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1 author:
Abdulrahman Almarshoud
Qassim University
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Optimizing the Performance of a Dual-Controlled Wind-Driven Induction Generator Using Cycloconverter in the Stator and Varying Resistor in the Rotor View project
All content following this page was uploaded by Abdulrahman Almarshoud on 17 September 2016.
A. F. Almarshoud
Dept. of Electrical Engineering, Qassim University, Buraydah, Saudi Arabia
ABSTRACT: Utilization of solar energy in water pumping is one of the most economically viable photovoltaic (PV)
applications especially in remote areas. The accurate sizing of PV array is essential, as under sizing will make the
pumping system unable to satisfy the water demand. On the other hand, over sizing of PV array leads to extra cost.
This paper presents a novel approach for sizing the PV array of water pumping systems. This approach depends on
the solar irradiance data of the shortest sunny day over the year to increase the reliability of pumping system. This
approach depends on determining the proper starting value of the solar irradiance on the global solar radiation curve
for tilted or moving surfaces. A design algorithm has been proposed for applying this approach including the
converting process of solar radiation values from horizontal surface to tilted surface. A case study from Buraydah city
in the middle of Saudi Arabia has been selected for applying the sizing approach.
Keywords: PV pumping; PV array sizing; water-pumping
Several papers had been published dealing with PV
Several papers were published last decade about water pumping systems. They presented various methods
utilizing solar energy in water pumping applications for sizing the PV array. Some authors used a previously
either for residential water supply or crops irrigation. All sized PV array that matching the nominal rated power of
these papers use the same method of pump sizing which motor–pump system [1-4]. Others changed the
mainly depends on the flow rate of water and the configuration of the previously sized PV array based on
dynamic water head, but they differ in the methodology hourly solar radiation [5-7].
of sizing the PV array which mainly depends on the
efficiency of PV modules and the quality and quantity of One simple sizing method for PV array of pumping
solar irradiance available in the location of water source. systems utilizes a rule-of-thumb which attempts to
Most of published researches use the monthly average of capture the integrated effects of subsystem efficiency and
daily Global Horizontal Insolation GHI (kWh/m2/day) as flow losses. The rule-of-thumb relates the daily hydraulic
a base for sizing the PV array. This methodology is not energy (product of daily water flow by head length,
always adequate, especially in case of using large size of m4/day) to the required rated power of PV array [8-11].
pumps, which wouldn't start unless there is enough The value of hydraulic energy was estimated to be 0.6
amount of solar radiation. Also, in this method the m4/day/Wp [10]. This value, also, has been roughly
determination of operation hours is difficult as it depends confirmed by other authors [12, 13]. Using a rule-of-
on the sunshine during the day. To overcome this thumb, like this method greatly simplifies the sizing of
problem, a battery bank for at least one day of autonomy PV array as it gives the required array power rating as a
must be added which will increase the reliability of function of the required daily water flow and head.
pumping system, but this will increase the capital and
maintenance costs at the same time. Another method simplifies the sizing of PV array by
using the monthly average of daily solar insolation data
In this paper a simple and accurate approach has been to calculate the associated peak sun hours, this design
proposed for sizing the PV array, this approach depends method is common in the literature [14,15]. Noble [16]
on accurate measurements of solar radiation with and Burkhartzmeyer [17] summarized practical methods
resolution of five minutes at the most. The instantaneous for PV array sizing based on the idea of peak sun hours.
values of daily global horizontal irradiance GHI (W/m2) Also Cuadros et. al. [18], used the monthly average of
of the shortest sunny day in the year has been used as a daily global solar radiation and the monthly average of
basis for sizing the horizontal PV array. Also, a daily sunshine hours to size the PV array for each month
transformation model has been used for converting the alone, then finally select the biggest size to increase the
solar radiation data on horizontal surface to tilted surface reliability in low radiation months.
for sizing the tilted PV array. The shortest day in the year
usually be in December in the northern hemisphere, also Some authors used the monthly average of solar
the selected day should be sunny because, the cloudy day radiation on tilted surface of the worst month of the year
will lead to overestimation of PV array. Figure 1 shows to size the PV array required to operate the water pump.
the difference in solar radiation between sunny and [19], while, Azzedine et. al. [20], used the worst
cloudy day. In addition to that, the paper investigates the monthly average of solar radiation in addition to the
effect of using a sun-tracking system aiming at increasing maximum monthly of water demand to size the PV array.
the reliability and decreasing the capital cost. The Similarly, Campana et. al. [21], used the worst daily
proposed approach has been applied using a real solar collectable solar energy in addition to the system
radiation data measured in Buraydah City in the middle efficiency to size the PV array. Kaldellis [22], developed
of Saudi Arabia for the last three years. a simple algorithm for sizing the PV array based on the
monthly average of global horizontal irradiance only,
while, Zvonimir and Margeta [23], developed more
2 LITERATURE REVIEW complicated approach using dynamic programming to
size the PV array based on the average of solar energy 3.1 Converting from global horizontal to global tilted
available per day, taking into account all relevant irradiance
elements of PV pumping system. The solar radiation transposition between the
horizontal and tilted planes was investigated using
Some authors gave the reliability of water pumping various methods in the literature, here the commonly
system more attention by using the concept of loss of transposition models used in solar energy engineering
power supply probability (LPSP) as a criteria for sizing practice: Hay [26], Klucher [27], Skartveit [28], Perez
both, the PV array and the water storage tank [24,25]. [29], Reindl [30], Duffie and Beckman [31], Muneer
[32], ASHRAE [33] and Gueymard [34]. The
investigation of properties and differences between these
models is beyond the scope of this study. This study will
adopt the simple isotropic model of diffuse radiation
presented by Liu and Jordan [35] for its simplicity and
accuracy specially in clear sky case as follows:
Where ηinv is efficiency of inverter and ηpv could be Table 3: Monthly average of mean daily weather data
obtained as follows: Month Ambient GHI Atm. Wind Clearness
Temp. Pressure speed Index (K)
°C kWh/m²/d kPa m/s
(14) January 14.2 4.30 94.2 2.4 0.66
February 17.0 5.43 93.9 2.6 0.65
March 21.9 6.07 93.7 2.5 0.58
Where ηr is the PV module efficiency at reference April 28.2 5.95 93.7 2.9 0.61
temperature (Tr = 25°C), and αp is the temperature May
coefficient for module efficiency. Tc is cell temperature and July 36.2 8.16 92.9 2.6 0.75
August 36.5 7.54 93.0 2.5 0.71
related to the mean ambient temperature Ta as follows: September 33.7 6.70 93.4 2.4 0.69
October 28.0 5.67 93.8 2.7 0.66
November 20.2 4.46 94.0 2.5 0.62
(15) December 15.8 4.03 94.3 2.4 0.60
Annual 26.5 6.13 93.6 2.6 0.66
Applying the design algorithm:
These are the minimum number of selected PV The configuration of PV array (i.e. connection of
module (SPR-210-BLK) that guarantee the required modules in parallel and series) depends on the
power for pumping the daily demand of water, based on requirements of charger or inverter and the value of
available solar radiation in the region. Table 4 starting current of motor and method of starting used.
summarizes the sizing results for both cases.
It is noticed that there is potential solar energy not
harvested yet as indicated by regions A, B and C in
Figure 5, this potential solar energy may be harvested by
adding battery bank to the system, the stored energy may
be used in the next day for contribution in the starting
current of motor or may be used to extend the operation
period if needed or may be used during cloudy periods.