CWE-222 Lectures 32-33
CWE-222 Lectures 32-33
CWE-222 Lectures 32-33
An EIA for a proposed new road project As a case study of an EIA study
conducted in Malaysia, reference is made to a study performed for a proposed road
linking Cameron Highlands to Kuala Lipis in the state of Pahang in West Malaysia
This road linkage would greatly reduce travel distance and time between the two
areas. However, the proposed road need to traverse through forested areas and
relatively hilly terrain along certain stretches.
Physical environment and land resources :-The proposed project area lies mostly
in forested hilly terrain such that there would be a considerable conservation
interest due to the need for forest clearance. The geology and soil characteristics of
the proposed project area are typical of a hilly terrain in a tropical region. For this
condition erosion is a problem during the construction stage and during the
operational stage the safety of slopes requires attention. Appropriate preventive
and protection measures should be provided during the construction period.
Climatic and hydrological conditions :-The climatic conditions along the proposed
route were obtained from climatic and rainfall stations. The climatic components
which are of relevance include rainfall, temperature, relative humidity, sunshine,
evaporation and wind conditions. The river system and drainage pattern for the
proposed project area was also studied. The extend of catchment areas were
Noise levels and air and water quality:- These parameters were obtained through
sampling techniques and direct measurement on-site. Water quality parameters for
selected rivers flowing within the study area were determined for the existing
Flora and fauna:- As the proposed road traverse through forested areas, an indepth
study was made to determine the types of flora and fauna within the study area and
in its vicinity. Both terrestrial and aquatic flora and fauna were identified. An
inventory of the existing flora and fauna was established.
After determining the types and nature of possible impacts due to the proposed
road project, various mitigation measures were considered and evaluated and
consequently proposed for implementation so as to reduce the adverse
environmental impacts that may occur. Any negative impacts could be
substantially mitigated by sound engineering practise and stringent control of the
various activities.
The monitoring objectives are to collect long-term data and regulate the changes
caused by the project and shall include climatic, water quality, air quality, stream
flow, fauna and floristic monitoring and traffic accidents.
Enforcement of El A recommendations
However, the protection of the wildlife is a more serious matter in the long term as
the road will improve accessibility to the whole area. More people will and it will
be more difficult for the DOE to manage the enforcement issue long term
protection is less straightforward. Certain issues may not come directly under the
subject of environmental quality. Here the recommendation may have to be
enforced under a different legislation and hence becomes the responsibility of other
(i). In the case of new roads traversing through forested hilly terrains, there are
several physio-chemical and biological aspects that require appropriate attention to
minimise possible impacts due to the development of the project. However, the
considerations in implementing such a project should take into account the benefits
as a whole.