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Case history of axial pile capacity and load-settlement

response by SCPTu
F.S. Niazi & P.W. Mayne
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
D.J. Woeller
ConeTec Investigations Ltd., Richmond, British Columbia, Canada

ABSTRACT: The performance of pile foundations under axial compression loading

can be rationally evaluated within an elastic continuum framework using field results
from seismic piezocone tests (SCPTu). The SCPTu is an optimal means for collection
of subsurface information because it captures up to 5 independent readings in one
sounding: tip resistance (qt), sleeve friction (fs), tip or mid-face porewater pressure
(u1) and/or shoulder porewater pressure (u2), and shear wave velocity (Vs). The mea-
surements obtained are at opposite ends of the stress-strain-strength curves: the peak
strength and stress state for capacity interpretations and the small-strain stiffness
(Gmax) for evaluating the initial deformations. Using a versatile Randolph-type elastic
pile model, the approach can be applied to evaluate the axial response of pile load
tests. The axial load distribution within the shaft is also evaluated. A case study is
presented illustrating application of this approach on a bored cast in situ pile tested in
glacial till near Grimsby, UK.


Deep foundations in the form of driven piles and drilled shafts are commonplace for
large scale projects including high-rise buildings and multi-span bridges. Conven-
tional investigation methods for subsurface characterization of deeper soil layers af-
fecting the performance of these foundations (boring and sampling) are time consum-
ing and tedious. The results are constrained by the effects of sample disturbance. In-
situ tests using SCPTu provide an alternate, yet quick and reliable means of obtaining
soil engineering parameters of the soil layers of interested depth. For specific sites the
SCPTu provides up to 5 independent readings with depth in one sounding: qt, fs, u1
and/or u2, and Vs. The recent utilization of the SCPTu offers improved interpretation
procedures and correlations for the soil engineering parameters (Mayne 2005, Schna-
id 2005). A multiple-readings based methodology has been devised for the analysis of
pile foundations, as opposed to the older methods, many of which were based solely
on qc alone. The measured qt is also corrected for u2 acting behind the tip (Lunne et
al. 1997). The penetrometer readings (qt, fs, u1 and u2) and downhole geophysics (Vs)
are at the opposite ends of the stress-strain-strength curves: the peak strength for ca-
pacity evaluation and the fundamental stiffness (Gmax or Emax) for the initial soil de-
formations (s < 10-6%). These results have been successfully applied within the elas-
tic theory (Poulos & Davis 1980, Randolph & Wroth 1978, 1979, Fleming et al.
1992) to evaluate the entire load-displacement-capacity behavior for axial loading
performance of deep foundations (e.g., Mayne & Elhakim 2002, Mayne & Zavala
2004, Mayne & Woeller 2008, Mayne & Niazi 2009).
Pile foundations analysis can be accomplished using the “rational CPT” assess-
ments or the “direct CPT” approach, or a combination of both (Mayne 2007).


In rational approach, the SCPTu data are used to classify the soil types, calculate soil
engineering parameters, and evaluate pile capacity.

2.1 Soil Classification

For general use, the method based on the normalized CPTu parameters provides a soil
classification index (Ic) (Jefferies & Been 2006):

𝐼𝑐 = [𝑄 1 − 𝐵𝑞 + 1]}2 + [1.5 + 1.3 𝑙𝑜𝑔𝐹 ]2

{3 − 𝑙𝑜𝑔⁡ (1)

where Q = (qt – vo)/vo', Bq = (u2 – uo)/(qt – vo), F = fs ∙ 100/(qt – vo), and vo' is the
effective overburden stress = vo – uo. As per Robertson (1990), the ranges of Ic val-
ues for different soil types are as follows; organic clay soils (zone 2): Ic > 3.22; clays
(zone 3): 2.82 < Ic < 3.22; silt mixtures (zone 4): 2.54 < Ic < 2.82; sand mixtures
(zone 5): 1.90 < Ic < 2.54; sands (zone 6): 1.25 < Ic < 1.90; and gravelly sands (zone
7): Ic < 1.25.

2.2 Soil Engineering Parameters

The unit weight (t) of soil layers needed to calculate the overburden stress (vo), fric-
tional characteristics ('), shear wave velocity (Vs) for calculating fundamental stiff-
ness (Gmax) and the equivalent Young’s Modulus (Emax), stress history (p'), geostatic
stress state (Ko = ho'/vo'), and undrained shear strength su of clays can be evaluated
from the CPT data using the relationships already well documented (e.g., Mayne
2007; Mayne et al. 2009; and 2010).
The (su / vo')NC for direct simple shear (DSS) mode has been shown suitable for di-
rect use in the analysis of foundation (Ladd 1991). Values of (su/vo')OC for DSS mode
can be obtained using appropriate equations. Fissured soils exhibit half the strengths
associated with those of intact clays (Mayne 2007).
Gmax represents the elastic region of soil behavior. The value of G must be reduced
corresponding to strains for the applicable loads to utilize in the elastic continuum
equations. Fahey & Carter (1993) proposed the following algorithm:

G/Gmax = 1 – (1 / FS)g (2)

where 1 / FS (reciprocal of factor of safety) = Q / Qult is the mobilized load level and
g is a fitted exponent = 0.3 +/– 0.1 for well behaved soils (Mayne 2007).
2.3 Capacity Evaluation
The pile unit side resistance (fp) and end bearing (qb) can be obtained using relation-
ships presented by Kulhawy et al. (1983), Lee et al. (2003), and Vesić (1977). The
axial compression capacity (Qt = Qult) of a circular pile foundation is calculated from:

Qt = Qs + Qb = (fpi dzi) + qbd2 / 4 – Wp (3)

where fpi is the unit side resistance at ith soil layer, dzi is the shaft area of the ith soil
layer,and Wp = the pile weight.


From the many available direct CPT methods, selected ones for the bored piles (rele-
vant to the case study presented herein) are presented by Bustamante & Gianeselli
(1982); Eslami & Fellenius (1997); Takesue et al. (1998); Jamiolkowski (2003) and
Chen & Kulhawy (1994).


The axial load-displacement response and the fraction of load transfer to the pile base
(Qb) for top-down loading can be evaluated using an analytical closed-form elastic
continuum pile solution summarized in Figure 1 (after Randolph 2003, and Fleming
et al. 1992). This solution can accommodate soil models with constant G (homogene-
ous soils) or soils having a linearly-varying G with depth (Gibson-type soils). The
pile can be either a floating-type pile (GsL = Gsb) or end-bearing type where the pile
base rests on a stiffer stratum (Gsb > GsL). Figure 1 also presents the stacked pile
model for layered soils.


The Grimsby research site was located near Waltham, Grimsby, UK, 900 m north of
the nearest watercourse and 7.5 km southwest of the nearest coastline (Brown 2004).
Brown et al. (2006) report the ground conditions at the site as matrix-dominant gla-
cial till underlain by cretaceous chalk bedrock; till being cohesive, overconsolidated
stiff to firm, grayish to dark brown, predominantly silty clay with cobbles, boulders
and pebbles. Index properties include liquid limit: 20 – 36%, plastic limit: 12 – 18%,
moisture content: 14 – 24%, specific gravity: 2.69, and clay fraction: 20 – 38%. Prior
to the load test on a 12.08-m deep and 0.6-m diameter bored pile, extensive site and
laboratory investigations were conducted. Of interest is a 20 m deep SCPTu sounding
(see Figure 2). The measured u1 readings were converted to u2 via the relationship: u2
= 0.742 ∙ u1 (Chen & Mayne 1994). Brown (2004) reports of the loss of saturation of
piezo-element in the upper layers for which probe was withdrawn and hole filled with
water before resumption of the operation. The related effects on the u2 profile can be
observed in Figure 2. The u2 profile has been reconstructed by averaging Bq values
between 9.7 and 20 m and applying it to depths: 4.4 to 9.7 m.
The pile testing program at Grimby research site was designed to compare the re-
sults from rapid and static load tests: rapid load test (RLT) being performed first, fol-
lowed by constant rate of penetration (CRP) test at 0.01 mm/s and maintained load
test (MLT) (Brown et al. 2006). For this study, only the measured results of CRP test
from Brown (2004) are considered, as presented in the subsequent section.

Figure 1. Elastic pile solution.

Figure 2. SCPTu sounding for pile load test at Grimsby research site, UK (after Brown 2004).

Figure 3 presents the soil classification and engineering parameters obtained by the
post processing of SCPTu data using appropriate correlations. To validate the appli-
cability of SCPTu based correlations, the measured values from Brown (2004) were
also plotted. For most part, the values obtained from the correlations match closely
with the measured values. Certain disagreements observed in the top layers may be
attributed to the fact reported by Brown (2004) that the sounding was disrupted due to
loss of saturation of the piezo-element and the final CPT data were formulated by a
combination from the pre-drilled sounding (0 – 2.5 m) and the resumed operation af-
ter re-saturation. The Bq values obtained for certain depths were outside the applica-
ble range for use in appropriate correlation for estimating  ' for clays. So the  ' pro-
file was also obtained using correlation developed for sands, and the mean ratio (1.3)
of the  ' from the two relationships over the remaining depths was applied to obtain
applicable values.

Figure 3. Soil parameters evaluation at Grimsby research site, UK.

Treating the stratum at the site as layered soil, the ultimate capacities were esti-
mated for each layer. Figure 4 shows the individual load-settlement response based
on the respective Gmax and the capacities thus calculated. fp and qb for each defined
layer were estimated from the various CPTu based methods. Summarized forms of
the results are presented in Table 1. The KTRI method tends to overestimate Qs,
while the LCPC method yielded the least estimates for Qs and Qb in this case. Sum-
mation of the mean values of Qs and Qb found from different CPTu based methods
(2386 kN) tends to match the measured Qt. Using hyperbolic fitting model proposed
by Kondner (1963), the estimated value of Qult (2372.5 kN) also goes with closely to
the measured Qt. Since Qb values from all three methods shown in Table 1 yielded
closer match, the maximum of these (307 kN) was selected. The difference of the es-
timated Qult from the hyperbolic fitting model and the selected Qb was taken as the
appropriate value for Qs (2065.50 kN). Cumulative load-settlement curves (Qt vs. wt,
Qs vs. wt and Qb vs. wt) in Figure 5 shows a fine match with the measured response.

Table 1. Calculated pile capacities from direct and rational CPT methods.
Tip Shaft Mean unit skin friction (kPa)
Method capacity, capacity, fp1 fp2 fp3 fp4 fp5
Qb (kN) Qs (kN) (0 - 0.74 m) (0.74 - 1.96 m) (1.96 - 2.96 m) (2.96 - 4 m) (4 - 12.1 m)

LCPC 264.63 711.76 12.43 13.04 35.00 35.00 34.79

Unicone 307.08 1077.6 29.27 26.40 85.9 59.58 45.79
KTRI 4875.1 11.29 13.55 448.2 473.94 199.56
Beta 1378.33 7.30 13.53 73.3 72.68 69.36
Alpha 903.36 19.71 34.37 41.3 40.51 41.99

Figure 4. Pile shaft resistance and load distribution (SCPTu – based estimations vs. measured); and
Load-settlement curves based on respective Gmax and Qt (elastic continuum solution).
Figure 5. Load-settlement response (elastic continuum solution).


Elastic continuum solution provides a rational framework for evaluating field load
test results on axially-loaded pile foundations. Various CPT based methods have been
revisited, along with their application to load test on a 12.08-m deep and 0.6-m di-
ameter bored pile in clay till at the Grimsby research site, UK. Rational CPT methods
with -analysis have shown closest agreement with the measured results. Geotech-
nical soil parameters for the evaluation of deep foundations are conveniently obtained
from multi-independent readings (qt, fs, Vs, u1, u2) taken during SCPTu sounding con-
ducted at the site.


The authors are thankful to Dr. M. J. Brown at the Division of Civil Engineering,
University of Dundee, UK for being forthcoming in providing the required da-
ta/information pertaining to the pile load test at Grimsby research site.


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