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Chap 4

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Modern Statistical Techniques

R. Molina (1), N. P rez de la Blanca (1) and C. C. Taylor (2) e (1) University of Granada1 and (2) University of Leeds

4.1 INTRODUCTION In the previous chapter we studied the classication problem, from the statistical point of view, assuming that the form of the underlying density functions (or their ratio) was known. However, in most real problems this assumption does not necessarily hold. In this chapter we examine distribution-free (often called nonparametric) classication procedures that can be used without assuming that the form of the underlying densities are known. Recall that q; n; p denote the number of classes, of examples and attributes, respectively. Classes will be denoted by A1 ; A2; : : :; Aq and attribute values for example i (i = 1; 2; : : :; n) will be denoted by the p-dimensional vector i = (x1i; x2i; : : :; xpi) 2 X . Elements in X will be denoted = (x1; x2; : : :; xp). The Bayesian approach for allocating observations to classes has already been outlined in Section 2.6. It is clear that to apply the Bayesian approach to classication we have to estimate f( j Aj ) and j or p(Aj j ). Nonparametric methods to do this job will be discussed in this chapter. We begin in Section 4.2 with kernel density estimation; a close relative to this approach is the k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) which is outlined in Section 4.3. Bayesian methods which either allow for, or prohibit dependence between the variables are discussed in Sections 4.5 and 4.6. A nal section deals with promising methods which have been developed recently, but, for various reasons, must be regarded as methods for the future. To a greater or lesser extent, these methods have been tried out in the project, but the results were disappointing. In some cases (ACE), this is due to limitations of size and memory as implemented in Splus. The pruned implementation of MARS in Splus (StatSci, 1991) also suffered in a similar way, but a standalone version which also does classication is expected shortly. We believe that these methods will have a place in classication practice, once some relatively minor technical problems have been resolved. As yet, however, we cannot recommend them on the basis of our empirical trials.

1 Address for correspondence: Department of Computer Science and AI, Facultad de Ciencas, University of Granada, 18071 Granada, Spain


Modern statistical techniques

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4.2 DENSITY ESTIMATION A nonparametric approach, proposed in Fix & Hodges (1951), is to estimate the densities fj ( ); j = 1; 2; : : :; q by nonparametric density estimation. Then once we have estimated fj ( ) and the prior probabilities j we can use the formulae of Section 2.6 and the costs to classify by minimum risk or minimum error. To introduce the method, we assume that we have to estimate the p dimensional density function f( ) of an unknown distribution. Note that we will have to perform this process for each of the q densities fj ( ); j = 1; 2; : : :; q. Then, the probability, P , that a vector will fall in a region R is given by

x x


Suppose that n observations are drawn independently according to f( ). Then we can approach P by k=n where k is the number of these n observations falling in R. Furthermore, if f( ) does not vary appreciably within R we can write

f(x0 )dx0

where V is the volume enclosed by R. This leads to the following procedure to estimate the density at . Let Vn be the volume of Rn , kn be the number of samples falling in Rn ^ and f( ) the estimate of f( ) based on a sample of size n, then


Equation (4.1) can be written in a much more suggestive way. If Rn is a p dimensional hypercube and if n is the length of the edge of the hypercube we have

^ f(x) = kn=n Vn


n 1X ^ f(x) = n V1 ' x xi i=1 n n



'(u) =

Then (4.2) expresses our estimate for f( In general we could use

1 juj j 1=2 0 otherwise

j = 1; 2 : : :; p

x) as an average function of x and the samples xi.

where K( ; i ; n) are kernel functions. For instance, we could use, instead of the Parzen window dened above,

n 1X ^ f(x) = n K(x; xi ; n)



The role played by n is clear. For (4.3), if n is very large K( ; i ; n) changes very slowly with , resulting in a very smooth estimate for f( ). On the other hand, if n is ^ small then f( ) is the superposition of n sharp normal distributions with small variances centered at the samples producing a very erratic estimate of f( ). The analysis for the Parzen window is similar.

K(x; xi ; n ) = p 1 p exp : 1 2 j ( 2 n)

8 <

xj xji


9 ;


x x


Sec. 4.2]

Density estimation


Before going into details about the kernel functions we use in the classication problem and about the estimation of the smoothing parameter n , we briey comment on the mean ^ behaviour of f( ). We have

K(x; u; n)f(u)du ^ and so the expected value of the estimate f(x) is an averaged value of the unknown density. ^ x) in a Taylor series (in n ) about x one can derive asymptotic formulae By expanding f(

^ E f(x)] =

for the mean and variance of the estimator. These can be used to derive plug-in estimates for n which are well-suited to the goal of density estimation, see Silverman (1986) for further details. We now consider our classication problem. Two choices have to be made in order to estimate the density, the specication of the kernel and the value of the smoothing parameter. It is fairly widely recognised that the choice of the smoothing parameter is much more important. With regard to the kernel function we will restrict our attention to kernels with p independent coordinates, i.e.

K(x; xi ; ) =

p Y

with K(j ) indicating the kernel function component of the j th attribute and being not dependent on j . It is very important to note that as stressed by Aitchison & Aitken (1976), this factorisation does not imply the independence of the attributes for the density we are estimating. It is clear that kernels could have a more complex form and that the smoothing parameter could be coordinate dependent. We will not discuss in detail that possibility here (see McLachlan, 1992 for details). Some comments will be made at the end of this section. The kernels we use depend on the type of variable. For continuous variables

j =1

K(j ) (xj ; xji; )

K(j ) (xj ; xji; ) = =

For binary variables

1 = log 1 = log
( j

8 < :


xj xji p 1= log

!2 9 = ;

(xj xji )2

1+ 1 = 1 + (x x )2 For nominal variables with Tj nominal values I (x ;x K(j ) (xj ; xji; ) = 1 + (T1 1) j 1 = 1 + (T 1) 1 I (x ;x
j ji j

K(j ) (xj ; xji; ) =

x xji )2

1 1+

1 ( j

x xji )2

ji )

I (xj ;xji )

1 + (Tj 1)
ji )


Modern statistical techniques

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where I(x; y) = 1 if x = y; 0 otherwise. For ordinal variables with Tj nominal values

K(j ) (xj ; xji; ) =

For the above expressions we can see that in all cases we can write

x xji )2 PTj (x x )2 k=1 k ji

( j
j ji )

1 2 K(j ) (xj ; xji; ) = C( ) d (x ;x

The problem is that since we want to use the same smoothing parameter, , for all the 2 variables, we have to normalise them. To do so we substitute by 1=s where s2 is dened, depending on the type of variable, by continuous binary

i=1 (xji

xj )2


i=1 (xji

xj )2

2 n 1 i=1 (xji xj ) where Nj (k) denotes the number of examples for which attribute j has the value k and xj is the sample mean of the j th attribute. With this selection of s2 we have average k6=i d2(xjk ; xji)=s2 = 2 8j



2n(n 1)

k=1 Nj (k)

n X

So we can understand the above process as rescaling all the variables to the same scale. For discrete variables the range of the smoothness parameter is the interval (0; 1). One extreme leads to the uniform distribution and the other to a one-point distribution:

=1 =0

K(xj ; xji; 1) = 1=Tj K(xj ; xji; 0) = 1 if xj = xji;


xj 6= xji

For continuous variables the range is 0 < < 1 and = 1 and = 0 have to be regarded as limiting cases. As ! 1 we get the uniform distribution over the real line and as ! 0 we get the Dirac spike function situated at the xji. Having dened the kernels we will use, we need to choose . As ! 0 the estimated density approaches zero at all except at the samples where it is 1=n times the Dirac delta function. This precludes choosing by maximizing the log likelihood with respect to . To estimate a good choice of smoothing parameter, a jackknife modication of the maximum likelihood method can be used. Q This was proposed by Habbema et al. (1974) and Duin n ^ (1976) and takes to maximise i=1 fi ( i ) where

f^i (xi ) = n 1 1

n X
k=1 k=i

K (p) (xi ; xk ; )

Sec. 4.3]

Density estimation


This criterion makes the smoothness data dependent, leads to an algorithm for an arbitrary dimensionality of the data and possesses consistency requirements as discussed by Aitchison & Aitken (1976). An extension of the above model for is to make i dependent on the kth nearest neighbour distance to i , so that we have a i for each sample point. This gives rise to the so-called variable kernel model. An extensive description of this model was rst given by Breiman et al. (1977). This method has promising results especially when lognormal or skewed distributions are estimated. The kernel width i is thus proportional to the kth nearest neighbour distance in i denoted by dik , i.e. i = dik . We take for dik the euclidean distance measured after standardisation of all variables. The proportionality factor is (inversely) dependent on k. The smoothing value is now determined by two parameters, and k; can be though of as an overall smoothing parameter, while k denes the variation in smoothness of the estimated density over the different regions. If, for example k = 1, the smoothness will vary locally while for larger k values the smoothness tends to be constant over large regions, roughly approximating the xed kernel model. We use a Normal distribution for the component

can again be applied . However, for the variable kernel this leads to a more difcult twodimensional optimisation problem of the likelihood function L( ; k) with one continuous parameter ( ) and one discrete parameter (k). Silverman (1986, Sections 2.6 and 5.3) studies the advantages and disadvantages of this approach. He also proposes another method to estimate the smoothing parameters in a variable kernel model (see Silverman, 1986 and McLachlan, 1992 for details). The algorithm we mainly used in our trials to classify by density estimation is ALLOC80 by Hermans at al. (1982) (see Appendix B for source). 4.2.1 Example

1 p exp 1 xj xji 2 K(j ) (xj ; xji; i) = 2 diksj diksj 2 To optimise for and k the jackknife modication of the maximum likelihood method

We illustrate the kernel classier with some simulated data, which comprise 200 observations from a standard Normal distribution (class 1, say) and 100 (in total) values from an equal mixture of N( :8; 1) (class 2). The resulting estimates can then be used as a basis for classifying future observations to one or other class. Various scenarios are given in Figure 4.1 where a black segment indicates that observations will be allocated to class 2, and otherwise to class 1. In this example we have used equal priors for the 2 classes (although they are not equally represented), and hence allocations are based on maximum estimated likelihood. It is clear that the rule will depend on the smoothing parameters, and can result in very disconnected sets. In higher dimensions these segments will become regions, with potentially very nonlinear boundaries, and possibly disconnected, depending on the smoothing parameters used. For comparison we also draw the population probability densities, and the true decision regions in Figure 4.1 (top), which are still disconnected but very much smoother than some of those constructed from the kernels.


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True Probability Densities with Decision Regions

0.4 0.0 0.1 1111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 -3 -2 -1 0 x 0.2 f 0.3

1111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 1 2 3

kernel estimates with decision regions

(A) smoothing values = 0.3, 0.8
0.4 0.6

(B) smoothing values = 0.3, 0.4



f 0.0 0.2 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| -3 -2 -1



||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||| -3 -2 -1

0 x

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 1 2 3

0 x

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 1 2 3

(C) smoothing values = 0.1, 1.0


(D) smoothing values = 0.4, 0.1






0.5 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| -3 -2 -1 0 x



||||||||||| -3 -2

||||||||||||||||||||| -1 0 x

||||||| |||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 1 2 3

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||| 1 2 3

Fig. 4.1: Classication regions for kernel classier (bottom) with true probability densities (top). The smoothing parameters quoted in (A) (D) are the values of n used in Equation (4.3) for class 1 and class 2, respectively.

Sec. 4.3]

Knearest neighbour




Suppose we consider estimating the quantities f( j Ah ), h = 1; : : :; q by a nearest neighbour P method. If we have training data in which there are nh observations from class Ah with n = nh , and the hypersphere around containing the k nearest observations has volume v( ) and contains k1( ); : : : ; kq ( ) observations of classes A1 ; : : :; Aq respectively, then h is estimated by nh =n and f( j Ah ) is estimated by kh ( )=(nh v( )), which then gives an estimate of p(Ah j ) by substitution as p(Ah j ) = kh ( )=k . This leads immediately ^ to the classication rule: classify as belonging to class Ac if kc = maxh (kh ). This is known as the k-nearest neighbour (k-NN) classication rule. For the special case when k = 1, it is simply termed the nearest-neighbour (NN) classication rule. There is a problem that is important to mention. In the above analysis it is assumed that h is estimated by nh =n. However, it could be the case that our sample did not estimate properly the group-prior probabilities. This issue is studied in Davies (1988). We study in some depth the NN rule. We rst try to get a heuristic understanding of why the nearest-neighbour rule should work. To begin with, note that the class NN associated with the nearest neighbour is a random variable and the probability that NN = Ai is merely p(Ai j NN ) where NN is the sample nearest to . When the number of samples is very large, it is reasonable to assume that NN is sufciently close to so that p(Ai j ) p(Ai j NN ). In this case, we can view the nearest-neighbour rule as a randomised decision rule that classies by selecting the category Ai with probability p(Ai j ). As a nonparametric density estimator the nearest neighbour approach yields a non-smooth curve which does not integrate to unity, and as a method of density estimation it is unlikely to be appropriate. However, these poor qualities need not extend to the domain of classication. Note also that the nearest neighbour method is equivalent to the kernel density estimate as the smoothing parameter tends to zero, when the Normal kernel function is used. See Scott (1992) for details. It is obvious that the use of this rule involves choice of a suitable metric, i.e. how is the distance to the nearest points to be measured? In some datasets there is no problem, but for multivariate data, where the measurements are measured on different scales, some standardisation is usually required. This is usually taken to be either the standard deviation or the range of the variable. If there are indicator variables (as will occur for nominal data) then the data is usually transformed so that all observations lie in the unit hypercube. Note that the metric can also be class dependent, so that one obtains a distance conditional on the class. This will increase the processing and classication time, but may lead to a considerable increase in performance. For classes with few samples, a compromise is to use a regularised value, in which there is some trade-off between the within class value, and the global value of the rescaling parameters. A study on the inuence of data transformation and metrics on the k-NN rule can be found in Todeschini (1989). To speed up the process of nding the nearest neighbours several approaches have been proposed. Fukunaka & Narendra (1975) used a branch and bound algorithm to increase the speed to compute the nearest neighbour, the idea is to divide the attribute space in regions and explore a region only when there are possibilities of nding there a nearest neighbour. The regions are hierarchically decomposed to subsets, sub-subsets and so on. Other ways to speed up the process are to use a condensed-nearest-neighbour rule (Hart,

x x

x x


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1968), a reduced-nearest-neighbour-rule (Gates, 1972) or the edited-nearest-neighbour-rule (Hand & Batchelor, 1978). These methods all reduce the training set by retaining those observations which are used to correctly classify the discarded points, thus speeding up the classication process. However they have not been implemented in the k-NN programs used in this book. The choice of k can be made by cross-validation methods whereby the training data is split, and the second part classied using a k-NN rule. However, in large datasets, this method can be prohibitive in CPU time. Indeed for large datasets, the method is very time consuming for k > 1 since all the training data must be stored and examined for each classication. Enas & Choi (1986), have looked at this problem in a simulation study and proposed rules for estimating k for the two classes problem. See McLachlan (1992) for details. In the trials reported in this book, we used the nearest neighbour (k = 1) classier with no condensing. (The exception to this was the satellite dataset - see Section 9.3.6 - in which k was chosen by cross-validation.) Distances were scaled using the standard deviation for each attribute, with the calculation conditional on the class. Ties were broken by a majority vote, or as a last resort, the default rule. 4.3.1 Example
nearest neighbour classifier
1400 1 1

Glucose area



1 1 1 1 1



1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 1.0 3 3 2 2 2 3 3 3 0.8 0.9 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1

1 2 2 3 3 1.1 1.2 2 2


3 3

3 2 3

Relative weight

Fig. 4.2: Nearest neighbour classier for one test example.

The following example shows how the nearest (k = 1) neighbour classier works. The data are a random subset of dataset 36 in Andrews & Herzberg (1985) which examines the relationship between chemical subclinical and overt nonketotic diabetes in 145 patients (see above for more details). For ease of presentation, we have used only 50 patients and two of the six variables; Relative weight and Glucose area, and the data are shown in Figure 4.2 The classications of 50 patients are one of overt diabetic (1), chemical diabetic (2) and normal(3) are labeled on the graph. In this example, it can be seen that Glucose Area

Sec. 4.4]

Projection pursuit classication


(y-axis) is more useful in separating the three classes, and that class 3 is easier to distinguish than classes 1 and 2. A new patient, whose condition is supposed unknown is assigned the same classication as his nearest neighbour on the graph. The distance, as measured to each point, needs to be scaled in some way to take account for different variability in the different directions. In this case the patient is classied as being in class 2, and is classied correctly. The decision regions for the nearest neighbour are composed of piecewise linear boundaries, which may be disconnected regions. These regions are the union of Dirichlet cells; each cell consists of points which are nearer (in an appropriate metric) to a given observation than to any other. For this data we have shaded each cell according to the class of its centre, and the resulting decision regions are shown in Figure 4.3
nearest neighbour decision regions

Glucose area











Relative weight

Fig. 4.3: Decision regions for nearest neighbour classier.

4.4 PROJECTION PURSUIT CLASSIFICATION As we have seen in the previous sections our goal has been to estimate ff( j Aj ); j ; j = 1; : : :; qg in order to assign to class Ai0 when

We assume that we know j ; j = 1; : : :; q and to simplify problems transform our minimum risk decision problem into a minimum error decision problem. To do so we 0 simply alter f j g and fc(i; j)g to f j g and fc0 (i; j)g such that

^ c(i0 ; j)^j f(x j Aj )

^ c(i; j)^j f(x j Aj )


0 c0 (i; j) j = c(i; j) j 8i; j constraining fc0(i; j)g to be of the form c0 (i; j) = constant if j 6= i 0 otherwise 0 Then an approximation to j is


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c(i; j) ^ ^ 0 f(x j Aj )

(see Breiman et al., 1984 for details). With these new prior and costs is assigned to class Aj0 when

^ ^i0 f(x j Ai0 )




So our nal goal is to build a good estimator fp(Aj j ); j = 1; : : :; qg ^ To dene the quality of an estimator d( ) = fp(Aj j ); j = 1; : : :; qg we could use ^

p(Ai0 j x) p(Aj j x) 8j ^ ^ E

Obviously the best estimator is dB ( ) = fp(Aj j ); j = 1; : : :; qg, however, (4.4) is useless since it contains the unknown quantities fp(Aj j ); j = 1; : : :; qg that we are trying to estimate. The problem can be put into a different setting that resolves the difculty. Let Y; X a random vector on fA1; : : :; Aq g X with distribution p(Aj ; ) and dene new variables Zj ; j = 1; : : :; q by

(p(Aj j x) p(Aj j x))2] ^


Zj = 1 if Y = Aj 0 otherwise then E Zj j x] = p(Aj j x). We then dene the mean square error R (d) by X E (Zj p(Aj j x))2 ] ^


The very interesting point is that it can be easily shown that for any class probability estimator d we have

R (d) R (dB ) = E

and so to compare two estimators d1( ) = fp(Aj j ); j = 1; : : :; qg and ^ fp0(Aj j x); j = 1; : : :; qg we can compare the values of R (d1 ) and R (d2 ). When projection pursuit techniques are used in classication problems E modelled as

(p(Aj j x) p(Aj j x))2 ] ^

d2(x) = Zk j x] is

E Zk j x] = Z k +


2 with Z k = EZk , E m = 0, E m = 1 and j =1 2 = 1. The coefcients km ; jm jm and the functions m are parameters of the model and are estimated by least squares. Equation (4.5) is approximated by


km m (

p X j =1

jm xj )


k nk

0 n

zki z k



km m (

p X j =1

jm xji)2 ]=n


zki =

1 0

if in observation i, Y otherwise

= Ai

Sec. 4.4]

Projection pursuit classication


Then the above expression is minimised with respect to the parameters km , T = m ( 1m ; : : :; pm) and the functions m . The projection part of the term projection pursuit indicates that the vector x is projected onto the direction vectors 1; 2; : : :; M to get the lengths ixt; i = 1; 2; : : :; M of the projections, and the pursuit part indicates that the optimization technique is used to nd good direction vectors 1; 2; : : :; M . A few words on the functions are in order. They are special scatterplot smoother designed to have the following features: they are very fast to compute and have a variable span. Aee StatSci (1991 for details. It is the purpose of the projection pursuit algorithm to minimise (4.6) with respect to the parameters jm ; km and functions m , 1 k q, 1 j p, 1 m M , given the training data. The principal task of the user is to choose M , the number of predictive terms comprising the model. Increasing the number of terms decreases the bias (model specication error) at the expense of increasing the variance of the (model and parameter) estimates. The strategy is to start with a relatively large value of M (say M = ML ) and nd all models of size ML and less. That is, solutions that minimise L2 are found for M = ML ; ML 1; ML 2; : : :; 1 in order of decreasing M . The starting parameter values for the numerical search in each M -term model are the solution values for the M most important (out of M + 1) terms of the previous model. The importance is measured as

Im =

q X

normalised so that the most important term has unit importance. (Note that the variance of all the m is one.) The starting point for the minimisation of the largest model, M = ML , is given by an ML term stagewise model (Friedman & Stuetzle, 1981 and StatSci, 1991 for a very precise description of the process). The sequence of solutions generated in this manner is then examined by the user and a nal model is chosen according to the guidelines above. The algorithm we used in the trials to classify by projection pursuit is SMART (see Friedman, 1984 for details, and Appendix B for availability) 4.4.1 Example This method is illustrated using a 5-dimensional dataset with three classes relating to chemical and overt diabetes. The data can be found in dataset 36 of Andrews & Herzberg (1985) and were rst published in Reaven & Miller (1979). The SMART model can be examined by plotting the smooth functions in the two projected data co-ordinates: 0.9998 x1 + 0.0045 x2 - 0.0213 x3 + 0.0010 x4 - 0.0044 x5 x1 - 0.0065 x2 - 0.0001 x3 + 0.0005 x4 - 0.0008 x5 These are given in Figure 4.4 which also shows the class values given by the projected points of the selected training data (100 of the 145 patients). The remainder of the model chooses the values of im to obtain a linear combination of the functions which can then be used to model the conditional probabilities. In this example we get = -0.05 = -0.33 11 12 = -0.40 = 0.34 21 22 = 0.46 = -0.01 31 32


Wk j km j

(1 m M)


Modern statistical techniques

smooth functions with training data projections
0.5 1.0 333333333333 3 333333 3 3 3 333 3 2 2 2 2 2 2222 2 2 22 2 2 2 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 11

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projected point

0.0 0.5

3 33 33333333333 33 3 33 33333 33 333 33 33 3 22 2 2 22 2 222 2 22 22 222 22 2 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 1









projected point

Fig. 4.4: Projected training data with smooth functions.

The remaining 45 patients were used as a test data set, and for each class the unscaled conditional probability can be obtained using the relevant coefcients for that class. These are shown in Figure 4.5, where we have plotted the predicted value against only one of the projected co-ordinate axes. It is clear that if we choose the model (and hence the class) to maximise this value, then we will choose the correct class each time. 4.5 NAIVE BAYES All the nonparametric methods described so far in this chapter suffer from the requirements that all of the sample must be stored. Since a large number of observations is needed to obtain good estimates, the memory requirements can be severe. In this section we will make independence assumptions, to be described later, among the variables involved in the classication problem. In the next section we will address the problem of estimating the relations between the variables involved in a problem and display such relations by mean of a directed acyclic graph. The nave Bayes classier is obtained as follows. We assume that the joint distribution of classes and attributes can be written as

P (Ai ; x1; : : :; xn) = i

p Y

the problem is then to obtain the probabilities f i; f(xj j Ai); 8i; j g. The assumption of independence makes it much easier to estimate these probabilities since each attribute can be treated separately. If an attribute takes a continuous value, the usual procedure is to discretise the interval and to use the appropriate frequency of the interval, although there is an option to use the normal distribution to calculate probabilities. The implementation used in our trials to obtain a nave Bayes classier comes from the IND package of machine learning algorithms IND 1.0 by Wray Buntine (see Appendix B for availability).

j =1

f(xj j Ai) 8i

Sec. 4.6]
Estimated (unscaled) conditional probabilities
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1 1 1 1 11 1 1

Causal networks






2 3 3 2 2 2 2 222 2 3 3333 2 22 33333 3 33333 3 3 33 -10 -5

-0.20.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

22 2 22 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

1 -30

1 1

1 -25

11 -20

1 -15 -10

33 33333 3 3 33 33333 3 3 3333 -5

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

3 33 33 33333 3 3 33333 3 3

1 -30

1 1

1 -25

projected point

1 11 -20

1 -15

2 2 22 2 2 222 2 22 -10


Fig. 4.5: Projected test data with conditional probablities for three classes. Class 1 (top), Class 2 (middle), Class 3 (bottom).

4.6 CAUSAL NETWORKS We start this section by introducing the concept of causal network. Let G = (V; E) be a directed acyclic graph (DAG). With each node v space v is associated. The total set of conguration is the set

2 V a nite state

Typical elements of v are denoted xv and elements of are (xv ; v 2 V ). We assume that we have a probability distribution P(V ) over , where we use the short notation

= v2V v

P (V ) = P fXv = xv ; v 2 V g Denition 1 Let G = (V; E) be a directed acyclic graph (DAG). For each v 2 V let c(v) V be the set of all parents of v and d(v) V be the set of all descendent of v. Furthermore for v 2 V let a(v) be the set of variables in V excluding v and vs descendent. Then if for every subset W a(v), W and v are conditionally independent given c(v), the C = (V; E; P) is called a causal or Bayesian network. There are two key results establishing the relations between a causal network C = (V; E; P) and P(V ). The proofs can be found in Neapolitan (1990). The rst theorem establishes that if C = (V; E; P) is a causal network, then P(V ) can
be written as

P (V ) =


P (v j c(v))

Thus, in a causal network, if one knows the conditional probability distribution of each variable given its parents, one can compute the joint probability distribution of all the variables in the network. This obviously can reduce the complexity of determining the


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distribution enormously. The theorem just established shows that if we know that a DAG and a probability distribution constitute a causal network, then the joint distribution can be retrieved from the conditional distribution of every variable given its parents. This does not imply, however, that if we arbitrarily specify a DAG and conditional probability distributions of every variables given its parents we will necessary have a causal network. This inverse result can be stated as follows. Let V be a set of nite sets of alternatives (we are not yet calling the members of V variables since we do not yet have a probability distribution) and let G = (V; E) be a DAG. In addition, for v 2 V let c(v) V be the set of all parents of v, and let a conditional probability distribution of v given c(v) be specied for every event in c(v), that is we have ^ a probability distribution P (v j c(v)). Then a joint probability distribution P of the vertices in V is uniquely determined by

P (V ) =

and C = (V; E; P ) constitutes a causal network. We illustrate the notion of network with a simple example taken from Cooper (1984). Suppose that metastatic cancer is a cause of brain tumour and can also cause an increase in total serum calcium. Suppose further that either a brain tumor or an increase in total serum calcium could cause a patient to fall into a coma, and that a brain tumor could cause papilledema. Let


^ P(v j c(v))

a1 = metastatic cancer present b1 = serum calcium increased c1 = brain tumor present d1 = coma present e1 = papilledema present

a2 =metastatic cancer not present b2 = serum calcium not increased c2 = brain tumor not present d2 = coma not present e2 = papilledema not present

@@ R @D

@@ R @C

@@ R @E

Fig. 4.6: DAG for the cancer problem.

Then, the structure of our knowledge-base is represented by the DAG in Figure 4.6. This structure together with quantitative knowledge of the conditional probability of every variable given all possible parent states dene a causal network that can be used as device to perform efcient (probabilistic) inference, (absorb knowledge about variables as it arrives, be able to see the effect on the other variables of one variable taking a particular value and so on). See Pearl (1988) and Lauritzen & Spiegelhalter (1988).

Sec. 4.6]

Causal networks


So, once a causal network has been built, it constitutes an efcient device to perform probabilistic inference. However, there remains the previous problem of building such a network, that is, to provide the structure and conditional probabilities necessary for characterizing the network. A very interesting task is then to develop methods able to learn the net directly from raw data, as an alternative to the method of eliciting opinions from the experts. In the problem of learning graphical representations, it could be said that the statistical community has mainly worked in the direction of building undirected representations: chapter 8 of Whittaker (1990) provides a good survey on selection of undirected graphical representations up to 1990 from the statistical point of view. The program BIFROST (Hjsgaard et al., 1992) has been developed, very recently, to obtain causal models. A second literature on model selection devoted to the construction of directed graphs can be found in the social sciences (Glymour et al., 1987; Spirtes et al., 1991) and the articial intelligence community (Pearl, 1988; Herkovsits & Cooper, 1990; Cooper & Herkovsits , 1991 and Fung & Crawford, 1991). In this section we will concentrate on methods to build a simplied kind of causal structure, polytrees (singly connected networks); networks where no more than one path exists between any two nodes. Polytrees, are directed graphs which do not contain loops in the skeleton (the network without the arrows) that allow an extremely efcient local propagation procedure. Before describing how to build polytrees from data, we comment on how to use a polytree in a classication problem. In any classication problem, we have a set of variables W = fXi ; i = 1; : : :; pg that (possibly) have inuence on a distinguished classication variable A. The problem is, given a particular instantiation of these variables, to predict the value of A, that is, to classify this particular case in one of the possible categories of A. For this task, we need a set of examples and their correct classication, acting as a training sample. In this context, we rst estimate from this training sample a network (polytree), structure displaying the causal relationships among the variables V = fXi ; i = 1; ::; pg A; next, in propagation mode, given a new case with unknown classication, we will instantiate and propagate the available information, showing the more likely value of the classication variable A. It is important to note that this classier can be used even when we do not know the value of all the variables in V . Moreover, the network shows the variables in V that directly have inuence on A, in fact the parents of A, the children of A and the other parents of the children of A (the knowledge of these variables makes A independent of the rest of variables in V )(Pearl, 1988). So the rest of the network could be pruned, thus reducing the complexity and increasing the efciency of the classier. However, since the process of building the network does not take into account the fact that we are only interested in classifying, we should expect as a classier a poorer performance than other classication oriented methods. However, the built networks are able to display insights into the classication problem that other methods lack. We now proceed to describe the theory to build polytree-based representations for a general set of variables Y1 ; : : :; Ym . Assume that the distribution P( ) of m discrete-value variables (which we are trying to estimate) can be represented by some unknown polytree F0, that is, P( ) has the form


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at simpler representations than the one displayed in Figure 4.6. The skeleton of the graph involved in that example is not a tree. Then, according to key results seen at the beginning of this section, we have a causal network C = (Y; E; P ) and (Y; E) is a polytree. We will assume that P ( ) is nondegenerate, meaning that there exists a connected DAG that displays all the dependencies and independencies embedded in P . It is important to keep in mind that a nave Bayes classier (Section 4.5) can be represented by a polytree, more precisely a tree in which each attribute node has the class variable C as a parent. The rst step in the process of building a polytree is to learn the skeleton. To build the skeleton we have the following theorem:

P (yi j yj1(i) ; yj2 (i) ; ; yji(i) ) i=1 where fyj1 (i) ; yj2(i) ; ; yji (i)g is the (possibly empty) set of direct parents of the variable Xi in F0, and the parents of each variable are mutually independent. So we are aiming

P (y) =

m Y

Theorem 1 If a nondegenerate distribution P (y) is representable by a polytree F0, then any Maximum Weight Spanning Tree (MWST) where the weight of the branch connecting Yi and Yj is dened by

I(Yi ; Yj ) =

will unambiguously recover the skeleton of F0. Having found the skeleton of the polytree we move on to nd the directionality of the branches. To recover the directions of the branches we use the following facts: nondegeneracy implies that for any pairs of variables (Yi ; Yj ) that do not have a common descendent we have

yi ;yj

P (yi ; P (yi; yj ) log P(y )Pyj ) ) (y

i j

I(Yi ; Yj ) > 0
Furthermore, for the pattern

Yi ! Yk
we have



I(Yi ; Yj ) = 0 and I(Yi ; Yj j Yk ) > 0


I(Yi ; Yj j Yk ) = Yi
we have

P(y yj j y P (yi ; yj ; yk ) log P (y j yi ;)P (y kj)y ) i k j k y ;y ;y

j i k

and for any of the patterns


Yj ; Yi

Yk ! Yj and Yi ! Yk ! Yj

I(Yi ; Yj ) > 0 and I(Yi ; Yj j Yk ) = 0

Sec. 4.7]

Causal networks


Taking all these facts into account we can recover the headtohead patterns, (4.7), which are the really important ones. The rest of the branches can be assigned any direction as long as we do not produce more headtohead patterns. The algorithm to direct the skeleton can be found in Pearl (1988). The program to estimate causal polytrees used in our trials is CASTLE, (Causal Structures From Inductive Learning). It has been developed at the University of Granada for the ESPRIT project StatLog (Acid et al. (1991a); Acid et al. (1991b)). See Appendix B for availability. 4.6.1 Example

We now illustrate the use of the Bayesian learning methodology in a simple model, the digit recognition in a calculator. Digits are ordinarily displayed on electronic watches and calculators using seven horizontal and vertical lights in onoff congurations (see Figure 4.7). We number the lights as shown in Figure 4.7. We take Z = (Cl; Z1; Z2 ; : : :; Z7 ) to be an eightdimensional

1 2 4 5 7 6 3

vector where Cl = i denotes the ith digit, i = 0; 1; 2; : ::; 9 and when xing Cl to i the remaining (Z1 ; Z2; : : :; Z7) is a seven dimensional vector of zeros and ones with zm = 1 if the light in the m position is on for the ith digit and zm = 0 otherwise. We generate examples from a faulty calculator. The data consist of outcomes from the random vector Cl; X1 ; X2; : : :; X7 where Cl is the class label, the digit, and assumes the values in 0; 1; 2; : : :; 9 with equal probability and the X1 ; X2; : : :; X7 are zero-one variables. Given the value of Cl, the X1 ; X2; : : :; X7 are each independently equal to the value corresponding to the Zi with probability 0:9 and are in error with probability 0:1. Our aim is to build up the polytree displaying the (in)dependencies in X . We generate four hundred samples of this distribution and use them as a learning sample. After reading in the sample, estimating the skeleton and directing the skeleton the polytree estimated by CASTLE is the one shown in Figure 4.8. CASTLE then tells us what we had expected:

Fig. 4.7: Digits.

Zi and Zj are conditionally independent given Cl; i; j = 1; 2; : : :; 7

Finally, we examine the predictive power of this polytree. The posterior probabilities of each digit given some observed patterns are shown in Figure 4.9.


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Fig. 4.8: Obtained polytree.

Digit 0 463 0 1 1 0 290 1 0 749 0 0 21 0 2 2 0 971 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 280 0 0 4 0 0 6 0 913 0 5 0 0 0 699 0 644 6 519 0 1 19 0 51 7 0 251 12 2 1 5 8 16 0 0 0 2 10 9 0 0 0 0 63 0

Fig. 4.9: Probabilities

1000 for some digits.

4.7 OTHER RECENT APPROACHES The methods discussed in this section are available via anonymous ftp from statlib, internet address A version of ACE for nonlinear discriminant analysis is available as the S coded function gdisc. MARS is available in a FORTRAN version. Since these algorithms were not formally included in the StatLog trials (for various reasons), we give only a brief introduction. 4.7.1 ACE

Nonlinear transformation of variables is a commonly used practice in regression problems. The Alternating Conditional Expectation algorithm (Breiman & Friedman, 1985) is a simple iterative scheme using only bivariate conditional expectations, which nds those transformations that produce the best tting additive model. Suppose we have two random variables: the response, Y and the predictor, X , and we seek transformations (Y ) and f(X) so that E f (Y )jX g f(X). The ACE algorithm approaches this problem by minimising the squared-error objective For xed , the minimising f is f(X) = E f (Y )jX g,and conversely, for xed f the minimising is (Y ) = E ff(X)jY g. The key idea in the ACE algorithm is to begin with

E f (Y ) f(X)g2 :


Sec. 4.7]

Other recent approaches


some starting functions and alternate these two steps until convergence. With multiple predictors X1 ; : : :; Xp , ACE seeks to minimise

e2 = E : (Y )

8 <

p X j =1

fj (Xj );

92 =


In practice, given a dataset, estimates of the conditional expectations are constructed using an automatic smoothing procedure. In order to stop the iterates from shrinking to zero functions, which trivially minimise the squared error criterion, (Y ) is scaled to have unit variance in each iteration. Also, without loss of generality, the condition E = Ef1 = : : : = Efp = 0 is imposed. The algorithm minimises Equation (4.9) through a series of single-function minimisations involving smoothed estimates of bivariate conditional expectations. For a given set of functions f1 ; : : :; fp , minimising (4.9) with respect to (Y ) yields a new (Y )

E p=1 fj (Xj )jY j i (Y ) := new (Y ) = hPp E j =1 fj (Xj )jY

1 2



. Next with k : k = E( : )2 fj 6=i yielding the solution

e2 is minimised for each fi in turn with given (Y ) and

2 X 3

fi (Xi ) := fi;new (Xi ) = E 4 (Y )

j 6=i

fj (Xj ) j Xi 5


This constitutes one iteration of the algorithm which terminates when an iteration fails to decrease e2 . ACE places no restriction on the type of each variable. The transformation functions (Y ); f1 (X1 ); : : :; fp (Xp ) assume values on the real line but their arguments may assume values on any set so ordered real, ordered and unordered categorical and binary variables can all be incorporated in the same regression equation. For categorical variables, the procedure can be regarded as estimating optimal scores for each of their values. For use in classication problems, the response is replaced by a categorical variable representing the class labels, Aj . ACE then nds the transformations that make the relationship of (A) to the fi (Xi ) as linear as possible. 4.7.2 MARS The MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Spline) procedure (Friedman, 1991) is based on a generalisation of spline methods for function tting. Consider the case of only ^ one predictor variable, x. An approximating qth order regression spline function fq (x) is obtained by dividing the range of x values into K +1 disjoint regions separated by K points called knots. The approximation takes the form of a separate qth degree polynomial in each region, constrained so that the function and its q 1 derivatives are continuous. Each qth degree polynomial is dened by q + 1 parameters so there are a total of (K + 1)(q + 1) parameters to be adjusted to best t the data. Generally the order of the spline is taken to be low (q 3) . Continuity requirements place q constraints at each knot location making a total of Kq constraints.


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While regression spline tting can be implemented by directly solving this constrained minimisation problem, it is more usual to convert the problem to an unconstrained optimisation by chosing a set of basis functions that span the space of all qth order spline functions (given the chosen knot locations) and performing a linear least squares t of the response on this basis function set. In this case the approximation takes the form
X ( f^q (x) = ak Bkq) (x)

K +q k=0


where the values of the expansion coefcients fak gK +q are unconstrained and the continu0 (q ) ity constraints are intrinsically embodied in the basis functions fBk (x)gK +q . One such 0 basis, the truncated power basis, is comprised of the functions fxj gq=0 ; f(x tk )q gK (4.13) + 1 j where ftk gK are the knot locations dening the K 1 functions are dened

+ 1 regions and the truncated power


(x tk )q = 0

0 x tk (x tk )q x > tk

The exibility of the regression spline approach can be enhanced by incorporating an automatic knot selection strategy as part of the data tting process. A simple and effective strategy for automatically selecting both the number and locations for the knots was described by Smith(1982), who suggested using the truncated power basis in a numerical minimisation of the least squares criterion

N X i=1

2 4

k=1 q , fa gK can be regarded as the parameters associated with Here the coefcients fbj g0 k 1 a multiple linear least squares regression of the response y on the variables fxj gq and 0 f(x tk )q gK . Adding or deleting a knot is viewed as adding or deleting the corresponding + 1 variable (x tk )q . The strategy involves starting with a very large number of eligible knot + locations ft1; : : :; tKmax g ; we may choose one at every interior data point, and considering corresponding variables f(x tk )q gKmax as candidates to be selected through a statistical + 1
variable subset selection procedure. This approach to knot selection is both elegant and powerful. It automatically selects the number of knots K and their locations t1; : : :; tK thereby estimating the global amount of smoothing to be applied as well as estimating the separate relative amount of smoothing to be applied locally at different locations. The multivariate adaptive regression spline method (Friedman, 1991) can be viewed as ^ a multivariate generalisation of this strategy. An approximating spline function fq ( ) of n variables is dened analogously to that for one variable. The n-dimensional space Rn is ^ divided into a set of disjoint regions and within each one fq ( ) is taken to be a polynomial in n variables with the maximum degree of any single variable being q. The approximation and its derivatives are constrained to be everywhere continuous. This places constraints on the approximating polynomials in seperate regions along the (n 1)-dimensional region ^ boundaries. As in the univariate case, fq ( ) is most easily constructed using a basis function set that spans the space of all qth order n-dimensional spline functions.


q X j =0

bj xj


ak (x tk )q 5 +



Sec. 4.7]

Other recent approaches


MARS implements a forward/backward stepwise selection strategy. The forward selection begins with only the constant basis function B0 ( ) = 1 in the model. In each iteration we consider adding two terms to the model

where Bj is one of the basis functions already chosen, x is one of the predictor variables not represented in Bj and t is a knot location on that variable. The two terms of this form, which cause the greatest decrease in the residual sum of squares, are added to the model. The forward selection process continues until a relatively large number of basis functions is included in a deliberate attempt to overt the data. The backward pruning procedure, standard stepwise linear regression, is then applied with the basis functions representing the stock of variables. The best tting model is chosen with the t measured by a cross-validation criterion. MARS is able to incorporate variables of different type; continuous, discrete and categorical.

Bj (x t)+ Bj (t x)+


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