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Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Using Herbal Drugs: Review Article

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Verma et al. DOI:10.5138/09750185.2181

International Journal of Phytomedicine


Review Article

Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Using Herbal

Sonia Verma1, Madhu Gupta1, Harvinder Popli1 and Geeta Aggarwal1*


Diabetes mellitus is becoming a common metabolic disorder which has serious threat to public health in the world. There are
chemicals and biochemical agent that helps in controlling diabetes but there is no permanent remedy available which helps to
get recovered completely from this disorder. By conducting large number of research work, numerous traditional medicines have
been found for diabetes. Substances and extracts isolated from different natural resources especially plants have always been
a rich arsenal for controlling and treating diabetes problem and complication arising due to it. So this review helps the reader to
understand the importance of various types of herbal and poly herbal formulations present traditionally which can be used to treat
diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: Diabetes mellitus; Herbal drugs; extract; traditional medicine; polyherbal

Introduction Langerhans which are present in pancreas. Type 2 Diabetes mel-

Diabetes mellitus is a non-infectious endocrine disorder which litus is known as insulin non dependent diabetes mellitus which
is characterized by the disturbance in metabolism of carbohy- is temporary loss of β cell mass and it is due to genetic pre-
drate and associated with hypoglycemia [1] [2] . It is linked disposition and mostly occur in obese persons and associated
with developing of various serious diseases like micro vascu- with high blood pressure and high cholesterol levels. The aim
lar (nephropathy, retinopathy, nephropathy) and macro vascular of treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus is decreases the insulin
(peripheral vascular disease and coronary heart diseases) [3]. Di- resistance and increases insulin secretion. Gestational diabetes
abetes mellitus also known as diabetes which was observed as is a type of diabetes which present with hyperglycemia in preg-
diseases related with “sweet urine” and muscle loss. Glucose nant women. It usually appears in 2-4% pregnancies in 2nd or
blood levels are maintained by insulin which is a hormone re- 3rd trimester [5]. The symptoms of diabetes mellitus are poly
leased from the pancreas. When these level increases, insulin dipsea, polyuria, poly phagia, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, impo-
is produced from the pancreas and maintained the level of glu- tence in men, slow healing wound and blurred vision [6].
cose. In diabetic patients, the production of insulin is absent or According to International Diabetes Federation(IDF) survey in
less which causes hyperglycemia [4]. Diabetes mellitus are three 2016 diabetes is a disorder which affects 415 million people in
types Type 1, Type 2 and gestational diabetes mellitus. Type 1 the world and it may increase to 642 million by the year 2040 [7].
Diabetes mellitus is known as insulin dependent diabetes mel- According to Aroma world reports 61.3 million people have di-
litus which is due to total loss of function of β cell of islets of abetes in INDIA and consist of 20-79 age group in the popula-
tion. It may approx. doubled by the year 2030. INDIA is also
Correspondence: geetaaggarwal17@gmail.com known as diabetes capital of the world and affects mainly rural
Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University, Pushp and urban people [8]. The frequency of diabetes is progressively
Vihar, Sector-3 MB Road, New Delhi, New Delhi, India
increases in urban India. The frequency of diabetes in urban area
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article.

Received: 31 Aug 2017, Accepted: 30 Oct 2017

Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10

is approx. 6 times more than compared to rural population. De-

creased exercise, increasing weight and tension, change in diet,
malnutrition, alcohol consumption, viral infection are the major
causes of diabetes mellitus in last 20 years [1, 9]. Female dia-
betic patients are more than compared to male diabetic patients
because hormone and inflammation act differently in women.
The people who are less educated have diabetes disorder more
than compared to more educated people [10]. The utmost per-
centages of people having diabetes are lives in developing coun-
tries [11].

Diagnosis of diabetes mellitus

The diabetes can be measured by analyzing the blood sugar lev-
els. The blood sugar level in healthy man on fasting are 80 mg/dl
and in postprandial state is up to 160 mg/dl. Different test for di-
agnosed of diabetes in laboratory are finger prick blood sugar
test, fasting blood sugar, glucose tolerance diagnostic test, gly- Figure 1 Pathophysiology Of Diabetes Mellitus
cohemoglobin [6].
to different exercise or yoga therapy or diet plan [9]. Currently
Pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus available therapies of diabetes mellitus are insulin treatment for
The main role in pathophysiology of diabetes is oxidative stress. type 1 diabetes mellitus and other oral hypoglycemic drugs such
The imbalance between production of reactive oxygen species as sulphonylureas, thiazolidinediones, peptide analogs for treat-
(ROS) and capacity of enzymatic or non enzymatic antioxidant ment of type 2 diabetes mellitus [4] [13].
are known as oxidative stress. Reactive oxygen species contains
free radicals such as super oxide, hydroxyl, peroxyl, hydroper- Herbal Remedy
oxyl and non radical species such as hydrogen peroxide. An-
Treatment of Diabetes mellitus without any adverse effects is
tioxidant contains super oxide dismutase, glutathione reductase,
still the biggest question to medical practioners. According to
vitamins A, C and E, carotenoid, glutathione and trace elements.
world ethanobotanical 800 medicinal plants are used for the pre-
Low density lipoprotein cholesterol are oxidized in the presence
vention of diabetes mellitus. Clinically proven that only 450
of reactive oxygen species which taken up by hunter receptor
medicinal plants possess anti diabetic properties from which 109
in scavenger cell and cause formation of foam cells and arterial
medicinal plants have complete mode of action. In ancient time
sclerosis plaques. These ROS can Stimulate various damaging
doctor and lay person used traditional medicinal plants with their
pathway which have important role in growth of diabetes dis-
active constituents and properties for the treatment of various
ease. Some important pathways are glucosamine pathway, sor-
diseases such as heart diseases, cancer and diabetes. There is
bitol aldose reductase pathway, electron transport chain, protein
a long history of traditional plants used for the control of dia-
kinase C stimulation. Stimulation of these pathways and mode of
betes in India and China. There are various books available such
action can lead to atherosclerosis, programmed cell death, lipid
as Charaka Samhita and Susruta Samhita which explains phy-
per oxidation, advanced glycation end product (Ages) formation,
topharmacology features of diabetes and its adverse effect [14].
amylin and failure of pancreatic β cell function. It is proven that
Synthetic drugs which are used for treatment of diabetes are as-
sequence specific DNA binding factor (nuclear factor erythroid
sociated with various adverse effect such as sickness, vomiting,
derived 2 like 2) along with their negative regulator ( kelch like
dysentery, alcohol flush, migraine, swelling, malignant anemia
ECH associated protein 1) have important cell protection mode
and faintness. Herbal drugs are proved to be a better choice over
of action against oxidative stress [12].
synthetic drugs because of less side effects and adverse effects.
Herbal formulations are easily available without prescription.
Antidiabetic drugs These herbal drugs are used for life threatening disease. These
Diabetes mellitus disease can be prevented by regulating the drugs are also used when chemical drugs are ineffective in treat-
blood sugar level with various types of medicines, acquiring ment of disease. These are natural and safe drugs i.e. there is

Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine.2018;10(1):1-10

Table 1 Antidiabetic drugs (5,14,16)

S.no. Category Name of Drugs Brand Name Mode of action

1 Insulin Regular Insulin, Humulin R Decrease glucose production
Rapid acting insulin Insulin glulisine, Apidra and Increase peripheral
Isophane Insulin Humulin N glucose uptake.
Intermediate acting Insulin Neutual protamine Hagedorn Novolin N
Extended insulin zinc insulin Ultralente
Long acting Insulin

2 Alpha glycosidase inhibitors Acarbose Precose Decrease glucose absorption

Miglitol Glyset from intestine.

3 Biguanides Metformin, Glucophage Decrease insulin resistance.

Phenformin DBI

4 Meglitinide Repaglinide Prandin Insulin secretogogues.

Nateglinide Starlix

5 Sulfonylurea Tolbutamide Orinase Block the ATP sensitive

First generation agents Chlorpropamide Diabinese potassium channels.
Glipizide Glucoltrol
Second generation agent Glimepiride Amaryl

6 Thiazolidinediones Rosiglitazone Avandia Increases the insulin

Pioglitazone Actos sensitivity.

7 Peptide analogs Exenatide Byetta Increase incretin levels which

Injectable incretin mimetics Sitagliptin Januvia inhibit glucagon release and
Glucagon like peptide -1 (GLP-1) Saxagliptin Onglyza increases insulin secretion.
Gastric inhibitory peptide analogs linagliptin Tradjenta
Injectable Amylin analogues Pramlintide Symlin

8 Glycosurics Canagliflozin Sulisent, Inhibit reabsortion of glucose

Invokana in the kidney and lower blood
sugar level.

no toxic effects. Herbal drugs permanently cure person and treat

the disease while synthetic drugs are not permanently cured the
diseases. Herbal formulations contain natural herbs and fruits
and vegetables extract which are beneficial in treatment of var-
ious diseases without any adverse effects. On the other hand
chemical drugs are prepared synthetically and have side effect
also. Herbal formulations are cheap as compared to all opathic
medicines. Herbal formulations are Eco friendly. Herbal for-
mulations are produced from natural products while all opathic
medicines are produced from chemical and chemically modified
natural products. Herbal formulations are available without pre-
scription while all opathic medicines are available with prescrip-
tion [15] [16].

Traditional herbal Anti diabetic drugs

Currently the medicinal plants and herbs are being used in ex-
tract forms for their anti diabetic activity. Various clinical studies
confirmed that medicinal plants extracts shows anti diabetic ac-
tivity and restoring the action of pancreatic β- cells [17].
Figure 2 Advantages Of Herbal Formulation-

Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10

Allium sativum in blood sugar level in the alloxan induced diabetic rats. Oral
It is locally name as garlic belongs to Liliaceae, a family of Al- administration of 500 mg/kg dose of leaves and twigs extract
lium sativum [18]. Ethanolic extract of garlic (10 ml/kg/day) fre- was beneficial in animals for lowering in blood sugar level [18].
quently shows hypoglycemic activity [2]. Extract of garlic was The mechanism of action of Catharanthus roseus is increases
more efficient than anti diabetic drug glibenclamide [19]. Ethyl the synthesis of insulin from β cells of Langerhans [2].
acetate, ethanol and petroleum ether extract was observed to
show an anti diabetic activity in STZ induced rats. Garlic shows Coriandrum sativum
various therapeutic effect such as anti platelet, antibacterial, low- It is mainly known as coriander which belongs to family Api-
ering the blood pressure and lowering the cholesterol level in the aceae. It is widely used as spice in various food items. 200 mg/kg
body [20]. seed extract frequently increases the action of the β cells of
Langerhans and decreases serum sugar in alloxan induced dia-
Aloe borbadensis betic rats and synthesis insulin from β cells of the pancreas. Ex-
It is known as Ghikanvar which belongs to Liliaceae family. It tract of coriandrum sativum shows blood sugar lowering prop-
looks like a cactus plant with green blade shaped leaves that erty and insulin synthesizer [2].
are heavy narrowing, hairy and filled with clear viscid gel. Oral
administration of aqueous extract of aloe Vera in a dose of Eugenia jambolana
150mg/kg of body weight significantly lowering the blood glu- It is known as jamun belongs to Myretaceae family. It contains
cose level [18]. Aloe Vera gel consist various therapeutic effects dried seeds and mature fruits of Eugenia jambolana. It con-
such as anti diabetic, antioxidant, increases the decrease level of tains malvidin 3-laminaribiosidea and ferulic acid as active con-
glutathione by four times in diabetic rats [4]. stituents. Extract of dried seeds (200 mg/kg) used for treatment
of diabetic patients [21].
Azadirachta indica
It is locally name as neem which belongs to family Meliaceae. Gymnema sylvestre
It is available in India and Burma [18]. Ethanolic and aqueous It is commonly known as Gudmar which means ”sugar destroy-
extract of Azadirachta indica shows reduction in blood glucose ing” and consists of Asclepidaceae family. Leaf extract of G.
level in high dose. It can be combined with allopathic drugs in sylvestre (3.4/13.4 mg/kg) showed significant reduction of blood
type 2 diabetic patients whose diabetes is not maintained by allo- sugar level in streptozotocin induced rats. It is mostly used in
pathic drugs only [2]. Worldwide large numbers of patients are Indian ayurvedic medicines for treatment of diabetes. The active
treated by natural neem tablets. Its extract improves the blood constituents in G. Sylvester are alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins
circulation by enlarging the blood vessels and useful in reducing and carbohydrates. It is also used for treatment of cancer, treat-
the blood glucose level in the body [21]. ment of inflammation and treatment of various microbial dis-
eases [20].
Brassica juncea
It is known as Rai which belongs to family cruciferae. It is Mangifera indica
widely used as spice in various food items. Aqueous seed ex- It is commonly known as mango and consists of family Anac-
tract has blood sugar lowering activity which was observed in ardiaceae. Anti diabetic activity shows by leaves extract (250
alloxan induced diabetic rats. 250, 350, 450 mg/kg doses of ex- mg/kg) but oral administration of aqueous extract did not change
tract shows hypoglycemic activity [22]. the blood glucose level in alloxan induced diabetic rats [24].

Carica papaya Momordica charantia

It is known as papaya which belongs to family caricaceae. Seed It is commonly known as bitter melon (karela) and belongs
and leaves extract shows lowering of blood sugar level, lowering to Cucurbitaceae family. The active constituents of Momordica
of lipid in the body and healing of wound activities in alloxan charantia are momordic I and momordic II, cucurbitacin B. It
induced diabetic rats [23]. is used in the treatment of diabetes. It consist lectin which has
insulin like activity. Lectin is non protein which is linked to in-
Catharanthus roseus sulin receptors. This lectin decreases the blood sugar level by
It is known as Vinca roseus which belongs to family Apocy- acting on peripheral tissues [25] . Fruit extract of M. charantia
naceae. Methanolic extract of leaves and twigs shows decrease (200 mg/kg) shows hypoglycemic activity.

Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine.2018;10(1):1-10

Ocimum sanctum Allium cepa

It is known as tulsi and belongs to Labiateae family. It is widely It is locally known as onion or pyaz belongs to Liliaceae, a fam-
found all over India. It is used in Indian ayurvedic medicines for ily of Allium cepa. Antihyperglycemic activity shown by ether
treatment of various diseases. Various animal studies proved that soluble part and ether insoluble part of dried onion powder. It
aqueous extract of Ocimum sanctum leaves (200 mg/kg) showed contains chemical ingredient allyl propyl disulphide which is
the hypoglycemic activity in streptozotocin induced rats. It is known as APDS and it inhibits the insulin distruction by the
also used for treatment of viral infection, treatment of fungal liver and provoke the production of insulin by the pancreas
infection, reduces stress, treatment of tumor and treatment of which enhances the concentration of insulin and decreases the
gastric ulcer [26]. glucose levels in the blood. Crucial oil (100mg/kg) collected
from red onion frequently shows antihyperglycemic activity, an-
Tinospora cardifolia tistatin and antioxidant effects in alloxan induced diabetic rats.
It is well-known as guduchi and consists of the Menisperma- 300 mg/kg are most useful percentage in treatment of hyper-
ceae family. The active constituents of T. cardifolia are diter- glycemia and hyperlipidemia. Various clinical trails and animal
pene compounds which consists tinosporone, tinosporic acid, research provided information that onion are used for treatment
Syringen, berberine and giloin [27]. Root extract of T. cardifo- of asthma, treatment of diabetes, treatment of cancer and treat-
lia (50-200mg/kg) shows decrease in blood and urine sugar in ment of various viral diseases.
streptozotocin induced diabetic rats during oral administration
The Challenges of herbal medicines in India
for 6weeks. It is mostly used in Indian ayurvedic medicines for
treatment of diabetes. Root extract also forbid the reduction of Although the medicinal value of herbs, there are some lev-
body weight [24] [28–37]. elled against it; such as need of consistency, specific amount of
medicine is not prescribed to patients, dose not strictly given
Various plant parts such as roots, stem, leaves and fruits are
on time, since the manufacturing method is not standardized,
extracted by maceration, infusion, percolation, decoction and
varying amounts of the active ingredient are present. Now the
soxhlet extraction generally. Mostly various solvents are used
problem is “how to prepare these herbal drugs to clear the above
such as ethanol, methanol and petroleum ether.
criticisms to struggle with pharmaceutical medicines. It will in-
volve thorough research involving separation and categorization
Herbal marketed formulations of diabetes mellitus
of active constituents of medicinal plants. Also, the herbal drugs
Currently there are many poly herbal formulations in Indian mar- and even the conventional medicine currently in use essentially
ket are used in different form such as Vati, Churna, Arkh, Quath not resulted to cure many diseases. There is need to investigate
etc for the treatment of diabetes [9]. These formulations may the alternative therapeutic treatment through study of the plant
consist aqueous extract or powders of the various plants part kingdom and rationale of their potentials through relative stud-
which are used for the treatment of diabetes. These formulations ies [44, 45].
are called as poly herbal formulation because they contain 3 to
25 herbs in the formula [38–43] . The Future aspects of herbal remedies for diabetes mellitus
Many herbal drugs are used by people and various native drugs
Aegle marmelos are regularly being introduced into current therapeutics. About
It is known as Bael and belongs to Rutaceae family. It is inher- 80% of the people, in developing countries particularly the ru-
ited to India and parts of plant such as leaves, barks, roots and ral people, rely on the conventional medical remedies for health
fruits are used in the ayurveda and in various medicines which care requirements. There has been a revival of interest in herbal
is used for cure of various diseases. Leaves of neem and tulsi drugs in developed countries due to a huge amount on the prefer-
in combination with leaves of A. marmelos are dried, powdered ence of products from natural sources. Therefore, there’s a need
and administered three times a day for 15 days. Animal studies to differentiate between herbal drugs supplied by a medical prac-
proved that Aegle marmelos (100,200 and 500 mg/kg) are used titioner and those herbal remedies easily accessible to the people
for treatment of various diseases such as treatment of cancer, for self medication. The rapidly growing occurrence of diabetes
treatment of various viral diseases, treatment of various micro- mellitus is a Seriousness to human physical condition in all over
bial diseases [24] . the world. Recently, new active medicines have been extracted
from plants and possess anti-diabetic activity with more effec-
tiveness than oral hypoglycemic agents used in proven therapy.
In recent years, awareness has been drawn towards discovery of

Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10

Table 2 Herbal used for treatment of diabetes mellitus

S.no. Plant Family Com- Part used Active constituents Mode of action Ref-
species mon er-
name ences
1 Aegle Ru- Bael Leaves extracts Aegle marmelosine Improve functional state of pancreatic β- [21]
marmelos taceae cells
2 Allium cepa Lilli- Onion Dried powder Dipropyl disulphide oxide Stimulating the effects on glucose [32]
aceae utilization and antioxidant enzyme
3 Allium Lilli- Garlic Petroleum Allyproyl disulphide Improve plasma lipid metabolism and [25]
sativum aceae ether extract of oxide,Allicin plasma antioxidant activity
4 Aloe bor- Aspho- Ghikan- Leaf pulp β- sitosterol, Campesterol Improvement in impaired glucose tolerance [23]
badensis delaceae war extract
5 Andro- Acan- Kalmegh Ethanolic Kalmeghin Increases the glucose utilization and lower [33]
graphis thaceae extract of plant plasma glucose
6 Annona An- Sharifa Leaf extract Liriodenin, moupinamide Improve glucose tolerance [22]
squamosa nonaceae
7 Azadirachta Meli- Neem Leaf extracts Azadirachitin nimbin Glycogenolytic effect due to epinephrine [26]
indica aceae action was blocked
8 Brassica Brassi- Mustard Aqueous Sulforaphane Increase activity of glycogen synthetase [34]
juncea caceae extract
9 Cajanus Fabaceae Arhar Seed 2’-2’methyl cajanone, Significant reduction in serum glucose level [8]
cajan isoflavones, cajanin,
10 Carica Cari- Papaya Aqueous seed Papain, chymopapin Lowered fasting blood sugar, triglyceride, [28]
papaya caceae extract total cholesterol
11 Carum Api- Car- Aqueous Furfurol carvone Significant decrease in blood glucose level. [2]
carvi aceae away extract of seed
12 Cassia Legu- Tan- Aqueous Limonene, terpinol Enhapces the activity of hepatic [35]
auriculata mi- ner’s extract of Seed hexohinase, phospho fruictokinase
nosae cassia
13 Catharan- Apoc- Vinca Hot water Catharanthaine, Lowering of glycemia [22]
thus yanaceae decocti$ on of vincristine, vinblastine
roseus leaves
14 Coccinia Cucur- Baby- Ethanolic Glutamic acid, Asparagine Lower blood glucose level due to [36]
indica bitaceae water- extract of whole suppressed glucose synthesis.
melon plant
15 Coriandrum Api- Corian- Seed extract p-cymene Increases the activity of β-cells and [2]
sativum aceae der linalool decrease serum glucose.

16 Cinnamo- Lau- Cinna- Bark Cinnamaldehydeeugenol Increases the sensitivity of insulin receptor. [34]
mum raceae mon
17 Cinnamo- Lau- Tejpat Leaf extract Linalool, Insulin release from pancreatic β - cells. [19]
mum raceae β-caryophyllene
18 Curcuma Zingib- Turmeric Powdered form α-phellantrene, tripinolene Lowers blood sugar, increases glucose [37]
longa er- metabolism and potentiates insulin activity
19 Eugenia Myrat- Jamun Pulp of fruit Oleanolic acid, ellagic acid Inhibited insulinase activity from liver and [38]
jambolana aceae kidney.
20 Ficus ben- Moraceae Bargad Alcoholic Leucodelphinidin Enhanced insulin secretion from β-cells. [22]
galensis extract of stem
21 Ficus Moraceae Daduri Alcoholic Ficustriol,O- Reduce the blood glucose level and [39]
hispida extract of methyltylophorinidine increased the serum insulin level
22 Gymnena Asclep- Gudmar Dried leaves Dihydroxy gymnemic Increase the serum G peptide level which [26]
sylvestre i- triacetate monitor the release of endogenous insulin
23 Mangifera Anac- Mango Leaves extract β-carotene Reduction in the intestinal absorption of [4]
indica ar- α- carotene glucose
24 Momordica Curcu- Bitter Fresh green Charantin, sterol Activates PPARs α and y and lower the [19]
charantia bitaceae gourd leaves plasma apo β-100 in mice fed with high fat

Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine. 2018;10(1):1-10

Table 3 Continued

S.no. Plant species Family Com- Part used Active constituents Mode of action Ref-
mon er-
name ences
25 Musa Musaceae Banana Flower β-Sitosterol, Decrease the blood glucose and glycosylated [8]
paradisiacal Leucocyanidin, hemoglobin levels and increase in total
Syringin hemoglobin
26 Ocimum Labi- Tulsi Entire herbs Eugenol Increased insulin release [17]
sanctum ateae
27 Panex Arali- Gin- Root extract Ginsenosidespro- Inhibit α - glycosidase activity and decrease [40]
ginseng aceae seng topanaxadiol glucose absorption
28 Phyllanthus Euphor- Amla Methanolic Phyllanthin Reduction of glycemia [23]
emblica biaceae extract of leaf
29 Punica Puni- PomegranaM
teethanolic Punicalagin, Decrease of glycemia [41]
grantum aceae seed extract punicalin
30 Swertia Genti- Chirata Entire herbs Methyl swertianin Lower blood glucose level [24]
chirata naceae
31 Terminelia Comber- Arjuna Dried stem Arjunic acid, Decrease the blood glucose level and decrease [23]
arjuna taceae arjunolic acid the activities of G6P
32 Terminalia Combre- Almond Petroleum Omega-9 fatty [42]
catappa taceae ether fruit acid
33 Tinospora Menis- Gulvel Aqueous Tinosporone, Decrease of glycemia and brain lipids [37]
cardifolia perma- extract of root tinosporic acid
34 Trigonella Fabaceae Methi Ethanolic 4- hydroxy Stimulate the secretion of insulin, reduce insulin [22]
foenum extract of isoleucine resistance and decrease blood sugar levels
graecum leaves
35 Zingiber Zingiber- Sunth Rhizome Gingerol, shogaol Increases insulin level [5]
officinalis aceae

Figure 3 pictures of herbal plants used for diabetes mellitus

Verma et al. International Journal of Phytomedicine.2018;10(1):1-10

Table 4 Antidiabetic marketed polyherbal formulations

S. Brand Dosage Manufacturer Ingredients Mode of action Ref-

No name form er-
1 BGR- Tablet Aimil Berberis aristata, pterocarpus marsupium, Gymnena sylvestre, rubia DPP 4 inhibitor [44]
34 pharmaceutical cardifolia, Trigonella foenum graecum, Tinospora cardifolia
2 Dia- Tablet Himalayan Gymnena sylvestre, pterocarpus marsupium, glycyrrhiza glabra, Insulin [30]
becon syzygium cumini, boerhavia diffusa, phyllanthus amarus, Tinospora secretogogues,
cardifolia, piper nigrum, Ocimum sanctum, triphala, Curcuma longa, alpha glycosidase
shilajeet inhibitors
3 Dia- Tablet Tobbest busindo Cassia auriculata, Coccinia indica, emblica officinalis, Gymnena Promote the [30]
sulin sylvestre, Momordica charantia, syzygium cumini, Tinospora cardifolia, insulin secretion
Trigonella foenum graecum
4 Bitter Pow- Garry and sun Momordica charantia Reduce insulin [30]
gourd der natural remedy resistance
5 Dia Pow- Admark herbals Sanjeevan mool, himej, jambu beej, kadu, namejav, neem chal Reduce insulin [30]
care der limited resistance
6 Gur- Pow- Garry and sun Gymnena sylvestre Maintain blood [30]
mar der natural remedy glucose level
7 Dia- Tablet Ayurvedic cure Gymnena sylvestre, vinca rosea, Curcuma longa, Azadirachta indica, Release of insulin [30]
beta ayurvedic herbal Tinospora cardifolia, Zingiber officinalis
health products
8 Pan- Liq- Dr. Morse Tinospora cardifolia, Syzygium cumini, Melia azadirachta, Momordica Regenerating [43]
cre- uid cellular botanical charantia, Gymnena sylvestre, Aegle marmelos pancreatic β-
atic cells
9 Sha- Pow- Plants med Green coffee beans, cinnamon, Boerhavia diffusa Stimulate insulin [23]
rang der laboratorie production
dyab pvt.ltd
10 Herbal Cap- Isha agro Eugenia jambolana Reduce blood& [23]
hills sule developers urine sugar level
11 Stevia Cap- Vitalize herbs Sudh shilajeet, syzygium cumini, Tinospora cardifolia, Margosa indica, Stimulate β- cells [23]
33 sule pvt. Ltd. Gymnena sylvestre, Momordica charantia, Withania somnifera of pancreas
12 Spe- Pow- Shriji herbal Karela, jamun, chirayata, methi, kalijiri, indrayav, kutki Antidiabetic [23]
nai der products
13 Shila- Cap- Ayurveda Shudha shilajeet Stimulate insulin [26]
jeet sule rasashala pune secretion
14 Triphala Tablet Ayurveda Triphala guggul Lower triglyceride [26
gug- rasashala pune level

plants with anti-diabetic activity that may be useful to people. quire laborious pharmaceutical synthesis seems highly attrac-
It may also provide evidence for the improvement of a new oral tive. From this review article, it may be useful to the health pro-
drug for the treatment of diabetes mellitus [40]. fessionals, scientists and scholars to develop evidence-based al-
ternative medicine to cure different kinds of diabetes problem
using herbal preparation. Substances and extracts isolated from
Conclusions different natural resources play very important role to design
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