FP1 End of Term 1 Test Basics
FP1 End of Term 1 Test Basics
FP1 End of Term 1 Test Basics
1 Circle the correct option (A or B). 4 Complete the conversation with used to or use to.
1 I how to upload this video. Can you help me? Gorka id you (1)
D go to a summer
A am not knowing B don’t know camp when you were little?
2 I the Alhambra, but I would like to one day. Jeanne Yes, every summer. I (2) love
A h aven’t seen B don’t see going to a sports camp in the mountains. What
about you?
3 O ur neighbours a party again. Can’t you hear the music?
Gorka No, I didn't (3) go to
A h ave B are having summer camp. My brother and I always
4 This is the best pizza that I . (4) visit my grandparents in
A have ever eaten B have ever been eating the country instead. We loved it there because they
5 Nadia on her project all morning. I hope she finishes soon. live on a farm. There (5) be a
A is working B has been working lot of animals for us to play with, but now they haven’t
got any.
2 marks for each correct answer Score / 10
2 marks for each correct answer Score / 10
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Grammar & Vocabulary End-of-term 1 test – basics
2 marks for each correct answer Score / 10 11 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
career interactive satisfaction
soak up the atmosphere unfollowed
1 I f you choose a in marine biology,
you’ll probably spend some time at sea.
2 After the footballer made several unpleasant posts,
thousands of fans immediately him.
3 T hat new robot is so emotionally . It
could sense that I was upset.
4 D
o you think that job is more
important than making a lot of money?
5 When we were in Athens, we loved going to outdoor cafés
for lunch to soak up the .
Future Prospects Teacher’s Resource Centre © Macmillan Education Limited 2022 Photocopiable
Reading & Writing End-of-term 1 test – basics
1 Read the text and choose the correct answer 3 Complete the sentences with words or phrases in
(A, B, or C). bold from the text.
1 W hich statement is correct? 1 The of New Zealand is 4.9
A It’s difficult to leave New Zealand once you get there. 2 You need to take a million. to get to New
B Only brave, adventurous tourists will enjoy New Zealand. from Europe. Zealand
C Spain is about twice the geographical size of New Zealand. 3 You can see active in this area.
2 Flying to New Zealand … 4 There aren't any in New Zealand.
A is very expensive.
B is only possible from the USA or Europe. 5 marks for each correct answer Score / 20
C may involve very long flights.
3 What information is not mentioned in the text?
4 Write a composition on ONE of the following topics.
A Some tourists go to New Zealand to see where The Hobbit
Write 100–130 words.
was filmed.
B Māori people were living in New Zealand before 1 What country would you most like to visit? What do you
European people. know about it and why would you like to go there?
C Europeans destroyed ancient castles when they came to 2 ‘Everyone should go round the world once in their life.’
New Zealand. Discuss.
4 In New Zealand, earthquakes and volcanoes …
A are no longer a problem. 50 marks Score / 50
B are not unusual.
C stop tourists from travelling there.
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