Seat Belt Tension Sensors
Seat Belt Tension Sensors
Seat Belt Tension Sensors
O Capacitance
O all Sensor
O nductance
O agneto-Resistive (R)
O !otodiode
O !ototransistor
O !iezoelectric
O !iezoresistive
O Resistance (potentiometer)
O %emperature
Current Sensor
Non-contact current sensors for AC and DC applications.
&tilizing &R %ecnologys expertise inall sensor tecnology, tis device provides a ig precision analog voltage output
tat is open loop and continuously variable over te sensing range. %is sensing tecnology can be applied to AC and C
applications and to applications in wic 50 to 1000 Amps of current pass troug te aperture. %is tecnology is
available for eiter unsealed applications in a control module or sealed for under-ood applications over a battery cable.
ntegral connectors or printed circuit board mounting options are available.
%is component draws upon &Rs experience meeting te stringentquality standards required for safety system
manufacturing. Some of te automotive industrys most innovativecustomers draw on tis time-tested expertise. Let us
sow you ow easy it is to put &Rs advanced capability to work for you, by requesting a compreensive quote on an
upcoming Rotary position sensor project.