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Serangan jantung terjadi ketika aliran darah ke jantung sangat berkurang atau tersumbat. Penyumbatan
tersebut biasanya disebabkan oleh penumpukan lemak, kolesterol dan zat lain di arteri jantung
(koroner). Endapan lemak yang mengandung kolesterol disebut plak. Proses penumpukan plak disebut

Terkadang, plak bisa pecah dan membentuk gumpalan yang menghambat aliran darah. Kurangnya aliran
darah dapat merusak atau menghancurkan sebagian otot jantung.

Serangan jantung

Serangan jantung

Serangan jantung terjadi ketika arteri yang mengirimkan darah dan oksigen ke jantung tersumbat.
Endapan lemak yang mengandung kolesterol menumpuk seiring waktu, membentuk plak di arteri
jantung. Jika plak pecah, bekuan darah bisa terbentuk. Gumpalan tersebut dapat menyumbat arteri,
menyebabkan serangan jantung. Saat serangan jantung, kurangnya aliran darah menyebabkan jaringan
di otot jantung mati.

Serangan jantung juga disebut infark miokard.

Diperlukan pengobatan segera pada serangan jantung untuk mencegah kematian. Hubungi 911 atau
bantuan medis darurat jika Anda merasa mengalami serangan jantung.

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Gejala serangan jantung bermacam-macam. Beberapa orang memiliki gejala ringan. Yang lainnya
memiliki gejala yang parah. Beberapa orang tidak memiliki gejala.

Gejala umum serangan jantung meliputi:

Nyeri dada yang mungkin terasa seperti tertekan, sesak, nyeri, diremas atau ngilu

Nyeri atau ketidaknyamanan yang menyebar ke bahu, lengan, punggung, leher, rahang, gigi, atau
terkadang perut bagian atas

Keringat dingin


Sakit maag atau gangguan pencernaan

Sakit kepala ringan atau pusing mendadak


Sesak napas

Wanita mungkin mengalami gejala yang tidak lazim seperti nyeri singkat atau tajam yang terasa di leher,
lengan, atau punggung. Terkadang, gejala pertama serangan jantung adalah serangan jantung

Beberapa serangan jantung menyerang secara tiba-tiba. Namun banyak orang yang sudah mengetahui
tanda dan gejala peringatan beberapa jam, hari, atau minggu sebelumnya. Nyeri atau tekanan di dada
(angina) yang terus terjadi dan tidak hilang setelah istirahat mungkin merupakan tanda peringatan dini.
Angina disebabkan oleh penurunan sementara aliran darah ke jantung.
Informasi Lebih Lanjut

Gejala serangan jantung

Kapan harus ke dokter

Dapatkan bantuan segera jika Anda merasa mengalami serangan jantung. Lakukan langkah-langkah ini:

Hubungi bantuan medis darurat. Jika Anda merasa mengalami serangan jantung, segera hubungi 911
atau nomor darurat setempat. Jika Anda tidak memiliki akses ke layanan medis darurat, mintalah
seseorang mengantar Anda ke rumah sakit terdekat. Berkendara sendiri hanya jika tidak ada pilihan lain.

Take nitroglycerin, if prescribed to you by a health care provider. Take it as instructed while awaiting
emergency help.

Take aspirin, if recommended. Taking aspirin during a heart attack may reduce heart damage by
preventing blood clotting.

Aspirin can interact with other drugs. Don't take an aspirin unless your care provider or emergency
medical personnel say to do so. Don't delay calling 911 to take an aspirin. Call for emergency help first.

What to do if you see someone who might be having a heart attack

If someone is unconscious and you think they're having a heart attack, first call 911 or your local
emergency number. Then check if the person is breathing and has a pulse. If the person isn't breathing
or you don't find a pulse, only then should you begin cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).

If you're untrained in CPR, do hands-only CPR. That means push hard and fast on the person's chest —
about 100 to 120 compressions a minute.

If you're trained in CPR and confident in your ability, start with 30 chest compressions before giving two
rescue breaths.

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Coronary artery disease causes most heart attacks. In coronary artery disease, one or more of the heart
(coronary) arteries are blocked. This is usually due to cholesterol-containing deposits called plaques.
Plaques can narrow the arteries, reducing blood flow to the heart.

If a plaque breaks open, it can cause a blood clot in the heart.

A heart attack may be caused by a complete or partial blockage of a heart (coronary) artery. One way to
classify heart attacks is whether an electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) shows some specific changes (ST
elevation) that require emergency invasive treatment. Your health care provider may use
electrocardiogram (ECG) results to describe these types of heart attacks.

An acute complete blockage of a medium or large heart artery usually means you've had an ST elevation
myocardial infarction (STEMI).

A partial blockage often means you've had a non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). However,
some people with non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) have a total blockage.

Not all heart attacks are caused by blocked arteries. Other causes include:

Coronary artery spasm. This is a severe squeezing of a blood vessel that's not blocked. The artery
generally has cholesterol plaques or there is early hardening of the vessel due to smoking or other risk
factors. Other names for coronary artery spasms are Prinzmetal's angina, vasospastic angina or variant

Certain infections. COVID-19 and other viral infections may cause damage to the heart muscle.
Spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD). This life-threatening condition is caused by a tear inside
a heart artery.

Risk factors

Heart attack risk factors include:

Age. Men age 45 and older and women age 55 and older are more likely to have a heart attack than are
younger men and women.

Tobacco use. This includes smoking and long-term exposure to secondhand smoke. If you smoke, quit.

High blood pressure. Over time, high blood pressure can damage arteries that lead to the heart. High
blood pressure that occurs with other conditions, such as obesity, high cholesterol or diabetes, increases
the risk even more.

High cholesterol or triglycerides. A high level of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol (the "bad"
cholesterol) is most likely to narrow arteries. A high level of certain blood fats called triglycerides also
increases heart attack risk. Your heart attack risk may drop if levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
cholesterol — the "good" cholesterol — are in the standard range.

Obesity. Obesity is linked with high blood pressure, diabetes, high levels of triglycerides and bad
cholesterol, and low levels of good cholesterol.

Diabetes. Blood sugar rises when the body doesn't make a hormone called insulin or can't use it
correctly. High blood sugar increases the risk of a heart attack.

Metabolic syndrome. This is a combination of at least three of the following things: enlarged waist
(central obesity), high blood pressure, low good cholesterol, high triglycerides and high blood sugar.
Having metabolic syndrome makes you twice as likely to develop heart disease than if you don't have it.

Family history of heart attacks. If a brother, sister, parent or grandparent had an early heart attack (by
age 55 for males and by age 65 for females), you might be at increased risk.

Not enough exercise. A lack of physical activity (sedentary lifestyle) is linked to a higher risk of heart
attacks. Regular exercise improves heart health.

Unhealthy diet. A diet high in sugars, animal fats, processed foods, trans fats and salt increases the risk
of heart attacks. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, fiber and healthy oils.

Stress. Emotional stress, such as extreme anger, may increase the risk of a heart attack.

Illegal drug use. Cocaine and amphetamines are stimulants. They can trigger a coronary artery spasm
that can cause a heart attack.
A history of preeclampsia. This condition causes high blood pressure during pregnancy. It increases the
lifetime risk of heart disease.

An autoimmune condition. Having a condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus can increase the risk
of a heart attack.


Heart attack complications are often due to heart muscle damage. Potential complications of a heart
attack include:

Irregular or atypical heart rhythms (arrhythmias). Heart attack damage can affect how electrical signals
move through the heart, causing heartbeat changes. Some may be serious and can be deadly.

Cardiogenic shock. This rare condition occurs when the heart is suddenly and abruptly unable to pump

Heart failure. A lot of damage to the heart muscle tissue can make the heart unable to pump blood.
Heart failure can be temporary or long-lasting (chronic).

Inflammation of the saclike tissue surrounding the heart (pericarditis). Sometimes a heart attack triggers
a faulty immune system response. This condition may be called Dressler syndrome, postmyocardial
infarction syndrome or postcardiac injury syndrome.

Cardiac arrest. Without warning, the heart stops. A sudden change in the heart's signaling causes
sudden cardiac arrest. A heart attack increases the risk of this life-threatening condition. It can lead to
death (sudden cardiac death) without immediate treatment.


It's never too late to take steps to prevent a heart attack — even if you've already had one. Here are
ways to prevent a heart attack.

Follow a healthy lifestyle. Don't smoke. Maintain a healthy weight with a heart-healthy diet. Get regular
exercise and manage stress.

Manage other health conditions. Certain conditions, such as high blood pressure and diabetes, can
increase the risk of heart attacks. Ask your health care provider how often you need checkups.

Take medications as directed. Your health care provider may prescribe drugs to protect and improve
your heart health.
It's also a good idea to learn CPR properly so you can help someone who's having a heart attack.
Consider taking an accredited first-aid training course, including CPR and how to use an automated
external defibrillator (AED).

More Information

Heart attack prevention: Should I avoid secondhand smoke?

Request an appointment

By Mayo Clinic Staff

Oct 09, 2023


Show References

Diagnosis & treatment

Diseases & Conditions

Heart attack symptoms & causes

Patient Stories from Mayo Clinic

Ceramide testing reveals risk of heart attack

Close-to-home care critical for heart attack survivor

Merangkul kesehatan setelah serangan jantung masif

Berita dari Mayo Clinic

Tanya Jawab Mayo Clinic: Perubahan gaya hidup untuk mengurangi risiko serangan jantung dan stroke
Q and A Mayo Clinic: Langkah perawatan diri dapat menjaga kesehatan jantung selama liburan

Gejala serangan jantung pada wanita seringkali berbeda dibandingkan pria

Informasi Lebih Lanjut

Suplemen Kalsium: Faktor Risiko Serangan Jantung?

Suntikan Flu Mencegah Serangan Jantung

Serangan jantung

Pencegahan serangan jantung: Haruskah saya menghindari perokok pasif?

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