API Foundations in Go
API Foundations in Go
API Foundations in Go
Tit Petric
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
About me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Why Go? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Who is this book for? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
How should I study it? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Data structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Declaring structs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Casting structs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Declaring interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Abusing interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Embedding and composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Limiting goroutine parallelization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
The slice operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Allocation by append . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Copying slices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Using slices in channels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
API foundations in Go
API foundations in Go
Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
API foundations in Go
About me
I’m one of those people with about two decades of programming experience under my belt. I started
optimizing code in the ’90s, discovered PHP in the 2000s, and have built several large-scale projects
to date, all while discovering other programming language families like Java, Node.js and ultimately,
I have built numerous APIs for my own content management products. Several products I’ve been
involved with as a lead developer have been sold and are used in multiple countries. I’ve written
a professional, dedicated API framework, which doubles as a software development kit for the
Slovenian national TV and Radio station website, RTV Slovenia. I’ve also been a speaker at several
local PHP user group events and conferences.
Why Go?
Go has been on my list for a while now. About a year or two ago, my coworker created a protocol
converter that emulates a Memcache server, using Redis as the backend datastore. Since our biggest
project has a code base built up over some 13 years, it was preferable to keep the working code as-is,
and just replace the software around it as needed. Go made this possible.
One of the reasons for choosing Go was the constant comparison of Go with Node. Node has a much
more vocal community, which seems to religiously advocate it. We have carried out several tests in
recent months, and Node, while not very hard to start development with, had poorer performance
than pretty much everything except PHP. I’m not saying that Go is better than Node, or that anything
is better than anything else, but from what we’ve seen, it seems advisable to skip Node.js and go
straight to Go. This might change as ES6 and ES7 get more traction - but there are immediate benefits
of switching to Go. If you don’t want to move from Node.js, this book is not for you. If you have an
open mind - find out what Go can do.
I’m not going to be explaining the Go programming language in detail. I’m going to be diving head
first into using it with just a note here and there. This is why familiarity and strong knowledge of
programming concepts are required.
In the book, I will cover these subjects:
Covering these concepts should give you a strong foundation for your API implementation. The
book doesn’t try to teach you Go; the book tries to give you a strong software foundation for APIs,
using Go.
API foundations in Go
Setting up your environment
Setting up a development environment, as well as a production environment, is an important
topic today. While spinning up a virtual machine and installing software by hand is perhaps the
accepted way of doing things, recently I’ve learned to systematize my development by using Docker
The biggest benefit of Docker containers is a “zero install” way of running software - as you’re about
to run a container, it downloads the image containing all the software dependencies you need. You
can take this image and copy it to your production server, where you can run it without any change
in environment.
When you have docker set up, we will need to create a network so the services that we’re going
to use can talk to each other. Creating a network is simple, all you need to do is run the following
This command will create a network named party on the specified subnet. All docker containers
which will run on this network will have connectivity to each other. That means that when we run
our Go container, it will be able to connect to another Redis container on the same network.
Save this code snippet as the file ‘go’, make it executable and copy it to your execution path (usually
/usr/local/bin is reserved for things like this).
Let’s quickly go over the arguments provided:
Very simply, what this command does is run a Docker container in your current folder, execute the
go binary in the container, and clean up after itself when the program finishes.
Note: as we only expose the current working path to the container, it limits access to the host machine
- if you have code outside the current path, for example in “..” or “/usr/share”, this code will not be
available to the container.
$ go version
go version go1.6 linux/amd64
And, what we will do through most of this book is run the following command:
$ go run hello_world.go
Hello world!
Setting up Redis
We will also use Docker to run Redis, which is as simple as setting up Go. Redis is an in-memory
data structure store. It provides functionality to store and retrieve data in various structures, beyond
a simple key-value database like Memcache. We will use this service later in the book when
implementing our example API endpoints.
To run an instance of Redis named ‘redis’:
API foundations in Go
Setting up your environment 5
Just like Go, Redis provides an official build on the Docker Hub. Interacting with Redis will be
covered in detail in later chapters.
Other services
In addition to Go and Redis, other services are also available on the Docker Hub¹. Depending on
your use case, you might want to install additional services via docker.
Popular projects which I use from Docker on a daily basis:
Docker is a very powerful tool which gives you all the software you might need. It’s very useful
also for testing, as you can use it to set up a database, populate it with test data, and then tear down
and clean up after it. It’s a very convenient way to run programs that are isolated from your actual
environment, and may only be active temporary.
API foundations in Go
Data structures
Defining and handling data structures is a key activity in any programming language. When talking
about object oriented programming, it’s worth noting some differences between Go and other
programming languages.
In short, it means that the functions you’ll define for your structs will be declared outside of the
struct they are working on. If you want to declare several types, the only way to assign them to a
same variable, without many complications, is to declare a common interface.
Declaring structs
When we define a structure in Go, we set types for every member. Let’s say we would like to define
the usual “Petstore”, which in turn has a list of pets. You could define the structure like this:
The example is simple, in the sense that I’m not defining a “Pet”, which can be a “Dog”, or can be a
“Cat”. I’m just using one type for all.
Data structures 7
Note: Members of defined structures begin with an upper case letter. This means that they are visible
outside the package they are defined in. All members, which you will encode to JSON in the next
chapter, need to be public, that is - start with an upper case letter. The same applies to functions that
you expose in packages.
Casting structs
We could declare a Dog and Cat struct, and could cast one to one from the other. A requirement for
this is that the Dog and Cat types must have identical underlying types. So, if I was to extend the
above example, I would copy the Pet struct into Dog and Cat so they are identical.
If they are not identical, the value can’t be cast.
Error when casting
1 type Dog struct {
2 name string
3 }
4 type Cat struct {
5 name string
6 hypoallergenic bool
7 }
9 func main() {
10 dog := Dog{name: "Rex"}
11 cat := Cat(dog)
12 }
Even if “Cat” has all the properties of “Dog”, type conversion is not possible. It makes no sense to
declare strong types of individual animals, if casting to a generic type is not possible. But we can
assign these kind of strong types to a common interface type.
Declaring interfaces
An interface defines zero or more methods that need to be implemented on types/objects that can
be assigned to that interface. If we extend the above example to declare explicit types for Cat and
Dog, we will end up with something like this:
API foundations in Go
Data structures 8
We are using the declaration of pets as “interface{}”. The interface doesn’t define any common
methods, so anything can be assigned to it. Usually, one would implement getter or setter methods
which should be common to all the types an interface can hold. With our example, we could have
declared a function GetName that would return the name of the Pet:
Structure for an agnostic pet list
1 type Pet interface {
2 getName() string
3 }
5 func (d Dog) getName() string {
6 return d.name
7 }
8 func (c Cat) getName() string {
9 return c.name
10 }
Abusing interfaces
Interfaces are a powerful and flexible way to work with objects of varying types. You should however
tend to prefer static type declarations when possible - it makes the code faster and more readable.
The Go compiler catches a lot of your common errors with static analysis. If you’re using interfaces,
you’re exposing yourself to risks and errors which the compiler cannot catch.
All the variables which have been declared in the object are unreachable from the interface and will
result in an error. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t access them.
If you absolutely must, you can use a feature called “reflection”. Reflection exposes the members of
any interface via an API.
API foundations in Go
Data structures 9
1 package main
3 import "fmt"
4 import "reflect"
6 type Test1 struct {
7 A string
8 }
10 func main() {
11 var t interface{}
12 t = Test1{"Hello world!"}
14 data := reflect.ValueOf(t)
15 fmt.Printf("%s\n", data.FieldByName("A"))
16 }
Interfaces can be a powerful part of Go, but care should be taken not to overuse them. They make
many tasks simpler and can be a powerful tool when they are used correctly.
Reflection is used by many packages to provide generic function interfaces, like the encoding/json
package does, which we will use in a later chapter.
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Data structures 10
This pattern enables composition. You can build your APIs for a larger program from smaller
structures that can deal with specific problem domains. The example also shows a beneficial side-
effect: you can reason that the embedded sync.Mutex is used to lock your structure fields below the
You can use embedding to your advantage with, for example, sync.Mutex, sync.RWMutex or
sync.WaitGroup. You can actually embed many structs, so your structure may perform the functions
of them all.
An example from a project I’m working on uses two embedded structs:
Leveraging sync.RWMutex
The declaration of the RunQueue struct above leverages the sync.RWMutex to provide synchronous
access to the object from many goroutines. A goroutine may use Close to finish the execution of the
goroutine queue. Each worker in the queue would call IsDone to check if the queue is still active.
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Data structures 11
Leveraging sync.WaitGroup
The RunQueue struct leverages a sync.WaitGroup to provide queue clean up and statistics, such as
elapsed time. While I can’t provide all the code, the basic usage is as follows:
The main idea of the program I’m building is that it starts runtime.NumCPU() runners, which handle
execution of a fixed number of commands. The WaitGroup comes into play very simply:
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Data structures 12
This is an elegant way to limit parallelization to N routines. There is no need to bother yourself with
some kind of routine allocation pool structs. The runOnce function should only do a few things:
1. Listen for new jobs in an infinite loop, reading jobs from a channel
2. Perform the job without new goroutines
The reason to read the jobs from a channel is that the read from a channel is a blocking operation.
The function will just wait there until a new job appears on the channel it’s reading from.
The job needs to be executed without a goroutine, or with nested *WaitGroup.Wait() call. The reason
for this should be obvious - as soon as you start a new goroutine, it gets executed in parallel and
the runOnce function reads the next job from the queue. This means that the limit on the number of
tasks running in parallel would not be enforced.
A Slice is a Go-specific data type, which consists of:
If you’re working with slices, which you mostly are, you’ll inevitably find yourself in a situation
where you’ll have to merge two slices into one. The naïve way of doing this is something like the
API foundations in Go
Data structures 13
The ellipsis or variadic argument expands bob in this case to all its members, effectively achieving
the same result, without that loop. You can read more about it in the official documentation:
Appending to and copying slices²
You could use it to wrap logic around log.Printf that, for example, trims and appends a newline at
the end of the format string.
1 import "log"
2 import "strings"
4 func Log(format string, v ...interface{}) {
5 format = strings.TrimSuffix(format, "\n") + "\n"
6 log.Printf(format, v...)
7 }
Since slices are basically a special type of pointer, this means there are a number of scenarios where
you may inadvertently modify a slice without intending to. Thus, it’s important to know how to
manipulate slices.
1 a := []string{"r","u","n"}
2 b := a[1:2]
3 b[0] = "a"
4 fmt.Println(a)
API foundations in Go
Data structures 14
Does it print [r u n] or [r a n]? Since the slice b is not a copy of the slice, but just a slice with a
modified pointer to the array, the above will print [r a n].
As explained, this is because the slice operator just provides a new slice with an updated reference
to the same array as used by the original slice. From the official reference:
Slicing does not copy the slice’s data. It creates a new slice value that points to the original
array. This makes slice operations as efficient as manipulating array indices. Therefore,
modifying the elements (not the slice itself) of a re-slice modifies the elements of the
original slice.
Allocation by append
Appending to a slice is simple enough. As mentioned, the slice has a length which you can get with
a call to len(), and a capacity which you can get with a call to cap().
1 [r u n] 3 3
2 [r u n e] 4 4
3 [u n e] 3 3
Of course, that’s not how append works. Append will double the existing capacity. This means you’ll
end up with output like this:
1 [r u n] 3 3
2 [r u n e] 4 6
3 [u n e] 3 5
If you wanted the previous result, you would have to create your own function, which would allocate
only the required amount of items into a new slice, and then copy over the data from the source
slice. This function might look something like this:
API foundations in Go
Data structures 15
Copying slices
As explained above, “slicing does not copy the slice’s data”. This may sometimes have unintended
consequences. This applies not only to slicing, but also to passing slices into functions.
The above example will print [r a n]. This is unfortunate, because people intuitively expect slices
to behave much like structs do. Passing a struct will create a copy. A slice will still point at the same
memory that holds the data. Even if you pass a slice within a struct, you should be aware of this:
API foundations in Go
Data structures 16
1 type X struct {
2 c string
3 source []string
4 }
6 func flip(x X) {
7 x.c = "b"
8 x.source[1] = "a"
9 }
11 func main() {
12 a := X{"a", []string{"r", "u", "n"}}
13 flip(a)
14 fmt.Println(a)
15 }
The above will print out a {a [r a n]}. Slices always behave as if they are passed by reference. In
a way they are, as one of the parts of the slice is a pointer to the array of data it holds.
1 func main() {
2 c := make(chan []string, 5)
4 go func() {
5 item := []string{"hello"}
6 for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
7 item[0] = fmt.Sprintf("hello %d", i)
8 c <- item
9 //time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
10 }
11 }()
13 for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
14 item := <-c
15 fmt.Println(item)
API foundations in Go
Data structures 17
16 }
17 }
1 [hello 4]
2 [hello 4]
3 [hello 4]
4 [hello 4]
5 [hello 4]
If you uncomment the time.Sleep command in the goroutine, you will most likely get the correct
1 [hello 0]
2 [hello 1]
3 [hello 2]
4 [hello 3]
5 [hello 4]
At any time when the consumer is reading from the channel, the retrieved slice will be identical,
because only the item in the underlying array is changing. The only solution for this, I believe, is
either finding a way to work with an unbuffered channel (a consumer must always be waiting to
read from the channel), or to explicitly copy the slice which is being put into the channel, like in
this playground example⁴.
API foundations in Go
Organizing your code
Whenever you start a project, there’s always the question of how you will organize your code. Go
gives you the option to organize your code in packages. You can install these packages with the
command gvt fetch [package]. You will use several packages during the book, and the examples
will also create some packages, which we will explain in this section.
Gvt stands for “Go vendoring tool”. Alternatively, you may use go get to install packages into the
global Go namespace. Vendoring your dependencies is a better option, so use gvt, or decide on which
other vendoring tool you would like to use.
It’s perfectly possible to run gvt from Docker. I use this:
1 function gvt {
2 echo "== gvt" "$@" "=="
3 if [ $1 == "fetch" ]; then
4 BASE="vendor/"
5 if [ -d "$BASE$2" ]; then
6 return
7 fi
8 fi
9 docker run --dns= \
10 --dns= \
11 --rm=true -i \
12 -v $(pwd):/go/src \
13 justincormack/gvt "$@"
14 }
You can create additional packages for whichever API you need, from which you can now import
the foundations/bootstrap package as needed.
Organizing your code 19
1 package bootstrap
3 import "time"
5 var StartTime float64
7 func Now() float64 {
8 myTime := float64(time.Now().UnixNano()) / 1000000.0
9 if StartTime < 0.000001 {
10 StartTime = myTime
11 }
12 return myTime - StartTime
13 }
If you need to time how long an operation takes, then this function can come in very handy. Since
we’re dealing with writing API calls, we will use this function in the following chapters, and we
will add some additional functions along the way.
The function Now will return the time in milliseconds since the last time the function was called. We
also define a public variable StartTime. We can set this variable to 0 to reset the count.
While you save your functions or function groups to individual files, all of the files together compose
the package. You can separate the functions by their intent or responsibility, instead of creating just
one bootstrap.go file and having everything in there.
Example usage of bootstrap package
1 package main
3 import "foundations/bootstrap"
4 import "fmt"
6 func main() {
7 fmt.Printf("Time: %.4f\n", bootstrap.Now())
8 fmt.Printf("Hello world!\n")
9 fmt.Printf("Time: %.4f\n", bootstrap.Now())
11 bootstrap.StartTime = 0
API foundations in Go
Organizing your code 20
Time: 0.0000
Hello world!
Time: 0.0850
Time after reset: 0.0000
Go supports vendoring, where packages can be downloaded from their VCS locations. This means
that you can use import with the location of the package on GitHub or other code hosting services.
There are a number of tools available for vendoring. I prefer gvt, which I also use in the samples
available on GitHub.
1. You don’t need to worry about some minor formatting when writing code,
2. Reading code from other people becomes easier as the formatting is the same,
3. You need never again discuss spacing or brace position with other devs
The sooner you learn to use it the better. There is a git hook⁵ available which checks if your files
have been formatted before allowing you to commit them into git.
API foundations in Go
Encoding and decoding JSON
Encoding and decoding JSON documents is a typical requirement of API services. Your RESTful
API endpoints should provide JSON so they can be consumed by HTTP clients and a lot of public
APIs are available in this format as well. It is crucial when writing APIs to familiarize yourself with
parsing and writing JSON data.
The Go standard library provides encoding/json⁶ to provide the functionality of recoding and
encoding JSON contents. The first thing to specify when encoding structures to JSON is the names
of the fields they will be exported as. This is done inside the definition of the structure, using a
backtick character. These annotations are called tags.
A field declaration may be followed by an optional string literal tag, which becomes an
attribute for all the fields in the corresponding field declaration. An empty tag string is
equivalent to an absent tag.
"name": "Fuzzy's",
"location": "New York, 5th and Broadway",
"dogs": [
"name": "Whiskers",
"breed": "Pomeranian"
"name": "Trinity",
"breed": ""
"cats": null
API foundations in Go
Encoding and decoding JSON 23
There are two usual problems which still need solving - the cats array is empty, and some pets
don’t have a breed. We want to remove this data from JSON. For this, there exists an option in
encoding/json, called ‘omitempty’. We can update our struct definition to include this option.
Note: this option was added within the double quotes, not after.
These hints specify if the fields should be present in the JSON encoded string if they are empty. Keep
in mind, empty in this case means nil, 0, false and even empty strings, maps and arrays.
It’s good to consult the documentation⁷ for explanation of additional options, like completely
removing a field from encoding.
As you can see below, the empty array cats, and missing values for breed have been omitted from
the resulting JSON result.
The encoded JSON with omitempty fields
"name": "Fuzzy's",
"location": "New York, 5th and Broadway",
"dogs": [
"name": "Whiskers",
"breed": "Pomeranian"
"name": "Trinity"
There are other more specific options available when encoding to JSON. Some field types can’t be
encoded to JSON, and you can force the encoding to skip some fields completely.
Notes: skipping empty fields is useful mainly for technical reasons. Skipping empty fields reduces
the amount of data being sent from APIs, which make a nice speed difference on slower connections.
Data is also nicer to inspect visually, as you don’t have to skip over empty data structures.
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Encoding and decoding JSON 24
API foundations in Go
Encoding and decoding JSON 25
Nested structures
Contrary to what you might believe, there’s no need to declare structures individually, you may also
declare and use them in nested form. When dealing with more complex JSON documents, this has
a number of advantages.
Let’s consider this simple JSON file:
1 {
2 "id": 1,
3 "name": "Tit Petric",
4 "address": {
5 "street": "Viska cesta 49c",
6 "zip": "1000",
7 "city": "Ljubljana",
8 "country": "Slovenia"
9 }
10 }
API foundations in Go
Encoding and decoding JSON 26
By using this form of declaration, you clearly and explicitly define the hierarchy of the JSON
document you are parsing. Keep in mind that the declaration doesn’t need to define all fields, but
just the ones you will be using. In skipping some fields, you are making the JSON parsing more
resilient to changes in the JSON document.
Anonymous structs
The Address property in the previous section is called an anonymous struct. You may declare the
complete structure as anonymous by explicitly assigning it to a variable:
1 person := struct {
2 Id int `json:"id"`
3 Name string `json:"name"`
4 Address struct {
5 City string `json:"city"`
6 Country string `json:"country"`
7 } `json:"address"`
8 }{}
And you can use this variable the same you would a Person{} from the previous example.
With this, you have mastered the basics of encoding and decoding objects to and from JSON. You
will use this knowledge when returning data from your API services, and when consuming data
from external sources.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests
RESTful API principles dictate the way applications send and retrieve data from API services. We
will be implementing our RESTful API service using HTTP as the transportation mechanism. We
will take a look at how to provide this with the Go standard library, and then review the usage with
an update to go-chi/chi⁹.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Starting server on port :3000")
http.HandleFunc("/", requestHandler)
err := http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ListenAndServe:", err)
Run the server with go run server1.go to start the server, press CTRL+C to terminate it. When you
start the server, open up another terminal and issue a request to see the output:
Verifying that our microservice works
In theory, you would write your individual endpoints as such - microservices. But in practice, it’s
common to group requests from the same problem domain into a single HTTP service. In order to
achieve that, we have to add routing to our application.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 29
Routing logic
When writing an API service, we have to think about routing logic. Routing is basically a way to map
the request URL to a handler which provides the response. With this, we will implement different
response logic for defined routes. For example:
While the standard library doesn’t give us a lot of features, it’s fairly easy to set up the HTTP
handlers to respond to these individual endpoints.
In the /say endpoint, we want to read the parameter “name”, print a greeting if it’s supplied, or just
print Hello ... you. if the parameter is omitted.
Extended microservice with API parameters
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Starting server on port :3000")
http.HandleFunc("/time", requestTime)
http.HandleFunc("/say", requestSay)
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 30
In requestSay we retrieve the parameter “name”, using the r.FormValue¹⁴. If this parameter isn’t
present, the returned value will be an empty string.
Verifying that our microservice works
Note: The HandleFunc is very explicit about the URL. For example, the server will respond to requests
that are issued to /time, but not /time/ (trailing slash added). In the same way, it will respond with
a 404 error even to a / (index) request, because there is no handler matching that URL. If we would
declare a handler for “/”, it would catch all requests not matched elsewhere.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 31
And we can modify our example, to add logging middleware and to create a sub-route with an URL
parameter. We want our microservice to respond to requests matching /say/{name}. URL parameters
in chi are defined by encapsulating them in curly braces.
A microservice with nested routes and logging
func main() {
fmt.Println("Starting server on port :3000")
r := chi.NewRouter()
r.Get("/time", requestTime)
r.Route("/say", func(r chi.Router) {
r.Get("/{name}", requestSay)
r.Get("/", requestSay)
err := http.ListenAndServe(":3000", r)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("ListenAndServe:", err)
When it comes to URL parameters in chi, they are mandatory. If we would just create a route with
r.Get("/say/{name}",..., the route wouldn’t match /say or /say/ requests. We resort to nested
routes in this case, where we register handlers for both the parametrized route (/{name}) and the
default handler.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 32
# go run server3.go
Starting server on port :3000
2018/03/12 18:36:03 "GET http://localhost:3000/say HTTP/1.1" from [::1]:33454 - 200 \
15B in 14.7µs
2018/03/12 18:36:09 "GET http://localhost:3000/say/Tit%20Petric HTTP/1.1" from [::1]\
:33456 - 200 18B in 13.499µs
In order to make this work, we had to make a small change to our requestSay handler. In order to
read the URL parameter value, we have to call chi.URLParam:
Updated request handler for URL parameters in chi
As you see, the rest of the function stays unchanged. This demonstrates a good characteristic of chi
itself, the fact that it’s compatible with the Go standard library. This means, if you find yourself in
a need to migrate from one to the other, you can do this with only minor refactoring.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 33
After creating the router, you can use the CORS middleware like so:
Example CORS middleware
cors := cors.New(cors.Options{
AllowedOrigins: []string{"*"},
AllowedMethods: []string{"GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"},
AllowedHeaders: []string{"Accept", "Authorization", "Content-Type", "X-CSRF-Toke\
AllowCredentials: true,
MaxAge: 300, // Maximum value not ignored by any of major browsers
After restarting the server, we can verify that the response includes the expected headers:
Verifying that the CORS middleware works
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: my.dev.hostname.local
Vary: Origin
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2018 18:53:20 GMT
Content-Length: 11
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 34
Hello Tit!
Connection closed by foreign host.
CORS headers are added to every response, for requests that include the required Origin header.
There are other auxiliary middleware available, handling JWT authentication for example¹⁸. You
should familiarize yourself with the complete list¹⁹, as it might save you a lot of development time.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 35
JSON Web Token (JWT) is an open standard (RFC 7519²⁰) that defines a compact and self-
contained way for securely transmitting information between parties as a JSON object.
This information can be verified and trusted because it is digitally signed.
Using these three pieces, it’s possible for your API service to re-create the signature based on data
in the header and in the claims pieces of the JWT. This is possible because this signature is created
using a secret signing key, which is only known to the server.
Creating a signing key for JWT
In case your signing key is compromised, you should immediately change it. This will invalidate all
existing issued JWT’s, forcing your clients to re-authenticate to your service.
JWT claims are the facility with which you state that the client using your API services might be
"user_id": "1337" or similar. Think of it as a map[string]interface{}, with some casting required.
When your client authenticates against your API, by performing a login with a client ID and Secret,
you issue a new JWT that doesn’t require you re-authenticating the client in the database, until the
token expires.
It’s a good thing to issue a debug token from your application and write it to the log. This way you’ll
have a valid token to perform testing against your application.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 36
When you’ll create a new JWT object with JWT{}.new(), a debug token will be printed to the log.
You can pass this token via URL query parameter to test GET requests, or use it in your test suite in
order to issue more complex API requests, passing it with the Authorization header, or as a Cookie.
Note: Be very careful that you generate your tokens with an expire time. If you don’t do this, they
will be valid until you change your signing key. Another option is to invalidate individual tokens on
the server side, which requires some sort of database for logging and revoking them. For example:
instead of issuing actual user IDs as the example shows, you’d create a session ID, which you can
additionally validate for expiry/logout.
The example already sets the needed parameters in order so you’ll validate tokens with an expiry
time. If you issue requests to a protected endpoint after the token expires, an error message is
returned, hinting you to re-authenticate on some API call.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 37
We include this verifier on every request. This makes it possible to pass tokens to API endpoints
which don’t explicitly require an authenticated user. In such cases, you can retrieve and handle any
claims, still providing a valid response in cases where a JWT is not present.
Example setting up a JWT verifier
login := JWT{}.new()
mux := chi.NewRouter()
Instead of using mux.Route as we did before, we should use mux.Group()²¹ to split requests into
authenticated and public endpoints. Using Group() allows us to add new handlers, to the existing
global ones. This way we avoid certain API call prefixes like /api/private/*.
Group creates a new inline-Mux with a fresh middleware stack. It’s useful for a group of
handlers along the same routing path that use an additional set of middleware.
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 38
The API endpoints /time and /say will now be accessible only with a valid token. For example, if
we issue a request against this endpoint with an expired token, we might end up with something
"error": {
"message": "Error validating JWT: jwtauth: token is expired"
"response": "1"
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 39
This is because we implemented full validation in Decode, or more accurately, our Authenticate
function where we provide a valid claim or an error:
We use the same Authenticate function to provide the Authenticator() middleware that enforces
JWT usage on private API endpoints. The error in Decode() is ignored, as the called function already
enforces an empty string return. The Authenticator middleware however, returns the error in full:
API foundations in Go
Serving HTTP requests 40
The full code sample for the above JWT authenticated microservice is available on GitHub²². Feel
free to check it out and take it for a spin.
API foundations in Go
Parallel fetching of data
When you’re writing a service, you usually don’t get the benefit of starting exactly from scratch.
Mostly, you build upon existing work of those before you, those next to you and public services
which provide value from the start.
There are a few considerations to make, when you’re consuming external services. Is the service
slow? Is the service reliable? Is the connection to the service reliable? What is the worst case scenario,
if the service goes offline?
• /fullname
• /firstname
• /lastname
All three API calls will accept parameters “firstname” and “lastname”. The endpoint /fullname
will query individual endpoints /firstname and /lastname, getting and decoding JSON data, and
creating a JSON response with both. We will not use advanced routing from the previous chapter,
just to make the example more concise.
For those of you a bit familiar with PHP, we will define a function named json_encode. The function
uses the trick from the chapter of data structures to accept any argument and passes the data to
json.Marshal to return a string. We don’t package this function, but include it directly into our
program. The name of the function starts with a lower-case, which only makes it visible in the
package in which it’s declared (main).
We are also using the foundations/bootstrap package, with the method Now (now.go), declared in
the “Organizing your code” chapter.
Our utility function: json_encode
1 func json_encode(r interface{}) string {
2 jsonString, _ := json.MarshalIndent(r, "", "\t")
3 return string(jsonString[:])
4 }
With these functions we can implement individual firstname and lastname endpoints. I’ve added a
200ms and 300ms delay to each one of them respectively, and print out when the function execution
starts, and when it finishes with a call to fmt.Printf.
Parallel fetching of data 42
API foundations in Go
Parallel fetching of data 43
28 _ = json.Unmarshal(fn_contents, &firstname)
29 fullname.Firstname = firstname.Firstname
31 // fetch lastname
33 ln_url := "http://localhost/lastname?" + data.Encode()
34 fmt.Printf("[%.4f] Fetching url: %s\n", bootstrap.Now(), ln_url)
35 ln_response, _ := http.Get(ln_url)
37 ln_contents, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(ln_response.Body)
39 fmt.Printf("[%.4f] Done fetching\n", bootstrap.Now())
41 _ = json.Unmarshal(ln_contents, &lastname)
42 fullname.Lastname = lastname.Lastname
44 // return fullname response
45 response_json := json_encode(fullname)
46 fmt.Fprintf(w, response_json)
47 fmt.Printf("[%.4f] Done with response: %#v\n", bootstrap.Now(), fullname)
48 }
Sorry for the bit of a long code snippet - it does just this:
With the logging and the utility method we have in place, we can time the API request. When we
request /fullname?firstname=Tit&lastname=Petric, we will get something like this.
API foundations in Go
Parallel fetching of data 44
Making it parallel
So, by default, the calls are blocking, waiting for the previous to finish. The way to make them non-
blocking is to wrap the request in a goroutine. We will also need a way to retrieve this data from
the main thread, so we will create a chan (short for channel). This is a Go data type, which creates
a “pipe” between goroutines in order to exchange data.
Goroutine which requests the firstname API
1 fn_chan := make(chan []byte, 1)
2 go func() {
3 fn_url := "http://localhost/firstname?" + data.Encode()
4 fmt.Printf("[%.4f] Fetching url: %s\n", bootstrap.Now(), fn_url)
5 fn_response, _ := http.Get(fn_url)
6 contents, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(fn_response.Body)
7 fn_chan <- contents
8 }()
When we write to a channel from a goroutine, we must also read from this channel. When we read
from it the process again becomes blocking, so you should read after you’ve run all your goroutines.
Reading channels and processing the data
1 fn_contents := <-fn_chan
2 _ = json.Unmarshal(fn_contents, &firstname)
3 fullname.Firstname = firstname.Firstname
5 ln_contents := <-ln_chan
6 _ = json.Unmarshal(ln_contents, &lastname)
7 fullname.Lastname = lastname.Lastname
After running a server with requests wrapped in goroutines, the log is something like this:
As we see, the first request and the second request start less than a millisecond apart. The main
thread waits for the first request, and then for the second if it’s still not done.
API foundations in Go
Parallel fetching of data 45
Some tips
There are a few tips I can share, so you might avoid common problems. I violated some of them in the
examples above, but keep in mind - the examples read more like a guide to aid you in transferring
some of your existing concepts of API development from PHP or other programming languages.
They are not exactly best practice in various meanings. They demonstrate a concept by skipping out
on some things like error handling, code organization, and proper execution flow - those things are
up to the reader.
That being said, advice is always good, and I’ll try to explain some in individual chapters.
1. Fetching data from multiple external API sources (multiple HTTP requests),
2. Independent processing (fetching contacts and calendar data - distinct sources),
3. Composition (Example by Twitter: Trends, Feed, Who to Follow)
The examples are plentiful when you’re looking at web pages, and which APIs they provide. While
some things need to be done sequentially, there are always opportunities to group this data into one
large batch instead of many small, sequential ones.
A typical thing which might happen in an application is a fetching of a list, for which each list
item needs some additional processing. Some program is going through every item in the twitter
feed, detecting links and embedding images. Some program is going through a list of search results,
pairing them with ratings data from TripAdvisor or some other site.
The next time you’re doing an O(N) operation on a list of N items, perhaps consider if it’s possible to
do them in parallel. Having N*O(1) may mean an improvement of many times - for external data it
shortens the time to the longest request, processing and calculation scales over your available CPUs,
which might mean an improvement of 4x on a very common quad core CPU, if the workload is
finely balanced.
API foundations in Go
Parallel fetching of data 46
The net/http package actually uses goroutines for individual connections, so you might just be fine
if you’re processing 100MB of JSON. Understand your environment.
Where you keep your main.go file, create the folder apiservice/, and in it save apiservice.go file
with the above contents; Remember the data structures chapter - the upper case letter of a function
means that it’s public and you can use it from other packages. Using the package then is as simple
as this:
Example of using the apiservice package
1 package main
3 import "foundations/apiservice"
5 func main() {
6 apiservice.HelloWorld()
7 }
We import the package with foundations/ prefix, which is the name of our project. This is usually
the folder name where your main.go file is located. We will return to this subject with a practical
example in a later chapter.
Measure first
If you need to know how much time something lasts, you should measure it first. Ask yourself: how
will you know which one of your functions is the slowest? How will you know if some times a
function will take 10 seconds, while it usually completes in 10 milliseconds?
API foundations in Go
Parallel fetching of data 47
I have the very strong opinion that, especially for external resources, you have to measure and log
everything in various level of detail, so you can act on what your data is telling you. If you measure
how much time an SQL query is taking to complete, you have to log the query itself so you know
where to look to fix it. If you have a generic http request object, be sure to log the URL along with the
slow response time. The problems you find may not be the problems that you can fix, but without
this data, it’s mostly just stumbling in the dark.
Reverse proxy
Have a solid reverse proxy in front of your go application. Nginx for example can handle multiple
upstreams - this will make your application easier to scale if needed. It also handles upstream fail-
over, if you’re upgrading your cluster one app at a time, or if for some reason, one of the back-ends
crashes and is unavailable.
Trust me, some level of redundancy is good - even if you’re starting development on a single machine,
explore what your options will be in the future and start as close to possible to the final structure of
your services. Even if you’re using nginx to forward requests to a service in go on the same machine,
the value becomes apparent later, when you can add another server and just change a few lines of
configuration in nginx. Scaling in such a case is almost free.
API foundations in Go
Using external services (Redis)
Redis is a popular in memory data structure storage. It’s common use is to provide a caching
mechanism that goes beyond a simple key/value store. If you followed the instructions in the “Setting
up the environment” chapter, you already have a Redis node running.
Client library
There are several client libraries available. The library “Redigo” seems to be the most supported and
provides all the interfaces we will need for our examples. To install it, run the following command:
A very simple Redis connection can be made by calling “redis.Dial”. Save this file under foundations/bootstrap
as redis.go to provide a simple interface.
redis.go bootstrap package
1 package bootstrap
3 import "time"
4 import "github.com/garyburd/redigo/redis"
6 var (
7 connectTimeout = redis.DialConnectTimeout(time.Second)
8 readTimeout = redis.DialReadTimeout(time.Second)
9 writeTimeout = redis.DialWriteTimeout(time.Second)
10 )
12 func GetRedis() (redis.Conn, error) {
13 return redis.Dial("tcp", "redis:6379", connectTimeout, readTimeout, writeTimeout)
14 }
1 package main
3 import "foundations/bootstrap"
4 import "log"
5 import "fmt"
7 func main() {
8 redis, err := bootstrap.GetRedis()
9 if err != nil {
10 log.Fatal("Fatal error: ", err)
11 }
12 fmt.Printf("[%.4f] Starting\n", bootstrap.Now())
13 pong, err := redis.Do("PING")
14 fmt.Printf("[%.4f] Response %s, err %#v\n", bootstrap.Now(), pong, err)
15 }
The simplest of all Redis commands is “PING”, which just returns “PONG” in less than a millisecond.
Example run of PING
== go run redis1.go ==
[0.0000] Starting
[0.4575] Response PONG, err <nil>
As we did in the previous chapter using HTTP APIs, we would like to fetch some data from Redis.
Redis provides a command DEBUG SLEEP which takes the number of seconds to wait, before returning
an OK. We will use it to provide a delay of 100ms and 200ms for two consecutive Redis calls.
Two long-running commands
As we can see here, the first one sleeps for 100ms, and the second for 200ms.
API foundations in Go
Using external services (Redis) 50
Redis is single threaded, meaning that there will be no advantage in using goroutines - two
commands are never run in parallel on one server, and while one command is executing, the next
one is waiting for the previous one to finish. This might sound bad, but keep in mind, Redis can
handle millions of very small operations very fast. A connection to a Redis server takes several
hundred magnitudes more time than a simple GET.
7736079 total runs (avg latency: 12.9264 microseconds / 129264.45 nanoseconds per ru\
Worst run took 20x longer than the average latency.
As you can see, the latency is ridiculously low. At the worst case, I’m handling ∼3.800 req/s. At the
average case, I’m handling ∼83.000 req/s. But, let’s say that it’s possible that you’re hitting a CPU
limit. Looking at Redis SLOWLOG might give us an idea of the true worst case.
3) 1) (integer) 107
2) (integer) 1459739957
3) (integer) 21958
4) 1) "GET"
2) "api:schedule:list:TVS1:2016-04-07"
This is one of the worst-case slow queries on my system, and it’s clocking in at 21.958 microseconds
(about 22 milliseconds, or 0.022 seconds). If it was common (it’s not), it would reduce the request
rate to about 45 requests per second. It took 3 full months to get a SLOWLOG with 110 entries, so I
have quite some breathing room.
API foundations in Go
Using external services (Redis) 51
Let’s scale it
Scaling Redis is not uncommon. People do it for various reasons - because Redis is single threaded it
can’t use more than 1 CPU core. Running several redis instances on the same server is very logical
in this sense. We also do it to provide fail-over mechanisms in our cache cluster - if one host goes
offline, the workload balances out over the remaining cluster.
To scale to many Redis servers, your application will need to maintain a connection pool. Individual
queries will run on different servers, so the response of one will not wait for the previous one. We
will create and use two redis instances, named redis1 and redis2. Use this bash script to run them
with docker:
1 #!/bin/bash
2 NAMES="redis1 redis2"
3 DOCKERFILE="redis"
4 for NAME in $NAMES; do
5 docker rm -f $NAME
6 docker run --restart=always -h $NAME --name $NAME --net=party -d $DOCKERFILE
7 done
Connection pool
Let’s make a connection pool with our long-running command example. We want to create two
goroutines which use different connections, so the requests can run in parallel. Keep in mind, that
the true value of such a connection pool is when you run an API service, and not when you run a
simple command line program. In the command line, we will need to warm up the connection pool,
so we can skip the latency penalty of establishing a connection.
There exists a battle-tested implementation of a connection pool - as a package of the Vitess project
by YouTube. I implemented two functions - one for establishing the pool, and another to run
individual Redis commands on a connection from this pool. Install the following packages:
We will create our pool with similar options, to how we create a stand-alone Redis connection. The
function getServerName returns “redis1:6379” or “redis2:6379” in sequence.
API foundations in Go
Using external services (Redis) 52
When you create a pool, be sure to also use pool.Close() for when you shut down the application.
1 redis := bootstrap.RedigoPool()
2 defer redis.Close()
We will create an utility function RedigoDo with the same interface as redis.Do. I made this choice,
because as the pool works, the connection is retrieved from the pool with pool.Get, you call your
command on the active connection, and then you have to return the connection back to the pool
with pool.Put, so it’s available for further use. If we could have avoided the pool.Put command,
we wouldn’t need to make this utility function.
Executing a Redis command on a pooled connection
1 func RedigoDo(commandName string, params ...interface{}) (interface{}, error) {
2 ctx := context.TODO()
3 r, err := pool.Get(ctx)
4 if err != nil {
5 return "", err
6 }
7 defer pool.Put(r)
9 c := r.(ResourceConn)
10 return c.Do(commandName, params...)
11 }
This is all we need to do to create and use many connections from a connection pool. Let’s use it in
some goroutines and check to see that is works as it should.
API foundations in Go
Using external services (Redis) 53
1 go func() {
2 fmt.Printf("[%.4f] Run sleep 100ms\n", bootstrap.Now())
3 sleep1, err := bootstrap.RedigoDo("DEBUG", "SLEEP", "0.1")
4 if err != nil {
5 sleep1 = "ERROR"
6 }
7 sleep1_chan <- sleep1.(string)
8 }()
We use channels as we have learned in the previous chapter. Reading from a channel will wait until
there is data available. Since we’re using two servers, the commands are run in parallel - a sleep of
100ms and a sleep of 200ms will finish just after 200ms.
Great success! As you can see, two redis connections are started in the pool. Two sleep commands are
run in goroutines, which are executed on different connections to different redis servers. Individual
100ms and 200ms requests complete in the time of the longest request.
When you’ll be running code in production, you may need to restructure it in a way, that will give
you an actual connection, which you can use in your single goroutine. This is very important if
you’re using Redis in a transactional way with MULTI. If you’re using it for simple GET or more
complex, but still single-query statements, then you’re fine with the example provided.
API foundations in Go
Using external services (MySQL)
I hope you’re familiar with MySQL. We will create a database connection to a MySQL server, and
much like in previous examples, try to make a connection pool and run multiple queries in parallel.
We will use the available “database/sql” package for access to our database.
Quick start
We will need a MySQL driver. To install it run the following:
And to use it, add the following import line to your main.go file:
import _ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
The underscore after the import line imports the package only for it’s side effects. The MySQL driver
adds a driver implementation to the base sql package. This way the driver for MySQL gets added,
but you don’t actually have anything to use from the mysql package.
Opening a database connection is as simple as:
And with that, you can start using the “db” object.
Goodbye simplicity
If you’re familiar with PHP, and have a reasonable implementation of a database class, your query
might look as simple as this:
The one thing which these two languages (and other web-targeted languages) have in common is
how simple it is to fetch a row from the database and read each rows columns. With PHP you can
fetch it into an array (hash or numeric index array) and Ruby also has the same thing with the fetch
method, for over a decade, from what I can glance in the documentation.
This is the way you run a Query in go:
You’ll notice in the very specific example, that I’m dealing with only one column, and I’m fetching
the data explicitly by columns. The database/sql package doesn’t provide me with a simple Fetch
or FetchAll method, and putting the resulting rows into a map/array comes with some processing
as to how many columns your results have, and the obvious caveat - what are the column types.
Simplicity redux
While I struggled if I should write an utility function that uses reflection to put all the returned data
from the database into a struct, I realized that I’m probably not the first person to identify the same
problem. It was amusing finding reports like these on Stack Overflow:
API foundations in Go
Using external services (MySQL) 56
In the same Stack Overflow thread a person suggested to use jmoiron/sqlx. The library provides a
much needed abstraction of the “low level” sql package. Let’s install it now:
You may notice, how the example includes basically the whole application. The resulting structure
returned into the “databases” variable is like follows:
API foundations in Go
Using external services (MySQL) 57
In other words - a traversable, typed result set, created by one line of code. Simplicity.
Connection pool
Like in the previous example, we want to create a connection pool that will hold one or many
database connections. We will again be using Vitess for this. As MySQL is a threaded server, we can
connect to the same server twice, and the queries on each connection will run in parallel.
We will create a similar pool to what we had with Redis, only we will provide two functions in ad-
dition to the connection pool one. We will define SqlxGetConnection and SqlxReleaseConnection.
This way we can get only one connection inside a goroutine, and re-use it for many queries (and
even transactions!).
Setting up a connection pool is simple:
1 pool := bootstrap.SqlxConnectionPool()
2 defer pool.Close()
We should warm up our connection pool for our test, just to get the timings right. Connecting to a
database takes some time, as you would expect.
Let’s test the multi-threaded nature of MySQL by issuing a SLEEP SQL query;
API foundations in Go
Using external services (MySQL) 58
Sleeps (pauses) for the number of seconds given by the duration argument, then returns 0. The
duration may have a fractional part
By issuing SLEEP(0.1) and SLEEP(0.2) we can replicate the same behaviour we used as an example
in previous chapters. In a goroutine we will issue an SQL query like this:
Running an SQL Query from a goroutine
1 go func() {
2 db, err := bootstrap.SqlxGetConnection()
3 if err != nil {
4 log.Fatal("Error when connecting: ", err)
5 }
6 defer bootstrap.SqlxReleaseConnection(db)
8 fmt.Printf("[%.4f] Run sleep 100ms\n", bootstrap.Now())
10 fromSleep := SleepResult{}
11 err = db.Get(&fromSleep, "select sleep(0.1) as sleepfor")
12 if err != nil {
13 sleep1_chan <- "ERROR"
14 return
15 }
16 sleep1_chan <- fromSleep.Result
17 }()
In MySQL, 1 connection represents 1 thread. Depending on the number of CPUs you have
available, only a few threads are needed to completely saturate MySQL with an SQL workload. The
recommended amount of pool connections is about 2-3 times the CPUs available on a MySQL server.
If you have an 8 core machine, 24 pooled connections is more than enough. The more connections
you add, the more RAM you use - but you don’t increase performance.
API foundations in Go
Using external services (MySQL) 59
Scaling connections
One MySQL connection takes about 2-3 Megabytes RAM. A part of Vitess is a program called
vttablet, which pools these connections, and can only hold a few connections between it and
MySQL. This is a good way to save some memory in MySQL. The application also provides statistics
and monitoring to help with operations.
Scaling servers
At one point, you’ll be forced to create one or many replicas, so you can scale your read volume, or
to split your read volume from your write volume. There are other complexities here, like promoting
a slave to a master, sharding your data, and failing over queries in case of failure. Vitess provides
a vtgate application that handles this logic from configuration, so your application logic can stay
Vitess provides detailed statistics that can aid you in pinpointing database performance problems.
Statistics are a pain point in MySQL itself - running a query log in production is very expensive,
and there are next to no runtime statistics that are provided by MySQL itself.
As we struggled with this problem for over a decade, we switched our servers out for Percona fork
of MySQL years ago. If you’re not prepared to use Vitess yet, the Percona fork is a stable, giving
measurable benefits in performance and diagnostics.
In fact, running a Percona build of MySQL is as simple as this:
API foundations in Go
Using external services (MySQL) 60
1 #!/bin/bash
2 NAME="db1"
3 DOCKERFILE="percona:latest"
5 if [ ! -d "/src/$NAME/data" ]; then
6 mkdir -p /src/$NAME/data
7 fi
9 docker rm -f $NAME
10 docker run --restart=always \
11 -h $NAME \
12 --name $NAME \
13 --net=party \
14 -v /src/$NAME/conf/conf.d:/etc/mysql/conf.d \
15 -v /src/$NAME/data:/var/lib/mysql \
It should work out better than the default MySQL server. The Percona guys write a blog, which
is full of nice articles on performance optimization - anything from setting the correct indexes, to
performance of UUIDs. You should add it to the list of mandatory reading.
API foundations in Go
Test driven API development
As I suggested in the previous chapter, the best way to structure your API is to contain it within a
package. We will not be very complicated in this, so we will just create a package “api” and create
our implementation there. We will nest our functions under the Registry struct, so you will use an
api.Registry value to implement your API.
But first, we will make a local implementation of all the required functions. These functions will use
our existing Redis interface code in foundations/bootstrap, so they can implement value storage.
Testing an API
When you’re developing an API, it is recommended to build tests for the API as you build it. This
way, you don’t need to implement the complete API client to verify that it works as it should, but can
interface with the API package even without a HTTP server/client structure, as you’re developing
Let’s first install the needed packages/libraries for our implementation:
Install all dependencies for our API package
Testing code in Go is done with the go test command. When we are creating our API package, we
need to create these files: registry.go and registry_test.go. The last file should contain all the
tests you need to perform to see that everything implemented in the first file works as it should.
Test driven API development 62
We implement some of our commands, and when we are far enough to test them, we create a
function in registry_test.go to call the functions we have implemented.
How to test our API
There can be multiple testing functions in this file, each testing individual aspects or usage patterns
in your API. Each testing function should test expected return values from your API, and issue an
error if something unexpected occurred. Getting test results is as simple as running:
API foundations in Go
Test driven API development 63
$ go test
ok _/go 0.245s
This tells us that whatever tests we have implemented performed as expected (no failures). The
additional option “-cover” gives us a more complete picture of tests:
$ go test -cover
coverage: 71.4% of statements
ok _/go 0.224s
Code coverage is a number that tells us, how many lines of code out of all the lines of code have
been run. In our case, we have a code coverage of 71.4%, which tells us that 28.6% of code was never
executed. If you look at our API implementation and at our API tests, you will see the reason - our
API function Set is not being tested yet. Let’s add a few lines to our test:
How to test our API
$ go test
# _/go
./registry_test.go:26: too many arguments in call to reg.Set
FAIL _/go [build failed]
Ah! We already found our first error when testing. It seems we didn’t implement all the arguments
for the Set function, which should also take a key value. Let’s fix it:
API foundations in Go
Test driven API development 64
Remember how we use a pool of connections? When we use commands like “SET”, immediately
followed by a command like “GET”, they will use two different connections. The value for SET
would be written on one connection (own server, redis1), and read from another (redis2) with GET,
causing the error above. The test is failing because we’re not GETting the value we expected, just
after issuing a SET.
I quickly modified the bootstrap package, so getServerName (redigo.go) gives only one server name
to connect to. I also decreased the connection pool capacity to 1. The correct way do handle this
would be to get a connection from the pool and re-use it for the complete test, as we did with the
MySQL connections in the previous chapter.
$ go test -cover
coverage: 100.0% of statements
ok _/go 0.497s
Our tests now cover all of our code. What this means is that each line gets executed at least once,
and that whatever tests we made, get expected results from our API implementation.
API foundations in Go
Test driven API development 65
The covermode parameter accepts the values: set (default), count and atomic. The value set just
answers if a statement was run or not (boolean value), while the value count answers how many
times it was run (number). The atomic setting is meant to provide reliable counts with parallel
With the coverage profile, we can use go tool cover to get additional reports.
Coverage by function
We can display coverage by function, letting us know which functions are not yet tested, or need
more complete tests.
Coverage HTML
We can also generate a code coverage report in HTML format, that gives us a better overview of test
API foundations in Go
Test driven API development 66
The coverage report makes use of the cover mode displaying lines that have higher coverage in a
bright-green colour.
A note on testing
I tend to keep high (as in 100%) code coverage for my core components. Even with such code
coverage, issues occasionally happen. Tests don’t predict all possible scenarios - you’re testing your
own code, which uses libraries which may introduce unpredictable behaviour - like calling “panic”
in some edge cases, or conditional results which may vary on situation.
Tests tell you exactly what you ask from them. You predict scenarios and behaviour and enforce that
your implementation follows them in any cases that you imagine. Even with a 100% code coverage, a
new usage pattern might emerge that will result in an issue that needs to be resolved. A great example
of this is the SET+GET behaviour at the start of this chapter. Even with 100% code coverage, an issue
occurred and needed to be fixed outside of our API implementation - our application and our tests
needed no changes.
A tested program works in all the way you imagined, and it fails in all the ways you did not.
API foundations in Go
Test driven API development 67
The function uses the KEYS method of Redis to loop through the namespace and return all the keys
with our Registry name (prefix). All the available keys are put in a map[string]string (array). We
can check if we have the “name” index set in our test:
Testing GetAll output
This brings our test coverage up to 94.1%. There’s some lines which we missed, let’s look at the
HTML report.
API foundations in Go
Test driven API development 68
It seems we missed one line in our tests. Generally, this will be executed when we have an empty
result set from KEYS. There are two approaches to increasing code coverage here - provide Mock
objects for whatever interface you have, or, provide data and requests that will produce the wanted
response. Let’s try to use the second method, by writing a new test.
Testing GetAll output
Since the Registry name ‘testerr’ doesn’t exist in redis, the redis.Strings method will return an
error. We use the testing function above to expect this error, and increase our code coverage to 100%.
With this, we have a fully featured implementation to use in our HTTP API.
API foundations in Go
Your first API
We learned enough to implement our first full API. We will use the package we created in the
previous chapter, to implement an API that has these specifications:
And we create two utility functions to handle responses - an error response, and an “anything”
response (interface{}). To make our endpoint implementation shorter, we even create a generic
respond function.
With these we can create our http request handlers for individual API calls; Setting up the API is as
easy as this:
Implementing the API call for GetAll
1 apiService = api.Registry{Name: "api"}
2 http.HandleFunc("/getAll", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
3 response, err := apiService.GetAll()
4 respond(w, response, err)
5 })
6 http.HandleFunc("/get", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
7 key := r.FormValue("key")
8 response, err := apiService.Get(key)
9 respond(w, response, err)
10 })
11 http.HandleFunc("/set", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
12 key := r.FormValue("key")
13 value := r.FormValue("value")
14 response, err := apiService.Set(key, value)
15 respond(w, response, err)
16 })
$ curl http://localhost:8080/set?key=foo&value=bar
$ curl http://localhost:8080/set?key=name&value=Tit%20Petric
$ curl http://localhost:8080/get?key=name
"Tit Petric"
$ curl http://localhost:8080/getAll
"foo": "bar",
"name": "Tit Petric"
Benchmarking it
As a curiosity, let’s benchmark our API service. I’m only interested in the “get” endpoint, so I’m
running apache bench with some options like -c 4 (concurrency) and -n 50000. I’m doing this from
inside a virtual machine on the same host - so take the benchmarks with a pinch of salt.
API foundations in Go
Your first API 71
This is the result I get. And keep in mind, we don’t even have goroutines yet! Let’s add those.
Uh, this is surprising. It’s not exactly the request rate we’d expect. To understand why, we have
to know that “net/http” server is already creating goroutines for each connection. That means that
unless we’re doing some kind of parallel processing, there will be no positive impact from using
goroutines. Since goroutines are lightweight compared to threads, you might not even notice any
So, when it comes to using goroutines, we can sum up our experience like this: If you’re doing
any kind of parallel workload, or I/O operations, using goroutines can speed up the response times
of your APIs. If you are doing atomic operations or sequential requests, you will not squeeze a
performance benefit out of your code by using goroutines, as the request is already within one.
Profiling it
The package “net/http” also provides runtime profiling data for your server. This way you can see
where your API is really spending CPU cycles and memory. To use pprof, you’ll have to add this
import line to your application:
import _ "net/http/pprof"
After you import this package and start your server, you can navigate your browser to http://[server]:8080/debug/
You can also use the go tool pprof to review many aspects of your API service. For example:
This gives you a console where you can issue commands like topN (‘top10 –cum/flat’) to find the
worst performing functions in your service. There are also commands like “dot > file.dot” which will
generate a call graph which you can then render with graphviz.
The tool pprof is very powerful. If you want some information from your API service while it’s alive,
it’s most likely that you will find it by researching run time options and analyzing the output.
Flame graph
With the pprof library enabled, there are also 3rd party tools available to analyze profiler data. One
of such tools is go-torch²³ which generates a flame graph in svg format. To install go-torch, along
with the FlameGraph dependency, issue the following commands:
API foundations in Go
Your first API 72
This will download and compile the go-torch binary, which will be placed in the bin/ folder of your
current working directory. I’ve created a small script to aid me in running it:
Running go-torch to provide 15 seconds of profile data
1 #!/bin/bash
2 PATH="$PATH:/opt/flamegraph"
3 bin/go-torch --time=15 --file "torch.svg" --url
The run, if everything went well, will provide us with a flame graph in the file “torch.svg”. Put the
file on your web server and open it with a browser and you should get something like this.
With the graph it’s possible to search for some specific function or package (top right corner).
It’s also possible to click on an individual block to zoom in on the flame. Clicking our flame
(main.main.func2), I can inspect where I’m spending time and with that what can be optimized.
API foundations in Go
Your first API 73
With our simple API, there’s no low hanging fruit to optimize away, but you can see that most of
the time is taken by fetching data from Redis (about 50%), parsing the data (30%) and the remaining
time is taken by encoding this data to JSON and FormValue calls.
API foundations in Go
Running your API in production
There are a couple of considerations to make when running Go in production. These considerations
range from providing configuration, deployment and having insight into the operation of your
application. We’ll try to cover some established practice to give you a sense of what it takes for
frictionless operations.
Running applications in production requires a way to pass configuration. A common way to pass
configuration via command line is the flag package²⁴. Because we follow the Twelve-Factor app
paradigm, we want the configuration to come from the environment. The package namsral/flag²⁵
provides a drop in replacement for the Go flag package.
You should use this package in a way that causes minimal friction towards your application. It is
recommended to define flags inside your func main and not as global variables. This forces you to
be strict about dependency injection patterns, which also makes testing easier.
Example application using namsral/flag
1 package main
3 import "github.com/namsral/flag"
4 import "fmt"
5 import "os"
7 func main() {
8 fs := flag.NewFlagSetWithEnvPrefix(os.Args[0], "GO", 0)
9 var (
10 port = fs.Int("port", 8080, "Port number of service")
11 )
12 fs.Parse(os.Args[1:])
14 fmt.Printf("Server port: %d\n", *port)
15 }
A good practice shown in the example is to prefix your environment variables, so you don’t create
any clashes with the default linux environment (usual culprits: MAIL, HOSTNAME, USER). In our
Running your API in production 75
case, we will use a GO prefix, meaning we can safely define GO_MAIL, GO_HOSTNAME and
Practical examples of passing arguments/config
$ go run flags.go
Server port: 8080
$ go run flags.go -port=80
Server port: 80
$ PORT=80 go run flags.go
Server port: 8080
$ GO_PORT=80 go run flags.go
Server port: 80
When running “go” via docker, the environment variables are passed via additional configuration
parameters. Since we declared a GO prefix for the environment variables used, we can extract only
these and pass them to a docker run command. You should pass them explicitly, with the --env-file
option or individual -e options.
A Docker example with flags.sh
1 #!/bin/bash
2 source ../shell/common.sh
3 gvt fetch "github.com/namsral/flag"
4 printenv | grep GO_ > /tmp/docker.env
5 docker run --rm --env-file /tmp/docker.env -i -v `pwd`:/go/src/app -w /go/src/app go\
6 lang go run flags.go
The chosen library also supports parsing configuration from a configuration file, which might be
something you prefer over passing environment variables. We usually keep settings like this in some
sort of central registry (configuration database) which we extend based on our needs.
Building an application
Building an application is as easy as running:
API foundations in Go
Running your API in production 76
$ go build flags.go
This will create a flags binary in your current folder, which you can run just like any other program.
Since we defined a configuration flag, we can quickly test it to see if it works:
Practical examples of passing arguments/config
$ ./flags
Server port: 8080
$ ./flags -port=80
Server port: 80
$ PORT=80 ./flags
Server port: 8080
$ GO_PORT=80 ./flags
Server port: 80
The binary itself behaves just like go run, except that the compilation was already done beforehand.
It’s also a static binary, so you can copy it to another server, and run it there - without needing the
Go runtime, or some libraries that might be required (Go doesn’t rely on shared libraries).
Deploying an app somewhere can be simple
$ scp flags luxor:/root
flags 100% 2627KB 2.6MB/s 00:01
$ ssh luxor "/root/flags"
Server port: 8080
$ ssh luxor "/root/flags -port 80"
Server port: 80
$ ssh luxor "GO_PORT=80 /root/flags"
Server port: 80
If you needed to build against a different operating system or architecture, it’s possible to pass
environment variables to go build: GOOS and GOARCH specifically. With these you can control
what kind of destination system you’re building for. More information is available in Go build
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Running your API in production 77
are used to provide some kind of web interface for your API. With the popularity of front-end
frameworks like VueJS²⁶, you can package the complete front-end application together with your
API service.
Embedding binary assets into your API is convenient for your users. You provide a single executable
which will contain everything, so they don’t need to download an installer or extract zip files. We
will use go-bindata²⁷ and resort to code generation to add all the data into the executable with go
I wrote a simple static file editor called Pendulum²⁸ where I implemented all the below steps to
provide a binary download with all the needed data embedded into the binary.
Code generation?
Well, sure. It’s simple enough. The go-bindata tool already enables us to create a .go file from a
public_html folder, for example. This is perfect for our use case. But why resort to a bash script or
Makefile to produce it? We can use Go’s code generation tool and just call go generate before we
call go build.
If you want to get started with code generation, all you need to do is include a single comment
somewhere in your source code, main.go for example:
1 package main
3 //go:generate echo "Hello world"
5 func main() {
6 }
When you run go generate, you will find out that it prints “Hello world”. It’s not really a requirement
that you would generate any code with go generate. Whatever you put after the //go:generate text
will be executed. You can even run go build if you wanted.
API foundations in Go
Running your API in production 78
1 package main
3 //go:generate echo "Hello world"
4 //go:generate go run main.go
6 func main() {
7 println("Hello world from Go")
8 }
1 # go generate
2 Hello world
3 Hello world from Go
Inception! Well, go generate is… interesting. Node programs are using babel to provide ES6/ES7
syntax capabilities to Node ES5 runtime, and people are attempting to use the same approach to
provide Go with functionality beyond the current scope of the language.
For example: The genny²⁹ project is an example more directed at generating typed-code so you don’t
really have to copy paste aggressively, but projects like Have³⁰ went closer to what Babel is doing
with Node - providing a language which transpiles to Go. I don’t know of any other attempts that
got more traction, yet. The discussions about Go2 and generics seem to suggest however, that there’s
some interest for this.
Well, for our case, we’re slightly more boring, we’re just trying to package some data in our
application, so let’s interrupt this social commentary and continue:
That’s a bit of a long line, let’s break it down just for visual inspection:
This creates an assets package in your application folder, which you can import with a short import,
i.e. app/assets, where app matches your application folder.
API foundations in Go
Running your API in production 79
1 folder := http.Dir("/")
2 server := http.FileServer(folder)
3 http.Handle("/", server)
1 import "github.com/elazarl/go-bindata-assetfs"
2 import "app/assets"
3 // ...
4 func main() {
5 // ...
6 files := assetfs.AssetFS{
7 Asset: assets.Asset,
8 AssetDir: assets.AssetDir,
9 AssetInfo: assets.AssetInfo,
10 Prefix: "dist",
11 }
12 server := http.FileServer(&files)
13 // ...
14 }
There is only a slight hiccup. I am using a VueJS app with pushHistory enabled. This means, that
when the user navigates the app, they will see links without a shebang (hash, #), but plain ordinary
absolute links like /blog/about.md. Which don’t exist in this asset filesystem, but are handled with
the application.
Well, turns out the solution is simple enough. The assetfs.AssetFS structure has functions
AssetInfo (which is the equivalent of os.Stat), and the function Asset (sort of like ioutil.ReadFile).
With this it’s possible to check if a file exists in the asset filesystem, and to output a different file if
it doesn’t:
API foundations in Go
Running your API in production 80
In case the file is found, I use the provided ServeHTTP method, instead of providing my own
implementation. All it takes to use this is a bit of a change in the handler which we defined before:
The function serveIndex returns a http.HandlerFunc, and this line was changed accordingly. This
provides a full implementation of how to serve your data which you add to your application with
go generate and go-bindata. And if you want to skip the //go:generate part and just put it in your
CI scripts, that’s fine too!
And with this I implemented a single-executable release for Pendulum³³. Grab it from the GitHub
releases page³⁴ to check it out.
Deploying an application
Deploying an application can be as simple as copying the binary produced with docker build,
and managing scripts and configuration around it. But deploying the application with docker itself
has some benefits. Creating an image containing the docker binary might seem like an unusual or
wasteful practice, but gives many benefits.
1. The application can be downloaded and run with a simple docker run command (pull mode),
API foundations in Go
Running your API in production 81
The other option is to create init.d scripts, or run an instance of supervisord to manage execution
and restarting of your service. There are also other benefits from docker - isolation from a security
standpoint for one.
Even if your application uses many hosts because of scale, running it from Docker should be
considered - the Docker images can be versioned, and if you’re not exactly doing upgrades of the
data model, this means that you can also safely roll-back if you deployed a bug to production.
Automating a deployment of an application can be a dirty business, but when you’re deploying
the complete environment for the application along with it, you’re saving a lot of time by avoiding
certain discussions like “Did you copy all the files?”, or “I don’t see the changes, when will the deploy
finish?”, “This one file is outdated.” and so on.
In a sense, deployment with docker is “atomic”. In another sense - it’s progressive. You can spawn
new container instances of the updated application, and when you verify it works, you can spin
down the old, out of date containers. You can use clustering tools like Docker Swarm³⁵ to achieve
this from the start.
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Running your API in production 82
1 #!/bin/bash
2 docker build --rm --no-cache=true -t go-flags .
We can run our application with full control of the network port on which it runs. You can expose
this port on the host using -p or -P docker options. If you’re using --net=host mode, you can prevent
some conflicts here with existing services by running multiple containers on different ports.
The images you create can be used on multiple hosts, by using a Docker registry like Docker Hub or
Quay.io. You can also set up your own docker registry. The most basic way to transfer the images
between hosts is to save and load them.
Depending on what you need, pick a deployment strategy which works for you.
I’m of the opinion that each container should be disposable. If you provide any kind of data storage,
it should be done with volume mounts, or some external API service (Amazon S3 for example). You
know exactly which data needs to be backed up, and it doesn’t include the application itself. The app
can be rebuilt at any time, and the container re-created from scratch. I’m aiming to reproduce these
processes with automation, not by following a setup checklist. My longest running practice is, that
I can remove any running container with “docker rm -f [name]”. Starting them again or creating a
new environment should be just as trivial.
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Running your API in production 83
additional information about your app. Maybe you want to track sessions, sign-ups, or some variable
which you can’t get by processing the access log. You can use expvar to log these values to a public
interface, available over HTTP on /debug/vars in JSON format. To use it, just import it like this:
import "expvar"
You should use the expvar package to register some public variables, which will show up in
/debug/vars output. The recommended way to do this is in the package init function. Let’s extend
our registry API with expvar:
Add expvar capability to your Registry API
1 import "expvar"
3 var (
4 countGet *expvar.Int
5 countSet *expvar.Int
6 countDel *expvar.Int
7 countGetAll *expvar.Int
8 countGetAllGet *expvar.Int
9 )
11 func init() {
12 countGet = expvar.NewInt("registry.get")
13 countSet = expvar.NewInt("registry.set")
14 countDel = expvar.NewInt("registry.del")
15 countGetAll = expvar.NewInt("registry.getAll")
16 countGetAllGet = expvar.NewInt("registry.getAll.get")
17 }
Changing a counter value is just as easy as calling value.Add(1). With the counters for GetAll, I
also defined a GetAllGet counter, which I increment by a larger value: int64(len(keys)). In practice
this tells me how many keys on average I have in the registry (three in my case).
Looking at the output of /debug/vars, after some manual requests, I can see all the counters which
we defined:
"registry.del": 0,
"registry.get": 5,
"registry.getAll": 18,
"registry.getAll.get": 54,
"registry.set": 2
API foundations in Go
Running your API in production 84
The metrics you define can provide invaluable information about your application and how it
performs. Monitoring the metrics values you set is an important part of any application, making
sure that you’re on the right track towards performance and scalability.
To graph the metrics you can use a variety of tools like Grafana³⁶ or OpenTSDB³⁷. We use also a
few others like Ganglia³⁸, Munin³⁹ and most recently, netdata⁴⁰. Depending on how long you’d like
to keep your metrics, and how much detail you want to store your metrics history, you have quite
the choice ahead of you.
API foundations in Go
You can find all the examples published on GitHub in the repository titpetric/books⁴¹ in the folder
As you will check out the repository, code samples are divided into chapters, and individual
chapters have run scripts, which you can use to run all the samples from the repositories. External
dependencies have been vendored into the repository.
All examples are meant to be run with docker, but a working go environment should be enough.
If you for some reason can’t use docker, just empty the contents of the common.sh file under shell