EBM PAPST Brushless Fans
EBM PAPST Brushless Fans
EBM PAPST Brushless Fans
Construction Mounting and Connection. Mounting: Either face using four 0.169" (4.3 mm) holes. Weight: 17 oz. (480 g).
Housing: Metal with metal impeller. Connection: Leads with stripped, tinned ends.
Stock Mfr.Õs Curve Type of AC Hertz Watts CFM dBA Temp. Leads EACH
No. Type Bearing Volts @ 0" Max. ¡C
Construction Mounting and Connection. Mounting: From either face using four 0.146" (3.7 mm) holes. Weight: 14 oz. 600-8801 8830N 1 Sleeve 115 50/60 8 21 21 80 18 AWG 17.3" 27.54
(390 g) except 4105GX. Housing: Metal with plastic impeller. Connection: Terminals two flat pins Ñ 0.110" ´ 0.02" 600-8800 8800N 2 Sleeve 115 50/60 11 28 28 70 18 AWG 17.3" 24.47
(2.8 mm ´ 0.5 mm). Options: Hall effect monitor. 600-8803 8850N 2 Sleeve 230 50/60 11 28 28 70 18 AWG 17.3" 29.69
600-8500 8500N 3 Sleeve 115 50/60 11 36 34 75 18 AWG 12.2" 21.75
Stock Mfr.Õs Type of DC Voltage CFM Temp. Wt. 600-8501 8500DP* 3 Sleeve 115 50/60 11 36 34 75 18 AWG 12.2" 28.46
Curve Watts dBA Terminals EACH
No. Type Bearing Volts Range @ 0" Max. ¡C Oz. 600-8550 8550N 3 Sleeve 230 50/60 11 36 34 75 18 AWG 12.2" 23.55
600-8506 8506N 3 Ball 115 50/60 11 36 35 95 22 AWG 12.2" 30.92
600-4100 4182NGX 1 Sleeve 12 7.0-15.0 3.5 94 44 75 14 0.110" ´ 0.02" 51.76 600-8507 8556N 3 Ball 230 50/60 11 36 35 95 22 AWG 12.2" 32.67
600-4182 4182NX 2 Ball 12 7.0-15.0 4.5 106 49 75 14 0.110" ´ 0.02" 46.46
600-4104 4184NGX 1 Sleeve 24 12.0-30.0 3.5 94 44 75 14 0.110" ´ 0.02" 41.45 *5 year warranty.
600-4106 4184NX 2 Ball 24 12.0-29.0 4.5 106 49 75 14 0.110" ´ 0.02" 46.46
600-4188 4188NXM 1 Ball 48 36.0-56.0 3.5 94 44 75 14 0.110" ´ 0.02" 51.96
W2E250 Series AC Fans
4200 Series DC Fans 11.0" ´ 11.0 ´ 3.15" (280 ´ 280 ´ 80 mm) AC Fan, All Metal, Air Exhaust Ñ Over Struts
4.69" ´ 4.69" ´ 1.50" (119 ´ 119 ´ 38 mm) Brushless DC, Plastic, Air Exhaust Ñ Over Struts
Construction Mounting and Connection. Mounting: From either face using four 0.213" (5.4 mm) holes. Weight: 64 oz.
(1800 g). Housing: Metal with metal impeller. Capacitor: Included, mounted on unit within envelope. Features: Terminal block.
Stock Mfr.Õs Type of AC CFM Temp.
Hertz Watts dBA EACH
No. Type Bearing Volts @ 0" Max. ¡C
Construction Mounting and Connection. Mounting: From either face using four 0.169" (4.3 mm) holes. Weight: 10 oz. 600-2500 W2E250-HJ32-01 Ball 115 60 175 1100 73 50 179.32
(290 g). Housing: Plastic with plastic impeller. Connection: Lead wires color coded Ñ red (+), blue and black (Ð); 600-2502 W2E250-HJ28-01 Ball 230 50/60 200 1100 73 40 179.32
Terminals Ñ 0.110" ´ 0.02" (2.8 ´ 0.5 mm). Options: Hall effect monitor.
Stock Mfr.Õs Type of DC Voltage CFM Temp.
Curve Bearing Volts Range Watts dBA Features EACH
No. Type @ 0" Max. ¡C
FT-170 Fan Tray
600-4200 4212L 1 Ball 12 7-14.5 1.2 51 29 75 22 AWG 12.2"* 32.94
600-4201 4212M 2 Ball 12 7-14.5 2.2 75 38 75 22 AWG 12.2"* 32.94
600-4214 4292 3 Ball 12 7-14.5 4.3 97 45 75 0.110" ´ 0.02" 35.34
600-4215 4212H 4 Ball 12 7-14.5 5.3 108 49 65 22 AWG 12.2"* 35.29
600-4216 4214 3 Ball 24 12-28.0 4.3 97 45 75 22 AWG 12.2"* 32.94
600-4219 4214H 4 Ball 24 12-28.0 5.3 108 49 65 22 AWG 12.2"* 35.29
600-4220 4294H 4 Ball 24 12-28.0 5.3 108 49 65 0.110" ´ 0.02" 37.80
600-4225 4298 3 Ball 48 36-56.0 4.3 97 45 75 0.110" ´ 0.02" 38.55
600-4227 4298H 4 Ball 48 36-56.0 5.3 108 49 65 22 AWG 12.2"* 42.15
Features: *Leads; Terminals.
Construction Mounting. Mounting: Slides in standard 19" rack. Weight: 3 lbs., approx.
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