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India Food 2024 Brochure 23012024

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5-7 MARCH | Bengaluru International Exhibition Centre

“ Bringing The World Of Fd Busine At One Platform ”

Technologies and Processes | Processed Products and Ingredients | Packaging and machinery
Logistics and Supply chain | Organic Food and Millets | Research and Innovations

Meet 300 + Global Buyers . Grow your Business Globally

INDIA Food 2024

I ndian food industry has come a long way since the showcase, connect, and collaborate; and explore the
time of Independence in 1947. From a ship to mouth enormous business opportunities in India's rapidly
existence, India has emerged as a food basket for the growing food processing and food retail sectors. INDIA
world. Today, India is the largest country in terms of food FOOD 2024, a gateway to Indian Food Economy, will be
production, processing, supply, and consumption. the largest gathering of food industry experts, investors,
India's food market is ranked 6th in the world, with 70% producers, food processors, retailers, policy makers,
of sales and 5th in production, consumption, and export. experts and business organizations who will share their
India is today the largest producer of F&V, milk, sugar, prized insights on available technologies, trade and
pulses, spices, oilseeds etc. During the last two business models and modern innovations in global food
d e c a d e s , t h e f o o d c o n s u m p t i o n p a t t e r n h a s ecosystem. Additionally, this insightful global
significantly changed and that had led to the growth of a knowledge and trade event will encompass industry-
gigantic size food processing industry. Today the size of oriented topics, opportunities for start-ups and
Indian food retail market is valued over $800 billion with international participation. Indian Food industry and
a growth rate of 11% AGCR. With the rapid growth of the businesses, institutions, Central Ministries and the
Indian economy, a shift is also being seen in the State Governments will have the opportunities to
consumption pattern of the country, from cereals to showcase their products and technologies, programs
more varied and nutritious diet of fruits and vegetables, and services, potential and achievements before
milk, fish, meat and poultry products. All these efforts targeted national and global stakeholders, and thereby
have considerably enhanced the status of the Food explore possibilities of investments, technical
Processing Industries. The Indian food processing c o o p e r a t i o n , t r a d e , b u s i n e s s , m a r ke t i n g a n d
industry accounts for 32 per cent of the country's total partnerships opportunities. Enveloping the entire food
food market, one of the largest industries in India. It spectrum from production to consumption, INDIA FOOD
contributes around 14 per cent of manufacturing Gross 2024 aims at creating a superior sourcing environment,
Domestic Product (GDP), 13 per cent of India's exports thereby enabling higher returns for farmers, creating
and six per cent of total industrial investment. employment, promoting entrepreneurship and
Indian Chamber of Food and Agriculture (ICFA) with the ensuring Healthy Food for All.
support of the Government of India and several States ICFA invites you to avail this wonderful opportunity to
and in technical collaborations with a large number of take a proactive part as a zealous exhibitor or sponsor
industry associations and international bodies, is fully during the forthcoming exciting event, INDIA FOOD 2024,
geared up to floor INDIA FOOD 2024, to expedite and showcase the products, technologies, programs
partnerships between Indian and International and services to a colossal target audience on a single,
businesses and investors, providing an opportunity to vibrant and colossal platform for two consecutive days.
Food Processing Sector in India
India’s Food Processing sector is identified as sunrise sector with projected size $535 billion by 2025-26.
India's food ecosystem offers huge opportunities for investments with stimulating growth in the food retail
sector, favorable economic policies, and attractive fiscal incentives. The sector, however, needs
technologies, investments and global partnerships to unlock its full potential.

Source: KPMG

India Food Market Size

The Indian food and grocery market is the world’s sixth largest, with retail contributing 70 per cent of the
sales. The Indian food processing industry accounts for 32% of the country’s total food market, one of the
largest industries in India and is ranked fifth in terms of production, consumption, export and expected
growth. It contributes around 8.80% and 8.39% of Gross Value Added (GVA) in Manufacturing and Agriculture
respectively, 13% of India’s exports and 6% of total industrial investment.
Objectives :
Ø To harness colossal opportunities for investments in
India's food ecosystem which will stimulate growth
in the food retail sector, lead to favourable economic
policies and attractive fiscal incentives.

Ø To provide unique opportunity for interaction

amongst top leaders of ace food processing and
retail companies, key stakeholders namely
government officials, experts, industry CEOs, traders,
FPOs, entrepreneurs, start-ups, developmental
agencies and institutions to catalyse growth,
innovations and entrepreneurships.

Ø To showcase India as an investment destination and

the massive opportunities in its food economy and
exploring investments, technologies, marketing and

Ø To provide platform to the states, institutions,

officials, experts, industries and international bodies
to showcase scope and opportunities, vast resource
base of India, latest products, advanced
technologies, food processing models, logistics,
post-harvest management, global best practices
and to connect with farmers and Food processing &
Retailing start-ups.

Ø To facilitate global companies for exploring

opportunities for food sourcing, business and
i nve s t m e n t s , J V s , te c h n i c a l a n d m a r ket i n g
collaborations, exports and partnerships and signing
of MoUs towards finding business partners,
expanding business, increased value addition, trade
and food processing sector.

Ø To provide exposure, enrich knowledge and

formulating progressive policy inputs through the
technical seminars, international conferences,
business dialogues and interactions among the
Indian and global industry leaders, exhibitors, experts,
farmers, entrepreneurs, industries and business
Day 1 : Tuesday, 5th March, 2024

Inaugural Session 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

Arrival Tea and Networking 05:00 PM - 05:30 PM

Session 1 : Policies Powering the Growth of Food Businesses 05:30 PM - 06:45 PM

Session 2 : Technology and Innovations as Drivers of India Food Future 06:45 PM - 07:30 PM

Networking Dinner 07:30 PM ONWARDS

Day 2 : Wednesday, 6th March, 2024

Conference and Expo Day 1

2 Days India Food 2024 Exhibition Opens 09:00 AM

2 Days International Conference Opens 09:00 AM

Session 1 : Food Businesses Beyond the Borders – Growing Global Trade 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tea 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Session 2 : Towards Sustainable Food and Nutrition Security 11:30 AM - 01:30 PM

Lunch 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM

Session 3 : Technology Advancement and Innovations in Supply Chain 02:30 PM - 04:00 PM

Tea 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM

CEOs Panel Discussion

India – The Food Powerhouse, Feeding the World 04:30 PM - 06:30 PM

Food Business Innovation Awards 06:30 PM - 07:30 PM

Dinner 07:30 PM ONWARDS

Day 3 : Thursday, 7th March, 2024
Conference and Expo Day 2
Session 1 : Digital Technologies and E-Commerce in Food Business 09:30 AM - 11:00 AM

Tea 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

Session 2 : Food preparation, packaging and labelling 11:30 AM - 01:00 PM

Lunch 01:00 PM - 02:00 PM

Session 3 : Food Safety Standards and Quality Enforcement 02:00 PM - 03:30 PM

Concluding Session and Presentation of Best Stall Awards 04:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Concluding Tea 04:30 PM - 05:00 PM

Highlights :
1st India Food Summit | Food Business Innovation Awards
Healthy Food for All - Theme Based Sessions
The Event :
India Food 2024 would be comprised of an international
exhibition, India Food Business Summit, CEOs Panel
Discussions and Food Business Awards on the theme of
Technology and Innovations.

The Exhibition :
Food business houses, retailers, governments and chambers of different countries through country
pavilions, international enterprises, Indian food and agriculture industry, central ministries, technology
institutions, agribusinesses and State Governments, export and trade companies and agri-food start-ups,
machinery and equipment, packaging and processing, agro and food services companies etc., will actively
participate in exhibitions. The India International Food Trade and Technology Fair (India Food 2024) exhibition
will be comprised of different Pavilions for showcasing products, services and innovations in :
Ø Technologies and Processes
Ø Processed Products and Ingredients
Ø Logistics and Supply chain
Ø Packaging and machinery
Ø Organic Food and Millets
Ø Consultancy, Research, Innovations

Exhibior P rofile :
Food Segment Machinery, Appliances, and Technology
Ayurvedic-Medicinal –Plant based Machineries & Equipment for rice mill, sugar mill

Confectionery, Bakery, Dairy products Food Processing & Packaging Machines.

Halal products, Meat, Marine Weighing & Measuring

Edible oil, Spices, Nuts Testing Equipment and Machineries

Organic –Nature products Refrigeration & Cold Chain Solutions.

Packaging-Preservation Centres Hotel, Restaurants & Kitchen Equipment.

Retailers Fresh food, Frozen Food Poultry and Dairy Farm Equipment

Rice, Grains, Pulses, Millets Kitchen Appliances

Tea, Coffee, Beverages Ingredients and Preservatives

Exhibition Participation
Stalls Details
Stall Size Furnished Inside Pavilion Stalls Bare Inside Pavilion Stalls
Stall Name
(sq.m.) (USD) 200/sq.m. / (INR) 14,000/sq.m. (USD) 180/sq.m. / (INR) 12,000/sq.m.
+ 18% GST Extra + 18% GST Extra

Smallest Stall 12 $ 2400 168000 $ 2160 144000

Small Stall 18 $ 3600 252000 $ 3240 216000
Standard Stall 24 $ 4800 336000 $ 4320 288000
Medium Stall 36 $ 7200 504000 $ 6480 432000
Special Stall 48 $ 9600 672000 $ 8640 576000
Large Stall 72 $ 14400 1008000 $ 12960 864000
Pavilion Corner 100 $ 20000 1400000 $ 18000 1200000
Small Pavilion 200 $ 40000 2800000 $ 36000 2400000
Medium Pavilion 400 $ 80000 5600000 $ 72000 4800000


Beneficiary Name INDIAN CHAMBER OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Beneficiary A/C No 50200009753362

Beneficiary Bank HDFC BANK Beneficiary Branch KAILASH BUILDING, KG MARG, New Delhi

IFSC Code HDFC0000003 MICR Code 110240001

Delegate Registration
Till 31st Jan 2024 - 5000 is for Indian delegates and 75$ for foreign delegates
Till 29th Feb 2024 - 6000 is for Indian delegates and 100$ for foreign delegates
After Feb 2024 - 7000 is for Indian delegates and 125$ for foreign delegates

Discounts : 3 - 5 Registrations 15% Discount | 6 and more Registrations 20% Discount

Visiting Hours
Business Hours = 10.00 am - 02.00 pm | General Visiting Hours = 02.00 pm - 06.00 pm
India Food 2024 Sponsorship Categories
1. Principal Sponsor/Partner State 4. Co-Sponsors
(INR 70 lac / Foreign Organisation USD 150,000) + 18% GST (INR 10 lac/ Foreign Organisation USD 15,000 + 18 % GST
X Official status of the Principal Sponsor / Partner State of the X Official status of Co-Sponsor of the event.
Event. X Free furnished space of 12 sq. mt. in relevant pavilion.
X Name and logos to appear along with the organizers in all the X Names and logos to appear in promotional materials like
promotional materials like posters, leaflets, hoardings, site Panels, Standees and program literature.
gates and program banners. X One banner (6x3 feet) can be displayed in exhibition area.
X Free furnished space of 100 sq. mt. in relevant pavilion at X Special acknowledgement during concluding function.
prime location.
X B/W page advertisement in the Event Souvenir.
X Name and logo to appear in all advertisements in national and
regional newspapers, magazines, websites, hoardings, site
panel etc. along with the organisers. 5. Dinner Sponsors
X Special acknowledgement during inaugural and concluding
(INR 8 lac/ Foreign Organisation USD 12,000 + 18% GST
X Dedicated business lounge 24 sq. mt. X Dinner sponsors will have their logo carried on all dinner
X Name and logo to appear in all technical as well as farmers invites.
seminars and workshops. X Dinner Sponsors logos will be carried in all site panels and
X Back page advertisement in the Event Souvenir . other promotional material.
X Sponsor to share inaugural as well as concluding dais . X Sponsors will have their 2 standees (4’ x 7’) placed at the venue
X Speaker slot in all CEOs Round Table and business dialogue area.
X Complimentary sponsorship of Global Agriculture Summit 6. Lunch Sponsors
2. Main Sponsors / Guest States (INR 6 lac/ Foreign Organisation USD 10,000 + 18% GST

(INR 25 lac / Foreign Organisation USD 60,000) + 18% GST X Lunch sponsors will have their logo carried on all lunch invites.
X Lunch Sponsors logos will be carried in all site panels and
X Official status of Main Sponsor / Guest States of the event. other promotional material.
X Free furnished space of 48 sq. mt. in relevant pavilion at X Sponsors will have their 2 standees (4’ x 7’) placed at the venue
prime location. area
X Names and logos to appear in promotional materials like
posters, site gates and program banners.
X Three banners are to be displayed in exhibition area 7. Special Sponsored Events (4 hrs duration)
X Special acknowledgment during inaugural and concluding (INR 5 lac/ Foreign Organisation USD 10,000 + 18 % GST
X Name and logo to appear in all advertisements in national X Any Country, Institutions, Corporate may organise its own
and regional newspapers, magazines, websites, hoardings, special event during the India Food 2024.
site panel etc. X If requested, ICFA may partner and jointly organise the event .
X Addressing in concluding function and dedicated business X All support in terms of infrastructure, food, seminar and
lounge 12 sq. mt. audiences will be arranged by ICFA.
X Logos to appear in all the Technical Seminars.
X Color page advertisement in the Event Souvenir.
X Participation in all the CEOs Round Tables.
X Complimentary Co-sponsorship of Global Agriculture

3. Sponsors
(INR 15 lac / Foreign Organisation USD 25,000) + 18 % GST
X Official status of Sponsor of the event.
X Free furnished space of 24 sq. mt. in relevant pavilion at
prime location.
X Names and logos to appear in promotional materials like
posters, site gates and program banners.
X Two banners (6x3 feet) displayed in exhibition area.
X Special acknowledgment during inaugural function.
X Name and logo to appear in all hoardings, site panel etc.
X Colour page advertisement in the Event Souvenir.
1. Name and Address of the Organisation Details of the Contact Person
Name .......................................................................................................................
Designation .........................................................................................................
Mobile ....................................................................................................................
GST & PAN No. ........................................................................ E-mail .....................................................................................................................

2. Fascia (as it should appear on the stall in block letters) ..........................................................................................................................

3. Details of products to exhibit ..........................................................................................................................................................................
4. Sponsorships
S. No. Sponsorships Category Amount
attach extra sheet, if required
5. Delegate Fee *
S. No. Delegate(s) Numbers Amount

6. Facilities at extra cost (Refer to terms & conditions) * attach extra sheet, if required
S. No. Facilities Numbers Rate Amount
1. Electricity
2. Water Connection
3. Stall Security
4. Additional Furniture
5. LCD screen
6. 2 Side Open 15% Extra
7. 3 Side Open 25 % Extra

7. Stall Requirements

S. No. Stall Name Size (sq.mt.) S. No. Stall Name Size (sq.mt.)
1. Smallest Stall 12 7. Pavilion Corner 100
2. Small Stall 18 8. Small Pavilion 200
3. Standard Stall 24 9. Medium Pavilion 400
4. Medium Stall 36 10. Large Pavilion 600
5. Special Stall 48 11. Standard size Bare Stall 48
6. Large Stall 72 12. Standard size Open Space 120

8. Sponsorship/Stall Booking/Business Lounge/Delegate(s)

S. No. Booking Category Size Rate Qty Amount
Grand Amount Payable (INR/USD) (+ 18% GST extra)
The stalls would be allotted to the exhibitors on 4th March 2024 from 12:00 noon. The interiors of the stall
including positioning of the exhibits must be completed by 9:00 am on 5th March . All the stalls should be
vacated by 7:00 pm on 7th March 2024.

1. FURNISHED STALLS : The facilities will include: 2 chairs, 1 table, 3 spot light, matting, exhibitors name
on fascia, 1 plug point (for a small 9 sq.mt stall)
2. COVERED BARE STALL : The exhibitors shall get covered bare space in the hanger and would have to
get their own panels, furniture and other required equipments, etc
3. OPEN SPACE : The exhibitors will have to get their own furniture and other required material
4. REGISTRATION FOR RESERVATION : The closing date for registration is 1st March 2024. Full payment
must reach us by that day.
5. CANCELLATION : The organiser reserves the right at all times to change the dates of exhibition due to
force majeure, without any rights to participants for claiming compensation for any loss. Allotments
cannot be withdrawn or altered by the participants and payment for reservation will be forfeited on
cancellation by participants or on non-payment of any balance payment.
Ø Additional power requirement will be charged @ Rs. 2500/- per KW per day.
Ø Water connection can be made available at the additional cost of Rs.5000/- per connection.
Ø Additional Security can be provided @ Rs. 2000/- per head per shift·
Ø Use of Demo plot Rs.30,000/- Per day per equipment basis.
Ø Furniture per item, (1) Chair= Rs. 300 (2) Table= Rs.500/- (3) Reception counter = Rs.10000 (4) Spot
Light(60 W) Rs.200 (5) Fluorescent Tube = Rs. 400/- (6) Power Point 5 Amp = Rs.350/- (7) Power
Point 15 Amp.= Rs. 500/- .
7. GENERAL: In addition to any rights or reservations already specified, the Organisers reserve the
following rights:
Ø The information rules and regulation in this booklet are subject to alteration or deletion. The
organisers will keep the exhibitors informed
Ø All matters in connection with the exhibition not provided for by these rules and regulation, shall
be settled or determined by the organisers, whose decision in relation thereon shall be final and
Ø In case of cancellation or postponement of the event, caused by natural calamities,
government instructions or any other reasons, the exhibitors shall comply with decision of the
Ø No security deposit is required. But if any damage is caused by a company it would have to pay the
amount as decided by the organizers.
8. DISTRIBUTION OF THE PRICE LIST/ADVERTISEMENT ETC : Price lists, pamphlets, advertisement, etc.
may only be distributed from exhibitors within stall and not in the public ways nor at any other location
on the exhibition grounds. Such literature must relate to the goods of the exhibitor as displayed or
eligible for display by him.
9. ORGANISER'S LIEN: Organisers shall have the lien on the exhibits/goods of the exhibitors having stall
/bare space/open space if any payments remain uncleared before the end of the exhibition
10. INSURANCE AND LIABILITY: The exhibitors are required to get all their goods insured before they are
brought on the exhibition grounds. The organisers are in no way responsible for any theft or loss of
About ICFA :
ICFA is the apex food and agriculture chamber in India, working on business, policy and development agenda and serving
as global platform for trade facilitation, partnerships, technology and business services for food and agro industries. The
chamber is approved by the Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, and works closely on policy and trade issues
with the Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Food Processing, APEDA and several national and international organisations.
A proactive approach helps ICFA in discerning critical challenges along with creating opportunities for development,
value addition and international trade to accelerate growth in food and agriculture sector globally.
With its 21 industry Working Groups and sector specific Business Councils, ICFA represents the interests of key
stakeholders at the national level and through its international platforms and partnerships, ICFA facilitates India’s global
engagement in food and agriculture sector. The Chamber organises a series of events and conferences on diverse
subjects, with its flagship event, AgroWorld, that brings the world or agriculture on one platform, since 2018.
For enhanced sustainability, food safety and quality standards, ICFA has taken up the Agriculture Stewardship Program
by launching Healthy Food Initiative program and Good Agriculture Practices (GAP) project. In a short period of two years,
the Chamber has signed up MoUs with the University of California, University of Maryland, Michigan State University, Iowa
State University, Western Australia University, German Agribusiness Alliance, Borlaug Institute for South Asia, African
Asian Rural Development Organization, WTC and IFPRI etc. and national bodies such as APEDA, NIAM, NAFED, NRDC,
ICAR to name a few. Through international partnerships, ICFA envisions to mobilise technologies and investments that
will catalyse growth of food and agro industries.



For more details, please contact

For Expo & Sponsorship For Conference & Awards
Ms. Saumya Kushwah, General Manager Ms. Richa Verma, Business Manager
+91-8448482489 +91-8448698321
saumya.kushwah@icfa.org.in richa.verma@icfa.org.in

214-217, B-Wing, Naurang House, KG Marg, New Delhi-110001 | Ph : 011 - 41501465, 41501475

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