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Outcomes 3rd Pre-Intermediate SB Sample

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V! 101

Hugh Dollar
Andrew Walkley
A group of women preparing canoes to go out to
sea at Praia Vermelha (the Red Beach), Rio de Janeiro,
Brazil. © Nick Albi/Alamy Stock Photo


Hugh Dollar
Andrew Walkley


Australia • Brazil • Canada • Mexico • Singapore • United Kingdom • United States


• Talk about jobs

• Talk about experiences at work to give advice
• Share information and discuss issues around ways
of working
Developing conversations: Questions about jobs

page 6
• Have a conversation about going shopping and
what you bought
• Tell an anecdote about a problem with shopping
• Roleplay different situations in shops and mediate
the conversations
Developing conversations: Complimenting
page 14
W R IT IN G 1: W r it in g a p o s t a b o u t y o u r w o r k page 22 R E V IE W 1 page 24

• Roleplay a conversation where you ask for / give

• Share travel experiences
• Discuss the transport situation where you live
Developing conversations: Asking for and giving

page 26
• Discuss where and what to eat
• Explain opinions about food-related statements
• Roleplay ordering in a restaurant
Developing conversations: Making and responding
to suggestions

page 34
W R IT IN G 2: T e llin g a n a n e c d o t e page 42 R E V IE W 2 page 44

• Invite people to do activities and arrange details
• Talk about sporting experiences and issues
• Find out how people experience stress and how
they relax
Developing conversations: Lending people things

page 46

Family and friends • Share photos and talk about the people in them
• Discuss habits and possible problems when using
social media
• Find out what you and your family have in common
with others
Developing conversations: Explaining who people are

page 54
W R IT IN G 3: W r i t in g a p e r s o n a l p r o f i l e page 62 R E V IE W 3 page 64

Your place • Talk about where you're from and what it's like
• Discuss what's good I bad about living in different
• Roleplay a conversation between a host and a
guest in their house
Developing conversations: Explaining where
places are
page 66

Always learning • Ask and answer questions about your learning

• Discuss the pros and cons of online learning
• Discuss your experiences of, and beliefs about,
Developing conversations: Showing surprise

page 74
W R IT IN G 4: D e s c r ib in g p la c e s page 82 R E V IE W 4 page 84

• Present simple and present • Talking about jobs • Three texts about experiences • Two conversations about the
continuous • How's work? of work work people do
• Zero conditionals • A podcast about working from

• Past simple • Describing things you bought • Four forum posts about online • Two friends talk about a visit to
• Comparatives • Shopping online shopping a street market
• Five conversations in different

• Past simple and past continuous • Places in town • A blog post about being late • A couple on holiday ask people
• Quantifiers with countable and • Being late for directions
uncountable nouns • Transport • A radio travel-news update

• Present perfect simple • Restaurants • An article about breakfasts • Two colleagues discuss where
• Too I N o t... enough • Describing food around the world to eat
• Six short conversations in a

• Plans and arrangements • Activities, gear and places • An article about three different • A visitor and host make plans
• Superlatives • Sports and games sports and arrangements
• Word families • Five people talk about stress
and what they do to relax

• Question formation • Relationships • A quiz about what kind of • Two friends talk about different
• Showing similarities • Using social media online friend you are people
• Character and habits • A podcast about birth order

• Have to, don't have to, can and • Describing places Four descriptions of where • Three conversations about
can't • Staying with people different people live where people are from
• Will / Won't • A conversation between a host
family and their guest

• First conditionals • Stages of education • An article about a teacher's • Three conversations about
• Had to I Could • Online problems experience of running online school and studying
• At school courses • An interview about school

Contents 3

Mind and body • Have conversations about a health issue someone

• Discuss ways you and government organizations
can help prevent bad health
• Tell stories about an accident or injury
D e v e lo p in g c o n v e rsa tio n s: Common questions
about illness
page 86

Places to stay • A sk for and give information to book a place to

• Discuss summer holidays in childhood and how
things have changed
• Explain problems on holiday and talk about how to
resolve them
page 94 D e ve l ° P ' n g c o n v e rsa tio n s: Apologizing

W R IT IN G 5: G iv in g h o lid a y n e w s p a g e 102 R E V IE W 5 p a g e 104

Science and • Discuss science and nature stories in the news

• Talk about unusual animals you've seen and
animals in the news

nature • Create news stories about science or nature

D e v e lo p in g c o n v e rsa tio n s: Responding to news
and comments

page 106

On the phone • Practise leaving and taking messages

• Tell stories about phone experiences
• Roleplay reporting a crime
D e v e lo p in g c o n v e rsa tio n s: Explaining where
people are

page 114
W R IT IN G 6: M a k in g p la n s a n d a r r a n g e m e n t s p a g e 122 R E V IE W 6 p a g e 124

• Have a discussion about what film / series to watch

• Explain your experiences and opinions of learning
and making music
• Do a survey about other people's cultural interests
and attitudes
D e v e lo p in g c o n v e rsa tio n s: Asking questions about
films and series
page 126
• Organize a picnic celebration and discuss what to
• Share opinions, experiences and ideas on the
circular economy
• Discuss gift-giving and choose presents for different
D e v e lo p in g c o n v e rsa tio n s: Explaining what you
page 134 need and don't need

W R IT IN G 7: W r i t in g a n a r t ic le p a g e 142 R E V IE W 7 p a g e 144

• Roleplay a conversation about the economy

• Try to persuade people to support a particular
• Discuss the best way to react in different money-
related situations
D e v e lo p in g c o n v e rsa tio n s: Comparing prices

page 146
• Describe parties you've been to
• Discuss important events from a particular year in
• Talk about an amazing day you've had
D e v e lo p in g c o n v e rsa tio n s: Asking linked questions

page 154
W R IT IN G 8: I n v i t in g p e o p le t o e v e n ts p a g e 162 R E V IE W 8 p a g e 164

4 G R A M M A R R EFE R E N C E p a g e 166 IR R E G U LA R V E R B S p a g e 188


• Giving advice • Health issues • An article about healthcare • Three conversations about
• Imperatives • Healthcare health issues
• Accidents • Three conversations about
cures for health issues

• Used to • Places to stay • The beginning of a short story • A man phones a hotel for
• Time clauses • Summer holiday activities about a holiday trip information
• Problems on holiday • Four conversations about
problems on holiday

• Past perfect simple • Science and nature news • Four stories about unusual • Four short conversations about
• Passives • Talking about animals animal experiences science and nature in the news
• A radio programme about
scientific facts

• Yet, already just and still • Using phones • Three newspaper articles about Two telephone conversations
• Reporting speech • Forming negatives different stories where people leave messages
• Reporting crimes A man makes three phone
calls connected to a crime he's

• Be supposed to • Films and series • A blog post about a person's • Two friends discuss what to
• Present perfect continuous • Music and learning experiences with music watch
• Four people talk about a
favourite band, video game,
artist or writer

• Defining relative clauses • Things for trips and days out • An article about recycling, • Two friends plan a trip and
• Talking about rules • Waste and recycling reducing and repairing what to take
• Compound nouns • Five people talk about presents

• Time phrases and verb forms • Talking about the economy • An article about five different • Five people talk about the
• Second conditionals • Charities charities economy where they live
• Money and banks • Four conversations about
money problems

• Articles • Describing parties • An article about important • Three conversations about

• Verb patterns (-/ng form or • Historical events events in the year 2000 parties
infinitive with to) • Five people talk about special
events they've experienced

• talk about jobs
• talk about experiences at work to give advice
• share information and discuss issues around ways
of working

1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 Look at the photo. What is the person's job?
2 What do you think this person does during a normal
day at work?
3 What do you think is good about this job?
4 What do you think is bad about it?
5 Can you think of three questions to ask this person
about their job?

2 Work with a new partner. Discuss the

1 Do you work? If yes, what do you do? Do you enjoy
it? Why? / Why not?
2 If not, what did you do in the past or what do you
want to do in the future?
3 What three things are the most important for you
in a job?
• talk about jobs

What doyoudo? • ask and answer questions about jobs

• practise listening to conversations about jobs
• explain routines and current activities

VOCABULARY Talking about jobs 5 Q Listen to the questions in Exercise 4 and practise
saying them.
See Vocabulary reference 1A.
6 Think of a different answer to the questions in
1 Complete the phrases with these words. Exercise 4. Then work in pairs. Ask and answer the
enquiries the fashion industry
the m inim um w ag e my ow n com pany
m yself part-tim e
research 7 Q Listen to two conversations about work. Which
questions from Exercise 4 do they ask in each
1 deal with problems / customers / conversation?
2 earn good money / €3,000 a month / 8 Q Work in pairs. Are the sentences about Emre (E),
3 do essential work / training / Veronika (V) or both (B)? Then listen again and check
4 work for Microsoft / the government / your answers.
5 run a hotel / a restaurant / 1 I'm not working at the moment.
6 work hard / late / 2 I'm living away from my family.
7 work in IT / education / 3 I don't run the business. I just work there.
4 I don't always agree with the people I work with.
2 Q Listen to the answers to Exercise 1 and practise
5 I'm working on a big project now.
saying them. Which words I phrases do you find hard
to say? Practise saying them again. 6 I work in the fashion industry.
7 I see my family every month.
3 Work in pairs. Take turns to describe a job. Use at least
8 I like dealing with problems.
three phrases from Exercise 1. Your partner tries to
guess the job. 9 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
1 Who do you think has the better job - Emre or Veronika?
2 Are any of the sentences in Exercise 8 true for you?
Questions about jobs
Why? / Why not?
For som e com m on topics, w e use fixed question and
3 Do you know anyone who travels a lot because of their
response phrases. It's helpful to learn the w h o le phrases
job? What do they do? Are they happy?
to use in conversation and not to w o rry about h o w they
are fo rm ed . 4 Could you work with people in your family? Why? /
Why not?

4 Match the common questions about work (1-6) with GRAMMAR

their answers (a-f).
1 What do you do?
Present simple and present continuous
2 Where do you work?
W e generally use tw o structures to talk about the present -
3 How long have you worked there? the present sim ple and the present continuous.
4 Do you enjoy it? Present simple
5 What are the hours like? W e have a couple o f clothes shops.
6 What are your co-workers like? Do you get on? I don't always agree with the people I work with.

a Yeah, it's good. Sometimes it's a bit boring - like any job - Where do you work?
but basically it's fine. He usually sees his family every month.
b Five years. I did my training after I finished school. Present continuous
c I'm a police officer. I'm doing an MBA here.
d In a section in Santiago de Chile. I'm not working at the moment.
e Yeah, they're great. We often go out together after work. Which hotel are you staying in?
f Not great. I often work nights, so it's hard. It makes
having a social life difficult.

10 Work in pairs. Look at the examples in the Grammar 4 not deal with
box. Which of these rules are about the present a I customers normally, unless we're
simple (PS) and which are about the present really busy.
continuous (PC)?
b I that problem right now. I don't
1 It describes temporary, unfinished actions. have time. Maybe tomorrow.
2 It describes something that is generally true. 5 work
3 It's often used with time phrases like at the moment, a in the office this week or are you
this month and this week. at home?
4 It's often used with adverbs like always, usually, b here? I need to speak to the
sometimes and never. manager.
5 The third person singular form ends in an -s.
12 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Use the present
6 Negatives are formed with am I is I are + not + -ing. simple and present continuous.
11 Complete the pairs of sentences (1-5) with the correct • What two or three things are you doing at the moment
form of the verbs in bold. Use the present simple that are different to your normal habits?
in one sentence and the present continuous in I'm going to the gym to try and get fit for my walking
the other. holiday.
1 run • What are you working on at the moment at school or in
a My parents a small family hotel in Kyoto. your job? Is it interesting?
b I the shop while my boss is on holiday. I'm helping to organize a conference. I'm enjoying it.
2 try • What do you like about where you live and work? Are
there any changes happening?
a As a good businessperson, I always to give
my customers what they want. I can walk to work from my flat. It only takes ten minutes.
b He to find work in the TV industry at the See Grammar reference 1A.
moment, but it's very competitive.
a I want to get a new job because I the
minimum wage at the moment. 13 Think about how to answer the questions in Exercise 4
for your own job, or for a job you want to do in the
b I want to become a lawyer because they
future. Then have conversations with at least two
good money.
other students in the class.

A barber at work
in a Brazilian shop.

U nit 1 Jobs 9
• talk about experiences at work to give advice

How’sit going? • use your knowledge to help interpret a text

• share information in texts to discuss work issues
• use language to say how work's going

READING 3 My boss at me for not finishing the work

1 Ask different people how they are. Find out how their
4 They our wages recently because the
life / work / school is going.
's making so much money.
A: So how's work going?
5 I my firs t in a meeting last week
B: Very busy! How about you? How's school going? and it went really well.
A: Really well. I'm really enjoying it and doing OK, I think. 6 He d id n 't the event well and we had an
____________ about it.
2 Look at the types of people. On your own, write down
one or two common problems each person might 7 I lots of jobs and I had a couple o f ,
have. Then work in groups. Compare your ideas. but I didn't get anything.
8 I most of my time on the internet and I'm not
1 a young person trying to find work
learning any new
2 a parent or carer of a family member
3 a person working for themselves 7 Which people in Exercise 6 might be:
4 someone who works in an office 1 working for themselves? 4 stressed?
5 a person working without a contract 2 a manager? 5 bored?
3 new to a job? 6 excited?
3 Work in groups of three. Look at the texts on page 11.
You should each choose a different person to read 8 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
about. Read your text as quickly as you can. Answer
1 Where else might you give a presentation?
these questions.
2 Why else might you lose a job?
1 How is the person's work going?
3 What else might you have an argument about at work?
2 Have they experienced any of the problems you thought
of in Exercise 2? 4 In what places might you find jobs? How do you apply
for them?
M Now work together and decide which person - 5 What skills are important to learn to become a teacher?
Si-Woo (SW), Talita (T) or Jada (J) - says they:
6 Do you know any companies that are making a lot of
like a co-worker. money or doing badly?
2 lost a previous job.
3 looked for work for a long time. SPEAKING
4 got help to get their job. 9 What was your first job or experience of work like?
5 earn less if they make a mistake. Think of answers to these questions. If you haven't
6 are learning in their job. worked, use the ideas of one of the people in the text.
Then work in groups. Tell each other your experiences.
5 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. 1 What did you do?
1 Who do you think has the best job? Why? 2 Where did you work? Who for?
2 Is it easy to get work experience in your town / city? 3 Did you enjoy it?
3 How much time do people usually take off work when 4 What were the hours like?
they have children? Is it paid?
5 How long did you work there?
4 Do you know anyone on a flexible contract? Are they happy?
6 What was the money like?
7 What kind of things did you do?
VOCABULARY How s work? 8 What were your co-workers like?
6 Complete the sentences (1-8) with these pairs of words.
10 Work in pairs. Decide on five pieces of advice to give
applied for / interviews gave / presentation to young people first starting work.
increased I company organize I argument It's important t o ...
shouted I on time spend / skills D o n 't...
talking with / contract working on / project
Always try t o ...

1 I'm a really i n t e r e s t i n g , but it's a

lot of work.
2 I'm a possible new client. It could be a really
b ig ____________ _


Si-Woo, South Korea Talita, Uruguay Jada, UK

with a degree in Media Studies and Because I had children, I had a part- and working as a delivery driver
I applied for jobs in the film industry - time job for a while, but a couple at the same time. I can borrow
hundreds of jobs! - but there's so much of times my children were sick, so money to pay for my course, but
competition, I didn't get one! Not I took time off, and the second time it's not enough. I started doing
even an interview! Everyone asked for my boss said don't come back. deliveries by bike through an app,
experience, but how can you get work Later I also cared for my dad. I was but thankfully, I have a van now!
experience if nobody offers you a job? happy to do it, but it's a full-time I work for a company on a flexible
In the end, I agreed to spend time at job without pay! Then a few years contract. It means the hours change
a public relations company without ago, the government started each week and sometimes you hardly
pay. At first, I only did boring jobs providing support for people like earn anything because you don't get
like making coffee, but I'm beginning me. I got some training and now enough work - and then if you're late
to do more interesting things now. I work in a centre that teaches with a delivery, you can lose money
We're working with a film company to parents new skills and provides free too. It depends a lot on the manager.
promote their new film. I'm helping to day care for kids. I love my work and Luckily, I get on with mine, so it's OK
organize some events with the actors. seeing the kids grow up. Obviously, for me. During the holidays, I have
It's good to get new skills, but I'm they can be difficult sometimes, lots of hours, but then if I'm working
not even getting the minimum wage. but if I'm having a bad day, I think on a project or an essay, I tell her
I want to learn and earn - so I'm going of how I'm helping so many other I can't work and it's fine. So it suits
to an interview for a properly paid job parents and I'm grateful for my me and I'm really enjoying getting to
next week. Wish me luck! life now. know Manchester!

U n it 1 Jobs 11
• share information and discuss issues around ways of working

Organizeyourtime • practise hearing groups of words in fast speech

• practise listening to a podcast about a work issue
• talk about what normally happens in common work situations

LISTENING 4 Q Listen to the rest of the podcast. What advice does

Linda give at the end? Do you think it's good advice?
1 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 Look at the photo. Where is this person working? 5 Q Work in pairs. Are these statements true (T) or
What job do you think they do? false (F)? How do you know? Listen again and check
your answers.
2 Do you know people who work from home? How much?
What do they do? 1 Henry isn't earning anything.
3 Do you / they like working from home? Why? / Why not? 2 He lives with someone.
4 Do you think people do more work at home? Why? / 3 Henry's office is also his bedroom.
Why not? 4 He gets up early.
2 Q Listen to the beginning of a podcast. Answer the 5 He can't sit down in the kitchen area.
questions. 6 He has very good wi-fi in his flat.
1 What's the podcast about? 7 He's eating more and doing less exercise.
2 What problem does the host mention? 6 Work in groups. Discuss the questions.
3 What do you learn about Linda and Henry? 1 Do you have a good work-life balance? Why? /
Why not?
FS Q When people speak fast, you don't always hear
sounds or whole words. Sometimes two words sound 2 What time of day do you work best?
like one. Listen to six phrases from the next part of 3 Can you think of three or four pieces of advice for
the podcast. How many words are there? Henry?
a 2,3 or 4 d 3, 4 or 5 Try t o ...
b 6,7 or 8 e 4, 5 or 6 D o n 't...

c 3,4 or 5 f 3, 4 or 5
GRAMMAR 11 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
• Say two things you think the group did well and one
Zero conditionals thing you could do better.

We use zero conditionals to talk about general truths. I think it worked well when w e ...
We make zero conditional sentences with two present Next time, maybe we should t r y ... f+ -ing)
simple verbs - one in the //clause, and one in the result • Give feedback to one of the members of your group on
clause. something you think they did well.
If I have a problem, I like to lie down. I really liked the way you ...
If you don't have a separate office, it can be a problem.
I eat more if I w ork in the kitchen.

7 Match the first parts of the zero conditional sentences

(1-6) with the second parts (a-f).
Research in the UK found that 68% of people
1 If I don't sleep eight hours a night, who retired early (when they were 60 or before)
2 If I have some difficult work to do, were happier after they retired.

3 If you have problems with a task,

4 If you don't need to travel to work,
A 2021 survey found that people working
5 If you want to retire early, from home represented 32% of the workforce
6 If you don't have much space, worldwide. They said they preferred it because
if they work from home, they do more work.
a do something easier first and deal with it later!
b you should find a job where you earn a lot.
c you can get more sleep and wake up later. A study in 2019 found that workers checked
d I don't like having any noise - no radio, no music, nothing. emails and messages on average every 6 minutes.

e it's difficult to work from home.

f I don't work well because I just feel tired all day. According to a study by an American business
school, if you do a job such as a lawyer or
8 Work in pairs. Discuss which sentences in Exercise 7
manager, nearly everyone (94%) works 50 hours
are true for you or are opinions you agree with.
or more a week and around 40% do over
9 Do you think these ideas are good or bad? Why? Write 65 hours a week, as well as spending many extra
at least one zero conditional sentence for each idea. hours answering emails and messages.

1 Working less In two large studies, 2,500 workers in Iceland

If you work less, you lose money. reduced their hours from 40 hours a week to 35.
2 Working from home They earned the same. Researchers found that
the amount of work people did stayed the same
3 University students also having a job or got better. They also gave the same service to
4 Paying a parent to stay at home the public - or better.
5 Retiring early

See Grammar reference 1C.

SPEAKING TASK Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 What topics and texts in this unit were the most interesting
M Work in pairs or groups of four. Do the task.
or useful? What would you like to talk about more if you
• Decide who's going to read Fact file A on this page and had the time in class?
who reads Fact file B on page 190. 2 Have you learned any useful phrases to use when describing
• On your own, read and decide if the information agrees / the job you have or the job you want? If so, what are they
disagrees with any ideas in Exercise 9. and when would you use them?
• In pairs, discuss if you think the ideas are good or 3 Which part of this unit did you find the most difficult, and
bad. Explain your views based on experience and I or why?
information you read. 4 What can you do at home to revise language from this unit?
• Work with another pair. Together, put the ideas in order
from best to worst.

Unit 1 Jobs 13
• have a conversation about going shopping and
what you bought
• tell an anecdote about a problem with shopping
• roleplay different situations in shops and mediate
the conversations

Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1 Look at the photo. How many of these things can
you see?

coat dress jeans

jewellery shirt shoes skirt
suit T-shirt trainers

Would you wear any of the things in the photo

Why? / Why not?
Which of the things above can you see in your

Work with a new partner. Discuss the

1 Do you like shopping for clothes and trying things on?
2 Is there anyone you like / don't like shopping with?
Why? / Why not?
3 How important is what you wear to you?
4 What is your typical style? Do you have any favourite
clothes? How long have you had that style / those

A man and woman
shopping for clothes in
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
• have a conversation about going shopping and what you bought

Where didyouget it? • practise listening to a conversation about a shopping trip

• talk about events and habits in the past
• compliment people on clothes and possessions

VOCABULARY Describing things you bought 6 Q Listen again and complete the notes.
1 Complete the sentences with these pairs of words. When Dani bought the camera: ago

bright/original complicated / follow Jacket m aterial:2

fit / uncomfortable gold / suit Jacket condition:3
quality / lasted second-hand / condition
Earrings bought from stall o n : 4
smart / wear thick / keep
Earrings sty le : 5
1 They're leather and really good I had a
Earrings cost: 6€
similar pair before and th e y for years.
2 I bought a lovely coat for the winter. It'll 7 Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
me nice and warm in the cold weather. 1 Are there any street markets where you live? Are they
3 I bought them because they look really nice, but they any good? Why? / Why not?
don't really well. They're q u ite to 2 Do you think it's good to buy any of these things second­
walk in. hand? Why? / Why not?
4 They said in the shop it was easy to use, but I find it • a bike • a car • kids' clothes
quite and the instructions are difficult to
• a book • a coat • a video game
• boots • a computer
5 What do you think? I don't usually wear
jewellery, but I think these earrings q uite me!
6 I got it in a shop. A lot of stuff was in bad
, but this is great.
7 I bought this salad bowl in the market. I love the
Past simple
colours and it's a really design. We use the past simple to talk about events and habits
in the past.
8 I had to buy a jacket for my friend's wedding
but I'm not sure when I w ill it again. He w anted to take some photos.
I sa w this great leather jacket that I thought about buying.
2 Q Listen to the words from Exercise 1 and practise
It didn't really fit.
saying them on their own and in a phrase. Which
words / phrases do you find hard to say? Practise They w eren't very expensive.
saying them again. Did you have a nice weekend?
Was it expensive?
3 Work in groups. Discuss the questions. Use a dictionary
if you need to.
8 Look at the examples in the Grammar box. Complete
1 Why might clothes or objects last a long time? these rules.
2 What things keep you warm? What's the opposite?
1 To use a regular verb like want in the past simple, add
3 Why might something not fit you anymore? What would
you do with it?
2 Many common verbs are irregular, such as see -
4 Think of three things that might be complicated? , think - and do -
5 What's the opposite of bright colours? 3 To ask a question, u s e + you / h e / they, etc.
6 When else do people usually wear smart clothes? + verb.
4 To make a negative, use I / you / we, etc. +
4 Work in pairs. How many of the words in Exercise 1
+ verb.
can you use to describe things you have?
5 To make negatives of the verb be, use wasn't or
I've g ot a great pair o f black leather boots. I've had them for
ages. They're really good quality 9 Rewrite the sentences (1-6) with the past simple.
I've g ot a few nice thick winter coats that keep me warm. 1 I buy a coat for my daughter, but I have to take it back to
M y favourite one is long and dark blue. the shop.
2 I go shopping on Saturday, but I don't get everything

5 Q Listen to two friends, Keira and Cleo, talking about 3 I leave my old job delivering pizzas and get a new one in
El Rastro, a street market in Madrid, Spain. How many
a clothes store.
things did they buy at the market?

4 I want to go to the beach last weekend, but we don't go 12 Q Write the words in the correct order to make
in the end. questions or comments. Then listen and check
5 I receive a lot of money recently and I don't know what your answers.
to do with it. 1 I love your ring, d id /w h e re /y o u / it/g e t ?
6 He ask me on a date, but I say no. 2 That's a great bag. n e w / is / it ?
10 Work in pairs. How many different reasons can you 3 Hey, cool phone! you / it / long / had / how / have ?
think of for each situation in Exercise 9? 4 I love your shirt, really / a / design / it's / nice .
7 The coat was too big I small for her daughter. 5 I like your boots, comfortable / look / really / they .
The coat had a hole in it. 6 That's a lovely jacket, really / you / it / suits .
Her daughter didn't like the coat.

11 Work in pairs. Tell your partner about either a great

weekend you had recently or a bad weekend. Your 13 Choose one of these tasks. Take turns to start.
partner asks questions to find out more.
a Talk to some other students. Compliment them on their
G See Grammar reference 2A. clothes, or other things they have. Use language from
Exercise 12. Continue the conversation for as long as
you can.
b Work in pairs. Have a conversation about what you
Complimenting bought at the weekend. Start by asking, 'Did you do
We often compliment people and then ask a question - anything at the weekend?' You can invent the details.
or make another comment. Continue the conversation for as long as you can.
A : Did you do anything at the weekend?
A : They're great! Where did you get them exactly?
B: Yeah, I went shopping.
B: There's a jewellery stall on the main street.
A : Really? Did you buy anything nice?
A : I love your jumper. It looks really nice and thick.
B: Well, I g ot a jacket in that new second-hand shop.
B: Yeah, it is. It's great. It really keeps me warm.
• tell an anecdote about a problem with shopping online

I bought it online • talk about statistics about shopping online and your experience
• work out the meaning of shopping phrases
• share stories you've read and discuss responses to them

SPEAKING 7 The laptop was reduced from $300 to $150 because it

was slightly damaged. It still works well, though.
1 Read the Fact file. Then work in groups. Discuss the
8 The shoes looked completely different on the website, so
I complained, and they gave me my money back.
1 What do you think the figures might be for your country
9 It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but I kept it anyway
because there was a charge to return it.
2 Which facts do you think are interesting, (not) surprising
or show a problem? Why? 3 Which of the sentences in Exercise 2 describe things
3 Do you know anyone who works in a place like you see
that have happened to you? Tell your partner. Add
in the photo, or delivering things? Do you think they are some details.
good jobs? Why? / Why not? I keep getting ads for wedding dresses because the other
day I was talking about my sister's wedding on social media.
I mean - I'm only 16!
• In 2 0 2 0 , an online paym ents com pany found th at people
in Turkey spent an average of 2 0 % of their salary online, 4 Work in pairs. You're going to read forum posts about
people in C hile 1 2 % and people in the UAE 4 % . online shopping on page 19. Read as fast as you can.
Find out what happened to each person.
• In 2 0 2 2 , 6 3 % of the global population had access to the
Student A: Read Alfonso's and Kristin's posts.
Student B: Read Sakda's and Ewa's posts.
• The average person in the UK bought 6 0 % m ore clothing
in 2021 than in 2 0 0 0 , and searches fo r cheap clothes
5 Work with someone who read the same posts as you.
online w e n t up 4 6 % in 2 0 2 0 .
Compare your ideas. Discuss:
• what you understood happened.
• In 2 0 2 1 , alm ost 1 million people w e re w o rkin g fo r
• if you think the writer made any mistakes when they
A m azo n in the US, m ainly delivering parcels and w o rkin g
shopped online.
in w areho u ses like the one in the photo.
• what you think of the situation. Is it something familiar,
• In 2 0 2 1 , young adults in Sw itzerland returned 2 0 % of silly, funny, etc.?
item s they'd bought online.
6 Read your posts again and write down three words /
phrases from each post to help you retell them to
another person.

VOCABULARY Shopping online Work with someone who read different posts.
Close your book and retell the stories to your partner.
2 Work in pairs. Don't use a dictionary. Discuss what you Which one did you like the most? Why?
think the phrases (1-9) in bold mean, or decide how to
translate them into your first language. 8 Quickly read the posts you didn't read before.
1 I was looking online for some new trainers, and now I Answer the questions. Then discuss your answers
keep getting ads for them all the time. with your partner.
2 I really needed it quickly, so I paid extra to have it 1 How well did your partner retell them?
delivered the next day. 2 Did they miss out any information? Was it important?
3 I clicked on the link in the email, and it took me to a 3 Did they add any information? Did that make the story
strange website. more interesting?
4 I did some research about where to stay and this 4 Do you have any questions still about the posts?
place was cheap but had five-star reviews, so I
booked it.
5 I can't afford to buy a new mobile, so I'm going to buy
one second-hand. 9 Take five minutes to make notes on a story about a
6 I need a new printer, but there's such a huge range to problem you, or someone you know, has had from
choose from, deciding which one to get is giving me a shopping online. Invent a story, if you need to. Then
headache! work in groups. Share your stories.


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