J Ejor 2020 01 057
J Ejor 2020 01 057
J Ejor 2020 01 057
PII: S0377-2217(20)30094-1
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2020.01.057
Reference: EOR 16311
Please cite this article as: H. Wang , Chen Pan , Qunwei Wang , P. Zhou , Assessing sustainability
performance of global supply chains: An input-output modeling approach, European Journal of Oper-
ational Research (2020), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejor.2020.01.057
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Assessing sustainability performance of global supply chains: An
input-output modeling approach
supply chain management. Sustainability performance is usually evaluated from multiple aspects
within the triple bottom line framework. With globalization, supply chains have also been
characterized by the complex and global natures. Ignoring the multidimensional and transnational
features imposes challenges on the performance assessment of global supply chains (GSCs). To
resolve this issue, we propose an input-output modeling approach based on the multi-region
input-output (MRIO) model and the data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique, which is able to
account for the multidimensional characteristic of supply chains in a global context. Two indices are
GSCs. We apply the proposed approach to empirically examine the environmental performance of
GSCs of the manufacturing sectors in 16 major economies during 2005-2014. The average
environmental inefficiency of the economies was considerable, and roughly 40% of the pollution
could potentially be reduced along GSCs. Overall the environmental performance of GSCs averagely
rose by 20.6% during the study period with fluctuations and regional/sectoral heterogeneities
Keywords: OR in environment and climate change; Global supply chains; Sustainability performance;
Multi-region input-output model; Data envelopment analysis
Corresponding author. Email: wh@upc.edu.cn (H. Wang), pzhou@upc.edu.cn (P. Zhou).
1. Introduction
Supply chains have become the generic organizational form of global production networks. With
global climate change, both producers and consumers have an increasing awareness of sustainability,
which urges production activities along supply chains to become greener and has induced the
transition of conventional supply chains towards sustainable ones (O’Rourke, 2014). Focusing on the
economic, environmental, and social impacts of products throughout their life cycle, sustainable
supply chain management (SSCM) aims to integrate the issue of sustainability into the management
of entire supply chains (Gupta & Palsule-Desai, 2011). Business practices can be improved via SSCM
to promote the sustainability of supply chains (Min & Kim, 2012). For example, Zhu, Sarkis, and Lai
(2007) examine the impacts of firms’ initiatives on supply chain performance, Dou, Zhu, and Sarkis
(2014) explore the inter-relationships between green supply chain management and supplier
performance, and Ding, Liu, and Zheng (2016) investigate strategies for balancing the economic and
environmental performances of firms while reducing environmental externalities. SSCM has also
attracted attention from policymakers and practitioners worldwide. An example is the United Nations
and BSR (2010) that propose practical guidelines for firms to continuously improve the sustainability
of supply chains.
A pillar of SSCM is the measurement of sustainability performance of supply chains and the
assessment is that multiple dimensions of supply chains and their impacts are involved (Genovese,
Morris, Piccolo, & Koh, 2017). Specifically, firms use multiple inputs that are sourced from multiple
suppliers along supply chains to produce goods and services that are distributed to multiple consumers.
In the meantime the economic activities along a supply chain generate a variety of social impacts and
environmental externalities, e.g. solid wastes and air emissions. Thus sustainability of supply chains is
commonly defined from these three facets, i.e. economic, environmental and social, which are also
known as the triple bottom line of supply chain performance (Elkington, 1997).
Supply chains are increasingly characterized by complex and global natures. Goods and services
and all the individual supply chains intertwine together to form a complex network. With growing
vertical specialization, supply chains have become longer and more complex (Wang, Wei, Yu, & Zhu,
2017b). Meanwhile, supply chains have expanded transnationally with the emergence of
multinationals (Cohen & Mallik, 1997). To achieve economic efficiency, outsourcing and offshoring
have become the norm in production worldwide (Kim, Park, Jung, & Park, 2018). Cross-border
supply chains have given rise to production and consumption activities that often occur in different
countries and are linked via international trade. Cross-border economic activities have become an
important component of global production. For example, the ratio of international trade to global GDP
reached roughly 30% in 2011 (WTO, 2015), and this trend is projected to continue (Wang, Wei, Yu,
The preceding underlines the multidimensional and transnational features of supply chains
nowadays. Ignoring these salient features may lead to biased assessment of global supply chains
(GSCs) (Qorri, Mujkić, & Kraslawski, 2018). This study adds to the literature by proposing an
input-output modeling approach to account for the multidimensional and transnational features in
SSCM1 at the sectoral level.2 Specifically, the proposed approach is built upon the multi-region
input-output (MRIO) model and the data envelopment analysis (DEA) technique. By fully accounting
for the economic linkages among global economies, MRIO tables are able to holistically reflect GSC
dependences and interactions from an industrial lifecycle viewpoint (Acquaye et al., 2018). We first
adopt the MRIO model to measure the resources used, goods produced, and environmental impacts
related to an entire supply chain, which thereby captures the complex and transnational natures of
GSCs. With the MRIO estimates, the production processes of GSCs are modelled within the
The methodology introduced in the sections that follow can be adapted to evaluate the social performance of GSCs given that
relevant data are available.
Compared to the firm or product level, economic activities that add the most value usually take place at the sectoral level
(Gereffi, Humphrey, & Sturgeon, 2005). This study, therefore, focuses on the GSC performance at the sectoral level. As
discussed later in Section 3.4, the present sectoral analysis can be adapted to the firm, product or even process level by
adopting other background approaches.
total-factor production theory framework using DEA, which facilitates to capture the
multidimensional impacts of GSCs. Both the static and dynamic environmental sustainability
performances of GSCs, as well as their determinants, are studied. We apply the proposed approach to
major economies in 2005-2014. It is shown that the average environmental inefficiency of the 16
economies was considerable, and roughly 40% of the pollution could potentially be reduced along
GSCs. Overall the environmental performance of GSCs averagely rose by 20.6% during the study
period, which was driven primarily by the production technological improvement. The results are
environmental sustainability.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews relevant literature. Section
3 introduces the methodology. Section 4 describes the data used in the empirical study. Section 5
2. Literature review
A large number of studies have been devoted to the sustainability performance assessment of
supply chains (Barbosa-Póvoa, da Silva, & Carvalho, 2018). As the preceding discussed,
sustainability performance is usually assessed from the viewpoint of triple bottom line. As a result,
these three dimensions need to be integrated into a unified framework for performance assessment.
Besides, various factors surrounding supply chains and their management also affect the performance
assessment. For example, Qorri et al. (2018) conceptually specify the elements involved in the
performance measurement system and supply chain strategies, and Koberg and Longoni (2019)
decision making (MCDM) and multi-objective mathematical programming approaches have been
most often chosen (Brandenburg, Govindan, Sarkis, & Seuring, 2014). Of the commonly used tools,
DEA has gained popularity in the past decades (Zhou, Yang, Chen, & Zhu, 2018). Established within
a multi-input multi-output framework, DEA is able to construct composite indicators that can
simultaneously and holistically reflect multiple impacts of supply chains. Another desirable property
of DEA is that it does not require advance specification of functional form due to its non-parametric
nature, which helps to avoid misspecification in modelling. In addition, DEA can further identify
peers with the best practice which are located on the production frontier for benchmarking purposes.
Given these strengthens, DEA has been increasingly applied to evaluate supply chain performance
(Kao, 2014). For example, with the network DEA technique that captures the operation structure of
production systems, Kao (2009, 2017) measures static and dynamic performances of a parallel
production system, Chen and Yan (2011) examine supply chain performance under different
organization mechanisms, and Mirhedayatian, Azadi, and Farzipoor Saen (2014) evaluate green
With the emergence of globalization and multinationals, studying supply chain performance in a
global context becomes relevant. Cohen and Mallik (1997) discuss the management of supply chain
globalization, Fransoo and Lee (2013) and Pourakbar and Zuidwijk (2018) respectively examine the
roles of ocean container transport and customs in GSC performance, and Wang and Huang (2018)
However, few studies have been reported to quantitatively measure sustainability performance of
GSCs (Koberg & Longoni, 2019). A main difficulty is the complex structure and transnational nature
of GSC activities. A common practice for resolving this issue is to adopt the life cycle assessment
(LCA) approaches (Boons, Baumann, & Hall, 2012). On the basis of MRIO tables that detail supply
chain linkages at the sectoral level, Costantini, Crespi, Marin, and Paglialunga (2017) examine the
impacts of international spillovers on the supply chain performances of EU countries, Acquaye et al.
(2017) and Acquaye et al. (2018) estimate the footprints and consumption-based intensities of
pollutants in order to measure the environmental performances of GSCs. By fully accounting for the
linkages among firms/sectors/economies, these studies are able to measure both the direct and indirect
Despite the achievements aforementioned, some research gaps exist in the sustainability
performance assessment of GSCs. First, single factor indicators (e.g. consumption-based CO2
emissions and emission intensity) have been the norm in measuring sustainability performance of
GSCs, which fail to account for the multidimensional nature of GSCs and thus may bias the
performance assessment. Second, quantifying the determinants of GSC performance is largely ignored
in the present literature. A good understanding of the sources of changes in performance helps
stakeholders to identify priorities in GSC management and policymaking. Third, benchmarking GSCs
has rarely been studied in the literature, which can further reveal directions regarding how to improve
GSC performance. It is the purpose of this study to fill the gaps mentioned above. As the preceding
discussed, DEA is useful in modelling the multi-input multi-output supply chain framework and can
well serve the benchmarking purpose. However, conventional DEA (e.g. the network DEA models)
becomes impractical in the GSC context since numerous production stages and complex structure are
involved. To account for both the multidimensional and transnational features of GSCs, we propose
an input-output modelling approach on the basis of MRIO and DEA in the sections that follow. To
illustrate the usefulness of the proposed approach, we further apply it to evaluate the environmental
3. Methodology
Various materials and resources are used by firms to produce goods and services along GSCs
while generating environmental pollution as the by-product. To characterize the general production
processes in supply chains, we follow the conventional production theory and consider capital, labor,
and energy to be inputs. Value added is used to measure the economic output.3 Production activities
affect the environment by producing a variety of pollutants, e.g. solid wastes, wastewater, and air
pollutant emissions. Here, we use the emissions of CO2, SO2, and NOx to represent the undesirable
Another commonly used indicator to measure economic activity is total output. Here we select value added since it is able
to overcome the well-known “double counting” problem in trade. The methodology introduced in the sections that follow
can be similarly applied if the total output indicator is chosen.
CO2 emissions are the primary cause of global warming, and SO2 and NOx are key air pollutants. These three pollutants have
been selected to indicate the environmental impacts of economic activities in a number of studies, e.g. Pasurka (2006) and Du,
Chen, and Huang (2018).
As an example, we apply the MRIO model to estimate the flow of energy input that is embodied
in goods and services transferred among sectors and economies via GSCs. Suppose the global
economy is divided into Q economies, each of which is further disaggregated into M economic sectors.
The total output of a sector in an economy is consumed as either intermediate inputs or final goods by
all sectors in the Q economies. The equilibrium relationship is illustrated by Fig.1 and can be
formulated as:
X = Z1 + Y (1)
where X and Y are QM 1 vectors denoting the total output and final demand, respectively.5 Z is a
QM QM matrix with entries Z ji denoting the intermediate inputs of sector i in region r supplied
by sector j in region s, and 1 is a summation vector with proper length. Define a direct intermediate
where I is an identity matrix and L = (I - A)-1 = I + A1 + A2 + ... + A is the Leontief inverse matrix.
The term I + A 1
+ A2 + ... + A Y reflects the iterative production processes within the global
production network. For example, IY denotes the direct production of final demand, A1 Y denotes
the first tier intermediate inputs that are required to produce the final demand, and A2 Y denotes the
intermediates that are needed to produce the intermediate goods A1 Y , which therefore is the second
tier intermediate inputs required to produce the final demand. With the iterations IY , A1 Y , A2 Y
and so forth, all production activities along the GSCs are completely captured by Eq. (2).
Table 1. Nomenclature
It should be noted that here we adopt the conventional notations used in I-O studies, which differ from the convention in the
DEA literature. All the notations appeared in this article are summarized in Table 1.
r, s Index of economies H Labor input
i, j Index of sectors V Value added
X Total output C CO2 emissions
Y Final demand S SO2 emissions
Z Intermediate inputs N NOx emissions
A Direct input coefficient Intensity variable
I Identity matrix SEPI Static environmental performance index
L Leontief inverse matrix DEPI Dynamic environmental performance index
f Energy intensity
Intermediate transactions
Final Total
demand outputs
R1 Z1,1 Z1,Q Y1 X1
Intermediate inputs
Value added V1 VQ
Total inputs X1 XQ
Combined with sectoral energy intensity, Eq. (2) can be extended to measure the energy flows
among sectors and regions via the supply chains. Define a diagonal matrix, f , with entries f jj
denoting the ratio of energy consumption to total output for sector j in region s. The energy inputs of
ˆ ˆ , where
the sectors and regions along the GSCs can be modeled as E = fLY indicates a diagonal
is a block matrix where the block E sr is an M M matrix with entries E ji denoting the energy
input embodied in the intermediates that are needed by sector i in region r and supplied by sector j in
region s. Summing the matrix along the columns yields the total energy input required by a sector in
an economy through the GSC network. For example, the overall energy requirement of sector i in
region r to fulfill its production is Eir E srji . Compared to the conventionally used
s, j
production-based accounting measures that quantify the energy input consumed in the territory of a
that are necessary to the production of sector i in region r, regardless of where the production occurs
in the GSC. Similarly, other inputs as well as the desirable and undesirable outputs of sectors and
economies along the GSCs can be calculated. Taking sector i in region r as an example, its production
activity needs capital input K ir , labor input H ir , and energy input Eir which are supplied via the
global production network. Meanwhile, the associated economic output along the supply chain of this
sector is Vi r and the environmental impacts are CO2 emissions Cir , SO2 emissions Sir , and NOx
emissions N ir . As such, the production process along the supply chain of sector i in region r is
To account for sectoral heterogeneity in environmental performance (Wang, Ang, Wang, & Zhou,
2017a; Wang, Ang, & Zhou, 2018), we model the production processes of sectors separately. As
production units along supply chains use inputs (i.e. capital, labor, and energy) to produce desirable
outputs (value added) and undesirable outputs (i.e. CO2, SO2, and NOx), the production possibility set
Production processes in reality often exhibit two features. First, undesirable outputs will not be
eliminated unless the production process completely stops. Second, the abatement of undesirable
outputs is not free. To reflect these two characteristics, we follow Färe, Grosskopf, Lovell, and
Pasurka (1989) and Färe, Grosskopf, and Hernandez-Sancho (2004) to impose two assumptions on Eq.
Ki , Hi , Ei , Vi , Ci , Si , Ni Ti .
With the two assumptions, Eq. (3) is then able to represent the production technology of sector i
taking into account the impacts of pollution. Hence, this technology is referred to as environmental
production technology. To operationalize the conceptual model above, we adopt the non-parametric
frontier approach. The DEA model exhibiting the constant returns to scale can be formulated as6:
Ti K i , H i , Ei , Vi , Ci , S i , N i : r K ir K i
r i
r i
V r i
r (4)
r i
r i
r i
r 0, r 1,..., Q
where is the intensity variable. By incorporating the observations for the Q economies, Eq. (4)
constructs a best practice frontier for sector i. The economic and environmental performances of the
supply chains of sector i in a particular economy can be assessed by measuring the distance of an
observation from the efficient frontier. In the literature, a variety of efficiency measures have been
proposed and applied for this purpose. Some commonly used ones include the Russell measure,
A number of assumptions on the returns to scale, e.g. non-increasing returns to scale (NIRS) and variant returns to scale (VRS)
have been introduced and adopted in the DEA literature. Of the common assumptions, CRS has been the most widely used. In
the present paper, we follow this common practice. The DEA model specified in Eq. (2) can be modified if other assumptions
on the returns to scale are needed. Interested readers may refer to Zhou, Ang, and Poh (2008) for such extensions.
slacks-based measure (Chen & Delmas, 2012; Tone, 2001), directional distance function (Färe &
Grosskopf, 2000) and non-radial directional distance function (Zhou, Ang, & Wang, 2012). Here, we
adopt the non-radial directional distance function because of its additive nature, which can
exhaustively explore slacks in inputs and outputs (Chen, 2013, 2014). In accordance with the purpose
of this study and following Zhou et al. (2012), an undesirable output-oriented non-radial directional
r Eir Eio
V r V o
r i i (5)
s.t. r
r Cir Cio io Cio
r Si Si i Si
r o o o
r N ir N io io N io
0, r 1,..., Q
where o denotes the region under evaluation. The three terms, io Cio , io Sio , and io Nio , respectively
denote the slacks in the three pollutants, i.e. CO2, SO2, and NOx, for sector i in region o. As there is no
preference for these three pollutants in the present study, equal weights are specified for their slacks
coefficients in the objective function. By maximizing the slacks coefficients, Eq. (5) captures the
technical inefficiency in the three undesirable outputs as compared to the best practice frontier. A
higher value of Dio Kio ,H io ,Eio ,Vi o ,Cio ,Sio ,Nio implies that more slacks in the undesirable outputs
are identified, and hence the supply chain of sector i in region o operates with less environmental
We study both the status and evolvement of GSC environmental performances. The former
implies the static performance in a particular year, whereas the latter refers to the change in
performance over a time period. Accordingly, we introduce two indices to quantify the static and
Based on Eq. (5), the static environmental performance of sector i in region o in year t can be
measured as:
SEPIiot 1 Diot Kio,t ,Hio,t ,Eio,t ,Vi o,t ,Cio,t ,Sio,t ,Nio,t (6)
where the superscript t denotes the time period. The term SEPI iot falls in the interval (0,1] . A higher
value of SEPI iot indicates better environmental performance, since fewer slacks exist in the
undesirable outputs. The term SEPI iot can therefore be viewed as an environmental performance
index from an efficiency viewpoint. Following Wang et al. (2017a) and using the sectoral index in Eq.
(6), an aggregate supply chain environmental performance index for region o in year t can be
formulated as follows:
The aggregate index in Eq. (7) is a weighted average of the sectoral indices in Eq. (6), with the
sectoral share of pollutant emissions being the weight. The value of SEPI ot is also between 0 and
unity, and the interpretation of the aggregate index is similar to that at the sectoral level.
Further to the static environmental performance in a particular year, the evolvement in a supply
chain’s environmental performance during a time period can be measured as the ratio of the
performance in the final year to that in the initial year. Taking sector i in region o as an example, the
change in the environmental performance of its supply chain can be quantified as:
where the time period outside the brackets in the distance functions is for the reference production
technology, and that inside the brackets is for the observations. The measure above compares all the
observations with respect to the best practice frontier in year t. Alternatively, the efficient frontier in
year t+1 can also be used as the benchmark, which may yield different results. To avoid arbitrary
selection between the two benchmarks, we take a geometric mean of the two measures, thus the
dynamic environmental performance index for the supply chain of sector i in region o between years t
1 Diot K io ,t ,H io ,t ,Eio ,t ,Vi o ,t ,Cio ,t ,Sio ,t ,N io ,t
t ,t 1
1 Diot 1 K io ,t 1 ,H io ,t 1 ,Eio ,t 1 ,Vi o ,t 1 ,Cio,t 1 ,Sio,t 1 ,N io,t 1
1 Diot 1 K io ,t ,H io ,t ,Eio ,t ,Vi o ,t ,Cio ,t ,Sio ,t ,N io ,t
1 Diot 1 K io ,t 1 ,H io ,t 1 ,Eio ,t 1 ,Vi o ,t 1 ,Cio,t 1 ,Sio,t 1 ,N io,t 1
1 Diot K io ,t ,H io ,t ,Eio ,t ,Vi o ,t ,Cio ,t ,Sio ,t ,N io ,t (8)
1 Dio K i ,H i ,Ei ,Vi ,Ci ,Si ,N i
t 1 o ,t 1 o ,t 1 o , t 1 o , t 1 o , t 1 o , t 1 o , t 1
1 Diot K io ,t ,H io ,t ,Eio ,t ,Vi o ,t ,Cio ,t ,Sio ,t ,N io ,t
1 Dio K i ,H i ,Ei ,Vi ,Ci ,Si ,N i
t 1 o ,t o ,t o ,t o ,t o ,t o ,t o ,t
ECiot ,t 1TCiot ,t 1
where EC denotes the efficiency change, and TC denotes the technological change. The term
DEPI iot ,t 1 has a similar form with the Malmquist-Luenberger index. A value of DEPI iot ,t 1 larger than
unity implies that the environmental performance of the supply chain of sector i in region o has
improved, and vice versa. To quantify the determinants of changes in environmental performance,
DEPI iot ,t 1 can be decomposed into two components, i.e. efficiency change (EC) and technological
change (TC), as shown in Eq. (8). The former captures the change in technical efficiency of pollutant
emissions, and the latter quantifies the improvement/deterioration in general production technology of
the supply chain. For example, a value of ECiot ,t 1 larger than unity implies an improvement in the
Mixed-period linear programming problems, e.g. Dio K i
o , t 1 o , t 1
, Hi
o , t 1
, Ei ,Vi
o , t 1 o , t 1
o , t 1
, Si
o , t 1
, Ni , exist in Eq. (8), which
may not have feasible solutions. A number of approaches have been proposed to deal with this issue. Some commonly used
methods include treating the observation with infeasible solution as on the efficient frontier (Wang, Zhou, & Zhou, 2013),
using the window analysis (Pulina, Detotto, & Paba, 2010), and modifying the constraints on inputs and undesirable outputs
(Du et al., 2018). In the empirical study that follows we adopt the first approach, i.e. locating the DMUs with an infeasible
solution on the frontier. However, this practice may introduce additional uncertainty to the results, which should be borne in
mind when interpreting the empirical results.
emission efficiency during the time period, while a value of TCiot ,t 1 larger than unity implies a shift
of the supply chain’s production technology toward the best practice frontier.
Similar to the static performance index, the dynamic performance index at the sectoral level
given in Eq. (8) can also be aggregated to form an economy-wide index. Following Wang et al.
(2017a), the change in aggregate environmental performance for economy o between year t and year
1/ 2
1 Cio ,t 1 o ,t 1 Sio ,t 1 o ,t 1 N io ,t 1 o ,t 1
1 o ,t 1 i o ,t 1 i o ,t 1 i
3 i C S N
1 C o ,t o ,t 1( t ) S o ,t o ,t 1( t ) N o ,t o ,t 1( t )
1 io ,t i io ,t i io ,t i
t ,t 1 3 i C S N
1 1 Ci o ,t ( t 1)
o ,t 1 o ,t 1 o ,t 1
Si Ni
3 o ,t 1 i
o ,t ( t 1)
o ,t 1 i o ,t ( t 1)
o ,t 1 i
i C S N
1 C o ,t
S o ,t
N o ,t
1 o ,t i o ,t i o ,t i
i o ,t i o ,t i o ,t
3 i C S N
1 Cio ,t 1 o ,t 1 Sio ,t 1 o ,t 1 N io ,t 1 o ,t 1
3 i C o ,t 1
i o,t 1 i o,t 1 i
1 C o ,t S o ,t N o ,t
1 io ,t io ,t io ,t io ,t io ,t io ,t
3 i C S N
1/ 2
1 C o ,t S o ,t N o ,t
1 io ,t io ,t io ,t io ,t io ,t io ,t
3 i C S N
1 C o ,t o ,t 1( t ) S o ,t o ,t 1( t ) N o ,t o ,t 1( t )
1 io ,t i io ,t i io ,t i
3 i C S N
1 1 Ci o ,t ( t 1)
o ,t 1 o ,t 1 o , t 1
Si Ni
3 o ,t 1 i
o ,t ( t 1)
o ,t 1 i o ,t ( t 1)
o,t 1 i
i C S N
1 o ,t 1 o ,t 1 o ,t 1
i C o,t 1 i S o,t 1 i N o,t 1 i
1 C i o ,t 1 S i o ,t 1 N i o ,t 1
ECot ,t 1TCot ,t 1
where the superscript t(t+1) denotes quantifying slacks in the observations in year t+1 by using the
production frontier for year t. The superscript t+1(t) is similarly defined. The interpretation of the
aggregate environmental performance index is similar to that at the sectoral level. Also, the overall
performance index can be decomposed into efficiency change and technological change, as shown in
Eq. (9).
3.4 Comparisons and discussions
Figure 2 illustrates the framework of the proposed input-output modeling approach. As shown in
the preceding sections, the proposed approach consists of two techniques, i.e. the MRIO model and
DEA, both of which take an input-output perspective. The MRIO model is first adopted to measure
the flow of inputs and outputs, as well as environmental externalities, along GSCs. On the basis of the
accounting of production factors induced by an entire GSC, DEA is further used to model supply
chains’ production activities of transforming inputs into outputs. Two indices, i.e. SEPI and DEPI, are
then introduced to capture the static and dynamic environmental performances of GSCs. Essentially
the input-output modeling approach can be viewed as a combination of the MRIO model and the DEA
Initial data MRIO DEA measurements
Compared to existing methodologies, the proposed approach possesses some advantages. First,
the input-output modeling approach is able to measure the multidimensional performance of supply
chains in a multi-input multi-output production framework while accounting for the complex and
transnational natures of GSCs. As a result, the proposed approach extends DEA to performance
assessment in the GSC context and improves the conventional single-factor GSC performance
measurements by adopting a multi-factor framework. Second, built upon the DEA technique, the
input-output modeling approach benchmarks GSCs from an efficiency perspective. This allows the
optimal levels of resource inputs, goods outputs and environmental/social externalities of inefficient
GSCs to be determined, which helps to indicate possible directions where management could be
strengthened. Third, similar to the productivity indices in the literature, the dynamic performance
index (DEPI) introduced can be decomposed into two components, which respectively quantify the
catch-up effect in terms of technical efficiency change and the technological innovation of GSCs with
The proposed approach can be adapted or extended in a number of ways to examine supply chain
performance in greater depth. For example, by adopting LCA as the background approach, the present
methodology can be similarly applied to supply chain performance assessment at the product and
plant levels. Another example is to slice GSCs further into individual production paths using the
structural path analysis technique (Wood & Lenzen, 2009) and examine the environmental
performances of key production paths separately. Production stages in a particular path that lead to
4. Data
manufacturing sectors during the decade 2005-2014. This period is relevant in assessing GSCs’
environmental performances. Manufacturing sectors worldwide flourished with the significant growth
of global economies since 2000. Nevertheless, the 2008 financial crisis largely affected global
demand and international fragmentation of production. Global economy and manufacturing sectors
recovered slowly after 2009 with structural transitions in GSCs (McKinsey Global Institute, 2019).
Hence, with the latest available data up to 2014, the empirical study is expected to provide timely
We collect global MRIO tables from the World Input-Output Database (WIOD)8, which covers
43 economies9 and a Rest of World (RoW) region representing the remaining economies (Timmer,
Dietzenbacher, Los, Stehrer, & de Vries, 2015). A single economy is further disaggregated into 56
sectors, 18 of which are manufacturing industries and can be classified into three categories, i.e.
The WIOD data used in this study was released in 2016, which can be retrieved from http://www.wiod.org/release16.
The 43 economies covered the majority of global production and pollutant emissions in the study period. For example, the 43
economies accounted for 86% of global GDP and 82% of global CO2 emissions in 2014.
economies and sectors are given in Appendix A. The annual data for capital stock, labor input and
value added at the same disaggregation levels (i.e. regions and sectors) are provided in the
Socio-Economic Accounts of WIOD. The data for energy use and pollutant emissions are collected
from the Eora database (Lenzen, Kanemoto, Moran, & Geschke, 2012).10 As the regional and sectoral
disaggregation levels in Eora and WIOD are different, however, we map the Eora data to the regional
and sectoral levels of WIOD. Details on the data treatment are provided in Appendix B. We deflate all
the monetary data in our dataset into constant 2010 USD using the price index and exchange rates
published by WIOD. The summary statistics of the data are given in Table 2.
With the data collected and following the MRIO model presented in Section 3.1, the inputs and
outputs of GSCs can be calculated. For ease of interpretation, we aggregate the 28 European Union
member countries into a single EU-28 region.11 Figure 3 shows the foreign share in the overall
production activity and emissions induced by GSCs of manufacturing sectors for the remaining 16
economies. It is found that the 16 economies integrated into GSCs at varying degrees. Generally, the
developed economies and economies with limited territories, e.g. Switzerland, Japan, Korea and
EU-28, tended to import more raw materials and goods that contain high levels of pollution but low
The Eora data can be retrieved from https://www.worldmrio.com.
Readers should bear in mind that the aggregation may mask possible heterogeneity among the 28 European Union member
countries in terms of GSC performance. We thank an anonymous reviewer for pointing this issue out.
economic value. In contrast, large producers in the emerging economies, e.g. China and India, mainly
imported intermediates that are often high in economic value but low in levels of pollution along
GSCs to support domestic production. Comparing Fig. 3(a) and Fig. 3(b) reveals that the developed
economies’ participation in GSCs had been marginally deepened. On the other hand, China, India and
Indonesia witnessed a slight decline in the participation degree. This was accompanied by the
maturing industrial capabilities and growing demand in these emerging economies (McKinsey Global
Institute, 2019). Figure 4 shows that the overall emission intensities, particularly for SO2 and NOx, of
GSC production activities significantly differed from those of domestic production activities, and the
disparity generally expanded during the study period. These facts stress the necessity for measuring
supply chain environmental performance in a global context and from the industrial lifecycle
perspective. Next, we study the environmental performances of GSCs for the 16 economies’
(a) 2005
(b) 2014
Figure 3. Foreign share in the total emissions and total economic output of supply chains of
manufacturing sectors of 16 economies, 2005 and 2014
(a) 2005
(b) 2014
Figure 4. Air emission intensities of 16 economies, 2005 and 2014 (units: Kg/USD for CO2, Kg/103
USD for SO2 and NOx,)
Note: Emission intensity is defined as the ratio of emissions to value added. The suffix ‘direct’ implies the
conventional production-based emission intensity, which accounts for the emissions and economic
activities that occur in a particular territory. On the other hand, the suffix ‘gsc’ denotes the global supply
chains and implies that the emission intensity accounts for all the emissions and economic output induced
by an entire supply chain.
Following Eq. (7), we first estimate the static environmental performances of GSCs in individual
years. Here, we only present the results for 2005 and 2014 for illustration purposes. Figure 5 shows
that the 16 economies’ average GSC environmental performances were 0.61 and 0.63 for the two
years, respectively. The results imply that the overall environmental inefficiency was not negligible.
On average, roughly 40% of the pollutant emissions could have been reduced along GSCs if the most
efficient available production technology had been adopted. The results also suggest that the average
GSC environmental performance of the 16 economies had slightly shifted to the best practice frontier
during the study period. This shift is an indication of improvement in the technical efficiency of
emissions for the GSCs as a whole. Figure 6 further shows that the developed economies’
manufacturing sectors had a better average performance than those in the emerging economies in both
2005 and 2014.12 However, the gap between developed economies and emerging economies shrank,
due mainly to the progress made by the emerging economies. A possible reason is the increasingly
stringent environmental regulation applied in the emerging economies with the transfer of global
production in the past decades. Both the emerging economies and developed economies had top
performers, e.g. Mexico and Switzerland, respectively. On the other hand, only the emerging
economies, i.e. China and India, were always located at the lower end for both years.
According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), seven countries in our dataset, i.e. Brazil, China, Indonesia, India,
Mexico, Russia, and Turkey, are emerging economies, and the remaining economies are classified as developed economies.
The IMF classification of emerging and developed economies is available at https://www.imf.org/en/Data.
2005 2014
Tables C1 and C2 in Appendix C reveals that the sources of the 16 economies’ GSC
environmental inefficiencies were fairly diverse from the sectoral perspective. As a top player in the
emerging economies, Mexico was located on the best practice frontier for the textile sector (C13-C15)
and coke and petroleum, chemical and pharmaceutical industries (C19-C21). On the other hand, the
country’s inefficiency in 2005 was sourced mainly from the manufacturing of rubber and metal
products (i.e. C22 and C24-C25). In 2014, Mexico’s overall technical efficiency in supply chain
emissions increased, arising mainly from the improvement in the capital-intensive industries. The
development coincided with the rapid expansion of the capital-intensive and technology-intensive
sectors in Mexico and the increasing participation of the country in GSCs by integrating in the North
American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) free trade zone since the 1990s. Indonesia performed
relatively well compared to other emerging economies. Its inefficiency was sourced primarily from
the capital-intensive and technology-intensive sectors, e.g. the pharmaceutical (C21), metal (C26),
and electronic (C28) industries. Nonetheless Indonesia registered an improvement in these two
categories, particularly in the coke and petroleum sector (C19) and automobile industry (C29). This
development was accompanied by the country’s rise as a main automobile production base in the
Southeast Asia.
The two largest emerging economies, China and India, recorded extremely low GSC
performance throughout the study period. The primary sources of environmental inefficiency for the
two economies were the capital-intensive and technology-intensive sectors. Tables D1 and D2 in
Appendix D further show that the inefficiency was induced mainly by CO2 and SO2 emissions.
Compared to the global best practice, China had a potential to reduce CO2 emissions by 2,845.0
million tons, SO2 emissions by 11.6 million tons, and NOx emissions by 5.2 million tons, which
respectively correspond to 77.4%, 71.9%, and 56.0% of the observed GSC emissions in 2014. The
largest abatement potential for these three pollutants came from the machinery sector (C28), the
electronic sector (C26) and the automobile industry (C29). These results identify the priorities for
further environmental protection measures. Another observation is that both China and India
experienced noteworthy and comprehensive improvements, particularly the former. The development
was accompanied by structural changes in the GSC participation patterns of these economies. With
deeper integration into GSCs, producers in China and India tended to conform with the stringent
to promote the overall technical efficiency in the two economies via spillover effects (Lin, Moon, &
Yin, 2014). This may partly explain the improvement in China and India.
Of the developed economies, Switzerland was ranked top in terms of GSC environmental
was unity in both 2005 and 2014, implying that the economy achieved the most efficient available
practice in all the 18 manufacturing sectors in the two years. As to the East Asia, Japan remained a
frontrunner, and Korea witnessed remarkable progress in the decade, especially in the
technology-intensive sectors. It is noteworthy that Taiwan stayed at the lower end among the
developed economies, though marginal improvement was achieved. The results are consistent with
the region’s stagnancy in economic development and industrial progress in the past decade. The
United States outperformed EU-28 in 2005 and 2014, but the two economies shared certain
similarities in the pattern of GSC performance. Their inefficiencies came primarily from the
capital-intensive sectors. Moreover, the United States registered a higher improvement. In 2014, only
three capital-intensive sectors (i.e. the pharmaceutical, rubber and mineral industries) and the
machinery industry were found environmentally inefficient, while the remaining 14 sectors of the
United States were located on the best practice frontier. On the other hand, EU-28 performed fairly
Further to the static performance in separate years, this section investigates the changes in GSC
environmental performance of the 16 economies and quantifies the underlying determinants. Figure
7(a) shows that the 16 economies’ environmental performance had increased by 20.6% on average in
2005-2014. Fluctuations in the development path of GSC performance were observed. Treating the 16
economies as a whole, the average environmental performance rose rapidly in 2006-2008 after a
stagnancy in 2005-2006. A sudden drop was found in 2008-2009, which was likely caused by the
global financial crisis occurred in that year. The average environmental performance then steadily
improved until 2013, followed by a slight fall of 1.5% in 2014. The findings are consistent with that
reported by Acquaye et al. (2018). At the global level, both the technical efficiency change and
production technological change improved the overall GSC performance, with the latter being the
primary contributor throughout the period studied, as shown in Fig.7(a). A notable observation is that
during the 2008/09 financial crisis, the driver of the falling GSC environmental performance was the
technological change. The results imply that the depressed market in that period hindered
technological innovation and the deployment of more efficient technologies. Besides, technical
efficiency in emissions declined in 2005-2007, due primarily to the changes in Australia, Turkey and
Canada. Although recovered in subsequent periods, the technical efficiency effect contributed to the
overall improvement at a fairly limited degree. Thus the results suggest that strengthening the supply
GSC performance.
DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Technological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Techn ological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Techn ological change
DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Techn ological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Techn ological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Techn ological change
DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Techn ological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Techn ological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Techn ological change
DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Technological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Technological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Technological change
DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Technological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Technological change DEPI Efficiency ch an ge Technological change
1.75 1.75
1.50 1.50
1.25 1.25
1.00 1.00
0.75 0.75
0.50 0.50
2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
Figure 7. Cumulative aggregated DEPI and its determinants for manufacturing sectors in 16 economies,
performance by 33.9% during 2005-2014, while the progress made by the developed economies was
relatively moderate (11.2%). The disparity stemmed mainly from the GSC technical efficiency
changes occurred in the two groups of countries. In recent years, the emerging economies, e.g. China
and India, have implemented a lot of measures to improve environmental quality. Constrained by
strict regulations, manufacturing plants tended to improve their management and technical efficiency
to reduce emissions. Besides, the developed economies often have more stringent standards on
industrial production and emissions given their intensive and widespread awareness of environmental
protection. The stringent requirements apply not only to production plants located in the developed
economies but also often extend to suppliers that are located in the emerging economies. These
internal and external requirements together urge suppliers in the emerging economies to catch up in
terms of technique efficiency. It should be noted that, however, the emerging economies still shown
worse performance than the developed economies at the end of the period studied after substantial
growth in the decade. As to technological change, on the other hand, the two groups of economies
experienced similar progress. This may signal the trend of convergence among global economies in
Figures 7(b)–7(q) show the results at the national and regional levels, and reveal that the sources
of changes in DEPI for various economies were fairly different. Of the nine developed economies,
only Canada and Australia are found to have deteriorated GSC performance, which was driven mainly
by the technical efficiency change. Improvements in production technology and technical efficiency
performance are observed for the rest seven developed economies except for a slightly falling
technical efficiency occurred in Japan. Switzerland remained on the best practice frontier throughout
the decade, and thus no change in its technical efficiency performance. All the seven emerging
economies experienced growth in GSC environmental performance except Brazil. The changes were
in line with the dynamics in emission intensities of these economies, as shown in Fig.4. For Indonesia
and Turkey, the rising GSC performance were driven primarily by the technological change, whereas
the key source of performance growth in China, India, Mexico and Russia was the improvement in
technical efficiency.
A closer look at the results reveals more sectoral and temporal features of the dynamics in GSC
environmental performance of the 16 economies. Here we present the results for only five
representative economies, i.e. China, India, Indonesia, the United States, and EU-28. As a turning
point of the GSC performances was in 2009, we divide the entire study period into two sub-periods,
i.e. period I (2005–2009) and period II (2009–2014). Table E1 in Appendix E shows that the growth
in China’s GSC environmental performance accelerated in period II. China’s manufacturing sectors
improved technical efficiency continuously in the decade and achieved similar progress in period I
and period II. Thus the acceleration in the overall GSC performance arose from the boosting
technological change after the global financial crisis. From the sectoral perspective, all the 18
manufacturing sectors in China improved in the two sub-periods and the only exception was the
deterioration in coke and refined petroleum industry (C19) during period I. After 2009, the
GSC performance improvement. In particular, the ICT sector (C26) and the automobile industry (C29)
registered the most significant growth. A possible reason is that these two sectors usually involve in
GSCs most deeply, and thus face increasingly severe pressure on environmental standard of products
from overseas. The results are also consistent with the developments in China during the past decade
Table E2 in Appendix E shows that the development in India’s environmental performance had a
similar pattern with that in China despite different sources and degree of changes. India’s
improvement in period I was hindered by the marginal technological change, which arose mainly
from the deterioration in labor-intensive sectors, e.g. the lumber sector (C16) and the food and
beverage sector (C10-C12). In period II, the growth in environmental performance was remarkable,
and the primary driving forces were the efficiency improvement in labor-intensive sectors and the
global economy, Indonesia deserves special attention. A leap in the country’s GSC environmental
performance occurred in period I, followed by a relatively less growth after the global crisis, as shown
in Table E3 in Appendix E. Technological change remained the primary driving force behind the GSC
performance improvement in the two sub-periods, which was possibly due to the aggressive
development of Indonesia’s manufacturing sectors in GSCs. During the past decade, global
production gradually shifted from China to Southeast Asia, primarily to Indonesia, because of the
comparative advantage in lower labor costs. Advanced technologies and knowledge were diffused and
introduced to Indonesia with the industrial transfer, and thus helps the country to upgrade its industry.
For Indonesia’s performance improvement in period I, the automobile industry (C29) and the rubber
sector (C22) contributed the most. The former was largely dominated by several foreign
multinationals (e.g. Toyota and Mitsubishi), while the latter has been a pillar of Indonesia’s economy.
After the global crisis in 2008, the slowing growth was caused mainly by the lagging efficiency
The United States and EU-28 exhibited some similarities and differences in their patterns of
economies witnessed considerable improvements in their overall performances. The growth of the
United States occurred mainly in period I, while the improvement slowed down after the financial
crisis. On the contrary, EU-28 exhibited a very opposite pattern. The improvements in both economies
were largely driven by the technological change. It should be noted that the slowing performance
improvement in the United States in period II arose from the weakening efficiency change.
Meanwhile the technological change accelerated in the United States, particularly for the
deterioration caused by the efficiency change. For EU-28, on the other hand, the acceleration in
period II stemmed mainly from the technological change in the electrical equipment, machinery and
6. Conclusion
The objective of this study is to evaluate the environmental performance of GSCs. Our
measuring the performance of GSCs. The proposed approach is built upon the MRIO model and DEA.
The MRIO model is first adopted to fully account for all the production activities induced by a supply
chain from an industrial lifecycle perspective. With the estimates of inputs and outputs involved in
GSCs, we further model supply chains’ production processes within the total-factor production
framework using the DEA technique. Two indices, i.e. SEPI and DEPI, are introduced to respectively
measure the static and dynamic environmental performances of GSCs from an efficiency viewpoint.
Moreover, the sources of changes in performance are quantified by decomposing DEPI into two
components. Compared to other performance measurement tools in the existing literature, the key
advantage of our proposed input-output modeling approach lies in its capacity to capture the
multidimensional impacts of supply chain activities while accounting for the transnational and
Second, we apply the proposed approach to study the environmental performances of GSCs in 16
major economies for 2005–2014 with a focus on the manufacturing sectors. The empirical results
show that the environmental inefficiency in the supply chains was not negligible during the decade.
On average, roughly 40% of CO2, SO2, and NOx emissions could have been reduced along GSCs if
the most efficient available production technology had been adopted. Driven primarily by the
technological improvement in the decade, the overall environmental performance of GSCs averagely
rose by 20.6%. At the country level, the developed economies outperformed the emerging economies
in terms of GSC performance during the period studied. A possible reason is the accelerating shift of
emission-intensive industries from the developed economies to the emerging economies during the
past decades. Moreover, the emerging economies experienced larger improvement than the developed
economies in terms of environmental performance. The results at the sectoral level will help
policymakers to monitor and scrutinize the environmental performance of GSCs in greater depth.
Inevitably, the present study has some limitations, which deserve further research in the future.
First, MRIO model formulates the supply chain dependencies and interactions using a system of linear
equations with the assumptions of constant returns to scale and no factor substitution (Jensen, 1980),
which may not be able to fully reflect the reality. Second, on the basis of the assessment of
participation in GSCs on environmental performance and reveal the mechanism behind the impact.
The results may suggest targeted policy measures that could better promote environmental
The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on an
earlier version of the paper. We also acknowledge the financial support provided by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China (nos. 71804189, 71934007, 71625005, 71573119 & 71573186),
the Humanities and Social Sciences Project of Ministry of Education in China (no. 18YJC630176),
the Shandong Provincial Natural Science Foundation (no. ZR2019QG001), and the Fundamental
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