AH External Control
AH External Control
AH External Control
With the shift from analogue to digital AV tech- brands. Open collectors or relays on the out-
nology and the integration of AV with building puts would drive an LED or external relay,
infrastructure, AV solutions are starting to look while contact closures would typically be
more and more like IT networks. At the same driven by a switch.
time, feature-rich AV systems and their net-
working nature have created a strong demand This simple technology still works well today
for simplified user control. where basic on/off logic applies. GPIO use is
widespread in integration with fire alarm sys-
Control systems must be flexible in their capac- tems, school bells, movable walls, on-air lights,
ity to handle all aspects of an installation (au- video projectors, music players, curtain rails
dio, lights, video, HVAC). They also must be and much more.
simple to install, configure, deploy and use, re-
gardless of the complexity or power of the un- More complex communication was the realm
derlying infrastructure. of popular protocols like RS-232 (point to
point) and RS485 (master + multiple receivers).
Both protocols are bidirectional and dictate
limits on cable type and length (15 metres / 50
feet for RS232, 12 metres / 40 feet @10Mbps
or 1.2km / 4000 feet @100kbps for RS485).
Due to their serial nature, the bandwidth is
also limited and the reliability often problem-
atic over long cable runs.
Requires Avantis firmware V1.1 or higher
Works with: Qu series
Requires Avantis firmware V1.1 or higher
For further information, application guides, and recommended products please visit