Fatal Complication of Odontogenic Infection
Fatal Complication of Odontogenic Infection
Fatal Complication of Odontogenic Infection
Ludwig`s Angina
It is a life threatening condition involving spaces bilaterally
1. Dentoalveolar infection
2. Penetrating injury of the floor of the mouth e.g gunshot wound
3. Osteomyleitis of the mandible
4. Compound fracture
5. Submandibular S.G sialoadenitis
1. Hospitalization is a must
2. Antibiotics & analgesics IV
3. Adequate fluid intake
4. Heat application (↑ blood supply to localize infection)
5. Crico-thyroidotomy ( Tracheostomy )
6. I & D (through and through: drain from submental/submandibular bilaterally to provide complete
pathway for pus drainage)
Cavernous sinus thrombosis
A blood clot in the cavernous sinus (in middle cranial fosa)
The cause of cavernous sinus thrombosis is usually a bacterial infection that has spread from the sinuses,
ears, eyes, nose, or skin of the face.
This emissary vein connects the cavernous sinus and the pterygoid plexus
1. Bulging eyeballs
2. Cannot move the eye in a particular direction
3. Drooping eyelids
4. Vision loss
5. Bluish discoloration around eye
Posterior maxilla
Pterygoid venous plexus emissary vein C.S
Inflammation of bone and bone marrow i.e osteoid and myeloid tissues
It is the separated dead bone
It is the new bone surrounding the sequestrum (not calcified yet)
Classification ( Types )
1. Acute
2. Subacute
3. Chronic
1. Focal sclerosing
Non suppurative
2. Diffuse sclerosing
3. Chronic sclerosing with proliferative periostitis ( Garre`s osteomyelitis )
Specific infectious
- T.B, Syphilis, Actinomycosis
- Thermal (e.g no coolent during cutting)
Osteomyelitis due
- Chemical (e.g chemotherapy, sodium hypochlorite)
to specific etiology
- Physical ( Osteo-radio-necrosis)
Suppurative osteomyelitis
Acute suppurative osteomyelitis Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis
1. Pain and Swelling
2. Loosening of the teeth
1. Mild pain and swelling
Signs & 3. Pus oozing around the neck of the teeth
2. Fistula formation
Symptoms 4. General constitutional symptoms
5. Lymphadenitis
6. Foul odor and salty taste
Radioopaque area surrounded by
radiolucent area and completely
Radiographic Acute stage is (- Ve ) in X ray separated from the bone
picture (worm eaten or moth eaten appearance )
Involucrum is represented as radio-
opaque margin around the sequestrum
Essential Adjunctive treatment
1. Bacterial sampling and culture
1. Sequestrectomy.
2. Emperical antibiotic treatment.
2. Decortication (if necessary to ↑ blood
3. Drainage
4. Analgesics.
3. Hyperbaric oxygen.
5. Specific antibiotics based on culture & sensitivity.
4. Resection & reconstruction for extensive
6. Debridement.
bone destruction.
7. Remove source of infection, if possible
Chronic sclerosing osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis “Garre`s osteomyelitis”
- A rare chronic inflammatory form of osteomyelitis is disease resulting in thickening of cortices with
loss of medullary canal without any signs of active infection (asymptomatic without any signs of local
- Radiographically
Is characterized by the presence of lamellae of newly formed periosteal bone outside the cortex,
giving the characteristic appearance of "onion skin" (thickened bone)
Treatment of osteomyelitis
General Treatment
1. Hospitalization
2. High dose of antibiotics
3. Culture and sensitivity test
4. General supportive care of patient with acute infection
Surgical treatment
1. Sequestrectomy
2. Saucerization