1 Total RBC 5.7 10^6/µL 4.1-6
2 Hemoglobin 14.7 g/dL 13 -17.5
3 Hematocrit (PCV) 48.4 % 33-57
4 Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV) 84.9 fL 80-96
5 Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin (MCH) 25.7 pg 27.5-33.2
11 Platelet Count 250.0 10^3/µL 150-450
12 Mean Platelet Volume (MPV) 9.5 fL 6 - 12
13 Platelet Distribution Width (PDW) 17.2 % 15.5-18.3
14 Plateletcrit (PCT) 0.238 % 0.12-0.37
15 Total Leucocytes Count 12.8 10^3/µL 4.4-11
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Dina Abhani
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Dina Abhani
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
Urine Complete
Physical Examination
1 Specific Gravity 1.015 1.000 - 1.035
2 pH-value 6.0 5-8
3 Color Pale Yellow
4 Clarity Slightly Hazy
Bio-Chemical Examination
5 Leukocytes Negative Negative
6 Nitrite Negative Negative
7 Protein Negative Negative
8 Urine Glucose Negative Negative
9 Ketones Negative Negative
10 Urobilinogen Negative Normal
11 Bilirubin Negative Negative
12 Blood Negative Negative
Microscopic Examination
13 Erythrocytes 0-1 Cells/hpf <4
14 Epithelial Cells 0-1 Cells/hpf
15 Casts Absent Absent
16 Crystals Absent Absent
17 Pus Cells 1-2 Cells/hpf <5
18 Others Absent
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Dina Abhani
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Varsha Deshpande
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
Calcium is the most abundant and one of the most important minerals in the body. It is essential for cell signaling and the proper
functioning of muscles, nerves, and the heart. Calcium is needed for blood clotting and is crucial for the formation, density, and
maintenance of bones. The causes of hypercalcemia include Hyperparathyroidism and dietary intake. Low blood protein levels,
especially a low level of albumin, which can result from liver disease or malnutrition, both of which may result from alcoholism
or other illnesses.
The electrolyte panel is used to identify an electrolyte, fluid, or pH imbalance (acidosis or alkalosis). It is frequently ordered as
part of a routine physical. Electrolyte measurements may be used to help investigate conditions that cause electrolyte imbalances
such as dehydration, kidney disease, lung diseases, or heart conditions. Repeat testing may then also be used to monitor
treatment of the condition causing the imbalance.
High or low electrolyte levels can be affected by some hormones such as aldosterone, a hormone that conserves sodium and
promotes the elimination of potassium, and natriuretic peptides, which increase elimination of sodium by the kidneys. With
respect to the amount of water in a person's body, people whose kidneys are not functioning properly, may retain excess fluid.
This results in a dilution effect on sodium and chloride so that they fall below normal concentrations. On the other hand, people
who experience severe fluid loss may show an increase in potassium, sodium, and chloride concentrations. Some conditions
such as heart disease and diabetes may also affect the fluid and electrolytes balance in the body and cause abnormal levels of
electrolytes. Hemolysed samples may show false high serum potassium.
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Varsha Deshpande
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
Phosphorus comes into the body through the diet. About 70-80% of the body's phosphates combine with calcium to help form
bones and teeth, another 10% are found in muscle, and about 1% is in nerve tissue. Low levels of phosphorus
(hypophosphatemia) in the blood may be due to or associated with Hypercalcemia, especially due to hyperparathyroidism
,Overuse of diuretics, Malnutrition, Alcoholism, Severe burns, Diabetic ketoacidosis (after treatment), Hypothyroidism,
Hypokalemia,Chronic antacid use, Rickets and osteomalacia (due to vitamin D deficiencies). Higher levels of phosphorus
(hyperphosphatemia) in the blood may be due to or associated with Kidney failure, Liver disease, Hypoparathyroidism, Diabetic
ketoacidosis (when first seen), increased dietary intake (phosphate supplementation)
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Varsha Deshpande
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
Lipid Profile
1 Total Cholesterol 210.9 mg/dL Desirable: <200;
Serum, Method: Cholesterol Borderline high = 200-239;
oxidase,esterase,peroxidase High: > 240
2 Triglycerides 205.1 mg/dL Desirable: <150
Serum, Method: Enzymatic, end point GPO-POD Borderline High: 150 - 199
High: > 200 - 499
3 HDL-Cholesterol 55.7 mg/dL 30 - 60
Serum, Method: Enzymatic Immunoinhibition
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Varsha Deshpande
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
1. Triodothyronine (T3) is produced by the thyroid gland and along with thyroxine (T4) help control the rate at which the body
uses energy.Elevated T3 denote hyperthyroidism while low levels indicate hypothyroidism.
2.The most common causes of thyroid dysfunction are related to autoimmune disorders. Graves disease causes hyperthyroidism,
but it can also be caused by thyroiditis, thyroid cancer, and excessive production of TSH. Total T3 is used to assess thyroid
3. Elevated T4 levels may indicate hyperthyroidism. They may also indicate other thyroid problems, such as thyroiditis or toxic
multinodular goiter. Abnormally low levels of T4 may indicate: dietary issues, such as fasting, malnutrition, or an iodine
deficiency, medications that affect protein levels, hypothyroidism, illness.
4. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) stimulates the production and release of T4 (primarily) and T3. They help control the
rate at which the body uses energy and are regulated by a feedback system. Most of the T4 circulates in the blood bound to
protein, while a small percentage is free (not bound).
5. Lab has estimated Total T4 reference intervals that are specific for India, using the indirect sampling technique following
CLSI EP28-A3c document: Defining Establishing, and Verifying Reference Intervals in the Clinical Laboratory: Approved
Guideline-Third Edition.
5. Thyroid hormone status during pregnancy:
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Varsha Deshpande
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
A renal function panel could be ordered when a patient has risk factors for kidney dysfunction such as high blood pressure
(hypertension), diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, elevated cholesterol, or a family history of kidney disease. A renal
function panel may also be ordered when someone has signs and symptoms of kidney disease, though early kidney disease often
does not cause any noticeable symptoms. It may be initially detected through routine blood or urine testing. Renal function panel
results are not diagnostic but rather indicate that there may be a problem with the kidneys and that further testing is required to
make a diagnosis and determine the cause. Results of the panel are usually considered together, rather than separately.
Individual test result can be abnormal due to causes other than kidney disease, but taken together with risks and signs and
symptoms, they may give an indication of whether kidney disease is present.
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Varsha Deshpande
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Age/Gender: 43 Years/Male
Glucose is the primary energy source for the body's cells and the only energy source for the brain and nervous system.High
levels of glucose most frequently indicate diabetes, but many other diseases and conditions can also cause elevated blood
glucose. Hypoglycemia is characterized by a drop in blood glucose to a level where first it causes nervous system symptoms
(sweating, palpitations, hunger, trembling, and anxiety), then begins to affect the brain (causing confusion, hallucinations,
blurred vision, and sometimes even coma and death).
End Of Report
CRM No :PHLB_1242665645
Sample Recd. Time: 28-12-2022 15:57
Report Time: 28-12-2022 20:22 Authorized Signatory
Patient Name: Mr.Abhishek Roy Dr. Varsha Deshpande
Patient ID: 5158430 DCP, DNB (Pathology)
Scan For Report
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GENERAL DIAGNOSTICS INTERNATIONAL (P) Ltd. maintains the highest standards of quality control in all aspects
of laboratory work. The purpose of our laboratory’s Quality Management System is to ensure that:
Principles of all accreditations, including that of NABL - ISO1518:2012 (National Accreditation Board of Laboratories) are adhered
for each test in the scope of the accreditation, and beyond.
Test methods, processes and control mechanisms are timely updated and fully validated to ensure the accuracy and
reliability of our test results.
01. It is presumed that the specimen accompanying the TRF (Test Requisition Form where 07. For certain category of tests, the report may carry a “PRELIMINARY” status implying
the details of patient are recorded) is of the same patient whose details are there in the that the results are yet to be reported for one (or more) tests. For example, in the case
TRF. with certain microbiology tests, a “FINAL” culture, identification or drug susceptibility
02. A test requested might not be performed due to the following reasons(s): result might be pending. In such case, the status “RESULT PENDING” will be mentioned
2.1 Insufficient quantity of specimen required to conduct the test. on report. The same shall be replaced by the test results whenever it is ready.
2.2 Poor quality of the Specimen not meeting the quality criteria 08. If the collection date or any other details was not stated in the Test Requisition Form,
(hemolysis of sample/clotted.) the same will not be printed on the report. In cases where the missing information is
2.3 Incorrect specimen type as required to conduct a test. mandatory for report generation or meeting accreditation guidelines, the sample
03. Test(s) may be patly or fully cancelled due to incorrect test code, incorrect name of the shall not be processed at all.
test or incorrect type of specimen. A communication shall be made and it is expected 09. Tests parameters excluded from the “scope” of NABL accreditation shall be marked
that a fresh specimen will be sent to laboratory for analysis of same parameter(s). by asterisks.
04. The results of laboratory investigation are dependent on the quality of the specimen as 10. In case you are not the intended recipient of the report, please immediately inform
well as the assay procedures/technologies used. All samples collected for tests are the same to the issuing entity. Any use, disclosure, copy or distribution of any
required to be prepared, stored, labeled and brought to processing laboratory as per the contents of such report, is unlawful and is strictly prohibited.
prescribed guidelines of GENERAL DIAGNOSTICS. 11. Some test may be referred to other laboratories to provide a wider test menu to the
05. GENERAL DIAGNOSTICS laboratory cannot be held liable for incorrect results of a sample patients. The details of the laboratory where the sample was referred to, can be
which deviated from the guidelines issued. obtained from Customer Care department.
06. There can be several factors like sample’s unintended exposure to heat or travel through 12. Claims of comparing results against that from a different laboratory shall be looked
rough terrain which affect the quality of test results. Therefore a 2% chance of error/ into only if it was the same sample which was split and sent in same conditions to all
deviation in results is a possibility. laboratories and processed on the same technology.