2.8 Pipelining
2.4 Optimization Process
2.5 Approaches to Query Optimization
Chapter 3: Database Integrity, Security and Recovery 5-7
3.1 Integrity 3.2.1. Database threats
3.1.1 Integrity Concept & Subsystem 3.2.2. Identification and Authentication
3.1.2 Integrity Constraints 3.2.3. Categories of Control
3.1.3 Types of Constraints 3.2.4. Implementation of Security Subsystem
3.2 Security 3.2.5. Data Encryption
Chapter 4: Distributed Database Systems 9-11
4.1. Concepts of Distributed Databases 4.3. Distributed Query Processing and
4.2. Distributed Database Design 4.4. Distributed Transaction Management and
Chapter 5: Object Oriented DBMS 12-13
5.1. Object Oriented Concepts 5.5. OO Data modeling and E-R diagramming
(Abstraction, Encapsulation, and 5.6. ObjCP and Attributes
Information hiding) 5.7. Object Identity
5.2. Drawbacks of relational DBMS 5.8. Storing objCP in relational database
5.3. OODBMS definitions systems
5.4. OO Database Design and
Chapter 6. Data warehousing and Data Mining Techniques 14-15
6.1 Data Warehousing 6.2 Data Mining
6.1.1 Introduction 6.2.1 Introduction
6.1.2 Benefits 6.2.2 Data Mining Techniques
6.1.3 Online Transaction Processing
(OLTP) and Data Warehousing
1. Connolly T., Begg C. and Strachan A.: Database Systems, 2nd, 3rd and 4th ed. Addison-
Wesley Publishing Company.
1. RamezElmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems (4thed),
USA, Addison-Wesley, 2004
2. C.J.DATE, Introduction to Database systems (8thed), USA, Addison Wesley, 2003
3. Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concepts (4thed),
USA, McGraw Hill Inc., 2002.
4. Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Wisdom, Database Systems: The
Complete Book , USA, Prentice Hall, 2002.
1. Ramakrishnan R. and Gehrke J., Database Management Systems (3rded), USA, McGraw
Hill, 2003
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