Atoms - DPP 01 (Of Lec 02) - (Parishram 2.0 2023)
Atoms - DPP 01 (Of Lec 02) - (Parishram 2.0 2023)
Atoms - DPP 01 (Of Lec 02) - (Parishram 2.0 2023)
Parishram 2.0
Atoms DPP-01
1. When an α-particle of mass m moving with velocity v 5. Angular momentum of an electron in the hydrogen
bombards on a heavy nucleus of charge Ze, its 3h
atom is . Here h is Plank's constant. The Kinetic
distance of closest approach from the nucleus depends 2
on m as Energy of this electron is
1 1 (1) 4.53 eV (2) 1.51 eV
(1) (2) (3) 3.4 eV (4) 6.8 eV
m m2
1 6. The ratio of the speed of the electron in the first Bohr
(3) m (4)
m orbit of hydrogen atom and the speed of light is equal
to (where e, h and c have their usual meanings)
2. According to Bohr's theory of the hydrogen atom, the (1) 2hc/e2 (2) e2 c/2h
(3) e h/2c (4) e2 /2𝜀0 hc
speed vn of the electron in a stationary orbit is related
to the principal quantum number n as (C is a 7. According to Bohr’s model, the ratio of atomic radius
constant): of the First Orbit in Hydrogen Atom to that of Second
C C Orbit of Li2+ is
(1) vn = 2 (2) vn =
n n (1) 3/2 (2) 2/3
(3) 4/3 (4) 3/4
(3) vn = Cn (4) vn = Cn2
8. If the radius of the first orbit of hydrogen atom is
3. The shortest wavelength in Balmer's series for 5.29 × 10–11 m, the radius of the second orbit will be
Hydrogen atom is ... and this is obtained by (1) 21.16 × 10–11 metre
1 1 1 (2) 15.87 × 10–11 metre
substituting ... in Balmer's formula = R ( − )
𝜆 4 𝑛2 (3) 10.58 × 10–11 metre
(1) 656.3 nm, n = 3 (2) 486.1 nm, n = 4 (4) 2.64 × 10–11 metre
(3) 410.2 nm, n = 5 (4) 364.6 nm, n =
9. An electron in Bohr’s hydrogen atom has angular
4. As an electron makes a transition from an excited momentum . The energy of the electron is
state to the ground state of a hydrogen like atom/ion (1) – 3.4 eV (2) – 0.64 eV
(3) – 0.85 eV (4) – 10.25 eV
Answer Key
1. (4) 6. (4)
2. (2) 7. (4)
3. (4) 8. (1)
4. (4) 9. (3)
5. (2) 10. (3)
5. (2) 9. (3)
Angular momentum = n = 3
2 10. (3)
Now, v = (2.2 106
) v
n sec n
1 m
= (2.2 106 )
3 sec
(n = 3 in this problem)
Kinetic energy = mv 2
1 1 m
= (9.110−31 Kg ) ( 2.2 106 )2
2 3 s
2.45 10−19
= 2.45 10–19 J = eV
1.6 10−19
= 1.53 eV
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