# Romaji Japanese Grammar Meaning: Would You Care For Some Water or Something To Drink?
# Romaji Japanese Grammar Meaning: Would You Care For Some Water or Something To Drink?
# Romaji Japanese Grammar Meaning: Would You Care For Some Water or Something To Drink?
1 ba ば
3 demo でも
Would you care for some water or something to drink?
I wonder (feminine)
4 kashira かしら
ほんとうかしら→I wonder if that’s true
turns a sentence into a yes/no question
5 Kai かい
あるけるかい?→Do you want to coffee?
I wonder; should I?
6 kana かな
彼はげんきかな?→I wonder if he’s doing well
as many as; as much as; up to; nearly ~
7 mo も
2 回もころびました→I fell twice
don’t ~ (order somebody to not do something)
8 na な
危ないからくるな!→ It’s dangerous, stay away!
such as; things like ~
9 nado など
映画やアニメなどがすきです→I like things like movies, anime, and
so on
while; during; as; simultaneously
10 nagara ながら
歩きながらはなそう→Let’s talk while walking
# Romaji Japanese Grammar Meaning
11 nara なら
それなら問題ありません→If that's the case, then there are no problems
although, in spite of, even though ~
12 nani のに
まだ夏なのにさむい→I’m cold even thought it’s summer
to (do something); in order to ~
13 noni のに
家にかえるのに 2 じかんかかります→It took 2 hours to return home
[A] is [B]; the reason for [A] is [B]
14 Nowa~da のは~だ
朝おきるのはたいへんです→Waking up in the morning is difficult.
and; and what’s more ~ (emphasis)
15 shi し
歩いたしのどもかわいたし、なにか飲みたい→I walked and my throat is
dry, I want to drink something
just finished; something just occurred
16 tabakari たばかり
始まったばかりです→It’s just started it
if; after; when ~
17 tara たら
お金があったら旅行します→If I had money, I would go travel.
conjunctive particle; so; because of [A], [B]...
18 Te/de て/で
このドアは古くてあけられないです→This door is old and can’t open
even; even if; even though ~
19 temo ても
たくさん食べてもお腹がへります→Even if I eat a lot, I still feel hungry.
whenever [A] happens, [B] also happens
20 to と
ラーメンを毎日食べると太ります→If you eat ramen everyday, you're
gonna gain weight
# Romaji Japanese Grammar Meaning
How to use
Special formatting rules
Ex) このボタンをおせば、ドアがひらきます。
→ If you push this button, the door will open.
Ex) あなたがいけば、わたしもいくよ.
→ If you go, then I'm going too.
ばかり (bakari)
Meaning : only; nothing but ~
Ex) むすめはテレビばかりみている。
→ My daughter does nothing but watch TV
Ex) かれはおかねばかりかんがえている,
→ He only thinks about money.
Ex) あまいものばかりたべるとふとります。
→ If you just eat sweets you're gonna gain weight.
でも (demo)
Meaning : ... or something; how about~
This can be used to suggest something as a possible option or solution. In this case, it is
very similar to the phrase “would you care for…”
Ex) みずでものみますか?
→ Would you care for some water or something to drink?
Ex) さむいから、あたたかいものでものみませんか。
→ It’s a bit cold so why don’t we get something warm to drink?
Ex) ばんごはんならサラダでもつくりましょうか?
→ Shall I make a salad for dinner?
かしら (ka shira)
Meaning : I wonder (feminine)
Ex) ほんとうかしら
→ I wonder if that's true.
Ex) だれかしら
→ I wonder who that is.
Ex) あしたはあめかしら。
→ I wonder if it will rain tomorrow.
かい (kai)
Meaning : turns a sentence into a yes/no
This is more casual Japanese and is most often used with children or with girlfriends.
Ex) あるけるかい?
→ Can you walk?
Ex) いっしょにくるかい?
→Do you want to come along?
かな (kana)
Meaning :I wonder; should I?
There are also many other subtle meanings which could be implied based on
context, including:
Ex) かのじょはげんきかな。
→ I wonder if she's doing well.
Ex) もうたべていいかな。
→I wonder if it's OK to start eating.
Ex) いっしょにえいがをみるのはどうかな?
→ What do you think about going to see a movie together?
も (mo)
Meaning : as many as; as much as; up to; nearly ~
This can only be used with something that is measurable, like a number or
time. The respective counter must also be used between that and も.
Ex) どうしたの?にじかんもえきでまっていたよ。
→ What happened? I waited at the train station for nearly 2 hours..
Ex) あめはもうみっかもふっています
→ It's been raining for nearly 3 days now.
な (na)
Meaning : don’t ~ (order somebody to not do
Ex) ここはあぶないからくるな!
→ It's dangerous here, so stay away!
Ex) はなすな!
→ Don’t speak!
など (nado)
Meaning : such as; things like ~
The particle "など" (nado) in Japanese is used to indicate inclusion or addition, similar to
phrases like "and so on" or "etc." in English. It implies that there are other similar items or
examples not explicitly mentioned but included in the same category. Here's an example:
→ In my older brother's room, he has a lot of things like a radio, tv, etc..
indicate that there are other things related to reading that the speaker likes,
though they are not specifically listed.
ながら (nagara)
Meaning ︰ while; during; as; simultaneously
Ex) はなしをききながらメモします。
Ex) おんがくをききながらりょうりします。
なら (nara)
Meaning : if; in the case that ~
The particle "なら" (nara) in Japanese is used to express conditional or hypothetical situations.
It is often translated as "if" or "in the case of" in English. Here's how it works:
like tea.)
のに (noni)
Meaning ︰although, in spite of, even though ~
The particle "のに" (noni) in Japanese has several uses, but its primary function
(He was late for our appointment, and yet there was no communication from
• Expressing Surprise or Unexpectedness:
(She claims to like dogs, but she seems to have a dog allergy.)
In each case, "のに" highlights a contrast between the expectation or assumption
and the reality of the situation, adding depth to the sentence and conveying
nuances of emotion or circumstance.
のは〜です (nowa~da)
Meaning ︰[A] is [B]; the reason for [A] is [B]
Ex) まいにち、あたらしいたんごをおぼえるのはたいへんです。
Ex) わたしたちはけっこんをきめたのはこどもができたからです。
Ex) このメンバーのなかにどくしんなのはたなかさんだけです
し (shi)
Meaning : and; and what’s more ~ (emphasis)
→ This coat has a beautiful color and I like the design. I really want to buy it.
Ex) かれはべんきょうができるしスポーツもじょうずだし、わたしのすきなタイプだ
Ex) あめがふっているし、もうかえります
The particle "たばかり" (tabakari) in Japanese is used to express that an action has just been
completed or that a certain state has just been reached. It indicates that the action or state
occurred in the recent past. Here's how it works:
Ex A) Just ended
between two events or actions. It typically implies a sense of "if" or "when" in English,
depending on the context. Here are the main ways "たら" is used:
(If this book is interesting, let's try reading other books too.)
In each usage, "たら" sets up a condition or situation upon which another action or
event depends. It's a versatile particle used in both spoken and written Japanese.
て / で (te / de)
Meaning ︰ conjunctive particle; so; because of [A], [B]...
The particle "て" (te) in Japanese is one of the most versatile and commonly used
nakunatteita) - When I slept and woke up, the headache was gone.
ても (temo)
Meaning ︰even; even if; even though ~
indicating that even if a certain condition or situation occurs, the action or state
described in the main clause still holds true. It can be translated into English as "even
if," "although," or "even though." Here are some examples of its usage:
• Expressing Concession:
と (to)
Meaning : whenever [A] happens, [B] also happens
The particle "と" (to) in Japanese serves various functions, and its usage can depend
on the context. Here are some of the primary uses of the particle "と":
These are some of the primary uses of the particle "と" in Japanese, but there are
more nuanced uses as well, depending on the context and the structure of the
Both the kanji form と言う and hiragana form という are regularly used.
Ex) このいぬはバディーというなまえです
Ex) きのう、トムというひとにあいました。
→ Yesterday, I met a person called Tom.
Ex) あなたにとって日本という国はどういう国ですか?
とか~とか (toka~toka)
Meaning : among other things; such as; like ~
How to use
Verb (dictionary form) + とか Verb (dictionary form) + とか
Noun + とか Noun + とか
This is usually used to list multiple examples, though it can also be used only once with
one example,
Ex) しゅみとかありますか?
→ Do you have any hobbies (or anything else you do)
Ex) わたしはすしとかラーメンとかのにほんりょうりがすきです。
→ I love Japanese food, like sushi, ramen, etc
Ex) まいにち、しごととか、かいぎとかでとてもいそがしい.
→ I'm busy every day with (things like) work and meetings.
って (tte)
Meaning : named; called ~
The particle "って" (tte) in Japanese is a colloquial contraction of "という" (to iu),
is often used in informal speech and casual writing, and it can convey various nuances
• Quoting or Reporting:
Note that "って" is often used in spoken language, casual writing, and informal
situations. It may not be suitable for formal contexts. Also, it's important to consider
the context and the speaker's intention when interpreting the meaning of "って" in a