ELEN1000 Lab 2 - V3
ELEN1000 Lab 2 - V3
ELEN1000 Lab 2 - V3
Electrical Systems
Laboratory 2 (100 marks)
AC signals, capacitors and inductors
Equipment Required
LTspice simulator installed in a computer or laptop.
1 x Signal generator
1 x Oscilloscope with leads
1 × Breadboard and assorted wire lengths
1 x Capacitors: 0.18 uF, 0.12 uF, 0.068 uF, 0.1 uF (polyester, 100V)
1 x Resistors: 68kΩ, 10 kΩ (±1%, 0.5 W)
The objectives of this laboratory session can be summarised as follow:
• understand the electrical characteristics of capacitors and inductors;
• observe the behaviour of capacitors in a simple circuit;
• learn how to simulate simple circuits using LTspice.
At the end of this laboratory session you are expected to be able to explain, in your own words, what capacitors
and inductors do.
Always be sure you know what you are doing, do not make things work by trial and error.
If you are hesitant about something, ask for help. First to your partner, then to the lab supervisor and
technical officer.
Always turn the PSU off while making or changing connections. Only turn the PSU on during testing.
Students should bring a printout of this lab script, complete it and submit the marking rubric at the end of
the lab session.
(NOTE: These videos were almost randomly selected from a multitude available. Feel free to explore
other resources that suit your learning preferences.)
After watching the videos, complete activities 1 to 4 before coming to the physical lab session.
Submit the answers to the pre-lab activities through the lab section in Blackboard. These activities
have to be completed individually before coming to the laboratory. This work will be assumed during
the lab session.
If the default colour scheme of your schematic and simulation is not as shown in the previous figures,
change it following these instructions:
2b. Use LTspice to find combinations of R1 and C1 that produce the required t63%. (8 marks)
Report your answers in Blackboard’s pre-lab 2 quiz. Round up your answers to one decimal digit.
2c. Answer the question in Blackboard’s pre-lab 2 quiz about capacitors in DC (4 marks)
3b. Answer the question in Blackboard’s pre-lab 2 quiz about inductors in DC (2 marks)
Use LTspice to simulate the circuit in Figure 5 for different values of L1. Your simulation should look
like the following picture.
Phase shift in milliseconds is the distance between peaks. Note in the picture how the zeroes for
voltage and current are aligned. You can align the zeroes by changing the range of the vertical axes
(right-click on them). Also note how the current through the inductor drifts down, hence measuring
phase shift at the zero crossings is not good.
4a. For each of the following cases measure the phase shift (φ) in degrees. (8 marks)
Report your answers in Blackboards pre-lab 2 quiz.
Remember, a full cycle (1 period) is equal to 360o
Case 1: R1= 1 Ohm L1= 0.01 H φ= ?
Case 2: R1= 1 Ohm L1= 0.05 H φ= ?
Case 3: R1= 1 Ohm L1= 0.1 H φ= ?
Case 4: R1= 1 Ohm L1= 0.2 H φ= ?
4b. Answer the question in Blackboard’s pre-lab 2 quiz about inductors in AC (2 marks)
Use the oscilloscope to help you set the signal generator to produce a square wave with 50% duty
cycle (default), 10 Hz frequency, amplitude of 5 Vp-p and 2.5V offset (Vin should be a square signal
that changes between 0 and 5 V). Then connect the signal generator to Vin in the circuit you built in
the breadboard. Once the signal generator is in place and turned off, connect channel 1 of the
oscilloscope to Vin and channel 2 to Vout.
IMPORTANT: The grids in the pictures below do not necessarily have to match the grids in the
oscilloscope. The grids in the picture are there to help you scale your drawings.
R= 68 kΩ
0.05 s
C= 0.12 uF 5
R= 68 kΩ
0.05 s
C= 0.068 uF 5
R= 68 kΩ
0.05 s
Thinking time
Discuss with your partner. For a given combination of R and C, would T63% change if the
frequency of Vin increases or decreases?
C= 0.068 uF
R= 68 kΩ 0
φ =_________
0.05 s
C= 0.12 uF
R= 68 kΩ 0
φ =_________
0.05 s
C= 0.18 uF
R= 68 kΩ 0
φ =_________
0.05 s
Complete the following table. Remember that the same phase shift in milliseconds gives different
phase shift in degrees, depending on the frequency.
You may use the Measures menu in the oscilloscope to display phase shift from Ch1-Ch2.
5 Hz
50 Hz
200 Hz
500 Hz
1 kHz
Thinking time
Discuss with your partner.
How do you explain changes in Vout’s amplitude at different frequencies?
Unsatisfactory Satisfactory
Activity Marks
0 % 50 51 % 100
Pre-Lab activities
Individually marked. 50% in Blackboard.
In-Lab work. Marks for the team.
2 mark for each correct graph.
5a. Capacitors in DC and The team did not attempt the task
3 marks for each correct value of /20
T63%. or heavily relied on help
T63% obtained with no help.
1.5 mark for each correct graph.
6a. Capacitors in AC and The team did not attempt the task
2 marks for each correct value of /15
phase shift. or heavily relied on help
T63% obtained with no help.
The team relied on help to get 1 mark for every correct
6b. Frequency sweep. /15
some results measurement in the table