ANIMAL PROTECTION ....................................................................................................... 4
1. What is the problem? ............................................................................................ 5
2. How serious is this problem in your community? ................................................. 7
3. How widespread is this problem in your community? ....................................... 12
4. Why is it the problem that should be handled by government? ........................ 13
5. Should anyone else in the community take responsibility for solving the
problem? ..................................................................................................................... 14
6. Is there an existing law or policy for dealing with the problem? ........................ 15
7. If there is a law or policy, is it adequate to solve the problem? ......................... 15
8. What disagreements, if any, are there in your community about this problem
and how is being handle? ........................................................................................... 16
9. Who are the individual, groups or organizations with an interest in the problem?
10. For each individual, group or organization you identify, answer the following
questions. .................................................................................................................... 17
11. What level of government or government agency is responsible for dealing
with this problem? Why?............................................................................................ 19
12. What is the government doing about the problem? ....................................... 19
EXISTING POLICIES .......................................................................................................... 21
France.......................................................................................................................... 21
Netherlands ................................................................................................................ 22
Switzerland.................................................................................................................. 23
Canada ........................................................................................................................ 24
Taiwan ......................................................................................................................... 24
Costa Rica .................................................................................................................... 25
United Kingdom .......................................................................................................... 27
Peru ............................................................................................................................. 29
OUR POLICY .................................................................................................................... 32
1. We think the best public policy to deal with this problem is .............................. 32
2. The advantages of this public policy are ............................................................. 33
3. The disadvantages of this public policy are ......................................................... 34
4. Identify the level of government that would be responsible for carrying out your
proposed policy. Explain why this level of government is responsible ...................... 34
5. The policy being proposed is constitutional because ......................................... 34
6. Constitutional opinion form ................................................................................ 34
7. Survey results ...................................................................................................... 35
8. Articles ................................................................................................................. 37
ACTION PLAN .................................................................................................................. 40
1. Awareness campaign with children..................................................................... 40
2. An institution that supervises actions in response to complaints against animal
abuse ........................................................................................................................... 40
3. Implement a quick plan for receiving anonymous complaints/ Create a
telephone line to attend complaints about animal abuse ......................................... 40
4. The money from fines will be used to neuter street animals. ............................ 41
5. Our Survey ........................................................................................................... 41
INTERVIEWS .................................................................................................................... 45
Interview Nª 1 ............................................................................................................. 45
Interview Nª 2 ............................................................................................................. 48
Interview Nª 3 ............................................................................................................. 49
Interview Nª 4 ............................................................................................................. 50
Interview Nª 5 ............................................................................................................. 53
BIBLIOGRAPHIES ............................................................................................................. 55
Animal abuse
Animal abandonment
1. What is the problem?
The problem is animal abuse. Previously, until 2015, this issue was not considered a
relevant problem in society, but rather as an offense, in which some people were simply
punished (Rodríguez, 2019).
According to (Fernández, 2013) Animal abuse includes behaviors that cause unnecessary
pain or stress to the animal, ranging from negligent behaviors in basic care, deteriorating
their quality of life, to those that intentionally cause death. This unnecessary way of
causing pain to a living being has been considered by science as a sign of psychological
disturbance, which is used to diagnose behavioral disorders in children and adolescents
(American Psychiatric Association, 1995). According to studies, there is a relationship
between animal abuse and human abuse. For example, in a study of 36 multiple
murderers carried out by the FBI in 1970, 46% declared having tortured animals during
their adolescence (Anima Naturalis,2016).
We consider that animal abuse is a big problem in our society, and Lambayeque is one
of the places with the highest cases of animal abuse. There is not only violence or
mistreatment of domestic animals or pets, but there is a wide range of wild animals that
are exploited, mistreated and trafficked through their illegal sale, by people.
An example of this is that 98% of serial killers began abusing animals before and this is
due to psychological disorders. The treatment of these cases can anticipate some
tragedy, since if there is animal abuse, it is most likely that more later there may be
abuse towards another person (Barquet, 2014).
In Peru, for example the animal abuse is a problem of violence that plagues society.
During the quarantine, cases of animal savagery were reported through social networks,
"which shows us that there is still awareness and awareness on the part of some people"
(Tarazona, 2020).
Another problem as mentioned above is regarding the different species of wildlife. For
example, there is the illegal trafficking of these animals such as: birds, canaries, rabbits,
monkeys, among others, whose problem is that in some cases, they leave abandoned
offspring, and in other cases, some animals are sacrificed for trying to protect their
offspring. Destroying their natural habitat is the second cause of extinction worldwide,
the third is indiscriminate hunting, for example of birds such as pigeons or geese. Also,
the excessive consumption of meat and eggs, the market of hides and skins for coats,
belts, purses, embalming giving rise to the culture of taxidermy, in addition these animals
are captured to put to work in circuses and finally they are sometimes necessary
scientific experiments, where some animals are sacrificed (Páez, 2014).
2. How serious is this problem in your community?
Currently in our society a great controversy has been generated regarding this issue,
since animal abuse and cruelty is relevant in our community even though Law 30407
was enacted (Morón, 2019).
To help us validate this response that animal abuse is an important issue in our
community, a virtual survey was developed in class with the collaboration of all the
members of the advanced level of ICPNA to have a clearer and easier overview. The
results are in percentages, the total number of people surveyed was 100, from different
parts of the Department of Lambayeque.
Yes No
Dog fight 77
Cockfight 75
Improper transportation of animals 60 57 56
Animals locked up
45 44
Animals in poor conditions 45
Animal poisoning 35 35
What situations do you know where animals are mistreated?
Yes No
Yes No
There are some indicators, through surveys carried out in Chiclayo under an investigation
dating back to 2020, where percentages are revealed about: animals that people most
keep as pets, people who do not show sensitivity to stray animals, people who would
adopt stray animals, action of people in case of animal reproduction, percentage of
people who think that stray animals are a problem or not in society (Rojas, 2016).
Interpretation: In the fourth question, 85.7% people responded who have dogs and
5.5% other animals, having 8.9% of this unmarked question.
Interpretation: 95.3% of the people surveyed consider that the population does not
show sensitivity towards stray animals and the 4.7% indicate yes.
Would you adopt a stray animal as a pet?
Yes No
Interpretation: Of the total number of respondents, 50% responded that they give away
their pets in case of reproduction, 23.7% sell them and 17.4% keep them. 8.9%
unmarked responses.
Yes No
Interpretation: When people were asked if animals like stray dogs are a social problem,
95.3% responded yes and 4.7% said no.
In conclusion and after seeing the percentages of the previous graphs, it is determined
that animal abuse in all aspects, whether thinking about abandonment, or leaving stray
animals homeless is also a form of abuse or mistreatment towards them. This has
become a major problem in our society and there are laws that protect animals or help
to punish those who do not comply with the laws.
The “Animal Protection and Welfare Law” No. 30407, came into force on January 9,
2016, in which it tells us that animals have rights just like human beings and that they
are sentient, and we must protect them and provide them with good treatment
(Bracamonte, 2020)
3. How widespread is this problem in your community?
Cases of animal abuse are increasing, for example all the people who participated in our
survey responded that they have witnessed at least one case of animal abuse.
The increase in mistreatment of all types of animals is evidenced in the following news
in the Department of Lambayeque:
For example, on March 14, 2021, in the City of Chiclayo, 2 people were arrested for the
alleged crime of animal abuse, specifically on Avenue Balta, where 9 rabbits, 1 pit bull
puppy and 3 purebred dogs were rescued. In this news it is revealed that babies are
taken from their mothers to be sold illegally on the streets (La República , 2021).
Another piece of news was on January 3, 2023, in the park of the "Heroes and Martyrs
of the Cenepa Conflict", in the city of Chiclayo, where 15 cats were found charred, also
other animals and cats were convulsing because of smoke. This news evidences the
cruelty of people towards animals, taking the lives of innocent beings in a savage way (El
comercio , 2023).
The news of the parrot thief in the city of Chiclayo, on November 23, 2022, was recorded
in a house, where the owner of this property reported the incident to the police, and
they kept the subject locked in the parrot cage. This news shows us that there is not only
illegal trafficking in the purchase and sale of domestic animals, but also wild animals
(Infobae, 2022).
To end with some examples that show animal abuse in the Department of Lambayque
on August 31, 2020, in Chiclayo on the Carretera Pimentel in a farm called La Goyita, 30
people were arrested, who were holding a cockfight illegally during a state of emergency
due to Covid 19 (Panamericana, 2020).
The government must help citizens, to try to eradicate the problem, just as Switzerland,
which has one of the most complete laws in the world in terms of animal protection.
Some animals have the right to a lawyer, mistreatment is prohibited and punished with
fines or prison sentences in these cases: serious neglect, death, making animals suffer
when they are used for shows, abandonment, doping, etc. Antoine Goetschel, a lawyer
who defends animals in Zurich, defends it as follows: "if the person who has mistreated
the animal has the right to a lawyer, why shouldn't the animal have the same right?"
Similar to Switzerland, there are countries such as France, where the maximum penalty
for animal abuse is up to two years imprisonment and a fine of 30,000 euros. Acts of
cruelty to domestic animals, including abandonment, are punishable. Damage is also
punishable, even if unintentional. It is hoped that the French will stop seeing wild
animals as mere prey and instead begin to perceive them as beings worth preserving
and protecting.
“Close the slaughterhouses”- “Behind each piece of meat”- “There is a sentient being”
There is also the United Kingdom, which was the first country to punish and prohibit
animal abuse in the XX century. The Animal Welfare legislation of UK has stricter
penalties for both cruelty and negligence of animals. Punishments include a lifetime ban
from owning pets, a 51-week maximum jail term, and fines amounting up to £20,000. Its
legislation currently recognizes five basic freedoms of animals, ensuring their food,
comfort, health and welfare.
Just as the governments of those countries recognized the reality of animals and created
laws and how people respect and obey them; our government can create better laws
against animal abuse and devise ways for people to obey them.
It is necessary that everyone help to solve this problem, since it is important that
everyone acts to understand that animal abuse is a very important, very serious and very
extensive issue that must be diminished or eradicated. Animals are constantly
mistreated, thus violating their lives; by people who do not understand that they can
feel the same pain and suffering as a human being. Acts of cruelty against animals in our
social environment are a mirror of the practical morality that guides us. When a dog is
brutally mauled, physically and emotionally, we evidence the moral potential we have
learned in our daily lives. We evidence the ethical failure of our public and private
institutions to foster positive values in favor of a vulnerable species dependent on us,
and the negligence of others designed exclusively for this purpose. In this ethical failure,
colleges, universities, churches, municipalities, and others participate.
6. Is there an existing law or policy for dealing with the problem?
There are several laws that protect animals, such as, Ley de protección y bienestar
animal (30407) and Ley forestal y de fauna silvestre (29763), but there are people who
break the laws or ignore them, which is why it is important to make more people aware
of animal abuse, so that they understand the seriousness of the problem.
There are laws that address this problem, but we believe that there are many aspects
that need to be changed to find a better solution to the problem. For example, include
bullfights and cockfights.
This work addresses the efficiency and obstacles of the legal status of animals and
companion animals in Peru. The law 30407, the animal protection and welfare law,
published in 2016, is the most important law in the legal framework of animals and
companion animals. Thus, it is required to analyze the international animal law, in
particular, the English laws and Latin American regulations in order to evaluate our legal
challenges and possible solutions. After analyzing the law 30407, it is possible to identify
its weaknesses and deficiencies since this law requires additional legal instruments to
achieve animal welfare. For those reasons, it is mandatory to adopt a property status of
animal regulation that incorporates technical procedures or enforces working sessions
to develop the legal instruments needed to allow its implementation. In addition, it is
recommended to adopt the Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare to complement
the current Peruvian animal law framework and motivate the development of new
welfare reforms.
8. What disagreements, if any, are there in your community about this
problem and how is being handle?
There are disagreements among citizens, for example, there are people who consider
cockfighting and bullfighting to be cultural events, however, there are people who
consider this to be animal abuse as well. According to a testimony from a person who
was dedicated to raising fighting cocks, he thinks that these types of animals live
exclusively to fight.
Currently there are two groups interested in protecting animals: CORBIDI and REFUGIO
ANIMAL CHICLAYO. These entities promote the care of animals in many aspects. For
example, REFUGIO ANIMAL CHICLAYO welcomes homeless, lost or abandoned animals,
mostly dogs and cats. However, wild or exotic animals are also found. While CORBIDI
focuses on protecting the life of shorebirds.
10.For each individual, group or organization you identify, answer the
following questions.
The position of the Corbidi group is to combat animal trafficking, and thus prevent the
decline of species. It is very important to mention that the decrease of the species causes
the alteration of the ecosystem. A very important fact is that 90% of captured species
die before becoming pets (SERFOR). For this reason, Corbidi considers it very important
to fight against animal abuse.
This group is interested in combating animal abuse, specifically animal trafficking,
because they have the objective of raising awareness among the population about the
consequences that animal trafficking can have on nature.
Corbidi has had advantages and disadvantages during all their environmental education
activities, a very important advantage is that they generally seek to educate children,
and according to the experience of this group, children learn and understand that they
should not mistreat animals and children. and young people understand that animal
trafficking brings negative consequences.
A clear disadvantage that they have to carry out their activities is that they often do not
have the necessary budget.
This environmental education group wants the government to listen to their requests,
and to achieve this they train and teach, mainly children, in this way Corbidi hopes that
people understand the seriousness of the problem, with these actions they hope that
the government becomes aware and apply the laws regarding animal abuse correctly.
For example, they will hold a festival on October 3 and 14 where they will explain
different environmental education topics.
11.What level of government or government agency is responsible for
dealing with this problem? Why?
The Ministry of Justice is in charge of enforcing laws against animal abuse, for example
they must punish people who mistreat animals. In this way, the Ministry of Justice
addresses the problem of animal abuse in our country. We believe that a sterilization
plan should be applied to reduce cases of animals abandoned on the streets, and the
government agency in charge of addressing this situation is the Ministry of Health,
because the sterilization of abandoned animals is a public health issue.
The main actions against animal abuse that the government has carried out are the
creation of laws 30407 and 29763, in addition the government is responsible for
enforcing these laws, and also sanctions people who do not comply with these
regulations. It is necessary to mention that the government has established the famous
"4 patas" law as a sterilization plan for abandoned animals. These actions help combat
animal abuse.
However, these laws must improve, for example, law 30407 must include bullfights and
cockfights as situations of animal abuse. According to the government, these shows are
considered cultural heritage and for that reason they are exceptions to the law (Vega &
Watanabe, 2016).
o Angela Noelia Cabrera Barboza
o Mariela Irene Humpiri Gonzales
o Adrian Michel Mercado Garcia
o Judith Elena Alarcon Becerra
Disadvantages: No disadvantages.
Support: Everyone.
Name: Article 6
- Every animal chosen by man as a companion has the right to the duration of its
life as is its natural longevity.
- Abandoning an animal is a cruel and degrading act.
Disadvantages: No disadvantages.
Support: Everyone.
- Ignorant people
- Criminals.
According to the presence of animal welfare legislation, this goal explores animal
protection laws in relation to various categories of animals, namely: farm animals,
animals in captivity, companion animals, working animals and animals used for
entertainment, animals used for scientific research and wild animals (Protection, 2014).
Name: Article 3
Advantages: All animals shall be housed and provided with food, water and care […]
appropriate to their physiological and ethological needs’
Disadvantages: No disadvantages.
Support: Most citizens.
Oppose: People who are indifferent about caring for animals.
Name: Article 3
- (General Conditions) provides that ‘no person shall transport animals or cause
animals to be transported in a way likely to cause injury or undue suffering to
Disadvantages: No disadvantages.
Support: Civilized people
Oppose: Merchants that use animals for transportation and self- benefit.
Name: Article 10
Disadvantages: No disadvantages.
Support: Most pet owners and veterinarians.
- Criminals
- Dog fighting owners
- Circus people who work with animals.
According to The Federal Law for the Protection of Animals (LPA) no one has the right to
hurt any species of animals and they have the right to be respected and to a life of dignity
(Misicka, 2020).
Name: Protection Animal Act (2013)
- Farm animals_ They must not suffer before being killed and must have a good
space to live and the use of beef is low.
- Pets_ If street animals are sterilized, we’re avoiding bringing their offspring to
this world to suffer.
- Laboratory animals (used as experiments) _ It reduces the uses of animals in
- Farm animals_ Meat has become very expensive because of the low production
of it.
- Pets_ No disadvantages.
- Laboratory animals (used as experiments) _ The experiments are important to
use in living beings since we can see if they work. But, of course, that’s not a
reason to always use them, only when it’s extremely important.
Your terrain must be big enough depending These animals must be Reduce the use of these animals as an
on how many animals you have. (there’s an sterilized. experiment subject.
animal’s limit)
The buying of animals is Scientists have the right to use them if
Animals must be anesthetized before being prohibited. it’s extremely necessary.
killed. (They must have a good
transportation to the slaughterhouse, too).
(Inter, 2019)
Name: The Criminal Code of Canada, section 446, Cruelty to Animals
Advantages: Hurting animals is legally prohibited so justice is on the side of these living
Disadvantages: No disadvantages.
Support: This law has the support of their population and also from the government.
Oppose: Nobody disagrees.
o The Criminal Code of Canada, Section 446, Cruelty to Animals: It’s prohibited
causing damage to any kind of species of animals.
o Animal Health Act C66:
According to the Law that fines those who consume dogs and
cats. In Taiwan, the law that imposes fines on individuals who
consume dog and cat meat was a landmark move in animal
welfare (Monica, 2017). This law was introduced to address the
ethical concerns surrounding the consumption of these animals and to promote their
well-being. Here are some key points to consider:
1. Historical Background: Before the ban, the consumption of dog and cat meat was
a long-standing practice in some regions of Taiwan. However, this practice faced
growing opposition from animal rights activists and the public, leading to calls for
legislative action.
2. Ban on Sale and Consumption: In 2017, Taiwan's legislature passed amendments
to the Animal Protection Act that made it illegal to slaughter or eat dogs and cats.
This effectively banned the sale and consumption of their meat.
3. Fines and Penalties: The law-imposed fines on those found guilty of consuming
dog and cat meat. The fines were intended to act as a deterrent and discourage
the consumption of these animals.
(Daly, 2017)
Name: Animal Protection Act to Ban the Consumption of Dog and Cat Meat (2001)
- Promotion of respect for animals: The law encourages greater awareness and
respect for dogs and cats by recognizing that these animals are loyal companions
and should not be treated as food products.
- Reduction of animal cruelty: By prohibiting the consumption of dog and cat meat,
animal cruelty is reduced, as these animals will not be bred and slaughtered
under inhumane conditions.
Costa Rica
authorization. The law also establishes penalties for those who mistreat animals and
promotes animal welfare in general, including the regulation of their transportation and
care (Silva, 2018).
It's important to note that this law marked a significant advancement in the protection
of animal rights in Costa Rica and reflects the country's commitment to wildlife
conservation and animal welfare. Here are some key aspects of the law:
Name: Animal Protection Act to Ban the Consumption of Dog and Cat Meat (2001)
- Animal Protection: The law prohibits sport and commercial hunting, as well as
animal experimentation for commercial purposes, helping to safeguard animals
from practices that can cause them suffering and unnecessary harm.
- Penalties for Animal Abuse: The law imposes penalties on those who mistreat
animals, thus discouraging abuse and cruelty towards animals.
- Animal Protection_ Legal Costs: The legal process can be expensive, making
access to justice difficult for people with low economic resources.
- Penalties for Animal Abuse_ Complexity: Laws are often complex and difficult for
the average person to understand, which can lead to misunderstandings and
legal errors.
groups, environmental groups, etc., may oppose a law if they believe it will harm
their interests or the interests of their members.
- Penalties for Animal Abuse_ Political Parties: Political parties often take positions
against laws proposed by other parties as part of their political platform. This may
be due to ideological or partisan differences.
United Kingdom
The Animal Welfare Act 2006 is the principal law relating to animal welfare, protecting
all vertebrate animals (Agency, 2013). Under the Act, owners and keepers have a duty
of care to their animals and must make sure they meet their needs:
• It's a charity organization in the UK that works to prevent cruelty to animals They
investigate and prosecute cases of animal cruelty, provide support and advice for
pet owners, and campaign for animal welfare.
• Animal Rescue and Rehoming: Providing them with necessary medical care,
shelter, and finding suitable homes for them.
• Animal Welfare Advocacy. The RSPCA campaigns for improved animal welfare
legislation and policies working to raise awareness and promote positive changes
in animal welfare standards.
• Education and Outreach. The RSPCA provides educational programs and
resources to schools, communities, and the general public to promote
responsible pet ownership, animal welfare knowledge. and humane treatment
of animals.
• Inspectorate: They have the authority to enforce animal welfare laws and take
legal action when necessary.
It's important to note that the RSPCA operates independently from the government, but
it collaborates with other animal welfare organizations and works closely with law
enforcement agencies to protect animals and enforce animal welfare laws in the UK
(Dunn, 2020) (Coulter, 2022).
Name: Animal Welfare Act 2006
- Enforcement of Animal laws: The RSPCA works closely with law enforcement
agencies to enforce animal welfare laws and prosecute individuals who engage
in animal cruelty. Their efforts help ensure that those who mistreat animals are
held accountable for their actions.
- Best veterinary services.
- Animal rescue and rehoming.
- Influence.
- Limited resources: This can impact their ability to respond to all cases of animal
cruelty or provide comprehensive care for all animals in need.
- Public Perception: actions and decisions may not always align with the views and
expectations of the general public.
Oppose: Corrupt authorities.
Our country, have some laws that protect animals of all kinds;
however, they hardly never are followed among those there are:
Law 30407
- This law grants all vertebrate domestic and wild. animals kept in captivity the
status of sentient beings, The purpose of Law 30407 is to ensure the well-being
and protection of animals in Peru. It recognizes animals as beings capable of
feeling and experiencing pain, and it establishes guidelines for their care,
treatment, and welfare. The law covers a wide range of issues, including the
prevention of cruelty, the prohibition of animal fighting, the regulation of animal
experimentation, and the promotion of responsible pet ownership.
Law 4 patas
Name: Law 30407 (The purpose of this Law is to guarantee the welfare and protect the
life of all species, domestic and wild vertebrate animals kept in captivity. Likewise, to
prevent mistreatment and cruelty caused by human beings that may cause them
unnecessary suffering, injury or death.)
- Promotion of Responsible Pet Ownership: Through measures such as mandatory
identification, registration, vaccination, and regulation of pet breeding and sales.
- Collaboration and Enforcement: Between government agencies, NGOs, and the
public to effectively enforce animal welfare regulations through reporting
mechanisms, inspections, and investigations.
▪ Nayely Akemi
Cabrera Rojas
▪ Fátima Gabriela
Farro Muñoz
▪ Andrés Iván
Leonardo Hoyos
Article N° 3.
The purpose of the law, indicated in article 3, is to "protect the life and health of
vertebrate animals, domestic or wild, kept in captivity, to prevent mistreatment, cruelty,
caused directly or indirectly by humans, that causes them unnecessary suffering, injury
or death; as well as promoting respect for the life and well-being of animals through
education. In addition, to ensure their well-being to prevent accidents to their
populations and those diseases transmittable to humans. As well as promoting the
participation of public and private entities and all social actors involved, subject to the
constitutional and legal order”.
Article N° 24.
Within the law N° 30407 "LEY DE PROTECCIÓN Y BIENESTAR ANIMAL", we find the
all prohibition of attacking the protection and welfare of wild animals, such as the
commerce of any specimen of wild fauna, as well as any product that does not have legal
origin. In addition, the possession of wild animals in the home is prohibited, since this
could affect the conservation status and condition of the species. The mutilation and
exhibition of wild animals in public shows for commercial and profit purposes is also
- Indemnification to any person who trades with any exotic and wild animal, so
that the money obtained can be used to invest in the development of new
strategies that prioritize the welfare of animals, and to acquire monitoring tools
that allow animals to be more protected.
- Application of fines, with the objective of being destined to campaigns or
organizations that watch over the welfare and care of animals that have been
abandoned, mistreated or have been victims of illegal trafficking.
- Community service for the benefit of the communities from which these animals
originate from, with the objective that the actions carried out by the offender
can benefit the animals in the area.
- Application of harsher prison sentences as a consequence of any type of cruelty
to wild and exotic animals.
- People who cause harm to pets, such as attacks for no reason, or organize fights
among animals will be penalized with sanctions such as imprisonment.
- The damages paid by the person responsible for the action will be used for other
acts like the neutering of stray animals.
- It helps to draw attention to these kinds of acts, where lots of pets and other
creatures are mistreated every day, and sometimes, no one is aware of this type
of activity. Adults must teach children to respect these living beings and protect
them as well.
3. The disadvantages of this public policy are
- The main disadvantage of this law is the conflict that it can generate in some
people’s beliefs regarding entertainment activities that make use of animal
suffering such as bullfights and other animal fights, beliefs that are difficult to
eradicate, especially in older populations, creating attitudes that could generate
some dissatisfaction with these modifications to the law.
- The legislative branch of the Peruvian state is responsible for creating laws and
exercising them, so this level of government would be the first to be responsible
for the proposed law modifications. Followed by the regional and district
governments who oversee compliance with the laws, being responsible for
verifying both the population and the local authorities that this law is not violated
for any reason, and in any case, punish those who break the law.
- Our modifications made to the law are constitutional since they do not infringe
or violate the limits established by the government in the creation of policies.
Although there is a point in which the law does not comply with the norms, in
the case of the right to freedom and beliefs, which may be influenced by
considering that for many people activities that have to do with the use of
animals for entertainment are normal and cultural. We can also consider the
counterpart of this group of people, who believe and consider these activities to
be erroneous, therefore, the main thing in the modifications made is the
protection of the well-being of the animals, which is not debatable, due to the
negative physical and emotional effects that these activities cause in these
b. Our proposal does not impose limits on a person's right to expression, our
modifications and the law as such focus only on animal welfare and the actions
that must be taken to achieve this goal.
c. Our proposal does not violate these government limits; the proposed sanctions
are fair and are set depending on the degree of harm.
d. Our proposed modifications do not invade people's privacy. If a person who
violates the law is identified, it will be in accordance with the legal norms already
established by the government.
e. Our modifications do not imply discrimination towards any type of person, the
law is based solely on the protection of animal welfare and safety.
7. Survey results
Yes: 14 No: 72
8. Articles
The case was recorded in the district of La Victoria, province of Chiclayo, where an
anteater was rescued by personnel from the National Forestry and Wildlife Service
(Serfor), the Ecological Police and municipal guards. The official stated that its
appearance is a consequence of animal trafficking.
So far this year, the National Forestry and Wildlife Service (Serfor) has rescued 75 wildlife
species in the department of Lambayeque. The head of the ATFFS Lambayeque, Jorge
Alfaro Navarro, explained that the species were abandoned in dumps or parks, taken in
buses to other regions, sold in markets or raised in homes as if they were domestic
This case was reported in the hamlet of La Pava in the district of Mochumí. The video
shows a dog tied to a tree, without food or water and visibly malnourished.
This case was reported in the district of Jose Leonardo Ortiz, Chiclayo, where Enrique
Tocas Rios (58), was accused of brutally assaulting a dog named 'Roque' with a stick and
leaving him on the verge of death, however, he was sentenced by the Judicial Power of
Chiclayo to one year of suspended imprisonment.
➢Diego Andre Lescano Ayala
➢Gary Persy Alarcon Becerra
➢Luis Angel Sosa Nombrera
1. Awareness campaign with children
Awareness campaigns with children are especially important as they can help instill
values of respect for animals from an early age. Children are future citizens and
consumers, and educating them about animal welfare can have a long-term impact on
society. Furthermore, awareness campaigns would not only help inform the community
about animal abuse, but can also contribute to changing attitudes towards animals. They
can promote empathy and respect towards non-human living beings, which in turn can
reduce the incidence of animal abuse in the future.
• Schools and teachers
• Education and Awareness Organizations
• Animal Rights Organizations
In many parts of the world, educational campaigns have been conducted in schools to
raise awareness among children about animal welfare and respect. These campaigns
often include visits to animal shelters and educational talks. For example, in some states
of Australia, there is a program called "Animal Friends", which educates children on how
to care for animals and respect their rights.
A specific telephone line for reporting animal abuse facilitates the process of reporting
abuse. People may feel more comfortable reporting cases if they have a dedicated,
confidential channel to do so. A rapid plan for receiving anonymous reports is essential
because many people may be afraid of retaliation or of being identified as
whistleblowers. This encourages greater community participation in reporting cases of
animal abuse.
• Local Police.
• Local Government
• Animal Rights Organizations
• Security and Citizen Surveillance Organizations.
• Telecommunications Service Providers.
In several countries, specific animal abuse hotlines have been established. These lines
offer people a safe and confidential way to report cases of abuse. For example, in Spain,
the Guardia Civil has a specialized hotline for reporting cases of animal abuse.
Stray animals often face extremely difficult living conditions. Neutering helps control the
homeless animal population, which in turn reduces competition for limited resources
and reduces suffering caused by disease, starvation and territorial fights.
• Local Government and Municipal Authorities.
• Animal Protection Organizations.
• Local Vets and Clinics.
Spaying and neutering of homeless animals has proven to be effective in controlling the
homeless animal population. In cities such as New York, a mass neutering program for
stray cats has been implemented and has contributed to reducing the homeless cat
5. Our Survey
Yes No
I’m going to continue the presentation with explaining a little bit our survey, in which
we have 2 questions, the first one is "Would you be willing to report cases of animal
abuse or animal trafficking if you witnessed them?" where we can see that the majority
of people answered "Yes" with a 95.9%: Because people need to understand that wild
and domesticated animals are not toys, they are not something you buy and then throw
away if you no longer want them. A more serious commitment is needed. Register pet
owners, fines for abandonment, allow municipalities to have a place where citizens can
volunteer and be involved.
Likewise, in the second question: "Do you think that education from an early age can
help reduce animal abuse in the future?"
We can see that the majority of people answered "Yes" again, 89.7%, so it is really
important to encourage children from a young age that animals are just as important as
us and that we should not mistreat them because they are often helpful, they give us
company and they make us happy every day. And well, if from a young age we make
children understand that animals are living beings which we must respect, we can help
them idealize themselves by not mistreating an animal.
In favor:
Schools and teachers / Education and Awareness Organizations:
✓ Talk to the representative of each institution, present the plan and convince them
to support the cause.
Peruvian Animal Protection Association / Local Police / Animal Rights Organizations /
Animal Protection Organizations / Security and Citizen Surveillance Organizations /
Telecommunications Service Providers:
✓ Inform about the problem and the situation, present the action plan and the way
in which we will carry it out, showing the benefits they will obtain, and this way
gaining their trust and support.
✓ We will offer them contract work, which will be paid for with the fines and
sanctions received, events and other activities subsequently carried out,
although this depends on their performance in the cases they carry out.
My colleagues already showed you these graphs about our survey, and I put them again
because, with the help of these we can relacionate them to some companies that may
be against our action plan.
Dog fight 77
Cockfight 75
Improper transportation of animals 60 57 56
Animals locked up
45 44
Animals in poor conditions 45
Animal poisoning 35 35
✓ First, I am going to start with these points, investigations and experiments add
up to around 36% and most of these activities are carried out by people from
different universities in the country. But we can convince these institutions by
organizing some talks and conferences seeking the support of university staff and
students. In this way we will try to ensure that these percentages are reduced as
much as possible.
What situations do you know where animals are mistreated?
✓ Finally, I am going to talk about the organizations or people who are dedicated to
buying and selling animals illegally. And if you can notice, we have separated it
from the other two organizations, and this has a reason and it is because in the
universities and the government, we can talk to them and convince them to
support us, however, not here, because it is their business.
✓ If we see the blue graph, we can notice the widespread cases of locked up
animals, animals in poor conditions, and animals used for trade, and, well, that
last one says it all.
✓ What we plan to do here is, when we have the opportunity, decompose all the
animals and take them to be examined by a veterinarian, also implementing the
appropriate sanctions for the sellers.
Interview Nª 1
Because in this way we teach people that animal trafficking is a crime, and animal
trafficking causes a lot of damage to the ecosystem because most of the captured
animals die due to the stress caused by being confined.
I think cases of animal abuse have decreased, but I have seen cases of sales of
mutilated animal parts for witchcraft, pets, or ornaments. I reported a man who
sold animal parts in the Chiclayo market (Figures 1,2,3 and 4), in other case, a
month ago in Mayascon I was able to see a man who uses a falcon as an attraction
for people to take photos, that can generate stress in the bird and cause an
accident (Figure 5).
• Figure 1,2 and 3: He is a person who sold parts of wild animals in the
Chiclayo market.
• Figure 4: The person who made the complaint sent an email to SERFOR to
explain the case of animal trafficking that he found in the Chiclayo market.
3. Did the government agencies respond to your complaint?
In the case of animal trafficking, we must take photos or videos of the case to file a
5. What is your opinion about the case of animal abuse in "Heroes y mártires del
conflicto del Cenepa" park?
I do not agree with these actions, SERFOR and SENASA must apply methods to
control the number of homeless domestic animals that also cause damage to
wildlife and ecosystems.
6. What has been the worst case of animal abuse you have seen?
I saw a man selling parts of wild animals on the street, near the Chiclayo market.
He was selling a turtle, a lizard and a snake. I filed a complaint to SERFOR.
I know the law against animal abuse (law 30407) and the wildlife law (law 29763).
Interview Nª 2
“I have witnessed many acts of animal abuse, I have seen that certain
people scare the dogs or cats using water or often throw stones or any
object, in order just to scare them away from their property.”
“They were taken into account, although it is true that it was a slight
mistreatment and not a STRONG aggression, but even so there are
people who are in charge and belong to an animal care organization
and are against the mistreatment of animals, then these people took
action by calling the organization that cares for and protects the
animals to take action and make the corresponding complaint, but
before that, they have always had to take care and watch over the
physical integrity of the animals.”
Interview Nª 3
It's important to report it because those people who carry out such aggressions,
are a danger to society because they can continue to attack more animals,
sometimes pets loved by families, it is even proven that such people who have no
compassion for an animal can do the same with any person, so they are a latent
danger to society, and that is why it is of utmost importance to report animal
Hardly never
The few that I have witnessed before weren't taken as seriously as it should be,
since animal abuse is most of the time taken “normal” in our society.
Well, first it is necessary to report the case to the police or the prosecutor's office
and then an investigation will be opened to verify the facts, given what has been
said, a sentence will be issued which according to Law 30407 the non-custodial
sentence is not more than three years, with one hundred to one hundred and
eighty days fine together with disqualification in accordance with numeral 13 of
article 36.
Not really, I suppose it is because like I have mentioned all along the interview, it´s
something that is seen as “normal” to many people even nowadays.
7. In the following case: Last January 01 of the present year, in the park "Héroes
y Mártires del Conflicto del Cenepa" in the city of Chiclayo, 3 cats were found
burnt and an average of 15 dead cats. However, in Peru there is a law in force,
Law 30407, enacted by the Executive, which punishes people who mistreat
animals with three to five years in prison. What do you think about this?
My opinion goes that, to avoid the case mentioned; when you see actions of
animal mistreatment, automatically report it since the protection to the life of
animals is supported by our national legislation thanks to law 30407 (Animal
Protection and Welfare Law) which was enacted on January 8, 2016.
8. What has been the worst case you have witnessed involving animal abuse and
what was the outcome?
As far as I have been able to observe, the cases I have seen have not been serious
since they consisted of beating animals, I have never been able to see a case of a
beating to the point of leaving them seriously injured or dead.
Of course, as already mentioned, Law 30407 (Law for the protection and welfare of
animals). Which is the most important when it comes to the rights of animals.
Interview Nª 4
INTERVIEWER: Nayely Akemi Cabrera Rojas, Fátima Gabriela Farro Muñoz, Andrés
Iván Leonardo Hoyos (Group 3: Our Policy)
INTERVIEWED: Ayllin Cherres Medianero
I think it’s important to report it to start legal proceedings according to a law that
protects animals. Some people do not respect the law, so if there is an important
act that deserves to be reported, it should be sanctioned and the attacker must
pay a high price for the damages caused, which also means an example for the next
presented cases, for the welfare of the animals, and as a warning for the
aggressors, to respect this law.
I almost never see acts like this, and I would act quickly if I saw a problem like this
in my presence, and don’t let any animal be a victim of it.
3. Were the cases you saw taken seriously?
Yes, because we follow the cases in the police station, and always these types of
actions should receive attention, according to the law. If I see animal cruelty, I
report it, and make sure it is in favor of the affected animal.
There are a lot of reasons, maybe psychological traumas because when they were
children, they were never educated to love and respect living beings that are
unable to protect themselves, and their level of aggressiveness are compressed,
and they have little empathy. Also, violent people attack them because of
ignorance or lack of culture in society to understand that animals have the same
feelings as we do.
I recommend if we have a cell phone when we see animal abuse, start to record,
and if we are in the company of someone to give him/her the device to film
correctly. I would intervene to avoid the victim being mistreated, and with the
evidence, I would also record the attacker, report him/him, ask the person his/her
ID, and look for a lawyer that supports the complaint correctly, according to the
People do not always react in a good way, but I think people who know us and
know who we are, and advocate for the integrity of animals, are always ready to
defend our cause and receive support. In these cases, I have people who always
join me, advise me, and support me.
7. In the next case: On 1 January of this year, in the park “Heroes del Cenepa” in
Chiclayo, three cats were found burnt and fifteen more dead. However, in
Peru, there is a current law No 30407, proclaimed by the Executive, with
sentences between 3 to 5 years in prison for animal abuse, what is your
opinion about this?
I think it is regrettable that this has happened. There may be animal protection
NGOs that take this case seriously. I think that everywhere there are people who
often witness these abuses, but unfortunately, they are not able to report, people
are always witnesses but never say anything, so the authorities do not act on the
matter. I believe that one of the implementations that should be carried out is the
installation of cameras or search for the vulnerability of these animals, in order to
find those responsible and prove their guilt by criminal or legal means.
8. Which was the worst animal cruelty case you have witnessed, and what was
the end of it?
One of the cases I saw happened at Moshoqueque market, where a kitten entered
a place to get some food, but the owner poured hot water on it, sadly, the kitten
died. Someone recorded the place where it all happened, complained about it,
made the video viral, but the owner accused me of inciting people to go to her
house to complain about the actions she had taken with the defenseless animal.
Unfortunately, the person who recorded the video did not want to support the
complaint anymore, because I guess it was for the fear from the owner, who was
violent. At least, this news was on Facebook, on the page of Refugio Animal; after
that the woman sued me for having published what happened on the page, for my
part I did nothing, and the case was filed.
There is a current law 30407, but police do not enforce it, there are people who
think the law is not important because they consider street animals as inferior
beings, but I think society, along with the police must focus on enforcing the law,
which has a sentence, no matter if it is low, but, above all, the country's media
must promote this law so that more Peruvians know and know what to do in case
of identifying cases of animal abuse.
10. Do you think cases related to animal abuse have increased in the last years?
What is the reason?
One of the reasons why this type of problem exists is because someone is not
aware at all, they do not think animals have the same feelings as humans and are
vulnerable. Most of society contribute too much when we’d rather have a pedigree
animal than an abandoned animal and contribute to illegal reproduction. Since
there, we do everything wrong and these animals are raised being abused, and all
is a vicious circle. It also is due to the lack of empathy, solidarity of police, which do
not support the sanctioning of these people who make money using them in bad
Interview Nª 5
INTERVIEWER: Nayely Akemi Cabrera Rojas, Fátima Gabriela Farro Muñoz, Andrés
Iván Leonardo Hoyos (Group 3: Our Policy)
INTERVIEWED: Marlym Gonzales
It is because human beings do not understand that animals have the same feelings
and can feel pain the same as human beings. So, many people, particularly those
who dislike animals, act as if those animals are anything, no matter their suffering
as result of their cruelty. It can appear because of ignorance and indifference as
well as the lack of awareness that this cause and these kinds of living beings
deserve a dignity life and to be respected.
For now, I was not witness of this type of act in the last months, but in past years I
witnessed it, so I had to report it to the police to report it, but in some cases, their
answers were not correct due to the ignorance to this issue, and the lack of
knowledge of laws support it, which I took the decision of creating groups that can
raise awareness about this situation, where we are spokespeople of those
inoffensive creatures that do not have voice, and find justice for those that were
victims or died by these terrible ways of animal abuse, and give them love and
affection, as well food and home to protect them from future inhuman actions.
I had two cases. The first case was about a dog in Villa Hermosa, where there was a
locked-up Pitbull dog. So, a group of rescuers and I went to give it support, but the
dog’s eyes reflected its suffering. The animal was free in the evening but locked up
during the day again to avoid serous issues like an attack on a student or another
person who came to school. Then, we went to the police station to report it, but
the officer said it was a waste of time. We tried to explain there is a law which
protects them against violence. However, they did not pay attention to the
situation, they were not responsible for the act. Finally, I realized the poor dog was
not in the jail anymore, and I felt guilty because I did nothing for the animal; and
the second case happened in Picsi, where a dog was in the same situation as the
first case, and the police did not help it, and filed the complaint. There are too
many police stations which do not pay attention to this problem, knowing there is
a law that protects animals against this kind of act.
4. What is your recommendation to do in case we are witnesses of a problem
like animal abuse?
From my point of view, I would say we have to inform the person what the law is
and what the animals feel. For me, I give an example of a cousin, a friend, a child or
any relative of him/her who has the same feelings, and deserves help and
protection, with the difference that people can speak, and the animals can’t.
Nevertheless, there are people who react in an awful way because they don’t
understand, and we must force them to do so. Another idea is organizing a march
in the country to create awareness of this situation, as well for the drivers who run
over animals just to gain time.
I am surrounded by people who love animals and if there is a person who doesn’t
like them, I speak to him/her to make him/her aware of this situation, until they
join us for the cause, and little by little, we spread love for the animals. When there
is a case of animal cruelty, we feel sad because some of these creatures die due to
the cruelty, and we consider them as part of our family. So, it’s important to
defend them with love so they can live every day.
6. Which was the worst case of animal cruelty you have witnessed, and what
was the end of it?
I explained in the Q3, which was not supported, and neither did I get any support
from the police nor people who I called for help.
7. In the next case: On 1 January of this year, in the park “Heroes del Cenepa” in
Chiclayo, three cats were found burnt and fifteen more dead. However, in
Peru, exists a current law No 30407, proclaimed by the Executive, with
sentences between 3 to 5 years in prison for animal abuse ¿What is your
opinion about this?
I knew a little bit about it, and my opinion is that no matter if there are a lot of
animals dying by human actions, the word justice does not exist for them. Some
criminals, because it is the correct meaning for those who don’t tolerate life, attack
animals as if they deserve no respect. I worry because as a parent I want to see our
kids healthy, so it’s fundamental to protect them from bad people, be the voice of
animals because they don’t have a voice, and to get a better quality of life and
integrity. Unluckily, these dead cats didn’t find justice and I hope someday there
would be divine justice for these beautiful creatures.
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