Unit-2 Notes
Unit-2 Notes
Unit-2 Notes
Web Services: Uses, Basics of Web Services, SOAP, UDDI, Orchestrating Web Services,
Securing Web Services, Grid Enabled and Semantic Web of Web Services
Web services:-Web services are software applications that can be discovered, described, and
accessed based on XML and standard Web protocols over intranets, extranets, and the Internet.
Web services are software applications means Web services are software applications
available on the Web that perform specific functions.
The message syntax for a Web service is described in WSDL, the Web Service Definition
Language. When most technologists think of Web services, they think of SOAP, the
“accessed” part of our Web services definition. SOAP, developed as the Simple Object
Access Protocol, is the XML-based message protocol (or API) for communicating with Web
Figure 4.1 gives a graphical view of that definition, shown as layers. Relying on the
foundation of XML for the technologies of Web services, and using HTTP as the underlying
protocol, the world of Web services involves standard protocols to achieve the capabilities of
access, description, and discovery.
Figure 4.2 shows these technologies in use in a common scenario. In Step 1, the client
application discovers information about Web Service A in a UDDI registry. In Step 2, the
client application gets the WSDL for Web Service A from the UDDI registry to determine
Web Service A’s API. Finally, in Steps 3 and 4, the client application communicates with the
Web service via SOAP, using the API found in Step 2.
1. Web services can be completely independent of the presentation, or the graphical user
interface (GUI) of applications.
2. Web services send data in XML format, and applications can add style and formatting
when they receive the data.
3. Separating business logic from presentation is commonly known in software engineering
as the Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm. Web services support this paradigm.
Shown in Figure 4.3, The user interface details (the view) and business logic (the model)
are separated in two different components, while the component layer between them (the
controller) facilitates communication.
2. Is there really a future for Web services? That is, will this market continue to
grow? Will Web services really play a big part in the next generation of the Web—
or are we drowning in technology hype?
3. How can I use Web services? Where exactly can my business focus to take
advantage of the technology?
Many businesses suffer from integration problems in our fast-paced world of ever-
changing technologies, market conditions, and business relationships. Because of different
database languages, different communication protocols, and different ways of expressing
problems in languages understood by computers, integrating systems is extremely
difficult. So, we have integration problems, but we want to solve them quickly. The
problem with solutions in the past is that integration efforts have taken too long, and we
have created new stovepipes by creating inflexible, hard-tochange architectures.
We need a new technology that can solve integration problems by providing a
common language that could be used in integration— both within and between enterprises.
Without agreement on a common language, there would be no interoperability.
Now that major businesses have adopted SOAP( HTTP became a widely supported
application-layer protocol, and SOAP was developed using HTTP as its foundation) for
the communication medium between applications and servers, this ensures that everyone’s
applications have a chance to speak a common language. Web services are based on
SOAP and represent our current state of evolution in communication agreement.
One of the major indicators of a successful technology is its adoption by key business
players, that is
1. Technical excellence doesn't guarantee success: Many great technologies have
failed because businesses didn't adopt them.
2. Mass adoption by major players is crucial: When key businesses use and
promote a technology, it increases its chances of success.
When the technology solves key problems, is simple to understand, and is adopted by all key
businesses, its success in the future is nearly ensured.
When giants such as Microsoft, IBM, Sun, and the open source community agree on
something, it is not only a major milestone. it is a sign that whatever they have agreed on has
a big future. Widespread adoption of core protocol (SOAP) further strengthens the
technology's future.
1. Application vendors: Creating a SOAP API is essential for wider compatibility
across platforms.
2. Service providers: Web services can offer new ways to deliver services to
individuals and businesses.
3. Organizations with legacy systems: Web services can potentially integrate these
systems without requiring complete overhauls.
The value of Web services lies in their ability to connect different systems (interoperability).
This allows businesses to:
EAI is currently the killer app for Web services. Because we are at the stage of Web services
where legacy applications can be made Web service-enabled via SOAP, EAI is doable now.
Most analysts believe that organizations will adopt Web services “from the inside out.”. if
your systems have SOAP interfaces, integrating them will be easier. Tying together your
internal infrastructure, such as Enterprise Resource Planning, customer relationship
management, project management, value chain management, and accounting, all with Web
services, will eventually prepare you to interoperate with business partners on a B2B basis.
Web services allow you to integrate your internal processes, saving time and money.
While EAI is driving the current use of Web services internally, B2B integration may be its
future potential.
What Is SOAP?
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) is the “envelope” that packages the XML messages
that are sent over HTTP between clients and Web services.
SOAP has been adopted as the standard for Web services, and applications from major
vendors have developed SOAP APIs for their products, thus making software systems
integration easier. The syntax of SOAP, in its basic form, is fairly simple, as shown in Figure
4.4. A SOAP message contains the following elements:
How to Describe Basic Web Services
SOAP is the communication language of Web services, Web Service Definition Language
(WSDL) is the way we describe the communication details and the application-specific
messages that can be sent in SOAP. WSDL, like SOAP, is an XML grammar. The W3C
defines WSDL as “an XML format for describing network services as a set of endpoints
operating on messages containing either document-oriented or procedure-oriented
information.” To know how to send messages to a particular Web service, an application
can look at the WSDL and dynamically construct SOAP messages.
WSDL describes the operational information—where the service is located, what the service
does, and how to talk to (or invoke) the service. It can be thought of as an XML form of
CORBA’s Interface Definition Language (IDL).
Developers and integrators do not have to understand WSDL and SOAP to create Web
services. When you create a Web service from your enterprise applications, most toolkits
create WSDL for you. Figure 4.5 shows an example of how this process works. In Figure
4.5, the Web service developer creates a WSDL description with developer tools that inspect
the Web service’s SOAP interface layer in Step 1. In Step 2, the client application generates
the code for handling the Web service (its SOAP handler) by looking at the WSDL. Finally,
in Step 3, the client application and the Web service can communicate.
When we would like to search for Web services based on the features they provide and then
dynamically connect to them and use them, we need a Web service registry. Finding Web
services based on what they provide introduces two key registry technologies:
1. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration) and
2. ebXML(electronic business XML) registries.
What Is UDDI?
UDDI, introduced in 2000 by Ariba, Microsoft, and IBM, was created to facilitate the
discovery of business processes. UDDI is an evolving technology and is not yet a standard,
but it is being implemented and embraced by major vendors. Simply put, UDDI is a phone
book for Web services.
Two functions of UDDI registry are
1. Organizations can register public information about their Web services and types
of services with UDDI, and
2. Applications can view information about these Web services with UDDI. UDDI
allows you to discover Web services just like network discovery tools (such as
“My Network Places”) can discover nodes on a network.
The information provided in a UDDI business registration consists of three components:
1. white pages of company contact information.
2. yellow pages that categorize businesses by standard taxonomies, and
3. green pages that document the technical information about services that are
A business’s white pages may include basic business information, such as a description of
the business in different languages, points of contact with email addresses and phone
numbers, and links to external documents that describe the business in more detail.
The yellow pages describe taxonomies of what kinds of information the services provide.
Finally, the green pages show information on how to do business with the Web service,
listing business rules and specifying how to invoke Web services (the WSDL).
The business can decide what it would like to register about itself in a registry, and once the
information is in there, applications can discover and browse the information, getting
information on how to do business with the organization.
Obviously, there may be security concerns about placing information in a public registry.
Although it can be seen that such a technology could be very powerful in a dynamic e-
business environment, placing information about all of your assets in a public registry may
be risky.
For internal integration, the use of UDDI private registries may be where much value is
today. Within a large organization, where several large enterprise applications may need to
interoperate in the future, the use of UDDI registries within the organization can be helpful
for discovering how to do so. The use of such a private registry, where Web services are
described with WSDL and other information, could potentially minimize the use of
interoperation documentation. Using such a registry, in addition to WSDL and SOAP, could
reduce integration and development time for legacy enterprise applications. Once
applications have been SOAP-enabled, and once the interfaces have been described in
WSDL and published in a private UDDI registry, programs and projects within your
organization can dynamically connect and begin to interoperate.
Although UDDI has been embraced by major vendors, such as Microsoft and IBM, it is
evolving and changing. It is not yet a standard, but it will be.
What Are ebXML Registries?
The ebXML standard was created by OASIS to link traditional data exchanges to business
applications to enable intelligent business processes using XML. Because XML by itself
does not provide semantics to solve interoperability problems, ebXML was developed as a
mechanism for XML-based business vocabularies. In short, ebXML provides a common
way for businesses to quickly and dynamically perform business transactions based on
common business practices. Figure 4.7 shows an example of an ebXML architecture in use.
In the diagram, company business process information and implementation details are
found in the ebXML registry, and businesses can do business transactions after they agree
on trading arrangements. Information that can be described and discovered in an ebXML
architecture includes the following:
1.Business processes and components described in XML
2. Capabilities of a trading partner
3. Trading partner agreements between companies
The heart of the ebXML architecture is the ebXML registry, which is the mechanism that is
used to store and discover this information. Although it seems similar in purpose to UDDI,
the ebXML registry contains domain-specific semantics for B2B. These domain-specific
semantics are the product of agreement on many business technologies and protocols, such
as EDI, SAP, and RosettaNet. Simply put, ebXML could be described as the start of a
domain specific Semantic Web.
2. The client application sent a message to the driving directions finder Web service. For
the addresses returned in Step 1, the client application requests the distance to Big
Makena Beach. Based on the distance returned for the requests to this Web service, the
client application finds the four closest hotels.
3. After finding the four closest hotels, the client application requested the user to make a
choice. Once that choice was selected, the application booked a room at the desired hotel
by sending another message to the hotel finder Web service.
4. Based on the user’s frequent flyer information on Party Airlines and the date of the trip
to Maui, the client application sent a message to the airline ticket booker Web service,
requesting the cheapest ticket on Party Airlines, as well as the cheapest ticket in general.
Luckily, Party Airlines had the cheapest ticket, so after receiving user confirmation on
the flight, the application booked this flight reservation.
5. The client application sent a message to the car rental Web service, requesting the
cheapest rental car during the dates of the trip. Because multiple car types were available
for the cheapest price, the client application prompted the user for a choice. After the
user selected a car model, the client application reserved the rental car for a pickup at the
airport arrival time found in Step 4, and the drop-off time at a time two hours prior to the
airport departure time.
6. Sending all necessary receipt information found in Steps 1 to 5, the client application
requested an expense report generated from the expense report creator Web service. The
client application then emailed the resulting expense report, in the corporate format, to
the end user.
Our travel example shows important concepts in orchestration. The client application must
make decisions based on business logic and may need to interact with the end user. In the
example, the Web services were developed internally, so the client application may know
all of the Web service-specific calls. In another situation, however, the technologies of Web
services provide the possibility that the client application could “discover” the available
services via UDDI, download the WSDL for creating the SOAP for querying the services,
and dynamically create those messages on the fly. If the client application understands the
semantics of how the business process works, this is doable.
XML Signature
that sells widgets. While the purchase request itself may be signed, it may be important to
encrypt confidential information, such as the credit card number.
XML Key Management Specification (XKMS) is a W3C Note that was developed jointly
by the W3C and the IETF, and it specifies protocols for registering and distributing public
keys. It is something that is intended for use in conjunction with XML Signature and XML
Encryption. XKMS is composed of the XML Key Information Service Specification (X-
KISS) and the XML Key Registration Service Specification (X-KRSS). These protocols can
be used with SOAP for securely distributing and finding key information.
Extensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) is an initiative driven by OASIS
that expresses access control policy (authentication and authorization information) for XML
documents and data sources. It is currently under development. In simple terms, it relates to
SAML in the sense that SAML provides the mechanism of propagating authentication and
authorization information between services and servers, and XACML is the authentication
and authorization information. The idea of XACML is that XML documents (or SOAP
messages themselves) can describe the policy of who can access them, which has
interesting potential.
The WS-Security specification was released in April 2002 by Microsoft, IBM, and
VeriSign, and is a specification that describes enhancements to SOAP messaging to provide
protection through integrity, confidentiality, and message authentication. It combines SOAP
with XML Encryption and XML Signature, and is intended to complement other security
models and other security technologies. WS-Security also includes a family of
specifications, including specifications unveiled in December 2002: WS-Policy, WS-Trust,
and WS-SecureConversation.
Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an OASIS standard that has received
industry wide support and acceptance, and it promises to be key in the achievement of SSO
in Web services. An initiative driven by OASIS that is used for passing authentication and
authorization information between parties. SAML provides “assertions” of trust. That is, an
application can assert that it authenticated a user, and that the user has certain privileges. A
SAML document can be digitally signed using XML Signature, providing nonrepudiation
of a user’s original authentication, identity, and authorization credentials. Because SAML is
used to distribute information between platforms and organizations, regardless of how many
points it crosses, it can solve tough challenges in Web services security.
In Figure 4.9, for example, if the portal authenticates the user “Alice” and knows that Alice
has the “Producer” role, the portal application will attach this assertion to a SOAP message
with the request to the next Web service. The next Web service, seeing that it can validate
the portal’s identity by validating its digital signature, can then grant or deny access to the
user based on the user’s role. SAML is an OASIS standard, and it has industry wide
support. It is a key technology enabler in SSO initiatives such as the Liberty Alliance
Project, and a working draft of a WS-Security profile of SAML has been recently released.
Liberty Alliance Project
The Liberty Alliance Project was established by a group of corporations with the purpose of
protecting consumer privacy and establishing an open standard for achieving “federated
network identity” for SSO across multiple networks, domains, and organizations. Using the
specifications of this project, organizations have the potential to partner in a “federation” so
that the credentials of users can be trusted by a group. Federated SSO enables users to sign
on once to one site and subsequently use other sites within a group without having to sign
on again. The Liberty Alliance released specifications in the summer of 2002, and these
specifications include protocols that use XML Encryption, XML Signature, and SAML.
unleashed. In a Web services environment, such a concept brings more distributed power to
the network. If you want an online production system based on Web services that serves
millions of customers, you will need load balancing and fault tolerance on a massive scale.
A Semantic Web of Web Services
The Semantic Web and Web services go hand in hand. XML, a self-describing language, is
not enough. WSDL, a language that describes the SOAP interfaces to Web services, is not
enough. Automated support is needed in dealing with numerous specialized data formats. In
the next 10 years, we will see semantics to describe problems and business processes in
specialized domains. Ontologies will be this key enabling concept for the Semantic Web,
interweaving human understanding of symbols with machine processibility.
Much effort is going into ontologies in Web services. DARPA Agent Markup Language
Services (DAML-S) is an effort that is specifically addressing this area. Built on the
foundation of Resource Description Framework (RDF), RDF Schema, and DAML+OIL,
DAML-S provides an upper ontology for describing properties and capabilities of Web
services in an unambiguous, computer interpretable markup language.5 Simply put,
DAML-S is an ontology for Web services. In addition, Semantic Web Enabled Web
Services (SWWS) was developed in August 2002 to provide a comprehensive Web service
description framework and discovery framework, and to provide scalable Web service
mediation. Together, both of these technologies have the potential to increase automated
usability of Web services.