MKTG Review Final Dec12 Thur
MKTG Review Final Dec12 Thur
MKTG Review Final Dec12 Thur
Steps in delivery service
Understand customer service experience
Blue printing 8.2
Key activity in creating and delivering satisfying service
Define “big picture” before “drilling down” to obtain a higher level of detail
Key components
Cognitive marketing
a way to use the brain's ability to think about itself to form a connection with a customer and
create brand loyalty and conversions.
Digital marketers, accustomed to using software that helps them think about marketing, are
now transitioning to a time when software will do much of the thinking. In short Cognitive
Marketing is playing with the human mind in means of human behavior, emotions and by any
kind of human touch by more advance marketing tools and strategies. Cognitive marketing
may even redefine how brands relate to customers.
Service-goods continuum
a continuum with pure service at one endpoint and pure tangible commodity goods at the
Marketing theory makes use of the service-goods continuum as an important concept which
'enables marketers to see the relative goods/services composition of total products'.
Russell’s Model 10.2
Mehrabian-Russell stimulus-response model and Russell’s model of affect help us understand
customer responses to service environments
Service environment
Cycle of Mediocrity
• More focused recruitment, intensive training, and higher wages make it more
likely that employees are:
• Both are necessary but neither alone is enough for performing a job
• Product/service knowledge
• Staff must explain product features and help consumers make the
right choice
• Service failures are non-routine and cannot be designed out of the system
• Understand how to air differences, tell hard truths, ask tough questions
• Job content
• People are motivated and satisfied knowing they are doing a good job
• Goal achievement
• Take no action
Among all the unsatisfied customers, 7% complaints, the rest of the don’t talk to you
• The service recovery paradox does not always hold true—better to get it right the
first time
services guarantees
• Power of service guarantees
• clear standards
• Unconditional
• Easy to invoke
• Easy to collect
• Credible
• Maldistributed-specific guarantee
– A few important service attributes are covered
• Full-satisfaction guarantee
• Combined guarantee
7 types:
– The Cheat
– The Thief
– People who get into arguments with other customers ― often members of
their own family
– The Deadbeat
– If the client's problems are only temporary ones, consider long-term value of
maintaining the relationship